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Published by Shane Morrison, 2019-08-16 17:47:06

WR: Reign of Titans PVP handbook

PVP handbook




War…. War never changes-Ron Pearlman (Fallout

Ark Waking Realms: Reign of Titans RP-PVP Ruleset

Table of Contents

Chapter 1.
An Introduction to WR: Reign of Titans

Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.
Character Creation & Whitelisting

Chapter 4.
The Golden Rule

Chapter 5
General Rules

Chapter 6
Specific PVP Rules

Chapter 7.
Discord/Subreddit Guidelines

Chapter 1:

An Introduction to WR: Reign of Titans

Heil Traveler, I welcome you to the Waking Realms. Enclosed
herein is the laws of the lands. As you are playing during the Reign
of Titans, you will need to familiarize yourself with our rules of the
realms. Here in the Waking Realms RP is first and foremost. See
someone flying overhead? They may be a friend or enemy, wave
and say hello, start a line of dialogue and find out. You may make
a friend, or an enemy…that’s all part of the experience. You are
playing during the Age of Titans, a time when Asgardian Gods,
corrupted by Edmund Rockwell, roam the lands wreaking havoc
across the lands. This is a continuation of the lore set down by the
Ark Factions server (you can read backstory of many of the events
at But do so at your leisure, it’s not
mandatory. We were one of the first RP Ark Servers, and will
likely be around long after many others have come and gone. We
are adult owned and managed, and are very level headed. With
that said, open your eyes traveler. It’s time for you to awaken to
a world of ageless wonder and mystery.

Martino Jinx-Server Owner

Chapter 2:


Needless to say, a lot has happened in our time. WR: Reign of
Titans mixes the mythos of Ark’s cannon lore with Ark’s that were
affected by Norse Mythology as a seed for creating life. As such
the Overseer programs made “Gods” that were given fantastic
abilities akin to their mythical counterparts. With this there has
been countless lore events outlined in lore posts on . The most important single
events were the War of the Bifrost (or as we call it, the Cross-
Species Invasion). Whereas Edmund Rockwell attempted to wrest
control of the Bifrost (Ark Network) from the Asgardians. He lost,
but upon a fateful happening, he was able to step foot on Asgard
(Extinction) and infect the gods themselves with his taint, converting
them into the Titans (Freya, Loki, and Heimdall) and King Titan
(Odin). You live in a time after the taint of Rockwell has taken hold.
Though Rockwell was slain and his corpse sent back to his Aberrant
Realm, the effects of his corruption spread across the lands. You
now awaken here, will you find a way to survive, or band together
and try to purge the land of the evils? Will you find friends or foes
to aid or hinder your progress of becoming the next to grace their

name in the Heroes Hall? All the while the Bifrost spirals out of
control, only allowing access to one of the 9 realms of Asgard
every 30 days.

Chapter 3:

Character Creation & Whitelisting

It is said that every person starts as a blank slate. A block of
marble that you must chisel into the “True You”. This server uses a
whitelist to ensure that all players have a basic comprehension of
the art of Character Creating, as well as to give new players a
moment to think how their avatars will act, react, and interact in
general with the rest of the Denizens of the Realms. Take some
time to think about your character, who he is, what is his
motivation? We allow a large amount of freedom to create
characters from all time periods, fantasy realms and walks of life.
Below are some tips of do’s and don’ts when creating your
character. We strive to have our response to you back within 48
hours. Sometimes there are delays and we apologize if ever there
is one. If you have not heard back from us, ping us on discord.
Information is in Chapter 7. Servers are restarted twice daily so

when you are whitelisted, you can get in fairly quickly. Use the
downtime to start working on how you’ll first interact with other
Denizens of the Realms. After whitelisting and initial character
creation, a player can create and use only 1 character at a time.
If they choose to retire a character and begin again, they are
permitted to do so at their discretion.

Now we don’t like to restrain creativity here on the realms, but we
do have a few do’s and do nots to keep in mind when creating
your characters.

Have a realistic name. Do not be surprised if you are not granted
access with your dwarven barbarian named “Beardly Von
Pussykiller” or your cheeky Maniac “Mike Hunt”.

