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D&D - Encyclopedia of Boneless Beasts, Vol. 4 - Tentacles (5e)

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Published by Capn_Ragnar, 2023-02-18 09:32:41

D&D - Encyclopedia of Boneless Beasts, Vol. 4 - Tentacles (5e)

D&D - Encyclopedia of Boneless Beasts, Vol. 4 - Tentacles (5e)

Keywords: Dungeons & Dragons,DnD,TTRPG,OGL

Tentacles Encyclopedia of Boneless Beasts

Tentacles Types of Tentacle On my travels I noted at least five different kinds of Tentacles. These are listed below: Constrictors are single tentacle forms of Exoderm that utilise their shape and strength to wrap around and crush their prey, much like some large snakes. Hydra are multi-limbed Tentacles, regularly exceeding average size for the species. Coteries collections of tentacles that can split off and reform later on when needed. This is a frighteningly efficient use of their biology and I thank the powers that be that more oozes and such have not acquired such abilities. Tangled Tentacles are those which have been altered to fulfil a new purpose. The creators of such instruments appear to have a flair for the dramatic and a sense of humour, as nearly all of the Tangled items I have come across have an overstated and outlandish appearance which goes hand-in-hand with the item's enchantment or particular intended use. Convergent Evolution Carcinisation is when crustaceans evolve to become crab-like from a non crab-like form. It is one example of convergent evolution. Another is where we see humanisation in other species, this includes intelligence, bipedalism, and other changes in other species. In the case of Exoderms, the achievement of near total humanisation by the Tentacle Coteries is incredible. Not only have they managed to develop the ability to walk upright (no easy task if you lack a skeleton) but also intelligence of the same tier as humanoids. These traits may be unimpressive given the vast number of races capable of this in the known world, but they have also developed culture. Culture! This has opened the door to so many more questions about Exoderms and redoubled passion to uncover more about them. Kratontazoa The order of Kratontazoa specialise in laying dormant for long periods of time to ambush prey. They make the most of the shape their bodies have taken to crush or suffocate their prey. Oils and Tentacles make up the order, both genus taking a different approach to this method of hunting. 2

Constrictors 3

Pirate’s Rope Description Pirate's Ropes are long, thin creatures that resemble ropes or dark brown vines. They blend well amongst ship cargo and netting, which has forced sailors to be more careful when moving about their ships. Behaviour Pirate's Ropes are curious creatures, and will often approach ships and other vessels out of curiosity. However, they are also known to be quite aggressive and will attack if they feel threatened. Distribution Pirate's Ropes can be found near any body of water, but are most commonly found near the coasts of tropical islands. Ships and docks are unfortunate focal points for them and they can easily blend in with any piles of rope nearby. Lifecycle Pirate's Ropes reproduce asexually, separating part of themselves off to multiply when it finds somewhere warm and humid. They mature very quickly, burrowing while still small into the earth or sand and choking the life from any plant matter or small creatures they come into contact with. In Combat Pirate's Ropes will use their long bodies to wrap around their prey and constrict it until it suffocates or they can get close enough to bite. If they are unable to do this, they will try to slash at their prey with their barbed body until it is weak enough to be eaten. Movement Pirate's Ropes are capable of moving very quickly over short distances by uncoiling and lashing out at their prey. 4

Hawser Description Hawser's are long, thick creatures that closely resemble ropes. They blend well amongst ship cargo and netting, which has forced sailors to be more careful when moving about their ships. Distribution Hawsers, like the smaller Pirate's Rope can be found near any body of water, but these generally remain underwater. They lay down deep and wait for passing ships to sail too close and pull them under. Sailors Insight "Hawsers hunt ships, get off the ship. " - "BrownTeeth" Watley, 5

Vinegar Worm The long, thin reach of the sickly yellow Vinegar worm is a sick sight when you're trying to have a relaxing swim at the beach. Description The Vinegar Worm is a Tentacle that generally sticks to hiding below the surface of rock pools near seaweed and other things it might be able to hide with. The creatures are acidic to touch and tend to alter the waters they live in. This means that numerous other animals and plants need to be somewhat resistant to corrosion. This in turn ensures that where you find a large quantity of certain creatures in a habitat you are likely to find the Vinegar Worm. 6

