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Published by cherane.christopher, 2021-09-02 17:34:28

Star of the Sea - SM Stella Maris Pudu 2020 Magazine

SM Stella Maris Pudu 2020 Magazine

Keywords: SMPudu,Star of the Sea

Our School Song

Oh we are marching with a song, a song of loyalty,
We see our banners flying high, symbol of victory,
Our Stella Maris we all hail, our love shall never fail,
For we are strong and brave, so let our colours wave,

And let us show our loyalty to thee.

Carve a way before us, march in honour of the school,
In the gym, the lab, the classroom,
let’s give our best, it is the rule.

Charting the way for a future breed, unafraid to take the lead.
So come on one and all,
Let us rally to the call,

Let us lift our song with all our hearts.





















Total A % B % C % D % E % F % %Pass

BAHASA MELAYU 95 17 17.9 24 25.3 38 40.0 12 12.6 4 4.2 0 0.0 100.0
0.0 100.0
BM (LISAN) 95 22 23.2 30 31.6 37 38.9 6 6.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 100.0
4.2 95.8
ENGLISH 95 94 98.9 1 1.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 100.0
2.1 97.9
SEJARAH 95 13 13.7 13 13.7 21 22.1 28 29.5 16 16.8 4 3.2 96.8
0.0 100.0
GEOGRAFI 95 24 25.3 29 30.5 19 20.0 16 16.8 7 7.4 0 0.0 100.0
0.0 100.0
MATHEMATICS 95 41 43.2 26 27.4 15 15.8 10 10.5 1 1.1 2 0.0 100.0

SCIENCE 95 14 14.7 13 13.7 35 36.8 20 21.1 10 10.5 3

RBT 95 7 7.4 8 8.4 37 38.9 25 26.3 18 18.9 0

BAHASA CINA 11 3 27.3 4 36.4 0 0.0 2 18.2 2 18.2 0

BAHASA TAMIL 2 2 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0

PEND ISLAM 2 1 50.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 50.0 0

8A’s 6A’s 4A’s
No. of
Candidates 1. Cheong Ivy* 1. Calie Lim Xuan 1. Allyson Kum Yin Kei
2. Anna Miasarah Bt
8A’s 5 Thung 2. Amber Priyanka Nara-
7A’s 3 3. Eros Ng Zi Qian* 2. Elizabeth Liang Yi yanan
Lee 3. Ashley Kok Qian Tong
4. Tan Jun Jia 3. Wong Zee Cheng
6A’s 3 5. Liew Wan Yi* 4. Chan Yi En
(*) – straight A’s
5A’s 2 5. Choy Li lian
7A’s 5A’s 6. Cheah Weng Yan

4A’s 9 1. Ikie Cheong 1. Chang Jhi Qin 7. Lang Hui Shan
2. Liaw En Yee 2. Nathelie Yap Chew 8. Gan Jia Yau
% 4A’s and 23.2% 3. Quah En Yao 9. Tan Kai Xin
above Li




Subject Code No. A+ A A- B+ B C+ C D E G % GPM
Pass P

1 B. MELAYU 1103 118 3 7 26 34 31 11 6 0 0 0 100 3.19
2 ENGLISH 1119 118 31 31 20 15 14 6 0 1 0 0 100 1.77
3 P.ISLAM 1223 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 100 5.00
4 P. MORAL 1225 116 5 10 34 39 19 4 5 0 0 0 100 2.77
5 SEJARAH 1249 118 8 21 9 24 18 10 9 16 3 0 100 3.58

