Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Sandy_Mckinney2015Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
Quick Reference Guide
By Randolph C. Snyder
Contributing Authors: Hatim Abdul & Brian Barrett
Published by
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Click a topic to jump to that page
Surface & Chain Selection ································································································································ 1-2 Copying Features ················································································································································· 41
Menu Structure ···················································································································································· 3-5 Creating Family Tables ································································································································ 42-44
Creating Directional Patterns ··················································································································· 45-46
SKETCH MODE Creating Axial Patterns ······································································································································· 47
Sketched Datum Curves ······································································································································· 6 DRAWINGS
Sketch Orientation ················································································································································· 7
Sketcher Icons ······················································································································································ 8-9 Creating Drawing Templates ···················································································································· 48-49
Sketcher Best Practices ································································································································ 10-12 Creating Drawing Views ····························································································································· 50-51
Intent Manager Tricks ········································································································································· 13 Adding Drawing Details ······························································································································ 52-54
Fancy Dimensions in Sketcher ·················································································································· 14-15
Resolve Mode Overview ··································································································································· 55
Extrudes ··································································································································································· 16 Resolve Mode Failure Types and Occurrences ························································································· 56
Revolves ··································································································································································· 17 Resolve Mode General Recovery Process ····························································································· 57-58
Sweeps ····························································································································································· 18-19 Best Practices for Resolve Mode ·············································································································· 59-60
Blends ································································································································································ 20-21
Saving View Orientations ··························································································································· 61-62
Simple Rounds ······················································································································································· 22 Explode States in Assemblies ························································································································· 63
Round Transitions ················································································································································· 23 Cross Sections ················································································································································· 64-65
Linear Holes ···························································································································································· 24 Simpli ed Representations ····························································································································· 66
Radial and Diameter Dimensioned Holes ···································································································· 25 Style States and All States ································································································································ 67
Chamfers ·································································································································································· 26
Drafts ········································································································································································ 27 LAYERS
Shell Feature ··························································································································································· 28
Best Practices for Direct Features ··················································································································· 29 Layers ································································································································································· 68-69
Creating Datum Planes ······································································································································· 30 Modelcheck ··························································································································································· 70
Creating Datum Axes ·········································································································································· 31
Creating Datum Points ······································································································································· 32 INSTALLATION
MODIFYING EXISTING DESIGNS Installing Pro/ENGINEER Wild re 4.0 ····································································································· 71-73
Edit, Edit De nition, & Edit References ········································································································· 33 COLORS AND APPEARANCES
Part Analyses ··················································································································································· 34-35
Colors and Appearances ··································································································································· 74
Assembling Components ··························································································································· 36-37
Flexible components ·········································································································································· 38 Con g.pro ································································································································································ 75
Assembly Analyses ·············································································································································· 39 Con g.sup & Con g.win ···································································································································· 76
Best Practices for Assembling Components ······························································································ 40 Mapkeys ···························································································································································· 77-78
Any lename.dtl & Any lename.cfg ··············································································································· 79
is facing the TOP of the
Many users struggle with how page. This can also be done with the positive
Pro/ENGINEER orients a model for sketch- sides of datum planes. In this example, the
ing. In this section, you will look at several positive side is blue and the negative side is
orientations to help sort the different red. In the default configuration, the posi-
sketch plane options. tive side is brown and the negative side is
In the first example, you will select some gray.
surfaces on a block and look at the different
orientations you can get with that surface. Sandy_Mckinney2015 Notice that this surface Above, the FRONT datum plane is facing
is now facing the RIGHT out towards you, and the TOP datum
This will be the sketching plane. side of the page. plane’s blue side is facing the RIGHT side of
the page.
This surface will be set to different orientations. Notice that this surface
is now facing the In the figure below, the FRONT datum
Start off by setting this surface to face the BOTTOM of the page. plane is facing out towards you, and the
TOP of the screen, and then set it to face TOP datum plane’s blue side is facing the
the RIGHT side of the screen, then BOT- BOTTOM of the page.
Usually Pro/ENGINEER will pick references that you can
Sketch Orientation use. But if it does not, simply pick a new Sketch Orienta-
tion reference surface and set the orientation to TOP,
Back to Table of Contents SKETCH MODE 7
In sketch mode, there are seven steps you ADD CONSTRAINTS TO BRING Using Lock Scale Successfully
should follow to maintain the best sketches TOGETHER YOUR DESIGN
possible. Within the Modify Dimensions icon, there is a
Use constraints to lock in your design in- check box for lock scale.
1. Select your references tent. This will control how the design will
2. Sketch the approximate shape you change as you modify dimensions. By selecting the Lock Scale option, you can
edit a single dimension, and the software will
want TEST YOUR DESIGN scale up or down all other linear dimensions
3. Add constraints to bring together listed in the Modify Dimensions dialog box.
Testing your design is required at this stage
your design to make sure your design changes as you Notice that it will only scale dimensions that
4. Test your design expect. are in the dialog box and linear dimensions.
5. Add dimensions Therefore, you must make sure to select all
6. Modify and strengthen all dimen- Modify existing dimensions using the the dimensions before adjusting the scale as
thumbwheel in the Modify Dimensions any angle dimension will not be scaled up.
sions and constraints icon. Roll the wheel back and forth on all
7. Check out of sketch mode dimensions in the sketch to see how the Lock Scale can also be used to “flex” your sketches. Thumbwheels
sketch changes as values are increased and By rolling the thumbwheels located to the right of a should be ad-
Let’s take a look at each one of these indi- decreased. dimension, you can see how your model updates. justed to assure
vidually. This should be done before finishing out any sketch. good design in-
SIONS AND CONSTRAINTS Lock Scale is also an integral part of changing the size of a
By default, Pro/ENGINEER selects two per- sketch. In the figure to the left, a sketched triangle has been
pendicular default datums. These can be Add all dimensions needed for your sketch. created. The final dimensions of the triangle need to be 20, 24
deleted and new references can be added This may involve creating dimensions as and 25.
as needed. Most often references are used needed or by strengthening existing di-
to determine the 0,0, or X- and Y- mensions. If modifying multiple dimen-
coordinates of your sketch. Keep in mind sions at once, use the Modify Dimensions
that they can also be used to lock on your icon and turn off regeneration. Make all
sketch. dimensional changes and then select the
green checkmark to apply modifications.
Remember that you don’t have to be accu- Use the green checkmark to exit sketch
rate. It is good design practice to exagger- mode. Remember that you can always get
ate the sketch design and then pull the back into sketch mode by selecting Edit
sketch into shape using constraints and Definition by right-clicking your mouse.
If you try to simply double-click on the 5.52 dimension and enter 20, Pro/ENGINEER will
struggle to stretch the triangle out to 20, but, realizing that it can’t do so without breaking
the triangle, it will simply reset it back to its original value. This can be very frustrating to
Pro/ENGINEER users. By locking the scale first, Pro/ENGINEER will scale all the dimensions
up, keeping your sketch intact. Then you can clear the Lock Scale option and adjust all the
dimensions to their final values. Note that this goes hand-in-hand with the option of turning
off the regeneration checkbox, and both can be used together or separately.
Sketcher Best Practices Back to Table of Contents SKETCH MODE 10
SKETCHER BEST PRACTICES Sketcher references can also be used to better control your QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
design. For example, you need to control the sketch by
Using Sketcher References linking it to some existing part geometry. The next design criteria is that the angled line in the sketch
needs to be parallel with the angled surface in the part.
In Pro/ENGINEER sketch mode, users select references to Once again, you will add an additional reference to our
indicate what the sketch is to be dimensioned to. sketch.
