PRO (M1)
NEWS 35 How to move everything from
your old Intel Mac to your new
4 Apple’s 2021 road map may be M1 MacBook
its most ambitious yet
39 With M1 Macs, memory just
6 Apple cuts App Store rates in isn’t what it used to be
half for some but no, Fortnite
isn’t coming back 44 Four missed opportunities in
the new M1-based Macs
8 Second annual Apple Music
Awards in December iPHONE
MAC Review: 13in MacBook Pro 48 Review: iPhone 12
(M1) 61 Review: iPhone 12 Pro Max
10 Review: Mac mini (M1)
Apple M1 Macs: Everything MAGSAFE
20 you need to know
28 67 MagSafe myths debunked
72 The best MagSafe cases for
the iPhone 12
2 Macworld • January 2021
48 20
74 Best wireless chargers
January 2021 • Macworld 3
82 Review: HomePod mini
90 Help Desk
99 The M1 Mac’s most
disappointing feature:
iOS apps on the Mac
Apple’s 2021 road map may
be its most ambitious yet
Redesigned MacBooks, AirPods and Apple Watch could be on the
way. Michael Simon reports
After a whirlwind autumn laid out his predictions for several of
release schedule that Apple’s products spreading across
brought two new Apple all of next year. Among the new
Watches, four new releases he expects:
iPhones, a new HomePod and a
speedy new processor for the Mac, iPad: Kuo noted that demand for
Apple analysts Ming-Chi Kuo is the iPad Air has been better than
looking ahead to 2021. And it could be expected and Apple looks to continue
a huge year. In a report to investors that momentum into the new year.
and obtained by Macrumours, Kuo New Pro models with mini-LED
4 Macworld • January 2021
displays as well as 5G modems are half of 2021 with a new design, likely
expected in the first half of the year, finally bringing the long-rumoured
while a new low-priced iPad will likely 14in MacBook Pro. Also on the
launch in the second half of the year, docket are new iMacs with a dramatic
presumably a replacement for eighth- redesign, though Kuo doesn’t
gen iPad or the iPad mini. mention them in this report.
AirPods: As rumoured, Kuo believes iPhone 13: While he didn’t mention the
Apple will launch a new model of iPhone in this report, Kuo previously
AirPods that adopt a design “similar claimed that the iPhone 13 will keep
to AirPods Pro” in the second the same line-up but enhance the
quarter of 2021. cameras on the Pro models even
further, specifically on the Pro
Apple Watch: Sales of the Apple models. According to Macrumours,
Watch SE and Series 6 have been “the Ultra Wide cameras on the two
robust, according to Kuo, but 2021 high-end models will be significantly
could be an even bigger year for upgraded to f/1.8, 6P (six-element
Apple’s wearable. He doesn’t offer lens) with autofocus,” compared to
much detail, but says the Series f/2.4, 5P (five-element lens) Ultra
7 will feature “innovative health Wide cameras with fixed focus on
management functions and improved the current models.
form factor design”. A new form
factor would be a huge change for
the Apple Watch, as Apple has only
offered slight tweaks since the first
model landed in 2015.
Macs: Now that Apple got the ball
rolling with the first M1 Macs, Kuo
expects Apple to continue the
transition throughout 2021. Following
the launch of the low-end 13in
MacBook, he says new MacBook
models are on the way in the second
January 2021 • Macworld 5
Apple cuts App Store rates
in half for some but no,
Fortnite isn’t coming back
Apple has reduced its App Store rates to 15 per cent for developers
making less than a million dollars a year. Michael Simon reports
After months of litigation, since the App Store launched in 2008,
hard feelings and angry Apple will now collect just 15 per cent
tweets, Apple has for most of the apps and games sold
announced a major in the store.
change to its App Store developer The terms of the new programme,
programme. Instead of the standard which begins on 1 January 2021, are
30 per cent fee that it has collected as follows:
6 Macworld • January 2021
• Existing developers who made up will save nearly $150,000 under the
to $1 million in 2020 for all of their new programme.
apps, as well as developers new
to the App Store, can qualify for While the move is certainly
the programme and the reduced welcome news for iOS developers,
commission. it won’t change anything about the
fight between Epic and Apple. Epic
• If a participating developer makes much more than a million
surpasses the $1 million threshold, dollars a year on the App Store
the standard commission rate will from Fortnite alone, and even if they
apply for the remainder of the year. didn’t, Epic is unlikely to relent in its
fight against Apple’s insistence that
• If a developer’s business falls below developers use its in-app payments
the $1 million threshold in a future to sell anything inside the app.
calendar year, they can requalify The case is currently scheduled to
for the 15 per cent commission resume next summer.
the year after.
In a statement, Epic CEO Tim
• The existing subscription terms, Sweeney said, “This would be
which lowered the fee from 30 per something to celebrate were it not a
cent to 15 per cent after the second calculated move by Apple to divide
year of a recurring subscription, app creators and preserve their
remains in place. monopoly on stores and payments,
again breaking the promise of
It’s not clear how many of the treating all developers equally.”
developers who sell apps in the
App Store make more than a million Additionally, Apple is fighting
dollars, but it’s likely to be a small the US Justice Department in an
percentage of the nearly two million antitrust case over monopolistic
apps that are sold in the store. and anti-competitive practices
pertaining to App Store fees. The
Apple CEO Tim Cook said the new move could take some of the teeth
terms will enable developers to “fund out of that argument, but the case
their small businesses, take risks on is likely to proceed.
new ideas, expand their teams and
continue to make apps that enrich
people’s lives”. On annual sales of
$999,999, for instance, a developer
January 2021 • Macworld 7
Second annual Apple
Music Awards in December
For the second year in a row, Apple is giving out its own music
awards. A celebration of the winners is coming. Jason Cross reports
Apple has announced the person. Instead, a ‘celebration’ will
winners of its second- take place across Apple’s streaming
annual Music Awards. services in December.
Last year’s inaugural
awards were led by Billie Eilish, THIS YEAR’S WINNERS
with a live concert at the Steve The winners of the second-annual
Jobs Theater. Thanks to the global Apple Music awards are as follows.
COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s The Top Song of the Year and Top
awards are not to be honoured in Album of the Year are based on
8 Macworld • January 2021
streaming data, but the other three
awards are selected by Apple Music’s
editorial team.
Artist of the year: Lil Baby
Breakthrough Artist of the Year:
Megan Thee Stallion
Songwriter of the Year: Taylor Swift
Top Song of the Year: The Box by
Roddy Ricch
Top Album of the Year: Please
Excuse Me for Being Antisocial
by Roddy Ricch
These artists and others will be
celebrated in a week-long event
beginning on Monday, 14 December
with special performances, fan
events, interviews, ‘and more’
streaming on Apple Music and
the TV app.
January 2021 • Macworld 9
Review: 13in
MacBook Pro (M1)
Price: £1,299 from fave.co/3m59RDG
F or years, it’s been iPhone to take its computer to the next level.
this, iPhone that. And for That something now comes in the
good reason. But now, the form of Apple’s own system on a
Mac – the platform that chip (SoC), called the M1. Along with
pushed Apple to the forefront of macOS Big Sur (the OS built for the
computing – is back in the spotlight. M1), the Mac makes breakthroughs
And for good reason. in performance and battery
While the Intel years were good efficiency that were never possible
for the Mac, Apple needed something with Intel silicon.
