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tesda tm II

tesda tm II


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 1 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

In the interest of the service and to adopt and implement alternative
assessment arrangements under the "new normal" and to expand the pool of
certified TVET Trainers performing the function as training
designer/developer, the Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Trainers
Methodology Level II (TM II) Virtual Competency Assessment is hereby


The Agency is continuously performing its mandate to conduct training and
assessment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, innovative
strategies must be in place to reduce the risk of virus exposure and
transmission, as we are now compelled to embrace the "new normal" of
doing things.

In pursuance of the Agency's mandate to continuously deliver its
assessment and certification services, TESDA implemented a flexible
methodology of assessment - the virtual competency assessment through
TESDA Circular No. 117 series of 2020 dated 08 October 2020 entitled
"Operating Procedure for the Conduct of Virtual Competency Assessment
for Trainers Methodology Level I (TM I)" and TESDA Circular No. 149
series of 2020 dated 21 December 2020 "Operating Procedure for the
Conduct of the Pilot Implementation of the Virtual Competency Assessment
for Barangay Health Services NC II".

The Virtual Assessment is further being adopted in the Conduct of Trainers
Methodology Level II (TM II). Hence, this Operating Procedure (OP) is
prepared to serve as a guide in the conduct of TM II Virtual Competency
Assessment. The conduct of TM II aims to increase further the pool of
certified Trainers as Developers/Designers and build the assessment and
certification infrastructure on the said qualification.


This Operating Procedure aims to provide a set of instructions to guide
TESDA staff, TESDA Technology Institution (TTI) - Assessment Centers,
Competency Assessors and competency assessment candidates on the
detailed activities to be undertaken in the conduct of the Trainers
Methodology Level II (TM II) Virtual Competency Assessment.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 2 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021


1. This Operating Procedure covers the activities involved in the conduct
of Virtual Competency Assessment for TM Level II, which includes:
orientation of the applicants, organizing the conduct of virtual
competency assessment, conduct of virtual competency assessment,
review and evaluation of assessment results, submission of report and
publication of results.

2. The Virtual Competency Assessment for TM II shall be adopted in
areas/regions where conduct of face-to-face assessment is restricted.


Director General/ Approves guidelines and operating procedure in
Secretary the conduct of competency assessment; and
Appoints the Regional Expert Panel Members
National Quality (REPMs).
Management Committee
(NQMC) Monitors the effectiveness of the operating
procedure through regular review and reporting of
the outcomes by the Regional Quality
Management Committees and Process Owners.

Executive Director, Recommends to the Director General, through
Certification Office (CO) the NQMC, related policies, guidelines and

Regional Director (RD) Manages and oversees the conduct of the Virtual
Competency Assessment for Trainers
Methodology Level II and ensures compliance to
quality procedures in the delivery of assessment
and certification services.

Assigns Expert Panel Members on rotational

Provincial/District Director Endorses to the RD the list of candidates and

(PD/DD) documents submitted by candidates;

Ensures compliance to quality procedures in the
delivery of virtual assessment; and


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 3 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Promotes and advocates the program.

Provincial/District Office Reviews the completeness of the documents
Competency Assessment submitted by the candidate; and
and Certification (PO/DO
CAC) Focal Endorses documents to Provincial
Director/District Director.

Regional Office Facilitates the conduct of the Virtual Competency
Competency Assessment Assessment for TM Level II.
and Certification (RO
CAC) Focal

Regional Office Technical Provides IT-related technical support to the
Support Officer (RO TSO) Regional Office to facilitate the conduct of virtual

assessment; and

Provides guidance and technical support to the
TTI Technical Support Officer (TSO), if deemed

TESDA Representative Oversees the conduct of the assessment process
and evaluates the performance of the assessors;

Prepares the assessment proceedings.

TESDA Technology Monitors and maintains the Zoom, Google or
Institution Technical other video conferencing platforms or
Support Officer (TTI TSO) applications, systems; installs and configures
hardware and software; solves technical
problems; and shares online documents during
the conduct of assessment.

Processing Officer Encodes the assessment details in the T2MIS;
assists the Assessment Manager in organizing
the conduct of assessment; and provides
administrative and technical support related to the
conduct of assessment, when deemed


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 4 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021


Assessment and Refers to the program which aims to assess and
Certification certify the competencies of the middle-level skilled
workers under the Philippine TVET Competency
Assessment and Certification System. (PTCACS)

Assessment Refers to a technique used in gathering different types
Method of evidence to evaluate a candidate for a particular

Assessor's Refers to a set of documents which contains
Guide information that serves as reference of the Assessor
during the evidence gathering process.

Calibration Refers to a process which enables all assessors for a
particular qualification to have shared understanding of
the standard method of conducting assessment
including the assessment guidelines, the nature of
evidence, how evidence is collected and the basis on
which assessment decisions are made based on the
nationally developed Competency Assessment Tools.
(TESDA-OP-CO-04 Accreditation of Competency

Certificate of Refers to a document issued by the Technical
Competency Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
(COC) to individuals who were assessed as competent in a
single unit or cluster of related units of competency, as
defined in Section 4 of the National Assessment and
Certification Arrangements of the Training
Regulations. (TESDA Circular No. 60 s. 2018)

Certification Refers to a formal process of recognizing that an
individual is qualified in terms of particular knowledge,
skills and attitudes based on industry standards.
(TESDA Circular No. 134 s. 2019)

Competency Refers to the acquired knowledge, skills and attitude in
accordance to the standard performance in the


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 5 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Competency Refers to the process of collecting evidence to
Assessment determine the acquired knowledge, skills and attitude
of an individual in accordance with the standard
performance expected at the workplace.

Refers to the process of collecting evidence and
making judgements on whether competency has been
achieved. (TESDA Circular No. 075, s. 2020)

Competency Refers to the instructions and the materials containing
Assessment Tools both the instrument and the instructions for gathering
(CATs) and interpreting evidence. (TESDA Circular No. 134,
s. 2019)

Digitization Refers to the process of converting analog data into a
digital one. (Digitization, Through Digitization, to Digital

Electronic Refers to any distinctive mark, characteristic and/or
Signature sound in electronic form, representing the identity of a
(e-signature) person and attached to or logically associated with the
electronic data message or electronic document or any
methodology or procedures employed or adopted by a
person and executed or adopted by such person with
the intention of authenticating or approving an
electronic data message or electronic document.
(TESDA Circular No. 139, s. 2020)

Electronic Refers to information or the representation of
Document information, data figures, symbols or other modes of
written expression, described or however represented,
by which a right is established or an obligation
extinguished, or by which a fact may be proved and
affirmed, which is received, recorded, transmitted,
stored, processed, retrieved or produced

Evidence Refers to material/s collected which, when matched
Evidence Plan against the specifications in the competency
standards, provide proof of competence.

Refers to a document which consists of evidence
requirements with the applicable methods of


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 6 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

assessment to be used in assessing the candidate for
a particular qualification.

Portfolio Refers to accumulated pieces of evidence
(in Trainers demonstrating work outputs and shall serve as
Methodology) evidence to the competence/skill.

