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TRAVEL TO AUSTRIA Students are able to fly out of the U.S. city of their choice and should fly into the Vienna (VIE) airport arriving before NOON on Monday,

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Published by , 2016-05-22 06:12:03

FUS Study Abroad Office - Franciscan University o

TRAVEL TO AUSTRIA Students are able to fly out of the U.S. city of their choice and should fly into the Vienna (VIE) airport arriving before NOON on Monday,

FUS Study Abroad Office: Mary Beth Coen-Morris

Director of Study Abroad
Franciscan University of Steubenville
1235 University Blvd.
Steubenville, OH 43952

(740) 284-5371
FAX (740) 282-5282

[email protected]

Student attendance is required at the Pre Departure Preparation

Meeting #1 September 22, 24,
or 26 October 20, 21, 22,
Meeting #2
23 2

1. Submit Application, Austrian Program Contract, and
General Health Form by September 30, 2008.

2. 6 Extra (2”x2”) photos submitted to Study Abroad
Office by

October 17.

3. Submit copy of official Flight Itinerary to Study
Abroad Office by October 31.

4. Submit actual Passport to Study Abroad Office by
Oct. 17.


5. Registration for Austrian courses: late October /
Nov. You will register for courses online as usual
or at the Enrollment Services counter in Starvaggi
Hall according to class status.

6. Submit a “pre-registration form” for Fall 09 courses
semester after you return from Austria) by

December 15.

7. Housing / Roommate Form – complete at the
final Austrian

meeting in November.
8. Pay Tuition, Room, Board, Austrian & Insurance

fees by Dec. 12, 2008.

Withdrawing from the Austrian Program

If a student decides to withdraw from the Austria Program s/he is
responsible for registering for alternate classes on main campus, and
making new housing arrangements for main campus. The $200
Austria deposit is forfeited upon withdrawing from the Austria
Program. Other fees and expenses are the responsibility of the


Students are able to fly out of the U.S. city of their choice and should
fly into the Vienna (VIE) airport arriving before NOON on Monday,
January 12, 2009. RA’s should arrive in Vienna by 10:00 am on
January 5, 2009. The Study Abroad office requires an official copy of
each student’s flight itinerary.

Orientation begins at the Kartause in Gaming once the students
arrive. Attendance is required. Students who choose to arrive early
must find their own housing, as the student dorm will not be available
until January 12. The students who meet the group at the Vienna
airport on the morning of January 12 are provided transportation to
the Kartause in Gaming, but FUS is unable to provide transportation
for students who may arrive early or into another location. Directions
to Gaming from the Vienna Airport are included in this handbook,
however we recommend that students meet the group at the Vienna
airport. Gaming is two hours away from Vienna.

Since the student housing at the Kartause is used as a hotel between
semesters, neither an early arrival nor late departure is permitted.


Please schedule students’ return flights to depart Vienna on Friday
May 1, 2009. RA’s will depart on Sunday, May 3, 2009.


♦$200 Deposit is required, which is applied towards tuition, room and board charges
for the Austrian Program semester. This deposit is forfeited if the student does not
attend the Austrian Program during the semester for which the deposit was paid.

♦Tuition, Room & Board are the same as it will be on the Steubenville
campus for the 2008-09 year: $12,650 USD (Full-time tuition $9350,
Room & Board $3,300.) In addition, there is an $850 Austrian
Program Fee that covers the activity and technology fees as well as
FUS-sponsored group excursions. Some textbooks will be provided.
These books will be distributed in Austria and are to be returned at
the end of the semester. Students are responsible to bring with them
the other textbooks that they will need. Students will receive the list
of textbooks prior to departure.

♦International Health Insurance: $155.00 (See page 11). This will be
billed to students through FUS in addition to the Tuition, Room,
Board, and Austrian Fee.

♦Airfare: Approximately $1,300 USD round trip with group fares;
Refer to handout from our group travel agents:

♦Six 2” x 2” photos: Approximately $15.00. These photos will be
used by the Study Abroad Office for the Austrian Student Visa,
student photo directories, International Student ID Card, etc.

