Overheard at Work 2018
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By Anonymous
It’s amazing what you can overhear when you
don’t bother minding your own business.
I’m just sitting
back, watching the
train wreck rolllllll
Yeah, my ex wasn’t
exactly stable.
It's a two-Excedrin kind of Monday.
[hair] [fingerprint]
OK, I'm going to now
assume my position
for the next two
That is the bro-iest thing I've ever seen.
[skin care]
Please call your wife
and ask her about
this weird symptom.
Co-worker 1: When's your last day?
Co-worker 2: Do you know something I don't know?
If you think I'm weird
on the outside, just
think of all the stuff I
don't let out.
He would totally drive an '87 Chevy van with
dragon stickers.
[hard hat]
Shut it, Angie.
Write that on your Overheard.