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Annual Report with audited financials

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Published by D/FW MSDC, 2018-06-30 10:30:23

2016 D/FW MSDC Annual Report

Annual Report with audited financials

Annual Report

Meaningful Connections...
Impactful Growth

Reflections from the
D/FW MSDC Media Lounge

Supplier diversity is important to Raytheon because we are a global company and we
rmly believe we have to bring our whole selves to the table to be successful to market
around the globe. That means to bring in all the learning, all the experience and all the
different perspectives that can be brought to the table. We look for diversity inclusion
suppliers that can augment and supplement what Raytheon does.

John Lozano In particular, we need people who are building products, manufacturing products that can
be introduced into our product offerings that we provide to our customers. It includes
Chairman products/services that might be able to be introduced into future product offerings. I think
there’s value in using diverse suppliers. I think there is strength in it. And, more
D/FW MSDC Board of Directors importantly, we are a better company for doing it.
Director Supply Chain Management
Raytheon -------

Finding innovation in the operational side of our business is very important to American
Airlines because it is about how the traveler will travel in the future. Minority business
utilization plays a big part in supporting us -- as customers, as shareholders and as
spokespersons in the community. We want to help our economy in places where we are
doing business. Supplier diversity helps us grow our business. It supports our initiatives in
which our employees want to demonstrate our cultural, government and community

Supplier diversity programs excel when the whole company has taken it on as an

initiative from the top down, to the middle managers, and to the people who actually do

Robin Pulford the purchasing. We have been doing supplier diversity for over 20 years and is one of the

Managing Director - Corporate Purchasing top best practices new programs should use to build their programs.

American Airlines


Tiffany F. Dockery Gibson (The University of Texas - Austin has been recognized as one of the Top 10 contributors
each year at the Doing Business Texas Style Spot Bid Fair sponsored by State Senator
Director, HUB/SB Program Royce West.) The Spot Bid Fair benets UT because we are able to meet a large variety
University of Texas - Austin of vendors in a short amount of time. There are some great vendors in the Dallas/Fort
Worth area. We’re able to connect and teach them about what we do at the university. It’s
a great opportunity to connect with the minority businesses in the community. It’s
important to the state agencies because the HUB list grows every year and there are a lot
of new vendors added each year. We can connect with these vendors and learn about
their services to match with opportunities we have or can create.


Certication is a two-way street. I have had the pleasure of looking at certication both as
a Buying Entity and a MBE. As a Buying Entity, it benets the company because it is the
“go to” source for locating minority-owned businesses. The Council provides a very
valuable service. It’s efcient and credible in terms of sourcing suppliers.

As a MBE, I am included in the database. You have to make sure you keep up with your
prole so it has accurate information and codes. But, it offers an opportunity through the
Council for Buying Entities to locate you.

Clifton Miller (When asked by the Media Lounge to describe Cemetrics and what it does in ve words,
Mr. Miller replied... – Making Our Clients Smarter, Faster).
Managing Principal

Table of Contents

2 Council Quick Facts

A Quick Look at the Makeup of D/FW MSDC

3 A Message from the Chair

A View from the Top

4 About Us

Vision, Mission and the Four Pillar Platform for Delivery
of Program and Services to Stakeholders

5 A Message from the President

A View from the President

6 MBE Facts

A Look at the Portfolio of Certified D/FW MSDC MBEs

7 A Message from the MBE Input Committee (MBEIC) Chair

A Look from the MBEs’ Perspective

8 Financial Position

2016 Balance Sheet and Statement of Activities

10 Certification, Connections, Development and Advocacy

A Look at Events and Activities Facilitating Business
Opportunities and Capacity Building

11 Strategic Imperatives Update

A Status Update on the Strategic Direction of D/FW MSDC


Recognizing Best Practices and Real Results

13 Minority Business Development Agency

- Dallas/Fort Worth Business Center
A Look at the Impact of the MBDA Business Center

14 The Year in Review

Photo Ops from 2016 Events

16 Meaningful Connections...Impactful Growth

Benefits of Being a Buying Entity Member or Certified MBE

17 2016 Board of Directors

2 Quick Facts

$14.6 BILLION 750+
MBE Revenues Reported
Certified Minority-Owned

Businesses Enterprises (MBEs)


Buying Entity Members


North Texas Cities Impacted


Employees of Certified


The Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Council
has been named the top Council in the nation
affiliated with the National Minority Supplier
Development Council twice in the past six years
(2011 & 2015).In 2016, the Council ranked #3 and
has been in the Top 5 Councils since 2011. Focused
on growing minority business revenue and meeting
the sourcing needs of our Buying Entity Members,
each year we see progress in the economic
contributions to North Texas.


