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Published by awesomeflipbook, 2021-09-23 07:49:32

School Program Flyer k-5



24 1

Thank you for

Considering a Field Trip Can’t come to us?

to the Let us come to you!

River Discovery Center! Most programs in this

booklet can be brought to

your school or meeting
Call or email for details!


Krystal Watson

Krystal Watson Education Coordinator
Educator Coordinator River Discovery Center
[email protected] [email protected]

270.575.9958 270.575.9958

2 23


River Discovery Center
117 S. Water Street How to use this booklet?
Paducah, KY 42001
Programs are made for specific grades and bro-
ken down for k-1, 2-3, and 4-5. At the end of

each program description are the standards

that the program meets. We can tailor pro-

grams to meet your classroom needs.

What costs are associated with programming?

Visits to River Discovery Center:

Skippers Program is sponsored by Ingram

Barge and FREE of charge. Please see program
description under 2nd and 3rd grade pro-


Mound Builders: $150 charge per class. Please
see program description under 4th and 5th


Other programs unless specified:

$5.00 per student. 1 adult per 10 students ad-

mitted free.

$8 dollars per adult for extra adults.

We accept checks or credit cards.
Please provide an address if an invoice is needed.

22 3

How Long are Field Trips? How “healthy” is your drinking water?

Length of the field trip is based upon programs Students test various water samples to find out

and activities chosen as well as the group’s dis- what makes water good for us to consume as

tance from the Center. Most programs begin be- well as things humans do that harm our drink-
tween 9:30-10AM and students depart at ing water. Activity fees associated with this

1:30PM. program.4-ESS3-2, 5-ESS2-1, 5-ESS2-2

Where is drop off and where does the bus Wetland Food Chains

Most things depend on something else. Let’s
Buses drop students off at the front door of explore wetland food chains and how we can

RDC. Buses park in the large public parking lot protect these precious habitats.

on the corner of Water St. and Broadway.
5.PS3-1, 5LS1-1, 4-LS1-1, 4-ESS2-2, 5-PS2-1,5-
What is included with admission to RDC? ESS2-1, 5LS2

In addition to the program, if time permits, we Mound Builders

take the students to the boat simulator, and in- Students learn about early Mississippian Native
clude a brief museum tour.
American Culture through this comprehensive

Standard activity fees for special projects? hands on program. Who were the Mississippi-

$3.00 per student. Other fees may apply de- ans? How did they live and sustain their com-

pending on the supplies needed. If there is a munities? Students will also make a clay pot
need for additional fees, it will be discussed be- and participate in an science-based archeologi-

fore field trip. cal dig. $150 per class.

SS 2.16,SS2.17,SS2.19,SS.20, R3.a,L4.3a,5.MD.1

4 21

Steam Engine Experiment: How do I make a reservation for my class?

From canoes to our modern day diesel engines, EASY! Email [email protected]

the RDC covers all kinds of river travel. In this or call 270.575.9958. You MUST get a confirma-

program, we discuss the history of steam en- tion from RDC before the field trip is set. Reser-

gines and build our own mini-steam powered vations will be made on first come, first serve
engine. Activity fees associated with this pro- basis.

gram. 4-PS3-1, 4-PS3-2,4-PS3-3, 4-PS3-4, 3- What COVID measures have been taken by

5ETS1-3, 5-ESS2-1 RDC?

Lewis and Clark Jr. Ranger. Current staff members are fully vaccinated by

Geared for 3-6th grade. The booklet on Lewis choice. RDC will follow COVID guidelines set
and Clark’s journey also focuses on the support by your school or organization.

team who got them across what is now 16 Are these the only programs offered?

states. Once completed, students can take the Jr.
We provide programs based upon your curricu-
Ranger pledge and receive their badge. RDC is
lum needs as long as they can be tied back into
also available to give a talk on the Lewis and river education/history.

Clark journey and how it affected Western KY.
We are regularly posting new program ideas.
SS 2.16, SS2.17, SS2.19, SS.20, R3.A L4.3A,
Please feel free to look at our website as this
document will be updated periodically.

Are these programs only for schools?

No. Most of our programs, can be done for any

group who is interested.

