Jellies Encyclopedia of Boneless Beasts
Jellies I n this volume I will list the numerous gelatinous creatures that have been a source of great confusion to me. No doubt you will be overly familiar with the ever popular Gelatinous Cube, I shall refrain from going into any detail with that breed as they appear in numerous manuals on monsters. Jellies come in a variety of shapes, each one a deliberate form that allows them to make the best use of their environment. The geometric jellies tend to make their home in underground ruins, waiting for adventurers to get a little too close. The jellies that seem closer to mimics will try to maintain your affection in order to be taken care of like a house cat or new pup. There is a certain level of deception inherent with each of the gelatinous breeds and I cannot help but reserve a small amount of displeasure for them. Types of Jelly Jellies are divided into the following: Geometric Jellies are closely related to the Gelatinous Cube, these jellies have committed to a specific shape to help them navigate dungeons and blend in with the darker corners of the world. Gelatinous Pets are far more varied than other breeds. The ones listed here are what I have encountered but I have no reason to believe this is an exhaustive list. Gelatinous Items are a far safer mix of creatures than previous Slime items I have encountered. Royal Jellies are a horrifying mockery of our own class systems. Some of the most powerful of these could wipe out entire countries should they see fit. The command they hold over other jellies is a thought that keeps me up at night. Finally, The court of Jelly are the force with which the Royal Jellies secure their territories. These jellies all fulfil specific niches with which to serve the Royals, taking on close combat, ranged, and defensive roles. Description The Amorphozoa is the most often talked about Class of Exos. They breed much easier and can be found in all walks of life. These are your standard Jellies, Oozes, and slimes. Jellies belong to the Order Katharzoa, within the Class of Amorphozoa. Exoderms within this Order are usually clear-bodied and good at going unnoticed. Jellies distinguish themselves by having the firmer bodies than other Genus within the Order. This factor allows them numerous advantages over their cousins. Better days It has been no secret that I hold no love for the unfeeling beasts. So why then such a passion? In my youth I had an encounter with a Gelatinous creature. It was not unpleasant at first, indeed the creature was docile and I kept it, in secret, as a pet. The thing would play with me, fetching discarded bric-a-brac and other ornaments of little value that I tossed for it. This meant a great deal to me as a child, truth be told I had no friends to speak of. Eventually something changed in the creature's demeanour and events took a sour turn. It attacked me, without provocation. I survived, with only minor burns on my arm. The strength of the friendship I felt and the quick, unpredictable betrayal is what spurred my need for understanding. The Nature of the Jelly Gelatinous creatures differ very little in their nature, save for a few exceptions. While it is rare that Exos show deliberate contempt or malice, it does occur, as the Exo is a creature of pure function. Malice can and has served a survivalist function. Conversely the good-natured or even beneficent Exo is near-impossibility. Or so I would have thought. Within these pages I have written about some such breeds of Jelly that show not only a transactional basis for kindness but a nurtured selflessness. This is not to say that I fully trust my understanding of such a breed but that there must be some flexibility in the instinctive drives of the Exoderm. 2
Jellies Geometric Jellies Cone Jelly The Cone Jelly, or more commonly called wobbler, is a type of Geometric Jelly. These creatures are very big but vulnerable to fire. Description The Cone Jelly is a very large creature, growing up to thirty feet in diameter. They are a deep blood orange colour with a colourless underbelly. Nerve clusters near the base of the jelly detect movement and allow the jelly to respond immediately with coiled tentacles it has ready to lash out with near its base. Distinguishing features The most distinguishing feature of the Cone Jelly (other than its shape) is the coil of tendrils wound tightly into its base. Only visible when released to strike, these whirling lengths of gelatinous mass are utterly deadly to small prey. Life cycle The Cone Jelly reproduces by releasing eggs into the water. These eggs will hatch into larvae which will then grow into adults. Relationship with humanoids The Cone Jelly is not an aggressive creature but will attack if provoked. They are not considered a threat to humanoids but their size can be intimidating. 3
Cylinder The Cylinder Jelly, or Cylindrus Gulosus, is a breed of jelly found most commonly in ruins of old underground dungeons. The name refers to their cylindrical shape and insatiable appetite. Description Cylinder Jellies are among the bigger of the jellies (not counting Royal Jellies), with adults reaching up to 3 metres in length. They are a bright white in colour with a series of black spots running down their length. Distinguishing features The Cylinder Jelly stands upright in most dungeons, mimicking a stone pillar. Unfortunately for this Jelly it has none of the traits of its like-minded cousens and cannot accurately appear as a piece of the decor. Life cycle It is not known what creates these jellies. Whether by some accident of the arcane or a form of asexual reproduction such as fragmentation, these creatures have no jouvenile form and are almost always the same size. Relationship with humanoids Cylinder Jellies are not very common, but when they are encountered they are met with the same hostility as other geometric jellies. They are a danger to all life they encounter and are treated as such. 4
