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Published by 2020810638, 2022-07-15 02:17:20



IN 2022
Success is not STANDARD ISO 15489
final; failure is
continue that

the most
magazine that is
very much loved





Topic of the Month June, 2022

The professionals responsible for the

records and the information

management have to perform risk

assessment for the records in the case

of an emergency. The disaster

preparedness exercise by the

professionals for the records

management is necessary as it helps in

minimizing risks and lowers the liability.

It provides an efficient accessibility to

the required data in the event of

disaster as it maintains the tree flow of

information across the business unit.

Therefore, proper plans have to be

made for remaining prepared for the

disasters. The events that can result in the

sudden removal of the vital documents

and records from use and accessibility

A disaster has been defined as the either temporarily or permanently can be
natural or human-caused event mitigated if the organization has been
which led to extensive adverse prepared for the disasters.

impacts on the goods, services,

environment and the people that is

exceeding the capability of a

community to respond (Hegazy, et

al., 2016). The disaster may be small

or huge and this is dependent on

their form or effect (Oketsang,

2016). The disaster can be

permanent or temporary and

therefore making the information

contained in the records


Zulkipli, Fatin & Zulkipli, Fatin. (2021). Disaster Preparedness for
Records Management: A conceptual Review. 11. 1-14.



Do you know ......

The most essential thing to VITAL RECORDS

remember when creating a Vital records are those records
without which an organization
disaster plan is that it should be could not continue to operate.
They are the records which
simple so that it can be quickly contain information needed to
re-establish the business of the
identified and used to carry out organization in the event of a
disaster and which protect the
normal processes during assets and interests of the
organization. It is estimated that
various calamities. As a result, up to 10% of an organization’s
records can be classified as
time and effort should be vital..

expended by the companies in Vital records demand extra
safeguards. They are frequently
the process of updating and replicated and stored in a
separate location. Consideration
establishing disaster should also be paid to employee
training and making them
management strategies aware of what is critical and
what is merely 'essential.'
Organizations are utilizing
disaster management plans to
The disaster plan (or business
save and secure their records recovery plan as it is often
called) brings together the
both before and after a crisis. A actions necessary at the time of
an incident, who needs to be
catastrophe preparation involved, and how and when
they are to be contacted. It
strategy must include suitable should be concerned with short
to medium term measures
provisions for storing public enabling the organisation to
continue its business with
documents. This plan is a minimum disruption

document that covers the

methods for safeguarding

electronic and paper-based


It also describes the processes
for the prevention and the
preparation of the disasters and
the individuals who are
responsible for the process. This
plan also proposes the
procedures for responding and
recovery from the disaster when
these occur.

Records management - planning for research services. (2021,
December 16). Anglia Research Services.


ISO 15489 Records management, the first global standard for
records management, was published in 2001. It was adopted
in more than 50 countries and translated to over 15 languages.
After a three year period of review and consultation, a revised
version of ISO 15489 Part 1 was issued in 2016.

ISO 15489 Records management - Principles
and concepts

Establishes the core concepts and principles for the creation,
capture and management of records. The Standard applies to
records regardless of structure or form, in all types of business
and technological environments, and over time.

What does it do?

ISO 15489 provides a framework for managing all types of
business records. It contains the key concepts and principles
for creating a full or partial records management programme.

Why is it important?

ISO 15489 provides organisations with the information they
need to develop an effective and compliant records
management system. In an era where GDPR and other data
privacy rules are being taken more seriously than ever, having
such accountability is critical.

However, while ISO 15489 is an international standard for
records management, there are country-specific statutory
retention periods for certain categories of documents that are
legally enforced and must be followed.

Working with Access Records Management
to manage your records

Businesses must have a document storage plan in place to
comply with records retention rules. Because certain
regulations are often revised, staying in compliance can be

Access Records Management offers end-to-end outsourced
document storage and data management services for all sorts
of records. We are ISO 9001 certified and serve hundreds of
businesses in a range of industries, giving them peace of mind
that their records are in excellent hands.

What is ISO 15489? (2019, June 10). Access Records Management.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS ISO 15489:2001 states that records
OF ISO 15489 management includes:
setting policies and standards;
ISO 15489 applies to any organization assigning responsibilities and
that has to guarantee that their establishing and promulgating
procedures and guidelines;
records (including paper and integrating records management
into business systems and
electronic) are properly kept, freely processes

available, and accurately WHAT FORM DOES THE
documented from the time they are
The standard is divided into two parts,
created until they are disposed of, ISO 15489.1-2002, Records Management
- Part 1: General provides a high level
whether by archiving, imaging, or framework for recordkeeping and
specifically addresses the benefits of
destruction. The standard also records management. Part 2: Guidelines
provides practical and more detailed
assures that this disposal is done guidance about how to implement the
framework outlined in Part 1.
transparently and in accordance with

predetermined standards.