20 5

How many students can visit at one time? Decomposers: Life in a Rotten Log:

Due to limited space, no more than 60 students A tree falls in the woods. The decomposing pro-

can visit on the same day. cess begins and a mini-habitat forms. In this in-

Can students make purchases from the gift teractive program, your students learn about
shop? mini habitats and explore invertebrates in rotten
log debris. Program will be offered on supply
To make it easier for teachers and students, we
availability. 4-LS1-1,5-LS2-1, 5-LS2
have created a pre-sell order sheet so the stu-

dents do not have to shop during their trip Build a flat boat:

here. We will deliver these to you about a week Learn about early river travel as we use popsicle

prior to your visit with instructions. You will sticks to build a flat boat and test its travel in
bring the orders with you and they will be filled our downstairs mock river and dam. Activity

while the students are here. Stress-free shop- charge based upon supply cost at time of pro-

ping! A big WIN for everyone! Purchases can gram. 3-5-ETS1-2, 4.E.MA.1, 4.E.KE.1, 4.G.GR.1,
also be made for off site visits. Staff will bring 5.E.MA2, 5.E.MA.1, 5.E.M2.2

the orders to the school.
River Navigation:

Do programs meet core and NGSS standards?
Today we have fancy gadgets and gizmos , but
At the end of each description, you will find the how did early river travelers navigate? Let’s do

curriculum standard. All programs meet com- some hands on activities to see if we can find
mon core, NGSS, or both. our way like early explorers. 5-ESS1-2

6 19

4th and 5th Grade How do I participate in the Lewis and Clark

Invasive Species Obituary Trail Jr. Ranger Program?

We take students through an invasive species Email [email protected] with

talk then we look at several species that have tak- the number of booklets needed and we will get
en over Kentucky. Students will break into them to you. The booklets are free and geared
for 3rd-6th grade. If you would like RDC to
groups to think outside the box and explain how

they eradicated their assigned species! Vocabu- come do a talk on Lewis and Clark and the im-

lary sheet and talking points available before pact on Western KY, we would be glad to do so.
program. 4-LS1-1,5-LS2 Are there any added fees of which we should

Water Turbine Experiment: be aware?
On top of the admission fee, an activity fee may
Water, water, everywhere. Students learn about

locks and dams as well as how dams provide re- be added for specific add-on activities. A RDC
staff member will go over activity options with
newable energy. Using a set series of supplies,
you prior to the field trip.
students will build and design their own water

turbine and use it at our dam to see which de- Speak with RDC education staff for a list of ac-

sign works best. Activity charge based upon sup- tivities that can be added to your chosen pro-

ply cost at time of program4-PS3-1, 4-PS3-2,4-PS3 gram.
-3, 4-PS3-4, 3-5ETS1-3, 5-ESS2-1

18 7

Are programs COVID safe?
We can do most of our programs outside,

weather permitting. Our staff has been vaccinat-

ed and staff will follow the school district’s

COVID guidelines. and

Fifth Grade


8 17

Monarch Madness:
Canada to Mexico, Monarch butterflies are wel-

comed visitors. These interesting creatures have

been studied for years due to their migration

routes and their important role in pollination. and
Let’s explore these beautiful butterflies together

and play Monarch Madness to see who makes First Grade

the journey and who doesn’t! 2-LS2-2, 2-LS4-1,3



16 9

Kindergarten and 1st grade Lizard Habitats:

Turtle Talk. What was that? Where did it go? Learn about
skinks, racers, and legless lizards in this inter-
We bring RDC’s resident turtle to talk about all
active program where we explore different liz-
things turtle that live in our own backyards. Af- ard habitats. 2-LS4-1,3-LS1-1,3-LS3-1,3-LS3-2
ter our program, we are off to the races…the
Skippers Program!
turtle races that is.K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1,K-ESS3-3,

1-LS1-1 Free Geared for 3rd grade! Sponsored by In-
gram Barge, students will learn about the tow
Lizard Life!
boat industry, drive the boat simulator, and
Lizards are cold..cold blooded. We take your have a museum tour. You can choose between

students through common lizards of Kentucky
“Build-a-Barge” or Repousse for their class-
with a hands on activity about lizard habits. room project. Build a barge is a team building

What better way to rap up the lesson but with activity and Repoussé is an art project. Activi-
lizard tag! K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1-LS1-1 ty fees apply for Repousse. 3-5-ETSS1-1, 3-

Snakes…Slimy? Sneaky? No!! 5EETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3, LS4--3, LS4.D, LS4-1, PS

Learn about snakes of Kentucky, how they 2-1, PS2-3

move, and why they are good for our environ- Shapeshifters:

ment. Then, we play a game to see if your team In this program, we discuss how water shapes
can make it to the finish first. K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3- what is now Western KY. After the program

3, 1-LS1-1, K-PS2-1 students will conduct experiments to see how

water causes erosion and use tools on hand to
see what they can do to change natures course.