6 MATHEMATICS 1449 118 13 49 10 11 13 12 5 4 0 1 99.1 2.38

7 SCIENCE 1511 58 1 20 8 11 12 4 1 1 0 0 100 2.59

8 ENG. 2205 20 1 3 9 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 100 2.35

9 P. SENI VISUAL 2611 7 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 100 3.43

10 ADD. MATHS 3472 60 2 6 4 7 8 8 8 6 9 2 96.6 4.78

11 P. PERAKAUNAN 3756 51 5 13 8 3 6 2 5 2 3 4 92.1 3.45

12 PERNIAGAAN 3766 58 2 5 11 13 6 1 3 11 6 0 100 4.10

13 EKONOMI 3767 58 0 3 2 3 5 6 7 12 13 7 87.9 6.19

14 PHYSICS 4531 60 4 3 6 13 10 11 6 6 1 0 100 3.92

15 CHEMISTRY 4541 60 5 4 7 7 7 13 6 10 1 0 100 4.10

16 BIOLOGY 4551 60 3 7 7 13 11 7 6 5 1 0 100 3.63

17 B. CINA 6351 8 0 0 1232000 0 100 3.75
0 5 61.5 7.00
18 BIBLE 9221 13 0 0112112
Gred Purata Sekolah = 3.37 10A’s 9A’s

HIGH ACHIEVERS 1. Wong Hee Kang 1. Lim Xuan Teng 1. Wu Qin Yi Arielle
2. Kasvina A/ P 2. Jayson Lee Zhe Xian 2. Mun Ke Yen
No. of 3. Heng Kai Xuan 3. Chin Li Qin
Tirumal 4. Lee Zhi Ying 4. Chloe Xue De Souza
Candidates 5. Cheng Yin Shing 5. Lim Jia Sheng
10A’s 2 6. Chia Qing Ying 6. Robbin Ooi Zhen Heng
9A’s 8 7. Chong Zhao Hern
8A’s 6 8. Foo Kai Leen






Minggu Bahasa Melayu

Sekolah Menengah Stella Maris telah mengadakan Minggu Bahasa Melayu dari 8 hingga 14 Februari.
Tujuan program ini diadakan adalah untuk membuka minda para pelajar tentang kepentingan mempelajari
Bahasa Melayu serta untuk menunjukkan bahawa murid-murid dapat mempelajari Bahasa Melayu sambil
berhibur dengan pelbagai jenis aktiviti.
Pada hari pertama program ini, Pengetua Sekolah, Puan Mystrical Rose telah memberi ucapan perasmian
Minggu Bahasa Melayu. Pelbagai aktiviti telah diadakan sepanjang minggu tersebut. Antara aktiviti yang
diadakan termasuklah Kuiz Bahasa Melayu . Kuiz ini dilakukan setiap hari semasa perhimpunan pagi dan
setiap pemenang akan menerima hadiah. Selain itu, pelbagai permainan berpendidikan juga dilaksanakan
seperti permainan Sahiba, Perkataan Ular, Pemberita Tiga Kepala dan Apapun Boleh Jadi.


Berikut ialah pemenang permainan-permainan tersebut
mengikut tingkatan



Untuk pelajar Tingkatan lima, aktiviti minggu bahasa mereka telah dilakukan bersama dengan wakil De-
wan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Para pelajar telah dibahagikan kepada 10 kumpulan dan pelbagai aktiviti didik
hibur telah diadakan. Akhirnya, kumpulan 5 telah menjuarai aktiviti didik hibur tersebut dan menerima
hadiah yang telah disumbang oleh Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Pada 14 Februari, majlis penutupan
Minggu Bahasa telah diadakan.

Ketua Panitia Bahasa Melayu, Puan Fenny telah memberi ucapan. Beliau mengucapkan ribuan terima
kasih kepada semua guru yang membantu menjayakan program minggu bahasa ini. Beliau juga mengucap-
kan syabas dan tahniah kepada murid kerana sudi mengambil bahagian dan bersemangat dalam menjalan-
kan semua aktiviti. Secara keseluruhannya, Minggu Bahasa Melayu telah berjalan lancar dan murid-murid
dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuaan mereka dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Dilaporkan oleh, 33
Aysha Alymann Jeyaraj 3K

The International Youth Conference (IYCON 2020):
“Youth Agenda for a Better Tomorrow: Leaving No One Behind”

On the 19th of February, four students from SM Stella Maris Kuala Lumpur — Jeremy Anthony Nathan
(5M), Thoo Dong Cheng (5S), Low Soon Yan (5S), and Farahpreet Kaur (5L) — participated in the Inter-
national Youth Conference (IYCON 2020), organized by the International Youth Centre Kuala Lumpur in
conjunction with Malaysia Future Leaders School (MFLS) Tier-3.
With the theme of the conference being “Sustainable Cities and Communities,” it was attended by 250
MFLS participants and 100 international students from Malaysia-based international schools aged between
17 and 18. This event was a part of the Malaysia Future Leaders School (MFLS) Tier-3 module, aimed at
preparing young talents to be bold, vibrant and competitive leaders through real engagement and manage-
ment of high-impact international programmes.
The conference began with a welcome address titled “Investment in Young People for a Sustainable Devel-
opment” by Dr. Mohamed Maliki, Director of the International Youth Centre Foundation Kuala Lumpur.
The keynote address was presented by YB Steven Sim Chee Keong, the Malaysian Deputy Minister of
Youth and Sports.
The conference proceeded with a short ice-breaking session for the attendees to know each other better.
They then had a Q&A session with Mr. Shaarmarke Abdullahi, a Program Management Officer from UN-
Habitat of Nairobi, Kenya. He talked on sustainable cities and communities, and the roles the youth could
play here in Malaysia. This session provided attendees with tremendous insight on the work that has
shaped Mr. Shaarmarke’s career.