Sphere Jelly The Sphere Jelly is a subspecies of the common Gelatinous Cube. These slimes are often found in the same places as their more common cousins. Description The Sphere Jelly is, as its name would suggest, a spherical Exoderm. They are solitary creatures, with adults fusing together to increase their mass when they meet. Distinguishing features The surface of a Sphere Jelly is covered in tiny barbs. These barbs are used to capture small prey which the slime will then digest. Life cycle Sphere Jellies reproduce asexually, with each individual giving birth to a number of offspring at a time. These young jellies will feed on their parent until they are ready to venture out on their own. Relationship with humanoids Sphere Jellies are not often encountered by humanoids, as they tend to dwell in places where few people go. When they are encountered they are generally seen as a threat, as their barbs can be painful if touched and they will seek out any life forms for food. 5
Gelatinous Pets The ability to mimic other forms would be terrifying if not for the inability of Jellies to do much more than approximate the general shape of other animals. Gelatinous pets start out as a simple amorphous blob but as they grow they specialise in a single animal form of their preference. Jelly Puppy Jelly puppies are a rare pet in parts of the world. Kept by young princes and as familiars for powerful magic users. Description Jelly puppies are a small breed of gelatinous pet, only reaching a few feet in length when fully grown. They are easily distinguished by their bright colours, which can include any combination of pink, blue, purple, and green. They are named for their resemblance to small dogs, and the fact that they are often kept as pets. Distinguishing features Jelly puppies are distinguished by their small size and bright colours. They are also known for being very friendly and affectionate, and for their tendency to follow their owners around. Life cycle Jelly puppies go through a brief larval stage before becoming adults. During this stage, they are known as jelly babies. Jelly babies are born white, and gradually change colour as they grow older. Relationship with humanoids Jelly puppies are commonly kept as pets, due to their friendly nature. They are also sometimes used as livestock, as their bodies can be used to make a jelly that is popular in some parts of the world. 6
Jelly Kitten Jelly kittens are a rare pet in parts of the world. Kept by the children of upper class lords and ladies, and as familiars for powerful magic users. Description Jelly kittens are a tiny gelatinous pet, only reaching a few feet in length when fully grown. They are easily distinguished by their bright colours, and smooth kitten form. The popularity of this breed is due in large part to their ease of management, the jelly being so self sufficient. These pets are also one of the few to be able to perfectly mimic the sound of the creature they've chosen to appear as. Distinguishing features Jelly kittens are distinguished by their small size and bright colours. They are also known for being very friendly, and for finding their way into almost any hidden location. Life cycle Jelly kittens follow the same larval stage as other gelatinous pets. During this stage, they are known as jelly babies. Jelly babies are born clear white, and gradually change colour as they grow. The mother's litter will be visible through her skin, a fairly disgusting thought if this were any other living creature. Luckily the litter simply appears as numerous pale blobs. Relationship with humanoids Jelly kittens are commonly kept as pets, due to their friendly nature. Some people may seek out Jelly kittens to harvest their bodies, however they often prove too much trouble to be worth the effort. 7
Jelly Mouse Jelly mice are found in the wild or kept in secret. They are known for their small size, bright colours, and friendly nature. Description Jelly mice are a tiny breed of gelatinous pet, only reaching a few inches in length when fully grown. They are easily distinguished by their bright colours, more commonly a pale green hue. Distinguishing features Jelly mice are distinguished by their small size and bright colours. They are also known for they're ability to follow commands. Life cycle Jelly mice go through a brief larval stage before becoming adults. During this stage, they are known as jelly babies. Jelly babies are born white, and gradually change colour as they grow older. Relationship with humanoids Jelly mice can be kept as pets, due to their friendly nature, but more often are viewed as a nuisance by farmers. feeding habits Jelly mice are known to eat small insects, grain, moss, and even consume stone. loot Jelly mice have been known to drop pearls. This has been linked to similar processes in oysters that produce pearls. 8
Jellypox One of the downsides to life as a Jelly Mouse is that you tend to spend most of your time hiding in places other creatures don't like to go. This habit of hiding in undesirable places is blamed for the condition known as 'Jellypox' . This condition transforms what is a normally docile and friendly creature into something much more vicious and sinister. Jelly Mice with this awful pox can spread like wildfire, attacking and consuming all manner of living creatures. The condition changes their appearance as much as their behaviour, until the fearsome and ugly visage is nothing but nightmarishly revolting living evil. 9
