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Published by goh_sze_nee, 2021-09-22 04:01:57

PL Memories (Class of 2021)

PL Memories (Class of 2021)



Honour God · Excellence · Adaptability · Respect · Thankfulness




Jeremiah 17:7


Baccalaureate Service Theme for 2021



01 Journey through the years:
2017 - 2021

02 Principal's Message

03 Vice-Principals' Message

04 Year Head & Year Coordinator's

05 Class Messages


2021 Journey through

the years......


-Theme Verse-

I praise you because I am
fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.

PSALM 139:14

2018 -Theme Verse-
And Jesus grew in
wisdom and stature,
and in favour with God

and man.

Luke 2:52

-Theme Verse-
I lift up my eyes to the mountains
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the

Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm: 121:1-2



-Theme Verse-

This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm: 118:24


-Theme Verse-

Remember your Creator

in the days of your youth,

Ecclesiastes 12:1







Dear Sec 4 and Sec 5 PL-Lites

It has been an honour to be able to see you complete your journey in PLMGS (Sec).

Time that has sped us by
The graduating year was a fast-paced and exciting journey for all of us. Days spent learning new
curriculum material and setting targets for each term tests quickly led into feverish seasons of
revision and sitting for the different assessments. The hours spent at rehearsals for the Singapore
Youth Festival (SYF) performances quickly led into heart-pounding moments presenting the
perfected pieces in front of the SYF judges. The many back-breaking Games practices quickly led
into actual on-site competitions against our opponents. As the saying goes “Time flies when you
are having fun”, and I hope that this year has been a specially meaningful and memorable time
for all of us, even though some restrictions were still in place because of COVID-19.

Teachers who shaped our lives
What will you remember when you leave PL? When I left the sheltering walls of PL years ago, I
carried within my heart a deep appreciation and love for the teachers who had made a difference
in my life. It was through their influence that I decided to become a teacher. I returned to PL as a
Relief Teacher almost on a yearly basis during my University holidays and got to know my
teachers at a more personal level. Do continue to keep in touch with your teachers. You will make
us very proud to follow your growth and achievements through the roads ahead. You know where
to find us when you need a listening ear and some sound advice.

Friends who stood by us
Thanks to the church and social media, I have been able to keep in touch with friends I made in
PL through the years. When we get together, we reminisce and laugh over sweet memories of our
school days. In PL, I made my ‘first-friends’. These friends have stayed close to my heart as we
grew up together. I pray that you, too, will continue to take the effort to be in touch with your
‘first-friends’ in PL. Journey through memory lane together and recall the Lord’s blessings in your
lives and the lessons learnt in school. Share joys, tears and aspirations together in contexts where
you can identify with each other through your common shared experiences.

A Loving Heavenly Father who will go before us

The School Motto ‘Look Up, Lift Up’, is taken from Psalm 121:
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—

where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,

the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—

he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—

the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,

nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—

he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going

hLnmowotatondhfaosrebveeernmomrey. lifeline all these ye
ars. It is so good to look at the future ahead

knowing that we have a loving Heavenly Father who will specially watch over us. I end my note
to you with a heartfelt Irish Prayer committing each and every one of you to His care:

May God give you a rainbow for every storm,
a smile for every tear,

a promise for every care and a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share.
For every sigh, a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.

Take care of yourselves…
Come home when you can…

Wishing you God’s richest blessings,

Mrs Quek Li Gek
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary)


Dear PL-Lites of class 2021,

Thinking about my Secondary School days makes me smile.
Those were perhaps the best times of my life as a student. My
pals and I were not too young then to require adult supervision
all the time; neither were we ‘too old’ to be concerned with what to do after the ‘A’ levels or Poly
It was a good time to be a teenager, to make lifelong friends, to know our strengths and find
ourselves. Of course, there were the usual stresses of academic demands, the bickering with
friends, the frustrations of being misunderstood and the tears of disappointments, which were all
part of growing up … But there were many good times and crazy moments too.
Besides academics, I had many ‘first’ experiences at secondary school. I wrote and directed my
first play, planned and led in student events, had my first pyjama party in the school hall, canoed,
swung from a tree and fell, and slept in a tent in the rain during a camp and so on. These
experiences were priceless and the opportunities to participate with my buddies, to achieve or to
fail were instrumental in building my character and building my confidence. And that’s what
school is supposed to be, it must be a safe place for young people to discover themselves, to try,
fail, succeed and prepare them for life. So, my dear PL- Lites, what are your special moments in
Above all, I hope that you have also experienced Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, in PL… that He is not
only your forever Friend, but your Heavenly Father who loves you and delights in you. What
concerns you matters to Him. My prayer for each of you, taken from Psalms 1:3 – is that …

In the years to come, when you gather with your friends or when you recall your memories in PL in
2021, may they remind you of your ‘Years of Golden Youth’, the wonderful times you had and
bring smiles to your faces. Thank you for allowing the teachers and me to be a part of your PL
journey. May our God bless you richly always.