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) Week 2020

STEM Week aims to cultivate a sense of appreciation and understanding of science, technology, engineer-
ing and mathematics in an interactive way. The 2020 edition of this annual event was held from the 24th to
the 28th of February.
Madam Mystrical Rose officiated the week by participating in a science experiment prepared by members
of the Science Club. Throughout the week, quizzes, exhibitions, and interactive activities were held. All the
science laboratories were transformed into exhibition halls where the students demonstrated their experi-
ments. There was active participation by the Stella Maris students.
The main attraction of the week-long event was the launching of the handmade rocket at the outdoor bas-
ketball court. Just like true scientists and engineers, the students made improvements to their rockets
throughout the week, through trial and error. On the final day, they executed a successful launch! During
the closing ceremony, prizes were given away to all the winners of the quizzes and challenges. It was an
eventful, educational and exciting week. We hope to see more innovations from the students in future
STEM week activities.


Fire Drill

On the 27th of February, a fire drill was conducted in the school. The annual fire drill was held to ensure
that students, teachers and staff were aware of the procedures and routes in the event of an actual fire. Stu-
dents were always warned to be on alert for the fire alarm before the actual drill.
On the morning of the fire drill, Mr. Eugene and Mr. Clement rang the fire alarm to stop all activities. Eve-
ryone quickly began to evacuate the school building. The students were already informed of the relevant
staircases and Fire Exits to be used in such an emergency. They then lined up according to their respective
classes at the Emergency Assembly Point, in front of the school gate. Once everyone had evacuated, class
teachers took the attendance. The school Principal, Madam Mystrical Rose, announced the time it took to
evacuate the school building and noted her concern as the time was longer than the previous year.
She told the students that they must always take a fire drill seriously and to be alert of potential dangers,
because it should take less than 4 minutes to evacuate the school. After that, students were asked to return
to their respective classes to continue their lessons for the day.


CeP@T School Editorial Board Workshop 2020
Kuala Lumpur at HELP University

On the 29th of February, members of the Editorial Board attended the CeP@T School Editorial Board
Workshop 2020 Kuala Lumpur at HELP University. The workshop, endorsed by the Ministry of Educa-
tion, aimed to provide basic knowledge and necessary skills in developing the content, presence and tech-
nology (CeP@T) aspects of an e-school magazine. On the day of the event, Mr. Dhanesh Balakrishnan,
Dean of the Faculty of University Foundations Studies in HELP University gave the welcome address to all
participants. Then, Datuk Dr. Paul Chan, the Vice Chancellor of HELP University dropped by to say a few
words. He stressed the importance of communication, and that writing is a skill for a lifetime. He urged the
participants to never stop realizing their dreams. HELP University student facilitators Tasneem, Bryan and
Christie then led the participants in an ice-breaking session. In addition to SM Stella Maris, there were also
participants from Kuang Hua Private High School and SMK Damansara Jaya. They had an enjoyable time
getting to know each other. The workshop then commenced. Participants were taught newswriting
(content) by Dr. Chandramalar, photography and social media posting (presence) by Mr. R. Murali Raja-
ratenam, and creative layout (technology) by Mr. Devaraj Kanagarajoo. The trainers were all lecturers from
HELP Matriculation Centre. It was a fun and interactive workshop. Our team learnt many valuable skills,
which could be applied to their duties in the school editorial board.