Typically, this is simply a horizontal and vertical referenceSandy_Mckinney2015
that will be treated as the 0,0, or the origin of the sketch. In the above example, the orange sketch will create some
This is not always the case; you can look into a few excep- ugly dimensions going all the way to the left and all the way
tions to the rule. to the bottom of the block. But by cleaning up some of the
reference choices, you can create a much more intelligent
Pro/ENGINEER will generally pick two default datum planes design—a design that changes the way you want it to.
that are perpendicular to the sketch plane. If it can’t, no
references will be pre-selected for you. Here is a typical First, you need to line up the bottom of the sketch with the
auto-selection by Pro/ENGINEER: middle horizontal surface. To do this, select an additional
reference. Notice that the references now list an additional
surface. Also note that Pro/ENGINEER will select the surface At this point, you have no use for the bottom horizontal
by default but not the edge of the part as it did in earlier reference, so you can select it in the references dialog box
versions of the software. and select the DELETE button.
You are not forced to use two references every time, You have created a set of intelligent references that will aid
though. Here is the same part with a single reference, a our design. Now all you have left is to add our parallel con-
coordinate system. This could be used to aid the manufac- straint and edit our dimensions.
turing group who will be machining out this pocket. This
scheme also only
creates one parent-
child reference,
whereas the stan-
dard horizontal/
vertical references
would create two.
Sketcher Best Practices Back to Table of Contents SKETCH MODE 11
Open and Closed Sketches Open sketches, on the other hand, are a bit rebellious. They Let’s see what happen when we redefine section (B) to be
behave in ways that you may or may not expect. For exam- closed.
In Pro/ENGINEER sketch mode, users can create open or ple, look at the part below. It has one closed section (A) and
closed sketches. Closed sketches are sketches with a defini- two open sections (B and C). What do you think will happen
tive inside and outside. when these are extruded?
Below are both a rectangle and an I-beam that are closed
sketches. Closed sketches are preferred because they be-
have they way we would expect, and they create a feature
that is not prone to failure and does not put you in resolve
mode if it is moved off the solid part.
Closed rectangular sketch In the next figure, extruding section (A) results in feature (1); Can see you how feature (2) has changed?
Closed I-beam sketch extruding section (B) results in feature (2); extruding section
(C) results in feature (3). Notice how open sections use the Sometimes an open section is needed. In the following fig-
part adjacent surfaces, when extruded, to define closed a ures, section (D) is open and section (E) is closed. Extruding
volume so the system can calculate a definite amount of section (D) results in feature (4); extruding section (E) results
material to add or remove. See how section (A) is extruded in feature (5). Do you see how feature (4) is conforming to
independently of adjacent surfaces. the part surface and feature (5) is extruded deviating from
the surface, causing a gap?
Sketcher Best Practices Back to Table of Contents SKETCH MODE 12
Here are three options that are hidden in- Conversely, you can lock in a constraint bySandy_Mckinney2015 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
side Intent Manager. One is used to lock simply holding down the SHIFT key, and
in constraints as they are sketched, one is tapping the right mouse button, as shown Another issue that users run into with Intent Manager is editing dimensions inside sketcher
used to disable constraints as they are below. without breaking their sketch. This is done by using the modify option and turning off the
sketched, and the last is used to switch regeneration option. This prevents Pro/ENGINEER from regenerating a sketch until told to do
between constraints as they are sketched. The circle around the vertical constraint so.
indicates that the line will be vertical no
The most common reason given for not matter how you move your mouse to finish Let’s take a look at a simple triangular sketch.
using Intent Manager is that it adds con- the line.
straints not wanted in the sketch. In the case that you have multiple con- Clearly, if you try to change the dimension
straints appearing at a time, you can use from 5 to 10, Pro/ENGINEER will be unable
This can be solved by simply tapping the the TAB key to cycle through the con- to keep the triangle intact.
right mouse button as you are sketching a straints, disabling and locking in con-
line in sketch mode. Pro/ENGINEER will straints as you go. But if you could change all three dimen-
add a strikethrough to indicate that that sions at the same time, Pro/ENGINEER
constraint will not be applied to whatever wouldn’t have any problem regenerating
you are sketching, as shown below. the sketch.
Here, you have started sketching the line. You can accomplish this by using the
As soon as the horizontal constraint ap- Modify Dimensions icon.
pears, tap the right mouse button to dis-
able it. Pro/ENGINEER adds a strikethrough You can either select the three dimensions
to let you know that the line isn’t horizon- first, and then select the Modify Dimension
tal. icon, or select the icon first and then pick
the three dimensions to change.
Once you have done that, you also need to un-
check the regenerate option in the dialog box.
In the above example, tap the right mouse With this option turned off, Pro/ENGINEER will not regenerate the sketch until the green
button to disable the equal length con- check mark is selected. This allows you to change as many dimensions as you want without
straint (L1), then TAB to the horizontal con- having to regenerate. Note that the Lock Scale option is also available in this dialog box. This
straint (H). Once that highlights in red, will scale up or down all linear dimensions in the dialog box at the same rate. Angular and
hold down shift and tap the right mouse radial dimensions will not be scaled up.
button to lock it in.
Intent Manager Tricks Back to Table of Contents SKETCH MODE 13
Linear and angular dimensions are a dime a A typical dimensioning scheme would get The diameter dimension is just one of the QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
dozen. Lets take a look at some of the us this: situations facing real world designers.
more esoteric ones. And one last tricky dimension; how do you
How about the angle of this arc? get a diameter angle to show up on a
One of the classic dimensions that every part?
designer should know is the diametral
This dimension is used to show a diameter
value on a drawing anytime it’s needed.
Look at this sketch.
How do you get the diameter to show? It’s 1. Select the dimension tool Simply mirror the sketched geometry, then
simple. 2. Select the arc to be dimensioned (step convert it to a construction line by holding
down CTRL+G. Now add the angle dimen-
Select the dimension tool 1 below) sion as usual.
Select the centerline to revolve around 3. Select one end point (2)
You need to revolve this sketch around the (step 1 below) 4. Select the other end point (3)
centerline. Select the geometry line to dimension 5. Click the middle mouse button to
to (2)
But, on our drawing you need this: Select the centerline again (3) place the dimension (4)
Click the middle mouse button to
place the dimension (4) 2
1 1
Geometry Line
Center Line
4 3
NOTE: Set the configuration option
sketcher_dim_of_revolve_axis to yes to
have the sketcher solver automatically cre-
ate diameter dimensions to section entities.
A centerline must exist in the section.
Fancy Dimensions in Sketcher Back to Table of Contents SKETCH MODE 14
Pro/ENGINEER has several built-in functions 1. Hold down the CTRL key and select the 3. Select a dimension that Pro/ENGINEER QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
that many users either do not know exist or four line segments. will be allowed to change to keep the
don’t know the correct way to use them. perimeter at your set value. You aren’t limited to plain, old rectangles.
You can do this with any sketch.
One of those is the perimeter dimension.
Many companies create relations to do this Sandy_Mckinney2015
for them. Why bother when you already
have a dimension that does that?
Take a look at a simple rectangle.
2. Select the EDIT > CONVERT TO > 4. At this point, Pro/ENGINEER will main- Here the perimeter is maintained at 700.00.
PERIMETER menu tain the perimeter at 300 and will adjust You can even enter a new perimeter and
the 100.00 var dimension to maintain the variable dimension will update auto-
To maintain the perimeter of this rectangle that perimeter as shown here: matically.
at 300, you could write a relation to add
them all together and maintain them at
300. Here is another option:
Fancy Dimensions in Sketcher Back to Table of Contents SKETCH MODE 15
Extrusions are features that add depth to a 2D sketch. Sketch: Used for extrusion.