Message from the Chair 3

James Mining

BOARD OF DIRECTORS It is a privilege and ini a ves defined in 2014 to take us to the next
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE an honor to have
been the 2016 level. I am proud to say the Board and various
James Mining, Chairman of the
D/FW MSDC Chair Board of the working groups have moved the needle
Senior Director - Supply Chain Dallas/Fort Worth
ONCOR Minority Supplier forward in order to add value to our
Margo J. Posey Council. The cons tuents.
President Council's mission is to encourage and facilitate
D/FW MSDC procurement and business opportuni es 1. Increase Minority Business Enterprises
between Buying En ty members and cer fied
John Lozano minority-owned business enterprises and to Business Opportuni es
First Vice Chair grow minority business revenues. This Council
Director Supply Chain is about u lizing the ENTIRE talents of our 2. Build MBE Capacity through ered
Management community. It is about engaging MBEs in our
Raytheon Buying En es’ supply chain to help create programming, seminars and tools
innova ve solu ons, reduce costs of delivery,
Rob Simpson expand our customer base and develop the tax 3. Advance Diversity Programs focused on
Second Vice Chair base to improve our community.
Vice President - Worldwide The Council's mission is just as important minority business inclusion
Procurement & Logistics today as it was when the Council was created in
Texas Instruments 1973. The Board of Directors is commi ed to 4. Improve the Council's Infrastructure to meet
the development and implementa on of
Mark Artigues strong and effec ve supplier diversity the needs of today and expecta ons of the
Secretary programs. We understand that begins with a
Executive Director commitment from the top. future
Nokia Corporation Good programs like good inten ons, do not
happen overnight. As one of my mentors 5. Enrich Champions beginning with the Board
Greg Spoon conveyed to me, “This doesn't happen by itself.
Treasurer If it's going to happen, you have to make it of Directors
Vice President Procurement & happen.” We have a number of great
Materials Management corpora ons and public agencies involved in The Council
DFW International Airport the D/FW MSDC. Our role, as the Board of
Directors, is to help others understand the has built a strong “This [Supplier
Betty Manetta Council's value for their company and the financial and Diversity] doesn't
MBEIC Chair impact involvement can have upon our opera onal happen by itself. If it's
CEO communi es. founda on that going to happen, you
Argent Associates/Asociar The year 2016 was a solid year of progress has kept us have to make it happen.”
for the Council. We had consistent consistently
Keith Connolly performance, con nued to deliver services our
Chair Emeritus stakeholders needed and produced excellent ranked as one of
Vice President - Corporate opera onal results. We did this while driving
Supply Chain innova ve and sustainable performance the top- er
AT&T improvements. The Board of Directors
con nued to focus on the key strategic Councils in the Na onal Minority Supplier
Terri Quinton
NMSDC National MBEIC Development Council's na onwide network.
Chair Emeritus
CEO/President The D/FW MSDC 2016 Annual Report
Q2 Marketing Group
showcases our successes and demonstrates
Don McKneely
Chair & CEO the successful partnership of corpora ons,
public sector agencies, cer fied minority-

owned businesses and minority business

advocates in impac ng economic growth. We

will con nue to build upon our excellent

opera onal performance to deliver the

services our cons tuents need and expect now

and into the future. We are confident the

direc on we are headed will con nue to

impact the economic growth of minority-

owned businesses and assist corporate and

public sector agencies in further diversifying

their supply chain.


James Mining


4 About Us

The Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (D/FW MSDC) is a nonprofit
business organization that certifies, connects, develops and advocates on behalf of inclusion of
certified minority-owned businesses as a part of the business sourcing opportunities and supply
chains of corporate and public sector buying entity members.

To encourage and facilitate procurement
To be the premier organization in North and business opportunities between
Texas certifying, developing, connecting Buying Entity Partners (corporations and
and advocating for minority business public sector agencies) and certified
engagement resulting in economic growth Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs).
and development in our communities.

Certify D/FW MSDC is the premier organization in North Texas certifying minority-owned
Connect businesses. Our “Gold Standard” process certifies businesses at least 51%
Develop owned and controlled by Asian, African-American, Hispanic or Native American
Advocate owners. The Council uses Buying Entity volunteers committed to thorough and
confidential review of files and site visits to MBE locations. Monthly pre-
certification workshops assist prospective MBEs in the certification process.

The mission of the Council is to facilitate connections between Buying Entity
members and certified MBEs. This includes hosting the Hard Hat Construction
Expo, ACCESS Business Expo, Doing Business Texas Style Spot Bid Fair, 1-on-1
Powerful Pitch Matchmaker Sessions, Round Tables, Quarterly Buyers
Luncheon, Industry Group Forums, MBE-to-MBE Mixers and countless
educational sessions and collaborative events with other advocacy groups.