Jelly Pig It would behoove you to know that these smart and proud creatures hold themselves in somewhat higher regard than other Jelly creatures. I have not come across many but those that I have were intelligent and proud in their own way. Description Jelly pigs are a large sized breed of gelatinous pet, reaching up to a few feet in height when fully grown. They are distinguished by their dark colours, more commonly a deep brown. While I have not encountered any with an owner they come under this classification due to the obvious similarities and features of the breed. Distinguishing features Jelly pigs are distinguished by their large size and dark colours. The shape, most notably, is that of a pig. They are also known for their ability to follow simple instructions and their improved senses. Pig Smart When it is stated that they can follow simple commands, this is not a sweeping claim that they follow orders. to the Jelly pig they are either helping you because they believe they are making a trade of some sort, or more likely, they are helping you because they believe you are too feeble or stupid to do the task yourself and are taking pity on you. Life cycle Jelly pigs go through a brief larval stage before becoming adults. During this stage, they are known as Jiglets. Jiglets are born cloudy white, and change colour as they mature. Relationship with humanoids Jelly pigs can be kept as pets, due to their friendly nature, but more often are used as guard animals or for their jellymatter. Feeding habits Jelly pigs are known to eat almost anything made from decaying matter. Senses Jelly pigs have a very keen sense of smell, and can root out hidden objects far better than other animals. Nesting Jelly pigs will make a nest out of anything they can find, including refuse and clothing. They often make their nests near the entrances to old ruins so as to go patrolling these areas in search of trinkets, gold, or even for pure adventure. 10
Jelly Chicken This colourful breed differs greatly from other's of its kind in that it glows at night, making them easily hunted. Description Jelly chickens are a small breed of chicken, reaching up to a couple of feet in length when fully grown. They are distinguished by their colourful feather-like jelly surface, which can be any shade. Distinguishing features The most pointedly obvious feature of the Jelly chicken is its emission of light at night. They often cluck and caw with a weird phlegmy tone. Life cycle Jelly chickens go through a brief egg stage before becoming adults. During this stage, they are unresponsive to outside elements. Relationship with humanoids Jelly chickens can be kept as pets, and are often used as guard animals or for their jelly-matter. However, they are just as often wild. Feeding habits Jelly chickens are known to eat almost anything, but prefer seeds, insects, and small mammals. Physiology Jelly chickens have a very strange physiology, being mostly made up of water. They can change their shape and colour at will, and often do so to camouflage themselves. Reproduction Jelly chickens reproduce by laying eggs. The eggs are clear and jelly-like, and hatch into baby chickens after a few weeks. 11
Jelly Fox Jelly foxes keep to the outskirts of towns, breaking into food storage or chicken coops. These jellies are known to be clever and quick to react to changes in social settings. Description Jelly foxes are a small breed of jelly, reaching up to a couple of feet in length when fully grown. They are distinguished by their colourful fur-like jelly surface. Distinguishing features Jelly foxes are an obvious copy of their namesake, not only down to the general shape but also their behaviour and temperament. It is easy to see why some of the upper class have gone to great lengths to tame and keep them as pets. Feeding habits Jelly foxes are known to eat almost anything but prefer meat. Domestication Jelly foxes take generations of breeding to domesticate, although this never fully eradicates the fox-instincts. Some fox litters even change to mimic the Jelly Puppy, entirely nullifying the objective of the breeder. Social structure Jelly foxes live in small packs led by an alpha pair. The packs are relatively stable but will accept new members if necessary. 12
Jelly Horse Jelly horses are a large and rare breed of jelly, found in the wild or kept as pets or mounts. They are known for their size, strength, and friendly nature. Description Jelly horses are a large breed of jelly, reaching up to ten foot in length and as much as 900 lbs when fully grown. They are distinguished by their dark colours, more commonly a deep purple or black. Distinguishing features Jelly horses look like horses made from jelly, a fact that due to their size is very hard to disguise. They are also known for their strength and stamina. Feeding habits Jelly horses are known to eat grasses and leaves. Domestication Jelly horses can be tamed and domesticated. They make strong and reliable work animals. Social structure Jelly horses live in small herds led by a dominant male. They migrate across long distances mostly unimpeded by terrain which can drive entire towns into dismay as they can trample through buildings and fences headless of occupants. Shoeing a Jelly Horse Not a useful way to spend your time, likely impossible. I recommend no attempt be made. 13
Jelly Bunny The jelly Rabbit or Jelly Bunny, is a calm natured gelatinous pet but has a single gruesome defence mechanism within its arsenal. Description Jelly bunnies are a small breed of jelly, reaching up to at most two foot in length when fully grown. They are distinguished by their variety of colours, more commonly a deep green or bright white. Distinguishing features They have long ears and short legs. Their tails are fluffy and they have a white patch of jelly fur on their chest. Also they spit acid, watch out for that. Feeding habits Jelly bunnies are known to eat grasses and leaves. Flesh is most assuredly not part of their diet, no matter what local folklore may dredge up. Burrows Jelly bunnies build burrows in which to live and raise their young. Social structure Jelly bunnies live in small groups called warrens. Each warren is led by a dominant male. Dominance hierarchy Jelly bunnies have a dominance hierarchy within each warren. The ranking order is determined by a combination of age, size, and strength. Predators Despite their size Jelly bunnies have few predators due in large part to their ability to simply fall apart like wet bread. Their defensive spit is also a big factor in their survivability. Habitat Jelly bunnies live in wooded areas near sources of water. You will not find many adults in a single warren, however there may be many young bunnies that have not left the safety of that territory. Jelly bunnies mature very slowly compared to other Gelatinous pets. I do not know the reason for this, they seem in all other respects to be physiologically identical in growth stages as their close cousins. 14