ISO 15489 is thus especially essential
for organizations that need to ensure
consumers and clients that they keep
accurate, thorough records in
accordance with a specified policy,
such as those in the health, financial,
and public sectors.

Schwalm, Steffen & NID, DIN & ISO,. (2016). ISO 15489-1:2016: Information and
documentation - Records management - Part 1: Concepts and principles.

[History Today]

The challenges in the
training of records

"Records represent the memory of an
agency's operations; they are an asset that
must be handled methodically in order to be
properly exploited." Records management
software can only be done properly with the
training of the qualified record keepers

A increasing awareness of the importance of managing an organization's records has
resulted in a need for properly educated records specialists. The avalanche of records
generated by fast economic expansion and industrial development, as well as the
rising number of new departments and organizations, has exacerbated this demand.

Government agencies and other Training Programme

organisations generate and receive History
Malaysia has always maintained ties with
records as part of their daily her previous colonial rulers, even in the
creation of its national archives and staff
operations. They are in charge of training. Previously, individuals were
trained at the postgraduate level in the
maintaining their information in order United Kingdom, either as a certificate or
to perform agency business, assure
Training of Records Professionals
agency and government
Many higher education institutions in the
accountability, defend the rights of all United Kingdom, the United States,
Australia, and other countries offer training
stakeholders, including the public, and at all levels. The majority of universities
offer master's degree programs. There are
identify documents having archival also a number of well-known professional
records management organization that
significance. provide training programs.

Organizations are today confronted
with a tremendous expansion of
records as economic and social activity
rise. This issue has been exacerbated
by the change to electronic systems or
e-government, which has resulted in
an increase in the volume and spread
of electronic records.

Faculty of Information Management, UiTM

The Faculty of Information Management has been pioneer in the area of records
management in Malaysia. In fact, it is the only institution of higher learning in the
South East Asian region that offers this programes at the graduate and the
postgraduate level. The subject as an elective was first offered in 1973. lt was not until
1996 that a full-fledged undergraduate and masters level programes were offered.

The undergraduate programme is This programme is blessed with numerous
known as the Bsc in Information qualified faculty members in the area of
Studies (Records Management), records management, electronic records
while the master's degree is known management legal and medical records, oral
as the Msc. Information history and preservation. The cooperation and
Management. While certain assistance from the National Archives of
courses/subjects are considered Malaysia has been ongoing and close
mandatory at the university and association with other universities and
faculty levels, undergraduate industries has been an asset to the
professional programmes allow programme
students to specialise in records
management as early as the first Training for records managers is not only
semester and as late as the sixth necessary, but it also need ongoing in-service
semester, as indicated below. training to keep up with changes in the media
and the profession.

Yaacob, Raja & Yunus, Alwi. (2004). The challenges in the training of records

Limited Edition 02 New Collection




A magazine is a periodical publication, which
can either be printed or published electronically.

THE CONCEPT OF THE RECORD’S LIFE an inadequate concept
ELECTRONIC RECORDS. The record life cycle expresses the belief that all
recordings, regardless of form or purpose, go
The life cycle of a record is a fundamental through certain well-defined stages (Newton,
notion in records management. It is generally 1989: 129). Controlling each step demands
used in records management textbooks and is unique strategies. Gill, on the other hand,
widely acknowledged by field practitioners. highlights the record's life cycle as a logical
'The life cycle,' as an essential notion, offers the progression of records from creation to usage,
greatest potential for successful management of storage, and retention in active files, to transfer
recorded information, particularly if records are to inactive files, storage, and eventually
maintained on paper. Concerning electronic destruction (1993: 4). According to McLeod (1996:
records, there is an ongoing dispute that such a 7), the life of a record has a clear beginning and
concept is no longer appropriate to record end in such a situation. As a result, she naturally
management in what is becoming a more portrays this as a life time rather than a life
common context. As a result, we must assess the cycle, but distinguishes between the two on the
notion of the life cycle in light of its established basis that both the message and the medium of
acceptability for paper records management recording may have a finite or infinite life cycle.
and criticism of its capacity to handle electronic

Differences in interpretation of the
record's life cycle suggest that records
management, the discipline that governs
records concerns, is developing. Advances
in technology imply that traditional record
administration is no longer appropriate
for electronic records, which have their
own special features.

Changes in this environment (from paper
to electronic) may be to blame for the
more complicated division of the
conventional life cycle idea, which has
grown from three to 10 phases.

In the electronic world, the notion of the
record's life cycle, as proposed by O'Shea
in his paper 'Keeping Electronic Records:
Issues and Strategies,' must be replaced
by the continuum (1996).

