By: Anna Sorenson
The First Day
¨Today is going to be the best day ever¨ Mark said
as he was getting ready for his new job at the Children's
Hospital. He was so excited that he got up at 5:00 am, an
hour early.
The sun was just starting to peek through the
clouds in the distance, and the cool air was brushing
along his face as he was drinking his morning cup of
coffee on the porch. Then he went inside and started to
get ready.
Once he was ready, he got in his car
and started the blue, old fashion Ford, with
many dents and scratches. The leather
seats were ripped and dusty, and his
favorite part of his car was his hula dancer
in the middle that he received for a
birthday present from his best friend, Sam.
Today, he was wearing a pair of Dino Scrubs with
his jet black hair greased back with about a pound of gel
in his hair. He is styling with his new grey Nike sneakers
with black laces.
He was driving with his dog named Cat. Cat is a
female yellow lab with a pink camo collar.
The hospital he worked in was in Denver,
Colorado, and today he had a ceremony for orientation at
the hospital. Where he would meet his new boss and all
the people that he is going to work with.
When he was 10 miles away, it started to rain.
Mark thought nothing of it. Suddenly Mark heard a loud
noise it sounded like a huge balloon popping, and then
his car stopped. He fled out of his car to see what
happened, but it was still raining, so he, frantically ran to
find that his tire was popped he was so mad he could just
flip his car over.
Mark was supposed to start at 7:00 am, and it was
6:30. He would have to walk to get to work because he
didn't have his phone. Mark didn't bring it because he
had read somewhere that not having your phone when
you start a job shows discipline and obedience.
Mark started to walk with Cat and when they were
five miles away, he was sopping wet. Then 45 minutes
later he got to work cold and wet then he realized he was
late for the ceremony. He ran to the break room to
change his scrubs into unicorn ones.
Then he started to walk to his boss's office to
explain to her why he was late. He was outside her door
when she walked out in an angry rage and saw that Mark
was there. Mrs.Green [the boss] told Mark to come in
and sit down and then she started to yell at him for being
late. Mark tried to explain what happened, but she didn't
listen and then she fired him on his first day and sent
Mark and Cat home. Mark called a taxi on the phone at
the hospital. With his old boss watching him like a hawk
to make sure that he left.
Mark got in the car and proceeded to go home.
When he got home, he walked to his bed. He laid down
and called his best friend, Sam, to tell him what had
happened and ask where he should work, but Sam was
just shocked and said he would come over and talk about
Once Sam got there they talked, looked at jobs,
and ate food that Mark was going to have for a
celebration dinner but now it's a ¨You just got fired
dinner,¨ said Sam laughing at me.
The End