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Published by, 2022-11-19 03:41:14



LO3.DISPOSE and practices Competency-Based Workshop
WASTE for face to face instruction for
2.1 Various types and the skills components
uses of chemicals and
equipment for cleaning and  Online written
sanitizing examination
2.2 Occupational health
and safety requirements for  Online oral questioning
bending, lifting, carrying and and interview
using equipments
2.3 Logical and time-  Online direct observation
efficient work flow and presentation
2.4 Environmental-friendly
products and practices in  Power point presentation
relation to kitchen cleaning about the topic
2.5 Sanitation and cross- DISPOSING WASTE
contamination issues related
to food handling and  Video viewing on the
preparation topic about DISPOSING
3.1Sanitizing and disinfecting
procedures and techniques Face to face learning for
3.2 Using and storing underpinning knowledge and
cleaning materials and skills
3.3 Waste management For online learning
and disposal procedures and  eLearning Lecture
practices using

Technical support system
 Group chat
 Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Module Title: Preparing stocks, sauces and soups

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Learning Learning Resources
LO1.PREPARE Contents
GLAZES AND 2.1 Common problems on  Online written
ESSENCES stocks, sauces and soups and examination
REQUIRED FOR how to identify and rectify
MENU ITEMS them  Online oral questioning
2.2 Common cooking terms and interview
on stocks, soups and sauces
which are used in the industry  Online direct observation
2.3 Appropriate substitute and presentation
ingredients and food
components  Power point presentation
2.4 Use of various stocks, about the topic
bases, flavoring and PREPARING STOCKS,
seasoning agents for a variety GLAZES AND
of soups and sauces ESSENCES REQUIRED
2.5 Hygienic and sanitary FOR MENU ITEMS
principles and practices
2.6 Logical and time  Video viewing on the
efficient work flow topic about PREPARING
3.1 Principles and ESSENCES REQUIRED
techniques of producing FOR MENU ITEMS
stocks, soups and sauces
according to industry Face to face learning for
standards underpinning knowledge and
3.2 Organizational skills skills
and teamwork
3.3 Safe work practices For online learning
3.4 Waste minimization  eLearning Lecture
techniques and environment- using
friendly practices on handling, Zoom/Facebook/Messen
preparation and disposal of ger
soups, stocks and sauces
3.5 Preparation of Technical support system
stocks, sauces and  Group chat
soups within typical  Emergency support
workplace conditions hotline
including working within
time constraints For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos

 Digital contents from LMS

LO2.PREPARE 2.1 Common problems on Competency-Based Workshop
SOUPS stocks, sauces and soups and for face to face instruction for
REQUIRED FOR how to identify and rectify the skills components
2.2 Common cooking terms  Online written
on stocks, soups and sauces examination
which are used in the industry
2.3 Appropriate substitute  Online oral questioning
ingredients and food and interview
2.4 Use of various stocks,  Online direct observation
bases, flavoring and and presentation
seasoning agents for a variety
of soups and sauces  Power point presentation
2.5 Hygienic and sanitary about the topic
principles and practices PREPARINg SOUPS
2.6 Logical and time REQUIRED FOR MENU
efficient work flow ITEMS

 Video viewing on the
topic about PREPARING

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

3.1 Principles and For online learning
techniques of producing  eLearning Lecture
stocks, soups and sauces using
according to industry Zoom/Facebook/Messen
standards ger
3.2 Organizational skills
and teamwork Technical support system
3.3 Safe work practices  Group chat
3.4 Waste minimization  Emergency support
techniques and environment- hotline
friendly practices on handling,
preparation and disposal of For offline learning
soups, stocks and sauces Digitized learning materials ;
3.5 Preparation of stocks,
sauces and soups within  Printed CBLM
typical workplace conditions  Training manuals
including working within time  Text books
constraints  Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO3.PREPARED 2.1 Common problems on  Online written
SAUCES stocks, sauces and soups and examination
REQUIRED FOR how to identify and rectify
MENU ITEM them  Online oral questioning
2.2 Common cooking terms and interview
on stocks, soups and sauces
which are used in the industry  Online direct observation
2.3 Appropriate substitute and presentation
ingredients and food
components  Power point presentation
2.4 Use of various stocks, about the topic
bases, flavoring and PREPARING SAUCES
seasoning agents for a variety REQUIRED FOR MENU
of soups and sauces ITEM
2.5 Hygienic and sanitary
principles and practices  Video viewing on the
2.6 Logical and time topic about PREPARING
efficient work flow SAUCES REQUIRED

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

3.1 Principles and For online learning
techniques of producing  eLearning Lecture
stocks, soups and sauces using
according to industry Zoom/Facebook/Messen
standards ger
3.2 Organizational skills
and teamwork Technical support system
3.3 Safe work practices  Group chat
3.4 Waste minimization  Emergency support
techniques and environment- hotline
friendly practices on handling,
preparation and disposal of For offline learning
soups, stocks and sauces Digitized learning materials ;
3.5 Preparation of stocks,
sauces and soups within  Printed CBLM
typical workplace conditions  Training manuals
including working within time  Text books
constraints  Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO4: Store and 2.1 Common problems on  Online written
reconstitute stocks, sauces and soups and examination
stocks, sauces how to identify and rectify
and soups. them  Online oral questioning
2.2 Common cooking terms and interview
on stocks, soups and sauces
which are used in the industry  Online direct observation
2.3 Appropriate substitute and presentation
ingredients and food
components  Power point prese
2.4 Use of various stocks, Storing and
bases, flavoring and reconstituting stocks,
seasoning agents for a variety sauces and soups
of soups and sauces ntation about the topic
2.5 Hygienic and sanitary
principles and practices  Video viewing on the
2.6 Logical and time topic about Storing and
efficient work flow reconstituting stocks,
sauces and soups

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

3.1 Principles and For online learning
techniques of producing  eLearning Lecture
stocks, soups and sauces using
according to industry Zoom/Facebook/Messen
standards ger
3.2 Organizational skills
and teamwork Technical support system
3.3 Safe work practices  Group chat
3.4 Waste minimization  Emergency support
techniques and environment- hotline
friendly practices on handling,
preparation and disposal of For offline learning
soups, stocks and sauces Digitized learning materials ;
3.5 Preparation of stocks,
sauces and soups within  Printed CBLM
typical workplace conditions  Training manuals
including working within time  Text books
constraints  Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components


Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Learning Learning Resources
LO1.PERFORM Contents
2.1 Historical  Online written
development and current examination
trends in the preparation
and presentation of  Online oral questioning
appetizers and interview
2.2 Common cooking
terms on appetizers which  Online direct observation
are used in the industry and presentation
2.3 Safe work practices
on using kitchen  Power point presentation
equipments and tools about the topic
2.4 Principles and PERFORMING MISE
practices of hygiene and ‘EN PLACE
sanitary practices
2.5 Logical and time  Video viewing on the
efficient work flow topic about
2.6 Cheese variety, PERFORMING MISE
storing and handling ‘EN PLACE

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

3.1 Attractive For online learning
presentation techniques for  eLearning Lecture
appetizers using
3.2 Waste utilization Zoom/Facebook/Messen
minimization techniques ger
and environmental
considerations in specific Technical support system
relation to appetizers  Group chat
3.3 Preparation  Emergency support
of dishes for hotline
customers within
typical workplace For offline learning
time constraints Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop

LO2.PREPARE 2.1 Historical for face to face instruction for
RANGE OF development and current the skills components
APPETIZES trends in the preparation
and presentation of  Online written
appetizers examination
2.2 Common cooking
terms on appetizers which  Online oral questioning
are used in the industry and interview
2.3 Safe work practices
on using kitchen  Online direct observation
equipments and tools and presentation
2.4 Principles and
practices of hygiene and  Power point presentation
sanitary practices about the topic
2.5 Logical and time PREPARING RANGE OF
efficient work flow APPETIZES
2.6 Cheese variety,
storing and handling  Video viewing on the
topic about PREPARING
presentation techniques for
appetizers Face to face learning for
3.2 Waste utilization underpinning knowledge and
minimization techniques skills
and environmental
considerations in specific For online learning
relation to appetizers  eLearning Lecture
3.3 Preparation using
of dishes for Zoom/Facebook/Messen
customers within ger
typical workplace
time constraints Technical support system
 Group chat
 Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO3. Present a 2.1 Historical  Online written
range of appetizers development and current examination
trends in the preparation
and presentation of  Online oral questioning
appetizers and interview
2.2 Common cooking
terms on appetizers which  Online direct observation
are used in the industry and presentation
2.3 Safe work practices
on using kitchen  Power point presentation
equipments and tools about the topic
2.4 Principles and Presenting a range of
practices of hygiene and appetizers
sanitary practices
2.5 Logical and time  Video viewing on the
efficient work flow topic about Presenting a
2.6 Cheese variety, range of appetizers
storing and handling
Face to face learning for
3.1 Attractive underpinning knowledge and
presentation techniques for skills
3.2 Waste utilization For online learning
minimization techniques  eLearning Lecture
and environmental using
considerations in specific Zoom/Facebook/Messen
relation to appetizers ger
3.3 Preparation of
dishes for customers within Technical support system
typical workplace time  Group chat
constraints  Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO4.STORE 2.1 Historical Competency-Based Workshop
APPETIZERS development and current for face to face instruction for
trends in the preparation the skills components
and presentation of
appetizers  Online written
2.2 Common cooking examination
terms on appetizers which
 Online oral questioning
and interview

 Online direct observation
and presentation

are used in the industry  Power point presentation
2.3 Safe work practices about the topic STORING
on using kitchen APPETIZERS
equipments and tools
2.4 Principles and  Video viewing on the
practices of hygiene and topic about STORING
sanitary practices APPETIZERS
2.5 Logical and time
efficient work flow Face to face learning for
2.6 Cheese variety, underpinning knowledge and
storing and handling skills

3.1 Attractive For online learning
presentation techniques for  eLearning Lecture
appetizers using
3.2 Waste utilization Zoom/Facebook/Messen
minimization techniques ger
and environmental
considerations in specific Technical support system
relation to appetizers  Group chat
3.3 Preparation  Emergency support
of dishes for hotline
customers within
typical workplace For offline learning
time constraints Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal
is allowed.
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Outcomes
PLACE Contents Learning Resources

2.1 Suitable  Online written

breads, fillings, and examination

ingredients  Online oral questioning
2.2 Appropriate and interview

food combinations for  Online direct observation
sandwiches and presentation
2.3 Common
cooking terms related  Power point presentation
to sandwiches that about the topic
are used in the PERFORMING MISE EN
industry PLACE
2.4 Principles and
practices of sanitary,  Video viewing on the
including dress topic about
2.5 Basic food PLACE
information on special
dietary needs and Face to face learning for
customer underpinning knowledge and
2.6 Past and skills
current trends in
sandwich preparation For online learning
2.7 Hygienic food  eLearning Lecture
handling practices using
2.8 Safe work Zoom/Facebook/Messen
practices on cutting ger
2.9 Logical and
time-efficient work Technical support system
flow  Group chat
2.10 Portion control  Emergency support
for sandwiches hotline

3.1 Creative For offline learning
sandwich Digitized learning materials ;
techniques  Printed CBLM
3.2 Suitable  Training manuals
storage techniques to  Text books
maintain optimum  Study guides
quality of ingredients  Powerpoint presentation
3.3 Organizational
skills and teamwork (slides)
3.4 Waste  Interactive videos
minimization  Digital contents from LMS
3.5 Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
Prepara the skills components
tion of multiple
types of
under time

LO2.Preparevariety 2.1 Suitable  Online written

of salads breads, fillings, and examination
and ingredients  Online oral questioning
dressings 2.2 Appropriate
food combinations for and interview
sandwiches  Online direct observation
2.3 Common
cooking terms related and presentation
to sandwiches that  Power point presentation
are used in the
industry about the topic Preparing
2.4 Principles and variety of salads and
practices of sanitary, dressings
including dress  Video viewing on the
standards topic about Preparing
2.5 Basic food variety of salads and
information on special dressings
dietary needs and Face to face learning for
customer underpinning knowledge and
2.6 Past and skills
current trends in
sandwich preparation For online learning
2.7 Hygienic food  eLearning Lecture
handling practices using
2.8 Safe work Zoom/Facebook/Messen
practices on cutting ger
2.9 Logical and
time-efficient work Technical support system
flow  Group chat
2.10 Portion control  Emergency support
for sandwiches hotline

3.1 Creative For offline learning
sandwich Digitized learning materials ;
techniques  Printed CBLM
3.2 Suitable  Training manuals
storage techniques to  Text books
maintain optimum  Study guides
quality of ingredients  Powerpoint presentation
3.3 Organizational
skills and teamwork (slides)
3.4 Waste  Interactive videos
minimization  Digital contents from LMS
3.5 Preparation of Competency-Based Workshop
multiple types of for face to face instruction for
sandwiches under the skills components
time constraints

LO3. Present a variety 2.1 Suitable  Online written
of salads and dressings breads, fillings, and examination
2.2 Appropriate  Online oral questioning
food combinations for and interview
2.3 Common  Online direct observation
cooking terms related and presentation
to sandwiches that
are used in the  Power point presentation
industry about the topic
2.4 Principles and Presenting a variety of
practices of sanitary, salads and dressings
including dress
standards  Video viewing on the
2.5 Basic food topic about Presenting a
information on special variety of salads and
dietary needs and dressings
2.6 Past and Face to face learning for
current trends in underpinning knowledge and
sandwich preparation skills
2.7 Hygienic food
handling practices For online learning
2.8 Safe work  eLearning Lecture
practices on cutting using
2.9 Logical and Zoom/Facebook/Messen
time-efficient work ger
2.10 Portion control Technical support system
for sandwiches  Group chat
 Emergency support

3.1 Creative For offline learning
sandwich Digitized learning materials ;
techniques  Printed CBLM
3.2 Suitable  Training manuals
storage techniques to  Text books
maintain optimum  Study guides
quality of ingredients  Powerpoint presentation
3.3 Organizational
skills and teamwork (slides)
3.4 Waste  Interactive videos
minimization  Digital contents from LMS
3.5 Preparation of Competency-Based Workshop
multiple types of for face to face instruction for
sandwiches under the skills components
time constraints