Drub Drubs live in hot climates, burying part of themselves in the sand to manage their temperatures. Their surface cells are green and prickly, mimicking the natural desert plant life such as cacti. Description Drubs are small, green, prickly creatures that live in hot, sandy environments. In their natural habitat they are functionally invisible, blending in perfectly with the natural flora of the region. Behaviour Drubs are passive creatures that spend most of their time buried in the sand, only coming out to feed or mate. They are not territorial and will often share their burrows with other creatures. Drubs consume mostly insects and at least some of their energy comes from absorbing sunlight and drawing moisture from the ground. Prickly defence The surface of a Drub's body is covered in tiny, sharp spines. These spines are used to deter predators and can also be used as a weapon if necessary. The spines are also filled with a venom that can paralyse small creatures. In Combat Drubs will only fight if they are threatened. When they do fight, they will use their whole spiny body to slam into their opponents. 7

Glacial Gripper Blue-white tentacles of pure unyielding hunger, these creatures seek out anything warm that comes near and strike with deadly force. Description Glacial grippers are small, blue-white coloured tentacles that live in cold climates. They have a long, thin body that they use to wrap around and choke their prey to death. Behaviour Glacial grippers are solitary hunters that lurk in the snow, waiting for larger prey to come close. When they see an opportunity, they will quickly wrap themselves around their victim and choke it to death. They will then consume their victim, digesting it over the course of several days. 8


FrostSpine An enormous Constrictor Tentacle with an affinity for the cold. Description The Frostspine is the largest of the tentacles that prefers the cold. They fasten themselves to ancient frozen objects beneath the great glacier, the extra support aiding them in remaining upright and stationary. Distribution Found only near the Great Glacier, these creatures may be some hint at what lay beneath the cold lands. Frostspines have not been seen anywhere else in the world. Behaviour They get their names from the thick sheets of ice that build up on their backs from their lack of movement. In Fact they will remain dormant until a large enough group or single creature wakes up and disturbs their presence. 10

Pink Wriggler Behaviour Pink Wrigglers are a menace to anything that enters their watery domain. They will fight tooth and nail to protect their territory, and will attempt to strangle any creature that tries to enter it. Description Pink Wrigglers are large, pink tentacles that can grow up to 20 feet long. They have suction cups on their underside that help them attach to surfaces and catch prey. They also have small serrated teeth lengths that allow them to 'bite' . Lifecycle Pink Wrigglers reproduce by releasing eggs into the water, which hatch into larvae forms. The larvae then mature into adults over the course of a few weeks. Distribution Pink Wrigglers are found in freshwater lakes and rivers. They are most commonly found in tropical climates, but can survive in temperate climates as well. In Combat A Pink Wriggler will lay in wait until something suitable strays too close and allows them to spring up, lashing at them in an attempt to draw blood. It's surmised that they have evolved to do this as a way of triggering the more deadly Eimer's Star to do most of their work for them. Any blood drawn within range of this cohabitating creature will enrage it, leaving the Wrigglers to scavenge any leftovers. Locomotion Pink Wrigglers propel themselves through the water much like snakes. They can also travel on land for short periods of time, but prefer to stay in water if possible. 11


Eimer's Star Discovered by divers, this creature was studied for years by Dr Henzel Eimer. The creature's sensory clusters are far more sensitive than other Exoderms, aiding in their perception of their environment. Dr Eimer made numerous attempts to reproduce this effect in elixirs and items, with varying successes. Behaviour Eimer's Stars are patient hunters, lying in wait for their prey to come to them. They will only attack if they sense blood in the water, at which point they will go into a frenzy and try to capture as much prey as they can. Distribution Eimer's Stars are found in oceans all over the world. They tend to stay near the bottom of the ocean where they can lie in wait for their prey. Description Eimer's Stars are large tentacle creatures that have a starshaped mouth surrounded by razor-sharp teeth. They are various shades of blue, with darker spots on their arms that help them blend in with the ocean floor. Their arms are covered in suction cups that help them grip onto their prey. In Combat The tentacle will always target the largest creature it senses unless that creature has not been harmed and another injured creature is nearby. Locomotion Eimer's Stars can swim very quickly through the water using their tentacles as propellers. This allows them to ambush their prey before they have a chance to escape. 13