Much Love,
Mrs Selina Lum
VP, PLMGS (Sec), 2021


Dear Sec 4 and Sec 5 PL-Lites

When I first joined PL, I asked God for His guidance and wisdom as I was totally new to working
in school. I did not get an instant response but, over the past nine months, I knew for sure that He
was speaking to me daily. Through Mrs Quek’s sharing during assembly, the chapel messages and
my daily interaction with staff and students, I learnt more about the PL culture and started to
understand why there was such a strong bond between the school and the students; both new and
Two events particularly left deep impressions in me. The first one was the National Day
celebration when two Sec 4 classes invited me to sing national day songs together with them. I
felt the patriotic spirit, and I was happy to see that all the students, including international
students, were celebrating Singapore’s National Day joyfully and proudly. In my mind, I thanked
the hard work of our CCE teachers who had, over the years, inculcated the love of Singapore into
our students’ hearts. Secondly, during the Teacher’s day celebration, as Mrs Quek played the
virtual parade of the teachers, the cheers and the claps, for every teachers, were thunderous. The
outpouring of the students’ appreciation of the sacrifices and tireless efforts of the teachers
touched my heart.

For the Secondary Four and Five students who are graduating, I would like to encourage you with
my favourite Bible verses:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all

understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

These Bible verses encourage me to live life without fear because I know that whatever situation I
face, God will always be there to grant me His peace and courage to overcome all odds. And I hope
these verses will minister to you as you embark on the next stage of your life.
All the best for your coming examinations and wish you happiness in whatever you choose to
embark on.

Mr William Chu
VP, PLMGS (Sec), 2021

Message from the
Year Head

Year Coordinator

Dear Sec 4 and 5s of 2021,

You have reached the final milestone of your secondary school life and we rejoice with you.
It has been a great privilege for us to journey with you as your Year Head and Year
Coordinator. We have witnessed how you demonstrated strength and compassion for
others even as you overcame challenges in your journey in PL.
As you leave the sheltering walls of PL, may your life continue to be an exciting
journey where you influence positive change to those around you. We hope you
continue to grow to be better individuals who are victorious every step of the way!
We wish you all the best in the upcoming papers. Do yourself and PL proud!

As Oprah Winfrey said,

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best
place for the next moment”

so give your best so you will not have any regrets!
Ms Lim Lin Lin & Ms Goh Sze Nee
Year Head & Year Coordinator


Dear 4.1,

In a twinkle of an eye, it is time to bid farewell.
You have been a caring and inclusive class, looking out for one another,
ensuring everyone is well.
When it is time to get serious to study,
You are all focused and sturdy.
When it is time for play,
You were all participative and game for play.
When things needed to be done,
You got it done as ONE!
Truly you have shown to be a “balanced” class, living up to the class theme
“Study while eating pie!”
Continue to be a shining PL-Lite as you leave the sheltering walls of PL,
holding on to the values you have learnt in PL!
All the best for your future endeavours!

Mrs Joyce Chong

Dear 4.1,



All the best for all 3.141 pies!

Mdm Hu 胡老师

Dear 4.2,

It has been a pleasure to teach you for the past 2 years. You are a kind and caring
class of students who really look out for each other, despite being talented in your
own ways you work together as a team by giving opportunities for everyone to grow.
You are respectful to teachers and give of yourselves to inspire your juniors. In class,
you are attentive, eager to learn and ask questions, thanks for being lovely students.

Life beyond PL will be different, there will be many adventures, ups and downs. There
will be mountains to climb and rivers to cross, and you may reach junctures where
some paths are left unmarked. You will have to find your way and make your own
path. At times it could seem too overwhelming to handle them, but remember that all
things are possible if you will “Look Up, Lift Up”, and Look Around.

We believe in you, Girls. Your excellence mindset coupled with your humility and
sincerity towards others will help you to succeed in life beyond PL. No matter what
you decide to do, follow your HEART’s values and always choose to do the right thing.