Our efforts are designed to equip and build capacity of MBEs, as well as to assist
Supplier Diversity Professionals build excellent programs. Various industry-
specific seminars, How-To-Do-Business sessions conducted by Buying Entity
members, Emerging Technology Series and CEO Academy offerings help identify
and address the challenges in today’s marketplace and supply chains.

The D/FW MSDC is a leader in advocating for the inclusion and engagement of
MBEs. Through collaboration with public officials, other advocacy organizations
Buying Entity Partners and MBEs, the Council delivers the message on how
minority-owned businesses positively impact our community. A better North Texas
helps build a stronger nation and global economy by creating jobs and economic
prosperity for all.

The Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council is
part of the National Supplier Development Council, a network of
national and international affiliate Councils that advance business
opportunities for certified minority-owned businesses and connects
them to corporate and public sector agency members.


Message from the President 5

Margo J. Posey

BOARD OF DIRECTORS The mission of the building capacity awards to MBEs totaling
Dallas/Fort Worth
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minority Supplier $42,000.
James Mining Development Council is to
ONCOR encourage and facilitate The Supplier Diversity Professionals
procurement and business
Margo J. Posey opportuni es between championed a Board Recep on to introduce
D/FW MSDC our Buying En ty Partners
(corpora ons and public current and poten al new members to the
John Lozano sector agencies) and cer fied Minority Business
Raytheon Enterprises (MBEs). In 2016, we con nued to Council and the importance of supplier diversity
focus on the four main pillars that drive our
Rob Simpson mission – cer fica on, connec ons, programs.
Texas Instruments development, and advocacy. We remained one
of the top five Councils (out of 23) in the The U.S. Department of Commerce Minority
Mark Artigues Na onal Minority Supplier Development
Nokia Corporation Council's network and had a solid year of Business Development Agency Business Center
Greg Spoon Despite the overall economic and poli cal - Dallas/Fort Worth, operated by the Council,
DFW International Airport environment in 2016, companies con nued to
support Council ac vi es including had an impac ul year. This center was
Betty Manetta development sessions, sourcing events and
Argent Associates/Asociar cer fica on. We realized a record $14.6 billion recognized as an Outstanding Center in 2016
in minority spend reported by our Buying En ty
Keith Connolly Partners. The Doing Business Texas Style Spot and has been so recognized every year since
AT&T Bid Fair, sponsored by State Senator Royce West
and the State HUB Coordinators, boasted $2.6 2012. It created/maintained 237 jobs, closed
Terri Quinton million in contracts awarded at the day and a
Q2 Marketing Group half long event. The Council's trademarked BUY $114,292,156 in
THOSE THAT BUY US ini a ve had 37 Buying
Don McKneely En es par cipate with a recorded $3.1 billion contract and We realized a record
MBN USA in spend with D/FW MSDC cer fied MBEs. The procurement $14.6 billion in
Council reported its spend with MBEs for the opportuni es and minority spend
BOARD MEMBERS first me – $239,318 (35%) with 41 cer fied provided minority reported by our
MBEs along with $104,279 in-kind contribu ons businesses access to Buying En ty
Garry Castro from Buying En ty members and MBEs. financing Partners.
LogistiCorp D/FW MSDC con nued to lead with purpose ($24,580,089).
Bonnie Clinton and intensity by preparing its cons tuents for a
Toyota Motor North America technology-driven environment. The Emerging The Council
Ronda England Markets and Trends series covered
JCPenney Smart/Resilient Ci es and Internet of Things maintained a strong financial founda on, as we
Lisa Hanlon (IoT). We hosted our first MBE Innova on
Teltech Communications Showcase highligh ng crea ve products for sought to consistently improve and deliver
Heather Herndon Wright business and consumers. We recognized 13
Energy Future Holdings Mega Awards (contracts over $25 million posi ve outcomes for our cons tuents. We
Eric Imrie annually) and provided scholarships and
Ericsson inten onally concentrated on developing
Cynthia Joseph-Keller
Dex Media, Inc. leaders in this space, crea ng value for our
Kent McNorton
Austin Commercial, Inc. stakeholders and expanding the capabili es of
Monica Menzel
Comerica Bank MBEs, staff and supplier diversity professionals.
Clifton Miller
Cemetrics Our success could not have occurred without
Royalyn B. Reid
Consumer and Market Insights the support of our Buying En ty members,
Silvana Rosero
Small Pond Video Productions cer fied MBEs, Supplier Diversity Professionals,
David Sanchez
PepsiCo volunteer Cer fica on Commi ee, Council
Cathy Schillinger
American Airlines staff, volunteers and subject ma er experts. We
Stanley Tee
TKC Enterprises thank you for allowing us to u lize your talents
Andrea Mercado-Pelt
Fujitsu Network Communications and resources to increase minority business

inclusion and expand the possibili es in

sourcing supply chains. We look forward to

improving outcomes for minority business

inclusion in North Texas in 2017.