Regional Expert Refers to a team of three (3) authorized Trainers
Panel Methodology (TM) Assessors who are appointed by
the TESDA Director General/Secretary to assess
competencies of TVET Trainers for national

Regional Expert Refers to an individual who serves as an Assessor of
Panel Member any qualifications, endorsed by his/her respective
Regional Director (RD), and has undergone and
successfully met the requirements of the Capability
Building Program for REPM. He/She is an individual
appointed by the Director General/Secretary as
Assessor of the Trainers Methodology (TM)
candidates and responsible for the conduct of
assessment for TM in the region.

Regional Office Refers to a TESDA Personnel who provides IT-
Technical related technical support to the Regional Office to
Support Officer facilitate the conduct of virtual assessment. He/She
(RO TSO) for also provides guidance and technical support to the
TM II Virtual TTI Technical Support Officer.
Refers to an individual assigned by the
TESDA Regional/Provincial Director to oversee the conduct of
Representative the assessment process and shall evaluate the
performance of the assessors and prepare the
TESDA assessment proceedings.
Institution (TTI) Refers to the schools, Regional and Provincial
Training Centers that are under the management of
TESDA. These include TESDA Regional Training
Centers, TESDA Provincial Training Centers, TESDA
Administered Schools (TAS), and TESDA-specialized
center. (e.g.TESDA Women's Center, Language


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 7 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II)
Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Skills Institute (LSI), etc.) (TESDA Circular No. 60 s.

TESDA Refers to a TESDA personnel who monitors and
Technology maintains the Zoom or Google platforms and other
Institution video conferencing applications/systems; installs and
Technical configures hardware and software; solves technical
Support Officer problem; and shares Google Docs/Sheets/Drive/Form
(TSO) during the conduct of assessment.

Trainers Consist of competencies a TVET trainer or technical
Methodology trainer performing functions as training
Level II (TM II) designer/developer must achieve. A TVET trainer is a
person who enables a learner or a group of learners
to develop competencies to performing a particular
trade or technical work. (Training Regulations for
Trainers Methodology Level II, May 2011)

TESDA Training Refers to a Web-based System developed/designed
Management to facilitate the organized collection, processing,
Information analysis and dissemination of all Technical-
System (T2MIS) Vocational Education and Training (TVET) data.
(TESDA Circular No. 134, s. 2019)

Virtual Refers to a networked application that allows a user
environment to interact with both the computing environment and
the work of other users. Email, chat, web-based
document sharing applications are all examples of
virtual environments. (TESDA Circular No. 117, s.

Virtual Refers to a process of collecting evidence to
Assessment determine the acquired knowledge, skills and attitude
of an individual in accordance with the standard
performance expected at the workplace in a virtual
environment. It involves video conferencing, online
documentation, online questionnaires and other
online tools to gather evidence and interact with
candidates (TESDA Circular No. 117, s. 2020)


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 8 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021


1. The Certification Office shall digitize the assessment-related

1. The Certification Office shall prepare and convert into digital
format the following documents:

a.Specific Instructions to the Candidates;
b.Competency Assessment Results Summary (CARS);
c.Rating Sheets;
d.Assessor's Guide;
e.Assessment Guide;
f. Attendance Sheet (TESDA-OP-CO-05-F31);
g.Narrative Feedback Form;
h.Rating Summary Sheet;
i.Performance Evaluation Instruments (TESDA-OP-CO-05-

j. Report on Assessment Proceedings (TESDA-OP-CO-05-

k. Data Consent Agreement Form (Assessment) (TESDA-DPA

Form 2); and
I. Data Privacy and Confidentiality Statement for Competency

Assessors (TESDA-OP-CO-F03-VA2).

2.The assigned Certification Office Competency Assessment Tools
(CATs) Custodian shall administer the accomplishment of the Data
Confidentiality Agreement Form to the Regional Office Technical
Support Officer (RO TSO) before transmittal of digitized

3.The assigned CO CATs Custodian shall forward the digitized
documents to the RO TSO.

B. The Certification Office shall conduct calibration of all RO and
PO/DO CAC Focals, RO Technical Support Officers (RO TSO),
TTI Assessment Center Managers and Technical Support
Officers (TSO) and REPMs on the conduct of TM II Virtual
Competency Assessment.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 9 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

C. RO/PO/DO/TTI shall inform the applicant/s on the requirements
and the process of application for TM II Virtual Competency

1. RO/PO/DO/TTI shall disseminate information on the conduct of
virtual assessment for TM II either through email or any form of
social media complying to the TESDA Social Media Policy.

2. The Applicant shall inquire at the RO/PO/DOTTTI about the TM II
Virtual Competency Assessment process.

3. The RO/PO/DO/TTI shall orient the applicant/s thru telephone,
email, mobile message, video conferencing or any form of
electronic or social media, on the following:

a. Application Form (TESDA-OP-CO-05-F26) to include:
• Self- Assessment Guide (TESDA-OP-QSO-02-F07);
• Virtual Readiness Checklist Form (TESDA-OP-CO-F02-

b. Assessment and certification arrangements;
c. Specification of photo requirement, 1 piece electronic copy,

colored, passport size (3.5cm x 4.5cm with head size ranging
from 27 mm to 31 mm, with collar); white background, with
name tag;
d. TM II Portfolio following the Checklist of Documents in
Trainers Methodology Level II Portfolio (TESDA-OP-CO-F10-
e. Other requirements and preparation to be undertaken as may
be required in the Competency Assessment Tools (CATs);
f. TESDA approved Assessment Fees;
g. Release of TMC/COC by the TESDA Office or through email,
whichever is applicable;
h. The agreed platform to be used in affixing signatures in the
assessment documents such as Docusign, Adobe Acrobat,
PDFescape, Foxit Reader and others;
i. Virtual environment requirement for Candidates:

• Must have Internet connection of at least 5 Mbps; and
• Must have least 2 web cameras or mobile phone

cameras - one camera focused on the candidate (close-
up angle) and the other focused on his/her physical


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 10 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

environment (long/wide-angle); and
• Must be in a venue/room where the candidate can be

alone where silence and confidentiality can be

4. The applicant shall sign the Certificate of Concurrence (TESDA-
OP-CO-F01-VA2) affirming that he/she is oriented on and agrees
to the assessment requirements.

D. The applicant shall submit application documents

1. The Applicant shall submit the following electronic documents to
the Provincial/District Office (PO/DO) thru the PO/DO official
email address or any official electronic platform developed for
the purpose of submission of application requirements:
a. Accomplished Application Form (TESDA-OP-CO-05-F26);
b. Accomplished Self-Assessment Guide (TESDA-OP-QSO-
02-F07) of the COC/s applied for, which can be
accessed/downloaded from the TESDA website;
c. Accomplished Virtual Assessment Readiness Checklist
Form (TESDA-OP-CO-F02-VA2);
d. Accomplished TESDA Consent Agreement Form
(Assessment) (TESDA DPA Form 2);
e. Certificate of Concurrence (TESDA-OP-CO-F01-VA2);
f. 1 piece electronic copy of passport size ID (3.5cm x 4.5cm
with head size ranging from 27 mm to 31 mm), white
background, with collar & name tag;
g. Electronic copy of the TM II Portfolio; and
h. Copy of CARS or Certificates of Competency (COCs), if

2. The PO/DO CAC Focal shall evaluate the electronic copy of
accomplished SAG and Application Form (TESDA-OP-00-05-
F26) and check the completeness and correctness of the
application documents submitted.