Keep on caring, keep on sharing, encouraging the heart and keeping in touch, we wish
you all the best for your future! You have been Good4US2. :-)

Love, Poem for 4.2
Ms Vicky and Mrs Eva Toh
From the mornings we walk in
To the afternoons we conclude,

U never fail to amaze
And amuse us in all that you do
Just like vegetables and fruits

Are good for health
A little laughter and fun

Is certainly
In not just academics but in cca too
Continue to encompass these in the future

It will indeed be…
Good for you too
As you journey on in the galaxy of the unknown
Remember to encourage the HEART
And remain positive in all that you do
Cause just as we have led you
Remember that when you lead

You must be
Good to US too!

Dear 4.3,

We have been your Form and subject teachers since 2020. What a journey it has been!
We thank you for letting us into your lives to teach you beyond the academic subjects; to
teach you about life outside PL; to teach you about society; to teach you how to be
useful Singapore citizens; to teach you how to teach yourselves once you pass the PL
gates.ow the time has come to let you go. We are already seeing how successful you are
going to be. Your next step in your lifelong journey has started and it is looking bright.
You are going to meet the various challenges and obstacles of life head-on and your
experiences in overcoming them will make you stronger, wiser and more resilient.

We want to share with you a few lessons that you can learn from the elephants.
1. “Slow and Steady wins the race”- Elephants are known to travel vast, long distances
under the sweltering heat in the savannah in search of water or food. They move
slowly in herds but steadily, stopping only for the babies to take a break. You may
face many obstacles and challenges but don’t lose sight of your end goal, remain
focused. It is not that you are not successful, it is that you have not attained
success yet.
2. Resiliency is important in the best of times and the worst of times – Elephants have
stood the tough times of weather, poaching, loss of habitat and predators. Other
animals of their order such as mammoths are extinct. They are resilient and
continue to evolve to survive. Do not give up and show resilience. It will bear fruit
one day.
3. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t forget them. Elephants have an astonishing
memory. They’ll remember an area where they experienced a drought, a waterhole
and lost members of their herd and still return to that spot, recalling where to find
alternative food sources so that they don’t have to rely on any single location alone.
If you are afraid to make mistakes, then you will never learn. Making mistakes and
learning from them moulds you.
4. Be adaptable to your environment. Asian and African elephants are found in diverse
habitats from the Eastern and Southern Africa savannahs to the Central Africa and
SE Asian forests. They are able to adapt and adjust to new habitats in order to
survive. Be prepared to adapt to new environments and work across diverse teams
with varied skill sets in order to face new challenges together.
5. Show love in abundance. Elephants are compassionate and loving creatures. They
sincerely care about their loved ones, help one another and take care of each other
in times of distress. They go through hardships and fun moments together. Always
remember to show love no matter who you are or where you are.

And here’s wishing you the very best for all the new

ventures that life has in store for you.

Mdm Shi & Mr Diva

Dearest 4.4 ladies,
What can we say about you? Let us count the ways.

We must say that this class is filled with the most awesome

lot of students. All of you are a caring lot of teens and each

of you look out for one another. You are kind and

compassionate to your peers, and we have seen that too.To

add to that, you treat all your teachers with respect.

However, at the same time, you have been crazy in your own

ways, with a good sense of humour. We have had good

laughs amidst all the seriousness of the O’ level exams

hovering in your minds. Remember to stay that way; kind, caring, positive, and

with that sprinkle of humour in this oh-so serious world.

Life is a journey with its many ups and downs. Nothing

good or bad lasts forever, and you have the grit and

resilience to see you through. You may think you don’t but

trust us, YOU DO! Never stop believing in yourself. While

you take care of others, take care of yourselves and be nice

to yourself, too. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

All the very best to each and every one of you in your life’s journey.
Enjoy the ride and remember to smell the roses along the way!

Your Form Teachers,
Mrs Ramesh and Mr Chai

Dear 4.5,

What a journey it has been! In these two years we have seen you grow in many ways - in
maturity and sensibilities. We have also seen your joy, pain, excitement and struggles. It
has not been easy, but you have made it this far!
Your whimsical musings never fail to amuse us, and though sometimes you have strange
‘creative’ ideas, we know at the end of the day you are still children with good hearts.
We are glad we bring light to your lives (because every morning for assembly we switch
on the lights when we step into your classroom) in the cover of darkness that you go
through. Thank you for letting us brighten your days in PL!
We will miss seeing your little toys, hearing your comments on all matters and watching
your amusing antics. We are extremely devastated that you are leaving us but we know
you must go forth and continue to spread the ‘lite’.
As you leave these sheltering walls, we hope you leave with euphoric memories of your
time with us as you have been most fortunate to be blessed with good teachers and
Life after PL will be full of uncertainties, it will be different and challenging. However, we
are certain that you will succeed. You are street smart and adaptable individuals who
can overcome any obstacles that come your way.
Keep your heads up, keep shining, keep going and keep having faith. You will get to
where you need to be. Don’t worry and know that perseverance and kindness will see you

Take very good care of yourselves

we will miss you!