Octoslime Behaviour Octoslimes are a sinister breed, even for tentacles. They will size up their prey before choosing to engage or not, even playing friendly so that it can get into a position to go for a kill strike. Description Octoslimes have a typical jelly-like body and squishy feel, however, their eight arms are incredibly strong and sharp, unlike the rest of their body. They are primarily deep purple in colour and can darken their surface to help blend into places of dim light. Lifecycle Octoslimes reach maturity quickly, and can reproduce asexually. They will lay their eggs in the warmest, most humid climates they can find, where they will hatch quickly and mature just as fast. In Combat Octoslimes will try to take their prey by surprise if they can, however, if they are discovered, they will not hesitate to fight. Octoslimes will use their sharp tentacles to try and grab their prey and pull it towards their mouth to devour it whole. If they are unable to do this, they will try to slash at their prey with their tentacles until it is weak enough to be eaten. Locomotion Octoslimes can move quickly for their size, and can even climb walls and ceilings if they need to. This makes them very difficult to escape from once they have caught their prey. 14

Sanguine Seeker Behaviour Sanguine Seekers are a predatory species of enormous size and appetite. They will track and follow living creatures in the hope they lead them to a larger source of food. it is rare that they strike a sole target. 15

Description Sanguine Seekers are gigantic, multi-headed tentacles that seek out blood sources to feed on. Similar to their cousins the 'Jam' they owe their colouring to the concentration of blood stored within their unique forms. Lifecycle Sanguine Seekers reach maturity quickly and can reproduce asexually. They will lay a 'coil' within a fresh corpse to allow their young to feed and grow rapidly. In Combat These monsters will extend one of their many limbs to pull a target close enough to feed from them. Any targets it is able to kill in combat it will attempt to graft to its own body, this method of feeding for the Seeker has the effect of luring in more humanoids that attempt to free the poor people and give them their proper burial rights. 16

Flayer's Paw Description Flayer's Paws are small, purple-white tentacles that appear somewhat like wrinkled, dead hands. They are often found near burial sites, feeding on the dead. Behaviour Flayer's Paws are small but voracious. They consume the flesh of the dead as readily as the living. While this does make for an easier escape, there are many superstitions that have grown in popularity that are far from true. In combat The Flayer's Paw will typically start a fight by using its Frightful Presence to try and scare off its opponents. If that fails, it will go in for a bite or two with its claws to try and drain some blood. If it is able to latch onto a target, it will try to drain as much blood as possible before detaching and moving on to the next target. 17

