Nowadays, the popularity of raising dogs has increased.
especially foreign dogs which has a wide selection After the
introduction of foreign dogs into our home, which is almost 50
years ago, today found that there are almost 40 popular foreign
dog breeds ever. But the popular breed since 2007 is seen as the
Golden Retriever, Labrador and Pomeranian, etc. But in fact, there
are many species that are not spoken. to
Today we can see that there are many different breeds of
kennels. There is a wide selection in the market. Create a business
that expands widely. There are many different breeds of dogs for
us to choose from. Therefore, this e-book collects various dog
breeds. There are specs for each breed so you can decide how
much is right for you to adopt. I hope you will get more or less
useful information from this ebook.
of Contents
Preface A
Table of Contents B
Alaskan Malamute 2
Afghan Hound 3
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) 4
AustralianShepherd 5
Beagle 6
Beauceron 7
Belgian Shepherd Groenendael 8
Belgian Shepherd Tervueren 9
Bernese Mountain Dog 10
Bichon Frise 11
Borador 12
Border Collie 13
Boston Terrier 14
Boxer 15
Cairn Terrier 16
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) 17
Chiweenie 18
Samoyed 19
Dobermann 20
Golden Retriever 21
Organizer's History
Lifespan: 12–15 years The Malamute dog is an affectionate,
Weight: 34–39 kg friendly dog who is devoted to their
Height: 58–64 cm family, though not the ideal breed for
Colours: White and light a first-time owner as they can be
grey to black challenging to own. As well as their
almost insatiable need to run, they
THE NEED-TO-KNOW love to dig and howl, are often
escapologists, and can have a high
Dogs suitable for prey-drive for small, furry creatures
experienced owners – be they squirrels, cats or even small
Extra training required dogs. For owners who understand them
Generally healthy breed and can give them what they need to
Enjoys vigorous walks be healthy and happy however they
Enjoys more than two make outstanding and head-turning
hours of walking a day companions.
Large dog
Some drool
Requires grooming
every other day
Chatty and vocal dog
Often aloof with strangers, early Lifespan: 12–14 years
socialisation is a must for this regal Weight: 20–27 kg
dog, as is early puppy training. With Height: 63–74 cm
their family and those they know, Colours: Black to silver,
there’s no hint of standoffishness – with every colour, pattern
they are wonderfully loyal and loving - and combination in between
and a bit of a clown.
A noble, dignified-looking hound, the
Afghan Hound stands proudly and Dog suitable for
elegantly, with their long, lustrous owners with some
coat as their crowning glory. experience
Extra training required
Generally healthy breed
Enjoys active walks
Enjoys one to two
hours of walking a day
Can be left occasionally
with training
Large dog
Minimum drool
Requires grooming
every other day
Lifespan: 12–15 years Devoted and affectionate to their
Weight: 9–12 kg owners, they can sometimes be fairly
Height: 25–30 cm disinterested in strangers. Generally
Colours: The coat comes in obedient and active, whilst small in
red, sable, fawn, black and height this should properly be
tan, and may have white considered a larger dog on very short
markings legs rather than a little dog.
THE NEED-TO-KNOW Bold and outgoing, friendly and loyal,
they make excellent watchdogs and
Dog suitable for suit an active home. Keep in mind their
owners with some livestock driving ancestry, which has
experience been known to mean groups of people,
Extra training required particularly children, are herded
Generally healthy breed together regardless of their wishes!
Enjoys active walks
Enjoys one to two
hours of walking a day
Medium dog
Minimum drool
Chatty and vocal dog
With strong working instincts, Lifespan: 13–15 years
particularly the instinct to herd and Weight: 19–29 kg
drive groups of animals, and a natural Height: 51–58 cm
suspicion of strangers, the Australian Colours: Black, blue merle,
Shepherd is devoted to their owners, red merle and red
and loves to be a part of family life, if
that family can offer the right active THE NEED-TO-KNOW
lifestyle. Early dog socialisation with
other animals and children is vital, and Dog suitable for owners
Aussies must be given a job to do and with some experience
plenty of physical and mental exercise Extra training required
to keep them satisfied and content. Generally healthy breed
For the right owner, they can be the Enjoys vigorous walks
perfect dog but like most working Enjoys more than two
breeds, a bored Aussie is a nightmare hours of walking a day
to live with. Medium dog
Minimum drool
Cannot be left alone
Great family dog
Needs a large garden
Best suited to countryside
Lifespan: 12–15 years This is a happy, easy-going dog who is
Weight: 10–11 kg full of life and fun to be around.
