2016 Election
Minarets High
Donald Trump supporters say: “Make America Great Again” and he is Photos
not a politician Ads
Choose Trump because he says he will create new jobs, and be a
competent leader for this great country.
Hillary Clinton supporters say: She is a feminist and for children
Choose Clinton because she says she will get the economy working
correctly again, keep our nation safe, and break down barriers for
Jill Stein supporters say:
Choose Stein because she genuinely
cares about racism and she has an
intersectional mindset.
Gary Johnson supporters say:
Choose Johnson because he has
executive experience and engages
citizens in intellectual discussion.
US Senate
Kamala Harris supporters are: Barack
Obama and Joe Biden, Governor Jerry
Choose Harris because Equal Rights for all,
criminal justice reform, make higher
education affordable, protect environment
and build a clean economy
Lorreta Sanchez supporters are: Fresno
Bee, Fresno State College Democrats,
LGBT Advocates
Choose Sanchez because: Prevent Gun
US House of Representatives
District 16
Candidate Jim Costa supporters say: Photos
Choose Candidate Jim Costa because
● Previously in congress
● He is fighting for water
● Strengthening Health Care
Candidate Johnny Tacherra supporters say:
“A farmer who knows water”
Choose Candidate Johnny Tacherra
● Fighting for water
● Immigration Reform
● Less regulation on trade
● Repeal Obama care
● Cautious with american lives
US House of Representatives
District 4
Robert W. Derlet: Democrat Tom McClintock: Republican
Vote Derlet and he will...
Supporters say he is “The Principled Conservative
- Fight to keep good jobs in the USA, Leader we need in congress.”
increase wages, and secure benefits.
Vote McClintock because…
- Protect older Americans. Prevent
privatization of Social Security and - He has previous experience serving on the
Medicare. House of Representatives.
- Reduce healthcare costs - He is Pro-life
- Ensure all our young people have access - He does not support the raising of income
to affordable higher education and are taxes
able enter the workforce without - He will fight to stop gun control legislation.
crushing debt.
- Tackle climate change
California State Assembly
District 5
Candidate Robert Carabas supporters say:
Choose Candidate Carabas because he wants to
make the minimum wage sustainable for full time
work and make the environment a priority.
Candidate Frank Bigelow supporters say:
Choose Candidate Frank Bigelow because supports
benefiting early childhood education, and bringing
the unemployment rate in the region down.
Proposition 51
Bonds for School Facilities
Supporters say: Photos
● “Will help to repair, upgrade and improve California's K-12
public schools and community colleges.” Supporters:
Vote FOR because ● California Democratic Party
● California Republican Party
● Supports the state issuing $9 billion in bonds
● Funds improvement and construction of school facilities
● Benefits K-12 schools and community colleges
Opponents say:
● “The state would not have the authority to sell new general
obligation bonds for K–12 public school and community college
Vote AGAINST because
● $9 billion in new debt to fund the improvement and construction of
education facilities.
● Would cost $17.6 billion to repay
Proposition 52
Private Hospital Fees for
Supporters say: This guarantees funding for Medi-Cal which helps Photos
low-income children and families. Prop 52 makes sure that state Ads
lawmakers cannot use this money for any other purpose.
Vote FOR because this proposition ensures that the state will continue
to receive more than $3 billion a year in federal matching funds for
Medi-Cal that would otherwise not be available.
Opponents say: Prop 52 would give more than $3 billion to hospitals
without a guarantee that it will help patients. Instead of helping
low-income Californians, Prop 52 would give more money to hospital
Vote AGAINST because Prop. 52 gives $3 billion a year in federal
Proposition 53
Public Vote on Revenue Bonds
Should statewide voter approval be required before any revenue bonds can be issued or sold by the state for projects where the
bond amount exceeds $2 billion? Vote Yes:
Vote No: Supporters say: “The state should be required to get
Opponents say: “Having to wait for an election voter approval before taking on expensive building
could make it hard for the state to respond to projects.”
disasters and emergencies.” Vote FOR because it will...
Vote AGAINST because it will... - ensure that the people have a say in expensive
- prevent or delay repair on infrastructure projects.
- Take away local control - Protect California’s Long-term fiscal health
- Jeopardize California’s long term - Mandate transparency about the true costs of
economic health and safety projects
Proposition 54
Changes to the Legislative
Supporters say: Photos
● Prohibiting the legislature from passing any bill until it has been in
print and published on the Internet for 72 hours prior to the vote Supporters:
Vote FOR because ● California Republican Party
● Libertarian Party of California
● “will put a stop to the secret legislation”
Opponents say:
● Bill will hinder legislators in developing bipartisan solutions.
● 72 hours gives special interest groups more time to launch a
● More difficult for lawmakers to take action in emergencies
Vote AGAINST because
● “Don’t give special interests even more power.”
Proposition 55
Extend Tax on High Income
Supporters say:
Vote FOR because it funds education and
healthcare. 89% for K-12 and 11% for
community colleges.
Opponents say:
Vote AGAINST because the tax may make
companies and jobs leave America.
Proposition 56
Tobacco Tax
Supporters say: Prevent kids from smoking and
save lives, works like a user fee, smokers pay fair
Vote FOR because: Increase taxes on cigarettes
from .87 to $2.87, spending income on low budget
Opponents say: Gives 1 bill to health companies
and only minimum school funding
Vote AGAINST because: NO change to taxes on
Proposition 57
Parole, Sentencing and Court Procedures
YES ON 57: Adults convicted of nonviolent felonies will be eligible for parole
after serving time for their main crimes.
- Reduce overcrowding in state prisons
- Save money spent on non-violent offenders.
- Encourage inmates to take advantage of educational and rehabilitation opportunities
NO ON 56: Adults convicted of nonviolent felonies will NOT be eligible for
parole after serving time for their main crimes.