Coteries 18

Endril Of all of the Exoderms I have encountered, the Endril are the most humanoid in behaviour and appearance. Endril nomads are a hardy and resourceful people, adapted to life in the hostile environments of the great plains. They are organised into tribes, each consisting of extended families who claim descent from a common ancestor. Endril nomads live in large black tents made of goat hair or camel hair, which they take down and set up again as they move from place to place in search of food and water. Behaviour Endril tend to be patient but are so similar to other humanoids that it is hard to say that this is truly a definitive characteristic, but beyond the general mistrust of other humanoids and their distaste of social interaction this is their only notable consistent feature. Distribution The only places I have encountered the Endril is within the continent of Zakhara, south of Faerun. Biology The Endril are built like other Coteries in that they are essentially piecemeal creatures made up from multiple separate tentacles, each with a specialised function when connected. The brain is a single tentacle that coordinates the other connected parts. Another set of tentacles replicate limb functions, improving mobility and dexterity. Some hyper-focus on digestion, healing, and even breathing. The tentacles fulfilling the function of lungs appear to do so only for communication. It is easy to forget that these creatures are largely blind, and while they can distinguish brightness levels and general colours, they cannot truly see as we do. culture The Endril are mostly nomadic, constant movement ensures that they do not become a burden on nearby villages or attract too much notice. Due to their appearance they are often mistaken for monsters or devils and chased away from settlements. Endril clothing is interesting, as it is produced in a similar way to each of their specialised tentacles. At some point in their evolution one of the tentacles that makes up their body developed the ability to force other tentacles to undergo mutation to perform specific tasks. The ability is what is used to create the clothing for the Endril. A portion of the Endril body will transform into a fabric-like material and grow to accommodate its owner. The process can take some time to complete but the end result is an article of clothing that provides similar qualities to a fur cloak or leather armour. In addition, the cloak produced takes on colouring and patterns from the Endril that created it. Endril hunters will often display red patterns, guides show off yellow tints, and lords display blues and reds. There are some Endril who specialise in crafting clothing to sell to travellers and traders. As they develop their skills they can create cloaks that have additional properties. Poisoned Endril cloaks display green colouring, Burning Endril cloaks show bright white and red markings, and Silent Endril cloaks have no markings at all. Lifestyle Endril nomads living in the west of the peninsula drink hot butter tea. Endril will eat fattier foods in the winter months to help keep warm. They only eat carnivorous animals, holding to a deep belief and hope that not taking from the other settled races will gain them favour and bring an end to the fear they seem to garner when they reveal themselves to locals. Endril preserve the meat they collect for use later in the year during winter. During those months the meal is more substantial and includes much fattier parts of the animals they kill. Hunters will eat before they leave for the day and then eat again once they have returned later in the day with food. Endril cuisine is simple and includes meat, small amounts of marinated root vegetables and flatbreads. Tea is often served before eating. 19

Camp life There are two main types of Endril nomadic tents: conical and rectangular. The conical tent, also known as a yurt, is more common among pastoralist groups who move regularly in search of fresh pastures for their animals. The rectangular tent, known as a khera, is more commonly used by those who engage in transhumance - moving between summer and winter pasturelands on a seasonal basis. In more recent years there have been less and less animals accompanying the Endril nomads, due in large part to the difficulty in moving their camp swiftly when needed. Livestock While the Endril do not eat herbivores they do make use of their hair, milk, and other products. They keep mainly sheep and goats, and some camels. The Endril also use their livestock for barter. Sheep and goats are common currency in many parts of the world, and their wool is also used to make clothing and other items. I met up with one Tribe of Endril Nomads while passing through the High Desert, in west Zakhara. My travelling companions and I remained with them for a few weeks, learning about their customs and behavioural nuances. Jorak, one of the guides of the group and the one who met with us initially, introduced us to the foods they make themselves. Most notable is the cheese they made called Kreth. It is tangy and slightly sweet. It is made from the milk of the Endril's tentacle creatures. It was only after tasting that we were introduced to the bird it came from... Communal tent The communal tent is the primary dwelling of the Endril nomads. It is a conical structure made of goat hair or wool, and is typically 3-5 metres in diameter. The walls are usually kept low so that the heat from the sun can enter, and the tent is cooled by the wind passing through. The tent is divided into two main sections: the harem, where the children sleep, and the tribe's main quarters. There is also a section for the animals, which is typically located near the entrance. The communal tent is easy to set up and take down, and can be moved easily when the nomads need to relocate. 20

Hunting with birds Endril nomads trap migrating raptors during winter as they pass the northern parts of Zakhara, snaring them with live birds they rig with mutated tentacles. The raptors are then sold to noblemen and mounted warriors who use them in hunting. The ones they keep are further altered with a strange and secret process, leaving the birds forever transformed and obedient. The Endril attach a lightweight leather or cloth hood to the raptor’s head, which has two small eye holes in it for the bird to see through (these eyes are one of the features of the creature that are unaffected by the alterations made). They then loop a length of strong cord around the raptor’s legs, so that when it perches on the falconer’s glove the cord prevents it from straying too far. The bird is finally trained with food rewards to obey commands such as ‘seek’ , ‘strike’ , and ‘return’ . As the mutations take hold, the number of commands increases along with its size and strength. Improvements Endril birds have been altered biologically and more closely resemble something akin to a flying squid with feathers. They have feather-like fronds that fan out from their body, allowing them to catch the wind and glide for long periods of time. They have increased grip strength and are able to remain in the air much longer than normal for a bird of their size. Endril birds are also able to vanish and reappear instantly within about 30ft of any spot they can see, a trait shared with some Endril. While they retain their eyes they seem to have a similar sense to the Endril Guides, being able to see in any lighting conditions and through illusions. This allows them to aid with hunting both day and night. Hybrids The Endril bird is not strictly an Exoderm as it does not fit the criteria (boneless). The bird retains much of their natural skeleton but the new biological matter combines with their hollow bones to further improve their already strong structure. 21