3. The PO/DO CAC Focal shall prepare and submit the List of
Candidates and endorse to the Provincial/District Director

4. The PD/DD shall endorse the List of Candidates to the RD. The


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 11 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II)
Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

PO/DO CAC Focal shall upload and transmit the application
documents via Google Drive or a platform developed by the RO
for the purpose.

E. RO shall manage the conduct of TM II Virtual Competency

1. The Regional Director shall designate the TESDA Technology
Institutions (TTIs) as Assessment Center (AC), from among the
list of authorized TTIs.

The Letter of Designation of Assessment Center (TESDA-OP-
CO-F08-VA2) shall be issued by the Regional Director on a
yearly basis and shall be valid until the last day of the issuing

2. The Regional Director shall schedule the conduct of assessment.
Maximum of only five (5) candidates per batch will be

3. The Regional Director shall assign the three-member Expert
Panel through a Letter of Appointment (TESDA-OP-CO-F04-
VA2). The assignment of Expert Panel Members shall be on a
rotation basis.

In case the TM II Expert Panel Member within the region is
unavailable or insufficient in number, the Regional Director may
request for Panel Member from another region, and shall
accomplish the Letter of Request for Additional Assessor
(TESDA-OP-CO-F10-VA2) subject to the approval/disapproval of
the counterpart Regional Director.

4. The RO CAC Focal shall encode the following assessment
details in the T2MIS:
a. Assessment schedule; and
b. Three (3) Assigned Expert Panel Members

5. The RO CAC Focal, with the assistance of the RO TSO, shall
forward the submitted documents of the TM II applicants to the
designated TTI — AC.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 12 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

F. TTI-AC shall process applications for virtual competency

1. The TTI AC Manager with the assistance of the TTI Processing
Officer shall re-evaluate the SAG, application documents and
virtual environment of the TM II virtual assessment applicant/s,
and shall verify the schedule with the assigned Expert Panel

a. If the SAG, application documents and virtual environment
are ready and show that the applicant is ready for
assessment, the TTI AC Manager shall advise the applicant
on the scheduled date of assessment.

b. If the application documents are incomplete and do not
comply with the required virtual environment, the TTI AC
Manager shall immediately inform the applicant on the
submission of lacking documents and compliance within two
(2) days upon the receipt of notice. Otherwise, the TTI AC
Manager shall deny the application.

c. Upon verification, if any of the Expert Panel Members or
TM II assessment applicants are unavailable on the
scheduled date of assessment or applicant has incomplete
documents/requirements, the TTI- AC Manager shall
immediately inform the RO CAC Focal on the substitution of
assessment applicants or Expert Panel Members. This must
be at least three (3) days before the assessment schedule.

2. The applicant who qualifies based on the SAG, documentary
requirements and prescribed virtual environment shall be
considered candidate for virtual competency assessment.

3. The candidate shall pay the TESDA approved Assessment Fee
to the TTI Assessment Center.

4. The TTI Processing Officer shall encode the profile of the
candidates in the T2MIS to generate the Unique Learner
Identified (ULI) and Reference Number. The generated ULI and
Reference Number shall be used in the assessment documents
where applicable.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 13 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity: 1
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

G. Organizing the Conduct of TM II Virtual Competency

1. The TTI-AC Technical Support Officer (TSO) shall check or
inspect the following virtual environment requirements of the

a. Internet connectivity of at least 5mbps (applicants are
required to conduct internet speed test at least 1 day before
the virtual assessment);

b. Applications downloaded in the candidates' laptop (Zoom or
Google Meet, or other video/teleconferencing platforms, and
electronic signature applications);

c. Laptop with camera and additional camera that is close
enough to show the candidate and has full view of the room
to show the physical environment of the candidate;

d. Area to be used in the conduct of assessment; and
e. Ability to use e-signature in various platform.

2. The TTI-AC Technical Support Officer (TSO) through the direct
supervision of the TTI AC Manager shall create and manage the
virtual competency assessment environment and/or platform,
and adhere to the guidelines on data privacy for the recording of
the assessment proceedings.

3. The Regional Technical Support Officer (RO TSO) through the
direct supervision of the RO CAC Focal, shall check the virtual
environment requirements of the assigned Expert Panel

a. Internet connectivity of at least 5mbps (Expert Panel
Members are required to conduct internet speed test at least
1 day before the virtual assessment);

b. Applications downloaded in the Expert Panel Members'
laptop (Zoom or Google Meet, or other video conferencing
platforms, and electronic signature applications); and

c. Laptop with camera, wherein camera is positioned at the
same height as the person's eyes, with a professional virtual
background set-up; and

d. Speaker and microphone working - clear audible speaking
voice could be heard while talking.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 14 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

4. The Expert Panel Members shall accomplish the Data Privacy
and Confidentiality Statement (Competency Assessor/Expert
Panel Members) (TESDA-OP-CO-F03-VA2) before the RO CAC
Focal and TTI AC Manager send the link to access the
assessment documents.

5. The Expert Panel Members shall receive the assessment

a. The RO TSO, through direct supervision of the RO Focal,
shall send the link to access the assessment package (e.g.
Rating Sheet, Assessor's Guide) on the day of the virtual
assessment; and

b. The TSO, through direct supervision of the TTI-AC Manager,
shall send the link to access the list, application documents
and portfolio of TM II candidates at least two (2) days before
the virtual assessment.

6. The RO CAC Focal shall approve the following assessment
details in the T2MIS:

a. Assessment Schedule;
b. Assigned Assessors; and
c. List of Candidates.

7. The Regional Director shall assign/designate the TESDA
Representative among the RO TESDA personnel. The TESDA
Representative shall be virtually present to oversee the conduct
of virtual competency assessment and monitor if the assessment
process conforms to the requirements specified in the
Competency Assessment Tools (CATs) and in this Operating

8. The RO CAC Focal shall orient the TESDA Representative, RO
TSO, TTI-AC Manager, TTI-AC TSO. The RO CAC Focal shall
likewise assign Expert Panel Members who shall prepare for the
proper and smooth conduct of the virtual competency
assessment, at least one day before the assessment.

9. The RO CAC Focal through RO TSO shall send the link of the
Attendance Sheet to the candidate/s to affix his/her e-signature.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 15 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II)
Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021
Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

The signed Attendance Sheet shall be available before the
assessment starts for the Assessors' validation during the

H. Conduct of Virtual Competency Assessment

1. The TTI-AC ISO through the direct supervision of the TTI-AC
Manager shall create and share the link of the virtual
competency assessment room to the candidates, Expert Panel
Members, RO Focal, RO TSO and TESDA Representative.