10 Macworld • January 2021
This review takes a look at the • The £1,799 13in MacBook Pro with
£1,299 13in MacBook Pro, which has a 2GHz quad-core Core i5 (it’s still
an Apple 8-core M1. This SoC includes available for purchase)
8GB of RAM and an 8-core graphics
processor. The laptop also comes with • The 2019 13in MacBook Pro with
a 256GB SSD, a 13.3in LED-backlit a 1.4GHz quad-core Core i5 (it
display, a 58.2-watt-hour lithium- originally sold for £1,299)
polymer battery, and a 61W USB-C
power adapter. • The beefed-up 16in MacBook Pro
with a 2.4GHz 8-core Core i9 (with
As the tests will show, this Mac is its 32GB of RAM and 2TB SSD, it
an astounding machine. sells right now for £3,799)
PERFORMANCE So what did we find out? Well,
BENCHMARKS we might not have been able to
replicate Apple’s 2.8 times increase in
Apple made bold claims during performance, but what we did see was
its ‘One more thing event’ on 10 exciting nonetheless. Sometimes the
November. The company said its results left us awestruck.
new 13in MacBook Pro’s M1 CPU
is up to 2.8 times faster than the We first turn to Geekbench 5,
1.7GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 in a where the new M1 delivered awesome
same-sized MacBook Pro. (This Intel results. In the benchmark’s Single
Core i7 was available as a built-to- Core test, the MacBook Pro (M1) left
order option for the previous £1,299 all of the other laptops in the dust,
13in MacBook Pro, a machine that showing an 85 per cent improvement
came standard with a 1.4GHz quad- over the 1.4GHz MacBook Pro;
core Core i5 when it was released 34 per cent over the 2GHz Core
earlier this year.) i5 MacBook Pro; and 40 per cent
over the 16in model.
We don’t have this specific laptop
that Apple uses for its performance It gets even better with Geekbench
comparison. But we do have three 5’s Multi-Core test, where the 8-core
other MacBook Pro models that can MacBook Pro (M1) was faster than
help us draw some conclusions as we the 16in MacBook Pro with its 8-core
test them against the 13in MacBook Core i9 chip. And the M1 laptop blew
Pro M1. Specifically: past the other 13in models we tested,
posting a 68 per cent improvement
January 2021 • Macworld 11
over the 2.0GHz quad core Core Our Geekbench 5 and Cinebench
i5 MacBook Pro, and a 91 per cent R23 scores were collected using
improvement over the 1.4GHz quad ‘Universal’ versions on those
core Core i5 MacBook Pro. benchmarks, which means the
MacBook Pro (M1) was able to run
Geekbench 5 (single-core) native versions of the tests, taking
advantage of all the optimizations
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020): built into the Apple silicon chip and
1,724 macOS Big Sur. So, to see what
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core performance is like when running in
Core i5 (2020): 1,282 emulation mode, we ran Cinebench
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core R20, which only supports Intel
Core i5 (2019): 927 processors natively. When this test
16in MacBook Pro 2.4GHz 8-core runs on an Apple-silicon Mac, the
Core i9 (2019): 1,226 machine uses Rosetta2, an on-the-
fly translator.
Geekbench 5 (multi-core)
Cinebench R23 (single-core)
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
7,569 13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core 1,513
Core i5 (2020): 4,504 13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core Core i5 (2020): 1,086
Core i5 (2019): 3,954 13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core
16in MacBook Pro 2.4GHz 8-core Core i5 (2019): 1,002
Core i9 (2019): 7,346 16in MacBook Pro 2.4GHz 8-core
Core i9 (2019): 1,144
The impressive results continued in
our Cinebench R23 testing. In multi- Cinebench R23 (multi-core)
core testing, the MacBook Pro (M1)
saw improvements of 54 and 87 per 13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
cent over the 2GHz Core i5 MacBook 7,778
Pro and 1.4GHz Core i5 MacBook Pro, 13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core
respectively. In this test, however, the Core i5 (2020): 5,014
16in 2.4GHz Core i9 actually beat the 13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core
MacBook Pro (M1) (but not by much). Core i5 (2019): 4,151
12 Macworld • January 2021
16in MacBook Pro 2.4GHz 8-core GRAPHICS
Core i9 (2019): 9,024 PERFORMANCE
In Cinebench R20, we did see a A portion of the M1 SoC is dedicated
hit in performance, but the MacBook to an 8-core GPU, which replaces the
Pro (M1) was still faster than the other integrated Intel graphics in previous
two 13in models we tested. Compared machines. With the £1,299 and
to the 2GHz Core i5 MacBook Pro, the £1,499 Intel-based 13in MacBook
M1 laptop was only 7 per cent faster. Pros, the graphics performance was
The MacBook Pro (M1) was still faster acceptable for most tasks, but you
than the 1.4GHz Core i5 MacBook had to lower the graphics settings
Pro, but it was beaten by the 16in in demanding games in order to get
2.4GHz Core i9 laptop. acceptable frame rates. Let’s see if
the situation has improved.
Cinebench R20 (single-core)
Mac games with native code for
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020): Apple silicon aren’t available yet
407 (unless you include iPhone and
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core iPads). But we were curious to see
Core i5 (2020): 437 what kind of performance we would
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core get with a couple of Mac games that
Core i5 (2019): 399 use code written for Intel processors.
16in MacBook Pro 2.4GHz 8-core We ran Rise of the Tomb Raider
Core i9 (2019): 455 and Civilization VI, and came away
impressed. With either low or high
Cinebench R20 (multi-core) quality settings, the MacBook Pro
(M1) drastically improves upon the
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020): graphics speed of the other 13in
2,097 laptops in our testing.
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core
Core i5 (2020): 1,946 Rise of the Tomb Raider
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core (1,280x800 medium)
Core i5 (2019): 41,601
16in MacBook Pro 2.4GHz 8-core 13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
Core i9 (2019): 3,480 73fps
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core
Core i5 (2020): 28fps
January 2021 • Macworld 13
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core that users of lower-priced Macs have
Core i5 (2019): 13fps been yearning for.
Rise of the Tomb Raider Geekbench 5
(1,920x1,200 high) Compute (OpenCL)
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020): 13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
30fps 19,309
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core 13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core
Core i5 (2020): 16fps Core i5 (2020): 8,829
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core 13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core
Core i5 (2019): 6fps Core i5 (2019): 7,807
Civilization VI Geekbench 5
Compute (Metal)
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
53fps 13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core 21,842
Core i5 (2020): 28fps 13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core Core i5 (2020): 10,382
Core i5 (2019): 23fps 13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core
Core i5 (2019): 7,251
Civilization VI
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020): SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core Of course, benchmarks aren’t the only
Core i5 (2020): 15fps way to gauge performance. There’s
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core also the palpable feel when you’re
Core i5 (2019): 12fps using a computer. Now, when you’ve
been reviewing Macs for as long as
So what about native graphics we have, getting a feel for speed
performance? Lacking any optimized improvements is difficult. Usually,
games, we used the Compute we’re dealing with a 10 to 15 overall
benchmark in Geekbench 5. And with per cent speed improvement year
either OpenCL or Metal, the MacBook over year, and that’s difficult to gauge
Pro (M1) provides the graphics boost outside of benchmarks.
