The History
of Me
By Kristin Maxie
One time I visited a new
place was when I traveled to
Florida to go to Disney World. As
soon as the plane landed, I
could feel the humid, and sticky
feeling in the air. When my mom,
aunt, sister, and I finally got out
of the airport, an Uber picked us
up and we rode to an airbnb
close to our aunts house. There,
we only had a few hours to sleep
until we had to get dressed and
go to Disney World. Just a few
hours later, we woke up, got
dressed and was headed for
Disney World! While driving, I
noticed that there were a green
layer of what looked like moss,
covered on the trees. Next to the
trees, there was a small lake. As
soon as we got to Disney World,
it started raining, even though it
was over ninety degrees! By the
end of the night, it was so cold
that I borrowed my aunt’s
Usually, on Easter Sunday, my
mom, grandma, sister, and I
would wear our dresses and
go to church. After we leave
church, we would all go back
to my house for brunch. While
the food was cooking, we
would have an Easter Egg
Hunt. Some of the eggs would
have candy, and others would
be filed with money or toys.
Once the egg hunt was over,
we would go inside and eat.
After everyone ate, we had a
cake decorating contest. We
baked small cakes for
everyone who wanted to
participate, then decorated
them. Whoever had the best
looking cake would win! After
the decorating contest, we
would eat the cakes and a few
pieces of candy. Then we
would just play games until
everyone left.
One invention that has improved my life is
my cell phone. I think cell phones are
important because they allow me to make
phone calls and text someone when I need
to. Phones are also helpful in emergency
situations such as a robbery or kidnapping.
They can also act as maps and a gps to help
you find your way. Another benefit of cell
phones is that when you are bored, you can
play games or read digital books to pass the
time. Finally, the last advantage of having a
cell phone is that you can shop, go to
school, or talk online. This can benefit
people who are not physically able to go out
and do these things.
Just like any other average household, mine has
rules. The first rule is, each week my mom, dad, and I
take turns washing the dishes. I think this rule is fair
because the burden is not on one person. We all
take turns pitching in and helping each other out.
Another rule we have is that everyone has to clean
their own bathroom. Since my sister and I share a
bathroom, we must clean it ourselves. I also think
this is a fair rule because my sister and I are old
enough to clean up our messes. Over the years, I
have obtained more and more chores. If my sister or
I fail to follow our rules, then we will lose privileges
such as toys, electronics, or events planned. Events
are only cancelled when we severely mess up.
The career I would want
when I grow up would be a
pediatrician. I would like
this job because I love
working with others
(especially smaller kids). I
also take the Medical
Detectives elective so I can
learn more about medicine,
the human body, and other
medical related things. I
also want to be a
pediatrician because they
make a good amount of
money, and I want to own a
house by the beach when I
get older. If I can’t become
a pediatrician, then I would
try to be an author of
books for all ages. I would
be a writer because I enjoy
writing, telling, and
listening to stories.
I have six main family members that I’m around
most of the time. My dad Christopher, my mom
LaTijera, my little sister Kennedy, my grandma Shell,
my auntie LaShell, and my auntie LaCherrell. Since
my auntie LaCherrell is in the army, we haven't seen
her as often as we would. Although she is in the
army, she can still visit us for holidays. When she is
here, we love to go to fun outdoor places such as
amusement parks and zoos. We also have fun at
indoor places such as Sky Zone or the movie
theatre. I enjoy my family's company because it is
more fun when we’re all together.