DEVELOPMENT AND STAGES From time to time organizations will
OF THE RECORD’S LIFE create more records and also be
CYCLE introduced to newer electronic records
media. Digital records, for example,
regardless of whether they are created
initially in digital form or converted to
digital form, are threatened by technology
obsolescence and physical deterioration.
Training for records managers is not only
essential, but such development required
on-going in service training to cope with
the development in the media and the



Brooks determines that the professional experience and level of
understanding of the creators have a major effect before a record is
made. If the produced records are no longer useful, they should be
discarded as soon as they have served their purpose. Only records of
lasting value are allowed to go through the whole life cycle
procedure. Interestingly, Brook's conception of the life cycle
expressly refers to recordings as corporeal objects.nDiscussions
about the life cycle concept go beyond its inability to accommodate
electronic records.

Yusof, Zawiyah & Chell, Robert. (2000). The Records Life Cycle: an
inadequate concept for technology-generated records. Information
Development. 16. 135-141.


Except for the Almighty, everything that Fareen Ivy
lives will die, and this also applies to record
management. They will need to be “After informing the
appraised to determine their worth to the management team at
organisation, and the outcome of the Dartmouth College that I
evaluation will determine the fate of the was keeping daily records of
document, whether to dispose of it or the behavioral problems I
move it to the archive. "Disposal" was was observing in all staff
defined in the National Archives Act of that I supervised, they
2003 as "the process of managing the insisted those records be
segregation of documents with a view to
destruction, transfer, or otherwise." Once a destroyed.”
record's lifespan has expired, it should be ― Steven Magee
disposed of in a safe and secure manner.

International Records Management Trust. (2006). Integrating records management
requirements into financial management information systems. London: The Trust.

Importance of disposition 2 The organization

One of the reason why the disposition of should regularly
record is important is because to avoid
unnecessary cost remove obsolete or

The following are some examples of those redundant records and
information so the
1 disposition avoids unnecessary
storage costs incurred by organization can
using office or server space to
maintain records no longer effectively manage the
needed by the organization.
availability of its

information assets at a

reasonable cost

3 there are significant costs
around maintaining,

preserving and presenting

digital information back to

the user and the more

information the

organization hold the more

expensive the cost to


Why the implementation of disposition is essential to organisation? (n.d.). GUIDE TO BUSINESS RECORD MANAGEMENT.

4 The record will be disposed of 5 disposal makes
as part of a planned system,
through the implementation of information easier and less
disposal schedules to ensure
the retention of the minimum costly to retrieve and use
volume of records consistent
with effective and efficient because the inability to
find information wastes

time and money.

6 One of the significance of
the disposition is
increasing efficiency by
making it easier to find
and use the information
that organization need

7 The destruction of

valueless records

enhances the orderly

storage of newer, more

important records.

“If records refuse to
be broken, shatter

Why the implementation of disposition is essential to organisation? (n.d.). GUIDE TO BUSINESS RECORD MANAGEMENT.


A record is authentic if it can A reliable record is one

be verified that it is now whose contents can be

exactly as it was when first trusted as a full and

transmitted or set aside for accurate

retention. To ensure the representation of

authenticity of records, transactions, activities or

organizations should facts to which they

implement and document indicate and can be

policies and procedures depended upon in the

which control the creation, course of subsequent

receipt, transmission, transactions or activities.

maintenance and

disposition of records to

ensure that records creators

are authorized and identified “We learn
from failure,
and that records are
not from
protected against success!”

unauthorized edition, ― Bram
deletion, alteration, use Dracula

and control.

Expert commentator. (2016, July 26). Lead Qualification Criteria – theory and practice.


How usability and integrity
lead to criteria?

A useable record is one that can be
located, retrieved, presented and
interpreted. It should be capable of
subsequent presentation as directly
connected to the business activity or
transaction that produced

The integrity of a record refers to its being
complete and unaltered.
It is necessary that a record be protected
against unauthorized alteration.

“Let us save what
remains: not by vaults
and locks which fence
them from the public

eye and use in
consigning them to
the waste of time, but

by such a
multiplication of
copies, as shall place
them beyond the
reach of accident.”
― Thomas Jefferson




According to the International Organization for
Standardization, records are "information made,
received, and preserved as proof and information
by an organisation or person, in pursuance of legal
responsibilities, or in the transaction of business"
(ISO). The information contained in records, which
can be in the form of paper, digital data, images,
audio recordings, or videos, relates to legal,
financial, historical, and day-to-day operations.

Why record management process is

Records management makes sure that institutional
records with critical historical, financial, and legal
value are found and kept, and that non-essential
records are disposed of promptly in accordance
with established policies and recognised legal
The documents lifecycle—from creation, use, and
maintenance, to destruction or archive preservation
—is the subject of records management. These
actions can also be explained as follows: Produce
or acquire.