Ferret Jelly ferrets are a domesticated breed of jelly found in many homes as pets. They are known for their playful and curious nature. Description Jelly ferrets are a small breed of jelly, reaching up to two feet in length when fully grown. They are distinguished by their long, slender bodies and waving tails. Distinguishing features Jelly ferrets have bright eyes and often have markings on their fur. They are very agile and known for their playfulness. Feeding habits Jelly ferrets are omnivorous, but prefer meat. They will hunt in packs if given the opportunity. Domestication Jelly ferrets can be tamed and domesticated. They make loyal and playful pets. Social structure Jelly ferrets live in small groups called littermates. Littermates are usually related, but not always. Communication Jelly ferrets communicate through a series of clicks, chirps, and whistles. Sense of smell Jelly ferrets have a very keen sense of smell and use it to locate food and avoid predators. Habitat Jelly ferrets are found in many different habitats, but prefer areas with plenty of hiding places. 15
Jelly Frog Jelly frogs are found in the wild or kept as pets. They are known for their size, strength, and friendly nature. Description Jelly frogs are a small breed of jelly, reaching up to two foot in length when fully grown. They are distinguished by their dark colours, more commonly a deep brown or black. Social structure Jelly frogs live in small groups called families. Families usually consist of a mother, father, and their offspring. Tadpoles Jelly frog tadpoles are black and approximately one inch in length. They have long tails and gills. Jelly frogs typically live for 10-12 years, with the tadpole stage accounting for a brief few days. Feeding habits Jelly frogs are carnivorous, eating small insects and invertebrates. Habitat Jelly frogs live in humid environments near sources of water. They are often found in rainforests. Acid Spit Jelly frogs can spit a stream of acid at predators or prey. The acid is strong enough to burn through flesh and bone. Some cultures believe that jelly frog acid has medicinal properties and use it to treat a variety of ailments when diluted. Jelly Frog medicines Utterly false claims have been made of this creature's usefulness as a tonic, cure-all, hair loss preventative and age-related powers. I have first hand experience of this complete snake-oil rubbish and will go on record to tell the world that it not only fulfils none of the aforementioned but will leave you with mild to severe burns if applied to the skin. Gods help any who DRINK the stuff! 16
Gelatinous Items Gelatinous Items are Jellies that have adopted the same method as Battle Slimes but rather than the parasitic method that they use, the Jelly Items appear to have a more symbiotic relationship with intelligent creatures. Not to mention the evidence of a preference of item. Where slimes simply adapted to any objects given attention by intelligent creatures, Jellies seem to assign a certain amount of prestige to specific man-made objects. Depending on the breed of Jelly they can range from taking the opportunity as a weapon to feed on attacks, to simply eating the dust and dirt from the inside of your pocket if taking the form of something like a watch. Jelly clothes are often weather-resistant, comfortable, and selfcleaning. Jelly boots are praised as some of the finest footwear in the civilised world, offering both comfort, perfect grip, and excellent hygiene. Jelly Sword The Jelly Sword is a type of magical weapon that is made out of living jelly. It is a sword-shaped creature that is attached to the wrist of its user. It is used in battle by using the user's thoughts to control it. Description A living sword made out of jelly. It is typically translucent, and can be any colour. Behaviour Jelly Swords are very loyal to their owners and will do anything to protect them. They are also very intelligent and can understand complex commands. Relationship with humans Jelly Swords are often used by humans as weapons in battle. They are also used as personal guards by some people of high status. Lifecycle Jelly Swords reproduce by splitting in two. The new Jelly Sword will be a copy of the original, with the same loyalty and intelligence. Habitat Jelly Swords can be found anywhere in the world, but they are most commonly found near magical academies and castles. Diet Jelly Swords consume living matter just as other jelly creatures do. However, they prefer to eat meat, as it gives them more energy for fighting. Jelly Sword Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement) This sword seems to be made entirely of bluishgreen jelly and smells faintly of mint... You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. If the Jelly Sword hits a target wearing nonmagical armor made of leather, hide, or plant based substances (such as cloth), the armor takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a -5 penalty is destroyed. 17
Jelly Knife The Jelly Knife is a type of magical weapon that is made out of living jelly. Description A living dagger made out of jelly. It is typically translucent. The dagger returns to a small clear blob when not held in hand and stationary. Relationship with humanoids Jelly Knives can be used by humans as weapons in battle but typically those that have been documented prefer a good kitchen. They can get plenty of use as a kitchen utensil and feed a little bit each time they're used to cut something. Habitat Jelly Knives can be found anywhere in the world, but they are most commonly found near magical academies and castles. Diet Jelly Knives consume living matter just as other jelly creatures do. However, they prefer to eat meat, as it gives them more energy. Jelly Knife Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement) A small knife made from a green jelly with a handle stained dirt brown. Sticky to touch but very light. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. If the Jelly Knife hits a target wearing nonemagical armour made of leather, hide, or plant based substances (such as cloth), the armour takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a -5 penalty is destroyed. 18