♦Laundry Fee: approximately €20.00, to be paid during orientation in

♦Personal Spending Money: (approximately €2,500 - €3,000 for the
It is ideal to budget for a minimum of $300 USD per week spending
money. The semester is 16 weeks long. This amount takes into
account traveling each 3-day weekend. If students are not


purchasing a Eurail train pass for personal weekend travel, they may
find that they will need less money.

♦Eurail Pass: Cost varies depending on specific rail pass/es
purchased. (Usually between $300-$800) Eurail passes are usually
only valid for two months however the semester runs for four months.
See additional handouts.

♦Vorteilscard Card: Student card for discount train travel in Austria. This card is
available only after a student arrives in Austria (for students under 26 years of age)
and costs approximately €20.00. This will be discussed at orientation in Austria.

Financial Aid

All aid awarded on the Steubenville campus is available for the
Austrian Program. Some modifications are made for Student Work
(SWOP) and the disbursement of Loans and Scholarships,

All charges for the Austrian semester are due by December 12, 2008.
Checks should be made payable to Franciscan University of

All payments should be mailed toE:nrollment Services
Franciscan University of


ATM / Debit cards are the easiest way for students to access their
money while they are in Europe. We recommend that students also
make certain that they have online banking access and that they
become familiar with it prior to departure. We also HIGHLY
recommend that parents have access to student’s accounts while they
are in Europe.

Be sure to notify your bank that you will be traveling in Europe for 4
months and check with the bank to make sure your card has
international access. Cards with a Mastercard or Visa logo are widely
accepted throughout Europe. Also, money must be in a checking
rather than a savings account. At most ATM machines (Bankomats) in
Europe there will be only one option – to withdraw cash. There will be
no option to choose from which account nor to transfer funds
between accounts. Online banking will enable you to check your
account regularly and possibly even transfer funds.

Schedule of Courses Offered

Students will register for Austrian courses during registration in late
October / Nov. Be sure to plan Austrian courses carefully with the
guidance of an Academic Advisor.


Dept. No Sec Course Title Credit Core
ART 205 GA Art Appreciation 3 Theology/Humanities
CAT 436 GA TP: Liturgy and Scripture in the CCC 3 Communications
GRM 101 GA Elementary German I 3
GRM 102 GA Elementary German II 3 Humanities
GRM 202 GA Intermediate German II 3 Humanities
HON 202 GA Honors Program IV 4 Humanities
HON 302 GA Honors Program VI 4 Communications
HST 105 GA History of Civilization I 3 Theology/Humanities
HST 106 GA History of Civilization II 3 Theology/Humanities
HST 327 GA French Revol. & 19th Cent. Europe 3 Theology/Humanities
PHL 113 GA Philosophy of the Human Person 3

PHL 211 GA Metaphysics 3

PHL 212 GA Foundations of Ethics 3

SPN 102 GA Elementary Spanish II 3

SPN 202 GA Intermediate Spanish II 3

THE 102 GA Introduction to Scripture 3

THE 115 GA Christian Moral Principles 3

THE 212 GA Principles of Biblical Study II 3

THE 214 GA Theology of the Church 3

THE 341 GA Christian Marriage 3

THE 409 GA Christian Spirituality 3

THE 436 GA TP: Liturgy and Scripture in the CCC 3

All Austrian students are required to register for a minimum of 12
credits and maintain this full-time credit load for the duration of the
semester. The Assistant Dean for Advising and Evening Division (in
Steubenville) Mrs. Virginia Zoric, will have final authority in reviewing
any special requests before course registrations are submitted,
including audits. Every student enrolled in the Franciscan University
Austrian Program is held accountable for the academic policies as
listed in the current university catalog.

**NOTE: Instructors may prohibit, limit, or otherwise regulate the use of laptop
computers and other electronic devices in the classroom.