Respec ully,

Margo J. Posey

6 MBE Facts

MBE by Ethnicity 15 - Average Years in

38% African-American Business
29% Asian-American
27% Hispanic 7 - Average Years Certified
6% Native American 54% - National

MBEs by Gender Coverage

11% - International


MBEs by
Revenue Class

41% 40%

27% 73%

14% 5%

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
$1m-$10m $10m-$50m >$50m

MBEs by Industry Food &
Construction Telecom Other
173 MBEs 30 15
Products Marketing Health Services Energy MBEs
Professional 68 45 MBEs Care 23 15
233 MBEs IT MBEs MBEs 23 MBEs MBEs
128 MBEs

Message from the 7

Minority Business Enterprise
Input Committee Chair

Betty Manetta

MBEIC The Minority Business Enterprise Input Committee (MBEIC) of the
Leadership Dallas/Fort Minority Supplier Development Council is the voice for all
Team MBEs associated with the Council. Our purpose is to provide input to the
Board of Directors and Council Staff about suggested programs, concerns
Betty Manetta and needs of MBEs in order to grow and sustain their businesses. In
addition, the MBEIC works to encourage MBE participation in Council
MBEIC Chair events and programs. We believe it is imperative for Buying Entity
Argent Associates members and MBEs to work together to find, evaluate and engage MBEs
Asociar in emerging opportunities outside the current venues traditionally
pinpointed for minority business inclusion.
Silvana Rosero In 2016, we worked with the Inclusive Supply Chain Working Group to identify and present
an introduction to Smart/Resilient Cities and Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, we attended
MBEIC 1st Vice Chair several functions related to these topics being held by the City of Dallas, AT&T and the Dallas
Small Pond Video Entrepreneur Center. The need for MBEs and the Council to intentionally insert themselves
Productions into these dialogs helps prepare our MBEs for future opportunities.
The MBEIC also worked directly with the Supplier Diversity Professionals on a program to
Gabriela N. connect MBEs to buyers and supplier diversity professionals. The session discussed trends
Smith and opportunities in Health Care and at DFW International Airport. MBEs met at round tables
with Buying Entity representatives to look at potential upcoming business opportunities.
Secretary The MBEIC has been encouraging MBEs to do business with each other. We held a MBE-2-
The Gabriela Noemi MBE Mixer where MBEs had a chance to network with other MBEs. The session was held at an
Smith Law Firm, MBE location (MBN USA Magazine) and approximately 70 MBE business owners from various
PLLC industries attended. Several businesses were able to team for larger business awards and
others engaged to use the services of other MBEs.
Terri Quinton The MBEIC continued to work with our various Industry Groups to present programs
relevant to their particular industry. These industry groups included Construction, Professional
National MBEIC Services, Marketing, Information Technology and Food & Beverage.
Chair Emeritus Finally, as MBEIC Chair, I represent the Council and the D/FW MSDC MBEs on a national
Q2 Marketing Group level as part of the National MBEIC. This has involved assisting our Council and other Councils
LLC in participating in the NMBEIC $1 Billion New Business initiative. Plus, we have provided input
related to emerging areas of opportunities, examining ways to engage MBEs in expanded is areas for business, and creating a cooperative of MBEs across the country to address larger
imperative opportunities. We have shared these findings with local MBEs and continue to evaluate ways
for Buying to create meaningful connections for MBE business engagement.
Entity Certification continues to be an important part of the Council's offerings to minority business
members and owners. We know D/FW MSDC has one of the most trusted and efficient processes in the
MBEs to work nation. We recognize that being a part of the Council is more than certification. We value the
together to opportunities to access potential business opportunities, build business relationships with
find, evaluate Buying Entity representatives and other MBEs, and participate in development programs to
and engage enhance our operations and skills. We applaud the Council for its years of advocacy on behalf
MBEs in of minority business inclusion. We champion the impact a dollar spent with an MBE can mean
emerging to our community – it is priceless!
opportunities MBEs of the D/FW MSDC continue to have a powerful voice along with great Council Staff
outside the and Board of Directors' support. I thank each and every MBE who is actively engaged in this
current Council, helping to make it even better. Your voices are heard and we want to continue this
venues awesome tradition!
traditionally Sincerely,
for minority Betty Manetta
inclusion. Betty Manetta