Jelly Glasses Jelly Glasses are a type of magical headgear that is made out of living jelly. They are goggles that are worn over the eyes, and they allow the user to see the truth. Description A pair of goggles or glasses made out of jelly. They are typically translucent, and can be any colour. Behaviour Jelly Glasses are very loyal to their owners and will do anything to protect them. They are also very intelligent and can understand complex commands. Relationship with humans Jelly Glasses are often used by humans in positions of authority to aid in meting out justice. Origins Jelly Glasses may have been created by a group of wizards who were searching for a way to see the truth. They used their knowledge of magic to create a pair of goggles that would allow the user to see through lies and deception. Problems Jelly Glasses have been known to malfunction if they are exposed to too much light. This can cause the user to see things that are not really there, or to see the truth in a way that is distorted. Jelly Glasses Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) A pair of tinted light green glasses. They are slippery and very fragile. While wearing these glasses, you have advantage on perception checks. This item has 1 charge. It regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. You may use an action to expend a charge and ask a question related to the future of a single creature within 60 feet of you who can hear you. The target must make a wisdom saving throw (DC 16). On a fail, the target answers your question truthfully to the best of its ability. On a success, the target suffers 1d6 psychic damage and doesn't answer your question. Creatures immune to being charmed automatically succeed on this save. If you are knocked prone while carrying or wearing this item make a dexterity saving throw (DC15). On a fail the glasses are destroyed. 19
Jelly Book Jelly Books are a type of magical book that is made out of living jelly. They are used to detect the presence of good and evil. Description A book made out of jelly. It is typically translucent, and can be any colour. The pages of the book are filled with symbols that glow when evil is nearby. Relationship with humans Jelly Books are used by humanoids in positions of authority to help them detect evil. Origins Jelly Books were created by a group of wizards who were searching for a way to detect evil. They used their knowledge of magic to create a book that would glow in the presence of evil. Diet Jelly Books consume living matter just as other jelly creatures do. However, they prefer to eat meat, as it gives them more energy for detection. Problems Jelly Books have been known to malfunction if they are exposed to too much combat. This can cause the book to glow in the presence of evil even when there is none nearby. Jelly Book Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) A small book bound in a pink-red jelly. It is sticky to the touch and smells faintly of raspberries. The book has 3 charges. While it has at least 1 charge, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and cause the book to cast the Detect Evil and Good spell. This use of the book doesn't require concentration. It regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. 20
Jelly Pocket Watch A Jelly Pocket Watch is a type of magical pocket watch that is made out of living jelly. It is a small, round creature that can transform into a staff. It is used to keep track of time, and can also be used as a weapon in battle. Description A small, round creature made out of jelly. It is typically translucent, and can be any colour. Behaviour Jelly Pocket Watches are very loyal to their owners and will do anything to protect them. They are also very intelligent and can understand complex commands. Habitat Jelly Pocket Watches can be found anywhere in the world, but they are most commonly found near magical academies and castles. Diet Jelly Pocket Watches consume living matter just as other jelly creatures do. However, they prefer to eat meat, as it gives them more energy for fighting. Dangers Jelly Pocket Watches are not dangerous to humans unless they are threatened or attacked. However, if they are threatened or attacked, they will defend themselves with their sharp claws and teeth. Jelly Pocket Watch Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) A round watch that seems to be made of a rubbery pink-red jelly but is quite strong and flexible. It has several arcane symbols on its casing and only keeps accurate time for 12 hours before resetting. While wearing this watch, you have advantage on initiative checks. In addition, you can, if you have time and wish to do so, speak a command word to convert the watch into a jelly staff for 5 minutes. While in this form the watch has an AC of 14 and 10 hit points, immunity to poison and psychic damage, and deals 1d6+2 acid damage on a successful hit. A creature hit must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take an extra 1d6 acid damage from the weapon. The form reverts back if it drops to 0 hit points – if the creature attacks itself with the weapon it disappears immediately at the end of the creature's turn. The watch has no charges or other means of activating its abilities other than having attuned characters wear it – otherwise it is just a simple pocket watch. 21
