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Published by mwniehoff, 2022-03-17 14:25:58

iLEAD Exploration 2021 High School Graduation Lookbook

iLEAD Exploration 2021 High School Graduation

Keywords: Graduation,Art

iLEAD Exploration
Graduation Ceremony
June 3, 2021

Ørdër øf Çërëmøñÿ

Pomp and Circumstance


Lisa Rittenhouse

High School Coordinator

National Anthem

Loren Kim

Graduating Senior

Opening Remarks

Dawn Evenson

Founder/CEO, iLEAD California

Amber Raskin

Founder/CEO, Maker Learning Network

Student Speech

Caleb Robbins

Graduating Senior

Student Performance “I Hope You Dance”

Kiera Gonzalez-Lyons

Graduating Senior

Student Speech

Kaleb Brown

Graduating Senior

Student Speech

Julianna Longhenry

Graduating Senior and ASB President

Presentation of Graduates

Bethany Maddox

Lead Academic Counselor

Heather Fecarotta

Academic Counselor

Closing Remarks

Laura Kazan

College Advisor

Class of 2021

Lena Ruisseau Ackah-Miezah (HH, CC) Kiera Isabel González Lyons (HH, ) Desiree Esperanza Rios
Benjamin Elias Aguilar
Austin Tyler Algario (HH, CC) Caleb Justin Hichman (HH) Caleb Samuel Robbins (HH, CC, )
Braedon Michael Algario (HH, CC)
Patrick Morrison Allred (H) Cody Dylan Hichman (HH) Sophia Rubio
Nathan Arenas
Olivia Monahan Aust (HH, CC, ) Sarah Leona Hill ( ) Audrey Lynn Sagastume
Alia Khan Aziz
Hayden Scott Bailey (HH, CC, ) Andrei Hoeller Judha Caleb Sandoval
Lukas Nathaniel Baker
Amy Baldwin Paige Horton (H, CC) Cooper Saylin (HH, CC, )
Luke R. Behrens (CC)
Laina R. Bilisoly (H, ) Ben Johnson (HH, NHS, ) Burhan Sheikh (H, CC)
Branston Maverick Borg (CC)
Faye P. Bostrom (CC, ) Matthew Edwin Johnson (HH, CC) Zohra Sheikh (H, CC)
Enzo Sean Bristol (HH, )
Marina Claire Brockus (CC) Lily Kathryn Kim ( ) Sydney Mikayla Shepherd (HH, CC, )
Christian Brown (H, )
Kaleb Xavier Brown ( ) Loren Isaac Kim (H) Hayden Riley Shirley (H, )
Aiden Lee Browne (HH, CC)
Sarah Rose Brozenec (H) Cole Robert Kinson (CC, ) Natallie Adar Sigler (HH, CC, )
Jonathan F. Burgoa
Andrea Areli Castellon Lopez Christopher J. Knight, II Tyler Reid Sindik (HH, CC, )
Nickolas Scott Clem
Hayden Crawford (HH, CC, ) Jade Grace Kook (HH, ) Drake Sisk (H, )
Paula Jennifer Cruz (CC, )
Sarah Elizabeth DeCoursey (HH, CC) Taylor Grace Lavigne Shawnee Lynn Smith (HH, CC, )
Audrey DeHart
Elijah David Diaz Scarlet Levin (HH, ) Emily Rae Specht (H, )
Leila Danielle Dortch (CC)
Frankie Joseph Erardi V (H) Kiah Grace Lewis (HH, CC, ) Zachary Ryan Spirrison ( )
Jacey Maire Ingraham Erezo (H, CC)
Charlie Evans-Mulvey (HH) Zoë Lindsey Jasmine Michelle Steinbach (HH, )
Connor Falk (HH, CC)
Zachary Christian Fauria (H) Julianna Rose Longhenry (HH, CC, NHS, ) Claire Elizabeth Stevens (HH, )
Priscilla Marie Jourdan Fernandez (H, )
Nirvana Zareth Figueroa (HH) Kaydad Maseeh Logan Scott Stiner (HH, CC, )
Christa Malia Leilani Ford (H)
Carli Forsythe (HH, CC) Julia Kathleen Matlock (H) Matthew Paul Stiverson, Jr. (HH, CC, NHS, , )
Savannah Elisabeth Fox (HH, CC, )
Madison Frerking (HH, CC, ) John-Mark J. McBee (HH, CC, ) Megan Michele Stiverson (HH, CC, NHS, , )
Violet Gilda Garcia (HH, CC, )
Luke McCoy (HH, CC) Audrey Rose Swanson (HH, CC, NHS, )