8 Statement of

Financial Position

Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2016

Cash and cash equivalents 1,109,401 1,182,595
Accounts Receivable 68,746 487 68,746
Deposits 7,230 1,123 7,230
Prepaid Expenses 5,983 74,805 5,983
Other Assets 0 487
Fixed assets net of depreciation 50,530 14,297 51,653
Total Assets 3,724
1,241,889 1,316,693
Liabilities and Net Assets 18,020
37,129 51,426
Accounts payable 142,537 56,784 146,261
Other Current Liabilities 179,666 0 197,687
Total Liabilities
1,062,222 56,784 1,119,007
Net Assets 0 0

Unrestricted 1,062,222 1,119,007
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets 1,241,889 74,805 1,316,693


Statement of 9


Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.
Statement of Activities

For the Year ended December 31, 2016


Membership and dues 739,143 0 739,143
Program Receipts 638,152 0 638,152
Interest Income 0
Donations 1,541 0 1,541
Federal Grants 0 595,000 0
Total Revenues 595,000 595,000
286,907 1,973,837
Expenses 73,221
25,474 690,544
Salaries 403,637 173,156
Fringe Benefits 99,935 0 139,113
Contract Labor 113,639 6,488 318,268
Program Expenses 318,268
Office Expenses 0 6,495
Office Lease 6 18,986 65,148
Telephone 65,148 39,595
Professional Fees 20,609 0 22,158
Equipment Lease 22,158 0 19,480
Insurance 19,480 0 12,118
Meeting/Travel 12,118 71,602 73,995
Marketing 0
Technology 2,393 0 0
Depreciation 0 2,248 0
Other Expenses 0 760 13,880
Dues/Memberships 300 215,746
11,632 300
Total Expenses 214,986 485,987
0 109,013

Increase (decrease) in net assets 74,828



Ÿ More than 700 Attendees consisting of major
Ÿ 6349 Plans harvested by the Council for contractors, owners, facility managers,
dissemination to MBEs (including 4117 subcontractors and certified MBEs
digitized plans) Ÿ 83 Exhibitors (43 Buying Entities)
Ÿ 23 Hosted On-Site and Off-Site Construction Ÿ 25 Roundtables with 200 participants
Ÿ 1 of 4 full-service, authorized Public Plan ACCESS 2016 BUSINESS EXPO
Rooms in North Texas open to the public Ÿ 1500+ Attendees including 755 luncheon

Ÿ Oncor hosted event w/buyers Ÿ 160 One-on-One Sessions between 14 buyers from
Ÿ Fort Worth “ISD” Day
14 Buying Entity Partners
DALLAS “ISD” DAY Ÿ Roundtables held with 807 MBE participants hosted
Ÿ More than 300 Attendees
Ÿ 18 North Texas Independent School Districts by 54 buyers
Ÿ DISD Certification Academy - 60 attendees
Ÿ Over 300 MBEs attended Industry Group Ÿ 185 Average Attendance
Sessions over the year Ÿ Presentation Topics
Ÿ Professional Services Sessions - Speed
Networking, NTTA & Southwest Packaging w Economic Outlook for North Texas
Ÿ IT Sessions with PepsiCo and DFW w Future Grid - How Electric Power for
International Airport
Ÿ Health Care Session on Overtime for Communities Is Changing
Professional Employees w Strategic Imperatives Update
Ÿ Marketing Planning Session w MBE Innovation Showcase
MBEIC SESSIONS Scholarship Awards
Ÿ MBE 2 MBE Mixer
Ÿ Joint Session with the Supplier Diversity EXPO SUPPORT & ATTENDANCE
Professional Working Group Ÿ HMSDC Business Expo in Houston, TX
Ÿ Southern Region MSDC Gateway Expo in New
Ÿ Inclusive Supply Chain Working Group - Ÿ Southwest MSDC Business Expo in San
Emerging Trend Series Antonio,TX
Ÿ SMART/Resilient Cities Ÿ 3 meetings with HUB coordinators in Austin
Ÿ Internet of Things (IoT) Ÿ US Pan Asian Business Expo
Ÿ Ericsson Diversity Matchmaking Event Ÿ Toyota Power of Exchange in Frisco TX
Ÿ DCCCD Cooperative Agreement Program Ÿ MED Week Presentations in Chicago IL
Ÿ City of Arlington Meet & Greet
The D/FW MSDC Delivers
6,349 Sourcing Referrals, Bids & Minority Business Inclusion

RFPs disseminated Ÿ The Council spent $239,318
(35%) with 41 certified MBEs
$2.6M State of Texas Spot Bid Fair
Ÿ The Council received $104,279
Awards in-kind contributions

$42,000 in Tuck & Kellogg

Scholarships and Capacity Building Awards



01 $$$ 02 03 04 05

Increase MBE Build MBE Advance Diversity Improve Enrich
Business Capacity Programs Focused Organizational Champions
Opportunities Through Tier On Minority Infrastructure
Programming Inclusion