Jelly Boots Jelly Boots are a type of magical footwear that is made out of living jelly. They are shoes that can help the wearer to run faster and jump higher. They are often used by athletes and people who need to move quickly. Description A pair of shoes made out of jelly. They are typically translucent, and can be any colour. Relationship with humans Jelly Boots are often used by humans as footwear to give them an advantage in sports or other activities. Morphology Jelly Boots are made out of a jelly-like substance that is flexible and springy. This allows them to store energy which is released when the wearer runs or jumps. Diet Jelly Boots feed off the matter they press up against on the ground as they are worn. Jelly Boots Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) These light and comfortable boots seem to be made from bluish-green jelly. While wearing these boots, you gain a +2 bonus to your speed. Jelly Ring Jelly Rings are a type of magical jewellery that are made out of living jelly. They are rings that can make the wearer immune to acid. They are often used by people who need to protect themselves from dangerous chemicals. Description A ring made out of jelly. It is typically translucent, and can be any colour. Lifecycle Jelly Rings reproduce asexually by dividing in two. The new Jelly Ring will be a copy of the original, with the same properties. Diet Jelly Rings do not consume matter, but they absorb nutrients from the air. Jelly Ring Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) A small and delicate ring made from a rubbery pink-red jelly. While wearing this ring, you are immune to acid damage and the poisoned condition. 22
Jelly Crown Jelly Crowns are a type of magical jewellery that are made out of living jelly. They are crowns that can protect the wearer from psychic attacks. They are often used by people who need to protect themselves from mind control or other mental effects. Description A crown made out of jelly. It is typically translucent, and can be any colour but is usually bright orange or yellow. Relationship with humanoids I know only of one crown of this type that exists. It was commissioned by a Drawven lord after a bout of paranoia crippled his inner circle of advisors. Rumours had spread of a mind flayer infiltrating the ranks of noblemen elsewhere and fear of such an event occurring within their city spread enough that the king was concerned for his own mind. I do not know who created such a creature but I would very much appreciate meeting them. The ability to encourage an Exoderm to fulfil a specific function is beyond incredible. Diet Jelly Crowns consume living matter just as other jelly creatures do. However, they prefer to eat meat, as it gives them more energy for fighting. Due in part to their preference for meat some humanoids fear having their brains eaten, although this has never been witnessed it has been the source of numerous tall tales. Jelly Crown Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) A small crown made from a sticky orange jelly. While wearing this crown, you are immune to psychic damage and have resistance to acid damage. 23
Silhouette The Silhouette, also known as Black Jelly or Shademorph, is uncommon for Jellies. They have smooth outer skin and are recognised easily by the clear but dark tone of their bodies. The first sighting of these Jellies dates back more than four hundred years to Alexander Koch (noted cave explorer). Silhouettes primarily prey on insects and small pests, but some attempt much larger prey. While they are capable of weaponising their digestive enzymes for use in hunting they have another tool at their disposal. Silhouettes separate the poison or toxins from their food, storing them in specialised clusters of cells. With a larger cluster of these cells, the Jelly can much more efficiently attack larger animals. With this method, they’ve been successful in bringing down even human-sized prey. Reproduction Silhouettes are asexual and reproduce by budding. A small section of the body will bulge and swell before breaking away to become a new individual. As they age, Silhouettes will produce larger and larger buds until they eventually split in two. Social Structure Silhouettes are a solitary species, only coming together to mate. Even then, the encounter is brief and each quickly goes their own way. Habitat Silhouettes make their nesting grounds in dark and wet locations. They are shy by nature and avoid well-lit areas. Morphology Silhouettes are easily distinguished by their smooth outer skin and dark body colouration. They grow to an average length of 2 feet but can reach up to 5 feet. Distribution Silhouettes are found throughout the world in deep caves and dark forests. They are not a common Jelly and finding them is made much more difficult by their usefulness to any with clandestine ties. Silhouettes are born smart and make the most of this by making themselves useful to the most dangerous of society. Indeed, once a blade-for-hire or would be murderer gets hold of one of these creatures they find themselves well fed and looked after. Diet Silhouettes primarily prey on insects and small animals, but some have been known to attack larger prey. They separate the poison or toxins from their food and store them in specialised cells, which they can use to attack larger animals. Relationship with Humanoids Silhouettes can form strong bonds with humanoids in some cases and when this happens they can show an intuitive understanding of their humanoid's needs, shifting their form to meet certain requirements. The most common transformation is that of the Shademorph Blade. This weapon is as lethal as they come and in the right hands will end any who threaten this slime's friends. Attunement To attune to the Shademorph blade you must maintain a friendship with your Silhouette companion. This involves ensuring you feed it every day and not performing actions to bring it to harm. Shademorph Blade Weapon (any slashing), very rare (requires attunement) A black sword made from a sticky, poisonous living jelly. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you make an attack with it as part of the Attack action, your target takes an additional 2d6 acid damage. If you make an attack with this weapon against a target in dim light or darkness, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage of the type dealt by the weapon (acid) and the target becomes poisoned. Handle with care A blade-for-hire by the name 'Red-Coin John' carried one of these Jellies on his person. For a price he deigned to speak to me about it. When asked where he found it, he laughed about the sword taking a dislike to its owner. 24