Raptoril When fully grown, the Endril bird’s body becomes massively bloated, mottled with lumps and bumps. The beak grows larger and sharper, better suited to tearing flesh. The raptor’s eyes bulge from its head and it is almost perpetually drooling thick strands of saliva. Its appetite also increases massively, leading to the constant hunting for food – which usually means anything that moves, whether animal or human. It is usually at this point, I am informed, that the creatures have their wings removed and are chained or put down. Not meant to be The excessive growth and loss of many of the the benefits of being imbued by the Endril is a sign, I feel, that this creature is a result of internal complications. Depending on who you talk to within the tribe, some believe this to be a perfect state for the birds whereas others see them for the mistake they are and try to have them put out of their misery. 22

Beasts of burden The Douin are a privilege to see. Rare creations of the Endril that act as watchtowers, alerting the tribe of incoming dangers and in some cases reacting to delay those dangers while the camp can get to safety. Stone and Flesh The Douin are assembled and held together with specialised tentacles produced by the Endril tribe. This is only one component, however. The very stones used as part of the building blocks must be worked on by their mystics to house life-giving magic that replenishes the Douin's whole body. Douins are usually only created by Endril Tribes that settle seasonally. Staying in a single place for so long has its drawbacks for them and having a Douin to keep watch is their best hope for remaining undetected. 23


Guides The Guides of the Endril head out from the main group in order to find the safest pathways for their people to travel. They are the only Endril gifted with Truesight which makes them incredibly valuable to their people. The Guides often come across hidden entrances to smuggler tunnels and temples closed off from the world. Secret ways It is not clear whether Guides are chosen because they possess the ability to see all before them clearly or if this is a gift bestowed upon them when the role is passed to them. It is clear, however, that this ability is unique to guides. Pecking order In most cultures it is usually the hunter gatherers that eat first, a privilege given to show respect for those that ensure the tribe will eat for that day. In Endril society that order is somewhat flipped on its head. Guides are always the first to sit down to eat. From what I can gather it hearkens back to a tale of a mistreated guide who sought revenge on their tribe by leading them into a sand storm and refusing to help them leave. 25


Hunters Living so far from towns and cities, the Endril rely heavily on their hunters to find them food. It is increasingly important for them as they do not eat the livestock they keep, feeding only on sparse root vegetables they find and carnivorous animals only. Endril hunters have a long reach which they take advantage of by utilising their silent strike technique, shrinking the distance between themselves and their target. 27

Mystics Mystics are spiritual guides and healers who spend most of their time either on the outskirts of camp or in their own private tent. Solitary Needs Much of their time is spent in contemplation and meditation, gaining a greater understanding of their place in the world. They experiment with herbs and flowers to find the best methods for healing . Mystics are respected for their wisdom, and often consulted on matters of great importance. They are vital to the creation of the Douin and some tribes of Endril have almost come to blows over the ownership of their Mystic. 28

Lords of the Endril A grand title for such small groups of travellers but the history of these people is so poorly understood that it may be a throwback to an age where the Endril numbers were far higher. The Endril Lord is the head of their community and their word is law. All punishment is decided by the Lord, along with rewards. They dictate when the tribe moves and if contact with outsiders is to be permitted. Interestingly the Lord is the only member of the Endril tribe allowed to reproduce. Lifecycle Lords reproduce by splitting off a part of themselves and forcing them to mutate into another, separate Endril entity. This reduces their energy levels drastically, making them vulnerable for several days afterwards. Other members of the tribe stay close during this time, providing safety for their leader. 29