2. The RO TSO through the direct supervision of the RO Focal
shall send to the Region Expert Panel Members the link to
access the assessment package composed of the following

a. Specific Instructions to the Candidates;
b. Competency Assessment Results Summary (CARS);
c. Rating Sheets;
d. Assessor's Guide;
e. Assessment Guide;
f. Attendance Sheet;
g. Narrative Feedback Form; and
h. Summary Rating Sheet.

3. The TTI-AC TSO shall check the internet connectivity and
access links of the REPM to the digital documents. The TTI-AC
TSO together with RO TSO shall provide technical assistance
during the conduct of assessment.

4. The Expert Panel Members shall be given temporary access to
the assessment package documents. The access time shall only
be for 12 hours or until the end of the assessment.

5. The Expert Panel Members shall prepare for the conduct of
assessment in accordance with the methodology and procedures
in the TESDA promulgated CATs and in this Operating

The Expert Panel Members shall:

a. Review the CATs for the Qualification or units of competency


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 16 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

to be assessed.

b. Check the virtual environment of the candidate where the
assessment activity will take place (both for the candidate
and panel) if it complies with the following requirements and
purpose of assessment, the occupational safety and health
requirement/protocols and the capacity/stability of internet

• Laptop/desktop and a second camera (or mobile phone)
and internet connection including audio and video;

• The internet connection of each candidate with the
required capacity at least five (5) mbps for a virtual
interview in a video conferencing platform such as Zoom
or Google Meet or other preferred platform;

• Audio (headset) and video camera of the candidate and

• The candidate's set-up of the second camera, in an
appropriate position for a full view of the physical

c. Check the completeness and accessibility of the Assessment
Package with corresponding reference number of the
candidates. The Expert Panel Members shall be given
temporary access to review the Assessor's Guide,
Assessment Guide and Rating Sheet. The access time shall
only be for 12 hours or until the end of the assessment.

6. The Expert Panel Members shall conduct virtual orientation to all
the candidates on the day of the scheduled assessment using
the prescribed powerpoint presentation. The orientation shall
include the following:

a. Context and purpose of the virtual competency assessment;
b. Qualification/ Units of competency to be assessed;
c. Tasks to be performed, time limits and evidence to be

collected (only in verbal form);
d. Virtual assessment procedures to be undertaken;
e. Special needs to be considered during assessment;
f. Allowable/reasonable adjustments in the virtual competency

assessment procedures;


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 17 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

g. The DO's and DON'Ts inside the virtual Competency
Assessment Center/Venue/Environment;

h. Guidelines to follow during the assessment process using
the video conferencing platform such as Google Meet/Zoom
or other platforms;

i. The rights and appeal system; and
j. Issuance and Validity of Certificate for TM Level II or TM II


7. During the virtual assessment process, the candidate must be
alone in the room/area, especially during the Interview or Oral
Questioning. One (1) of the two video/web cameras of the
candidate should focus on the whole part of the room/area
before and during the assessment to ensure the confidentiality of
the assessment process.

8. The Expert Panel Members shall explain thoroughly the Specific
Instructions to the Candidate during the virtual orientation.

9. The Expert Panel Members shall use the Assessor's Guide and
Assessment Guide in the evidence gathering process at all

10. The Expert Panel Members shall conduct assessment in
accordance with the methodologies specified in the Evidence
Plan and Specific Instructions to the Assessors/Experts Panel.
The Expert Panel Members shall also implement the Evidence
Gathering Process according to the principles of competency-
based assessment, i.e. Validity, Reliability, Fairness and

11. The RO TSO and TTI-AC TSO shall ensure that only authorized
personnel are allowed in the virtual assessment platform.

12. The Expert Panel Members shall collect appropriate evidence
guided by the following:

a. Response to the Written Report (applicable in TM II COC 1)
is obtained using secured Google Docs. While preparing the
written report, the second camera must be positioned at the
back of the candidate to ensure that no other windows in the


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 18 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

computer are open. The Written Report shall be accessed
by the Expert Panel Members and rating shall be
accomplished simultaneously.

b. The candidate's Portfolio shall be accessible through the
Google Drive including the digitized rating sheet. Secured
access to the documents shall be given to the Expert Panel
Members two (2) days before the assessment. Probing
questions to establish authenticity shall be asked on the
assessment day.

c. The Interview shall be conducted on the day of the virtual
competency assessment using the selected video
conferencing platform. Two (2) cameras shall be used, one
(1) has a full view of the room/ physical environment and
one (1) that is close enough to show the candidate.

13. The Expert Panel Members shall evaluate the evidence in terms
of the following:

a. four dimensions of competency (task skills; task management
skills; contingency management skills; and job/role
environment skills).

b. Rules of evidence:
• Valid - if the evidence is related to the unit of competency
that is being assessed.
• Current - if the evidence reflects the current knowledge
and/or skills in the relevant aspect/s of work.
• Sufficient - if the evidence covers the full range of
performance criteria and illustrates that the candidate can
meet the four dimensions of competency.
• Authentic - if the evidence is the candidate's own work or
• Consistent - if the evidence presented by the candidate
and/or collected by the assessor shows that the candidate
consistently meets the standards under workplace
• Recent - if the evidence presented is not more than three
(3) years from the day of the assessment.


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Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
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14. The Expert Panel Members shall record the assessment outcome
using the prescribed Rating Sheet (TESDA-OP-QSO-02-F09) and
the Summary of Ratings. Decision shall be based on the
candidate's performance in all the assessment methods.

15. The Expert Panel Members shall provide feedback on the
outcome of the Assessment. The feedback should be clear and
constructive and shall be provided to the candidate orally and in
writing using the Written Narrative Feedback Report Form.

16. Upon completion of the assessment process, the Expert Panel
Members shall accomplish and affix e-signature on the following:

a. Rating Sheets;
b. Summary of Rating;
c. Narrative Feedback Report;
d. CARS; and
e. Attendance Sheet.

17. After the Expert Panel Members had provided the feedback, the
TTI-AC TSO shall give to the candidate the Summary of Rating
with reference number together with the CARS to affix his/her
e-signature in PDF format.

18. In case the candidate contests/opposes the outcome of
assessment and refuses to sign the Summary of Rating, he/she
may appeal on the assessment result within 24 hours after the
assessment. He/she may file a Letter of Appeal thru email to the
TTI-AC Manager as to why he/she refuses to sign and accept
the results of the competency assessment. The Expert Panel
Members shall also write an incident report upon the receipt of
Letter of Appeal. The TESDA Representative shall take note of
the situation in the Report of Proceedings.

19. The TESDA Representative shall request at least two (2)
candidates and the AC Manager to accomplish the Performance
Evaluation Instrument (PEI) (TESDA-OP-CO-05-F37) for each
member of the Expert Panel at the end of each assessment. The
TESDA Representative shall provide a copy of accomplished
PEI to the Expert Panel Members.


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Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

20. Re-assessment may be applied by the candidate/s who were
found to be not yet competent anytime at the nearest TESDA
Provincial Office. They may opt for an online or face-to-face
assessment following the procedures in applying for

21. If a candidate fails the assessment for two (2) consecutive times,
he/she shall be advised to go through a refresher course before
taking another assessment.