If your character is horribly disfigured or proportioned, please
have a good RP that goes with it. A great example was a tribe
called the Urts. They roleplayed as Turtle people and had chests
exaggerated to form a ‘shell”. Another is a Waking Realms
mainstay, Thickneck. I wonder why they call him that….

Characters can come from pre-existing fictional universes. You can
RP as a Mandalorian or a Hogwarts wizard with some restrictions
(outlined in the Do Not section below)

Gods are permitted, but know that if you claim to be a god, there
will always be a skeptic. This RP is at your own risk. Demigods are

usually a better choice. Typically, you would allocate 50% of your
traits to reflect this. I.E. A Son of Zeus will have 50 points into melee
or health. Feel free to reach out to an Admin via the Waking
Realms Discord Channel if you would like advice on the matter.
(See Discord information)

Use a voice changer to enhance certain RP’s, but know there is no
mute player button in ark, so make sure if you’re getting some
negative feedback on using it, to take it constructively.

Do Not:

No characters whose history would cause cultural discomfort. So,
no rapists, Nazis, or the like. We have a 0-tolerance policy for
this, and infractions of it will;
1. Not get you through the whitelist application and 2. Will get
you a perma-ban.

No pre-existing fictional characters. That means no Gimli, Boba
Fett, or anything that has a TM or R at the end of its name. We
don’t want a Cease & Desist and neither do you. However, you
can be A Gimli, but not THAT Gimli.

No historical figures of note aka. no Lincoln, Donald Trump or Adolf
Hitler. You can RP as a character of the same time period however,
so you have some room as it does not conflict with any other rule.

“The Grey Area”

You can be a German soldier, you can be a Mandalorian,
you can be so many things, so why not be something original?
Originality and depth of backstory in your whitelist is important. It
gives the admin team a sense you know what you’re doing. So, if
you cannot take the time to craft a character and a backstory, you
may not get approved to join us. You can always take extra time
and resubmit though! And remember, if you are going to change
characters after you’ve “lived” your life through his/her eyes, you
are free to do so. Just take the same time and care you had to for
your first approved character.

Chapter 4:

The Golden Rule

Don’t be a Dick.

Seems pretty obvious now doesn’t it? But common sense isn’t
always common. If you troll, spam people on reddit or discord,

intentionally target someone inside or outside the game, or block
artifact caves/resources so others can’t advance and it gets back
to us, don’t be surprised if you get banned from the server, the
discord, and the subreddit. If you ask why, you’ll likely be
responded to, “You were a dick”. If you get this response, chances
are you need to take a minute to examine what you were doing,
and how it could be interpreted by outside parties. In the end,
we’re here to roleplay and ride dinosaurs with freaking laser
beams attached to their heads.

Chapter 5:

General Rules

(Applicable to both PVE and PVP Clusters)

This section is broken down to more easily digest and find
information as you need it. Every denizen is expected to read
these rules and prove so on the whitelist as there are questions that
are specifically pulled from this ruleset.

• Roleplay/ Roleplaying. Roleplay should always be your
primary objective. You’ve spent time working on your
character and have a very good idea of what he/she/it will
do in a given circumstance. Allow RP to break the daily grind
of the following; drop/artifact hunting, taming, farming, and

crafting. These elements are always there, but a good
character interaction, for good or for bad, is not nearly as
commonplace. Use of the double slash (//) in chat is an
example of indicating OOC text in an otherwise IC

• Prohibited RP. Any racism, sexual harassment (on the server
or off in general to another denizen), use of derogatory
terms, or saying “FUCK THE RP” because you don’t respect
their RP choices, are grounds for a cool down kick or ban.

• Uses of Cheat Programs/Exploits/Glitches/DDOS. If we

catch you doing any of the above, your ass is banned for life.

If you happen to find an exploit and want to duplicate it for
the admins, you may be rewarded for being forthcoming with
information to help the server patch it. If it is from one of the
mods we might have to wait until the mod creator uses it, but
do not use it in the meantime. Never be afraid to voice up.
We will always be thankful.