Height: 33–40 cm Beagles are good natured and, as they
Colours: Tricolour (black, were bred to be pack animals, will get
tan and white) along with most other dogs. They love
children but need to be exposed to
THE NEED-TO-KNOW cats at an early age in order to
develop good relationships with them
Dog suitable for owners and may never be safe with strange
with some experience cats or small furries. The Beagle is a
Extra training required good watchdog, barking at anything
Generally healthy breed unusual, although once the burglar is
Enjoys active walks indoors, the Beagle may prefer a game
Enjoys one to two hours with him.
of walking a day
Medium dog
Some drool
Requires grooming once a
Chatty and vocal dog
Bold, courageous and quick to learn, Lifespan: 10–12 years
the Beauceron is a people dog and a Weight: 30–38 kg
working dog. They dislike being left Height: 65–70 cm
alone too long and benefit greatly Colours: Coats come in black
from having a job to do. Strong willed and tan or harlequin
and capable of independent decision
making, the Beauceron is not suited to THE NEED-TO-KNOW
first time dog owners, but will excel
with those who enjoy training and Dogs suitable for
canine sports. Naturally a little experienced owners
suspicious of strangers due to their Extra training required
livestock guardian history, they will Generally healthy breed
benefit from early and thorough Enjoys vigorous walks
socialisation and habituation to people Enjoys more than two
and household life. hours of walking a day
Large dog
Some drool
Requires grooming once
a week
Chatty and vocal dog
Needs a large garden
Lifespan: 10–14 years Clever and attentive, although
Weight: 27.5–28.5 kg somewhat wary of strangers, the
Height: 61–66 cm Groenendael is to this day, all a
Colours: Black with herding and guarding breed should be.
occasional white markings Very trainable, with a huge capacity
on chest and toes for learning but willing to make their
own decisions should instruction not be
THE NEED-TO-KNOW forthcoming, they are in need of a
dedicated owner with plenty of time to
Dogs suitable for work with them and train them to a
experienced owners high standard. Friendly, and devoted
Extra training required affectionate to close family and
Generally healthy breed friends, they do take time to warm to
Enjoys vigorous walks strangers and will not tolerate rough
Enjoys more than two handling or over-familiarity from
hours of walking a day those they do not know.
Large dog
Minimum drool
Requires grooming once
a week
Needs a large garden
Clever, eager, intelligent and Lifespan: 12–14 years
sensitive, the Tervuren is capable of Weight: 27.5–28.5 kg
achieving high levels of training with Height: 61–66 cm
the right handler and home. Their Colours: Fawn, red or grey
abilities in herding, driving and with black shading
guarding remain strong, but unlike
other members of the Belgian Shepherd THE NEED-TO-KNOW
group, they are not so intense and
possess the ability to switch off and Dogs suitable for
relax. They are wary around experienced owners
strangers, but should be quick to warm Extra training required
up once someone is introduced as a Generally healthy breed
friend. The Terv is good with Enjoys vigorous walks
respectful children of their own family Enjoys more than two
and can make a great household hours of walking a day
companion in the right home. Large dog
Minimum drool
Requires grooming once a
Chatty and vocal dog
Barks and alerts to
visitors/anything unusual
Lifespan: 6–10 years Bernese Mountain dogs are good-
Weight: 40–44 kg natured pets who love to be included in
Height: 58–72 cm all aspects of family life, making
Colours: The Bernese wonderful companions. They are
Mountain dog is always affectionate, patient and especially
tricoloured with a jet-black good with children, protecting them if
coat necessary. They are social and need to
be with people and given affection.
THE NEED-TO-KNOW They will generally bark to advise the
arrival of visitors but will soon settle
Dog suitable for owners down again. Provided they have been
with some experience introduced to cats and other
Extra training required household animals when young, they will
Generally healthy breed live with them happily.