14 Macworld • January 2021
The key to all
these performance
increases is using
software optimized
for the SoC. So,
before you buy an
M1 laptop, check to
see if the software
you use most often
is available as
Universal binaries,
meaning they
include both Apple
silicon and Intel
Apple apps such as iMovie are optimized for Apple silicon, versions. (Some
and you’ll notice a big difference in speed compared to the developers may
Intel versions. distribute software
specifically for
But this wasn’t the case with the Apple silicon.) If your primary apps
MacBook Pro (M1). Everything on are Apple apps, you’re in luck, as
the computer has a crisp snap to it, Apple has updated its apps to take
including app launching, and windows advantage of the M1.
opening and closing. In Safari, the I did a few application-based
speed is even more noticeable, tests to determine improvements
with faster loading web pages and when using native software on the
smoother scrolling. When Apple’s MacBook Pro (M1) compared to the
Craig Federighi demonstrated instant 2.0GHz Core i5 MacBook Pro. In
wake during the ‘One more thing’ iMovie, I exported a 30-minute video
event, it showed me how I’ve simply using the default 720p settings to a
accepted the fact that Intel-based file. The MacBook Pro (M1) finished
Macs don’t instantly wake from sleep. the job in 132 seconds, much faster
While it’s only a lag of a few seconds, than the 218 seconds posted by
it’s a lag that’s now gone on the the 2GHz MacBook Pro. I also did a
MacBook Pro (M1). GarageBand export of a 42-minute
January 2021 • Macworld 15
Macworld Podcast as an MP3 file, supposed to be a ‘pro’ machine
and the MacBook Pro (M1) finished isn’t enough. They’d like at least
in 57 seconds, while the 2GHz Core 32GB. That seems to be one of the
i5 MacBook Pro took 82 seconds. reasons why Apple still offers the
And then I did a video conversion in 13in MacBook Pro with Intel chips,
Handbrake, and the MacBook Pro as those laptops support up to
(M1) jumped leaps and bounds over 32GB of RAM.
the 2.0GHz Core i5 MacBook Pro.
Now, there’s a possibility that,
THE 16GB just as we need to rethink clock
MEMORY CEILING speed as other aspects of computer
processing, we need to rethink
The M1 is referred to as a ‘system on memory. Apple’s SoC uses what it
a chip’. Before the M1, a Mac laptop calls “unified memory”. We have a
had several different chips that served unified memory explainer on page 39.
different purposes. You would have
a chip for the CPU, chips for RAM, If you just can’t wrap your head
controllers, and more. Apple has now around the idea of having only 16GB
combined all those chips into one, of RAM, you have two choices:
the M1 system on a chip. get an Intel-based laptop, or wait.
Remember, this is the very first Apple
There are many advantages to silicon chip for Mac. Sometime in the
a SoC, such as better performance near future, Apple will likely release a
and power efficiency, and it takes chip that uses more memory. (Apple
up less room on a motherboard. But has not commented on its silicon
there are also some compromises, release schedule and what chips it
such as the inability to upgrade will include.)
memory. Owners of previous
MacBooks are probably used to this, ALL-DAY BATTERY LIFE
anyway – it’s been a while since Apple
allowed users to upgrade RAM after Besides performance, Apple claims
initially buying the laptop. another advantage to an SoC is
improved power efficiency. The
But another compromise is there M1 Mac is better at managing the
are currently only two available power it uses, which means better
RAM options: 8GB or 16GB. For battery life. To gauge how long the
many power users, 16GB in what’s battery will last, we ran a video at full
16 Macworld • January 2021
screen on a continuous loop until the models they replace – and they’re
battery ran out. also the same as the parts found on
the current, higher-priced Intel 13in
Battery life: Video playback models. We’re fans of the keyboard,
though we rarely use the Touch Bar.
13in MacBook Pro 8-core M1 (2020):
1,075 minutes One major complaint that could
13in MacBook Pro 2GHz quad-core be made about the MacBook Pro
Core i5 (2020): 610 minutes (M1) is that it uses a 720p FaceTime
13in MacBook Pro 1.4GHz quad-core camera. Apple did improve its
Core i5 (2019): 623 minutes performance though its image-
signal processor, but it’s still a 720p
Apple states that the battery in camera in a world where 1080p
the machine we tested will last up to cameras should be the norm.
20 hours playing video. We didn’t get
20 hours, but we got very close with The MacBook Pro (M1) fills out the
almost 18 hours. The other two 13in lower-end of Apple’s 13in MacBook
laptops we tested lasted 10 hours. In Pro line-up, and these models have
the past, we’d gladly take whatever only two Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports,
we can get when it comes to battery both on the left side. If you’d rather
improvements with the MacBook Pro, have more ports than resort to using
usually an extra hour a hub, you need to invest in a £1,799
or two. But to see this
much improvement,
well... it’s sort of
FROM THE The Touch Bar is on all models of the MacBook Pro.
The MacBook Pro (M1)
has the same design,
keyboard and Touch
Bar as the Intel-based
January 2021 • Macworld 17
Overall, we
like the MacBook
Pro design.
It’s attractive,
sturdy and
familiar. But it’s
a design we’ve
used for some
time now. It
would’ve been
nice for Apple
to introduce
The 13in MacBook Pro (M1) has two Thunderbolt 3/USB 4 ports. something
If you want more ports, you have to buy an Intel-based model. new, though
this may be
or £1,999 Intel model, which have a trite complaint, considering how
four ports, two on each side. Or you well the MacBook Pro works.
can wait and see if Apple updates VERDICT
these pricier models with Apple
silicon at a later date. I was giddy during the first couple of
If the FaceTime camera and the days using the new 13in MacBook
two ports aren’t enough to temper Pro (M1), and each time I witnessed
the excitement, maybe this one issue another broken benchmark record, my
will: the MacBook Pro (M1) is limited excitement levels rose. Then there’s
to one external display, which can the battery that seems like it could go
run at 6K resolution at 60Hz. If you on forever, even when you’re doing
need to attach at least two external serious work. I’ve seen and tested
displays, you have to get the £1,799 a lot of Macs – I did testing during
or £1,999 13in MacBook Pro models the Motorola 68000-to-PowerPC
with Intel processors. They can handle transition, and I even reviewed the
two displays running at 4,096x2,304 first Intel Macs for MacAddict. But
resolution at 60Hz. Also, external this… this is something else. This is a
GPU devices are not supported. revolutionary moment for the Mac.
18 Macworld • January 2021
You need to have software written technology
for Apple silicon to get the speed, but • macOS Big Sur
I can understand if you can’t sit on the • Apple M1 chip with 8-core CPU
sidelines and wait. Even if your apps • 8-core GPU
aren’t Universal yet, they probably • 16-core Neural Engine
will be soon. In the meantime, if • 8GB RAM
you use a non-native app, it will run • 256GB SSD
under Rosetta2 emulation, and the • 720p FaceTime HD camera
performance is acceptable. • Studio-quality three-mic array
However, there are a couple with directional beamforming
of other reasons to wait. The first • Support for Dolby Atmos
is that this is just the start of the
Apple silicon roll-out, and Apple’s playback
next step could be chips with more • 2x Thunderbolt/USB 4
RAM, or support for more than • Headphone jack
two Thunderbolt ports. (This is all • Backlit Magic Keyboard
speculation. Apple hasn’t announced • Touch Bar
anything.) If those are features you • Fingerprint reader
want in a pro-level laptop, then wait. • Wi-Fi 6: 802.11ax compatible
• Bluetooth 5.0
The second reason to wait is that • 304.1x212.4x15.6mm
you work in a production environment • 1.4kg
and need to connect several devices
to the Mac or you use specialized
software. If this describes your work
situation, check into compatibility
before buying. If, however, you don’t
need those features, or you’re not in
a production setting, then invest now
in the 13in M1 MacBook Pro. You won’t
be sorry. Roman Loyola
• 13.3in (2,560x1,600; 227ppi)
LED-backlit display with IPS
January 2021 • Macworld 19
Review: Mac mini (M1)
Price: £699 from fave.co/3fA89aO After having tested the Mac mini
(M1), one thing is perfectly clear:
Apple’s bestselling Macs at £699, the Mac mini (M1) is a
are its laptops, the tremendous value. You get so much
MacBook Air and the bang for your buck that it’s a little hard
MacBook Pro. So it seems to fathom, especially for anyone who
logical for Apple to debut its new M1 has invested in Mac minis in the past.
system on a chip in these machines. You expect to make compromises in
But Apple also decided to use the M1 performance for the price being paid.
in the Mac mini. Two years after its last Not here. Not anymore.
update, the Mac mini became the first
desktop Mac to sport Apple’s SoC.