Marty Jacob Miller Danaé Terry (H)

Benjamin Adam Moore (HH, CC) Sydny Paige Thompson (HH, CC, )

Sahalie Mullen (CC) Benjamin D. Timblin (HH, CC, )

Abigail Jean Myers (HH, CC, NHS) Sean Z. Torossian

Avery Newell (HH, CC, ) Fides Jewel Trillana (CC)

Gabriel L. O’Mara (CC, ) Isabella Katherine Trillo (CC)

Derek Kevin Olivas Henry Turbedsky (HH, CC, )

Dania Carolina Ortega Emily Margret Ulstrup (HH, CC, )

El-Sharef K. Osman (HH, CC) Naomi Rose Valdez (H, )

Brian M. Packer Anthony Isaiah Valdovinos

Katelyn Ann Renee Page (CC, ) Hanna Elaine Van Dam

Danton Panico (HH, ) Riley Anita Van Der Loo (HH, CC, )

Priscilla Taylor Pope (CC, ) Karina Vela (HH, CC, )

Skye Lois Popov (H, CC, NHS, ) Ivana Jewel Villanueva (H)

Emma Giselle Preciado Dylan Wasko (HH, CC, NHS, )

Emma Quintana Samantha Wasserstrom

Daniel Armando Radillo (CC) Aila Corinna Waters

Jacob G. Reed (HH, ) Kenneth M Westcott (CC, )

Jon Eric Reinstein George Williams

Kayleen Olivia Rider Nathan Scott Yospe (H, )

H - Honors
HH - High Honors
CC- Community College Courses
NHS - National Honor Society
- Golden State Seal Merit Diploma
- State Seal of Biliteracy

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Bëñjåmïñ Ågüïlår Åüstïñ Ålgårïø

My Love Benji, we have seen Austin, you set your sights on
you grow from a beautiful graduating early and starting
and curious boy to a godly college early. You have proven
and wise young man. God that you can do anything you
has amazing plans for you. set your mind to accomplish.
Rise and meet your destiny Keep following your dreams
because it is a BIG one. Thank baby! Love, Mom & Dad

home with the sounds of the
magical music. We love you,
baby! Happy Graduation!
Jesus is so proud of you, my

Bråëdøñ Ålgårïø Ñïçkølås Ålÿ-Çlëm

Braedon, you have worked Nickolas, always walk in the
harder than anyone I know. direction of your dreams.
You overcame so many Never give up! Fall forward.
Remember that every failed
early. Deafness and cerebral experiment is a step closer
palsy will never be able to to success. You have to take
hold you back! risks. Be proud of how far
Love, Mom & Dad you’ve come. Never forget
to enjoy the journey. Always
remember where home is. We
love you and are so proud of

Ålïå Åzïz Lükås Båkër

Alia, I am so very proud of Lukas, you have done it! You
your hard work and diligence have been one of our greatest
blessings, and we are so
education. May God keep you thankful that you are our son.
Go into the next part of your
college and on to your path to
success. knowledge that you can do
From, Your Loving Mom anything you set your mind
to. We love you son.
Love, Mom and Dad

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Lükë Bëhrëñs Bråñstøñ Børg

Luke, we are so proud of Branston, your family is
you and know you will be very proud of you and your
successful in life because accomplishments. You are
you know how to work hard a second-degree black belt,
and persevere. Your kindness an amazing pianist, already
to others makes them feel a business owner, and a
special and important. These considerate and thoughtful
are just a few of your great young man. We are proud
qualities. The world is yours! that you handled the quick
transition from traditional
high school to iLEAD with
aplomb. We look forward to
watching your future growth.