Enjoys active walks
Enjoys one to two hours
of walking a day
Giant dog
Some drool
Chatty and vocal dog
Barks and alerts to
visitors/anything unusual
The Bichon Frise is an extroverted, Lifespan: 12–15 years
lively, playful, friendly little dog whose Weight: 3–6 kg
size and image belie their intelligence Height: 63–74cm
and trainability. While they are good Colours: White
family dogs, they usually bond very
closely to one person and will want to THE NEED-TO-KNOW
accompany them everywhere - and
sometimes even protect them. Dog suitable for non-
experienced owners
Basic training required
Generally healthy breed
Enjoys gentle walks
Needs under an hour of
walking a day
Small dog
Minimum drool
Requires grooming every
other day
Chatty and vocal dog
Barks and alerts to
visitors/anything unusual
Lifespan: 10–15 years The personality of a Borador depends
Weight: 18–29 kg on the parents and how they have
Height: 48–61 cm been bred and reared.
Colours: Labrador solid The Borador can have a personality
colours or any Collie that’s a cross between the two and so
colours may inherit the retrieving instinct or
may inherit the herding instinct, or
THE NEED-TO-KNOW indeed they could inherit both. It’s
clear from looking at the two breeds
Dog suitable for owners that make up the Borador that this is
with some experience an extremely active dog who needs a
Extra training required lot of exercise, training and input
Generally healthy breed (often more than most owners will be
Enjoys vigorous walks able to provide).
Enjoys one to two hours
of walking a day
Large dog
Some drool
Chatty and vocal dog
Welcomes everyone happily
Border Collies are always ready to Lifespan: 12–15 years
work, attentive, lively and alert. They Weight: 14–20 kg
will form a very close bond with their Height: 48–53 cm
owner and family but, unless given Colours: Black and white
plenty of time and exercise, they are
not ideal pets for a family with very THE NEED-TO-KNOW
young children, as it’s in their nature
to herd anything that moves - your Dog suitable for owners
children included! If not kept physically with some experience
and mentally stimulated they will Extra training required
become bored, developing behavioural Generally healthy breed
problems or getting into mischief, as Enjoys vigorous walks
their brains are always active. Enjoys one to two hours
of walking a day
Medium dog
Minimum drool
Requires grooming once
a week
Chatty and vocal dog
Barks and alerts to
visitors/anything unusual
Lifespan: 13–15 years The Boston Terrier is a lively, happy
Weight: 4.5–11.5 kg dog that can be quite determined and
Height: 38–43 cm strong willed. They are usually good
Colours: various with children and love to play, but
colours, including brindle they can be boisterous and care must
and white, and black be taken that games are not too
with white markings rough, as they can be prone to injury,
especially their eyes. They love human
THE NEED-TO-KNOW company and make affectionate pets
and are outgoing and social to all.
Dog suitable for non- While they are called a ‘terrier’ they
experienced owners are not in the terrier group and
Basic training required neither do they behave like one, being
Need to be aware of far happier at home with their owner
potential health issues than getting into the usual mischief!
Enjoys gentle walks
Small dog
Some drool
Requires grooming once
a week
Quiet dog
Boxer dogs remain puppy-like Lifespan: 10–12 years
throughout their lives, making them Weight: 25–32 kg
quite a handful! Lively, strong and Height: 53–63 cm
loyal, they make great pets for all the Colours: The colour of the
family, adults and children alike, but short coat comes in fawn
can be boisterous so may not be and brindle, usually with
suitable in a home with very young some white markings
children - or where owners don't have
time to give them the attention and THE NEED-TO-KNOW
exercise they need as they can get
bored easily! Dog suitable for
owners with some
Fearless and very self-assured, experience
they are not quick to pick a fight, but Basic training required
more than able to defend themselves if Need to be aware of
they have to. They do not like being potential health issues
left home alone and can become Enjoys active walks
distressed and destructive. Enjoys one to two
hours of walking a day
Large dog
Some drool
Requires grooming once
a week
Chatty and vocal dog
Lifespan: 12–15 years Cairn Terriers are a cheerful, alert,
Weight: 6–7.5 kg lively and extrovert breed that can be
Height: 28–31 cm trained to happily live with children
Colours: Cream, wheaten, and, thanks to their history as a pack
red, grey or nearly black terrier, with other dogs too. Like most
terriers however they may not be
THE NEED-TO-KNOW safe with small furry animals or
strange cats. They are affectionate,
Dog suitable for bonded to their owners and enjoy
owners with some being a part of everything they do.