The creation or receipt of a document pertaining to
a transaction or activity within an organisation
marks the start of the records management
Use or alter. Employees use and receive records
throughout this active time. Depending on the
records' nature, the active phase varies, but as they
go into the inactive stage, the usage rate finally
drops. uphold or safeguard. To prevent unwanted
access and damage, the records are treated with
the proper security classification and arranged in
file cabinets or digital platforms.


Services are tangible, thus clients compare the It is the readiness to assist clients and render timely
tangibles related to the services they receive to service. This dimension places a focus on being
determine the perceived quality of the services. It is attentive and prompt while responding to client
the way the communication tools, staff, and physical requests, inquiries, complaints, and difficulties. The
infrastructure all look. Clients react to questions length of time customers must wait for assistance,
regarding the amenities that FFR provides to its responses to inquiries, or attention to concerns
customers in this survey, on the specially developed communicates responsiveness to them. The idea of
questionnaire. flexibility and the capacity to tailor the service to the
needs of the consumer are also captured by
SIt is the capacity to deliver the committed service responsiveness.
consistently and correctly. Reliability refers to a
company's ability to keep its commitments, including To instil confidence and trust is what it means. The
those regarding delivery, service provision, problem ability of the company and its employees to foster a
resolution, and price. Customers want to conduct sense of trust and confidence is referred to as
business with organisations that honour their assurance. This factor is likely to be particularly
commitments, particularly those related to the significant for services that customers consider to be
outcomes and fundamental elements of the services high-risk and/or for which they lack confidence in
they provide. The reliability expectations of their capacity to assess. The individual who connects
customers must be understood by all businesses. the customer to the business, such as the marketing
Businesses who don't offer the essential service that department, may exemplify trust and confidence.
customers believe they are purchasing let down their Employees are therefore aware of the significance
clients in the most blatant way. of earning consumers' trust and confidence in order
to achieve a competitive edge and to earn their

The five dimensions of service quality. (2021, 22).



Record Analysis

Written by Dominic Hanye

The performances of top company When it comes to large number of records,
begin with high control of the system
analysis along with better quality. it was difficult to handle by organization in

Nusiness system analysis (BSA) and records future that is why it must have a backup or
management was two different things but will
combine which is known as analytic new strategies to overcome those issues by
framework by involving analyzing process of
an organization as a system. The activities will utilize the Business System Analysis (BSA).
be conducted are by identifying, defining, and
examining in detail all the component of a The analysis will be focusing in improving
business system such like the goal and
strategies of an organization also the functions the development of record management
of the organization that support the pursuit of
those goals and strategies. But, when it come by covering records process which is start
into record management the analysis must
investing in development of recordkeeping with creation until disposal of a records
tools that contributes to the decision on the
creation, capture, control, storage, disposal, beside will focusing also into several
and access of records.
knowledge areas:
What is Important Element?
·Enterprise analysis
Inside organization system there must a
functional operation activity which focusing ·Requirement planning and
into organization records management.
Records so important for organization management
because it kept all goals, strategies plan,
task, employee, structure of organization, ·Requirement elicitation
asset and more.
·Requirement analysis and


·Requirement communication

Solution assessment and validation

Business Records

WELL.. July Year 2022

with the analysis the system will be
easy to handle especially records
management of an organization
become precise, efficient, and fast. With
an analysis in record management
department, all record that been
capture there must a secure control
mechanism to avoid any error during
the process so that record can be
manage properly. The clerk that
responsibility of the record must make
an analysis report to tracking each of
the record for several reasons which is
to determine the record status either
current, semi, non-active, and archive
transfer record so that this process will
help organization to retrieve the data in
future and urgency matter.

In short, how did the organization acting

using analysis method is by creating a
relationship between organization
performance because certain business
operation depends on their record
keeping. For example, in accountant
business bookkeeping which is a tool for
financial control enable managers to
know the financial positions of their
businesses and to take certain control
measures to improve corporate
performance. It provides a wealth of
information that is used by managers,
investors, leaders, customers, suppliers,
and regulators. An analysis of the
statement can show an organization
strength and the information after
being analyze will be their benchmark
to improve performance.

Onaolapo Abdrahman Adekunle, Adegbite Tajudeen Adejare. "The analysis of the impact of accounting records keeping on the performance of the small scale
enterprise." January 2014: 7-8.













With overwhelming information,
document, records, and workable records
management exist as mostly in a
convention format such written
document. Some of the records with
paper form need to be handled manually.
The quality of records management
among Malaysian government agencies
needs to focus on the quality in
managing record right from creation,
maintenance, indemnification, retention,
storage, and disposition.