LO4. STORE SALADS 2.1 Suitable  Online written
AND DRESSINGS breads, fillings, and examination
2.2 Appropriate  Online oral questioning
food combinations for and interview
2.3 Common  Online direct observation
cooking terms related and presentation
to sandwiches that
are used in the  Power point presentation
industry about the topic STORING
2.4 Principles and SALADS AND
practices of sanitary, DRESSINGS
including dress
standards  Video viewing on the
2.5 Basic food topic about STORING
information on special SALADS AND
dietary needs and DRESSINGS
2.6 Past and Face to face learning for
current trends in underpinning knowledge and
sandwich preparation skills
2.7 Hygienic food
handling practices For online learning
2.8 Safe work  eLearning Lecture
practices on cutting using
2.9 Logical and Zoom/Facebook/Messen
time-efficient work ger
2.10 Portion control Technical support system
for sandwiches  Group chat
 Emergency support
3.1 Creative hotline
presentation For offline learning
techniques Digitized learning materials ;
3.2 Suitable
storage techniques to  Printed CBLM
maintain optimum  Training manuals
quality of ingredients  Text books
3.3 Organizational  Study guides
skills and teamwork  Powerpoint presentation
3.4 Waste
minimization (slides)
techniques  Interactive videos
3.5 Preparation of  Digital contents from LMS
multiple types of
sandwiches under Competency-Based Workshop
time constraints for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Unit of Competency: PREPARE SANDWICHES,
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Outcomes
MISE EN PLACE Contents Learning Resources

2.1Suitable breads,  Online written

fillings, and ingredients examination

2.2 Appropriate food  Online oral questioning

combinations for and interview

sandwiches  Online direct observation
2.3 Common cooking and presentation
terms related to
sandwiches that are used  Power point presentation
in the industry about the
2.4 Principles and topic.PERFORMING
practices of sanitary, MISE EN PLACE
including dress standards
2.5 Basic food  Video viewing on the
information on special topic about
dietary needs and .PERFORMING MISE EN
customer PLACE
2.6 Past and current
trends in sandwich Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and


2.7 Hygienic food For online learning
handling practices  eLearning Lecture
2.8 Safe work using
practices on cutting Zoom/Facebook/Messen
2.9 Logical and time- ger
efficient work flow
2.10 Portion control for Technical support system
sandwiches  Group chat
 Emergency support

3.1 Creative sandwich hotline

presentation techniques For offline learning
3.2 Suitable storage Digitized learning materials ;
techniques to maintain
optimum quality of  Printed CBLM
ingredients  Training manuals
3.3 Organizational  Text books
skills and teamwork  Study guides
3.4 Waste  Powerpoint presentation
minimization techniques
3.5 Preparation (slides)
 Interactive videos

of multiple types of  Digital contents from LMS

sandwiches under

LO2.PREPARE A time constraints Competency-Based Workshop
VARIETY OF for face to face instruction for
SANDWICHES 2.1Suitable breads, the skills components
fillings, and ingredients
2.2 Appropriate food  Online written
combinations for examination
2.3 Common cooking  Online oral questioning
terms related to and interview
sandwiches that are used
in the industry  Online direct observation
2.4 Principles and and presentation
practices of sanitary,
including dress standards  Power point presentation
2.5 Basic food about the topic
information on special PREPARING A VARIETY
dietary needs and OF SANDWICHES
2.6 Past and current  Video viewing on the
trends in sandwich topic about PREPARING
preparation A VARIETY OF
2.7 Hygienic food SANDWICHES
handling practices
2.8 Safe work Face to face learning for
practices on cutting underpinning knowledge and
2.9 Logical and time- skills
efficient work flow
2.10 Portion control for For online learning
sandwiches  eLearning Lecture
3.1 Creative sandwich Zoom/Facebook/Messen
presentation techniques ger
3.2 Suitable storage
techniques to maintain Technical support system
optimum quality of  Group chat
ingredients  Emergency support
3.3 Organizational hotline
skills and teamwork
3.4 Waste For offline learning
minimization techniques Digitized learning materials ;
3.5 Preparation
of multiple types of  Printed CBLM
sandwiches under  Training manuals
time constraints  Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO3.PRESENT A 2.1Suitable breads,  Online written
VARIETY OF fillings, and ingredients examination
SANDWICHES 2.2 Appropriate food
combinations for  Online oral questioning
sandwiches and interview
2.3 Common cooking
terms related to  Online direct observation
sandwiches that are used and presentation
in the industry
2.4 Principles and  Power point presentation
practices of sanitary, about the topic
including dress standards
2.5 Basic food  Video vi PRESENTING A
information on special VARIETY OF
dietary needs and SANDWICHES ewing on
customer the topic about
2.6 Past and current PRESENTING A
trends in sandwich VARIETY OF
preparation SANDWICHES
2.7 Hygienic food
handling practices Face to face learning for
2.8 Safe work underpinning knowledge and
practices on cutting skills
2.9 Logical and time-
efficient work flow For online learning
2.10 Portion control for  eLearning Lecture
sandwiches using
3.1 Creative sandwich ger
presentation techniques
3.2 Suitable storage Technical support system
techniques to maintain  Group chat
optimum quality of  Emergency support
ingredients hotline
3.3 Organizational
skills and teamwork For offline learning
3.4 Waste Digitized learning materials ;
minimization techniques
3.5 Preparation of  Printed CBLM
multiple types of  Training manuals
sandwiches under time  Text books
constraints  Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO 4. STORE 2.1Suitable breads,  Online written
SANDWICHES fillings, and ingredients examination
2.2 Appropriate food
combinations for  Online oral questioning
sandwiches and interview
2.3 Common cooking
terms related to  Online direct observation
sandwiches that are used and presentation
in the industry
2.4 Principles and  Power point presentation
practices of sanitary, about the topic STORING
including dress standards SANDWICHES
2.5 Basic food
information on special  Video viewing on the
dietary needs and topic about STORING
2.6 Past and current
trends in sandwich Face to face learning for
preparation underpinning knowledge and
2.7 Hygienic food skills
handling practices
2.8 Safe work For online learning
practices on cutting  eLearning Lecture
2.9 Logical and time- using
efficient work flow Zoom/Facebook/Messen
2.10 Portion control for ger
Technical support system
3.1 Creative sandwich  Group chat
presentation techniques  Emergency support
3.2 Suitable storage hotline
techniques to maintain
optimum quality of For offline learning
ingredients Digitized learning materials ;
3.3 Organizational
skills and teamwork  Printed CBLM
3.4 Waste  Training manuals
minimization techniques  Text books
3.5 Preparation  Study guides
of multiple types of  Powerpoint presentation
sandwiches under
time constraints (slides)
 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Unit of Competency: PREPARE MEAT DISHES
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is

( ) Full online ( ) Blended online ( ) Distance

Learning Outcomes Learning
EN PLACE Contents Learning Resources

2.1 Different  Online written

classifications of meats examination

2.2 Historical  Online oral questioning

development and current and interview

trends in the preparation  Online direct observation
and presentation of meat and presentation
2.3 Classification of
culinary methods  Power point presentation
2.4 Characteristics of about the topic
meats including type, cut, PERFORMING MISE EN
quality and fat content PLACE
2.5 Characteristics of
different meat cuts  Video viewing on the
including primary, topic about
secondary and portioned PERFORMING MISE EN
cuts PLACE
2.6 Appropriate trade
names and cooking terms Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

in accordance with

standard meat cuts For online learning
2.7 Principles and  eLearning Lecture
practices of storing, using
freezing and aging of Zoom/Facebook/Messen
meats ger
2.8 Nutrition content
and food values of meat Technical support system
2.9 Cooking terms  Group chat
related to handling and  Emergency support
storage of meat hotline

commonly used in the For offline learning
enterprise and industry Digitized learning materials ;
2.10 Uses and
characteristics of various  Printed CBLM
knives and equipment  Training manuals
2.11 Safe work  Text books
practices on using kitchen  Study guides
equipments and tools  Powerpoint presentation
2.12 Logical and time