• Bans & Ban Appeals. Bans are something any admin or server
owner hates to do to any player, but it happens. Chances are
there will be salty behavior, and we apologize ahead of
time. We are players first, admins second. We always try to
mitigate having to ban people permanently. Bans range from
24-hour bans, all the way to permabans on all Waking
Realms communications channels and servers. Here is a quick
list of things that will result in bans without any discussion:
hacking, exploiting, accusing a player of cheating without
sufficient proof, accusing an admin of “bad-mining” (we have
full logs on the back end to check this, only the server owner
can access to confirm/deny), bringing IRL drama to the

server, trolling or spamming any of the Waking Realms
communications (reddit/discord), recruiting for other RP
servers. Also see the Golden Rule at the top of the rule section
which should cover any other instance. If you feel you are
being banned and should not be, contact the server owner
via discord and file an appeal with your proof.

• Faction Abandonment/Server Cleaning. In the event you get
bored of the game, which happens, take a moment and see
if anyone wants your creatures or gear. Our server uses the
Ark Decay API and after 30 days of Inactivity, all of your
structures and creatures will be wiped via automated
process. This API only runs on the core maps, as Realms of
Change rotate every 30 days.

• War (PVP War Rules)
When all diplomacy fails, it’s time to take the gloves off and
get physical. War in the Waking Realms is an attempt to
settle a dispute, drive someone off contested land, or even
lay them to waste. Know this can be a devastating loss and
understand when you enter into a war situation, we expect
you to lick your wounds, not rage quit. Yes, you lost this war,
but take the opportunity to perhaps make a new character,
or rebuild your home/village. Rage quitting when you
agree to war is a silly concept, but happens 80% of the time.
Know what you’re getting yourself into. Below are the steps
to begin war.

1. War must be declared with a valid reason to the target
tribe/faction/village. This can be done via subreddit post (best
option), in game, or on the appropriate in character channels

on discord. If both parties agree war will happen, they must
then contact an admin.
2. Both parties’ leaders must meet in a neutral area with the
admin. The admin is only there to mediate and record articles
of war. (What structures are off limits, if war beasts such as
Titanosaurs, titans and Gigas are allowed and whatnot)
3. Both warring factions have up to 24 IRL hours to “Prepare for
Battle”. As this is a PVP server, war cannot start until both
parties’ leaders choose so in the radial menu.
4. Once the time is agreed upon, one or more admin’s or 3rd party
observers can be asked to spectate to ensure the articles of
war are not ignored. In the case of an Admin being in one of
the warring parties, the server owner will change the admin
password on the restart before a war to ensure that “badmin”
actions are not used.
5. As you are requesting Admin’s time to make sure that war
proclamations are not violated, we ask you try and 1. Setup
wars on weekends, and 2. Keep the war at maximum 2 IRL
hours. If, however you have a no holds barred war and don’t
need an admin present to make sure that best practices are
followed, you may continue to war for up to 12 hours.
6. War is between 2 tribes. No 3rd party direct interference is
allowed during the battle. 3rd parties however can lend aid
with ammunition and dinosaurs by allies in the lead up to war.
But may not participate directly lest they get a temporary or
permanent ban.

Chapter 6:

PVP Specific Rules

These are very common sense, but need to be said.
Do any of the following, you will at best get a warning, at
worst a ban.

• You have a tribe limit of 5, build like it. You will
be tempted to build a huge mega city, instead
build a small town to start. We do not want to
see server performance degrade because you
foundation a 200x200 area. We have more
than normal structure limit, but do try and restrain
on size, and instead focus on making those
structures look alive. Think smart, build smart.

