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Published by monie_girl9, 2019-12-06 21:28:42

LOG Games 2

LOG Games 2

LaMonica Lucas
Low Organized

December 6, 2019


All Tag

a. Skill Focus: Agility and Focus

b. Rules: Everyone playing is “it. Once a player
has been tagged they are “out”, until the next

c. Equipment: None

d. Time Needed: Unlimited

e. Space Requirement: Basketball Court of
Open Area

Air Ball

a. Skill Focus: Coordination

b. Rules: All players except 2 are sitting on their
bottom “criss-crossed”. The 2 players standing
are considered as “goalies”. The players are to
pop the ball into the air without the ball touching
the ground and without moving from their
bottoms. Only the goalies may move from their

c. Equipment: Beach Ball(s)

d. Time Needed: Unlimited

e. Space Requirement: Small Sitting Area

The Cowboy and his Horse

a. Skill Focus: Attention and Agility

b. Rules: Every player has a partner, one is the
“cowboy” and the other is his “horse”. All
“cowboys” will make a circle holding hands and
all “horses” will create a circle holding hands
inside of the circle of “cowboys”. The “cowboys”
will spin their circle clockwise, while the
“horses” will spin their circle counter-clockwise.
When the teacher yells “YEE-HAW”, the
“cowboy” must find their “horse” and get on their
horse’s back and swing their hand above their
head in a lasso motion.

c. Equipment: None

d. Time Needed: 5 seconds

e. Space Requirement: Basketball Court or Open

Hot Potatoes

a. Skill Focus: Coordination and Aim

b. Rules: Players will form a circle standing or
sitting. Two “potatoes” will be passed from
different sides of the circle going the same
direction. All the players will sing the “Hot
Potato” song, once done singing the last two
players with the “potatoes” have to shoot them
into the “pot”. Whoever makes it into the pot first
will knock out the other player trying to shoot.

c. Equipment: 2 Beanbags and a bin

d. Time Needed: unlimited

e. Space Requirement: Basketball Court or Open


a. Skill Focus: Listening

b. Rules: Players will be split into 5 groups. Each
group will be a specific animal. All players will
spread amongst the court and get down on their
hands and knees. The players must form a
circle of the same animal, but they must only
crawl and their eyes must remain shut. They
will only be given 1 minute to form their

c. Equipment: None

d. Time Needed: 1 min

e. Space Requirement: Basketball Court or Open


a. Skill Focus: Listening and Critical Thinking

b. Rules: Players will sit in a circle and one-by-
one the layers will count off starting with “1”.
Once a player get to a number that consist of a
3,6, or 9 instead of saying the number the
player must clap. This will go on until someone
does not follow the rules and that player is out.
Then the game will start over until one person
is left.

c. Equipment: None

d. Time Needed: Unlimited

e. Space Requirement: Small Sitting Area

Simon Says

a. Skill Focus: Listening

b. Rules: One player will be “Simon” and the
other players must obey the commands
“Simon" gives. The other players are only to
follow commands that begin with “Simon

c. Equipment: None

d. Time Needed: Unlimited

e. Space Requirement: Basketball Court or Open

Jump Man

a. Skill Focus: Coordination, Tempo, Stability

b. Rules: Two players will swing the jump rope.
The other player will have to get across to the
other side by getting into the jump rope,
jumping at least 3 times in a row, and getting to
the other side without interrupting the rotation.
If a player interrupts the rotation that player
and any player that were jumping must exit and
try again.

c. Equipment: Long Jump Rope

d. Time Needed: amount of time will changed
based upon teachers want

e. Space Requirement: Basketball Court or Open
Area, players stand at least 1 1/1 ft. from
turning rope

Spiders and Flies

a. Skill Focus: Concentration and

b. How to play: Designate one participant as
“it,” or the “spider,” such as the game of
“tag” this player must tag everyone.
However, once a person is tagged, they
must hold hands and tag other people and
join hands as they are tagged. The last one
remaining is the new “spider.”

c. Equipment: None
d. Space Required: whole gym floor or open

e. Time Limit: None, just tag until one


Red Light, Green Light

a. Skill Focus: Concentration, Listening

b. How to Play: Such as, “Simon Says,” each
participant is to follow the commands of
the person designated as the caller. Every
participant is to line up in a straight line,
side by side. The caller will give out a call
of “Green,” which is to run, “Yellow,”
which is to walk, and “Red,” which is to
come to a complete stop, if a participant
continues to run or walk after the call, they
must start over at the very beginning. The
first participant to reach the end, wins and
becomes the new caller for the next game.

c. Equipment: None
d. Space Required: Gym Floor or Open Area.
e. Time Limit: No limit, just finish first

Heads up, 7 up

a. Skill focus: Concentration, Thinking skills
b. How to play: Out of all contestants in the

class, only 7 will be “it.” The rest of the
students will place their heads down with
their eyes shut and have one thumb up. The
7 students will then go around and
randomly touch one student’s thumb. Once
the 7 have finished, the students must guess
who tapped their thumb and if guessed
correctly, they switch spots.
c. Equipment: None
d. Space Required: open area
e. Time Limit: none


A. Skill Focus: Listening skills
B. How to Play: each student will be lined up

side by side with one student being told a
piece of gossip. The goal is to reach the end
of the line with the same piece of gossip as
told in the beginning. This game shows how
much a person listens!
C. Equipment: None
D. Space Required: open area
E. Time limit: none

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