NMSDC is the global leader in advancing business opportunities for certified Asian, Black, Hispanic & Native American business
enterprises. Our vision is to create economic equality and growth for minority businesses. We do American business
enterprises Our vision is to created economic equality and growth for minority businesses. We do this by connecting certified
minority businesses (MBEs) to our corporate members in an effort to increase procurement and enhance supplier diversity.
45 Chartered in 1972, NMSDC has established a network of corporate
members, now numbering 1,422, and 12,000 certified minority owned
Years of Support businesses. Our corporate members represent America's top companies -
publicly, privately and internationally owned - as well as universities,
hospitals and other institutions with supply chain needs.
2.25 million people are actively employed both directly and indirectly by 2.25
NMSDC's certified MBE firms. From its headquarters in New York, NMSDC Million jobs
coordinates its work nationally through 23 regional councils, each of
which certifies, develops, connects and advocates for the relationship
between MBEs and corporate members in its region.
Doing business with minority businesses is good business for America
To achieve our mission, we Certify Introduce and Advocate
work through the NMSDC facilitate a mutually
Network to support and Develop beneficial business Promote and
facilitate MBE integration relationship strengthen a universal
into corporate and public- Examine and between MBEs and understanding of the
sector supply chains; build investigate each corporate members. value of minority
MBE capacity and MBE, verifying its supplier development.
capabilities through our viability, its practices Connect
programs and other and its capacity for
educational offerings; and growth.
facilitate MBE-to-MBE
partnerships to meet the Assist and enable
needs of our corporate MBEs in expanding
members. their visions and their
capabilities to meet
the needs of corporate
Minority suppliers are critical to the economic sustainability of the communities in which they operate, as well as to the
economic growth of this country. Greater opportunities for the growing minority business sector means the creation of
more good jobs. These jobs generate wages and provide individuals with the opportunity to fully participate in the
economy whether that means buying goods and services, investing in a home, education, or investing in the stock market.
Everyone wins when everyone can participate.
Joset Wright-Lacy, President, NMSDC
"The Fierce Urgency of Now": Why working with minority supplier still matters, CSCMP's Supply Chain Quarterly, Q3, 2016
Check our website www.NMSDC.org for information on membership and certification opportunities.