20 Macworld • January 2021
This review takes a dive into the separate chips for the processors,
£699 Mac mini, which has an 8-core graphics, RAM, controllers, and more.
M1 SoC with an 8-core GPU and 8GB Those components are now brought
of RAM. This model also includes a together on a single chip (the RAM
256GB SSD. Before we get into the is technically separate chips on the
performance results, let’s talk a little same package). And Apple isn’t really
about why this Mac mini is so fast. It’s new to all of this. They’ve been making
because of the M1. SoCs for the iPhone and iPad for years.
M1: SYSTEM ON A CHIP One thing that I should address
specifically about the SoC is its
Processor changes are not new to memory. The M1 is offered with either
the Mac. In the mid 1990s, Apple 8GB or 16GB of RAM, and if you want
switched from Motorola 68000 32GB or 64GB, you have to invest in
processors to the PowerPC. In 2005, the Intel-based model – or wait and
Apple announced the transition from see if Apple will release a SoC with
PowerPC to Intel processors. Now, in more memory. The amount of memory
2020, Apple has started the two-year is a concern for many users, especially
process to switch from Intel chips to for anyone who uses professional
its own. But why should you care? production software. In my experience
with the 8GB Mac mini (M1), I wasn’t
Apple doesn’t just switch chips able to slow the machine down as I
for no good reason. There are a lot of used it in during my typical workday.
reason why Apple wants to switch, We have a separate article that
and for you, the user, the reason are explains how memory works in the M1
good. Apple wants to make hardware on page 39, and that it’s time to rethink
and software with features that can’t our memory requirements because of
be achieved without fundamental Apple’s Unified Memory Architecture.
changes. Sure, Apple benefits
business-wise by controlling as much PERFORMANCE
as it can, but if Apple didn’t care about BENCHMARKS
the evolution of the Mac (as some
long-time users believe, because We ran several benchmarks to gauge
iPhone), it wouldn’t make this change. the performance of the Mac mini (M1).
For comparison, we also tested 2018
Apple calls the M1 a system on a 3.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i3 Mac
chip (SoC). Before the M1, Macs had
January 2021 • Macworld 21
mini, which sold for £799 when it was Cinebench R23 (single-core)
released. This is the Mac that the M1
model replaces in Apple’s line-up. Mac mini M1 (2020): 1,524
Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
The Geekbench 5 benchmark is (2018): 948
good gauge for overall performance.
The Mac mini (M1) nearly doubled the Cinebench R23 (multi-core)
single-core CPU result of the Core i3
Mac mini, and it more than doubled Mac mini M1 (2020): 7,827
the performance in multi-core testing. Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
The new Mac mini makes the old Mac (2018): 3,679
mini look, well, old.
We turned again to Cinebench
Geekbench 5 (single-core) in our next test, but this time with
version R20, which was written only
Mac mini M1 (2020): 1,753 for Intel processors. In this case,
Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3 the Mac mini (M1) runs the app using
(2018): 960 Rosetta2, Apple’s code-translation
software that allows Intel-optimized
Geekbench 5 (multi-core) apps to run on Apple silicon.
Mac mini M1 (2020): 7,735 And it still outperforms the
Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3 old Mac mini, with a 44 per cent
(2018): 3,353 increase in multi-core testing.
The single-core result is a little
Another way to gauge performance more subdued, showing an 8 per
is by looking at Cinebench R23. This cent increase.
app does CPU-based ray traced
rendering, so while it’s of interest to Cinebench R20 (single-core)
creative professionals, it’s a good
way to measure performance in a Mac mini M1 (2020): 408
production environment. Again, we Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
see another multi-core result from (2018): 377
the Mac mini (M1) that’s more than
twice that of the old model. The Cinebench R20 (multi-core)
single-core result is impressive, too,
with a 60 per cent increase. Mac mini M1 (2020): 2,108
Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
(2018): 1,464
22 Macworld • January 2021
show that
the Mac mini
is fast, but
even the
simple tasks
that you
do on the
all the time
feel fast.
and closing
alerts and Apple’s apps are optimized to take advantage of the M1.
and even wake for sleep have a snap 256k MP3 file, and the improvement
to them. Safari benefits a lot from the wasn’t as big – the Mac mini (M1) was
upgrade to macOS Big Sur and the 10 per cent faster than the old mini.
M1 – web page rendering and scrolling MAC MINI GRAPHICS
are much faster. PERFORMANCE
In addition to the benchmarks, I
timed a couple of application-based A major long-time issue with the Mac
tasks to see what the difference is like. mini is that the machine traditionally
With iMovie, an export of a 32-minute has been a lacklustre graphics
video with simple transitions and performer. It relied on Intel integrated
an opening title took 129 seconds graphics and provided enough
to export as a 720p video file. That performance for everyday usage, but
same export took what seems by try to do anything more demanding,
comparison like an excruciating and you found out quick that the
252 seconds on the old Mac mini. Mac mini suffered. Apple also didn’t
In GarageBand, I did an export of a update the Mac mini as frequently as
42-minute Macworld Podcast to a other Macs (the last update before
January 2021 • Macworld 23
this one was in 2018, and that update Civilization VI
replaced a four-year old line-up). (1,280x700 medium)
So over time, as software becomes
more demanding, the Mac mini Mac mini M1 (2020): 41fps
didn’t keep pace. Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
(2018): 59fps
That all changes with the Mac
mini (M1). In the tests we performed, Civilization VI
the new model is a dazzling graphics (1,920x1,200 high)
performer. And here’s the thing:
most of the benchmarks we ran were Mac mini M1 (2020): 9fps
done using non-native applications, Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
and the Mac mini still provides high (2018): 18fps
frame rates and scores.
Geekbench 5 is a Universal app,
We ran the built-in benchmarks and its Compute benchmark tests
for Rise of the Tomb Raider and the GPU, using either the OpenCL or
Civilization VI, both of which are Metal graphics framework. And the
running on the Mac mini (M1) in results here are comical. The old Mac
emulation. And just take a look at mini barely even registers compared
the frame rates in the charts below. to the Mac mini (M1).
I repeat, this is in emulation. The
old Mac mini is an embarrassment Geekbench 5
compared to the Mac mini (M1). Compute (OpenCL)
Rise of the Tomb Raider Mac mini M1 (2020): 19,706
(1,280x700 medium) Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
(2018): 4,714
Mac mini M1 (2020): 73fps
Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3 Geekbench 5
(2018): 11fps Compute (Metal)
Rise of the Tomb Raider Mac mini M1 (2020): 22,841
(1,920x1,200 high) Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3
(2018): 4,496
Mac mini M1 (2020): 29fps
Mac mini 3.6GHz quad-core Core i3 If you have an old Mac mini, and
(2018): 7fps the CPU performance isn’t enough to
24 Macworld • January 2021
sway you to upgrade,
then these graphics
results should give
you the final push.