Ÿ Council Ÿ MBE CEO Ÿ Supplier Diversity Ÿ Implementation of Ÿ Board
Connections Academy - Professionals’ 1-on-1 Matchmaker Networking
tracked Succession Board Participation Software Receptions
Planning Meeting
Ÿ Industry Group Ÿ Restructure of Ÿ Board Meetings
Networks & Ÿ Mandatory Ÿ SDP Input for Director of Buying occasionally
Presentations Recertication Growth Entities Core aligned with
Orientation - Responsibilities Quarterly Buyers
Ÿ Hard Hat Outreach to all four Ÿ SDP Group Appreciation
Roundtables & classes of MBEs Participation at Ÿ Updated Board of Luncheons
Expo D/FW MSDC Directors
Ÿ 8(a) SBA Monthly MBE Information Ÿ Board Members
Ÿ ACCESS Certication Orientations Package “Talking Points”
Business Expo & Training Workshop to Utilize when
Matchmakers lead by MBDA Ÿ BUY THOSE THAT Ÿ TCU Interns Promoting the
BUY USTM Best Assessment of Council
Ÿ Quarterly Buyers’ Ÿ Industry Group Practices Marketing and
Appreciation sessions (varied) Sales Emphasis Ÿ Board Installation
Luncheons with Ÿ SDP Curriculum at Dallas City
average of 185 in Ÿ Inclusive Supply Development Hall (swearing in
attendance Chain Working conducted by the
Group Emerging Ÿ Joint Session with City of Dallas
Ÿ Dallas & Fort Trends Series MBE Input Mayor)
Worth ISD Days Committee

Ÿ MBE Innovation


with representatives from the Council Staff, MBE Input
Ÿ 115 NEW MBEs processed Committee, Supplier Diversity Professionals Working
Ÿ 572 RECERTIFIED MBEs processed Group, Industry Groups, MBDA Business Center -
Ÿ 38 DAYS AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME for new Dallas/Fort Worth and General Services Administration

complete certification applications (from receipt to Board Ÿ 24 RECERTIFICATION ORIENTATION SESSIONS held
Approval) with the President, reaching 90% of all MBE
Ÿ MOST EXPEDITED CERTIFICATIONS of any certifying recertifciations. These sessions were mandatory in order
body within the State of Texas to receive a certificate
Outstanding volunteers demonstrating the commitment of Ÿ 140 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION SESSIONS for
our Buying Entity Partners potential MBEs including off-site workshops, one-on-one
Ÿ 3rd PARTY CERTIFICATION for the State of Texas meetings, expedited certifications and partnerships
Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) program and sessions with other advocacy organizations
SBE certification for DFW International Airport


“Every time you spend your money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.” – Anne Lappe

31 Buying Entity Participants BUY THOSE THAT BUY USTM highlights corporations and public
agencies that promote minority business inclusion. The initiative
14 Best Practices Recognized by has been copied by several organizations nationwide with taglines
like Act Intentionally, Support Those That Support Us, Buy Diverse,
MBEs for Getting Real Results etc. It underscores the relevance of the message. Our buying
decisions matter. BUY THOSE THAT BUY USTM is focused on the
$4,393,021,138 Council's mission of facilitating and advocating for minority-owned
business inclusion. Since its inception, the Buy Those That Buy
spent with D/FW MSDC MBEs USTM initiative has experienced some outstanding best practices to
reported by the 31 participants help drive more minority business inclusion.

$1,219,993,630 in Tier 2 The 2016 Best Practices recognized were simple, innovative,
and easy to duplicate. They required commitment and focus.
spent MBEs They all had a common theme -- a champion, department or
company that believed minority business inclusion was important
$22,000 in scholarships to the business they operate and the community in which they
live. The Best-in-Class Best Practices and Honorable Mentions
participants were consistent with several of the Council's five Strategic

Ÿ Increase MBE business opportunities
Ÿ Build MBE capacity
Ÿ Advance Supplier Diversity programs focused on minority

business inclusion

(For further information on BUY THOSE THAT BUY USTM, download the
white paper from the Council’s website at

Best Practice Honorees & Honorable Mentions

Honorees - American Airlines | AT&T | Capgemini U.S. LLC | CHRISTUS Health | Ericsson HOSE THAT B
Inc. | Fujitsu Network Communications | H-E-B Grocery Company LP | Methodist Health BUY T

System | Oncor | PepsiCo Inc. | Texas Instruments, Inc. | Toyota Motor North America | UNT UY US TM
System | Vistra Energy | Honorable Mentions - BNSF Railway Company | DFW
International Airport | Dallas County Community College District | Lockheed Martin | NTTA | S

upporting TM Inclusi n
Minority Business

Parkland Health & Hospital System | Vendor Resource Management

BTTBUTM Participants

American Airlines | AT&T | Austin Commercial, LP | Balfour Beatty Construction | BNSF