2-ESS2-1, 3-LS3-2, 3-ESS2-1,3-ESS3-1

10 15

2nd and 3rd Grade Froggy Chorus

Pest Control! Do frogs just say ribbit ribbit? Many times we

Dragonflies and Lady Bugs! Amazing critters don’t see our little froggy friends, but we do
that eat the pests that bug us. We take your stu- hear them. Let us lead your students through

dents through the bug’s metamorphosis to find the mysterious world of frogs and toads then

out why these critters are so special. 3-LS1-1, 3- finish our program by coming together for the

LS3-1, 3-LS3-1,3-LS3-2,3-LS4-2 froggy chorus. K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1
Amazing Arachnids
Build a Fish
While some spiders are itsy bitsy, others can be

large and maybe a little scary. Let us take your How do fish move? Breath? Swim? As we an-

students through common spiders, the different swer our questions, we learn about common

webs they make, and how they are beneficial to fish in our local Kentucky rivers and lakes. Af-
our environment. We will wrap up our pro- ter we learn about fish adaptations, a lucky

gram with students building their own spider student gets to be our “build-a-fish.” Let’s see

webs and experiment to see which designs what wacky adaptions your students can

catch the most food. Activity fee applies. 3-LS1- come up with! K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1-
1,3-LS3-1, 3-LS3-2,3-5-ETS1-3, K-2-ETS1-3,2-LS2 LS1-1

-2 Down by the River: Interactive story time.

Water Aliens: Using animal and insect puppets, the instruc-

Let’s explore water bugs! These invertebrates tor will lead the students through an interac-
are a little different than what we are used to tive day down by the river. RL.K.5.CK.3 K-LS1

seeing on land. 2-LS4-1, 3LS1-1,3LS3-1,3-LS3-2 -1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1-LS1-1

14 11



Third Grade


12 13



Third Grade


12 13

2nd and 3rd Grade Froggy Chorus

Pest Control! Do frogs just say ribbit ribbit? Many times we

Dragonflies and Lady Bugs! Amazing critters don’t see our little froggy friends, but we do
that eat the pests that bug us. We take your stu- hear them. Let us lead your students through

dents through the bug’s metamorphosis to find the mysterious world of frogs and toads then

out why these critters are so special. 3-LS1-1, 3- finish our program by coming together for the

LS3-1, 3-LS3-1,3-LS3-2,3-LS4-2 froggy chorus. K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1
Amazing Arachnids
Build a Fish
While some spiders are itsy bitsy, others can be

large and maybe a little scary. Let us take your How do fish move? Breath? Swim? As we an-

students through common spiders, the different swer our questions, we learn about common

webs they make, and how they are beneficial to fish in our local Kentucky rivers and lakes. Af-
our environment. We will wrap up our pro- ter we learn about fish adaptations, a lucky

gram with students building their own spider student gets to be our “build-a-fish.” Let’s see

webs and experiment to see which designs what wacky adaptions your students can

catch the most food. Activity fee applies. 3-LS1- come up with! K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1-
1,3-LS3-1, 3-LS3-2,3-5-ETS1-3, K-2-ETS1-3,2-LS2 LS1-1

-2 Down by the River: Interactive story time.

Water Aliens: Using animal and insect puppets, the instruc-

Let’s explore water bugs! These invertebrates tor will lead the students through an interac-
are a little different than what we are used to tive day down by the river. RL.K.5.CK.3 K-LS1

seeing on land. 2-LS4-1, 3LS1-1,3LS3-1,3-LS3-2 -1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1-LS1-1

14 11

Kindergarten and 1st grade Lizard Habitats:

Turtle Talk. What was that? Where did it go? Learn about
skinks, racers, and legless lizards in this inter-
We bring RDC’s resident turtle to talk about all
active program where we explore different liz-
things turtle that live in our own backyards. Af- ard habitats. 2-LS4-1,3-LS1-1,3-LS3-1,3-LS3-2
ter our program, we are off to the races…the
Skippers Program!
turtle races that is.K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1,K-ESS3-3,