Registration for Classes for Fall 2009 (semester after Austria)


It is critical that students meet with their academic advisor to plan
courses for the Austrian semester and to determine a rough idea of
classes needed for the following Fall 2009 semester. Students will be
required to submit to the Study Abroad Office the pre-registration
form for Fall 2009 classes by December 15.
Academic Probation:

Students who are on an academic warning or academic probation are
still considered eligible to study in Austria. However, should a
student be academically dismissed from FUS at the end of the
semester immediately prior to Austria, the dismissal holds for both
main campus and for the Austrian Program and the student will
forfeit his/her opportunity to go and his/her Austrian deposit. Other
fees and expenses are the responsibility of the student.

Textbooks, Teleconferenced Courses:

Students who take teleconferenced courses are required to purchase
and bring to Austria those required textbooks. Students should note
that notebooks and supplies are available in Gaming, but the prices
tend to be more expensive. Binders and notebook paper in Europe
are a different size than in the U.S.



The semester prior to departure for Europe, students will complete
their Roommate Forms and choose their preferred roommates at the
final Austrian meetings in November. Students will have the option to
live with an Eastern European roommate studying with the Language
and Catechetical Institute (LCI) and to share the experience of
different cultures, religions and political issues. Living with an
Eastern European roommate has proven in past semesters to be very
valuable for both parties involved.
Austrian students will receive their Austrian room assignments after
they arrive in Gaming. The rooms at Franziskushaus are double,
triple, or quadruple occupancy.

If a student decides not to participate in the Austrian Program, the
student will forfeit the Austrian deposit and will need to pay a $150
Room deposit in order to secure a room on main campus. S/he will
receive whatever housing is available at the time, having already
forfeited their housing assignment on main campus.


Participation in the Austrian Program is a wonderful privilege as well
as a unique challenge; therefore, a student who is on disciplinary
probation will not be allowed to participate in the Austrian Program.
The Vice President of Student Life / Dean of Students will review the
disciplinary records of all students who want to study in Austria to


grant final approval. Should a student be placed on disciplinary
probation at any time during the semester prior to Austria, the Vice
President of Student Life / Dean of Students will review the case to
determine if the student is eligible to study in Austria.
Please refer to the Student Life Handbook (used on the main campus)
for the Code of Student Conduct.
The disciplinary policies of the Austrian Program are consistent with
the Steubenville campus policies with a few modifications made to
accommodate the uniqueness of the Austrian setting. Students going
to Austria are expected to behave in a mature, responsible fashion.

A visa is an endorsement or stamp that is placed in the passport by a
foreign government that permits someone to visit a country for a
specified amount of time and for a specified reason. All non-EU
citizens who will be studying in Austria will obtain an Austrian student
visa through the Study Abroad Office. There is no fee for this visa.


The Study Abroad Office will handle the visa application process for

Classes meet four days a week (usually Monday - Thursday) to permit
three-day travel weekends. Students are encouraged to travel in
small groups on these free weekends. Students can catch overnight
trains on Thursday to begin their weekend travels.

A ten-day excursion to Rome and Assisi is built into the Austrian
semester as a part of the curriculum for all students who participate
in the Austrian Program. The costs of bus transportation, lodging and
most meals are included in the Austrian fee. Students and Gaming
staff will travel to Rome/Assisi by charter bus.

Students will have two longer breaks for excursions of their choice.
Students often choose to visit sights further away than weekend
travels might permit.

All students will receive an International Student ID card from our
group travel agents. The Austrian Fee covers the cost of this card.
The cards will be distributed to the students during orientation in


Before a study abroad experience, every student should have a
general physical done by their primary health care provider. This is
especially important for those who have a chronic health condition
such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or asthma. Students should
make sure that all of their routine immunizations are up-to-date.
Other vaccinations, medications, and precautions specific to each
student’s destination should be reviewed by the student at the
Centers for Disease Control website (

A student's overall health is a factor that is considered when
reviewing an application to study abroad. The closest large hospital,
mental health facility, or medical specialist is two hours away in
Vienna. If a student's condition requires treatment that is not
available at the Kartause or in the local area, approval to study abroad
may be postponed to another semester.

