Maha Elgendy
Krystal Woodley
Keith Boyce
EDSN650 / Instructional Technology
Bipolar disorder, also known as
manic-depressive illness, is a
brain disorder that causes
unusual shifts in mood, energy,
activity levels, and the ability to
carry out day-to-day task.
No one knows the actual cause or ● Typically schools do not use just one
causes of emotional disturbance,
although biological factors such as method of identifying children with E/BD.
brain disorders,genetics, and This is because most children with E/BD
temperament, have been suggested identify themselves. Especially antisocial
and vigorously researched. students.
Additionally, environmental factors
including home life, school ● Identification is always more difficult with
environment and community play an
important role as well. younger students because their behavior
changes so quickly and often.
● There are some screening tests that are
done for identification and intervention of
students with behavior problems in the
Study Talk
● Estimates vary as to the number of identified children with emotional
Exceptional Children: An ● Credible studies indicate that between 3% and 10% of children have emotional
Introduction to Special or behavioral problems that are sufficiently serious and persistent to warrant
Education intervention.
Thousands of school children have emotional or behavior problems that are
Chapter 6: Emotional Disturbanc●e adversely affecting their educational progress, and yet these students are not
presently receiving the special education they need.
William Heward ● After leaving school,75% of those identified with E/BD are males. Females are
● 20% more likely to become mothers within 3 to 5 years after finishing school. *
10% of these youths live in correctional facilities, halfway houses, drug
treatment centers, or on the street.
Moods alternate between “poles”
High severe mania
Normal Mood
Lows Mild depression
Severe depression
Persistent abnormally elevated
irritable mood
> one week
● Inflate self-esteem/grandiosity
● Decreased need for sleep
● Racing thoughts or “flight of ideas’
● Spending spree
● Increased physical/mental energy
● Irritability/aggressive behavior
● Impulsive/risk taking
● Increased sexual drive
Feeling down
Loss of interest in enjoyable things
● Weight loss/gain
● Insomnia/hypersomnia
● Psychomotor agitation/slow down
● Fatigue/loss of energy
● Decreased ability to concentrate/make decisions
● Recurrent thoughts of death/suicide
Anti Social