Basic training required
Generally healthy breed
Enjoys active walks
Enjoys one to two
hours of walking a day
Small dog
Minimum drool
Requires grooming
every other day
Chatty and vocal dog
The Chihuahua tends to bond Lifespan: 10–18 years
closely with one or two people, with Weight: 1.8–2.7 kg
whom they will be curious, lively and Height: 15–23 cm
intelligent, as well as deeply and Colours: Black or chocolate
constantly affectionate. However,
without adequate socialisation, the THE NEED-TO-KNOW
breed will not take kindly to
strangers and can appear nervous, Dog suitable for
yappy and even snappy. Chihuahuas owners with some
must be socialised as early as experience
possible or they will become anxious Basic training required
in new environments and will not get Need to be aware of
along with strangers, children and potential health issues
other household pets. Enjoys active walks
Needs under an hour of
walking a day
Small dog
Minimum drool
Needs a small garden
Lifespan: 12–16 years The personality of a Chiweenie
Weight: 2.5–5.5 kg seems to be more consistent when
Height: 15–25 cm they are first crosses. As if a line is
Colours: brown, black, successively bred, they can be
or white Their colouring either bred back to one of the
may be solid or a mix of original breeds (and so strengthen
colours. either the Dachshund or the
Chihuahua personalities) or else be
THE NEED-TO-KNOW bred to another Chiweenie - in which
case there is less predictability in
Dog suitable for owners temperament (and in-breeding
with some experience becomes more of a potential issue).
Extra training required
Generally healthy breed
Enjoys active walks
Needs under an hour of
walking a day
Small dog
Minimum drool
Requires grooming every
other day
The Samoyed is generally a friendly, Lifespan: 12–13 years
outgoing and devoted dog. Samoyeds Weight: 23–30 kg
are protective of their homes. No Height: 51–56 cm
intruder will ever go unheard, although Colours: Pure white,
they rarely do much more than white and biscuit, or cream
announce their presence. He loves to
be included in all family activities and THE NEED-TO-KNOW
can become destructive and vocal if
left for too long or bored. They enjoy Dogs suitable for
digging and are great escape artists, experienced owners
so garden security is essential. They Extra training required
have to be socialised from an early Generally healthy breed
age, especially with cats and any Enjoys active walks
other household pets. They can be Enjoys more than two
quite vocal. hours of walking a day
Medium dog
Some drool
Requires grooming daily
Chatty and vocal dog
Great family dog
Needs a large garden
Lifespan: 10–13 years The Dobermann is a dog who needs
Weight: 32–45 kg mental and physical activity. Socialised
Height: 69cm early with other dogs, pets and
Colours: Brown, black, children, the Dobermann can make a
blue or fawn good family pet. Being loyal and
affectionate these dogs will certainly
THE NEED-TO-KNOW protect the home.
Dogs suitable for They often tend to be a 'one man
experienced owners dog' and will usually ‘belong’ more to
Extra training required one person in the family rather than
Generally healthy breed the whole family. Dobermanns are
Enjoys vigorous walks often suspicious of strangers-human
Enjoys more than two and canine. By merit of their size,
hours of walking a day strength and activity levels-as well as
Large dog their guarding tendencies-they are
Minimum drool not for the inexperienced or for those
Requires grooming once who can’t put in the time to exercise
a week and train these demanding dogs.
Chatty and vocal dog
The Golden Retriever is a gentle dog Lifespan: 10–12 years
with a level disposition, and usually Weight: 27–34 kg
adapts well to family life. They love to Height: 51–61 cm
be involved in all matters, whether Colours: The Golden
indoors or outdoors. They are Retriever comes in various
foremost a retriever and will attempt shades of gold from light
to drag, pull or carry anything they to dark
can fit into their mouths. They also
love water and care should be taken THE NEED-TO-KNOW
to ensure their safety when any form
of water is nearby. Golden Retrievers Dog suitable for non-
are, however, worriers, and great experienced owners
care should be taken during training, Extra training required
ensuring sensitivity is maintained at Need to be aware of
all times. potential health issues
Enjoys active walks
Enjoys one to two
hours of walking a day
Large dog
Some drool
Requires grooming
every other day
Quiet dog
Needs a large garden
Dog Breeds. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from
Name-Surname : Miss.Nuttida Surarit
Nickname : Lux
Date of Birth : 06/10/2002
Age : 19 Years
Occupation : Student
Education : Wimol Business
Administration Technological College
Contact : [email protected]
Tel. : 061-016-3652