We ask that students note any medical conditions that might cause
problems while in Austria or any medications to which they are
allergic. Students taking any regularly prescribed medications should
take along a semester’s supply (in the original container). Students
who wear glasses or contact lenses should take along an extra pair or
a copy of the prescription.


Students should obtain a four-month supply of all prescription
medications to carry over to Austria. Vitamins, cold medicine, and
other over the counter remedies are difficult to find and expensive in

As a back-up and/or if you must refill a prescription while abroad,
ask your doctor to give you a generic breakdown (not just a generic
name) of your prescription, so that you can refill your prescription
overseas if necessary. When traveling, always keep your medication
in the original containers and carry a letter from your doctor to
present to customs officials.

Many countries including Austria have recently tightened their drug
control laws and therefore you should not have prescription
medication mailed to you. Customs officials can and will confiscate
prescription medication at their discretion. If you must receive
medication by mail, please check with the Austrian Consulate about
the legality of receiving your specific medication abroad. The
consulate should also be able to inform you of the proper
documentation, such as physician’s prescription, necessary for

In Summary, as with all prescription medications, you should:
♦ Bring all needed medication in the original containers.
♦ Bring enough for 16 weeks (the entire semester).
♦ Bring a prescription from your doctor that provides the generic

breakdown and dosages.
♦ Pack your medication in your carry-on luggage.
♦ DO NOT MAIL prescription medication if at all possible.


♦ It is also a good idea to wear a medic alert bracelet (in English
and the local language) if you have a medical condition or drug
allergies that might affect your treatment in the case of an

♦ Food and Water Safety: Contaminated food and drink are the
major sources of intestinal illness while living or traveling
abroad. Food and beverages should be selected with care. In
general, hot beverages, such as coffee and tea, and canned or
bottled beverages may be considered safe to drink. Any raw or
undercooked food could be contaminated. Raw meat and
shellfish often pose the greatest concern. Food that has been
cooked and is still hot is generally safe.

An English-speaking doctor is available in the town of Gaming. If a
student needs allergy shots on a regular basis while in Austria or has
the need to keep medication refrigerated, please contact your family
physician and notify the Study Abroad Office one to two months
before departure to make the necessary arrangements.

Should a student need to schedule a doctor visit, s/he will need to
speak with one of their Residence Directors. Since Austria maintains
socialized medicine, all medical care costs are billed to the
government through the employer. Franciscan University acts as the
employer in this regard for our students and therefore pays the initial
charges for our students’ medical care. The student should be
prepared to pay the charges (approximately $40.00 USD / 25 Euros
for an office visit to the doctor) to the main office of FUS in Austria at
the time of the doctor visit.


The nearest hospital is approximately 15 minutes from the Kartause
in the town of Scheibbs. In light of Austrian Socialized medicine, all
hospital expenses incurred are payable at the time of discharge from
the hospital. For this reason, Franciscan University pays all charges
on behalf of the student. Students and their parents will be
responsible for the direct repayment to Franciscan University whether
or not an insurance carrier will reimburse it.

These charges will be posted to the students’ Franciscan University
accounts here in the States and will be converted from the Euro to the
US Dollar at that time. Payment is due in USD to Franciscan
University’s main campus in Ohio. Students must pay Franciscan
University – FUS will not wait to be paid by the insurance company.

All students will be enrolled with Cultural Insurance Services
International ( at approximately $31 per
month ($155 for the semester of 5 months) for mandatory
International Health Insurance. This insurance will provide the
following coverage for each student while abroad (required for the
Austrian Student Schengen Visa):

• $100,000 insurance per accident or sickness with no lifetime

• Urgent and Emergency care including repatriation;
• Guaranteed direct payment to doctors and hospitals in Europe;
• No deductibles, no co-pays;
• Coverage throughout Europe for the duration of the student’s




Prior to leaving for Austria, we encourage each student to have a PPD
skin test for tuberculosis. This test result should be no more than
one year old. To update the student’s TB test, contact the Franciscan
University Health Center to set up an appointment. There is no
charge to have a test done at the Health Center on our main campus.
There is a slight but possible risk of exposure to Tuberculosis in
certain parts of Eastern Europe. While Franciscan University of
Steubenville does NOT require the PPD skin test, we highly
recommend it.