efficient work flow  Interactive videos

 Digital contents from LMS

3.1 Appropriate

preparation and culinary Competency-Based Workshop

methods for various cuts for face to face instruction for

and types of meat the skills components

3.2 Cutting techniques

of ingredients

LO2. COOK MEAT 3.3 Knife care and  Online written
CUTS FOR SERVICE maintenance examination
3.4 Organizational
skills and teamwork  Online oral questioning
3.5 Principles and and interview
practices of hygienic
handling and storage of  Online direct observation
meat and presentation
3.6 Waste
minimization techniques  Power point presentation
and environment-friendly about the topic COOKING
disposal MEAT CUTS FOR
2.1 Different SERVICE
classifications of meats
2.2 Historical  Video viewing on the
development and current topic about COOKING
trends in the preparation MEAT CUTS FOR
and presentation of meat SERVICE
2.3 Classification of
culinary methods Face to face learning for
2.4 Characteristics of underpinning knowledge and
meats including type, cut, skills
quality and fat content
2.5 Characteristics of For online learning
different meat cuts  eLearning Lecture
including primary, using
secondary and portioned Zoom/Facebook/Messen
cuts ger
2.6 Appropriate trade
names and cooking terms Technical support system
in accordance with  Group chat
standard meat cuts  Emergency support
2.7 Principles and hotline
practices of storing,
freezing and aging of For offline learning
meats Digitized learning materials ;
2.8 Nutrition content
and food values of meat  Printed CBLM
2.9 Cooking terms  Training manuals
related to handling and  Text books
storage of meat  Study guides
commonly used in the
enterprise and industry
2.10 Uses and
characteristics of various
knives and equipment
2.11 Safe work
practices on using kitchen
equipments and tools
2.12 Logical and time

LO3.PRESENT efficient work flow  Powerpoint presentation
MEAT (slides)
CUTS 3.1 Appropriate
FOR preparation and  Interactive videos
SERVIC culinary methods  Digital contents from LMS
E for various cuts Competency-Based Workshop
and types of meat for face to face instruction for
3.2 Cutting the skills components
techniques of
ingredients  Online written
3.3 Knife care examination
and maintenance
3.4  Online oral questioning
and interview
nal skills and  Online direct observation
teamwork and presentation
3.5 Principles
and practices of  Power point presentation
hygienic handling about the topic
and storage of PRESENTING MEAT
3.6 Waste
minimization  Video viewing on the
techniques and topic about
environment- PRESENTING MEAT
friendly disposal CUTS FOR SERVICE
2.1 Different
classifications of meats Face to face learning for
2.2 Historical underpinning knowledge and
development and current skills
trends in the preparation
and presentation of meat For online learning
2.3 Classification of  eLearning Lecture
culinary methods using
2.4 Characteristics of
meats including type, cut,
quality and fat content
2.5 Characteristics of
different meat cuts
including primary,
secondary and portioned
2.6 Appropriate trade
names and cooking terms
in accordance with
standard meat cuts
2.7 Principles and
practices of storing,
freezing and aging of

2.8 Nutrition content Zoom/Facebook/Messen
and food values of meat ger
2.9 Cooking terms Technical support system
related to handling and  Group chat
storage of meat  Emergency support
commonly used in the hotline
enterprise and industry
2.10 Uses and For offline learning
characteristics of various Digitized learning materials ;
knives and equipment
2.11 Safe work  Printed CBLM
practices on using kitchen  Training manuals
equipments and tools  Text books
2.12 Logical and time  Study guides
efficient work flow  Powerpoint presentation
3.1 Appropriate
preparation and culinary (slides)
methods for various cuts  Interactive videos
and types of meat  Digital contents from LMS
3.2 Cutting techniques
of ingredients Competency-Based Workshop
3.3 Knife care and for face to face instruction for
maintenance the skills components
3.4 Organizational
skills and teamwork
3.5 Principles and
practices of hygienic
handling and storage of
3.6 Waste
minimization techniques
and environment-friendly

LO4. STORE 2.1 Different  Online written
MEAT classifications of meats examination
2.2 Historical
development and current  Online oral questioning
trends in the preparation and interview
and presentation of meat
2.3 Classification of  Online direct observation
culinary methods and presentation
2.4 Characteristics of
meats including type, cut,  Power point presentation
quality and fat content about the topic STORING
2.5 Characteristics of MEAT
different meat cuts
including primary,  Video viewing on the
secondary and portioned topic about STORING
cuts MEAT

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

2.6 Appropriate trade For online learning
names and cooking terms  eLearning Lecture
in accordance with using
standard meat cuts Zoom/Facebook/Messen
2.7 Principles and ger
practices of storing,
freezing and aging of Technical support system
meats  Group chat
2.8 Nutrition content  Emergency support
and food values of meat hotline
2.9 Cooking terms
related to handling and For offline learning
storage of meat Digitized learning materials ;
commonly used in the
enterprise and industry  Printed CBLM
2.10 Uses and  Training manuals
characteristics of various  Text books
knives and equipment  Study guides
2.11 Safe work  Powerpoint presentation
practices on using kitchen
equipments and tools (slides)
2.12 Logical and time  Interactive videos
efficient work flow  Digital contents from LMS

3.1 Appropriate Competency-Based Workshop
preparation and for face to face instruction for
culinary methods the skills components
for various cuts
and types of meat
3.2 Cutting
techniques of
3.3 Knife care
and maintenance

nal skills and
3.5 Principles
and practices of
hygienic handling
and storage of
3.6 Waste
techniques and
friendly disposal


Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Learning Learning Resources
MISE EN 2.1Varieties and  Online written
characteristics of examination
2.2 Past and current  Online oral questioning
trends in culinary uses and and interview
dishes of vegetables
2.3 Nutrition related to  Online direct observation
vegetables, in particular the and presentation
food values of commodities
and the effects of cooking Power point presentation about
on the nutritional value of the topic PERFORMING MISE
food EN
2.4 Common cooking
terms related to vegetables Video viewing on the topic
dishes that are used in the about PERFORMING MISE EN
2.5 Safe work practices Face to face learning for
on using tools and underpinning knowledge and
equipment skills
2.6 Principles and
practices of sanitary related For online learning
to use of raw ingredients  eLearning Lecture
2.7 Logical and time using
efficient work flow Zoom/Facebook/Messen
3.1 Cutting and
presentation techniques of Technical support system
vegetables  Group chat
3.2 Organizational skills  Emergency support
and teamwork hotline
3.3 Waste
minimization For offline learning
techniques and Digitized learning materials ;
considerations in  Printed CBLM
specific relation to  Training manuals
vegetables  Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO2.PREPARE 2.1Varieties and Competency-Based Workshop
VEGETABLE characteristics of for face to face instruction for
DISHES vegetables the skills components
2.2 Past and current
trends in culinary uses and  Online written
dishes of vegetables examination
2.3 Nutrition related to
vegetables, in particular the  Online oral questioning
food values of commodities and interview
and the effects of cooking
on the nutritional value of  Online direct observation
food and presentation
2.4 Common cooking
terms related to vegetables  Power point presentation
dishes that are used in the about the topic
2.5 Safe work practices PREPARING VEGETABLE
on using tools and DISHES
2.6 Principles and  Video viewing on the
practices of sanitary related topic about
to use of raw ingredients PREPARING
2.7 Logical and time VEGETABLE DISHES
efficient work flow
Face to face learning for
3.1 Cutting and underpinning knowledge and
presentation techniques of skills
3.2 Organizational skills For online learning
and teamwork  eLearning Lecture
3.3 Waste using
minimization Zoom/Facebook/Messen
techniques and ger
considerations in Technical support system
specific relation to  Group chat
vegetables  Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO3. 2.1Varieties and  Online written
PRESENT characteristics of examination
VEGETABLE vegetables
DISHES 2.2 Past and current  Online oral questioning
trends in culinary uses and and interview
dishes of vegetables
2.3 Nutrition related to  Online direct observation
vegetables, in particular the and presentation
food values of commodities
and the effects of cooking  Power point
on the nutritional value of presentation about
food the topic
2.4 Common cooking PRESENTING
terms related to vegetables VEGETABLE
dishes that are used in the DISHES
2.5 Safe work practices  Video viewing on
on using tools and the topic about
equipment PRESENTING
2.6 Principles and VEGETABLE
practices of sanitary related DISHES
to use of raw ingredients
2.7 Logical and time Face to face learning for
efficient work flow underpinning knowledge and
3.1 Cutting and
presentation techniques of For online learning
vegetables  eLearning Lecture
3.2 Organizational skills using
and teamwork Zoom/Facebook/Messen
3.3 Waste ger
techniques and Technical support system
environmental  Group chat
considerations in  Emergency support
specific relation to hotline
For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO4. STORE l2.1Varieties and  Online written
VEGETABLE characteristics of examination
DISHES vegetables
2.2 Past and current  Online oral questioning
trends in culinary uses and and interview
dishes of vegetables
2.3 Nutrition related to  Online direct observation
vegetables, in particular the and presentation
food values of commodities
and the effects of cooking  Power point
on the nutritional value of presentation about
food the topicSTORING
2.4 Common cooking VEGETABLE
terms related to vegetables DISHES
dishes that are used in the
industry  Video viewing on the
2.5 Safe work practices topic about STORING
on using tools and VEGETABLE DISHES
2.6 Principles and Face to face learning for
practices of sanitary related underpinning knowledge and
to use of raw ingredients skills
2.7 Logical and time
efficient work flow For online learning
 eLearning Lecture
3.1 Cutting and using
presentation techniques of Zoom/Facebook/Messen
vegetables ger
3.2 Organizational skills
and teamwork Technical support system
3.3 Waste  Group chat
minimization  Emergency support
techniques and hotline
considerations in For offline learning
specific relation to Digitized learning materials ;
 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components


Module Title:

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Learning Learning Resources
MISE EN 2.1 Varieties and  Online written
PLACE characteristics of eggs examination
2.2 Historical development
and current trends in the  Online oral questioning
preparation and presentation and interview
of egg
2.3 Past and current trends  Online direct observation
in culinary uses and dishes of and presentation
2.4 Nutrition related to eggs  Power point presentation
in particular the food values of about the topic
commodities and the effects of PREPARING MISE EN
cooking on the nutritional PLACE
value of food
2.5 Common cooking terms  Video viewing on the
related to egg dishes and topic about PREPARING
culinary uses that are used in MISE EN PLACE
the industry
2.6 Safe work practices on Face to face learning for
using tools and equipment underpinning knowledge and
2.7 Principles and practices skills
of sanitary related to use of
raw ingredients For online learning
2.8 Logical and time  eLearning Lecture
efficient work flow using
3.1 Presentation techniques ger
of eggs
3.2 Organizational skills Technical support system
and teamwork  Group chat
3.3 Waste  Emergency support
minimization techniques hotline
and environmental
considerations in For offline learning
specific relation to eggs Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO2.PREPARE 2.1 Varieties and Competency-Based Workshop
AND COOK characteristics of eggs for face to face instruction for
EGG DISHES 2.2 Historical development the skills components
and current trends in the
preparation and presentation  Online written
of egg examination
2.3 Past and current trends
in culinary uses and dishes of  Online oral questioning
eggs and interview
2.4 Nutrition related to eggs
in particular the food values of  Online direct observation
commodities and the effects of and presentation
cooking on the nutritional
value of food  Power point presentation
2.5 Common cooking terms about the topic
related to egg dishes and PREPARING AND
culinary uses that are used in COOKING EGG DISHES
the industry
2.6 Safe work practices on  Video viewing on the
using tools and equipment topic about PREPARING
2.7 Principles and practices AND COOKING EGG
of sanitary related to use of DISHES
raw ingredients
2.8 Logical and time Face to face learning for
efficient work flow underpinning knowledge and
3.1 Presentation techniques
of eggs For online learning
3.2 Organizational skills  eLearning Lecture
and teamwork using
3.3 Waste Zoom/Facebook/Messen
minimization techniques ger
and environmental
considerations in Technical support system
specific relation to eggs  Group chat
 Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

LO3.PRESENT 2.1 Varieties and  Online written
EGG DISHES characteristics of eggs examination
2.2 Historical development
and current trends in the  Online oral questioning
preparation and presentation and interview
of egg
2.3 Past and current trends  Online direct observation
in culinary uses and dishes of and presentation
2.4 Nutrition related to eggs  Power point presentation
in particular the food values of about the topic
commodities and the effects of PRESENTING EGG
cooking on the nutritional DISHES
value of food
2.5 Common cooking terms  Video viewing on the
related to egg dishes and topic about
culinary uses that are used in PRESENTING EGG
the industry DISHES
2.6 Safe work practices on
using tools and equipment Face to face learning for
2.7 Principles and practices underpinning knowledge and
of sanitary related to use of skills
raw ingredients
2.8 Logical and time For online learning
efficient work flow  eLearning Lecture
3.1 Presentation techniques Zoom/Facebook/Messen
of eggs ger
3.2 Organizational skills
and teamwork Technical support system
3.3 Waste  Group chat
minimization techniques  Emergency support
and environmental hotline
considerations in
specific relation to eggs For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO4. STORE 2.1 Varieties and Competency-Based Workshop
EGG DISHES characteristics of eggs for face to face instruction for
2.2 Historical development the skills components
and current trends in the
preparation and presentation  Online written
of egg examination

 Online oral questioning
and interview

 Online direct observation
and presentation

2.3 Past and current trends  Power point presentation
in culinary uses and dishes of about the topic STORING
2.4 Nutrition related to eggs
in particular the food values of  Video viewing on the
commodities and the effects of topic about STORING
cooking on the nutritional EGG DISHES
value of food
2.5 Common cooking terms Face to face learning for
related to egg dishes and underpinning knowledge and
culinary uses that are used in skills
the industry
2.6 Safe work practices on For online learning
using tools and equipment  eLearning Lecture
2.7 Principles and practices using
of sanitary related to use of Zoom/Facebook/Messen
raw ingredients ger
2.8 Logical and time
efficient work flow Technical support system
 Group chat
3.1 Presentation techniques  Emergency support
of eggs hotline
3.2 Organizational skills
and teamwork For offline learning
3.3 Waste Digitized learning materials ;
minimization techniques
and environmental  Printed CBLM
considerations in  Training manuals
specific relation to eggs  Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Learning Learning Resources