Still, there was ignorance of records

management issues is rampant whereby

there a lack of uniformity across all quality

records and affect organization operations

management. Therefore, there needs for

improvement of strategic resources needed

to be improving the records keeping

management. Records was containing

information that include valuable resources

to an organization which provides variety of

benefits which can be categorized into the

aspects of administrative, financial,

operational, and legal values.

How to achieve these strategic resources by all
Malaysian agencies is by understanding the
concept of life cycle of record. With this
understanding being fully implemented among
agencies, resources reflect better evident in
the strategic management perspectives. This
important into day-to-day organization
operation so the information can be translated
into other form so it can help organization
fulfill their records requirements of the
standard. Due to the development of
technology and digital era nowadays Malaysian
agencies need to change their perspective
toward record management.

This is referred to electronic version of
records that can only be stored in
digital form such as in Cloud Storage
and Google Drive and to handle those
electronic record needs a specific
device like laptop, computer,
smartphone, tablet, and more advance
gadget suitable for record keeping.
This called as electronic resources of
record in organization and the
Malaysian agencies need to transform
their conventional way into advance
management so the organization
operation work efficiently and

Kasim, R. S. (2011, January ). Strategic Information Resources and Quality of Record Keeping System. International Journal of Information

and Education Technology.



DOCUMENTATION T         eam leader which is role for major department in

R            ecovery planning is more into organization and they will give instruction to the other
member what thing should be done and how to
documentation of risk assessment achieve or implement it. With systematic system the
before incident happen and it was recovery planning toward record can ensures the event
purposely created to minimize the of an emergency the organization can act quickly also
loses. Furthermore, it can be effectively to protecting record from loses or damage
intermediate action taken by and prevent further risk toward records. This is
organization when the incident example way to prepared in case of emergency against
occurs along with re-establish the loss of records.
critical business functions. It is not
always possible to prevent an
emergency, but a business
organization can reduce the
likelihood that emergencies become
disasters by establishing effective
recovery planning.


All this disaster can bring harm into RESPOBSIBILITY Confirm that the building or room in
organization record, but the effect of
the incident can be minimized Protect electronic records by which records are stored is secure,
through good recovery planning in establishing and following appropriate
record management. It is not always backup and storage procedures  . equipped with fire and flood
focusing in protecting the record but
more into how to make a backup Ensure all personnel are trained to prevention and detection devices, and
plan in case all the record damage handle records securely, including
either set up a policy or implement adhering to records classification fitted with locks and alarms.
high risk management in keeping schemes and file plans, cleaning up
the record. In common, disaster can records according to retention Protect paper records by always storing
be categorized into two which is schedules, and protecting sensitive
natural disaster and man-made. In information. them in boxes or cabinets in cool, dry,
such, natural disaster was Ensure your office records systems are
unpredictable and impossible to effective, efficient, accountable, and secure locations, ideally away from
avoid from happening such as transparent by establishing formal
Tsunami, Land Slide, Flood, and as for processes for managing all documents windows, water pipes, or gas pipes, and
man-made it more into theft, and records, regardless of format or
robbery, fire, unsafe facilities, poor medium. at least 6” (15 cm) off the floor.
infrastructure, and cyber-attack. All
this method needs to be applied Hence, record was very important to all
efficiently with a systematic organizations because the content pack of
organization chart by identify which critical operation functions and was main
role should be responsible for reason of the establishment and business
assessing the system. Each member company. That is why recovery planning arise
in organization should work together to face the upcoming disaster to minimize
to handle a disaster incident with the loses and create an immediate
systematic plan. involvement by the organization.

Effect of Customers BUSINESS EMPOWERED
Services In Record

In record management perspective, record can be
valuable resources for the organization but those
record also valuable for the other user as known as
customer. Customer in business perspective was
key asset to the companies because customer
can affect companies’ performance. But, in record
management customers play big role for all
organization either government or personal
agencies that related to business or non-business

First thing is a companies or organization should understand the important role of
customer toward business operation. Begin with record management, this can boost
customer experience whereby they have right to access accurate information for their
certain purposes. Companies should implement several important elements to improve
their customer service such as:

·Improve Response Times
When customers need an information from an organization they should not waiting to
long especially when they reach through call. In this situation, an organization should be
able to access and deliver an accurate information in timely and with effective or
professionalism manner.

Effective Retrieval and Disposal of Records
It will be time-consuming when searching for a misplaced record and waste of working
hours which will lead to mismanagement because failed to provide a record for
customers. It crucial to has an efficient record retention as well as disposal.

·Complete Documentation
An organization should always follow the rules and regulations to ensure the records are
properly managed and retained while minimizing litigation risk. When certain
documents are missing the operation of organization will be affected.