This sketch can be created either before selecting the
extrude tool, or it can be created from within the ex- Depth Dimension: Double-click on
trude dashboard. this dimension to type an exact value
for variable depth.
Hold down the right mouse
button at any time to select Depth Handle: Drag the white square
any of these options. in order to dynamically change depth.
Hold down the right mouse button
Hold down the right mouse over the handle to accept other depth
button over the depth han- options.
dle to choose from other
depth options. Direction Handle: Click on this with
the left mouse button to change di-
Set either solid Set depth type, Create a “Thin” solid. Select this option then enter the Select to finish the feature, or
extrusion or a value for variable value for the wall thickness to be left behind. Flip arrows click the middle mouse button
surface depth, and direction can be used to add wall thickness inside sketch, outside from anywhere on the screen
extrusion. for extrusion. sketch, or symmetrically around the sketch. to finish the feature.
Select this option to remove material.
Extrudes Back to Table of Contents SKETCHED FEATURES 16
are features that add depth to a 2D sketch by spinning the sketch about an A sketch can be revolved around a cen-
axis of revolution. This sketch can be created either before selecting the revolve tool, or ter line in the sketch...
it can be created from within the revolve dashboard. Below is our starting sketch.
Hold down the right mouse button in the main Sandy_Mckinney2015 ...or about an external datum axis.
graphics window to access a list of quick options.
Set either solid re- Set angle type, value Create a “Thin” solid. Select this option and enter Select to finish the feature, or
volve or a surface for variable angle of the value for the wall thickness to be left behind. click the middle mouse but-
revolve. revolve, and direction. Flip arrows can be used to add wall thickness inside ton from anywhere on the
sketch, outside sketch, or symmetrically around the screen to finish the feature.
Revolves sketch.
Select this option to remove material.
Back to Table of Contents SKETCHED FEATURES 17
Sweeps are features that add or remove material, or In sketching the cross section, the yellow centerlines QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
they can create surfaces by making a trajectory and a (crosshairs) indicate where the trajectory is located.
cross section. Keep in mind that you are not forced to make the sec-
Crosshairs intersect- tion symmetrical about the trajectory. You can offset
First create the path, or origin, and then select the sweep ing at start point the section from the trajectory. In this figure, the section
icon. defining sketch plane has been elevated above the trajectory.
Then you can sketch in whatever 2D cross section is Trajectory start point This dimension raised
needed with the sweep tool. From the dashboard, you the sweep section 1 unit
can also add additional trajectories for a variable section above the part surface.
sweep. Result is below.
The trajectory
(could also be 3D)
Generally, Pro/ENGINEER won’t allow a feature that Look what happens if D1 =
adds material to intersect itself. The blue trajectory R1.
shown below is curving to the right with radius R1
and then to the left with radius R2. Sharp corner inside
This is how large D1 can be.
Sketch the cross section of the EXCEPTION: If there is a sharp
sweep corner on the trajectory (as if
R1=0), This corner will be mi-
Create sweep Add or remove material Make sure that the distance from the trajectory start tered automatically in the
as either a point to the end of the section in either direction does sweep feature.
solid or a Create a thin sweep not exceed the radius, i.e., D1 <= R1 and D2<=R2.
surface fea- with a wall thickness Sharp corner on
ture the trajectory
Sweeps Back to Table of Contents SKETCHED FEATURES 18
Additional options can be set by creating additional You can add additional trajectories to control the cross QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
trajectories and controlling how a sweep intersects section.
other geometry. Next, sketch in the cross section shape using the trajec-
tories in the sketch.
Below is a part that needs a “bridge” between two key
pieces. Start off by creating a single curve to use as the
origin trajectory.
Sandy_Mckinney2015 By holding down the CTRL key and selecting the addi- Now you can finish the sweep with its variable cross
tional four curves, they will be available as guide rails section.
inside the sketch.
Several of the dashboard’s menus become useful as you start working with the variable section sweep. TANGENCY
Defines if trajectories
REFERENCES Lists will be tangent to
all selected curves anything, and selects
and indicates what they will be
which curve the tangent to.
cross section is
Indicates how the OPTIONS
cross section is Allows the cross section to
oriented relative change, or forces it to be con-
to curves. stant. The constant option will
override any variable options/
additional trajectories.
Sweeps, Advanced Options Back to Table of Contents SKETCHED FEATURES 19
Blends allow you to connect one or more 2D cross sections The first point sketched by default becomes the Start Point QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
in a manner that would be difficult with the extrude and of the section. The Start Point is indicated by a large dot
revolve tools. with an arrow. To create the model below, we used four sections: a
sketched point and three squares. Here is the blend after
To create a blend, select INSERT > BLEND as there is no icon editing and using the Straight attribute setting.
for it in the standard Pro/ENGINEER installation.
PARALLEL BLENDS After finishing a section, do not select the check mark to
exit the sketch. Instead, hold down the right mouse button
For standard (parallel) blends, ac- and select Toggle Selection. This will change the current
cept all the default options. This will section to gray and allow you to start your next section.
let you create 2D sketches to use in
the blend. All cross sections in a par- Add the next section and then press your right mouse but-
allel blend will be parallel to each ton again and select Toggle Selection to create additional
other and offset from each other by a sections.
certain amount.
By switching to the Smooth attribute setting, you can
You will then be asked to choose create a much more ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing
how to connect each cross section. model.
Select either straight lines or splines
to connect each cross section.
Once the sketching plane and orientation are selected, you
can begin sketching the cross sections.
Blends Finish the sketch by selecting the check mark and then en- SKETCHED FEATURES 20
ter the depth between each section.
Back to Table of Contents
Rotational blends give you the ability to rotate a cross section about the Y-axis. The General Blend gives you even more freedom with the ability to rotate a sketch about
any axis of a coordinate system – X, Y or Z. The image below shows three sketches in a
When creating the rotational blend sections, realize that there is no depth between each general blend. In all sketches, the blend is translated in the Z-axis direction.
section. There is merely the sketch, each with its own coordinate system, and an angle of
rotation between the sketches. The coordinate systems of each sketch are lined up, and the
sketches are then rotated about the Y-axis to give the feature depth.
After selecting the sketching plane and orientation, sketch your cross section. Then go to
SKETCH > COORDINATE SYSTEM to insert a coordinate system. In this example, we have
lined up the sketch coordinate system with the coordinate system of the part in order to
rotate around the Y-axis of the part.
Sandy_Mckinney2015 Straight general Smooth general
blend-protrusion blend-protrusion
Select the check mark to finish the sketch and then enter an angle of rotation to the next OTHER BLEND OPTIONS
sketch. Again, create a sketch and coordinate system.
One of the basic rules of a blend is that all of the sections must have the same number of
Here, we have created three identical circular sketches and rotated them about the Y-axis of entities. There are two exceptions to this rule.
the part.
Exception 1: The first or last section of the blend can be a sketched point. If you create the
first or last section as a point, all entities from the adjoining section will be blended to the
point and you will get an additional option of “sharp” or “smooth” which determines how
the adjoining section is going to blend into the point.
Exception 2: A sketch can also contain fewer points than a previous section by using the
Blend Vertex option. To place a blend vertex, hold down the right mouse button, select
“Blend Vertex”, and then select the sketch vertex to locate it on. Pro/ENGINEER understands
that an entire surface from an adjoining section will be blended into a blend vertex.