2.1 Historical development  Online written

LO1.PERFORM and current trends in the examination
MISE EN preparation and presentation  Online oral questioning
PLACE of starch dishes
2.2 Varieties and and interview
characteristics of starch foods  Online direct observation
2.3 Past and current trends
in culinary uses and dishes and presentation
starch foods  Power point presentation
2.4 Nutrition related to
starch dishes in particular the about the topic
food values of commodities PERFORMING MISE EN
and the effects of cooking on PLACE
the nutritional value of food  Video viewing on the
2.5 Common cooking terms topic about
related to starch dishes that PERFORMING MISE EN
are used in the industry PLACE
2.6 Safe work practices on Face to face learning for
using tools and equipment underpinning knowledge and
2.7 Principles and practices skills
of sanitary related to use of
raw ingredients For online learning
2.8 Logical and time  eLearning Lecture
efficient work flow using
3.1 Presentation techniques ger
of starch dishes
3.2 Organizational skills Technical support system
and teamwork  Group chat
3.3 Waste  Emergency support
minimization techniques hotline
and environmental
considerations in For offline learning
specific relation to Digitized learning materials ;
starch dishes
 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO2.PREPARE 2.1 Historical development Competency-Based Workshop
STARCH and current trends in the for face to face instruction for
DISHES preparation and presentation the skills components
of starch dishes
2.2 Varieties and  Online written
characteristics of starch foods examination
2.3 Past and current trends
 Online oral questioning
and interview

 Online direct observation
and presentation

 Power point presentation

in culinary uses and dishes about the topic
2.4 Nutrition related to DISHES
starch dishes in particular the  Video viewing on the
food values of commodities topic about PREPARING
and the effects of cooking on STARCH DISHES
the nutritional value of food Face to face learning for
2.5 Common cooking terms underpinning knowledge and
related to starch dishes that skills
are used in the industry
2.6 Safe work practices on For online learning
using tools and equipment  eLearning Lecture
2.7 Principles and practices using
of sanitary related to use of Zoom/Facebook/Messen
raw ingredients ger
2.8 Logical and time
efficient work flow Technical support system
 Group chat
3.1 Presentation techniques  Emergency support
of starch dishes hotline
3.2 Organizational skills
and teamwork For offline learning
3.3 Waste minimization Digitized learning materials ;
techniques and environmental
considerations in specific  Printed CBLM
relation to starch dishes  Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO3. PRESENT 2.1 Historical development Competency-Based Workshop
STARCH and current trends in the for face to face instruction for
DISHES preparation and presentation the skills components
of starch dishes
2.2 Varieties and  Online written
characteristics of starch foods examination
2.3 Past and current trends
in culinary uses and dishes  Online oral questioning
starch foods and interview
2.4 Nutrition related to
starch dishes in particular the  Online direct observation
food values of commodities and presentation
and the effects of cooking on
the nutritional value of food  Power point presentation
about the topic

 Video viewing on the
topic about

2.5 Common cooking terms Face to face learning for
related to starch dishes that underpinning knowledge and
are used in the industry skills
2.6 Safe work practices on
using tools and equipment For online learning
2.7 Principles and practices  eLearning Lecture
of sanitary related to use of using
raw ingredients Zoom/Facebook/Messen
2.8 Logical and time ger
efficient work flow
Technical support system
3.1 Presentation techniques  Group chat
of starch dishes  Emergency support
3.2 Organizational skills hotline
and teamwork
3.3 Waste For offline learning
minimization techniques Digitized learning materials ;
and environmental
considerations in  Printed CBLM
specific relation to  Training manuals
starch dishes  Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO4. STORE 2.1 Historical development Competency-Based Workshop
STARCH and current trends in the for face to face instruction for
DISHES preparation and presentation the skills components
of starch dishes
2.2 Varieties and  Online written
characteristics of starch foods examination
2.3 Past and current trends
in culinary uses and dishes  Online oral questioning
starch foods and interview
2.4 Nutrition related to
starch dishes in particular the  Online direct observation
food values of commodities and presentation
and the effects of cooking on
the nutritional value of food  Power point presentation
2.5 Common cooking terms about the topic STORING
related to starch dishes that STARCH DISHES
are used in the industry
2.6 Safe work practices on  Video viewing on the
using tools and equipment topic about STORING
2.7 Principles and practices STARCH DISHES

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

For online learning

of sanitary related to use of  eLearning Lecture
raw ingredients using
2.8 Logical and time Zoom/Facebook/Messen
efficient work flow ger

3.1 Presentation techniques Technical support system
of starch dishes  Group chat
3.2 Organizational skills  Emergency support
and teamwork hotline
3.3 Waste
minimization techniques For offline learning
and environmental Digitized learning materials ;
considerations in
specific relation to  Printed CBLM
starch dishes  Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Outcomes
MISE EN PLACE Contents Learning Resources

3.1Organizational skills  Online written

and teamwork examination

3.2 Principles and  Online oral questioning

practices of sanitary and interview

specifically cross-  Online direct observation
contamination and presentation
3.3 Techniques
on minimizing  Power point presentation
wastes and about the topic
friendly practices PLACE
on handling and
preparation of  Video viewing on the
poultry and game topic about

Face to face learning for

LO2. COOK 3.1Organizational skills underpinning knowledge and
POULTRY AND GAME and teamwork skills
DISHES 3.2 Principles and
practices of sanitary For online learning
specifically cross-  eLearning Lecture
contamination using
3.3 Techniques on Zoom/Facebook/Messen
minimizing wastes and ger
practices on handling Technical support system
and preparation of  Group chat
poultry and game  Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

 Online written

 Online oral questioning
and interview

 Online direct observation
and presentation

 Power point presentation
about the topic COOKING

 Video viewing on the
topic about COOKING

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and
For online learning

 eLearning Lecture

LO3.PLATE/PRESENT 3.1Organizational skills ger
POULTRY AND GAME and teamwork Technical support system
DISHES 3.2 Principles and
practices of sanitary  Group chat
specifically cross-  Emergency support
3.3 Techniques on hotline
minimizing wastes and
environment-friendly For offline learning
practices on handling Digitized learning materials ;
and preparation of
poultry and game  Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

 Online written

 Online oral questioning
and interview

 Online direct observation
and presentation

 Power point presentation
about the topic

 Video viewing on the
topic about

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

For online learning
 eLearning Lecture

Technical support system
 Group chat
 Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

LO4. STORE 3.1Organizational skills Competency-Based Workshop
POULTRY AND GAME and teamwork for face to face instruction for
3.2 Principles and the skills components
practices of sanitary
specifically cross-  Online written
contamination examination
 Online oral questioning
Techniq and interview
ues on minimizing
wastes and environment-  Online direct observation
friendly practices on and presentation
handling and preparation
of poultry and game  Power point presentation
about the topic STORING

 Video viewing on the
topic about STORING

Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

For online learning
 eLearning Lecture

Technical support system
 Group chat
 Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online
( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Outcomes
LO1. PERFORM Learning
Contents Learning Resources

2.1Historical  Online written

development and examination

current trends in the  Online oral questioning
preparation and and interview

presentation of seafood  Online direct observation
2.2 Classification and and presentation
varieties of fish and
shellfish  Power point presentation
2.3 Criteria for about the topic
judging the quality of PERFORMING MISE EN
fresh seafood PLACE
2.4 Storage
requirements for  Video viewing on the
seafood topic about
2.5 Nutrition related PERFORMING MISE EN
to seafood, particularly PLACE
the nutritional value of
seafood Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

2.6 Specific dietary

issues including For online learning
allergies and  eLearning Lecture
intolerances using
2.7 Common cooking Zoom/Facebook/Messen
terms related to seafood ger
that are used in the
industry Technical support system
2.8 Principles and  Group chat
practices of sanitary  Emergency support
specifically on handling hotline

and storage of seafood For offline learning
2.9 Safe work Digitized learning materials ;
practices, particularly on
using sharp knives  Printed CBLM