I. RO shall undertake post-assessment activities

1. The RO CAC Focal through RO TSO shall consolidate and
remove digital access in all Competency Assessment Tools except
for the accomplished documents indicated in Item 1.2.

2. The Expert Panel Members shall consolidate all accomplished
assessment-related documents and forms, for endorsement to the

a. Accomplished Application Forms;
b. Accomplished Self-Assessment Guides;
c. Attendance Sheet;
d. Accomplished Rating Sheets;
e. Summary of Rating;
f. Accomplished CARS;
g. Accomplished Narrative Feedback Form;
h. Candidates' documents; and
i. RWAC.

3. The RO TSO and TSO with direct supervision of the RO CAC
Focal shall remove the candidates' and Expert Panel Members'
access to shared digital records and documents, especially the
Assessor's Guide, Assessment Guide and Specific Instructions
to the Candidates.

4. The TTI AC Manager through the assistance of the TTI AC
Processing Officer shall review and ensure the completeness of
the assessment-related documents.

5. The TESDA Representative shall prepare the Report on the
Assessment Proceedings (TESDA-OP-CO-05-F34) at the end of


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Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

each assessment.

6. The TTI AC Manager shall issue e-copy of CARS to each
candidate after the assessment process. Whenever applicable,
the TTI AC Manager shall orient the successful candidate/s on
how the CoC/TMC will be released.

7. A digital copy (with watermarks "For Viewing Only") of CoC/TMC
shall be issued by the TESDA PO/DO to the candidate/s via
email who were found to be competent, three (3) days after the
assessment. However, due to the security features of the
CoC/TMC, the serial number shall not be provided when
transmitted electronically to the certified Trainer.

8. The Provincial/District Office shall issue the original copy of TMC
or TM II COC, subject to the conditions in the area based on the
IATF and LGU guidelines.


1. The conduct of Virtual Competency Assessment which shall be
done through online communication platforms and applications
has potential risks, such as:

a. Limited number of applicants due to connectivity issues and
other unexpected events that may occur due to vulnerability
of online transactions;

b. Unavailability of the Regional Expert Panel Members due to
limited connectivity for virtual competency assessment;

c. Breach of confidentiality/Leakage of Assessment Tools in
the internet;

d. Breach of confidentiality of personal data of both the
candidates and REPMs against unintentional, unlawful or
unauthorized use; and others.

2. To mitigate and manage the identified risks, the Regional Office
is tasked to manage this Virtual Competency Assessment

3. The Certification Office and ROs shall implement Action Plans to
be specified in the Registry of Related Risks and Opportunities.


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Virtual Competency Assessment

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021


1. The Regional Offices shall be responsible in monitoring and
reporting of the assessment which shall be encoded in the T2MIS
and uploaded in the TESDA website.

2. The Certification Office shall conduct technical assistance as may
be necessary.

This Circular with all Annexes shall take effect as indicated.


Director General


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Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021


TITLE Document No.

A Self — Assessment Guide TESDA-OP-QSO-02-F07

B Application Form TESDA-OP-CO-05-F26

C TESDA Consent Agreement Form TESDA-DPA Form 2

D Certificate of Concurrence TESDA-OP-CO-F01-VA2

E Virtual Assessment Readiness Checklist TESDA-OP-CO-F02-VA2

F Data Privacy and Confidentiality TESDA-OP-CO-F03-VA2
Statement for Competency Assessor

G Attendance Sheet TESDA-OP-CO-05-F31

H Letter of Appointment TESDA-OP-CO-F04-VA2
(Competency Assessor)

I Letter of Designation TESDA-OP-CO-F05-VA2
(Assessment Center Manager)

J Letter of Designation (ROTSO/TSO) TESDA-OP-CO-F06-VA2

K Letter of Assignment TESDA-OP-CO-F07-VA2
(TESDA Representative)

L Letter of Designation TESDA-OP-CO-F08-VA2
(Assessment Center)

M Letter of Request for Additional Assessor TESDA-OP-CO-F09-VA2

N Checklist of Documents in Trainers TESDA-OP-CO-F10-VA2
Methodology Level II Portfolio

O Competency Assessment Results TESDA-OP-QSO-02-F08
Summary (CARS)

P Tracking Sheet TESDA-OP-CO-05-F42


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Virtual Competency Assessment

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07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Q Performance Evaluation Instrument (PEI) TESDA-OP-CO-05-F37

R Report on Assessment Proceedings TESDA-OP-CO-05-F34

S Trainers Methodology Certificate II

T Certificate of Competency


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Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021





• Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart

• Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your

answer. ._

Can 1/ YES NO

• Hold discussions with clients to identify objectives. expectations
and other requirements '

• Identify and analyze issues to be addressed to determine the
impact on clients objectives and requirements

• Identify the TNA respondents/target group based on objectives
and requirements

• Develop research plan based on objectives and requirements'

• Present to concerned persons and finalize research plan using
appropriate method for collecting information

• Design TNA instruments following the prescribed format •

• Validate the TNA instrument to a select group of respondents to
check on consistency and validity prior to actual use

• Gather data and analyze information using valid analysis method'

• Conduct orientation regarding the study

• Disseminate TNA instruments to identified respondents

• Gather filled out TNA instruments in accordance with procedures
appropriate to the method selected

• Analyze information using reliable valid data analysis methods to
determine skills gaps that can be addressed through training or
other intervention

• Prepare conclusions on training needs supported by evidence and
consistent with research objectives

• Provide client with options for meeting identified training skills

• Prepare report and provide client with advice and
recommendations on training needs '

Candidate's Name & Signature Date


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Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021




• Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart.
• Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your


1 Identify training regulations appropriate for the course to be
1.1. Identify and consult stakeholders to establish training aims
and requirements
1 2. Identify. access. confirm the training regulation or other
relevant specification on which to base learning program

1.3. Identify training requirements based on results of TNA

2 Develop Learners profiles and identify potential learners'


2.1 Prepare learner's profile needed upon entry to the course

2.2 Determine language and literacy requirements of the learner

according to profile *-
3 Analyze and interpret competency standards in developing a

curriculum moduleilearning outcome'

3.1. Analyze and interpret competency standards,'other relevant

specifications to determine specific learning


3.2. Clearly specify competencies to be acquired by the learner

3 3. Develop and modify modules of instructions according to
needs and procedures

3.4. Establish learning outcomes and assessment criteria
according to procedures

3.5. Identify resources required to support the training curriculum

3 6. Design training curriculum based on the requirements of the
competency standards

TVT2 10-0611


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Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

4 Develop course design' .

4.1. Identify the modules of instruction based on the competency

4.2. Link course entry and exit points with occupational and
educational opportunities

4 3. Identify and document prerequisites for the course and for
specific unitsimodules within the course

4.4. Incorporate adult learning theory and principles in designing
the curriculum

4 5. Use variety of delivery strategies appropriate for specific
moduleilearning outcome

4.6. Determine the assessment method appropriate to module of

4 7. Specify the trainers qualification voto shall implement the

5 Validate training curriculum with other persons'

6. Finalize training curriculum and submit to appropriate personnel '

Candidate's Name & Signature Date



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Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021




• Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart.
• Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your