Mårïñå Brøçküs Kålëb Brøwñ

Dearest Marina, we are so Kaleb, we are so proud of
profoundly proud of you, our you. We have watched you
girl, our family’s lovely young overcome every obstacle
woman. You persevere always! that was in your way. You are
Your strength of character, smart, handsome, loving, and
calm vision, generosity, & talented, and you are always
gentle kindness raise all so giving of your time to help
spirits high & will carry you to others. We know you will
a bright future full of love and continue to inspire the world.
contentment. Love, Mom and Dad
So Much Love, Mom, Dad, &

Åïdëñ Brøwñë Såråh Brøzëñëç

Aiden, we are extremely proud To our wonderful daughter,
of you! You have always been Sarah. On this day of
able to accomplish anything
you set your mind to. We great joy and pride over your
have no doubt that you will many accomplishments before
continue to be successful at and throughout high school.
UC Irvine and in all of your We are equally as proud of the
future endeavors. We love beautiful young woman you
you! Love, Mom & Dad have become and know you
have what it takes to make
your dreams come true.

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Jøñåthåñ Bürgøå Håÿdëñ Çråwførd

Jonathan, we are so Hayden, you’re an old soul,
proud and happy for this wise beyond your years.
accomplishment. It took You make us all laugh. You
a lot of hard work and embrace the difference in
required commitment and others. You have worked full
dedication to reach this goal, time and completed your
but you did it! We love you! school with strength and grit,
Congratulations and we wish never complaining. We’re so
you all the best. proud of you and excited to
see all God has for you in the

Påülå Çrüz Såråh DëÇøürsëÿ

Mija, we are so proud of do, and in all you do you will
you. You have succeeded succeed. You are our precious
and pushed through all gift from heaven, and we love
obstacles. It’s a new chapter you so much!
in your life to accomplish ~Mom and Dad

goals. Your determination and
perserverance will get you
far. Have faith in yourself; we
do! Love you ALWAYS, Dad &

Ëlïjåh Dïåz Fråñkïë Ërårdï V.

My dearest Elijah, I am so Kind, talented, strong,
proud of you. I will always be brilliant. Kiera, we
with you, cheering you on. I couldn’t be prouder of
can’t wait to see all the things what you’ve achieved
you accomplish in life. Always academically, creatively,
remember: “You’re braver and personally. This next
than you believe, stronger chapter will be phenomenal,
than you seem and smarter and we’ll support your
than you think.” accomplishments every step
Love always, your Momma of the way. What we most
wish for you is joy and love
every day!
All our love, Mom & Dad

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Jåçëÿ Mårïë Zåçhårÿ Fåürïå
Ïñgråhåm Ërëzø
Dear Zachary, we are so proud
Beautiful daughter, best and thankful for the young
sister ever, Jacey Marie, man you are becoming: a hard
We are so proud of your worker, loyal friend, a loving
accomplishments and your son. Leaving high school,
determination to continue the remember that the Lord Jesus
next phase of your education. goes before you and will make
Keep up the good work. May your path clear as you keep
God bless you and keep you;
May His face shine upon you
all the days of your life. You
are forever our baby, Mommy
and Daddy

Ñïrvåñå Fïgüërøå Çhrïstå Førd

I am very proud of you Congratulations Christa! The
and so happy that you are road to this moment was not
graduating. Strive for the easy, but you’ve proven that
best and be happy along the you’re capable of meeting
way! Nirvana, there are so every goal you set your mind
many great memories that to! We are so proud of your
we have of you that bring accomplishments but more
joy to our hearts. I am so importantly, who you’ve
grateful for all and I watch in become. Continue to defy the
amazement every day at your odds, Nut Nut!
thoughtfulness and the care Kiss-Kiss, Hug-Hug...M & D
you take for everyone in your
life. I am looking forward to Kïërå Gøñzålëz
all of life’s adventures and Lÿøñs
sharing them with you.
Kind, talented, strong,
Vïølët Gårçïå brilliant. Kiera, we
couldn’t be prouder of
We are at a bittersweet what you’ve achieved
moment, inevitable in academically, creatively,
life for every parent. Your and personally. This next
wings are now strong to chapter will be phenomenal,
carry you through greater and we’ll support your
achievements. We are so accomplishments every step
proud of you for reaching this of the way. What we most
milestone. You are a beautiful wish for you is joy and love
young lady ready to write every day!
a new chapter in life. You All our love, Mom & Dad
are a great example for your
younger brother, and you have
given your parents peace of
mind. You are ready to tackle
the world!