LO2. HANDLE FISH 3.1 Appropriate  Training manuals
AND SEAFOOD cookery methods for fish  Text books
and shellfish  Study guides
3.2 Cutting and  Powerpoint presentation
presentation techniques,
particularly on fish and (slides)
crustaceans  Interactive videos
3.3 Costing, yield  Digital contents from LMS
testing and portion
control for seafood Competency-Based Workshop
3.4Waste minimization for face to face instruction for
techniques and the skills components
considerations in relation  Online written
to seafood examination
development and  Online oral questioning
current trends in the and interview
preparation and
presentation of seafood  Online direct observation
2.2 Classification and and presentation
varieties of fish and
shellfish  Power point presentation
2.3 Criteria for about the topic
judging the quality of HANDLING FISH AND
fresh seafood SEAFOOD
2.4 Storage
requirements for  Video viewing on the
seafood topic about HANDLING
2.5 Nutrition related FISH AND SEAFOOD
to seafood, particularly
the nutritional value of Face to face learning for
seafood underpinning knowledge and
2.6 Specific dietary skills
issues including
allergies and For online learning
intolerances  eLearning Lecture
2.7 Common cooking using
terms related to seafood Zoom/Facebook/Messen
that are used in the ger
2.8 Principles and Technical support system
practices of sanitary  Group chat
specifically on handling  Emergency support
and storage of seafood hotline
2.9 Safe work
practices, particularly on For offline learning
using sharp knives Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals

LO3. COOK FISH 3.1 Appropriate  Text books
AND SHELLFISH cookery methods for fish  Study guides
and shellfish  Powerpoint presentation
3.2 Cutting and
presentation techniques, (slides)
particularly on fish and  Interactive videos
crustaceans  Digital contents from LMS
3.3 Costing, yield
testing and portion Competency-Based Workshop
control for seafood for face to face instruction for
3.4Waste minimization the skills components
techniques and
environmental  Online written
considerations in relation examination
to seafood
2.1Historical  Online oral questioning
development and and interview
current trends in the
preparation and  Online direct observation
presentation of seafood and presentation
2.2 Classification and
varieties of fish and  Power point presentation
shellfish about the topic COOKING
2.3 Criteria for FISH AND SHELLFISH
judging the quality of
fresh seafood  Video viewing on the
2.4 Storage topic about COOKING
requirements for FISH AND SHELLFISH
2.5 Nutrition related Face to face learning for
to seafood, particularly underpinning knowledge and
the nutritional value of skills
2.6 Specific dietary For online learning
issues including  eLearning Lecture
allergies and using
intolerances Zoom/Facebook/Messen
2.7 Common cooking ger
terms related to seafood
that are used in the Technical support system
industry  Group chat
2.8 Principles and  Emergency support
practices of sanitary hotline
specifically on handling
and storage of seafood For offline learning
2.9 Safe work Digitized learning materials ;
practices, particularly on
using sharp knives  Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
3.1 Appropriate  Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

LO4.PLATE/PRESENT cookery methods for fish (slides)
FISH AND SEAFOOD and shellfish  Interactive videos
3.2 Cutting and  Digital contents from LMS
presentation techniques,
particularly on fish and Competency-Based Workshop
crustaceans for face to face instruction for
3.3 Costing, yield the skills components
testing and portion
control for seafood  Online written
3.4Waste minimization examination
techniques and
environmental  Online oral questioning
considerations in relation and interview
to seafood
2.1Historical  Online direct observation
development and and presentation
current trends in the
preparation and  Power point presentat ion
presentation of seafood PLATING/PRESENTING
2.2 Classification and FISH AND SEAFOOD
varieties of fish and
shellfish  Video viewing on the
2.3 Criteria for topic about
judging the quality of PLATING/PRESENTING
fresh seafood FISH AND SEAFOOD
2.4 Storage
requirements for Face to face learning for
seafood underpinning knowledge and
2.5 Nutrition related skills
to seafood, particularly
the nutritional value of For online learning
seafood  eLearning Lecture
2.6 Specific dietary using
issues including Zoom/Facebook/Messen
allergies and ger
2.7 Common cooking Technical support system
terms related to seafood  Group chat
that are used in the  Emergency support
industry hotline
2.8 Principles and
practices of sanitary For offline learning
specifically on handling Digitized learning materials ;
and storage of seafood
2.9 Safe work  Printed CBLM
practices, particularly on  Training manuals
using sharp knives  Text books
 Study guides
3.1 Appropriate
cookery methods for fish

LO5. STORE FISH and shellfish  Powerpoint presentation
AND SEAFOOD 3.2 Cutting and (slides)
presentation techniques,
particularly on fish and  Interactive videos
crustaceans  Digital contents from LMS
3.3 Costing, yield
testing and portion Competency-Based Workshop
control for seafood for face to face instruction for
3.4Waste the skills components
techniques and  Online written
environmental examination
considerations in
relation to  Online oral questioning
seafood and interview
development and  Online direct observation
current trends in the and presentation
preparation and
presentation of seafood  Power point presentation
2.2 Classification and about the topic STORING
varieties of fish and FISH AND SEAFOOD
2.3 Criteria for  Video viewing on the
judging the quality of topic about STORING
fresh seafood FISH AND SEAFOOD
2.4 Storage
requirements for Face to face learning for
seafood underpinning knowledge and
2.5 Nutrition related skills
to seafood, particularly
the nutritional value of For online learning
seafood  eLearning Lecture
2.6 Specific dietary using
issues including Zoom/Facebook/Messen
allergies and ger
2.7 Common cooking Technical support system
terms related to seafood  Group chat
that are used in the  Emergency support
industry hotline
2.8 Principles and
practices of sanitary For offline learning
specifically on handling Digitized learning materials ;
and storage of seafood
2.9 Safe work  Printed CBLM
practices, particularly on  Training manuals
using sharp knives  Text books
 Study guides
3.1 Appropriate

cookery methods for fish  Powerpoint presentation
and shellfish
 Interactive videos
3.2 Cutting and  Digital contents from LMS

presentation techniques, Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
particularly on fish and the skills components


3.3 Costing, yield

testing and portion

control for seafood
3.4Waste minimization
techniques and
considerations in relation
to seafood

Unit of Competency: PREPARE DESSERTS

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is
( ) Full online allowed.

Learning Outcomes ( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
EN PLACE Learning

Contents Learning Resources

2.1 Historical  Online written

development and examination

current trends in the  Online oral questioning
preparation and and interview
presentation of desserts
2.2 Details and  Online direct observation
characteristics of and presentation
different types of
desserts and sweets  Power point presentation
2.3 Varieties of about the topic
suitable ingredients for PERFORMING MISE EN
desserts and sweets PLACE
2.4 Common cooking
terms related to  Video viewing on the
desserts and sweets topic about
that are used in the PERFORMING MISE EN
industry PLACE
2.5 Past and current
Face to face learning for
underpinning knowledge and

trends in desserts and


2.6 Nutrition related For online learning
to desserts and sweets  eLearning Lecture
including food values of

common desserts, low using
fat or low calorie Zoom/Facebook/Messen
alternatives and ger
substituted ingredients Technical support system
2.7 Principles and  Group chat
practices of sanitary on  Emergency support
handling and storage of hotline
dairy products
2.8 Logical and time For offline learning
efficient work flow Digitized learning materials ;
2.9 Safe work
practices particularly on  Printed CBLM
handling hot and frozen  Training manuals
products and equipment  Text books
 Study guides
3.1 Organizational  Powerpoint presentation
skills and teamwork
3.2 Storage of (slides)
sweets and desserts,  Interactive videos
their ingredients,  Digital contents from LMS
particularly dairy
products Competency-Based Workshop
3.3 Costing, yield for face to face instruction for
testing, portion control of the skills components
3.4 Waste  Online written
minimization techniques examination
and environmental
considerations related to  Online oral questioning
desserts and interview
2.1 Historical
development and  Online direct observation
current trends in the and presentation
preparation and
presentation of desserts  Power point presentation
2.2 Details and about the topic
characteristics of PREPARING DESSERTS
different types of AND SWEET SAUCES
desserts and sweets
2.3 Varieties of  Video viewing on the
suitable ingredients for topic about PREPARING
desserts and sweets DESSERTS AND SWEET
2.4 Common cooking SAUCES
terms related to
desserts and sweets Face to face learning for
that are used in the underpinning knowledge and
industry skills
2.5 Past and current
LO2. PREPARE trends in desserts and