Companies should improve their customer service experience because it crucial
toward organization performance by develop an efficient and functional records

management process. An organization should hire the services of professional
document conversion company to scan records

Causey, A. (2019, April 17). Retrieved from Improving customer service experience with records managemen:




Begin your journey with high
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Visit this website for further

Written by Emily Usam

An "act, circumstance, or occurrence" relating to
business is documented in a business record, whether it
be in physical copy or digital form. Meeting minutes,
memos, employment agreements, and accounting
source papers are examples of business records. It is a
method for determining when and where a flaw in the
business process occurs. Records control employs
predetermined procedures to make filing and retrieval
possible so that a designated officer can take
corrective action.

Business records contain administrative materials
needed in the day-to-day management of a business
organisation, such as internal audit reports,
organisational charts, meeting minutes, and internal and
external correspondence. The second is advertising.

Records like drawings and artwork, market
research and surveys, catalogues, and
brochures are produced as a result of
promoting products and services to
consumers. Fiscal and accounting come in
third. It served as an example of the
financial organisation process in a business
setting, including account receivable,
balance sheets, paid and cancelled checks,
financial statements, and petty cash
records. Corporate comes next, where the
documents reveal the history and state.
Examples of corporate documents include
business licences, records of mergers and
acquisitions, and corporate movies.

Key Digital. (2022, April 4). Document management vs. records management: Which one do you need?https://key

Following executives, everything that reveals Written by Emily Usam
information about the company, including policy
announcements, directives, research reports, July, 2020
speeches, and publications, is utilised to explain how
the organisation is managed. A policymaker can
utilise the insurance data to file a claim for any loss
or damage. Examples of claims include car, group life
& hospital, loss or damage during transit, workers'
compensation, etc.; claims for policies that have
lapsed; accidents; fire; and more. In any legal
procedure, such as claims and litigation of contract
breach, appeal records, copyright, trademarks, and
patents, etc., legal is used to safeguard the rights of a
person or an organisation. . These records for
manufacturing include order registers, inspection
records, production reports, operating reports, and
reports on quality control. Any documentation
pertaining to the tasks of managing land and
structures is referred to as "plant and property."
Buildings, machinery, depreciation schedules, plans
and specifications, damage reports, etc. are some
examples of maintenance and repairs.

Personnel records include things like attendance
records, employee contracts, pension plan
information, records of disability and sick benefits,
analyses, orders filled, and pricing lists that are
relevant to employees or anyone else involved in a
business. And last, there is taxation, where these
data pertain to the amount of tax assessed or the
money received from taxes, for instance, tax bills
and statements, tax returns and working papers,
and text exempt sales.

Key Digital. (2022, April 4). Document management vs. records management: Which one do you need?https://key


by Emily Usam

Records are any documents containing No matter its format, information must If you remove even one of these essential
data or information, regardless of the only be generated or acquired, used in components, the record is useless.
type or format. When you hear the phrase the course of business or affairs by a Records serve as proof of the
"records," you probably picture person or organisation (public or informational inputs and outputs of the
correspondence, meeting minutes, private), and then preserved as proof of numerous transactions that make up the
reports, and other items that have been those activities in order to qualify as a dynamic processes of organisational
filed away. Records can, however, still be record. These transactions occur as a systems when all three components are
created in or transferred to other media, result of organisational processes, present.
like microfilm or optical disk, and remain which are themselves a part of the sub-
records. Maps, blueprints, photographs, systems or functions that collectively By incorporating record-keeping
sound recordings, and moving images are make up the entire organisational standards into organisational operations,
just a few examples of the types of papers system and are responsible for its BSA can be utilised to achieve records
that aren't typically considered records operation. and archives management goals. For
but could nevertheless be. example, records professionals can use
Records are unique in their ability to BSA to better understand the type of
Records do not necessarily have to be serve as proof of organisational information needed to run and manage
tangible objects that you can touch or transactions because of the context in organisational processes, ensuring that
feel. Records may also include electronic which they were created. Records are written communications—such as letters,
mail messages, text, drawings, or a therefore much more than just static reports, and forms—are kept to a
combination of these forms preserved on objects or forms, even though the minimum and in the most appropriate
magnetic tape or disc. It makes no shapes they take frequently correspond format
difference that these are kept in an to the purposes they serve. They have
automated fashion context, information structure, and

Roper Michael , Millar Laura. MANAGING PUBLIC SECTOR RECORDS A STUDY PROGRAMME. International Records
Management Trust.

Written by Emily Usam

To create procedure manuals, it is In order to give information that Analyse the relationship between
necessary to comprehend the type may be utilised to develop better
of information needed to manage record-keeping systems, it is organisational processes,
organisational operations. necessary to analyse the
relationship between records and organisational structures, and
organisational processes as well as
the goals that these processes records for the creation of
have been created to achieve.
directories under the freedom of

information act.