Breathless The outcasts of the Endril nomad tribes, these dour creatures are beholden to no one and make no attempt at communication with other races. Not even the Endril lord can compel them to act, seemingly immune to whatever control they have over the rest of the tribe. The Breathless are deadly and quick to act. They have a dagger-like growth that they call the Greydagger that they either steep in poisons or it produces its own. An evolutionary throwback? This behaviour, along with the increased reaction speeds, may be a trait passed on to ensure the species survival. Much in the same way that humanoids also have the occasional psychotic within our cities. While utterly distasteful, they do have their uses. 30

Tangled 31

Endril Cloaks The Endril Nomads do not often pass out such strange garments as they weave the product from parts of themselves given special purpose. The cloaks are a rare commodity used in times of dire need or a gift of true value to outsiders they deem fit to take a piece of the tribe with them always. The cloaks are strange to look at but provide more than adequate protection from both the heat and cold temperatures. In addition they can posses qualities imbued in magic items. Silent Shroud The silent shroud is likely the most alien in appearance and function. The longer you stare at this the more it tries to force you to look elsewhere. This cloak is made from tentacles altered to provide protection from the elements, and passing looks. It seems to move ever so slightly of its own accord. "The Silent Shroud is the gift of paranoia to one's friends" - Zahkaran saying Silent Shroud Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing this cloak, you make no sound. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to remain hidden. In addition, creatures within 30 feet of you that can see you must succeed on a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC or they treat you as if you were invisible. 32

Burning Cloak The burning cloak is a favourite for those who want to protect themselves from the cold. It also can prove helpful in combat, unleashing the heat stored up from the desert and other sources. Burning Cloak Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) This cloak is made from mutated tentacles. It is warm to the touch. While wearing this cloak, you are immune to cold damage. In addition, as an action, you can swing the cloak around. All creatures within 5 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 fire damage. 33

Wind Cloak Worn by some Endril Guides when out seeking new paths across the shifting desert landscape. These cloaks are incredibly lightweight and easy to carry. Wind Cloak Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing this cloak, you may cast the feather fall spell from it at will as a bonus action. You do not need material components for this spell. 34

Viper shroud The Viper shroud is a highly specialised Tangled Tentacle. Even the Endril craftsmen will tell you how relieved they are after successfully creating one. Viper shroud Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) While wearing this cloak, you are immune to poison damage. You can spend 1 minute examining a creature while it is incapacitated or at rest. If you do, you can determine if that creature has been poisoned and you can choose to draw out that poison into your cloak as long as the poison is non-magical. 35

Exos Description An Exoderm is any member of the Phylum Exos (Meaning boneless). Exos are largely ageless and adults normally distinguish themselves by their size. The younger an Exoderm the smaller it generally is. While many animals do not in fact have bones, creatures belonging to the Exos taxonomy also commonly have no solid form, perceptible skin, or organs. An Exoderm reproduces asexually (Rare exceptions) and regenerates its body with ease, transforming most organic matter into healthy ‘flesh’. Habitats Exoderms are found in all climates, though rarer in extremely hot and cold parts of the world. The vast majority exist in ruins, caverns and other underground areas. Wet, damp, and dark are a favourite. Body wall The body wall is composed of cells that have flattened themselves out into the epidermis of a single layer or more. The cells are the same type found throughout but temporarily taken on the responsibility of forming a tougher layer of connective tissues. Some Exos will form a lattice from these connections while others will incorporate parts of their environment into the dermis. Movement Exoderms appear to have a sense of up and down in that they will keep their upper mass at the same height relative to their base. The base of an Exoderm extrudes small tubelike feet that pull them across the floor in a similar method to molluscs. They are not confined to this method of locomotion, in some species there have been cases of snake-like movement and in rare species ‘rolling’ has been observed. Feeding The one constant with each species of Exos is the method with which they feed. Exos move onto their food, scilla surrounding their cells draw the target up and into their body where any living creature is unable to find purchase to escape. The cells exude either acid or digestive enzymes that begin liquidising the soft matter. As digestion is completed the cells feed on the nutrients, beginning to divide and spread out into the rest of the body. This makes room for empty cells to move in and continue to feed until nothing is left. Sensory and nervous system Exoderms are without their own sense organs but each cell transfers information to neighbouring cells regarding temperature, light, damage, vibrations, and odour. It is also possible for some species to ‘hijack’ sensory organs from their food sources. Transferring information from an eye through their cellular network has been witnessed but this is by no means common. Exos lack a centralised brain but their nervous system more than makes up for this. Within the body, there are three nerve nests that function independently of one another. One transfers heat information, another transmits vibrations, the third sends odours. These nerve nests work faster than standard cellular information transfer. This is why Oozes and slimes are slow to react to damage and changes in light. Classes Amorphozoa The Amorphozoa is the most often talked about Class of Exos. They breed much easier and can be found in all walks of life. These are your standard jellies, Oozes, and slimes. Akomazoa Far harder to spot and oftentimes more deadly. The Class Akomazoa moves so slow as to be imperceptible to the human eye. These creatures simply lay in wait for prey to walk over them. This Class covers Puddles and Sludges. 36