In the example below, the first square sketch contains four entities, and the second sketch
contains three. The top surface of the square will blend into the selected vertex.
Blends, Advanced Options, Tricks and Techniques Back to Table of Contents SKETCHED FEATURES 21
Rounds can be made by simply selecting edges to When selecting an edge that is adjacent to a tangent QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
round off. Edges selected while holding down the CTRL edge, the round will propagate to the entire tangent
key will create a single round set that has the same ra- edge chain. Drag the square white handles to dynamically change
dius. Edges selected without holding down the CTRL the radii of round sets. Hold down the right mouse but-
key will create separate round sets; each set has inde- ton on a handle and select Add radius to create variable
pendent radius. radius rounds.
Single Set, Edge-Chain Round
Select all edges while holding down the CTRL key.
You can create a round referencing a surface and an Repeat to add new locations for different radii. The di-
edge. First select a surface. Hold the CTRL key and se- mension attached to the square drag handle is the ra-
lect an edge. The resulting round will be through the dius. The dimension attached to the circular drag han-
edge and tangent to the surface. dle is the location, defined as a length ratio of the edge.
You can also define the location using a datum point or
Multiple Sets, Edge-Chain Round vertex on that edge.
An edge selected without the CTRL key will automati-
cally a new set. You can activate one set a time to man-
age it.
Simple Rounds Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 22
Round transitions allow more control over how rounds Default (Round Only 2) Transition Intersect Transition QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
come together. Switch from Sets to Transitions by select- Corner Sphere Transition
ing the Transitions icon from the dashboard, or hold
down the right mouse button and select ‘Transitions’.
The image below shows the way rounds appear on a
part while you are defining transitions.
Sandy_Mckinney2015Round Only 1 TransitionPatch Transition Intersection of rounds without
any transition
Select one or more transitions and hold down the right
mouse button to see the types available.
Round Transitions Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 23
Linear holes are holes that have two linear dimensions A hole dimensioned to two edges is shown below. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
to determine the position. Think of it as a hole with an X
and Y coordinate. If you don’t like using the drag handles, you can hold
down the right mouse button and select primary or
First, select the hole tool and then select the surface offset references from there. Remember that when you
where the hole will be placed. pick multiple offset references, you must hold down the
CTRL key as you select the references.
Notice the You can see in this case that if the round is made larger, Alternatively, you can always select the Placement tab
green X and the hole’s position relative to the edge of the part will from the dashboard and select references there. Re-
Y handles. change, while the distance to the edge of the round will member that when you pick multiple offset references,
remain the same, as shown below. you must hold down the CTRL key as you select the ref-
Notice that drag handles are included to change the There is a handy shortcut to lock the depth to a surface
diameter and depth of the circle. The handle located in while setting the depth with the drag handle. If you hold
the middle of the hole can be used to change the hole’s down the SHIFT key as you drag the depth drag handle,
location. the depth will lock onto any surface that displays the pre
-selection highlighting when you release the mouse
Access the shortcut to Select Depth options by right- button. This is the same as using the To Selected Depth
clicking the depth drag handle. option, and it creates a parent/child dependency.
The X and Y handles can be attached to either edges,
surfaces or datum planes. Good design practice dic-
tates that they should not be attached to edges.
Edges can be removed when rounds or chamfers are
added, and they can change location without being
easily noticed.
Linear Holes Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 24
The radial hole option allows you to create a hole that You can see the placement dimensions for our radial QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
doesn’t use X & Y coordinates. Instead it uses an angle hole in the below image.
from a datum plane or planar surface and a distance By selecting a cylindrical or
from either an axis or edge. This hole is 50 degrees conical surface,
from the TOP datum Pro/ENGINEER automati-
lane, and 35 units from cally sets the hole to radial.
axis A_5.
Once again you can drag
handles to references, use
the right mouse button, or
select the Placement tab.
When placing the radial hole, you can select a flat Radial holes can also be
surface as the placement reference, but then you must placed on cylindrical or coni-
access the Placement tab and switch it from linear to cal surfaces as well. Instead
radial or diameter. At that point, you are ready to select of selecting a flat surface as
offset references. This can be done using the same tech- the primary placement refer-
nique described earlier with linear holes by selecting ence, the curved surface has
drag handles or by holding down the right mouse but- been selected.
ton and selecting offset References in the Placement tab.
Here you can see that the hole is 25 units from the front,
D-shaped surface, and 50 degrees off the FRONT datum
By selecting a curved sur-
face, Pro/ENGINEER auto-
matically sets the hole to
Here, the hole is placed at 50 degrees from the FRONT
datum plane and 35 units from Axis A_5.
Radial and Diameter Dimensioned Holes Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 25
Chamfers are a way of flattening sharp edges. How they From here you can simply double-click on the dimen- QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
are made depends on what dimensions you want avail- sions you want to change and select the middle mouse
able on your drawings when the time comes to change button to finish out the chamfer. If you are not concerned specifically with the angle of
the size and shape of the chamfer. the chamfer, there are other dimensioning schemes that
can be used. For instance, you can control how much
If your intent is to mimic material is cut back along both surfaces by selecting the
taking a grinder to the D1 x D2, D x D option. This will create dimensions that
sharp edges and grinding you can control without regard to what angle is created.
away a certain amount of Notice that using this dimensioning scheme will provide
material at a certain angle, you with handles on both surfaces to control how much
select the edge you want to material is removed along each surface.
Note that by selecting the flip option, we can control the
surface from which the angle is measured.
You are not limited to placing chamfers only on edges.
Chamfers can be placed between two surfaces or on
corners. By holding down the CTRL key, you can select
two surfaces and create a chamfer between them. Using
this selection method still gives you the same geometry
as an edge chamfer and has all of the same dimension-
ing schemes.
Next, select the method that you
want to use to dimension the cham-
fer. In this example you know what
angle you want the chamfer to have;
select the ANGLE x D.
Chamfers Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 26
Drafts can be quickly and easily applied to surfaces in Pro/ENGINEER, though they In this example, the horizontal surface in the middle
should be added as late in the design process as possible. Be careful not to make the of the part was selected as the Draft Hinge. Notice
draft the parent for other features unless absolutely necessary. that after the surfaces and the draft hinge are se-
lected, you will see drag handles that can be used to
Here are the basic steps: adjust the angle of the draft.
After starting the draft tool, you need to select which surfaces to draft. Make note that
there are several methods of selecting surfaces that can greatly speed up the surface
selection process if there are a large number of surfaces you want to add draft to. See
the section of this guide detailing surface selection.
Three surfaces (highlighted in red) have been
selected by holding down the CTRL key as they
were selected.
The large yellow arrow indicates the “pull direc-
tion” and will also indicate the first side of the
surfaces being drafted. The Split option from the
dashboard lets us control how drafts function
above and below the Draft Hinge surface.
Hold down the right mouse button and select the Draft Hinge.
This is the datum plane or planar surface that will serve as the
pivot point for drafting the three surfaces. Other geometry
such as curves projected onto the surfaces being drafted can
also be used for draft hinges. This is helpful if you want to have
the draft pivot about something other then a straight line of
Drafts Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 27
SHELL FEATURE Feature order can have a drastic effect on what a shelled QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
model actually looks like. Be extra cautious when round-
The shell feature removes material from inside the ing models off after creating a shell. Non Default Thickness shells
model and leaves behind a hollow part of constant define one or more locations
thickness. You can select a surface to remove , or select Here is a cross section of where the thickness of the
multiple surfaces by holding down the CTRL key. the model with a shell shell feature varies. Simply
feature. Notice the select the surface of the wall
This shell constant wall thickness that will differ in thickness
feature has been around the entire cross and define the additional
edited and the section. thickness value.
wall thickness
has been The rounds in this figure Here is a cross section of
changed to 4.50. have been applied after the model with the Non
the shell feature. This Default Thickness shell
If a shell fails, try creates three areas where feature. Notice the thick-
decreasing the wall the wall thickness has ness of the left shell wall
thickness until it either thinned to zero or has a different thickness
works and then increased dramatically. than the other walls in
increase the thick- the model.
ness to see where By simply reordering the
the failure occurs. round to regenerate The hole in this figure
before the shell com- has been applied before
mand, a constant wall the shell feature. This
thickness can be ob- creates a thickness
tained along with the around the hole.
round feature.