Apple didn’t change
the design of the
Mac mini. It still has a
compact, aluminium
case, and its size
make it idea for Apple still offers an Intel Mac mini, which is available only
unique situations in space grey (left). The Mac mini (M1) comes in silver.
where space is at
a premium, whether it is on a desk, Mac mini (M1):
used for creative installations, or • Can support up to two displays, one
stacked with other Mac minis for a 6K (at 60Hz) display connected to
server farm. But the Apple silicon Thunderbolt, and one 4K (at 60Hz)
models are available only in silver, connected to HDMI 2.0
while the Intel-equipped Mac mini
comes in space grey. Mac mini (Intel):
Besides the colours, there are • Can support up to three displays,
major differences with the supplied with two displays both at
ports. The Mac mini (M1) has only two 4,096x2,304 resolution (60Hz)
Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports, while the connected via Thunderbolt,
Intel model has four Thunderbolt 3/ and one display at 4,096x2,160
USB-C ports. You may need a hub resolution (60Hz) connected
for the Mac mini (M1). Both models via HDMI 2.0
have an HDMI 2.0 port, two USB-A • Or two displays, one at 5,120x2,880
ports, a gigabit Ethernet jack, and resolution (60Hz) connected via
a headphone jack. Another issue Thunderbolt 3, and one display
with the Mac mini (M1) is its display at 4,096x2,160 resolution (60Hz)
support. Here’s what to consider: connected via HDMI 2.0
January 2021 • Macworld 25
The M1 Mac mini (top) has two fewer Thunderbolt/USB-C ports than the Intel-
based model (bottom).
Most people use one or two £699 Mac mini (M1) blows right past
displays, but a good number use its predecessor, the 3.6GHz quad-
three (creative professionals, data core Intel Core i3 Mac mini, and leaves
analysts). If you can’t live without it in the dust. In fact, based on our
a third display, then the Mac mini benchmarks, the new Mac mini (M1)’s
(M1) isn’t for you. You have to get performance mirrors that of the new
the Intel model. 13in MacBook Pro (M1).
VERDICT It’s unfortunate that the Mac mini
(M1) has only two Thunderbolt/USB-4
The Mac mini is popular because it’s ports, which means you may have to
Apple most affordable desktop Mac, buy a hub. And the display limitations
and also because its size gives it may come into play for you. But even
versatility, making it a good machine with those restrictions, the Mac mini
to use in a variety of situations. But it ends up being the best value right
was to the low tier of the Mac line-up now in Apple’s Mac line-up. The Mac
when it came to performance. mini may be small in stature, but it’s a
giant when it comes to performance.
With the M1 system on a chip, Roman Loyola
that’s no longer the case. The new
26 Macworld • January 2021
• macOS Big Sur
• Apple M1 chip with 8-core CPU
• 8-core GPU
• 16-core Neural Engine
• 256GB SSD
• 2x Thunderbolt/USB 4
• 2x USB-A ports (up to 5Gb/s)
• HDMI 2.0
• Gigabit Ethernet
• Headphone jack
• Built-in speaker
• Wi-Fi 6: 802.11ac compatible
• Bluetooth 5.0
• 197x197x36mm
• 1.2kg
January 2021 • Macworld 27
Apple M1 Macs: Everything
you need to know
Shopping for a new Mac, but you have questions? We answer them
in this FAQ. Macworld Staff reports
Macs are undergoing a system on a chip means to the user,
big change. Apple is how it affects what software you can
switching its internal use, and answer other frequently
architecture from one asked questions.
that uses Intel CPUs, third-party WHAT IS THE ‘APPLE
graphics processors and other parts, SILICON’ M1 SYSTEM
to the company’s own ‘system on a ON A CHIP?
chip’. The first Apple silicon SoC for
Macs is called the M1. ‘Apple silicon’ refers to the chips
It’s a big step for Apple and the Apple makes. In the Mac, they
Mac. But what does it mean for you? replace the Intel processors they
In this article, we cover what Apple’s have used for the past 14 years, and
28 Macworld • January 2021
will eventually also replace the AMD • £999 and £1,249 MacBook Air
graphics processors in higher-end • £1,299 and $£,499 13in
Macs. Apple silicon first made its
appearance in the original iPad. MacBook Pro
• £699 and £899 Mac mini
The M1 is Apple’s first Mac chip.
Here are its specifications: Apple announced a two-year
transition, meaning that within two
• 5 nanometre process technology years every Mac will have chips of
• 8-core CPU Apple’s own design. So more Macs
• 4 performance cores with Apple silicon are coming.
• 4 efficiency cores
• 7- or 8-core graphics processor CAN I GET AN M1
• 16-core Neural Engine
• 8GB or 16GB of RAM Not with these first models. The
amount of memory in the M1 Macs
Apple calls this a system on a is a point of contention for some
chip (SoC) because it takes several customers, especially those who
components that are usually are used to the practice of having
separate and puts them all on a as much RAM as they can in order
single chip. This includes the CPU, to do their work. Apple silicon uses
graphics processor, USB and a ‘unified memory architecture’,
Thunderbolt controllers, Secure which is different from how memory
Enclave, Neural Engine, image is traditionally used in computers,
signal processor, audio processing including Intel Macs. UMA is
hardware, and more. This results in efficient and fast, and it is possible
better performance and battery life. that you may not need as much
RAM as you think.
Apple decided to initially release its AVAILABLE?
own silicon in its more affordable
Macs that are popular with general Apple’s pricier Macs still use Intel
consumers. These Macs are: processors (including the more
January 2021 • Macworld 29
expensive 13- and 16in MacBook Pro, hours and hours beyond what was
and the £1,099 Mac mini). These Macs previously found in Intel-based
are bought mostly by power users who models. If you’re considering a lower-
do demanding work. priced Mac, it’s hard to argue against
It’s not that Apple’s M1 can’t the new M1-based models.
handle the workload. It can, but the The Intel Macs are still good
users of these Macs want more RAM, performers, though. If the Mac you are
more powerful GPUs, and other considering has an Intel processor,
features not found on the M1 Macs. you do not need to rule it out. They are
Apple is not ready with silicon that will good computers.
replace the Intel processors in these However, if you are not in a rush
more expensive Macs. at all, you might want to wait and see
Apple said its silicon roll-out will what Apple will offer for the iMac, iMac
occur in a two-year period, so the M1 Pro, Mac Pro, and the more expensive
is just the start. Apple will eventually MacBook Pros. The Apple silicon
outfit all of its Macs with its own for these Macs could be even more
silicon, and Intel processors will be impressive than the M1.
completely phased out. WILL APPLE STILL
INTEL MAC? Apple said it will continue to provide
In our reviews of the M1-equipped 13in to support its Intel Macs even
MacBook Pro and Mac mini, we saw after its Mac product line has fully
definitely quite
a lot faster
than their Intel
And with
the laptops,
the battery
life extends M1-equipped Macs are a lot faster than their Intel counterparts.
30 Macworld • January 2021
switched to Apple silicon. Apple software, there could be issues. If
has sold millions of Intel Macs over you are still using an app that was
the years and it knows that many discontinued, there is a chance
of its customers use their Macs for it will not run. Most of the initial
a long time. Eventually, it will stop compatibility problems seem to stem
supporting Intel Macs, but that will more from apps that were not updated
not happen for several years. to support macOS Big Sur, which
ships on Macs with the M1.
You can probably expect new
versions of macOS, and their Before buying an Apple silicon
accompanying apps, to be made Mac, it is a good idea to check with
available for Intel-based Macs until the developers of your favourite apps
at least 2024, and official Apple for compatibility. The status of your
technical support will extend far software can help you determine if
beyond that. you can invest now or you should wait.
For example, as of this writing, Avid
WILL MY SOFTWARE Pro Tools, a popular audio editing
RUN ON AN APPLE suite, is not compatible with both
SILICON MAC? Apple silicon and macOS Big Sur.
Those customers need to wait.