From the bottom of our blood circulating hearts,
Ms Intan & Ms Das

Dear 4.6,

I have seen many of you grow into mature and sensible young ladies, and I have
faith that you are going to do well in life. Life as life may be, among chocolates and
bubble teas, you get lemons, chillies and bitter gourds. When my life is too full of
lemons and bitter gourds, I always refer to this Confucius quote to find my
bearings. I hope it will benefit you in life too.

知止而后有定。 When you know where to stop, you have stability.

定而后能静, When you have stability, you can be tranquil.

静而后能安, When you are tranquil, you can be at ease.

安而后能虑, When you are at ease, you can deliberate.

虑而后能得。 When you can deliberate you can attain your aims.

《大学》 From Confucius, The Book of Great L

Ms Yap 叶老师

Dear girls,

In life, we go through many tests to learn

from our mistakes.

Be a proton – be positive! Be appreciative

of little things! Be an inspiration to others!

Remember– during crystallisation, the
solution is heated to saturation. You are
now heated up due to exam stress and feel
like you cannot take it anymore. However,
when the solution cools down, crystals are
formed. After all these stressful moments,
when you are resting after exams, you are
going to be a BEAUTIFUL CRYSTAL! Never,
never give up hope no matter how difficult
your circumstances are.

Mrs Rajah


Dear 4.7,

We are so proud of all of you for coming this far in your journey. May all that you’ve
learnt and experienced in PL make up beautiful memories and enriching lessons that
will serve you well in life.

Remember to BE the change that you want to see. Don’t just talk about what you are
going to do; don’t just dream about what you are going to do; don’t criticise somebody
else for what they are not doing. YOU be that action and go do it. Make big plans and
act on them with dedication and persistence. Don’t let fears and excuses hold you
back. Your future is yours to create, so do it with confidence, commitment and without
regret :)

When faced with a difficult situation, always choose the most positive way forward.
And even though it may demand much of you, embrace that struggle. Surviving that
struggle will strengthen you and you will not regret taking on the meaningful

Live true to who you are, and true to your greatest potential. Though you won’t be
able to avoid all of life’s difficulties, you can avoid the painful regrets.

Though you will leave the sheltering walls of PL, take heart that the same God whom
you have entrusted your life to in PL will watch over you and be with you wherever
you go. Continue to place your hope in Him and you will experience the fullness of life
which He has planned for you.

Go forth in life to achieve your dreams, but don’t forget the reasons and the people
who make the journey worth the trouble :)

We wish you all the very best in your future endeavours!

Dear 4.8,

It has been a pleasure watching you grow up into
responsible young people. I remember that when I first
became your Form Teacher in Sec 1, I promised you that I
will follow you up to Sec 4 if I could. Then one of you
sceptically said, “Well the other NT classes change FTs
every year, so you won’t be our FT forever.” Time has
proven me right… I am still here, and I am glad that you
have learnt to amplify one another’s strengths as the years
go by. As you are the form class that I have had for the
longest (my previous record was 3 years only, while yours is
3.5 years),I will indeed miss you when you leave PL’s
sheltering walls with the skills that you have picked up here.

Mdm Olivia Low

Dear 4.8

The two years as your Form Teacher have
been quite a journey, filled with happy and
sad memories. I am delighted to see many
of you growing more confident, more
independent, more responsible and more
determined to achieve your goals and
dreams. Sadly...there are still some with
lots of growing up to do.
You’ll get there… one way or another.
To each and everyone of you, I wish you all the best in your pursuit of success and
happiness. May you find joy and a sense of purpose and meaning in everything that
you do. May you look back at your journey in PL and be grateful for the love, care,
support and guidance you have been blessed with. Go and BE a blessing to the
community just as how the PL Family has been to you.

Be the BEST that YOU can be! Take care!

Yours faithfully,

Mdm Zalena

Dear 5.1,

We will miss your crazy laughter and sweet smiles when you leave PL.
It has been a challenging year, with COVID-19 and your personal hurdles.

But you have risen above the obstacles and shown yourselves to be
resilient and tenacious.

May you bring the values and good work ethics that you have developed
as you go out of PL to spread the light and be shining PL-Lites!

Lastly, have faith in yourselves! You are worth more than you can ever
imagine and you can do so much if you just believe in yourselves.

Soar like Eagles!!!

Mrs J Christopher & Mrs Lim

Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Secondary)

Honour God · Excellence · Adaptability · Respect · Thankfulness

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