By simply reordering the
hole to regenerate after
the shell command, the
thickness around the
hole no longer exists.
Shell Feature Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 28
Direct features are rounds, chamfers, drafts, holes, and BEST PRACTICES FOR DRAFTS QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
shells. They are called direct features because they require
no sketching. Pro/ENGINEER already understands that Notice the nice, red cube turned into an ugly angular BEST PRACTICES FOR SHELLS
shape so you only need to pick where you want the feature block once you modified the angle of the draft. This is
to be placed and then select what it is going to be located due to dimensioning between the draft and the cube! 1. Always pay attention to holes and rounds in your model
from. Below are best practices when using direct features. when adding a shell feature. Holes can leave behind
1. Never dimension to a draft. It creates odd results when “pipes” of material, and rounds can introduce weak
the draft angle changes. spots in walls.
Look out for the symbol: of Bad Design. It is an indicator of 2. Add drafts as late as possible in the design cycle. Usually
what NOT to do! they aren’t adding anything to the actual design.
BEST PRAC- TICES FOR ROUNDS 3. You can add rounds to a surface after applying a draft,
but you can not add a draft feature after putting rounds
Never on a surface. Remember, you can round a drafted sur- Shell first, hole Hole first, shell
dimension face, but you can never draft a rounded surface! second. second. Notice the
to the “pipe” left behind.
1. Never create a cut with a circular profile if you can just
1. Never di- use the Hole Tool. This can cause issues with manufac- 2. See if you can spot the slight thinning that occurs by
mension to the turing, and makes it difficult to quickly grab all the adding the rounds after the shell feature. This could be
edge of a “holes” in our models. avoided by adding the rounds first and then shelling the
round. A di- model. The same goes for draft features; draft first, shell
2. Never create a hole by extruding a sketched circle. This second.
mension to a round tan- is bad design practice that will have a negative effect in
gency would cause the fea- Avoid rounds manufacturing and when trying to simplify your part
ture to move as the round early in the using layers of Simplified Representations.
size is changed. design of
2. Always add rounds as late as
possible in the design cycle.
Creating rounds early in a
design adds to the time re-
quired to regenerate the
model while designing.
Rounds are typically
“cosmetic” features.
3. These rules also apply to
Best Practices for Direct Features Back to Table of Contents DIRECT FEATURES 29
Datum planes can be sketching planes, orientation planes, dimensioning references, 3. Through two edges or axes
depth references, or used to create annotations.
To create a datum plane, select the Datum Plane Tool and select references. Here are Select the two edges while holding down the CTRL key.
some common datum plane configurations and the required references. No other selections are necessary as long as those
edges define a plane.
1. Offset from a plane or surface
Select a planar surface. The datum plane will be paral-
lel to and offset from that surface. Enter the value of
the offset either on the screen or in the datum plane
dialogue box.
4. Through three points
Select three vertices or points while holding down the
CTRL key. The three points must define a plane. For
example, they cannot all lie in a straight line.
2. Through an edge/axis at an angle to a surface or 5. Through an edge/axis and a point or vertex
While holding down the CTRL key, select an edge or
Select the edge you want the plane to pass through axis and then select a point or vertex. The order does
and then while holding down the CTRL key, select the not matter.
plane/flat surface. Enter the angle of the plane in Offset
at the bottom of the dialogue box.
Creating Datum Planes Back to Table of Contents DATUM FEATURES 30
Datum axes can be used as dimensioning references, alignment references, centers of 3. Through two planes or surfaces
holes, assembly references, and much more.
To create a datum axis, select the Datum Axis Tool and select references. Here are Select the two surfaces while holding down the CTRL
some common datum axis configurations and the required references. key. Pro/ENGINEER will create a datum axis as long as
those surfaces intersect along a line.
1. Normal to a surface with X and Y Reference Sandy_Mckinney2015 4. Through an edge or datum axis
Select a straight edge or another datum axis.
Select a planar surface. The axis will be normal to the
surface with two white drag handles for X & Y refer-
ences. Drag the handles to their respective X & Y di-
mensioning references, or you can define the X & Y
references by holding down the right mouse button
and selecting “offset references.” This will allow you to
select the references while holding down the CTRL
2. Through two points or vertices. 5. Through a straight curve
Select the vertices or points while holding down the Select a sketched curve (a straight line in this case),
CTRL key. and then select an endpoint of that curve while hold-
ing down the CTRL key.
Creating Datum Axes Back to Table of Contents DATUM FEATURES 31
Datum points can be used as references for holes, for Offset Reference defines what to measure the dis- QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
coordinate systems, to create curves through, or to aid in tance from. By default, it measures any distances
the creation of datum planes and axes. from the end of the line or edge. The Next End but- 4. Create a datum point at the intersection of three
ton switches the end from which it is measured. planes or surfaces
To create datum points, select the Datum Point Tool
and select references. Here are some common datum Select the three planes or surfaces, or a combination
point configurations and the required references. of planes and surfaces while holding down the CTRL
1. Point on an edge or curve 5. Create a datum point offset from a datum
coordinate system
Select an edge or curve to place the point on. Select Reference to To use this option you
The References section of the Datum Point dialog offset the point from must select the coordi-
box shows which edge or curve is selected. an entity other than nate flyout next to the
the edge. Here, we datum point icon.
In the Offset section, the Real option defines many have placed the Then select the coordinate system to offset from, and
units along the edge to place the point. For exam- point 7 units from set the type, Cartesian, Cylindrical, or Spherical. After
ple, 2.3 would mean place the point 2.3 units from the RIGHT datum setting the type, we can enter values for the X-, Y-,
the end of the edge. Ratio allows us to place the plane. and Z-offsets to create points.
point a percentage
distance along the 2. Create multiple points in one feature
edge. A ratio value of
0.23 places the point Select the New Point option in the dialog box and
23% down the curve select references for the next point. You can also
or edge, as shown at hold down the right mouse button and select New
right. Point.
3. Point on a vertex
Select the vertex where the datum point is located.
Creating Datum Points Back to Table of Contents DATUM FEATURES 32
A large percentage of your work will consist of making EDIT DEFINITION EDIT REFERENCES
changes to previous models. There are three ways to
change designs: Edit, Edit Definition, and Edit References. Edit Definition can be used to “change your mind” on items Edit References allows you to change the parents of a fea-
The following are uses for all three of these. you defined when you originally created a feature. On ture. When using Edit References, Pro/ENGINEER will se-
Rounds, we can add and remove edge references. On Extru- quentially step through all of the parent references of a
EDIT sions, you can change the depth type from Blind, Through feature. You can choose to keep the displayed parent refer-
All, To Next, etc. Use Edit Definition in any sketched feature ence option or select a new, alternate reference.