• Verify the brief. type of learning matenals with the client . ,
• Identify characteristics of the learners/end users of the learning

resource .
• Gather. collate and analyze existing information which may be


• Identify and act upon ethical and legal considerations

• Wnte and document a development work plan

• Generate a range of design options using a variety of principles
and techniques

• Establish design concepts, taking into consideration process.
material. quantity. cost and outcome requirement

• Take time to reflect on the designs. identifying the imps cal of

• Research and embed the diversity of the learners and their
learning styles into the design specifications

• Develop and confirm an outline or prototype for the learning

• Identify relevant personnel to support the development phase. if

• Develop content and content specification accordance with the
agreed design

• Divide the learning materials into manageable chunks/"segments of
learning principles and techniques

• Access and modifyicustornize existing learning materials to suit the
learning purposes and audience and audience

• Develop and document new, relevant and engaging learning
activities and related materials based on application of learning

• Use clear, concise, grammatically correct and appropriate text for
the intended audiences



Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 30 of 56 pages
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Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

• Format the resource using an appropriate style guide _

• Use relevant, instructive and appropriate visuals for the intended

• Establish mechanisms for reviewing work in progress

• Make modifications to the design and/or content. to address
changes in project parameters

• Develop Prototype systems and components in accordance with
the agreed design

• Develop and confirm mock-upisimulator s plan and specification
with the client

• Identify relevant personnel to support the development phase, if

• Develop manual for prototype. modesimulator

• Check content of the developed materials against content

• Check text, format and visual design for clarity and focus

• Identify relevant personnel and seek support for the review and

• Conduct an external review and incorporates using appropriate

methods. and feedback

• Review final draft against the brief and other relevant criteria prior

to delivery to the client -

• Review the design and development process against appropriate

evaluation criteria

• Take time to reflect and identify areas for improvement

• Document identified improvements for future protects

Candidate's Name & Signature Date



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Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021




I n struMon

• Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart.
• Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your



• Identify competency standards which describe the work activities to

be assessed

• Read and interpret relevant unit(s) of competency to identify the

required evidence .
• Identify evidence requirements which show full coverage and

consistent performance of the relevant work activities'

• Identify suitable assessment methods that are consistent with the

evidence requirements and the advice provided in the Evidence

Guide and relevant Assessment Guidelines '

• Select assessment methods which are appropriate for the

competency being assessed. and in line with the purpose and

assessment context '

• Prepare assessment tools in accordance with the advice provided

in the relevant Assessment Guidelines'
• Prepare clear and conase written instructions and materials for the

assessor and the candidate which accurately describe the

assessment activity . -
• Check assessment tools for validity. fairness. safety and cost •

effectiveness '

• Check draft assessment tools against evaluation criteria and

revise. when necessary

• Pilot test assessment tools with a small group of assessors and

industry practitioners

• Analyse data gathered through the validation to establish any

changes that maybe required ' .

• Finalize assessment tools incorporating suggested changes as
appropriate '

• Explain the principles of reasonable adjustment

• Explain legal and ethical responsibilities associated with the _
assessment procedures

Candidate's Name & Signature Date

TVT2 10-0611


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 32 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021





• Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart.
• Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your



• Identify and comply with applicable Occupational Health and

Safety (OHS), legislative and organizational requirements relevant

to organizing maintenance programs

• Recommend maintenance intervals of facility and equipment

based on spealcations. service requirements and workplace


• Separate special requirements for maintenance from routine 1day-

to- day maintenance schedules . ,

• Specify and develop an outline plan for maintenance and a related

work schedule

• Establish and maintain communication protocol in accordance

with OHS requirements

• Identify and confirm work requirements with appropriate parties

or by site inspection

• Identify and monitor relevant codes and standards throughout the

work procedure . .

• Identify. obtain and inspect resources and service providers in

compliance with work plan and lob specifications

• Select and interpret relevant plans. drawings and text in

accordance with the work plan

• Prepares maintenance plan in detail including sequencing.

prioritizing and considerations are made where appropriate for the

maintenance of safety. security and capacity in accordance with

systerm'sitelorganization requirements and reference information

• Resolve coordination requirements. including requests for

isolations where appropriate, with others involved, affected or

required by the work

• Select prevention andor control measures based on identified

potential hazards

• Define work scope based on equipment and facility maintenance

history. condition monitoring information. recent modifications and

existing status

• Prepare and assess impact cost of maintenance on budget

• Access and interpret compliance documentation relevant to
facilities and equipment maintenance management systems


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Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II)
Virtual Competency Assessment Number OSI , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

• Develop maintenance strategy for facility and equipment
according to organization requirements

• Identify data to be included in the reports on repair work

• Establish systems to ensure that the condition and performance of

equipment and facilities are regularly reported and discussed

within the organization .

• identify areas items prone to defects. demonstrating frailty. or
scheduled for regular maintenance

• Inform individuals in the organization responsible for performing

regular or scheduled maintenance duties of the details of the plan

• Schedule and checks staff rosters to verify time when the
maintenance process may be scheduled including optimum

training for shut- down

• Develop detailed work plans to accord with training schedules.
availability of expertise and scheduling of resource availability

• Complete maintenance work schedule following the work plan . ,
• Establish systems and procedures to satisfy identrfied .

maintenance requirements

• Recommend appropriate procedures for further testing of

equipment to appropriate personnel

• Make adjustments to the work schedule and plan based on

experience and completed documentation

• Complete and forward maintenance records and reports to

appropriate personnel

• Establish procedures to confirm the currency of and compliance

with facility and equipment maintenance and safety standards

• Establish procedures to evaluate and confirm system/equipment

in compliance with organizational requirements .
• Establish system of recording and reporting facility and

equipment information

• Establish procedures incorporating feedback of the review


• Establish procedures for response to instances of non-

compliance or other discrepancies' deficiencies revealed by a

Candidate's Name & Signature Date



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Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021





• Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart.
• Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your



• Establish learning resource specifications in tine with target user
requirements and intended delivery mode'

• Prepare instructional design in accordance with content and
established specifications '

• Prepare work plan in line with the expected output & the target
deadline '

• Prepare prototype in line with instructional design '

• Prepare media elements in line with instructional design and learning
resource specifications '

• 'Perform authoring of learning resources in line with the intended
delivery mode and with established learning resource specifications '

• Discuss with concerned personnel in line with establishment policy
the technical ardor content issues that may result in deviations of
actual resources from instructional design '

• Develop utilization guide in line with learning resource features &
design •

• Develop test cntena and instrument in line with learning material
specifications '

• Identify test sites and reviewers in line with established target users '

• Undertook testing of learning resources in line with work plan '

• Address feedback and suggestions in line with approved work plan
and development cycle '

• Explain IT pnnciples underlying the use of the Internet and the World
Wide Web in e-leaming

• Explain principles of learning as applied to the use of Internet

• Explain the principles of instructional design as applied to e-learning

• Descnbe learners. behavior and characteristics in an e-learning

TV T210-0611


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Virtual Competency Assessment Number OSI , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

• Explain the principles of research (as applied to e-leaming materials

development) .
• Explain project management principles as applied to e-learning

materials development

• Design instruction as appropriate to e-leamirxj m :,,'