Apple has gone to great lengths to
make sure software works on its new The website Is Apple silicon
processors. If you use Apple apps ready? (fave.co/2JaoO9b) maintains
such as iMovie, Pages, Keynote, a list of software and their levels
and more, they will work on Apple of compatibility. You can see if an
silicon. Most third-party software, app has a native version, works in
from large corporations or from Rosetta2, or does not work at all.
small developers, will work. (The
ways your software works on Apple WHAT’S ALL THIS ABOUT
silicon Macs is described in the ‘UNIVERSAL’ APPS,
next section.) ‘EMULATION’, ‘ROSETTA2’,
There are a few circumstances
where your software may not work. Software is created with specific
If you are using an app that has not hardware in mind. In the past,
been updated in a long time, it may software was made for Macs with
not work. If you have custom-made Intel processors, which use the
January 2021 • Macworld 31
The first time you run a non-native app on an Apple Emulation: The ability
silicon Mac, an alert appears asking if you want to install to take an app written
Rosetta, the translation layer needed to run the app. for one platform and
Once it is installed, it works for all the apps that need it translate it so that
and you won’t see this alert again. it works on another
platform. Emulation is
what is used so that
software made for
Intel chips can work
with Apple silicon.
Rosetta2: The name
of Apple’s emulator
and software
translation tool.
x64 instruction set. Now, software DO iPHONE AND iPAD
needs to be created for both Intel APPS WORK ON APPLE
and Apple silicon (which uses the SILICON MACS?
ARM instruction set) in order for
the software to work efficiently and They can. It is up to a developer
properly for each platform. whether they want to make their
apps available for the Mac. To see
There are a few terms bandied if an iPhone/iPad app is available,
about to describe the platform check the App Store on an Apple
software is created for. Here are silicon Mac. (iPhone/iPad apps do
those terms and what they mean. not appear in the App Store for Intel
Macs.) If you already paid for an app
Native: Software that is written for your iPhone/iPad, you do not have
specifically for the platform it is to buy it again. Since the Mac doesn’t
being used on. Software that is have a touchscreen, Apple has Touch
native for Apple silicon runs only Alternatives to help you use an app;
on Apple silicon. for example, you use the Mac’s arrow
Universal: Software that is made keys to perform a swipe. iPhone apps
to run on both Intel and Apple run at a fixed window size, while some
silicon Macs. iPad apps are resizable.
32 Macworld • January 2021
These new Macs come with macOS
The Apple silicon Macs come Big Sur, which is version 11 of the Mac
with Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports. If operating system. They do not work
you have been using a Mac with with previous versions of macOS.
Thunderbolt 3/USB-C ports, you can
connect to the new Macs the same This could be an issue for users
way and your gear should work. The who prefer to use an older version
Thunderbolt/USB connectors are of macOS. For example, some users
the same shape, and have most of continue to use macOS Mojave
the same technical capabilities. because it is the last version to
support 32-bit software. In this
If you are using USB-A to USB-C situation, you need to upgrade those
adapters or a hub, they should 32-bit apps to 64-bit versions, or find
still work. 64-bit replacements before you can
go with an M1 Mac.
Wireless devices on the new Mac
can use the same wireless connection CAN APPLE SILICON
you have been using on the old Mac. MACS RUN WINDOWS?
If you are using high-end At the time of writing, Boot Camp
production equipment, check with does not work with Apple silicon
the device manufacturer about Macs, so you can’t boot into Windows.
compatibility before you invest in Apple has said that these Macs can
a new Mac. do it, but you would have to use
Microsoft’s ARM version of Windows.
CAN I USE MY CASE/ Microsoft’s license currently does not
COVER/BAG WITH APPLE allow for installation on a Mac, so it’s
SILICON LAPTOPS? up to Microsoft to decide to do it.
The M1 MacBook Air uses the design Also, virtualization software such
that was introduced in 2018. The M1 as Parallels and VMware Fusion do
13in MacBook Pro uses the design not yet work. Both Parallels and
that was implemented in 2016. If your VMware announced that they are
gear is made for these laptops, it will working on compatibility. A recent
work with the new M1 laptops.
January 2021 • Macworld 33
report said that the developers of
Wine are “experimenting” with Apple
silicon support. No announcement
has been made about VirtualBox.
CodeWeavers’ CrossOver
virtualization works, according to
the company. CrossOver doesn’t
emulate the Windows OS, though. It
allows the Mac to run software that
was made for Windows.
This procedure has not changed
because of Apple silicon. For
details, see opposite.
34 Macworld • January 2021
How to move everything
from your old Intel Mac
to your new M1 MacBook
Get up and running faster than you can say Apple silicon. Michael
Simon reports
When you buy a new right where you left off, home screen
iPhone, getting it all layout, open Safari tabs, and all.
set up takes minutes.
All you need to do It’s not quite as simple on the Mac.
While Apple offers several ways to
is back up your old phone and sign transfer files from one machine to
in to your iCloud account on your another, none of it is as simple as
new phone, and you can pick up iCloud backups on iOS. But if you
January 2021 • Macworld 35
know which toggles to flip, apps to head over to the Apple Account tab
sync, and folders to share, it doesn’t in System Preferences (or iCloud
have to be so hard. Just follow our in pre-Catalina macOS) and make
guide to getting everything set up sure everything you want to sync is
on your new Mac. checked off.
There might not be an official way
First the easy stuff. If you subscribe to back up everything to Apple’s
to any Apple services, you only need online locker, but you can still use
to log into your iCloud account for your iCloud account to transfer
the appropriate service – Music, TV, important files between machines.
Arcade, News, and so on – to get Inside the same Apple Account/
back in sync. Your music and movie iCloud preferences above, you’ll see
library, favourite shows, games, a Desktop and Documents Folders
channels and magazines will all checkbox, which will sync your file
sync and be ready to go. across all of your devices.
The same goes for the other You’ll need some space, though.
Apple apps you use: Mail, Contacts, Apple only gives you 5GB of free
Calendar, Safari, Photos and Notes, space per account, so you’ll likely
as well as any stored passwords need more if you want to store a
in your keychain. And since Safari bunch of files. Apple offers monthly
is essentially
a password
manager now,
you’ll be able to
see all of your
saved passwords
from your old
machine no
matter how many
years it’s been
since you last
logged in. Just You can transfer files over USB-C using Migration Assistant.
36 Macworld • January 2021
storage plans of 50GB for 79p, be much faster). Then, simply select
200GB for £2.49, and 2TB for £6.99. what you want to transfer to your new
Mac (Applications, Users, Other Files,
When you log into your new Mac, and System/Network Preferences),
you should see an iCloud tab in the and click continue. You’ll probably
sidebar of your Finder window, but need to let it run for a while, especially
if it’s not there, you can add it in if you’re transferring over Wi-Fi, but
the Finder Preferences. Once they once it’s done, all of your files will be
appear, you merely need to drag out on both machines.
the relevant files to your desktop
and download any documents you You can also choose to complete
want to store locally by clicking this process after you’ve gone
on the cloud icon. through the initial Mac set-up by
launching Migration Assistant on both
You can also use your iCloud Drive machines. That way you won’t have to
to transfer files that aren’t in your wait a moment longer to start using
Documents folder just by dragging your new Mac.
them in. For example, if you want to
save all of your downloads, simply TIME MACHINE
drag the folder from your old Mac into
your iCloud Drive and drag it out again Finally, the absolute best way to get
on your new Mac. your new Mac looking like your old
one is to restore from a Time Machine
MIGRATION ASSISTANT backup. You’ll need an external drive
to get things going, but once you plug
For the rest of your data – apps, in, you’ll be able to make a full-on
media, and so on – you can use clone of your old machine that will
Apple’s built-in Migration Assistant. restore to your new one.