To better understand the factors influencing record retention and make appraisal easier, it is important to understand
how functions, processes, and structures interact with one another. Understanding how organisational records relate
to the organization's mission will help you find the records that are essential to the operation of the organisation.

Understanding records as inputs and outputs of organisational functions, processes, and activities can help you
identify areas where information technology can be deployed to enhance workflow and information quality.

To improve the records management specialist's capacity for interaction with information management and
technology colleagues, as well as to articulate record-keeping needs in information systems in a way that information
technology specialists can use as a guide when designing workflow and electronic document management systems

Roper Michael , Millar Laura. MANAGING PUBLIC SECTOR RECORDS A STUDY PROGRAMME. International Records
Management Trust.


Disposition means the final retention action carried A record must be removed from the list
out on a Record. This may include destruction, and not be disposed of if it is subject to a
deletion, secure destruction or deletion, or transfer legal or operational records hold, a FIPPA
for archival review or to a third party. access to information request, or
At least once a year, Responsible Units unexpected operational or audit needs.
must assess the University Records they
currently have in their possession in Transitory Copies should be examined
order to create a list of Eligible Records. during the disposition process. When they
The list may be generated manually or are no longer required, Transitory Copies
automatically using the Disposition should be disposed of.
Authorization Form. The Records Classification and Retention
Schedule's Disposition technique will be
The list of eligible records must at the used to determine how to dispose of
very least include the record series of records.
eligible records, file descriptions and the
time period covered by each record series, Proof of Position
the retention trigger date for eligible To demonstrate that the Disposition was
records, and the day on which documents used as intended, proof of disposition must
became eligible for disposition. be produced or obtained. This will be a
To make sure that no ineligible Records transfer receipt, a certificate of
have accidentally been collected, all destruction from a third-party vendor
copies of the Records on the list must be that destroys records, or a form attesting
gathered together and checked. that an employee really carried out the
destruction for paper records. This will be
Using the Disposition Authorization Form, a system-generated log or a form
the Disposition Authority will approve the indicating that disposal was completed for
Disposition. The Disposition Authority electronic records. The University
thereby attests that there are no FIPPA Secretary Delegate will receive an
access to information requests or legal electronic transmission of the Disposition
or operational Records Holds that have Authorization Form, list of applicable
an impact on eligible Records. Records, and verification of Disposition
Alternatively, there aren't any unforeseen for storage.
operational or audit requirements
involving eligible Records.

University of Ontario Institute of Technology. (2020). Records Disposition Procedures,-compliance-and-governance/records-disposition-procedures.php

Organizing Records
Choose one Official Copy to be kept
if there are duplicates of a
University Record in different
places, formats, or systems. When
no longer required, Transitory
Copies may be destroyed and may
not be kept longer than the Official
Copy. Temporary copies containing
private or confidential information
must be securely destroyed.

A folder should only include files
and documents that belong to the
same Records Series and have the
same Retention Trigger date. This
will make it possible to track
Retention Periods and apply
Disposition at the file or folder level
rather than the document level.

Identification of A file or folder needs to be
disposition status disconnected from and made
inactive when the Retention Trigger
BY EMILY USAM is satisfied. Each year's year-end
Retention Trigger files must be
Records Hold, Where there is a current or prospective terminated, and a fresh file or
legal dispute, litigation, or other legal problem, the folder must be created. Any work-
General Counsel will issue a written Records Hold in-progress materials may be moved
identifying Records pertinent to the situation. The to the new file or folder.
Records Hold won't be lifted until it's done so in writing.
The Record Authority may impose a formal Records Hold
if there is an unexpected operational or audit need for
records. A records hold will list the records and records
series that are being affected, along with an expected
termination date. Copies of records holds will be sent to
the record authorities, disposition authorities,
responsible unit(s), system administrators of the
involved systems, the university secretary delegate, or
any other required people. Responsible Units will
promptly halt all disposition of the impacted records
after being informed of records hold. Records holds are
valid until they are cancelled in writing. The University
Secretary Delegate will assess Records Series that
frequently require operational, audit, or other records
holds to see if their retention period still suffices for
University operations or if a revision is necessary.

University of Ontario Institute of Technology. (2020). Records Disposition Procedures,-compliance-and-

Factors Impacting on
customer service

Written by Emily Usam

There are two categories in

which to place the variables

that affect customer service

performance. There are

organizational-level elements,

which are more closely related

to the organisational climate,

as well as individual-level

factors, which are those that

are influenced by specific

employees. The customer

experience is frequently more

significant than the product

itself, as evidenced by the fact

that individuals assess the

same food differently

depending on its price.