- Release a greater number of convicted felons onto the street.
- Weaken crime laws and fail to honor the original sentence ordered by a judge.
Proposition 58
English Language Education
Supporters say:
Vote FOR because it allows easier English
proficiency and expands English speakers
to learn a second language.
Opponents say:
Vote AGAINST because bilingual
instruction will delay learning proper English
reading and writing.
Proposition 59
Political Spending Advisory
Supporters say: Corps and billionaires
should not be allowed to buy elections
Vote FOR because gets big money out of
Opponents say: Changes first amendment
of the constitution
Vote AGAINST because big waste of time
and tax payer dollars
Proposition 60
Condoms in Adult Films
Supporters say: The current law requiring condoms is not being Photos
followed by adult film producers.Prop 60 would protect adult film Ads
performers from harmful diseases like HIV and AIDS.
Vote FOR because it closes loopholes in existing law and improves
enforcement so that the adult film industry is held to the same
workplace protection law that applies to every other California
Opponents say: Adult performers are already tested frequently for
diseases. Prop 60 is not necessary.Married couples who film in their
own homes could be sued.
Vote AGAINST because it creates a dangerous, new private right of
Proposition 61
Prescription Drug Costs
Should state agencies generally be prohibited from paying more for any prescription drug than the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)
pays for the same drug? Vote No:
Vote Yes: Opponents say: “Prop 61 would not apply to
Supporters say: “Prop 61 would make sure 88 percent of state residents, including most
California is not paying too much for people on Medi-Cal.”
prescription drugs”
Vote AGAINST because it will...
Vote FOR because it will... - Only covers a certain group of
- End the price gouging on prescriptions
- empowers the state to negotiate the same patients, 88 percent of California’s
are excluded.
or better deals for taxpayer - Eliminate the drug discounts that the
state already receives.
Proposition 62
Repeals Death Penalty
YES ON 62: Repeals death penalty and replaces it with life imprisonment
without possibility of parole
- Get rid of the death penalty would save the state millions of dollars in costs.
- Only way to make sure that no innocent person is ever executed in California.
NO ON 62: Keeps death penalty
- Need the strongest possible punishment for the most serious first-degree murderers.
- The pay that inmates would put toward victims’ families cannot make up for the lost life.
Proposition 63
Gun and Ammunition Sales
Supporters say: Improve safety by keeping guns
and ammo out of wrong hands, reduce gun
Vote FOR because New requirements for
buying/selling guns and ammo would be
Opponents say: Written by a politician to make a
name for himself, only affect law abiding citizens
Vote AGAINST because No new guns and ammo
regulations would be implemented
Proposition 64
Making Recreational
Marijuana Legal
Supporters say: Photos
● “Claim the state tax alone could generate $1 billion each year for
California” - The Californians for Responsible Marijuana Reform Supporters:
Vote FOR because ● California Democratic Party
● Green Party of California
● Legalizing recreational marijuana
● Persons aged 21 years or older under state law and establishing certain
sales and cultivation taxes.
● revenue generated will go to youth substance abuse programs.
● legalizing industrial hemp production will generate additional millions
and create jobs
Opponents say:
● “Prop 64 has a loophole that will allow meth and heroin dealers to
become licensed to sell marijuana” - Stop Pot 2016
Vote AGAINST because
● To establish certain sales and cultivation taxes
● Highly dangerous to people who have not yet reached full physical
(brain) development
● Very few can actually benefit from marijuana use.
Proposition 65
Money from Carry-Out Bags
Supporters say:
● “Grocery stores should not get to keep the money made from selling bags” (Prop. 65, http://votersedge.kqed.org/)
● Money made from selling bags would go directly towards supporting the environment.
Vote FOR because:
● Could potentially produce tens of millions of dollars within environmental programs
Opponents say:
● It is wiser to support Prop 67 instead, which will ban the use of single-use plastic bags, as it is more pressing to get
rid of the plastic bags, which are more harmful to the environment.
● “Prop 65 will not make very much money for the state because people will start bringing their own bags” (Prop. 65,
Vote AGAINST because:
● The bags themselves cost $.15 to make, which would cost stores a great deal of money should they no longer profit
Proposition 66
Death Penalty and Court Procedures
YES ON 62: Prisoners sentenced to death may fight the sentence before
the California Supreme Court and then the federal courts
- The appeals process for death row inmates needs to be quicker and less
- Prop 66 would save money and ensure that justice is carried out in a timely
NO ON 62: Prisoners sentenced to death may NOT fight the sentence
before the California Supreme Court and then the federal courts
- Prop 66 would cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in legal and lawyer
- Shortening the appeals process increases the risk of executing an innocent
Proposition 67
Plastic Bag Ban
Supporters say: Vote AGAINST because:
● “Single-use plastic bags are bad for the environment and harmful to wildlife. Prop 67 ● Banning these bags would thusly lower manufacturing jobs, and harm the economy
protects animals and saves the state millions of dollars in clean-up costs” (Prop. 67, ● Bags will be charged in order to obtain, which would only benefit the store
○ Again, not necessarily true if Prop 65 is passed
● “Many communities have already banned single-use plastic bags” (Prop. 67,
Vote FOR because:
● Companies that produce plastic bags are doing so to protect their own profits
● This act is a very straightforward way to prevent plastic bags from further polluting the
Opponents say:
● “Prop 67 would require stores to charge 10 cents for bags that can be reused, instead
of offering them for free” (Prop. 67, http://votersedge.kqed.org/)
● “Prop 67 would allow grocery stores to keep millions of dollars from selling these
bags” (Prop. 67, http://votersedge.kqed.org/).
○ However, this is not necessarily true if Prop 65 is passed.