• Edit photos as appropriate to e-leaming materials development

• Illustrate digital images and objects as appropriate to e-learning i
materials development

• Edit videos as appropriate to e-learning materials development

• Edit audio as appropriate to e-leaming materials development

• Make use of authoring software as appropriate to e-leaming
materials development

• Practice facilitation as appropnate to e-learning materials

Candidate's Name & Signature Date


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 36 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity: -TESDA-OP-00-05-F26
07 June 2021 07 June 2021 Re ,i CO - 03 01 17


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-, . .tar.ipaei cr 1: PICTURE
••• :ciored

1 I I I - I I 1 -1 1

w 3e14.:L•41 - oxt.5.. cite P,ocessty Off r,

Applicant s Signature Date of Application

Name of Settool/TrainMg Center/Company:


Title of Assessment applied for:

D = j, c.,,,34c. a.:cr 1 D CCC D •ie-4.s.a
1. Client Type 3 - - .:1, D :::.=

3 -..E Gralua".Ing !-...ler. 3 "•.E 7:3:-3!E D K•':

2. Profile
, , Name

3 5..PAAME ,..., - .-,,,AgeiNse.



Number. Street Baran!a

City Province Regl:n Zip Code

_ Mother s Name I_ 4 Father s Name

Sex _., Civil Status 2 ' Contact Number10 _ , Higteat Eau:aticna _ . Employment Status
Male 3 Since Tel 3 ::.ssuat
rt•rnisie 3 tiarr,•!d ',folic 3 Elernereary 3 ..,,b Order
3 Vo micro:vs E ,a.I 3 Prctia!tonarf
D 1141 School Grackaate 3 ='errranen!
3 Sep:Jr:tied ray, 3 -:,cif - Err toyed
3 TVET Graduate 3 :.}FW
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Cotteoe Gradi43te

D ot,,er,

! .-.",,r1- ._.,....., rtri ,1•Itr, I1 11 I . :Art' I.. , ,

3. Work Experience (National Qualification-related) il 5 36

Name of Carripanv ,,ausive Dales , ; al Appointr-ten!


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 37 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II)
Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

4.Other Training/Swarms Attended (National Qualification-related) s5
, , z... ... i as

T, -ciuslye Dates No of • I • Conducted By

FCir m0'0 irtitr•rattOr pease ,:se sec vre se4eri

5. Licensure Examination(s) Passed
51 5 1 53
54 55 Sri
T :ie Y ex Taker. Ex..,7 •'.f•1': '.'r•• je Ftjtmk. Remarks Expo-, Da:e

For mo'e ffifortrat‘ze o.ease ,:se se;arVe :ree:.

6. Competency Assessrnentisi Passed
82 n i .35
Oualificauon •,.if rate Number Date of Issuance

Levet industry Se: for _ • arson DeR

r.: _ ,I. 2-7i: ;i.:.: .Ti. :f.:::'3:e snee



Name of Applicant: Tal Numtriir PICTURE
Cfncrai Receipt Number
A seee8Ment 2.oplied tar: Date [sewed (Passport
3 Euriu urre Personal Frotenye EQUIPMet ,
ro be accomplisned oi J.,e Processing On7cer
tram of Lebeeament Center: ,. •...,,IP. ,..pecrty
Check submitted iequremeres
.4^t Time:
Accompisrled Self-Assessrrieri:


0 -hree 13: oie-rzes colored passport size pictures

Assesstnert Cate:

Printed Name & Signature of Prccesstng Officer Pnr:el Name & Signature of Applicant

Note: Please bring this Admission Slip on your assessment date.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 38 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

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Do you authorize the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
to share your career information (such as Full Name, NC/COC Certificate No.,
NC/COC Qualification Details, Date of Issuance, Contact Details and ID Pictures) with
any legitimate party for the following purposes:

• Research
• Training
• Employment
• Advocacy

Kindly check your preference and sign over your printed name below.

Yes, I want to share my career information and expressly give my consent thereto

No. I don't give my consent and I want my career information to be restricted only
for TESDA's use and profiling purposes only

Signature over Printed Name of the



Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 39 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Rev 00 - 05118,(2021


Candidate's Name.
Processing Officer Name.
Provincial Office/ District Office:
Qualification applied for:
Units of Competency to be Assessed

This is to certify that I have been oriented and agreed to the YES NO
following: i use I)
• Use of the correct template for application (TESDA-OP-00-

• The attachment to the Application Form are the following:
a) Accomplished Self-Assessment Guide (TESDA-OP-0S0-
02-F07) downloaded in the TESDA website.
b) Accomplished Virtual Assessment Readiness Checklist
Form (TESDA-OP-CO-F02-VA).
c) Accomplished TESDA Consent Agreement Form
(Assessment) (TESDA DPA Form 2).
d) Accomplished Certificate of Concurrence (TESDA-OP-CO-
e) 1 piece e-copy passport size ID
1) E-copy of the TM Portfolio

• The assessment and certification arrangement as explained
in the Training Regulations:

• The specification of the photo requirement is a soft copy.
colored, passport size. (3 5cm x 4 5cm with head size ranging
from 27 mm to 31 mm). white background. with collar & name

• TESDA approved Assessment Fees:


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 40 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 05! , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

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07 June 2021 07 June 2021

• The release of TMCICOC via email and release of the hard TESDA-OP-CO-F01-VA2
copy through courier if applicable. Rev 00 - 0518/2021

• The platform to be used in affixing signatures in the -

assessment documents can be Docusign. Adobe Acrobat.

PDFescape. Foxit Reader and others: -

• The required virtual environment for Candidates are:

Internet rnnnertinn of at least c Mhps

and at least 2 web cameras or mobile phone cameras.

one camera focused on the candidate (close-up

angle) and the other focused on hislher physical

environment (llongtwide-angle).

• The requirement for the venue! room where you will be alone
where silence and confidentiality can be maintained; and

• Other requirements and preparation to be undertaken as may
be required in the Competency Assessment Tools (CATS).

This waiver expresses my agreement to the following.
• Undertake assessment in compliance to all the identified requirements and in the
knowledge that information gathered will only be used by concerned assessment
personnel for any lawful purpose it may serve.
• Confidentiality and nondisclosure of the conduct of the assessment.

Candidate's Signature. Date.
Processing Officer's Signature. Date.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 41 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Rev 00 - 0518..'2021

Virtual Assessment Readiness Checklist

A. Self-Assessment

• Please evaluate your knowledge/skills based on the following items on the left-

hand column of the chart.

• Place a check (I) in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your

answer. YES I NO
Can I?

Proficiency/competence in using the different software and platforms

Computer software applications such as word. excel.
powerpoint. adobe. movie maker. etc.

Different online and Internet applications and platforms
such as Facebook. Google Workplace. Microsoft
Teams. Zoom and Google Meet

B. Candidate Readiness

Availability of ICT equipment. Any two device both with camera. (One camera to
monitor the candidate and the other focused on the assessment area.) Please select
all that apply.

