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released from Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center
Field and Renewable Energy Crops Research Institute
Department of Agriculture

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released from Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center
Field and Renewable Energy Crops Research Institute
Department of Agriculture

Keywords: Sugarcace,Sugarcane varieties,U-Thong



Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center is located on highway
No.324 (U-Thong - Kanchanaburi). The center has a mandate to conduct
research and development on sugarcane and sorghum production.

Until now, there are 17 sugarcane varieties released from the
center as followed.

Sugarcane Varieties Released Year

U-Thong 1 1986
U-Thong 2 1993
Suphanburi 50 (Juice cane) 1996
U-Thong 3 1998
U-Thong 4 2000
U-Thong 5 2001
U-Thong 6 2004
Suphanburi 72 (Chewing cane) 2004
Suphanburi 80 2007
U-Thong 8 2008
U-Thong 9 2009
U-Thong 84-10 2010
U-Thong 84-11 2010
U-Thong 12 2013
U-Thong 13 2013
U-Thong 14 2015
U-Thong 15 2015


Cane production 47 – 103 MT/year
Average cane yield 64 – 78 T/ha
Domestic sugar 2 – 3 MT/year
Export sugar 4 – 8 MT/year

Sugarcane area



Cane area and Cane Production in Thailand during 2005 – 2016

(Million ha) (Million tons)

1.80 120

100 103.66 105.96

1.60 95.35 97.97 94.05 100

1.40 1.47 80

73.31 1.26 1.28 1.29 1.34 1.24
63.79 66.46 68.49
1.20 60
1.09 46.68
1.00 1.01 1.01 40

0.94 0.96

0.80 20

0.60 0
04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16

Cane Production (Million tons) Cane Area (Million ha)

Cane Production during 2005 – 2016 (Million tons)

Region 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16
North 11.73 12.06 17.06 18.45 18.70 19.17 23.29 24.97 24.60 14.40 26.63 26.00
Central 15.36 16.85 21.22 22.38 21.78 21.98 29.27 31.85 30.50 39.89 26.75 21.01
N/E 18.17 15.28 22.21 27.84 22.75 23.80 38.04 37.05 40.22 44.90 47.37 42.07
East 2.55 2.49 3.30 4.64 3.23 3.54 4.75 4.10 4.68 4.47 5.21 4.97
Total 48.81 46.68 63.79 73.31 66.46 68.49 95.35 97.97 100 103.66 105.96 94.05

Year 2014/15 Year 2015/16

- Cane production 105.96 M tons - Cane production 94.05 M tons
- CCS 12.23 - CCS 11.95
- Sugar production 106.65 kg./ton cane - Sugar production 103.98 kg./ton cane
- Burnt cane 65.17 % - Burnt cane 64.80 %


(mm.) 342.7




200 189.0


100 91.6 85.0 86.0


50 15.4 2.0 22.9 38.2 39.5
0 0.9

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Average 10 years 2015



1200 1103.7 1127.3

1075.4 1025.6

1000 964.4 964.4 981.2

897.6 874.7

800 777.3




2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015



Hybridization 100-300 crosses/year

1st Selection 2,000-5,000 seedlings/year

2nd Selection 100-300 clones

Preliminary Yield Trial 20-30 clones

Standard Yield Trial 8-10 clones

Farm Trial 4-5 clones

It takes 10-15 years to release 1 variety


U-Thong 1 (4-2-046E)

Open cross F172

Yield 100-120 ton/ha
CCS 11-12
Harvesting age 11-13 months
Flowering Moderate
Ratooning Good
Advantage High yield, Big stalk, Drought tolerance,
Tolerant to smut disease
Disadvantage Susceptible to green grassy shoot disease


U-Thong 2 (81-1-026)

Open cross IAC 52-326

Yield 112-129 ton/ha

CCS 12-14

Harvesting age 9-11 months

Flowering High

Ratooning Good

Drought tolerance Moderate

Advantage Early sugar accumulation

Disadvantage Flowering, Lodging


Suphanburi 50 (90-1)

Open cross SP 074

Yield 100-120 ton/ha
Juice yield 30,000 litre/ha
CCS 12-13
Harvesting age 8-12 months
Advantage Good tillering and ratooning, Good juice color,
Tolerant to red rot wilt disease
Disadvantage Susceptible to herbicide


U-Thong 3 (89-2-366)

U-Thong1 x U-Thong 2

Yield 94-106 ton/ha
CCS 13-14
Harvesting age 11-12 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Tolerant to stem borer
Disadvantage Susceptible to red rot wilt disease


U-Thong 4 (85-2-072)

H48-3166 x Eros

Yield 95-101 ton/ha
CCS 11-13
Harvesting age 11-12 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Moderately resistant to smut and red rot wilt
Disadvantage Lodging


U-Thong 5 (90-2-318)

Open cross 87-2-1033 (U-Thong 1 x E-haew)