Use the edit tool to change the value of a dimension. If a to unlink a sketched Datum Curve from a Revolve or Extru-
length needs to be changed from 12 to 8, use Edit. If a sion Use caution when editing references. Before using Edit Ref-
round radius needs to be adjusted from 3 to 4, use Edit. erences, you should first look at any parents of the feature
Sandy_Mckinney2015 along with any children. This can be done by selecting a
One way to Edit a feature is to select a feature from the feature, holding down the right mouse button, and select-
model tree and right-click. Go to the Edit command and ing INFO > REFERENCE VIEWER. This will give us insight into
double-click on the dimension to change. how the feature was made.
The parents and children of this feature will be displayed in
the Reference Viewer dialog box as shown below.
Edit Definition will bring up the white square drag handles
that can be pushed and pulled in real time. This is a great
tool for testing design alternatives or ideas.
By right-clicking on the depth drag
handle while in Edit Definition, you
can select from all the depth options
that are available for that feature.
After changing the dimension, select the regenerate
icon at the top toolbar.
If you need to change multiple dimensions at once, no
problem. Just double-click on any of the dimensions that
need to be changed before selecting the regenerate icon.
Remember, if all you want to do is change the value of a
dimension, use EDIT!
Edit, Edit Definition and Edit References Back to Table of Contents MODIFYING EXISTING DESIGNS 33
A model will contain useful information after working on it The next option is the Distance option. Set the filters in the QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
for even a short amount of time. It may be something as lower right-hand corner of the Pro/ENGINEER window to
simple as the mass or volume of the model, or it may be select a specific type of geometry or use the pre-selection It is possible to project the measured distance onto a plane
measurements of distance and radii. These functions can be highlighting to guide the selection process. By selecting (or coordinate system) to get the projected distance along
found under the ANALYSIS menu. This information can two surfaces on the part, Pro/ENGINEER creates a straight that plane. Here is the distance between two points pro-
even be saved as a feature and listed as part of the model line measurement from one surface to another. The dis- jected onto a planar surface. The analysis gives us a pro-
tree to be recalculated every time the model is regenerated. tance from surface to surface is indicated as a jected distance of 70.05 with the actual distance of 78.3
dimension on the model. units between the points. Notice that the results display
Look under the ANALYSIS menu. The main focus for this both the Projected Distance and also the Actual Distance.
guide is the top two areas, MEASURE and MODEL ANALYSIS.
The Measure option offers several ways to measure items in
the model.
Measure curve lengths, distances, angles, areas, diameters,
and transforms. The focus in this reference guide will be on
the first four.
The Curve Length option measures the true length of a
curve or edge.
Part Analyses Back to Table of Contents MODIFYING EXISTING DESIGNS 34
PART ANALYSES The Angle option measures any of QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
the four angles between two ob-
Any performed analysis jects, including planes, edges, and The ANALYSIS > MODEL > MASS PROPERTIES option shows
can be used to create an coordinate systems. Two yellow the mass properties of the model such as surface area, vol-
analysis feature that will arrows indicate the angle to be ume, mass, center of gravity location, and moments of iner-
be added to the model measured, and a red arc shows the tia.
tree like any protrusion, angle. You can flip the yellow ar-
revolve, round, etc. This rows to flip the angle (80 becomes
feature will be recalcu- –80) or to get the complementary
lated every time the angle (the 100 degrees).
model is regenerated. Sandy_Mckinney2015
The numeric values of the out- The Area analysis will calculate the surface area of any sur-
come of that analysis can also face selected. This can include a solid surface, as well as a
be saved as parameters, which surface feature. The tool will only allow one surface to be
can be added as a columns in selected at a time. By holding down the right mouse but-
the model tree. In this example, ton and selecting “Pick from List,” you can obtain the sur-
you can also choose to have the face area of the entire model. If
system create datum points the area desired consists of mul-
indicating the measurement tiple surface patches, then first
references. create a surface copy of the mul-
tiple patches to measure.
You choose the name of the
analysis feature, the parameters To see the entire list of information select the “i” button and
and the resulting datum points. Pro/ENGINEER will display all information in a full page dis-
Every time the model changes, play that can be saved as a text file. Also note that a feature
the analysis feature will be re- can be created with the mass properties information which
generated and updated. includes creation of parameters for desired mass properties.
Additionally, Pro/ENGINEER can create a coordinate system
Part Analyses or datum point at the center of gravity of the model.
Back to Table of Contents MODIFYING EXISTING DESIGNS 35
There are several ways that you can initiate assembling Before you finish constraining any component, you To add a new constraint, select “new constraint” from
components together. The most common constraints should check the placement status. When you initially the right mouse button or from the placement tab. To
that are used are the Mate and the Align constraints. If add a component to an assembly, the status will say assemble a component, you need at least two con-
you place the palms of your hands together, you have “No Constraints.” When you have defined enough straints. But typically you will want three or more to fully
applied a Mate constraint to your palms. If you place the constraints to locate the component, the status will say locate the component. If you have two constraints de-
palms of your hands on a table, you have applied an “Fully Constrained”. fined, then Pro/ENGINEER may be able to make assump-
Align constraint to the palms of your hands. tions about constraining the model. The assumption will
A “component” can be a single piece-part or even a large result in the model being considered fully constrained.
There are several other constraint sub-assembly. Both are called components when doing If you do not want assumptions to be made then con-
types as shown to the right. assembly work. tinue to add constraints.
The typical goal in assembling The basic assembly procedure is to select a component While assembling components, use the drag
components is to prevent the to assemble and then move it into the approximate loca- packaged component icon to move any compo-
component from moving in any of tion. This can be done by holding down the CTRL+ ALT nents that are not fully constrained. This may be
the three directions, X, Y, and Z, or keys while right-clicking. You can also rotate just the done to assemble a component into an area that is diffi-
rotating about any of the same component by holding down the CTRL+ ALT keys, while cult to access.
directions. If you want a compo- using the middle mouse button. Note, these options are
nent to move, use joint constraints only available while assembling components. To move You can also use the Orient Mode option in order
instead of regular assembly con- the whole assembly and the component at the same to more accurately control the movement of
straints. time, use SHIFT and the middle mouse button. To rotate components. Once selected, you can move just the
the entire assembly and component, just hold down the component by holding down the right mouse button
Under the placement tab you can see what constraints middle mouse button. and selecting the Orient Object option. This will then
you have defined and what geometry has been selected allow control of the movement of the component being
for the assembly reference as well as the component After a component has been moved into position, ge- assembled.
reference. Currently nothing has been selected. ometry can be selected on the component and on the
assembly. The component that is being assembled will Advanced orientation options
If you need to reselect a be displayed in either of the two preview colors as Dynamic, Anchored, Delayed, and
component reference, shown depending on partially constrained or fully con- Velocity provide a handy way to
hold down the right strained placement status. A constraint type will be manipulate the component as it is
mouse button in “Select chosen based on the type of geometry selected. If an assembled.
component item” or incorrect constraint is selected, simply change or delete
“Select assembly item” the constraint by holding down the right mouse button Orient Mode can also be accessed and turned off by
then Remove, followed by over the constraint tag in the working window or in the holding down the CTRL+ SHIFT keys and clicking the
selecting a new reference. placement tab. middle mouse button.
Fully Constrained Partially Constrained
Assembling Components Back to Table of Contents ASSEMBLIES 36
Within both the Mate and Align constraints in the Placement tab, there are three op- The Oriented option will keep the selected surfaces parallel to each other but does not
tions available: Offset, Coincident and Oriented, as shown below. care about the distance between the two surfaces.
With the Offset option, you can type in a value to offset
two mated surfaces. Imagine placing the palms of your
hands together (mating them) and then separating
them by an exact amount, three inches for example.