Railway Company | Capgemini US LLC | CHRISTUS Health | City of Dallas | Comerica | Dallas ISD | Dallas Fort

Worth International Airport | Dallas County Community College District | Dex Media | Ericsson | Fujitsu Network

Communications | HEB Grocery Company LP | JCPenney | Lockheed Martin Aeronautics | Methodist Health

System | Nokia | NTTA | ONCOR | Parkland Health & Hospital | PepsiCo Inc. | Prestige Maintenance USA |

Raytheon | Southwest Airlines Company | Texas Instruments, Inc. | Toyota Motor North America | Trinity River

Vision Authority | UNT System | Vendor Resource Management | Vistra Energy

Growing the capacity of certified minority business suppliers is a core initiative of D/FW MSDC. In 2009, the Council developed a
fund to assist deserving MBEs in the growth and development of their business. At the September Quarterly Buyers’ Appreciation
Luncheon each year, awards of up to $5,000 are granted to MBEs. To date, the fund has awarded over $100,850 in cash and over
$25,000 “in-kind” training to D/FW MSDC MBEs to grow their businesses. These awards have been used to obtain licenses in an
industry, OSHA training, purchase key pieces of equipment and more. Contributions can be made to the BTTBUTM Building
Capacity Fund at any time throughout the year. Checks should be made payable to D/FW MSDC in the name of the BTTBUTM
Building Capacity Fund.



The Minority Business Dallas/Fort Worth MBDA Business Center

Development Agency is The MBDA mission is to assist minority-owned
businesses by providing them with business tools to
an agency of the U.S. promote growth.

Department of The Minority Business Development Agency –
Dallas/Fort Worth Business Center delivers a variety
Commerce established in of services for minority owned businesses. These
services include:
1969. It’s the only federal
Client Services
agency that was Ÿ Facilitating federal, state and local

specifically set up to government procurement opportunities
Ÿ Offering specialized professional assistance
advocate on behalf of
to source financing needs
minority-owned Ÿ Providing strategic business counsel
Ÿ Pipeline enhancement
businesses to expand Ÿ Ongoing Web series
Ÿ Business outreach opportunities
Mike Mora their capabilities and build Ÿ National Procurement Center
capacity, so that we can
Program Director elevate their capabilities Outreach Opportunities
Ÿ Monthly Lunch and Learn Sessions
to go from a local business from a regional level to a Ÿ International Trade Consulting

national or international level. Access to Markets/Contracts
The MBDA Business Center aligns its clients with
We deliver services including procurement assistance, federal, state and local purchasing organizations and
access to capital and strategic business consulting. We assists in bringing transactions to closure. The Center
can help a company look for other markets that are has several national database systems that provide
outside their usual expertise. If they have a sense that vital information for the success of MBE businesses.
they want to grow in that particular market, we can go in
and help search for opportunities, not only on a local level, Access to Capital
but also regionally, nationally and internationally. We The MBDA assists clients by packaging financial
assist with access to capital, as well. We have a unique documents for Commercial/SBA loan programs,
skill set with my staff able to identify and evaluate bonding assistance and factoring. The Center
prospective loan proposals and to approach our strategic maintains strategic alliances with conventional and
network of financial lenders. non-conventional financial institutions and identifies
their target markets.
MBDA is a program for minority businesses to achieve a
certain amount of traction in their business. We take Strategic Business Consulting
businesses that have some traction and implement and Consulting includes Teaming Arrangements,
utilize our resources to be able to get them to the next Mentor/Protégé Agreements and Mergers and
level. Acquisitions.

MBDA BUSINESS CENTER - The Global Business Center
DALLAS/ FORT WORTH The MBDA provides international trade assistance.

Ÿ Ranked Outstanding by the Dept. of Commerce
MBDA in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016

Ÿ 237 jobs created and/or retained
Ÿ $114,292,156 in contracts and procurement

opportunities closed
Ÿ $24,580,089 in financing transactions

Helping Businesses Grow Nationally and Internationally


14 2016 Year in Review

Connection and development activities occur almost daily at D/FW MSDC. The Council understands
that their true value is helping others build relationships that will create sustainable opportunities to
engage in business.