Desktop Computer
Smart Phones
Internet Connection/Routers (conduct speed test of at
least/ minimum of 5 Mbps or higher of the broadband
AreaNenue exclusively dedicated for the conduct of
C. Online tools, apps, or Software

Different online and Internet applications and platforms

Computer software applications such as word. excel.
powerpoint. adobe. movie maker. etc
Facebook Workplace
Microsoft Teams
Google Meet

Candidate's Name and Signature: Date:


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 42 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Rev 00 — 05/18/2021

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Data Privacy and Confidentiality Statement
for Competency Assessor

Data Privacy Statement TESDA is committed to protecting the privacy of its data subjects.
and ensuring the safety and security of personal data under its control and custody. This policy
provides information on what personal data is gathered about its current, past, and prospective
members: how it will use and process this, how it will keep this secure: and how it will dispose of it
when it is no longer needed This information is provided in compliance with the Philippine Republic
Act No 10173. also known as. the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations (DPA-1RR).

TESDA sets our data protection practices designed to safeguard the personal data of
individuals It deals with. and also to inform such individuals of their rights under the Act. This Data
Pnvacy Notice and Consent Form may be amended at any time without prior notice. and such
amendments will be notified to you via TESDA's website or by email.

As appointed member of the panel of assessors for TM II virtual assessment you are required
to comply with the following terms and conditions, violations of any of those mentioned below shall
be ground for the revocationfcancellation of the accreditation/appointment:

a Provide quality competency assessment for candidates.
b Conduct assessment according to the Operating Procedure on TM 11 virtual

assessment and
c. SaleguarcVensure the authenticity, validity and confidentiality of all

documents pertaining to the conduct of assessment.

I agree to the Data Privacy and Confidentiality Statement and Conditions.

Signature over Printed Name


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 43 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021


Technical Education and Skills Development Authority




Name of Competency Assessment Reference Number Signature Assessment
Center: Results
Date of Assessment




6. TESDA Representative
7 Signature over Printed Name

Signature over Printed Name

Accreditation Number:

Signature over Printed Name AC Manager:
Accreditation Number.

Signature over Printed Name

Signature over Printed Name
Accreditation Number.


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 44 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number OSI , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Repubitc of the PhIlippines

ISO 9001: 2015 Csrtified

Rev No 00-05118/2021




Dear (Mr /Ms.) (surname of Assessor)

This letter officially appoints you as Competency Assessor on (date) at (time) for
the conduct of virtual assessment in (Qualification) thru (agreed platform) .
Please attend the online assessment as scheduled,

To ensure smooth conduct of assessment, you are required to prepare the following:

1. Laptop or desktop that requires 5 mbps of internet connection;
2. Test if the camera and microphone are working properly:
3. Stable internet connection:
4. Download the agreed online communication/ teleconferencing platform for

the assessment: and
5. Clear image of your digitaVelectronic signature in JPEG format.

If you have any questions/queries, please call (Name) at cellphone/viber number

or email at . We look forward to your acceptance of this


Very truly yours,

Regional Director

Competency Assessor


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 45 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

4.114‘ Republic of the Philippines


ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

Rev No.00-05118/2021




Dear (Mr/Ms.)(surname of AC Manager):

This letter officially designates you as Assessment Center Manager for the conduct of
virtual assessment in (Qualification) on (date) at (time) thru (agreed platform).
The conduct of assessment shall be governed by the Operating Procedure on Virtual

We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement.

Very truly yours,

Regional Director

(Positron, Office)


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 46 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

iir Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

Rev No 00-05/18/2021




Dear (Mr /Ms )(surname of ROTSOITSO):

This letter officially designates you as (Regional Office/ TT/) Technical Support Officer
(ROTSO/ TSO) for the conduct of virtual assessment in (Qualification) on (date)
at (time) thru (agreed Platform) . The conduct of assessment shall be governed
by the Operating Procedure on Virtual Assessment.

We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement.

Very truly yours,

Regional Director

(Position. Office)


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 47 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II)
Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment
Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

ifrtS Republic of the Phtlippines


ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

Rev. No.00-05/18/2021




Dear (Mr /Ms.)(surname of TESDA Representative):

This letter officially designates you as TESDA Representative on (date) at (time)
for the conduct of virtual assessment in (Qualification) thru (agreed platform)
Please attend the virtual assessment as scheduled.

Very truly yours.

Fiegional Director

(Position. Office)


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 48 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 051 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

4111111116 Republic of the Philippines
ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

Rev No 00-05/18/2021




Dear (Mr./Ms.)(surname of TTI Administrator):

This letter officially designates the (TESDA Technological Institute) as the Assessment

Center for the conduct of virtual assessment in (Qualification) with

Accreditation No. effective (date of issuance) and valid until (last

day of issuing year) . The Operating Procedure on virtual assessment of the said

qualification shall govern the conduct of assessment.

We look forward to your acceptance to this agreement.

Very truly yours.
Regional Director

(Position. Office)


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 49 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II) Number 0S1 , Series of 2021
Virtual Competency Assessment Supersedes:

Date Issued: Effectivity:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Republic of the Philippines


ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

Rev. No 00-05/18/2021



Regional Director, TESDA Region

Dear RD (surname of the RD).

Relative to our conduct of virtual assessment in (qualification) and on the

limited/unavailable Assessor on the scheduled date, may we request the following

experts to serve as Competency Assessods on (date) at (time) thru

(agreed platform)

(Competency Assessor 1 Name)

(Competency Assessor 2 Name)

Kindly fill out the reply slip below. You re immediate response regarding this matter
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Very truly yours,

Regional Director


Dear RD

Please be informed on our response regarding your request. May you find everything
in order.

1.) Competency Assessor 1 Name CI Approved C Disapproved
2.) Competency Assessor 2 Name
Very truly yours, For Replacement

CI Approved E Disapproved

El For Replacement

Regional Director


Subject: Operating Procedure on the Conduct of Page 50 of 56 pages
Trainers Methodology Level II (TM II)
Virtual Competency Assessment Number 051 , Series of 2021

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
07 June 2021 07 June 2021

Rev. No 00-05/18/2021

Checklist of Documents in Trainers Methodology Level II Portfolio

Unit of Competency Document's
COC 1 - Conduct Training Analysis
• Sample TNA Instrument used
COC 2 - Develop Training Curriculum • TNA Report prepared by the TM II

COC 3 - Develop Learning Materials candidate
• Relevant Training Certificate's
• Third Party Certification signed by

the School Administrator

• Sample curriculum
• Proceedings of Course Validation
• Third Party Certification signed by

the Training Manager
• Relevant Training Certificate's

• Sample print-based learning

• Relevant Training Certificate's
• Third Party Certification signed by

the School Administrator

COC 4 - Develop e-learning materials • Sample of digitally formatted
learning materials
COC 5 - Develop Assessment Tools
• Third Party Certification signed by
COC 6 - Design and Develop the School Administrator
Maintenance System
• Relevant Training Certificate's

• Sample assessment tools
• Third Party Certification signed by

the School Administrator
• Relevant Training Certificate/s
• Sample maintenance system

design program which includes
a Schedule
b. Equipment
c. Budget
d. Maintenance Record
e. Report
• Relevant Training Certificate's

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