The particular relationship

between the customer and the

employee shapes the

customer experience.

Employees make every effort

to fulfil a customer's requests

since they are aware that a

happy customer will spend

more money. Literature

suggests that a key

component of delivering a

better customer experience is

an employee's personality.

Conscientiousness and

extraversion are personality

traits that affect how well a

company provides customer

service. People with a high

level of conscientiousness are

organised, trustworthy, Erik van Vulpen. How 11 Factors Influence Customer Service Performance
mature, and diligent. The

majority of the time, they

perform as planned.





People that are extraverted are outgoing, conversational, and active. Reliability The second Big-Five personality attribute linked
When interacting with others (customers), these people typically exhibit to improved performance in providing excellent customer
high energy, and they are better at making people feel at home. service is conscientiousness. People that are conscientious
Customers' perceptions of the service level are are dependable, responsible, diligent workers, and
influenced by organisational and organizational-level aspirational. Conscientiousness is linked to better overall
characteristics as well. By creating a "environment for job performance in addition to better customer service.
service," a corporation can easily increase customer
service performance. An organisational environment Cognitive abilities Cognitive capacity is another sign of
that values, supports, and rewards good service higher customer satisfaction in employees. Higher
performance is known as a climate for service. In this cognitive ability (typically gauged by IQ) is associated with
environment, workers can flourish and offer greater greater customer service from employees (Ployhart et al.,
service. According to the aforementioned study, 2011).
customer service performance was higher in stores
with a better service climate. By asking staff members Employee training Employees pick up specific knowledge
to judge their restaurant's service climate, the service more quickly after receiving training (Hatch & Dyer, 2004).
climate in this instance was assessed (more about this The purpose of training is to increase an employee's skill
later). Perceived autonomy was the second element. set. Better service is typically delivered by more qualified
Customer service effectiveness was linked to an personnel (Ployhart et al., 2011). But not all jobs fit this
employee's ability to influence decisions at work. There description. When compared to workers with more
are numerous potential causes for this. More demanding service jobs, employees with simpler service
autonomous workers are more likely to feel positions (such waiting tables) appear to profit less from
accountable, which leads to more assertive behaviour. training (e.g. working in a high-end restaurant).
Additionally, greater decision-making freedom may
come from autonomy, which enables these workers to Workplace experience Another measure of customer
handle issues more quickly. An employee may attend service performance is on-the-job experience, as more
training, but it does not guarantee they will learn or experienced staff members are better qualified for the
use new skills on the job. Extraversion One of the Big position and hence deliver better service (Ployhart et al.,
Five personality traits is extraversion. People that are 2011). For instance, a novice error by a waiter who drops a
extraverted are outgoing, confident, chatty, and drink on a customer after misbalancing his or her tray
energetic. Additionally, extraverts are more driven to might degrade the quality of customer service and
succeed. Extraverts do better in service and sales decrease customer satisfaction.
positions, according to research. Individuals who are
more extraverted than introverts do better in the area
of customer service.

Erik van Vulpen. How 11 Factors Influence Customer Service Performance


I am pleased to share
this project that our
team been working from
the start until we
success achieve goals
for what we deserve
based on our dedication
to make this project
remarkable result.

Here in "Business Empowered" , as
the editor for this project I'm
full of excitement to shared and
spread all my knowledge and
creativity in designing the page
in part of the magazine into
most crucial information for
the reader. Thanks again for
my member in journey to
complete this outstanding

Our goal was to use magazine
as a tool to deliver all things
that related with business
record management and will
become valuable information
for those interested in business.
We hope the reader enjoy
reading this magazine as much
as we determine making them!

-Dominic Hanye-


First of all, I would to
thanked God for the
opportunity that He gave
to me. What I am doing
now is a blessing from
Him. I am so grateful with
my project team in
working this magazine.

The magazine titled

"Empowered Business

Records" is to give the

reader knowledge about

records and they able to

adapt it in the future. It was

a good experiences to work

with my project team.

I hope this magazine will get
a good response and
beneficial for all the reader,
especially for those work in
the business sector.





I want to give God my heartfelt gratitude
for giving me the chance to work on this
magazine. Additionally, I want to extend my
sincere gratitude to my groupmate for

taking on the duties associated with
producing this magazine.

This magazine "Empowered Business Record" is published
so that readers can learn more about record keeping. I'm

hoping that readers of this publication will respond

_ Fareen Ivy _

Editor's Note


Being the editor of such a

fantastic magazine is a real


I want to thank my team for
making this authentic
magazine possible. Without
my team, this publication will
not be successful.

I'm hoping that many readers

of this publication will be

given a window of

opportunity. Since the

purpose of our magazine is to

educate readers about

"Empowered Business

Records," I hope you enjoy

reading them.

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