2016 Year in Review 15


Ÿ 37 Buying Entities completed scorecards
Ÿ 11 Best Practices plus 1 Honorable Mention Ÿ 13 MEGA Awards Recognized (Deals worth over $25
recognized and published
Ÿ $3.1 billion in minority spend reported with million annually)
D/FW MSDC certified suppliers
Ÿ $11.2 billion in minority spend with NMSDC Ÿ AT&T recognized as Corporation of the Year
certified MBEs
Ÿ DFW International Airport named Public Sector

Agency of the Year

Ÿ UNT System named Emerging Buying Entity of the


Ÿ A total of 12 E Awards presented to Advocates, a

Buyer , MBE Suppliers and Buying Entities 11

16 Meaningful Connections...
Impactful Growth

How D/FW MSDC MBEs...Accelerate Your Business
Can Add Value to Growth & Development
You and Your Company
n A na onally recognized minority business
n Access to Cer fied MBEs to meet sourcing cer fica on
n Local, regional and na onal referrals to
n Par cipa on in the Supplier Diversity Buying En ty (corpora ons and public
Professionals peer group sector agency) members

n Interac on with C-Level Working Board of n Inclusion in the D/FW MSDC and Na onal
Directors Minority Supplier Development Council MBE
computer databases
n Connec ons to the “Who's Who” champion
leaders in the area n Par cipa on in educa onal programs and
workshops to assist in personal, professional
n Diversity training and forums and business growth
n Minority supply chain inclusion solu ons
n Access to government trends, policies, white n Opportuni es to network with Buying En ty
Members at various D/FW MSDC events and
papers, benchmarks and best prac ces ac vi es
n Shared proven best prac ces crea ng real
n Mul - er and MBE-to-MBE business
results in North Texas opportuni es
n Recogni on for MEGA Awards
n Recogni on of Success Stories n Industry Group Specific opportuni es and
n Par cipa on and recogni on in our Buy Those access

That Buy UsTM trademarked ini a ve along n State of Texas HUB and SBE Cer fica on
with 31 (in 2016) other top Buying En es n Registra on as a client with the MBDA
n Accelerated understanding of how to do
business in North Texas Dallas/Fort Worth Business Center (ranked
n Respected voice on minority business outstanding and one of the top 10 MBDA
inclusion in our community Centers in the country)
n Registra on in the on-line MBDA
Opportunity Portal and the portal
adver sing Federal opportuni es
n Access to free business consul ng where
specific contract and financing opportuni es
n Update assistance of your capability
n Support with U.S. Department of Commerce
and MBDA partners to assist your company
to go global


2016 Board of Directors 2016 Board of Director1s7

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Terri Quinton Lisa Hanlon Cathy
John J. Lozano Schillinger
Chair, Chair Emeritus, Teltech Managing
Director of CEO & President Communications Director
Supply Chain Q2 Marketing Procurement &
Raytheon Group LLC Heather Supply Chain
Herndon Wright American
Margo J. Posey Don McKneely Airlines
Director of
President Publisher Supplier Diversity Greg Spoon
D/FW MSDC MBN USA Vistra Energy
Vice President
Rob Simpson BOARD MEMBERS Cynthia Joseph- Procurement
Keller DFW
2nd Vice Chair, Mark Artigues International
Vice President Assistant Vice President Airport
World Wide Senior Director - Facilities &
Procurement & Supplier Diversity Sourcing Stanley Tee
Logistics Nokia Corporation Dex Media, Inc.
Texas Instruments President/
Monica Menzel TKC Enterprises

Secretary, Garry Castro Kent McNorton Roland
Senior Vice Tunez
President President Senior Vice
Comerica Bank LogistiCorp President AVP - Strategic
PreConstruction Sourcing
Eric Imrie Bonnie Clinton Austin Commercial AT&T
Treasurer, General Manager, OF THE BOARD
Vice President - Team Member Clifton
Strategic Sourcing Services and Miller Andrea
Ericsson North Indirect Mercado-Pelt
America Procurement, CPO Managing
Toyota Motor Principal Business
Betty Manetta North America Cemetrics Development
Fujitsu Network
MBEIC Chair, Rhonda Silvana Rosero Communications
CEO England
Argent Associates CEO
& Asociar Vice President - Small Pond Video
James Mining JCPenney David Sanchez

D/FW MSDC Vice President
Chair Emeritus Strategic Sourcing
Senior Director PepsiCo
Supply Chain

8828 N. Stemmons Freeway
Suite 550
Dallas, TX 75247


Established in 1973, the Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (D/FW MSDC) is a nonprofit business organization that
certifies, connects, develops and advocates for minority-owned businesses and is a sourcing resource for corporate and public sector buying
entities. The mission of the D/FW MSDC is to encourage and facilitate procurement and business opportunities between Buying Entity
Members and Certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs). The participation, volunteer work and financial support of our stakeholders and
members has helped the Council deliver needed programs, connect MBEs to business opportunities and create jobs in our community.
The D/FW MSDC is an affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), a network of national and international
Councils that advance business opportunities for certified minority business enterprises and connects them to corporate and public sector
agency members. D/FW MSDC has won NMSDC’S COUNCIL OF THE YEAR twice in the past five years – 2015 and 2011!

For further information visit or call us at 214.630.0747.

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