Orders Katharzoa Katharzoa of the class Amorphozoa. Exos that are freely moving and clear enough to see through are found within this Order. Laspizoa Of the Class Amorphozoa, these are Exos that are not clear or see-through. Often Oozes and Slimes are lumped into this Order. Adizoa Of the Class Akomazoa. Adizoa are patient Exoderms that expand themselves to cover their prey, leaving themselves mostly empty and retracting in on their target with an everthickening and poisonous skin. Kratontazoa Of the Akomazoa Class. These animals lay in wait but once alerted will wrap themselves around their prey, either crushing the life from them or simply waiting until they die from dehydration. Kaigontazoa Of the Akomazoas. The surface of this Exoderm goes to work so quickly on organic matter that it appears to onlookers that any creature stepping on it has stepped into a deep puddle. In fact, the Kaigontazoa order of Exoderms is usually spread very thin. Genus Slimes - Laspizoa Species of this genus are distinguished by their Opaque bodies that lay low to the ground. These tend to feed mostly on plants and small insects. Jam - Katharzoa Jams are somewhat less clear-bodied than other Katharzoa but this is due to a slower digestion and plasma storage method used by their cells. Jellies - Katharzoa This Genus sets itself apart with a firmer body than many other Exos. They tend to hold to a specific physical shape and can vary widely in their preferred prey. Goo - Katharzoa Where many other Exoderms camouflage themselves or copy the appearance of creatures or items, these Katharzoa emulate the other aspects of life. Many can appear as the thing they mimic but the effect can go much deeper. Oozes - Laspizoa Opaque bodies, slow-moving, and a strong digestive system. Oil - Kratontazoa Stationary and solitary, this Genus of Kratontazoa lives primarily in dark crevices and empty burrows. Oils lay in wait and attach themselves to living creatures, slowing their movement and pulling them to a stop. Tentacle - Kratontazoa Tentacles are thick appendage-like masses that ambush passers-by, reaching out to constrict them. Bubble - Adizoa Bubbles are the definitive Genus of Adizoa. They react to prey stepping on them by throwing their mass up around them as a surrounding barrier. This takes the appearance of a ball or bubble. Puddle - Kaigontazoa The Puddle Genus of Kaigontazoa has specialised to expend as little energy as possible moving and focus utterly on digesting prey at blindingly fast speeds. 37

I'm a sucker for tentacles! For those who like their knowledge with a side of tentacle, this is the book for you! It's got all the sinking, inky details on everyone's favourite boneless friends. Learn about their anatomy, their eating habits, and how to tell a Hydra from a Coterie. This document was inspired by a desire to create an easy-to-reference guide for all things related to the boneless horrors that lurk within the world. It is perfect for anyone who wants to learn about the different types of these creatures, as well as their habits and habitats. Content lay out: GMBinder Created by: Nick Jones WWW.GMBINDER.COM

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