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Måtthëw Jøhñsøñ Bëñ Jøhñsøñ

Matthew, we are so proud of You’re an extraordinary young
you! We can’t believe that you man with so many different
are all grown up. You might passions and gifts. Your love
face obstacles on the road for learning will continue
ahead but know we will always to drive your education and
be there for you. We know opportunities. You have a
that you will be successful profound impact on others
at whatever you do. We are
extremely proud of you! Love whatever you do for the
you very much! You are an better. We are grateful for you,
amazing son! and we love you.
~Mom and Dad

Lørëñ Kïm Çølë Kïñsøñ

Congratulations Loren! The So, the ADVENTURE
most important thing is to live begins…a multitude of
your life with integrity and incredible memories to
to not give into peer pressure cherish, countless triumphs
to try to be something that to celebrate, and a beautiful
you’re not. God will show you future to create. Always
the way where you must go. remember how much you are
We love you so much and are loved and how immensely
so proud of you. proud we are of you! “Go

of your dreams. Live the life
you’ve imagined.”

Kïåh Lëwïs Zøë Lïñdsëÿ:

Kiah, you are a very gifted Zoë, we are so very proud of
and passionate artist with you. Dream Big, never give
strong convictions. You have up, keep your promises, work
overcome dyslexia to become hard and play harder. Know
a wonderful writer and reader. that GOD is with you, enjoy
You are loyal and care deeply the journey of life, what you
for friends and family. Most do now counts, make it your
importantly, you love Jesus. best! Being different is not
We couldn’t be more proud easy. And you do it well. We
of the young woman you’ve love you.

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Jülïåññå Kåÿdåd Måsëëh
Dearest Kaydad,
Julianna, we have watched We are so lucky to have such
you grow from a little peanut a smart, kind, funny and
into the woman you are today. handsome son like you. You
Wherever life’s adventures are very hardworking and you
take you, we know you will always do your best. We are
continue to shine and help so proud of you and excited
light the way for others. Keep for your bright future! We
prioritizing what is most can’t wait to celebrate your
important. graduation!
Love from Dad and Mom Love, Mom and Dad

Jøhñ-Mårk Lükë MçÇøÿ
We are proud of you, Luke,
Congratulations & well done and really happy to see you
John-Mark! You are on your graduate from high school.
way to conquering an oil- Love you tons!
rich country! Ha, Ha. We are ~Mom and Dad
extremely blessed to watch
you explore, dominate, create, Såråh Hïll
gain wisdom, blossom, and
discover the world. You are a Sarah, congratulations, you
gifted and passionate young did it! I’m so proud of you.
man with a HUGE heart to The sky is the limit. Nothing
serve others. May you do your beats a failure but a try and to
part in changing the course of keep moving forward.
history! Our love, Mom & Dad Love, Mom

Mårtÿ Jåçøb

Congratulations Son, you did
it!! In the face of adversity,
you continue to have a
positive attitude, grace, and
concern for others. I am
privileged to bear witness to
you becoming a man I respect.
Love, Dad
Jake, I am so proud of you
for persevering. I love you
very much and am in awe of
the man you have become.

happiness. Love, Mom

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Bëñjåmïñ Møørë Såhålïë Müllëñ

Ben, we are very proud of Dearest Sahalie, we’re so
the man you are becoming. proud of you! You are always
You have worked extremely ready to stand against
hard to earn not only a high
school diploma but also an beliefs. Your conviction and
AA Degree. You’ve been self-awareness are beautiful
self-driven toward success to behold. Best wishes for
since the day you could walk. happiness and success as you
Congratulations on your embark on your next journey.
achievements! We can’t wait to see what
Love, Mom & Dad unfolds!
Love, Mom, Kanoa & Family

Åbïgåïl Mÿërs Gåbë Ø’Mårå

Congratulations, Abigail! We are so incredibly proud
You have done an amazing of you --more importantly,
job graduating high school we want you to be proud
in just three years! We are of yourself. Embrace your
so proud of your hard work successes and failures alike;
and dedication in school, but they will all be a part of your
most of all, we are thankful beautiful story. Know that you
for your sweet heart that loves are always valued, accepted
the Lord and serves Him and and loved for everything you
others with all your might! are. We love you, sweet boy!
Xoxox Love, Dad and Mom

Dåñïå Ørtëgå Brïåñ Påçkër

We are so proud of you for Congratulations! We’re so
your accomplishments. proud of you for being an
Always remember that example of strength and
whatever you set your mind what it means to be a leader.
to, you can accomplish Challenge thoughts, have
through hard work and faith, and know the world is
dedication. better because you were here!
You are loved. Remember to
be thankful and always go
with Jesus and make good