You would set the Mate option’s offset (0.00,) to 3.
Pro/ENGINEER will maintain the surfaces to always be
parallel to each other, and always maintain the set gap
of three inches. Anything that forces the surfaces to no
longer be parallel or changes the offset from three
inches will cause an “Invalid Constraints” message at the
The offset option can also be applied to Surfaces A and B are aligned with the Surfaces A and B (bottom of the blue part)
the Align constraint. Imagine placing “orient” option. They are parallel and are mated with the “orient” option. They are
the palms of your hands on a table top, facing in the same direction with no parallel and facing in opposite directions
and then raising one hand three inches specified distance between them. The with no specified distance between them.
off the top of the table. blue part is free to move up and down. The blue part is free to move up and down.
Pro/ENGINEER will maintain the surfaces Mate-Offset of 4 If you have already applied an insert constraint or aligned two edges or axes, then you
to always be parallel to each other, and units. will be given an option for Align Angle, and Mate Angle. This will allow you to “clock’
always maintain the set gap. Anything the rotation of the component based off of two surfaces being parallel to each other.
that forces the surfaces to no longer be Two Aligned
parallel or changes the offset from three surfaces are The default constraint option lines up the axes of the component’s default coordinate
inches, will cause an “Invalid Con- offset by 9 units. system, with the axes of the assembly’s default coordinate system. This means the X-
straints” message at the bottom of the axis of the part with the X-axis of the assembly will be aligned. Also the Y-axis to Y-axis,
assembly dialog box. Surfaces A and B are aligned with and Z to Z. Typically this constraint is only used when assembling the first component
coincident option. Surfaces C and brought into the assembly. After that, other constraints are used to control how com-
The Coincident option will force two D are mated with coincident ponents are assembled inside the assembly.
surfaces to be parallel to each other option.
and to be on the same plane. If a Here, we have aligned two edges then mated
component and the assembly are surfaces A and B with Angle Offset of 120. This
close enough to each other before allows pivoting the blue part, unless you con-
selecting references, this is the option strain it further. The angle-offset can also be
that may be selected by default. If applied to the align constraint.
they are too far away, Pro/ENGINEER
will default to the Offset option.
Assembling Components Back to Table of Contents ASSEMBLIES 37
In Pro/ENGINEER you can assemble components that are Here, the Flexible Component option is being used to
flexible. These components can have several values for cer- connect Audio/Visual cables between electronic com-
tain dimensions, parameters, features, surface finishes, or ponents.
geometric tolerances. Examples include springs, gaskets,
identical parts with different finishes, etc. Notice how the cables The same component In the assembly
are different lengths is listed multiple times. the cables have
Component flexibility is defined in the part by selecting even though they are Note the new icon to different lengths.
EDIT > SETUP > FLEXIBILITY from the menu bar at the top of listed in the model tree indicate flexibility.
the screen. Once you have defined the flexibility in the part as the same component.
file, Pro/ENGINEER will ask if you want to assemble the part This will also show on
with flexibility or without each time the component is put the Bill of Materials.
into an assembly.
Tabs for selecting
what will be
flexible on this
All the items that
will be allowed to
flex in the model
In assembly mode, you can create flexible sub-assemblies.
This gives you the option to suppress components in sub-
assemblies as they are assembled. This does not allow you
to assemble different family table instances, it but does get
around some of the difficulties associated with family tables
and data management tools such as Pro/INTRALINK.
Once you have opened the Flexibility menu, you can select
the tab that corresponds to what will be different in the
assembled components.
Under the Dimensions tab, you can create components
with dimensions that change from one assembled compo-
nent to the next. The Features tab allows you to suppress
certain features. The Parameters tab allows you to have
two identical parts with different values in the any of its
parameters, and Surface Finish and Geometric Tolerances
allows you to include in one assembly any number of com-
ponents with different surface finishes and geometric toler-
Flexible Components Back to Table of Contents ASSEMBLIES 38
In assembly mode you can run several different types of Sandy_Mckinney2015Distance from the assembly’s default coordinate system QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
assembly analysis. All the analyses are located in the and the Center of Gravity will be listed in each axis. For
ANALYSIS > MODEL menu. example, there will be a distance in the X, the Y, and the Z Global Interference determines if there is any interference
directions. occurring and its volume.
Here you will be examining The Pairs Clearance option allows you to select two
the Mass Properties, Pairs components and calculate the least amount of clearance The analysis can be conducted between parts only,
Clearance, Global Clear- between them. Typically, this would be the clearance sub-assemblies only, or it can also be used to check for
ance, Volume Interference between two parts, but we have the option of listing interference between quilts (surfaces) and facet models
and Global Interference clearances between surfaces, components, edges, etc. and the assembly.
analyses. Global Clearance will allow you to input a minimum
clearance amount and see which pairs of parts are closer The Exact Result option measures the quantity of interfer-
The Mass Properties analysis will give you mass properties than the allowable distance. ence occurring. The Quick Check option tells you which
for the entire assembly. This will take into account the den- Here Pro/ENGINEER has been instructed it to look for clear- parts are interfering.
sity of each individual component along with its location. ance between parts and to note any clearances of less
Therefore, you will need to assign a density to each compo- than .02 units.
nent. If you haven’t done this in the individual part files,
Pro/ENGINEER will prompt you to enter the density of each Volume Interference checks to see if a surface feature is
component. intersecting any of our other parts.
Once you have entered in all the densities, Pro/ENGINEER
will calculate the following information:
Surface Area
Average Density
Center of Gravity
Inertia Tensors
Principal Moments of Inertia
Rotation Matrix and Angles
Radii of Gyration
Density, Mass, and Center of Gravity for each compo-
nent in the assembly
The Center of Gravity for the entire assembly will show up
as a coordinate system with axes marked 1, 2, and 3, instead
of X, Y, and Z.
Assembly Analysis Back to Table of Contents ASSEMBLIES 39
Sometimes you will need to create a large number of com- Below is the Add Columns dialog box which is used to de- QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
ponents very quickly. Family Tables can be used if those termine what will be different between the instances and
components have a similar geometry. the generic. Once you select the add column icon, decide This particular family table has five columns. Those five
what type of column is to be added. This includes dimen- columns include two dimensions, d1 and d0; two groups of
Family Tables give you the ability to create multiple copies, sions, features, merge parts, components, parameters, ref features, called EARS and TONGUE; and one parameter,
a part, or assembly, as well as change the values of dimen- models, groups, pattern tables, and others, which are listed called VENDOR.
sions, add and remove features, change parameter values, at the bottom.
and even add or remove components in an assembly or This will allow you to quickly create any number of parts
features in a part. This area indi- that are based off the generic part called TANK in this exam-
cates what items ple. The only difference between the generic and the in-
A simple description of Family Tables would be one master will show up as stances you create will be the length of dimensions D1 and
part, called the generic, and a table that lists all the differ- columns in our D0, whether or not the EARS and TONGUE group will be
ences between the generic and the instances. Whenever family table. present, and the value for VENDOR.
you open an instance, it actually opens the master part,
looks up the changes in the table, and applies those This area indi- After defining what you are going to be varying, the
changes. Even though they look like separate parts, in real- cates what you second task is to use the Add Rows icon to enter in-
ity, they are simply entries in a table that are applied to the are selecting to formation into the family table for each of the instances.
generic part. add as a column. Add Rows allows you to add variations of the master part.
For example, if
To use Family Tables, select TOOL > FAMILY TABLE. This will you want to add a Below, you can see the Family Table that was created. The
bring up a new dialogue box with several new icons that feature to the first row is labeled TANK and corresponds to generic model.
will be used to populate the table. family table, se- Any changes made to the generic model will cascade down
lect the Feature to all the instances in our table.