Neither the University nor the US government requires immunizations
to go to Europe. However, you may check with your physician or the
county health department to see if they recommend any shots.
Certain areas in Austria have ticks that may carry Lyme disease.
Immunizations are available for Lyme disease. This series of shots
must begin one year prior to departure.

Mobile Phone

Rental Fee only €10

Mobile Phone Details:
• No Credit Card is required
• No Contract is required
• Personal voicemail is available
• Sends and receives short text messages and email
• Call the US or receive calls from the US
• Call and receive calls in over 25 countries (including
Western, Central and Eastern Europe)
• Free to receive calls in Austria. Unlike in the US, it does
not cost anything to receive calls while you are in Austria.


It will only cost the person who makes the phone call to the mobile phone.
• Each phone has an alarm clock function.
• The pre-pay airtime cards are sold at stores all over Austria
• Calling the Austrian Toll Free Access Number of some American calling cards is free.

(MCI and AT&T both can be called without any charge to the mobile phone)

Rental Procedure:
Phones are rented on Orientation Wednesday by submitting the €10 fee and purchasing airtime
credit. Students are offered a training seminar on the use of the phones and instructed in the
policies of the rental agreement. The phones must be returned in good working order at the end of
the semester or €30 will be charged to the student account.

The amounts due at the beginning of the semester are:
• €10 Fee for Renting the Phone
• €5, €10, €15 or €20 Additional Cost for purchasing Airtime Credit (each of these
increments are only available while supplies last)


• Brief Informational Meeting Details will be given in the House Meeting, during

Orientation Week. Ask questions and decide if you would like a phone.

• Phone Distribution and Instructions Orientation Week. Rental fees will be collected and

phones will be distributed, followed by a brief introduction to the features of the phone.

• Phone Return Day & Procedure Wednesday of the final week of the semester. You can

receive a refund for the credit on your phone in the increments of €5, €10, €15 or €20.
Make sure all accessories are returned with the phone: Charger, Box & Instruction Booklet.
Turn the ALARM OFF, please!

Additional Mobile Phone Options for
Students who are bringing a US based

International Cell Phone

Do you have a Cell Phone that can work in


Typically, these phones are called tri-band or
quad-band and are specifically marketed as
international phones.

If so you may want to bring it with you to
Austria and rent a SIM Card (Phone Microchip).
The SIM Card in Austria will allow your phone to
act like a local phone number. While in Austria
your incoming calls will be free and outgoing
calls can be cheap or toll free if you use a
calling card in tandem with your Austrian SIM

The great thing is that you can still use your
USA phone, but the calls will be a lot cheaper or

Student Mailing Address:

Student Name
Franciscan University of Steubenville

Kartause 1
A-3292 Gaming, NO
18 Austria, EUROPE

Student Residence Hall Phone numbers:

St. Francis House (Franziskushaus):

Ground Floor: 011-43-7485-67148

2nd Floor: 011-43-7485-98691

1st Floor: 011-43-7485-98690

3rd Floor: 011-43-7485-98761

Samuel House: 011-43-7485-9867827

** Note: some telephone extensions are

different lengths.

FUS Gaming Office Telephone numbers:

Main Office: 011-43-7485-986780
FAX: 011-43-7485-98470



Students will have use of 2 computer labs at the Kartause to access
the Internet and to E-mail. Students will use their usual E-mail
account/s and access them from the computer lab at the Kartause in
Austria. Students may wish to bring a laptop for use at the Kartause.
A wireless network is available at no additional cost for Internet use.

** Note that there is limited bandwidth in Gaming and that file-
sharing and Skype usage may be limited. Computer and network usage

is subject to the Franciscan University of Steubenville's Acceptable Usage
Policies. By using the network and computers in Gaming, you agree to the terms
of these policies.


