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Look Forward to Artificial Intelligence is a book on the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) in a variety of industries. The study of the creation of intelligent computational entities is known as artificial intelligence (AI). The book is organised like a textbook, yet it is intended for a broad readership.
We wrote this book because we are thrilled about the rise of AI as a science in its own right. AI, like every developing science, has a cohesive, formal theory and a raucous experimental wing. The book can be used as an introduction text on artificial intelligence for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in computer science or allied subjects such as computer engineering, philosophy, cognitive science, or psychology.

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Published by 2021859814, 2022-01-22 08:57:00


Look Forward to Artificial Intelligence is a book on the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) in a variety of industries. The study of the creation of intelligent computational entities is known as artificial intelligence (AI). The book is organised like a textbook, yet it is intended for a broad readership.
We wrote this book because we are thrilled about the rise of AI as a science in its own right. AI, like every developing science, has a cohesive, formal theory and a raucous experimental wing. The book can be used as an introduction text on artificial intelligence for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in computer science or allied subjects such as computer engineering, philosophy, cognitive science, or psychology.

Using AI to Efficiently
Diagnose and Reduce Error

In 2015, misdiagnosing illness and medical error accounted for 10% of
all US deaths. In light of that, the promise of improving the diagnostic
process is one of AI's most exciting healthcare applications.

Incomplete medical histories and large case loads can lead to deadly
human errors. Immune to those variables, AI can predict and diagnose
disease at a faster rate than most medical professionals. In one study,
for example, an AI model using algorithms and deep learning
diagnosed breast cancer at a higher rate than 11 pathologists.

Here are five ways AI is reducing errors and saving lives.

PathAI is developing machine PathAI has worked with drug
developers like Bristol-Myers
learning technology to assist Squibb and organizations like the
pathologists in making more Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to
accurate diagnoses. The expand its AI technology into other
company's current goals include healthcare industries.
reducing error in cancer diagnosis
and developing methods for 48
individualized medical treatment.

Buoy Health is an AI-based Harvard Medical School is just
one of the many hospitals and
symptom and cure checker that healthcare providers that uses
uses algorithms to diagnose and Buoy’s AI to help diagnose and
treat illness. Here's how it works: treat patients more quickly.
a chatbot listens to a patient’s
symptoms and health concerns,
then guides that patient to the
correct care based on its

Enlitic develops deep learning patient medical history) to give
doctors better insight into a
medical tools to streamline patient’s real-time needs.
radiology diagnoses. The
company’s deep learning MIT named Enlitic the 5th
platform analyzes unstructured smartest artificial intelligence
medical data (radiology images, company in the world, ranking
blood tests, EKGs, genomics, above Facebook and Microsoft.


Freenome uses AI in screenings,
diagnostic tests and blood work to
test for cancer. By deploying AI at
general screenings, Freenome
aims to detect cancer in its earliest
stages and subsequently develop
new treatments.

Harvard University’s teaching bacterias (like E. coli and
staphylococcus) in blood samples
hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess at a faster rate than is possible
Medical Center, is using artificial using manual scanning. The
intelligence to diagnose scientists used 25,000 images of
potentially deadly blood diseases blood samples to teach the
at a very early stage. machines how to search for
bacteria. The machines then
Doctors are using AI-enhanced learned how to identify and
microscopes to scan for harmful predict harmful bacteria in blood
with 95% accuracy.


AI Robot-Assisted

Popularity in robot-assisted surgery is skyrocketing.

Hospitals are using robots to help with everything from
minimally-invasive procedures to open heart surgery.
According to the Mayo Clinic, robots help doctors perform
complex procedures with a precision, flexibility and control
that goes beyond human capabilities.

Robots equipped with cameras, mechanical arms and
surgical instruments augment the experience, skill and
knowledge of doctors to create a new kind of surgery.
Surgeons control the mechanical arms while seated at a
computer console while the robot gives the doctor a three
dimensional, magnified view of the surgical site that
surgeons could not get from relying on their eyes alone. The
surgeon then leads other team members who work closely
with the robot through the entire operation.

Robot-assisted surgeries have led to fewer surgery-related
complications, less pain and a quicker recovery time. Take
a look at seven examples of how robots are shaping the
future of surgery.


Vicarious Surgical combines

virtual reality with AI-enabled
robots so surgeons can perform
minimally invasive operations.
Using the company’s technology,
surgeons can virtually shrink and
explore the inside of a patient's
body in much more detail.

Vicarious Surgical’s technology
impressed former Microsoft chief
Bill Gates, who invested in the


Auris Health develops a The company is developing AI
robots to study lung cancer,
variety of robots designed to with the goal of curing it
improve endoscopies by someday.
employing the latest in micro-
instrumentation, endoscope 53
design, data science and AI.
Consequently, doctors get a
clearer view of a patient’s
illness from both a physical
and data perspective.

MicroSure’s robots help

surgeons overcome their
human physical limitations.

The company's motion
stabilizer system reportedly
improves performance and
precision during surgical
procedures. Currently, eight of
MicroSure's micro-surgical
operations are approved for
lymphatic system procedures.

The Accuray CyberKnife The Accuray CyberKnife robot
uses 6D motion-sensing
System uses robotic arms to technology to aggressively
precisely treat cancerous track and attack cancerous
tumors all over the body. tumors while saving healthy
Using the robot's real-time tissue.
tumor tracking capabilities,
doctors and surgeons are able
to treat only affected areas
rather than the whole body.

Surgeons use the Mazor

Robotics' 3D tools to visualize
their surgical plans, read
images with AI that recognizes
anatomical features and
perform a more stable and
precise spinal operation.


Intuitive’s da Vinci platforms The da Vinci platform is
constantly taking in
have pioneered the robotic information and providing
surgery industry. Being the analytics to surgeons to
first robotic surgery assistant improve future surgeries. So
approved by the FDA over 18 far, da Vinci has assisted in
years ago, the surgical over five million operations.
machines feature cameras,
robotic arms and surgical tools
to aide in minimally invasive

The robotics department at 55

Carnegie Mellon University
developed Heartlander, a
miniature mobile robot
designed to facilitate therapy
on the heart.

Under a physician’s control,
the tiny robot enters the chest
through a small incision,
navigates to certain locations
of the heart by itself, adheres
to the surface of the heart and
administers therapy.



ISBN 123-4-567890-0

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