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Kåtëlÿñ Pågë Dåñtøñ Påñïçø

Dear Katelyn, Dear Danton, we are so proud
Congratulations, Graduate! of all you have accomplished,
I am so proud of you! You including graduating early, in
are such an incredible spite of having to overcome
young woman. You have great obstacles in your young
accomplished so much. Don’t
let anything stop you from with profound happiness and
reaching for the stars. I love joy. Love, Mom, Dad, Devon,
you so much! We are all proud and Maron
of you. XOXO Mom

Prïsçïllå Pøpë Skÿë Pøpøv

Priscilla, we are excited Skye, you are the most
and proud of you. You courageous, witty, intelligent,
are our fabulous, fearless talented woman that I know,
superwoman. You can achieve and I am so extremely proud
anything that your heart to call you my daughter. Go
desires. The future ahead forward and do all the things,
of you is brighter than the have all of the adventures,
shining stars. Stay sweet, stay make every one of your
dreams and aspirations come
stay you! Congratulations! We true! I love you with all of my
love you! heart, Congratulations, you
did it!
Ëmmå Qüïñtåñå ~Mom #2021

Dear Emma, we are so very Dåñïël Rådïllø
proud of you! You have the
ability to accomplish and Daniel, we are so proud of you
become so much, and we on your accomplishment of
know that your love for graduating from high school.
Jehovah will help you attain You have come so far in all of
your years in school and in
Remember that we will always life. We can’t wait to see what
be here to support you, guide the future holds for you. You
you and cheer you on! Love will do great things!
you so very much! Love, Mom and Dad
~Mom, Ray and Santi

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Jåkë Rëëd Jøñ Rëïñstëïñ

Jake, the world is a better Jon, I am so proud of you!
place with you in it. You Despite your strong dislike
are kind, funny, smart and of traditional learning you
helpful to so many people. have persevered and made
You make amazing music it through to your high
and are incredibly loyal to school graduation. You are
your people. You may not intelligent, compassionate,
know it yet, but your light and fun-loving. I know that
and character have the ability you will have a life that brings
to bring love, peace, and
strength to your own life and you!
everyone in it. Remember who
YOU are! Love, Mom

Dësïrëë Rïøs Çålëb Røbbïñs

Desiree, you make us so Caleb, we see your greatness
proud! You are a beautiful, of heart, mind, and talent.
intelligent, and kind-hearted They are abundant. YOU are
young lady! I remember abundant. You have the power
holding you in my arms and to make your dreams come
singing you to sleep like it was true. We believe in you so
yesterday. All of a sudden, you much and are excited to see
are graduating high school! I you live your happy life and
have enjoyed it every step of shine like the sun!
the way. We are all excited to Love, Mom, Dad, and Seth
see what the future holds. No
doubt you will continue to be
awesome! I love you, Princess!

Fåtïmå Sågåstümë Jüdhå Såñdøvål

So proud of the person who Thank you for being an
you have become. This is example for your siblings and
the beginning, but in this working hard. I thank God
huge world of unlimited for having you with us. My
limitations, I know you will blessing, son of my heart, I
get far and conquer all your love you. ~Mom
goals and dreams.
Congratulations! You are a
gift from God, my beloved son,

this school year. Whatever you
think to do always put God

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Zøhrå Shëïkh Bürhåñ Shëïkh

reach the stars. You have a Burhan, you have the ability
very unique way of looking at to face all kinds of situations
things because you are very and rise above all things with
artistic. When you put your great courage and grace.
mind to something you go You have the potential of
and get it. You will be very achieving all your dreams, and
successful in achieving your you will go far in his life. It
dreams. was a joy to homeschool you.