Airline luggage regulations allow travelers to check two bags and to
carry on one bag without charge. One piece of checked luggage
cannot exceed 50 lb. and 62 inches (adding length, width, and height)
with the second piece not exceeding 50 lb. and 55 inches. (To check
an extra piece of luggage, the cost is approximately $125.00; this
piece must not exceed 50 lb. and 62 inches.) The one carry-on piece
cannot exceed 40 lb. and 45 inches. Students may want to take a
backpack (which is ideal for weekend travel) that can be used as the
carry-on bag. Please note that airline liability for loss, delay, or
damage to baggage is usually limited unless a higher value is
declared in advance and additional charges are paid. (Contact airline


for further information) If you are interested in baggage insurance,
check with your family’s insurance agent.


Students should stay within the free luggage allowance and not over-
pack. Students will be carrying their own luggage, so it shouldn’t be
too heavy or bulky. Some room should be left for souvenirs on the
return trip. Luggage limits are the same on the return trip, so
consider leaving some items in Gaming. Label luggage inside and
outside with student’s name, the Gaming address, Gaming phone
number, as well as home address, and home phone number.
Students should not pack passports in bags that will be checked
because the student will be required to show the passport when
entering and leaving the country. Passports and money should be
carried securely on each person. Clothing should be comfortable, but
not too casual (shorts are usually not well accepted by Europeans).
Clothing may be labeled so it won’t get lost in the laundry room.


When traveling, students should keep money, passport, and Eurail
pass in a safe place (under your clothing in a money pouch). A record
of travelers’ checks should be kept separate from the checks
themselves so they can be replaced if lost or stolen. Valuable
cameras should be insured. After arriving in Austria, students’ return
airline tickets will be collected by the Director of Student Life for
safekeeping. It is a good idea to copy the inside front page of your
passport with picture and date of issue and carry the copy with you
separately whenever you travel. This could speed up the process of
replacement in case the passport is lost or stolen. Students should
not take valuable items such as jewelry with them to Austria. The


University does not assume responsibility for the loss, damage, or
destruction of personal property.


It is recommended that students bring only electrical items that run
on batteries. Even appliances with converters often burn out quickly
if not immediately. Consider purchasing a European hairdryer or
appliance to avoid this problem. The voltage for electrical appliances
may vary, but in most cities and towns it is 220.


Do not mail anything of value to Austria. It is possible that it will
never reach a student in Gaming or the student may have to pay more
than its value to retrieve it from Customs in Vienna. Do NOT attempt
to ship any medications (over the counter or prescription). They will
be confiscated at customs. It is important for students to bring an
ample four-month supply of all medications with them to Austria.

• To avoid very expensive customs/VAT taxes, do not send “new”
items. For example, sending used clothes or electronic devices
will allow you to avoid the 20% VAT tax. If need be, open the
item and then it could be considered “used.”

• Do not ship new expensive items such as laptops, jewelry, or
digital cameras.

• When identifying the value of used shipped goods, do not claim
the original value of the item as if it were brand new.



Students should know the rules and regulations concerning US
customs before they leave the States in order to know what they will
face when they return. On their return, students will be asked to
declare orally and in writing all items purchased abroad. American
citizens are entitled to purchase up to $800 worth of merchandise
abroad without having to pay import duties on it. Above the $800,
there will be duties to pay. One liter of alcoholic beverages may be
included in this exemption if the student is 21 years of age or older.
Keep receipts from purchases in order to verify their value for
customs declaration when returning to the USA. If students take

foreign made personal articles (watches, cameras, etc.) with them to
Europe, consider getting a certificate of registration from the nearest
Customs Office. This will expedite their free entry when they return.
Parcels containing gifts may be sent from abroad to the USA duty-
free, providing the total value of such parcels received by one person
on one day does not exceed $50. Each package should be marked
“Geschenk” - Gift Enclosed.

Parents, family and friends are invited to attend a week in Austria
touring Salzburg, Vienna, and the Danube River Valley, experiencing


life at the Kartause and the charism that makes us Franciscan
University! Whether you come with us to visit your son or daughter or
to rest and relax as you enjoy the beauty of Austria, we invite you to
join our Christian Outreach sponsored pilgrimage. The dates for The
Austrian Experience - Parents Week are set for March 8 – 16, 2009.
For detailed information on how to accompany our group or for any
questions, please call our Franciscan University of Steubenville
Journeys Office at 1-800-437-8368.