From left to right, the icons are cut, copy, and paste, which radio button, and
are standard Microsoft Windows icons, patternize, add row, then select the The second and third rows are the first two instances in the
add column, search, preview, lock, verify, and Microsoft feature you want Family Table. Notice that the SMALL_TANK instance has
Excel. added to the fam- stars (an asterisk) in all of its columns. This means that it is
ily table. using the values from the generic for every column with a
The Add Columns icon is used to indicate what varies star in it. Stars should NOT be left in tables. If stars are left in
from instance to instance and is typically the first step the table, it is possible for someone to alter the generic and
when creating a family table. This tool that tells also cause changes to many instances.
Pro/ENGINEER what you will change from instance to in-
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CREATING FAMILY TABLES Here is the verification window after successfully verifying QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
the two instances. If either had been unable to be regener-
After some necessary editing, the Family Table is set up ated, “Failure” instead of “Success” would have been dis- The Patternize dialog box is shown below. This tool works
with changes in items that vary from instance to instance. played under Verification Status. somewhat like the pattern tool in that you can select a di-
mensional value in the family table that you want to incre-
ment by, and the number of copies you desire.
Notice that the SMALL_TANK appears to be a copy of the Sandy_Mckinney2015
generic. This is good design practice. Since so many in- Once you have created at least one instance, you can In the top section, it will increase the D0 dimension by 0.25,
stances rely on the generic for most of their information, it use the Patternize icon to rapidly create many more. five times for each time it increases the D1 dimensions by
is common practice and good design to create an instance Note, this icon is only available when an instance is se- 0.1 unit. It will then repeat this scenario five more times per
that has the same values as the generic. When needed, the lected. Otherwise, it will be grayed out. direction. This is the final table of instances created from
SMALL_TANK instance will be used instead of the generic the patternize tool:
TANK file.
Select the Verify icon to verify all the instances. This
allows you to rapidly check each instance to make
sure it doesn’t fail. Select it to bring up a list of all instances
in our Family Table, then select the verify button.
Back to Table of Contents
Once again, verify the family table in order to ensure that all Patternize allows creation of many instances very rapidly, QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
instances are able to be regenerated. In the verification but it only allows alteration of dimensional values.
table below, several instances failed to regenerate success- Once you have made changes to the family table using
fully and should be opened and fixed. To allow more flexibility in editing, export the Family Excel, you can save those changes back to Pro/ENGINEER by
Table to Microsoft Excel by selecting the Excel icon. selecting FILE > UPDATE Pro/E from within Excel. If using
This will only work in the Windows environment and only if excel 2007 simply save the excel file to update in
Excel has been installed on your workstation. Pro/ENGINEER.
Below is an example of a standard Family Table exported
out of Pro/ENGINEER and into Excel. Here you can make all
the usual changes the Excel allows without any of the limi-
tations of Pro/TABLE, the standard family table editor in
The Search icon will open a dialog box that allows
you to select specific values for each column and then
search through all instances to find ones that match the
search criteria. If there are multiple instances that fit the
criteria, you can select the Find icon to cycle through all
The Preview icon opens a sub window with the in-
stance available to be spun, panned, or zoomed as
The Lock icon will prevent anyone from making
changes to an instance without first unlocking it. This
is a great tool to prevent accidental changes to individual
instances. But keep in mind, anyone can unlock an instance
and be able to make changes as normal.
Back to Table of Contents
DIRECTIONAL PATTERNS Sandy_Mckinney2015Now select an edge to indicate the direction a pattern QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
should run or select a surface or datum plane to which
Pro/ENGINEER allows you to duplicate a single feature or the pattern will be perpendicular. Below are examples of Next, enter the number of copies you want to make in
group of features multiple times using common incre- both. this pattern in the dashboard. This is the total number of
ments with a Pattern. If you need to copy multiple instances including the original. In this example, we
groups or multiple features, and they do not have com- Here an edge has been se- have set the instances to five total boss groups.
mon increments, you would typically use the copy com- lected as shown in red. The
mand instead of a pattern. large red arrow shows the This creates a pattern that is in “one direction.” This
direction the pattern will means the pattern is 1 instance by 5 instances, or 1 by 12
To access the Pattern option, select a single feature follow. instances, or 1 by any number of instances. If you want
or group and then click on the Pattern icon or hold to create a 2 by 2 pattern, or a 5 by 15 pattern, you need
down the right mouse button and select the Pattern This image shows a plane to create a second direction in the pattern.
option from there. If you need to pattern multiple fea- selected instead of an edge.
tures, they first need to be grouped together. All fea- The pattern will be perpen- To create a two-directional
tures must be next to each other in the model tree. First, dicular to the surface high- pattern, hold down the right
select all features to be grouped by using the SHIFT key lighted in red. mouse button and select
while selecting the first and last feature. Then hold Direction 2 Reference or
down the right mouse button and select Group. Selecting either the edge or click the Second Direction
the plane will result in the Reference area in the
Here are multiple features same pattern creation. It is dashboard.
grouped together to be pat- just a matter of which is
terned. Now that they have been easier to grab and which will Now select a new surface or plane, type in an increment
grouped together they can be indicate the correct direc- value for the second direction, and enter the number of
patterned as a single entity. If tion for your pattern. instances in the second direction. Here, we have en-
these features were separate, you tered four instances spaced 13.50 units apart.
would be forced to individually After selecting a direction, set the distance between
pattern each feature, ending up each copy or instance. Either double-click the dimen- This is the completed direc-
with six patterns in the model sion value on the graphics window or enter the value in tional pattern:
tree. This would add some flexi- the dashboard. Here, we have entered 7.00.
bility, but if the design intent is to
create a pattern of all six features,
the fastest way to accomplish this
would be through a group.
In this example you will create a directional pattern to
copy the instances driven by geometry references in-
stead of dimensions. After selecting the features to pat-
tern select the Directional pattern type from the drop
down menu on the left side of the dashboard.
Back to Table of Contents
All patterns use the black dot to signify where an instance will be created. This gives you This image shows the finished pattern with all of its instances.
a handy preview of what your pattern will look like and allows you to leave instances
out of the pattern.
In this example, a 4 by 5 pattern has been
created and is indicated by the 20 black dots
on the model. You can dynamically change
the spacing between instances by pulling on
either of the two white square drag handles.
Below is the same two-directional pattern with the middle six instances removed.
You can turn off individual instances by click-
ing on the black dots.
Here, the middle six instances of the pattern
have been turned off.
Back to Table of Contents
Axis Patterns, or rotational patterns, can also be created for things like bolt hole pat- As the feature or group rotates around the central axis, it swings to maintain its angle
terns. Simply select the feature or group to be copied, start the pattern, and set the pat- relative to the center axis.
tern type to Axis. Next, select the axis around which the pattern will revolve, and Pro/
ENGINEER will create four instances at ninety degree intervals.
Double-click on the angle to set the angular increment. You can also set the angle andSandy_Mckinney2015
change the number of instances using the dashboard and drag handles. In this exam- To stop it from swinging around the central axis, select the Options menu on the
ple, we used an incremental angle of 50 degrees and pattern quantity of 6. CTR is the dashboard and set “Member orientation on rotation plane” to Constant.
reference axis of the pattern.
Create concentric rings by increasing the second direction from 1 to any number and
setting the distance between the rings.
To evenly space out the pattern over a specific angle instead of giving it a specific
increment between each of the instances, select the Angular Extent icon from
the dashboard and enter the angle.
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