Sÿdñëÿ Shëphërd Håÿdëñ Shïrlëÿ

Beautiful, smart, talented, We are so proud of everything
and blessed are words that you have accomplished,
come to mind when we think Hayden, and the man you are
of you. We are in awe of your becoming. All your hard work
diligence, determination and has paid off, and the world is
perseverance. Continue to now yours. Congrats bud, we
work hard, strive for success all love you so much!
and always make time for
yourself. Remember that with Dråkë Sïsk
God, ALL things are possible!
Love, Mom & Dad Drake! You did it! We are so
proud of you and can’t wait to
Tÿlër Sïñdïk see what your future brings.
We love you very much!
Tyler, you’re an amazing, ~Mom, Dad and Sophie
loving, intelligent and
creative person! We know

your journey through life. We
love you and are so very proud
of you. Homeschooling you
was the best!
Love, Mommy and Dada

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Shåwñëë Smïth Zåçhårÿ Spïrrïsøñ

We love you Shawnee Congrats on graduating high
and are so proud of you! school! We are so proud of the
You are creative, kind, young man you have become.
intelligent, dependable, You are an achiever, and you
honest, strong and beautiful. have made this family proud.
With your determination We love you so much.
and perseverance you can
accomplish anything. We pray
God blesses you with a life
full of joy, success, adventure,
security, health, love and

Løgåñ Stïñër Mëgåñ Stïvërsøñ

You are truly unique. You Dear Megan,
are silly, funny, friendly, Congratulations on this great
energetic, loving, interesting, achievement! We are so very
entertaining, thoughtful, and proud of your efforts and your
creative. We love that you’ve level of your engagement
found passions in rock- towards accomplishing your
climbing, science, martial goals. We are excited for you
arts and music. We are so as you begin your next step in
excited for you, and we will your academic journey.
miss having you in this house Love, Dad, Mom, Matthew,
immensely. We love you so Andrew, & Katie

Måtthëw Stïvërsøñ Åüdrëÿ Swåñsøñ

Dear Matthew, Audrey, we are so proud of
Congratulations on this you. You are a passionate,
outstanding achievement! We smart, talented, beautiful,
are extremely proud of your funny and strong girl. Having
hard work, dedication, and you in our family has been
commitment to your academic one of life’s greatest gifts and
goals. We are excited for you privileges! We look forward
and look forward to seeing to all the years to come!
what you will accomplish in
the years to come. knowing that God has your
Love, Dad, Mom, Megan, life in His hands. You are
Andrew, & Katie unconditionally loved, and
you are legit amazing. Love
you!! ~Mom, Dad, the sibs
plus Brutus

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Dåñåë‘ Tërrÿ Bëñjåmïñ Tïmblïñ

Danaé, we are so proud Congratulations, Ben! We are
of you for all that you’ve SO proud of you and all of
accomplished in the last four your hard work. The last year
years of high school! You have and a half of high school has
grown into such a beautiful, been full of challenges and
smart, and kind young changes, and you handled
woman, and we can’t wait to them well and continued to do
see what you do next in your your best and persevere. We
life!! We love you so much! love you!
Love, Dad and Mom

Ïsåbëllå Trïllø Hëñrÿ Türbëdskÿ

Rick and Morty Season 1 We are so proud of you, Henry,
Episode 6 2:03 and treasure these last 18
years together. Thanks for all
Ñåømï Våldëz the joy and adventures- both
as the safe and sane voice as
Naomi, we are so proud of well as the unyielding debater.
the young woman you have We can’t wait to see where
become. You are a gift from your insatiable curiosity,
the Lord. We encourage you creativity and compassion
to keep your eyes on Jesus. will take you. We love you so
He has an amazing plan and much!!
purpose for your life. You are ~Mom & Dad
such a talented young lady.
Use the gifts He has given you, Åñthøñÿ
and live your life in joy and Våldøvïñøs
abundance that only comes
from Him. We love you! Anthony my middle child

sheep), I want you to know
that I am so proud of you.
You’ve been through so much
these past years, things that
no kid your age should have
to go through, and even then
you’ve been so strong and

and I don’t have a doubt that
you’re going to accomplish
anything you set your mind

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Håññå Våñ Dåm Rïlëÿ
Våñ Dër Løø
Hanna, We are so proud of
you for doing so well in high Dear Riley, we are so proud
of you and the young woman
The last two years have been you have become. We are
anything but “normal,” but excited for the journey ahead
you did it! So proud to be your of you. Whatever you choose
parents and can’t wait to see to do will be amazing. We
what adventures are ahead of love you forever and always!!
you. We love you forever and Congratulations and Happy
then some. Graduation!!
~Mom, Dad and Kayla Love, Mom, Dad, Jared &