Yield 100-120 ton/ha
CCS 13-15
Harvesting age 11-12 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage High yield and sugar, Drought tolerance,
Moderately resistant to smut disease
Disadvantage Susceptible to red rot wilt and stem borer
Small stalks and flowering


Suphanburi 72 (A2-1)

Open cross Mauritius variety

Yield 80-100 ton/ha
Chewing cane yield 39 ton/ha
CCS 12-13
Harvesting age 9-10 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Good chewing quality
Disadvantage Small stalks
Susceptible to red rot wilt disease


U-Thong 6 (91-2-056)

87-2-973 x 83-2-888

Yield 90-110 ton/ha
CCS 12-13
Harvesting age 11-13 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Fast growth
Disadvantage Susceptible to red rot wilt disease


Suphanburi 80 (94-2-483)

85-2-352 x K84-200

Yield 104-119 ton/ha
CCS 11-12
Harvesting age 12-13 months
Flowering Few
Advantage High yield, Big stalk, Resistant to red rot wilt
and smut disease
Disadvantage Hard stalk, Late sugar accumulation

NB : Rewarded the excellent research output from Department of Agriculture in 2009 in 36th
Anniversary of Dep. Of Agri. Celebration.


U-Thong 8 (95-2-156)

K84-200 x U-Thong 3

Yield 100-120 ton/ha
CCS 11-13
Harvesting age 11-13 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage High yield, Big stalk
Disadvantage Susceptible to red rot wilt disease

NB : Rewarded the excellent research output from Department of Agriculture in


U-Thong 9 (99-2-168)

94-2-128 x 94-2-270

Yield 100-120 ton/ha
CCS 13-14
Harvesting age 11-13 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage High yield, Fast growth, Resistant to red rot
wilt disease
Disadvantage Strong adherence of leaf sheath


U-Thong 84-10 (02-2-194)

97-2-535 x 94-2-128

Yield 121-126 ton/ha
CCS 13-14
Harvesting age 11-13 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Fast growth, Good tillering ,Moderately resistant
to red rot wilt disease
Disadvantage Susceptible to stem borer


U-Thong 84-11 (02-2-226)

93-2-085 x 92-2-065

Yield 108-123 ton/ha
CCS 13-14
Harvesting age 11-13 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Fast growth, Resistant to red rot wilt disease,
Moderately resistant to smut disease


U-Thong 12 (02-2-477)

Suphanburi 80 x U-Thong 3

Yield 104-108 ton/ha
CCS 13-14
Harvesting age 11-13 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Moderately resistant to red rot wilt and smut
Soil appropriate Loam soil
Recommended areas Irrigated area


U-Thong 13 (03-2-287)

BC3 S. Spontaneum x U-Thong 8

Yield 83-96 ton/ha

CCS 13-14

Harvesting age 11-13 months

Ratooning Good

Advantage Fast growth

Disease resistance Moderately susceptible to smut disease

Susceptible to red rot wilt disease

Soil appropriate Sandy loam


U-Thong 14 (94-2-106)

84-2-646 x U-Thong 3

Yield 106-132 ton/ha
CCS 13-15
Harvesting age 11-12 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Fast growth in clayey soil (high pH), Moderately
resistant to red rot wilt disease
Disadvantage Lodging


U-Thong 15 (94-2-254)

U-Thong 2 - Self

Yield 77-111 ton/ha
CCS 13-15
Harvesting age 11-12 months
Ratooning Good
Advantage Fast growth in Sandy loams, Fast growth in
Rainfed area
Disadvantage Susceptible to red rot wilt disease


Each year, there are 3,000 – 4,000 samples to analyze CCS ( Brix, Pol,
Purity, Fiber). This is for research mainly from Department of Agriculture.

Cane Crusher

High pressure filter
Analyze Brix, Pol, Purity and CCS


Fiber analysis


Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center is invited to join the exhibition day
held by sugar mills in November before milling season. The elite clones are
presented and given to farmers. Each year, there are 10-12 sugar mills
invited the center for technology transfer. Booklets, leaflets, brochures on
sugarcane varieties, diseases & pests, soil & fertilizer management,
machinery equipment etc. are also distributed to farmers.






Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center

Mr. Rattapol Chooyod Director

Research staff Breeder
Mr. Udomsak Duanmeesuk Breeder
Miss Piyatida Insuk Agronomist
Mr. Artasit Boontham Agronomist
Miss Acharaporn Wongsuksri Agronomist
Mr. Chaiwat Kakandee Agronomist
Mr. Somboon Wandee Seed technologist
Miss Wanlipa Suchato Soil Scientist
Mrs. Wasana Wandee Entomologist
Mr. Suwat Phoonphan


Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center
U-Thong, Suphan Buri, 72160, Thailand
Tel. & Fax 66-35-551543, 551433, 66-35-564863
E-mail : [email protected]

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