During set-up on your M1 MacBook,
you’ll be presented with an option for To get started, plug in your drive
transferring your data from a Mac. and head over to the Time Machine
tab in System Preferences. Select
To start the process, you’ll need to your disk, pick any folders that you
open Migration Assistant on your old want to exclude from the backup, and
Mac, which can be found inside the start the process. Your first backup
Utilities folder in Applications, and will likely take a couple of hours, but
connect the two machines using Wi-Fi subsequent backups – which will be
or using a USB-C cable (which will
January 2021 • Macworld 37
completed daily and stored monthly
if you opt to back Up Automatically –
will take mere minutes.
When you’re setting up your new
machine, you’ll only need to select the
latest Time Machine backup to restore
everything on your old machine to
your new one. It’ll be just as if you had
been using the new M1 MacBook all
along, with all of your apps and files
where they belong.
No matter what method or methods
you chose above, the only thing
you’ll need to do is change your
wallpaper, organize your Dock, and
tweak any other appearance settings
you’d like to customize. If you’ve
turned on the System Preferences
sync in the iCloud settings, some
small settings will migrate over (like
the position of the Dock, for instance),
but the larger things will need to
be readjusted. Just think of it as a
chance to start fresh.
38 Macworld • January 2021
With M1 Macs, memory just
isn’t what it used to be
Apple has changed the way RAM is used. Jason Snell reports
The first Macs powered by its approach to system design,
Apple-designed processors learned through years of iteration on
are finally here. And from the iPhone and iPad, to the Mac for
the outside, they’re almost the first time.
dead ringers for the Intel-based Macs Those of us who are used to
they’re replacing. thinking of personal computers in
But on the inside, they’re not like certain terms are going to need to
other computers. Apple has brought adjust to this new reality. It’s a world
January 2021 • Macworld 39
in which Apple sells three
different Mac models
without even disclosing
the clock speed of the
processor inside. (It
doesn’t do it for the
iPhone or iPad, after all.)
But perhaps the item
on the spec sheet that
will require the biggest
diversion from the old
way of thinking is system The first round of Apple silicon Macs, which include
memory. It’s a feature the Mac mini, can have a maximum of 16GB of
that’s already frequently memory. That could be by design.
misunderstood (and
frequently confused with storage The biggest difference is that in
size), and now Macs with Apple silicon the M1, the memory is a part of the M1
are using it in an entirely different way. architecture itself. There’s no memory
The old way of thinking of RAM slot or slots on the motherboard of an
is dead. Welcome to the world of the M1 Mac, nor is there an area where a
Unified Memory Architecture. memory chip has been permanently
PART OF THE PACKAGE soldered on. Instead, the memory is
integrated into the same package that
Like Intel chips with integrated contains the M1 itself.
graphics, the M1 chip includes a What this means is that when you
graphics processor, and system buy an M1-based Mac and choose a
memory is shared by both processor memory configuration, that’s it. There
cores and graphics cores. (And also, have been many other Macs with
in the M1’s case, the cores that make soldered-on memory that couldn’t be
up the Neural Engine.) But in shifting upgraded, but this is a little different,
its terminology to describe a unified since the memory is basically part of
memory architecture, Apple’s trying to the M1 package itself.
point out that the M1’s approach is a Looking at the first round of M1
bit different. Macs, it seems that the M1 is only
40 Macworld • January 2021
capable of using 8GB or 16GB of computers was that everything was
memory. That may not be a hard limit modular, an outgrowth of the early
– perhaps Apple is holding back in PC era. Even though the Mac never
order to limit these low-end systems. participated in the build-a-PC ethos,
But it’s more likely that we won’t see the parts Apple used to assemble
Macs running Apple silicon with more Macs came from that industry.
than 16GB until Apple provides a Compare that with the smartphone,
higher-end variant of the M1. where Apple has continued to
integrate more portions of the system
BENEFITS OF into its single processor package
BEING UNIFIED in order to increase efficiency.
These new Macs are far more like
But Apple isn’t integrating memory smartphones than like traditional PCs.
into its systems-on-a-chip out of
spite. It’s doing it because it’s an DO YOU NEED IT?
approach that can lead to some
dramatic speed benefits. One of the biggest criticisms I’ve
seen about this first round of M1
The M1 processor’s memory is a Macs has been that they just don’t
single pool that’s accessible by any offer enough memory, maxing out
portion of the processor. If the system at 16GB. Keeping in mind that these
needs more memory for graphics, are the lowest-powered Mac models,
it can allocate that. If it needs more it’s likely that future models will offer
memory for the Neural Engine, more RAM options.
likewise. Even better, because all the
aspects of the processor can access But it’s also worth considering
all of the system memory, there’s no just how squishy the need for more
performance hit when the graphics memory can be when you poke at it.
cores need to access something that Sure, a lot of people feel they need
was previously being accessed by a it – but do they, really?
processor core. On other systems,
the data has to be copied from one Yes, when a Mac runs out of
portion of memory to another – but on physical memory, it will page the
the M1, it’s just instantly accessible. contents of memory to disk – and
even super-fast SSDs are slower
These new Macs are, in their way, than main memory. Though the
kind of alien. The tradition in personal speed differences are a lot less
January 2021 • Macworld 41
An Apple silicon Mac Pro with only 16GB of memory? It But if you combine
won’t happen. You’ll see Apple silicon with more RAM the efficiency of
and processing power in the near future. the unified memory
architecture with
the speed of SSD
storage, and consider
most everyday use
cases, I’m pretty sure
that most regular
users could get by
with 8GB of unified
memory – or, if you
want to be absolutely
sure, upgrade that to
16GB. (I did.)
than back when we used slow WHAT’S NEXT?
spinning disk drives.
I can’t imagine 2021 passing without
What would cause your Mac to run Apple rolling out a new set of Macs
out of physical memory? If you leave with more powerful processors and
an awful lot of apps open at once, more memory options. The high-
or if your browser has hundreds of end MacBook Pros and the iMacs,
tabs open, or if you’re using an app at the very least, could use updates
that loads a very large file (like, say, a that provide some options beyond
Photoshop file) into memory. If you’re the basic M1.
someone who does this a lot, you
probably want more memory.... but In the long run, is it possible that
then again, if you’re someone who Apple would build systems with
does this a lot, you might not want external graphics processors with
to buy one an M1 Mac right now. The their own dedicated memory? It
mid-range and high-end models that seems inevitable, at least at the high
will undoubtedly offer more RAM end – what’s a Mac Pro for if you can’t
options and more processor power stick a ridiculous graphics card in it?
are undoubtedly coming next year.
But Apple is also very likely to just
keep scaling up memory options as it
42 Macworld • January 2021
scales up its processors, adding more
memory as it adds cores – and those
chips are the ones likely to be offered
in most Mac models.
The unified memory architecture
in the M1 is one of the reasons these
Macs are so amazingly fast – but
all Mac users are going to have to
relinquish some of our assumptions
about how our computers work, and
how they’re configured. And if you
really can’t bear buying any Mac with
only 16GB of RAM, don’t get mad – be
patient. More Apple silicon Macs are
on the way.
January 2021 • Macworld 43
Four missed opportunities
in the new M1-based Macs
We’re pretty excited about the new Macs, but why didn’t Apple
make a few obvious improvements? Jason Cross reports
Apple’s got new Macs if even remotely true could be more
with its first-ever custom than enough reason for Mac fans to
designed system-on-chip, be excited about Apple’s switch from
the M1. We’re getting three Intel processors to its own.
new Macs with the chip: a MacBook Yet, we can’t help but feel the
Air, 13in MacBook Pro and Mac mini. company’s entering this new era for
They are available to buy now. the Mac just a little too conservatively.