Kårïñå Vëlå Ïvåñå Vïllåñüëvå

Karina, “Twenty years from now you
You are a beautiful blessing will be more disappointed by
of joy, pride, and strength. the things you didn’t do than
We celebrate this great by the ones you did. So throw
achievement in your life! Your off the bowlines. Sail away
dedication and conquered from the safe harbor. Catch
challenges have helped the trade winds in your sails.
you reach this wonderful Explore. Dream. Discover.”
accomplishment! May ~Mark Twain
God bless your dreams
Åïlå Wåtërs
future plans with success!
Congratulations! Aila, I am so very proud of you
Love, Mom & Dad and the young woman you’ve
become! I’m so grateful to
Dÿlåñ Wåskø be your mom. I love you so
We are so proud of your
accomplishments, Dylan!
Your love for learning and
astounding mind continues to
amaze us. We are very excited
to learn what the future holds
for you. We love and cherish
you! Love, Mom and Dad

Sëñïør Sëñtïmëñts
Këñ Wësçøtt Ñåthåñ Ýøspë

Congratulations, Kiddo. As Congratulations, and now on
you have grown and learned to your next adventure!
while becoming an amazing
young man, you have proven
that you are capable of
achieving all your goals
and dreams. Always believe
in yourself and you will be
unstoppable. Stand for what
is right, and stay true to
Love Mom & Dad

Fïdës Jëwël Trïllåñå

Dream big and reach the stars,
Jewel. Always remember that
hard work always pay off.
What comes easy won’t last
but what lasts in life won’t
come easy. So no matter how
hard it takes, take pride in
enduring to reach your goals.
Above all, always remember to
commit to the Lord whatever
you do, and your plans will
prosper. We will be by your
side to cheer you on, whatever

ÇøñGgrråådtüülååttëïøsñ! s,ittakes.

Sëñïør Årt

by Kaydad Maseeh

Hoping for the World to Improve
by Danton Panico

I am a human who has been driven mad.
I wonder why this world tries to destroy anything glad.

I hear of people going insane.
I see that it is because they are doing work that is quite inane.

I want the world to be quite laid-back.
I am wishing for this, because with this peace, a gunshot would never crack.

I pretend to be one who accepts Earth.
I feel that I haven’t done anything to help the situation since birth.

I touch my pets, knowing that it helps my health.
I worry that this planet has already fallen to those with the most wealth.

ignorant one is blissed.
I understand the mechanics behind society’s evil deeds. I say that a proper education is what this planet needs.

I dream of a society that is truly free.
I try to cope with the fact that that can never be.

I hope that at least something improves.
I am a person who doesn’t want this world to be something that never moves.

“The Tea”

by Zohra Sheikh

The Best is Yet to Come “A New Day”
by Megan Stiverson
by Kiah Lewis
The best is yet to come,
Our journey’s just begun,
The sun is risen and bright,
At last we’ve found the light,
These are the best years of our lives.
At last we’ve found the light,
The sun is risen and bright,
Our journey’s just begun,
The best is yet to come.

“B-2 Anime Character”

by John-Mark McBee

“Ad Astra Per Aspera”

by Shawnee Smith

by Shawnee Smith

The Door
by Kiera González-Lyons

I’ve been walking for a while now; Could be weeks, or maybe years
My limbs are feeling heavier; With links of chain for all my tears
It’s too dim to see in this passageway; Only the hands that scratch at me
They reach out from the darkness; Trying their best to make me bleed

I’ve gone too far to turn back now
So I keep marching ahead

But there’s a knot in my stomach; A feeling of growing dread
The walls are closing in; I’ve known this for a while now

I have to make it out of here; But I’m afraid I don’t know how

Until in the distance, I see the faintest glow; From what appears to be a door
I burst into a sprint; Running at break-neck speed

The chains release their hold on me
I seem to be getting closer now; But there isn’t time to rest
I can feel the walls on either side; My heart’s pounding in my chest

Now I begin to panic; Surely I’ll be crushed
I’ll never make it out of here; My voice eternally hushed
But I look up and see a promising radiance; I’ve almost reached the door

Finally, I breathe a sigh of relief
The door is right in front of me
But when I reach out and turn the handle; I realize I do not have the key
The walls begin to press in on my arms; My heart skips several beats
I know it’s probably time to give up

But I refuse to accept defeat
I scream and yell with all I have left; I beat and claw at the door

The door dematerializes; Disintegrating into fractals of light
I step over the threshold; And leap with all my might

This is my new life, now I’m free
And it is beautiful here

by Kaydad Maseeh

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