AMDA Virtual Info Session

13th May — The students of SM Stella Maris Kuala Lumpur were treated to a virtual info session by the
American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA), New York. It was organised by the Counselling
Department and the Performing Arts Club teacher advisor, Ms Cherane Christopher.
Students also took part in the Improvisation Workshop conducted by J. Elaine Marcos, a Broadway
professional. Ms. J. Elaine is a graduate of The American Musical and Dramatic Academy, known for her
comedic timing and scene-stealing roles. She has starred as Lily St. Regis in the Broadway revival of
“Annie” opposite Jane Lynch, as well as Cynthia in “Priscilla Queen of the Desert” (which earned her an
Astaire Award Nomination for Excellence in Dance). She also writes and produces her own comedy blog.
The students had fun participating in a series of exercises that encouraged them to step out of their
comfort zone, listen actively, and practise creating stories with others. The students now look forward to
more similar activities in the future.


Schoology Training Workshop

On 5th & 6th June, teachers and staff of SM Stella Maris Kuala Lumpur were invited to a two-day training
course on the Schoology learning management system (LMS), conducted by Ms Umarani, Ms Sakthiyah
and Ms Shivee. Schoology allows users to create, manage, and share academic content. The cloud-based
platform provides teachers with all the tools needed to manage a virtual classroom. Schoology can help
teachers streamline the teaching process allowing them to post daily updates of messages to students, the
assignment calendar and upload new learning assignments.
The importance of online learning became highly apparent during the Movement Control Order (MCO)
period. As such, this training was one of the important steps taken by the school administration to ensure
that teachers and staff are aware of the latest technological advances in the field of teaching and learning.
The teachers found the workshop to be beneficial and informative for their lessons. The training workshop
went smoothly, following all Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).



Pada Julai 2020, semua pelajar Tingkatan 2 telah melaksanakan projek akuaponik untuk subjek Reka
bentuk dan Teknologi. Projek ini dibawa seliaan Encik Syahir dan berjalan selama sebulan. Antara objektif
projek ini diadakan adalah untuk :
i. Memupuk semangat pelajar untuk menanam dan menternak ikan.
ii. Menghasilkan dua jenis makanan, iaitu ikan dan sayuran.
iii. Membentuk jati diri dan disiplin para pelajar.
Sepanjang projek ini, pelajar memberikan kerjasama yang baik. Projek ini juga telah berjalan dengan


Form 1 Admission Test

The annual Form 1 school admission test for the 2021 session began at 7.30 a.m. and ended at 1.15 p.m. on
5th September 2020. Parents and guardians were already waiting with their children when registration
opened at the Assembly Hall. Teachers and staff were divided into teams to ensure that everything pro-
ceeded smoothly. Precautions against the COVID-19 virus were taken seriously, and all Standard Operat-
ing Procedures (SOP) were followed rigorously.
After registration, candidates were asked to go into their respective classes to take the exam. There were
four classes, with 20 students in each class. The examinations were on the core subjects: Bahasa Melayu,
Mathematics and English. The potential students were given breaks in between each exam. After dismissal,
students were escorted by the teachers to the Assembly Hall at 1.00 p.m.


Form 5 Parent-Teachers Conference 2020

The Form 5 Parent-Teacher Conference was held on the 15th of September at the school auditorium. It be-
gan at 7.30 a.m. and ended at 11.00 a.m. This tripartite collaboration allows parents to be informed of the
academic progress of their children in school. Parents and teachers can also use this opportunity to discuss
and find new ways to improve students' performance.
The conference was especially important for students as they are also SPM candidates.
To minimize the number of people attending only one parent was allowed to accompany each student.
Social distancing was strictly enforced, parents and students waited for their respective turns to meet their
teachers according to a strict schedule prepared by the school.
In addition to collecting the result slip, each parent was also given the option of discussing their child's pro-
gress with the subject teachers. Prefects were also stationed all over the school to help guide the parents.
The SOP was followed, and a total of 94 parents attended the conference.


The Earth Magnetosphere Project

On 5th October 2020, Ms. Farhanah conducted ‘The Earth Magnetosphere Project’ for Form 3 students.
The objective of this project was to make students aware of the importance of the Earth’s magnetosphere,
to stress the importance of protecting Mother Earth and to instill a love for the science subject.
The project went smoothly and the student collaborated in doing the project even though they had to fol-
low the SOP in accordance with the Movement Control Order (MCO).
The project was a great success, the students gained immense knowledge and had great fun while partici-
pating in the project. We plan to have many more such projects in the future.







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