Family and friends are also able to visit the Kartause on their own throughout the
semester. Contact information for the hotel on campus is below.

Driving Directions to Gaming from Vienna:

1. Drive west on A1 to Ybbs

2. Take exit 100 for25 to Ybbs,



3. Follow 25 South into Gaming


4. The Kartause is on25 on the

right, just after the town center.

Train Directions to Gaming from Vienna:

1.From Wien Westbahnhof connect to St. Pölten

2.From St. Pölten Hbf. Connect through

3.From Pöchlarn take the local train to
Kienberg-Gaming (which is the last stop.)

There is a bus stop across the street from
the train station. Check the bus schedule for

times. The bus does stop at the Kartause,

however it runs on a limited schedule. The

walk to the Kartause is approximately 40

minutes (continuing in the same direction as
you were by train – south.)


HOTEL in Gaming

There is a hotel at the Kartause available for

guests year-round, however, the number of
rooms is limited during the school year.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 011-43-7485-98466
FAX: 011-43-7485-98466-15

In the year 1330, Duke Albrecht II of the Habsburg family
ordered the construction of a monastery situated in the middle of the
steep, rocky, and richly wooded Otscher region of Austria. It was
dedicated as “Mariathron” or St. Mary’s Throne. Duke Albrecht and
his family lived in one portion of the Kartause while the Carthusian
monks lived in another. The Kartause serves as the ducal burial place
for Duke Albrecht and his family.

The founding of the monastery necessitated the establishing of
economic and social infrastructures for its support in the area of
Gaming. The roads leading through the area became routes of great


importance to the salt trade as well as the iron processing industry in
this region.

The style of the former ducal residence of Gaming resembles a
castle, characteristic of the style of the medieval imperial castles. The
construction of the spacious complex was completed with the
dedications of the chapter house in 1340 and the monastery church
in 1342. It was the largest Carthusian monastery of the order’s
German-speaking province. It remains the largest existing
Carthusian monastery of the 15th century.

The Carthusian monks occupied the Kartause until the late 18th
century. The monastery fell into disrepair until 1983, when Austrian
architect Walter Hildebrand undertook a complete renovation. In the
fall of 1991, Franciscan University opened its doors for the first time
on its Austrian Program when 89 Students pioneered the first
semester in Gaming. Renovations have continued throughout these
past 17 years, recently adding 20 additional beds to increase student

Franciscan University of Steubenville shares the Kartause with
two other academic programs. The Language and Catechetical
Institute (LCI) offers 10 scholarships per year to Eastern European
students (from countries such as the Ukraine, Slovakia, and Lithuania)
to study English and Catechetics in Gaming. These students have a
chance to practice their English and learn more about American
culture from Franciscan students as well as share their culture with
those around them. The International Theological Institute (ITI) is a
Pontifical Institute that grants higher degrees (STL and STD’s) through
Rome. Approximately 60 ITI students live and study in the Santa
Chiara wing (St. Clare) of the Kartause.


♦Official Name: Republic of Austria
♦Formation: 1918 Date of Independence;
1945 the current borders were established
♦Capital: Vienna
♦Population: 8 million (total pop.); 55% urban-based
♦Total area: 32,375 square miles (83,850 square km)
♦Languages: German (official), Croatian, Slovene,
♦Religions: Roman Catholic 85%, Protestant 6%, and

other 9%. The Euro (New to Europe January 2002)

The Bishops’ Office for U.S. Visitors To the Vatican


If you are interested in trying to obtain tickets for
events at the Vatican, PLEASE plan ahead. Provide
the number of tickets requested and the date(s).

This office receives many requests for tickets, and
needs sufficient time to respond.

If you are hoping to attend Vatican events at Christmas
or Easter, plan as early as possible.

Please contact the Visitors Office at the North
American College in Rome:

[email protected]




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