Assignment SPS 105:
Promote one mobile apps whether related to sports or
Team News
Prepared by: Syed Muadz Bin Syed Mahmud Iskandar
To: Madam Noridah Binti Abu Bakar
• The TeamNews apps are provide news or updates football in the world.
• This apps are easy to people who love football to know all news or updates
about football at everywhere.
• The apps can download at the ios or google playstore. It is easy to who
people have android and apple phone.
Advantages of TeamNews Easy to know news
about football
Everywhere you
can know news
about football
Advantages of TeamNews
News about the Can watch the
famaous league video about the
their countries best player in the
Examples display in IOS
The deficiencies of this app Not showing
all of league in
The apps are
connecting to the world
website if The
want to know deficiencies
the news
Not a popular
Improvement to this apps
Add a more league Personal updates in this
football in this apps apps
My experience using this apps
• This apps are very easy to used because the apps always updates the news about
• This apps also very creative and interesting because the apps have many video
about football player
• My suggestion , to all people must download this apps because it is not large space
to download