• Do not build in artifact caves period. Or in front
of them. Sleeping bags are okay, but if you don’t
clean up after yourself on the way out and it
becomes a repeat offense reported to
admins…you’re going to have a bad time. So be
respectful and pick up those sleeping bags on the
way out, so the next person can still set them

• Each tribe is allowed their primary “base” or
Town location. They are also allowed a single
outpost at a time. If you merge with someone with
an existing outpost, you will be expected to clean

it up, or an admin will come and demo additional
outposts until there is only one. Don’t make us do
that, as you may earn a 24-hour kick for the
trouble of us going through the hassle of putting
your tribe back into specs. Consider instead of
multiple outposts, building mobile outposts. We
will not limit you to how many paracers or
brontos’ you have for
• No Pillaring/Foundation spamming. Instaban, no
questions or response from the Admin team if we
find it happening.
• No griefing period. If you get caught kiting dino’s
to someone’s base in an attempt to have said
wild dino destroy their base, and the admin’s find
out, you will be banned. No question.

Raiding Rules

• First and foremost, WR does not allow offline raiding.
If that’s a problem, find another server.

• Raiding in the context of RP is an attempt to either
outright steal something from another player, tribe or
Indie. There are some nuances on how you should go
about doing it. Ideally there’s a reason you’re
stealing from someone in context of RP so use the
following below as guidelines of why you are raiding,
not as a justification that you are.

o Do:
§ Make sure the party is online and you can see

them. WR does not endorse the use of
battlemetrics to track online players, but we
cannot stop you from using them. However, if
you have an RP issue with a player that
enforces your need to raid them, you need to
have visual confirmation (take a screenshot to
use if admin’s ask for proof if they are called
§ Roleplay your raid. Nobody likes being
raided, but PVP raids can be fun. If you have
plans to raid someone, create some IN
PERSON dialogue with the player that sets the
stage for hostilities. Raiding for raiding’s sake
is lame, you’re better than that. An example
of this is you go and buy a rifle, and the seller
changes the price last minute. You disagree
with them but ultimately pay the price. You
had an arrangement and he reneged. You
now have reason to justifiably try and get that
money back.

• Also, a tip: If you are going to be a
pirate, know that historically pirates did
not raid ports, they only raided the high

seas. A pirate going far inland is not in
character for a pirate. A Viking or say
Mongol horde would take raiding
parties throughout the land, but would
only raid if they needed to. Most of the
time they demanded food and drink
and moved on. Raiding doesn’t always
have to be about stealing mats, guns,
tames & blueprints. It’s sometimes just to
get a good meal. Raiding in RP is the
true show if you are a good role-
player. Sure, the party that’s being
raided is going to be angry, but if you
did it right, they have to respect the
dedication you put into it. If you just
wanna go smash and grab, head to an
official server.
§ Only destroy minimal parts of a base during

a raid. You’re pillaging, not wiping a base.
Take doubly care if it’s a tree or cliff
platform as overzealous use of explosives
could end up causing you to get a ban if it
levels their entire base.
§ Expect the raided to defend. As you are the
aggressor, the defender has the right to use
any and all weapons/dinos at their disposal
to rebuff you.
§ Once you die, that’s it. No returning to the

scene for 24 IRL hours. This ensures it’s a raid

and not an unofficial war. It is suggested you
keep one tribemate behind to ensure if the
raid is a failure, your dinos have a chance to
retreat. Otherwise, the defender may do
what he wishes with your mounts, saddles, and
items on the deceased raider(s).
§ As we have structure locking set to on, if

someone leaves a chest open, it’s not

considered raiding.

§ Only raid a faction/tribe/indie once per IRL

week. It makes no sense if you just rolled an
indie’s sheep farm, that you’d go back before
he’s recovered.
§ Do continue to raid if a player decides to

“Battle Log”. This means the victim is aware of
the raid, and decides to either cross ark, or
straight log off to escape. This means you’ve
already begun the raid, not just a verbal
intent to do so. If you’re going for a stealth
raid and you see the victim use a transmitter
or drop to travel to another map, disengage.
You don’t want to be in that position, as the
admins will have to inspect the logs and time
stamps to determine if it constitutes offline
raiding. Better safe than sorry.
§ Kill only tames that attack you. Period.


§ Do not offline raid, as stated prior, you will
be banned. 0 tolerance policy on that.

§ No killing or abducting sleeping players. You
may strip them down to their underwear, but
do not kill them (exception is if the player is
on the other side of a door and splash
damage kills them during a raid).