1-LS1-1 Free Geared for 3rd grade! Sponsored by In-
gram Barge, students will learn about the tow
Lizard Life!
boat industry, drive the boat simulator, and
Lizards are cold..cold blooded. We take your have a museum tour. You can choose between

students through common lizards of Kentucky
“Build-a-Barge” or Repousse for their class-
with a hands on activity about lizard habits. room project. Build a barge is a team building

What better way to rap up the lesson but with activity and Repoussé is an art project. Activi-
lizard tag! K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, 1-LS1-1 ty fees apply for Repousse. 3-5-ETSS1-1, 3-

Snakes…Slimy? Sneaky? No!! 5EETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3, LS4--3, LS4.D, LS4-1, PS

Learn about snakes of Kentucky, how they 2-1, PS2-3

move, and why they are good for our environ- Shapeshifters:

ment. Then, we play a game to see if your team In this program, we discuss how water shapes
can make it to the finish first. K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3- what is now Western KY. After the program

3, 1-LS1-1, K-PS2-1 students will conduct experiments to see how

water causes erosion and use tools on hand to
see what they can do to change natures course.

2-ESS2-1, 3-LS3-2, 3-ESS2-1,3-ESS3-1

10 15

Monarch Madness:
Canada to Mexico, Monarch butterflies are wel-

comed visitors. These interesting creatures have

been studied for years due to their migration

routes and their important role in pollination. and
Let’s explore these beautiful butterflies together

and play Monarch Madness to see who makes First Grade

the journey and who doesn’t! 2-LS2-2, 2-LS4-1,3



16 9

Are programs COVID safe?
We can do most of our programs outside,

weather permitting. Our staff has been vaccinat-

ed and staff will follow the school district’s

COVID guidelines. and

Fifth Grade


8 17

4th and 5th Grade How do I participate in the Lewis and Clark

Invasive Species Obituary Trail Jr. Ranger Program?

We take students through an invasive species Email [email protected] with

talk then we look at several species that have tak- the number of booklets needed and we will get
en over Kentucky. Students will break into them to you. The booklets are free and geared
for 3rd-6th grade. If you would like RDC to
groups to think outside the box and explain how

they eradicated their assigned species! Vocabu- come do a talk on Lewis and Clark and the im-

lary sheet and talking points available before pact on Western KY, we would be glad to do so.
program. 4-LS1-1,5-LS2 Are there any added fees of which we should

Water Turbine Experiment: be aware?
On top of the admission fee, an activity fee may
Water, water, everywhere. Students learn about

locks and dams as well as how dams provide re- be added for specific add-on activities. A RDC
staff member will go over activity options with
newable energy. Using a set series of supplies,
you prior to the field trip.
students will build and design their own water

turbine and use it at our dam to see which de- Speak with RDC education staff for a list of ac-

sign works best. Activity charge based upon sup- tivities that can be added to your chosen pro-

ply cost at time of program4-PS3-1, 4-PS3-2,4-PS3 gram.
-3, 4-PS3-4, 3-5ETS1-3, 5-ESS2-1

18 7

How many students can visit at one time? Decomposers: Life in a Rotten Log:

Due to limited space, no more than 60 students A tree falls in the woods. The decomposing pro-

can visit on the same day. cess begins and a mini-habitat forms. In this in-

Can students make purchases from the gift teractive program, your students learn about
shop? mini habitats and explore invertebrates in rotten
log debris. Program will be offered on supply
To make it easier for teachers and students, we
availability. 4-LS1-1,5-LS2-1, 5-LS2
have created a pre-sell order sheet so the stu-

dents do not have to shop during their trip Build a flat boat:

here. We will deliver these to you about a week Learn about early river travel as we use popsicle

prior to your visit with instructions. You will sticks to build a flat boat and test its travel in
bring the orders with you and they will be filled our downstairs mock river and dam. Activity

while the students are here. Stress-free shop- charge based upon supply cost at time of pro-

ping! A big WIN for everyone! Purchases can gram. 3-5-ETS1-2, 4.E.MA.1, 4.E.KE.1, 4.G.GR.1,
also be made for off site visits. Staff will bring 5.E.MA2, 5.E.MA.1, 5.E.M2.2

the orders to the school.
River Navigation:

Do programs meet core and NGSS standards?
Today we have fancy gadgets and gizmos , but
At the end of each description, you will find the how did early river travelers navigate? Let’s do

curriculum standard. All programs meet com- some hands on activities to see if we can find
mon core, NGSS, or both. our way like early explorers. 5-ESS1-2

6 19

Steam Engine Experiment: How do I make a reservation for my class?