LO3.PLATE/PRESENT 2.6 Nutrition related For online learning
DESSERTS to desserts and sweets  eLearning Lecture
including food values of using
common desserts, low Zoom/Facebook/Messen
fat or low calorie ger
alternatives and
substituted ingredients Technical support system
2.7 Principles and  Group chat
practices of sanitary on  Emergency support
handling and storage of hotline
dairy products
2.8 Logical and time For offline learning
efficient work flow Digitized learning materials ;
2.9 Safe work
practices particularly on  Printed CBLM
handling hot and frozen  Training manuals
products and equipment  Text books
 Study guides
3.1 Organizational  Powerpoint presentation
skills and teamwork
3.2 Storage of (slides)
sweets and desserts,  Interactive videos
their ingredients,  Digital contents from LMS
particularly dairy
products Competency-Based Workshop
3.3 Costing, yield for face to face instruction for
testing, portion control of the skills components
3.4 Waste  Online written
minimization techniques examination
and environmental
considerations related  Online oral questioning
to desserts and interview
2.1 Historical
development and  Online direct observation
current trends in the and presentation
preparation and
presentation of desserts  Power point presentation
2.2 Details and about the topic
characteristics of PLATING/PRESENTING
different types of DESSERTS
desserts and sweets
2.3 Varieties of  Video viewing on the
suitable ingredients for topic about
desserts and sweets PLATING/PRESENTING
2.4 Common cooking DESSERTS
terms related to
desserts and sweets Face to face learning for
that are used in the underpinning knowledge and
industry skills

LO4. STORE 2.5 Past and current For online learning
DESSERTS trends in desserts and  eLearning Lecture
sweets using
2.6 Nutrition related Zoom/Facebook/Messen
to desserts and sweets ger
including food values of
common desserts, low Technical support system
fat or low calorie  Group chat
alternatives and  Emergency support
substituted ingredients hotline
2.7 Principles and
practices of sanitary on For offline learning
handling and storage of Digitized learning materials ;
dairy products
2.8 Logical and time  Printed CBLM
efficient work flow  Training manuals
2.9 Safe work  Text books
practices particularly on  Study guides
handling hot and frozen  Powerpoint presentation
products and equipment
3.1 Organizational  Interactive videos
skills and teamwork  Digital contents from LMS
3.2 Storage of
sweets and desserts, Competency-Based Workshop
their ingredients, for face to face instruction for
particularly dairy the skills components
3.3 Costing, yield  Online written
testing, portion control of examination
3.4 Waste  Online oral questioning
minimization techniques and interview
and environmental
considerations related to  Online direct observation
desserts and presentation
2.1 Historical
development and  Power point presentation
current trends in the about the topic STORING
preparation and DESSERTS
presentation of desserts
2.2 Details and  Video viewing on the
characteristics of topic about STORING
different types of DESSERTS
desserts and sweets
2.3 Varieties of Face to face learning for
suitable ingredients for underpinning knowledge and
desserts and sweets
2.4 Common cooking
terms related to

desserts and sweets skills
that are used in the
industry For online learning
2.5 Past and current  eLearning Lecture
trends in desserts and using
sweets Zoom/Facebook/Messen
2.6 Nutrition related ger
to desserts and sweets
including food values of Technical support system
common desserts, low  Group chat
fat or low calorie  Emergency support
alternatives and hotline
substituted ingredients
2.7 Principles and For offline learning
practices of sanitary on Digitized learning materials ;
handling and storage of
dairy products  Printed CBLM
2.8 Logical and time  Training manuals
efficient work flow  Text books
2.9 Safe work  Study guides
practices particularly on  Powerpoint presentation
handling hot and frozen
products and equipment (slides)
 Interactive videos
3.1 Organizational  Digital contents from LMS
skills and teamwork
3.2 Storage of Competency-Based Workshop
sweets and desserts, for face to face instruction for
their ingredients, the skills components
particularly dairy
3.3 Costing, yield
testing, portion control of
3.4 Waste
minimization techniques
and environmental
considerations related to

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full online ( ) Blended online ( ) Distance
Learning Learning Resources

Outcomes .1 Safe work practices on  Online written
packaging, dealing with hot examination
LO1. SELECT surfaces, lifting and bending.
PACKAGING 2.2 The characteristics and  Online oral questioning
MATERIALS uses of different packaging and interview
2.3 Portion control practices  Online direct observation
and principles and presentation
2.4 Functional design
requirements for food  Power point presentation
packaging areas about the topic
2.5 Hygienic practices and SELECTING
food safety regulations, PACKAGING
particularly on storage and MATERIALS
transporting of food, including:
2.5.1 HACCP Principles  Video viewing on the
applied to off-site catering topic about SELECTING
2.5.2 Local health regulations PACKAGING
pertaining on food production MATERIALS
and packaging
2.5.3 Current Philippine Face to face learning for
regulations underpinning knowledge and
Storing and transporting of food
3.2 Packaging technique For online learning
 eLearning Lecture

Technical support system
 Group chat
 Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

.1 Safe work practices on Competency-Based Workshop
packaging, dealing with hot for face to face instruction for
surfaces, lifting and bending. the skills components
2.2 The characteristics and
 Online written

 Online oral questioning

LO2.PACKAGE uses of different packaging and interview
FOOD materials  Online direct observation
2.3 Portion control practices
and principles and presentation
2.4 Functional design  Power point presentation
requirements for food
packaging areas about the topic
2.5 Hygienic practices and PACKAGING FOOD
food safety regulations,  Video viewing on the
particularly on storage and topic about PACKAGING
transporting of food, including: FOOD
2.5.1 HACCP Principles Face to face learning for
applied to off-site catering underpinning knowledge and
2.5.2 Local health regulations skills
pertaining on food production
and packaging For online learning
2.5.3 Current Philippine  eLearning Lecture
regulations using
Storing and transporting of food ger
3.2 Packaging technique
Technical support system
 Group chat
 Emergency support

For offline learning
Digitized learning materials ;

 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation

 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop
for face to face instruction for
the skills components

Online eLearning Infrastructure Requirement Application
learning LMS; 
eCBLM  Google drive

interactive learning resources 
Synchronous communication  Zoom
between trainer and learners  Facebook live
 Facebook messenger
Asynchronous communication  Google meet
between trainer and learners
 Facebook page
Technical support system  Online forum
 Video streaming comment


 Group chat
 Emergency support hotline


Digitized learning materials ;
 Printed CBLM
 Training manuals
 Text books
 Study guides
 Powerpoint presentation (slides)
 Interactive videos
 Digital contents from LMS

Competency-Based Workshop for Training center/ workshop area
face to face instruction for the
skills components

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