Apple’s claims of performance Outside of the M1 processor, these
and efficiency are eye-popping, and Macs are dead ringers for their
44 Macworld • January 2021
Admit it... you kind of miss it, don’t you?
predecessors. Here are four ways It would have been nice to get at
Apple could have easily made these least a single small, obvious design
Macs better, but didn’t. differentiation between MacBooks
with the M1 and those with Intel chips,
1. LIGHT UP and the return of the glowing Apple
THE APPLE LOGO logo would have been just the thing.
Remember when the Apple logo on 2. WHY ONLY TWO
the back of your MacBook lid would THUNDERBOLT 3 PORTS
glow? That’s been gone for years, and ON THE MACBOOK PRO?
we kind of miss it. At least, it would be
nice if it glowed a little, perhaps with The M1-based version of the
an option to shut it off. 13in MacBook Pro has only two
Thunderbolt 3 ports on the left side
The new M1-based Macs feature of the machine. The models with
the exact same design as those with Intel CPUs – which are still available
Intel processors. I think it’s time for – have an additional two ports on
a totally new design, perhaps taking the right side.
cues from the new flat-edged iPad Pro
and iPhone 12, but I can understand The new M1 chip models essentially
Apple saving that for later in the replace the lower-end versions of the
Apple silicon transition process. MacBook Pro, which had only two TB3
January 2021 • Macworld 45
We shouldn’t have to choose between the awesome new M1 chip and the full
compliment of Thunderbolt 3 ports.
ports and 8th-gen Intel processors. now, it’s that the sensor is old and
The higher-end models, with 10th-gen embarrassingly behind the times.
Intel processors and four TB3 ports,
remain available. This seems like an Yes, of course I want the whole
odd distinction to make now if Apple TrueDepth module and Face ID
is claiming that its M1 chip is so much support in a Mac, but I recognize
faster than Intel’s, and with such that probably requires a significant
dramatically improved battery life. product redesign. I can’t imagine that
stepping up to the vastly improved
If you want to buy a MacBook Pro, f/2.2 aperture 1080p FaceTime
you’re forced to choose between the camera from the iPad Air would.
‘inferior’ Intel chip with four ports, or
the ‘superior’ M1 chip with only two Apple says that video quality
ports. That’s nuts. will be improved thanks to the M1’s
image signal processor and Neural
3. THAT RUBBISH 720P Engine. That’s probably true. Just
FACETIME CAMERA imagine how good your Zoom calls
could look with halfway-decent
Every time a new Mac is introduced, I camera hardware, too.
pray that Apple will start to take video
camera quality seriously. And every 4. WHY NOT A
time, I’m disappointed. BIGGER BATTERY?
Both the MacBook Air and Pro with Looking at the spec sheets, it appears
the M1 processor still have the same that the 13in MacBook Air and
absolutely garbage 720p FaceTime MacBook Pro have batteries exactly
camera as earlier models. It’s not the same size as their Intel-based
just that we should have 1080p by predecessors. The Air’s battery is
46 Macworld • January 2021
What’s the point in consolidating all these parts if you
don’t make use of the extra space?
49.9 watt-hours, and the Pro’s battery
is 58 watt-hours.
After all that talk about how
the M1 is a system-on-chip that
consolidates multiple pieces of
silicon, and how the MacBook Air
removed the fan, surely there would
be room for more battery, right?
The efficiency of the M1 chip is
responsible for big battery life gains.
Apple says the Air goes up 15 hours
when browsing the web, 18 hours
playing back video, and lasts twice
as long video conferencing. If we can
expect battery life from 40 to 100 per
cent longer, just imagine how long
the battery would last with another 10
watt-hours of capacity?
January 2021 • Macworld 47
Review: iPhone 12
Price: £799 from fave.co/2URCCYp DESIGN
There used to be a theory Since 2014, every iPhone except one
you should always order (the original SE) has followed largely
the second-cheapest wine the same curvaceous design. But
on the menu, on the basis those days are over. The iPhone 12
that it offers the best balance of value is simultaneously groundbreaking
for money and not tasting awful. The and old-fashioned. Its square-edged
second-cheapest wine on Apple’s design is strongly reminiscent of the
menu this autumn is the iPhone 12, iPhone 4, yet it combines this retro-
but is it vintage or has it corked? We feeling angular chassis with a modern
evaluate its camera performance, run all-screen layout, its 6.1in OLED
speed, graphics and battery tests, screen absolutely dwarfing anything
discuss its new-look design and help from that long-ago era.
you decide if this is right for you.
48 Macworld • January 2021
This blend of old
and new is a likeable
combination, and
a much-needed
freshening-up for
a design language
that was starting
to feel slightly
stale. But while it
looks nice, there
are some potential
worries about The curved design slips naturally into the hand.
the practicalities.
One is that sharply edged shapes But I’d still recommend either putting
are more susceptible to damage than the phone in a case, or refraining from
curved ones, because the edges dropping it, or preferably both.
themselves will always take the brunt; Another often ignored aspect of
the curve spreads the force across a curved designs is how naturally they
wider area. Sure enough, shortly after slip into a hand. While I’m bemused
the phones went on sale, one tweeter by the (again, isolated) reports that
posted photos from a Chinese Apple people have somehow managed to
Store that appeared to show the cut themselves, it’s fair to say that it’s
colour finish flaking from the frame not quite as comfortable to hold as an
of the handsets, particularly around iPhone 11. Conversely, the edges make
the edge, after presumably vigorous it less likely to slip out of the hand too,
handling by customers. so drops should be rarer.
I wouldn’t worry about this too DISPLAY
much, not least because of my
long experience with Apple’s high To continue the theme of drop
standards of quality control and damage, the 12’s screen has a new
thoughtful approach to design (with a form of protection that Apple calls
few, ahem, exceptions), and haven’t Ceramic Shield. The firm claims the
noticed any such issues with my use of nanoscale crystals in the glass
iPhone 12 and 12 Pro review samples. improves drop protection by a factor of
January 2021 • Macworld 49
four; I’m never comfortable with that careful) and from a resolution of
sort of scientific jargon, but it suggests 1,792x828, with a pixel density of
good intentions if nothing else. 326 pixels per inch, to 2,532x1,170
I didn’t want to test this too and 460ppi.
thoroughly – aside from not wanting It’s a shame Apple wasn’t able to
to smash the screen of my borrowed squeeze in 120Hz ProMotion screens
sample, I was conscious that breaking this year, with all of the 12-series
or not breaking a single unit would not models capped at 60Hz, but that
constitute a statistically valid test. probably would have been restricted
But other testers have had no such to the Pro models anyway.
qualms, and they conclude that the This big improvement in screen
claims stand up: EverythingApplePro, quality, which isn’t apparent in the
for example, dropped an iPhone 12 Pro line – since the 11 Pro already
and 12 Pro from head height on to a had OLED and a 400ppi+ pixel
concrete floor, and neither showed density – is one of the reasons why
any cracks. there’s a sense that the 12 is this
Hopefully, then, your iPhone 12’s year’s ‘one To watch’.
screen will be able to withstand the PHOTOGRAPHY
rigours of everyday life. Which is
good, because the screen itself is The most visible difference between
excellent: bright, sharp and vividly the 12 and its costlier 12 Pro sibling
It’s a big step up
from the iPhone 11.
We’ve jumped from
LCD to the greatly
superior OLED tech
(which gives deeper
blacks, greater
contrast and
improved power-
efficiency, although
it can lead to
burn-in if you’re not There are lenses on the rear, plus a LiDAR scanner.
50 Macworld • January 2021