§ Do not kill passive tames. Shoulder mounted
pets inside of structures are omitted from this
rule only on the basis the death was
accidental due to breaching a structure. If
they’re blocking a door you’re trying to
breach, use a whip or punch it out of the way
instead of killing it if you can.

§ Do not return to the scene of a failed raid
(aka you died) for 24 hours. It’s risk vs.
reward with raiding. Breaking this rule will
result in a minimum 24-hour temporary ban.

§ Do not start raiding until you have initiated RP
dialog if you are coming in force. If you are
going stealth (aka. you and one tame), ensure
you have proof that you can see the victim (to
cover your ass).

§ Do not raid someone if they are not on the
same map as you. If you are about to start a

raid and you can see a player use a drop to
travel away, try and plan around their return.
Unless you have announced the raid via a RP
interaction and they are running. Then this is
battle logging and you are cleared to
continue. We have detailed logs so if
someone is guilty of battle logging, they’ll be
disciplined if they try and raise a stink.
§ Do not kite away dino’s from player’s bases

to kill them during a raid. If they are on
neutral and attack, stand your ground. Kiting
someone’s creatures away one by one is a
coward’s path and is probably the biggest
example of “don’t be a dick”. There are
methods such as tranquilizing aggro dinos that
work just as well. If you disengage the raid
due to it going south and a dino follows you
halfway across the map, we will not fault you,
that’s an in-game mechanic.
§ Do not be salty. If the RP degrades into a
shouting match, disengage and send an admin
a message. The defender has to read and
agree to these rules as do you. You do have
rights as a raider.

§ Players are allowed up to 20 turrets of any
combination (hard coded in settings). Only 4 of which
can be set to players and tames. Even then they should
be at max medium range. This does not cover
“Organic” turrets like Velanosaurs, Golems, Chalico’s,
and Plant Species X. No more than 10 “organic” turrets
can be used at a time to defend your base. Any turret
dino that is set to an aggressive posture is considered
a hostile dino per ruleset, and if a player kills it in an
attempt to defend themselves (say as a velano grounds
a passerby’s flyer), there will be no repercussions.

Flyer Warfare/PVP.

§ There are only a few restrictions to flyer warfare and
pvp. They are as follows:
o NO PICK & DROP, Pick and kidnap is okay
provided you do not do so with the intent to P&D.
o Dragon breath/Mana breath should only be used
in times of war, and when fighting for supply
crates as far as PVP is concerned. You may not
use them in raids.
o Griffin Divebombs are restricted to PVE usage
and War. You can use the swoop and grab if

you are abducting a player…. just don’t drop
them to their deaths.
o Mounted Artillery can be used only in times of
War. This includes manned turrets, ballistas,
catapults, cannons, ect.


Sometimes your RP may be holding someone ransom, or
needing to get someone out of the way to conduct a
stealth raid. In these circumstances you would kidnap
someone. There are only a few rules we expect you to

§ Abductee’s can only be held for a maximum of 30
minutes, after which they will be executed, or let go.

§ Abductee’s will be roleplayed with during this time, no
knocking them out and just ignoring them for 30 min.
Unless they agree to it.

§ Know if you knowingly try to just imprison new players
to the server, or hold someone past the time they
should be imprisoned (unless agreed to by the
abductee) You are likely to receive a ban of 24 hours
or more depending on the severity.

Chapter 7:

Community Discord/Subreddit Rules.

Here are just some basic guidelines for using our subreddit
( and Discord.

• When making a post on reddit, make sure to flair it before

• Discord is almost entirely out of character, except for the
PVE and PVP in game chatter. In those subreddits, you will
be expected to speak “in character.

• Once you’ve been assigned Denizen status on discord,
please change your nickname to that of your in-game
character. Don’t worry this will only display on our discord.

• Discord also abides by our golden rule. We do give you a
bit more flexibility to vent, but if we feel you are being
excessively hostile or hateful, admins will take action.

So, with that, welcome. Feel free to submit your application, and
we look forward to seeing you in game!

-WR staff.

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