From canoes to our modern day diesel engines, EASY! Email [email protected]

the RDC covers all kinds of river travel. In this or call 270.575.9958. You MUST get a confirma-

program, we discuss the history of steam en- tion from RDC before the field trip is set. Reser-

gines and build our own mini-steam powered vations will be made on first come, first serve
engine. Activity fees associated with this pro- basis.

gram. 4-PS3-1, 4-PS3-2,4-PS3-3, 4-PS3-4, 3- What COVID measures have been taken by

5ETS1-3, 5-ESS2-1 RDC?

Lewis and Clark Jr. Ranger. Current staff members are fully vaccinated by

Geared for 3-6th grade. The booklet on Lewis choice. RDC will follow COVID guidelines set
and Clark’s journey also focuses on the support by your school or organization.

team who got them across what is now 16 Are these the only programs offered?

states. Once completed, students can take the Jr.
We provide programs based upon your curricu-
Ranger pledge and receive their badge. RDC is
lum needs as long as they can be tied back into
also available to give a talk on the Lewis and river education/history.

Clark journey and how it affected Western KY.
We are regularly posting new program ideas.
SS 2.16, SS2.17, SS2.19, SS.20, R3.A L4.3A,
Please feel free to look at our website as this
document will be updated periodically.

Are these programs only for schools?

No. Most of our programs, can be done for any

group who is interested.

20 5

How Long are Field Trips? How “healthy” is your drinking water?

Length of the field trip is based upon programs Students test various water samples to find out

and activities chosen as well as the group’s dis- what makes water good for us to consume as

tance from the Center. Most programs begin be- well as things humans do that harm our drink-
tween 9:30-10AM and students depart at ing water. Activity fees associated with this

1:30PM. program.4-ESS3-2, 5-ESS2-1, 5-ESS2-2

Where is drop off and where does the bus Wetland Food Chains

Most things depend on something else. Let’s
Buses drop students off at the front door of explore wetland food chains and how we can

RDC. Buses park in the large public parking lot protect these precious habitats.

on the corner of Water St. and Broadway.
5.PS3-1, 5LS1-1, 4-LS1-1, 4-ESS2-2, 5-PS2-1,5-
What is included with admission to RDC? ESS2-1, 5LS2

In addition to the program, if time permits, we Mound Builders

take the students to the boat simulator, and in- Students learn about early Mississippian Native
clude a brief museum tour.
American Culture through this comprehensive

Standard activity fees for special projects? hands on program. Who were the Mississippi-

$3.00 per student. Other fees may apply de- ans? How did they live and sustain their com-

pending on the supplies needed. If there is a munities? Students will also make a clay pot
need for additional fees, it will be discussed be- and participate in an science-based archeologi-

fore field trip. cal dig. $150 per class.

SS 2.16,SS2.17,SS2.19,SS.20, R3.a,L4.3a,5.MD.1

4 21


River Discovery Center
117 S. Water Street How to use this booklet?
Paducah, KY 42001
Programs are made for specific grades and bro-
ken down for k-1, 2-3, and 4-5. At the end of

each program description are the standards

that the program meets. We can tailor pro-

grams to meet your classroom needs.

What costs are associated with programming?

Visits to River Discovery Center:

Skippers Program is sponsored by Ingram

Barge and FREE of charge. Please see program
description under 2nd and 3rd grade pro-


Mound Builders: $150 charge per class. Please
see program description under 4th and 5th


Other programs unless specified:

$5.00 per student. 1 adult per 10 students ad-

mitted free.

$8 dollars per adult for extra adults.

We accept checks or credit cards.
Please provide an address if an invoice is needed.

22 3

Thank you for

Considering a Field Trip Can’t come to us?

to the Let us come to you!

River Discovery Center! Most programs in this

booklet can be brought to

your school or meeting
Call or email for details!


Krystal Watson

Krystal Watson Education Coordinator
Educator Coordinator River Discovery Center
[email protected] [email protected]

270.575.9958 270.575.9958

2 23



24 1

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