Royal Jelly Rex Gelata, or Royal Jelly, is a species of Jelly known for its intelligence and adaptable nature. Throughout the life cycle of a Royal Jelly, it will collect debris from its surroundings as a way of attracting prey. The shinier the debris the bigger the prey. Each stage of a Royal Jelly’s life is clearly categorised, moving from juvenile to Baron, Count, Earl, Duke, and finally Queen. Royal Jellies are the only known species to have so many stages of physical change. Juvenile From birth, the young Royal Jelly is indistinguishable from most other Jellies. They are clear with a small amount of pigmentation, usually passed down from the mother after breaking down the collected debris. Behaviour The Juvenile behaves much like other Jellies, following the swarm and feeding on anything that gets caught in their tentacles. They are not very good swimmers and often get left behind, only to be eaten by a predator. Distribution This species is found in the same places as other Royal Jelly. Biology They are born clear and grow to about the size of a tennis ball. They then begin to collect debris and develop their own pigmentation. Morphology The juveniles have a very simple body structure. They are a mass of jelly with some rudimentary organs and a few tentacles. Diet The Juvenile Jelly diet consists of small organisms and debris. 26
Jelly Baron When a Juvenile has successfully consumed enough prey it will have stored some leftover minerals from them. These will be drawn together into a small but solid collection. This instinct is the beginning of what will form the basis for their hunting in the long term. Behaviour The Jelly Baron is a semi-sedentary creature. It anchors itself to a rock or other object using its tentacles and then uses them to filter the water for food. It also has the ability to move short distances by contracting its body. Distribution This species is found in the same places as other Royal Jelly. Biology The Jelly Baron has a very simple body structure as with most other Jellies in the Katharzoa genus. It is a mass of dense jelly with some rudimentary organs-clusters. It is usually about the size of a wolf. Diet The Jelly Baron's eats mostly small aquatic creatures although it will make do with most creatures it happens to encounter. 27
Jelly Count When a Baron’s senses sharpen enough they can recognise reflected light around them. If a source of a reflection is firm enough, sometimes, they will draw that source into themselves. The cells may recognise metals in that debris and extract them, adding to their ever-increasing mass of debris. When metal is added to this mass of debris it becomes a ‘medal’ and will continue to grow as the Jelly adds to it. When a Jelly Baron reaches its full size it will detach from its rock and become a Jelly Count. Behaviour The Jelly Count roams caverns and labyrinths surrounding its birthplace. It is an aggressive predator which will attack anything it perceives as food. Reproduction Jelly Counts are able to reproduce, dividing into about three additional jellies and maintaining themselves as a fourth larger portion. This process is draining and often leaves the Jelly vulnerable, sometimes resulting in them being consumed by their own offspring. Diet The Jelly Count feed on their smaller Jelly Baron cousins as well as any other creatures or minerals it can find. Loot Jelly Counts have a small chance to drop a random metal when killed. 28
Jelly Earl An Earl is at the same developmental stage as a Jelly Count, with only the sheer size separating them. Earls are up to twice the size of a Count. When reproducing they can also divide into an additional Jelly while retaining enough mass to maintain their energy levels. Behaviour The Jelly Earl is a slow moving creature which drifts through the water using the currents to travel. It is an aggressive predator which will attack anything it perceives as food. Diet The Jelly Earl feed on their smaller Jelly Count cousins as well as any other creatures or minerals it can find. Regeneration The Jelly Earl is able to regenerate at an accelerated rate. Sounds The Jelly Earl is known to produce a deep booming sound which can be heard for miles. 29
Jelly Duke The Duke is roughly the same size as an Earl and is much denser. They have the pleasure of showing off something more special than the Medal they’ve held up until now. A Duke will have found something unique to add to their debris, other than simple shiny metals. Often this takes the form of a sword, shield, or even armour. This is what they use to draw in intelligent prey. Scholars believe that Jelly Dukes focus on intelligent prey because they’re able to feed on the psyche of those who fall victim to them. Uncommon The Jelly Duke is not a common stage in the life cycle of Royal Jelly. The spellcasting ability is rare and it is unknown what happens to Dukes beyond this stage. Some scholars believe they may discover ways to move beyond this realm and travel another path of evolution, others feel as though the kindred jellies turn against them at the behest of their Queens and Emperors. Behaviour The Jelly Duke is a sedentary creature. It anchors itself to a rock or other object using its tentacles and then uses them to filter the water for food. It also has the ability to move short distances by contracting its body. Reproduction Dukes reproduce by dividing into two Jellies while maintaining enough mass to sustain themselves. The only thing differentiating the two Jellies is that the one who inherits the debris will develop into the next Duke while the other becomes a regular Earl. Diet The Jelly Duke eats mostly small aquatic creatures although it will make do with most creatures it happens to encounter. It also has the ability to feed on the psyche of intelligent creatures. Sounds The Jelly Duke is known to produce a high-pitched screeching sound. Other than this they are usually silent. "I was walking through a dark cave when I felt something pressing up against my mind. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but then I realised that it was the will of the Jelly! I was filled with terror at the thought of what it might do to me, but then I remembered that I had a can of beans spray in my pocket. I quickly threw it in the creature's face and it retreated back into the darkness. Whew, that was a close one!" - Anonymous, a close encounter Distinctive Smell Jelly Duke's give off a faint scent not unlike blood. This may be due in part to the large quantities of metal/iron that are absorbed into the Jelly. Relationship with humanoids Very little information has been gathered regarding the Jelly Duke. Where some Royal Jellies hate humanoids with true passion, others pity them, and some even find them amusing, the Duke rarely encounters them thanks to an aura of fear originating from them. 30
Queen Jelly Larger still than the Duke and with a body tough enough to withstand swords and arrows. The Queen Jelly will have broken down the metals within the trinkets, swords, shields, and armour and formed them into a single solid mass laying near the top of its body. The metal often rusts, colouring the body of the Queen orange-yellow. Queen Jellies are unable to speak but respond as though they understand humanoids. They are known to hoard treasure simply to draw adventurers to their deaths. Mental Blast As an action, a queen jelly can emit a psychic blast in a 30- foot cone. Each creature in that area must resist this blast or suffer enormous mental trauma. Slumber A queen jelly can put itself into a deep sleep as an action. While asleep, it is immune to all damage and conditions except fire. Any fire damage dealt to a sleeping queen jelly wakes it up. Amorphous. A queen jelly can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Secrets of Slime Queen jellies are among the most feared and reviled creatures in the multiverse. They are feared because they are nearly unkillable. They are reviled because they are nearly unkillable and they eat people. Queen jellies are not actually alive, but are instead animated by psychic energy. They are immune to all damage except fire. When a queen jelly is destroyed, its body turns to ash. Queen jellies are attracted to treasure, which they hoard in their lairs. They are also attracted to the psychic energy of intelligent creatures, which they eat. Queen jellies reproduce by dividing themselves into two smaller queen jellies. They can also create spawn, which are smaller, less intelligent versions of themselves. Dismissal. A queen jelly can be dismissed by a creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or higher. The creature must be within 30 feet of the queen jelly and must speak its name. Psychic Trauma. A queen jelly’s mental blast is so powerful that it can cause lasting psychic trauma. A creature that fails its save against this blast suffers from short-term madness (see the Madness condition in the Dungeon Master’s Guide) for 1d10 days. Queen Jelly Lore. A character knows the following information with a successful Intelligence (Arcana or Nature) check. DC 10: Queen jellies are nearly unkillable and they eat people. DC 15: Queen jellies are resistant to acid, cold, and lightning. DC 20: Queen jellies are attracted to treasure, which they hoard in their lairs. They are also attracted to the psychic energy of intelligent creatures, which they eat. 32
Emperor Jelly The largest and most terrifying of Royal Jelly stages. The emperor has grown fat from the flesh of humanoids and now seeks out more dangerous prey. Emperor Jellies are known to move into the dens of dragons simply for the chance to taste dragon flesh. They will then hide in wait amongst the treasure hoard left behind, waiting for more dragons to try to take their spoils. Only one Emperor Jelly has ever been recorded and it was said to possess numerous abilities not seen in other species. Goldmaw was the name it gave itself, displaying an ability to speak directly to the minds of the adventures present. He was able to flood the entire cave with his body, a process that took only a few seconds. His body was decorated with thousands of trinkets that lay in lines running from a huge mass of multicoloured spines atop his central mass. The Emperor Jelly is the largest and most dangerous of the jellies. It is said that the first Emperor Jelly was created by a mad wizard who was trying to create a living weapon. The Emperor Jelly is immune to all damage except fire. When an Emperor Jelly is destroyed, its body turns to ash. Mental Blast As an action, an Emperor Jelly can emit a psychic blast in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must resist this blast or suffer enormous mental trauma. Slumber An Emperor Jelly can put itself into a deep sleep as an action. While asleep, it is immune to all damage and conditions except fire. Any fire damage dealt to a sleeping emperor jelly wakes it up. Amorphous An emperor jelly can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Dismissal An Emperor Jelly can only be dismissed by a creature with an Intelligence score of 18 or higher. The creature must be within 30 feet of the emperor jelly and must speak its name. Psychic Trauma The Emperor Jelly’s mental blast is so powerful that it can cause lasting psychic trauma. A creature that fails its save against this blast suffers from short-term madness (see the Madness condition in the Dungeon Master’s Guide) for 1d10 days. Emperor Jelly Lore A character knows the following information with a successful Intelligence (Arcana or Nature) check. DC 10: Emperor jellies are nearly unkillable and they eat people. DC 15: Emperor jellies are resistant to acid, cold, and lightning. DC 20: Emperor jellies are attracted to treasure, which they hoard in their lairs. They are also attracted to the psychic energy of intelligent creatures, which they eat. DC 23: The only recorded knowledge of any Emperor Jelly was Goldmaw, mostly known for his immense psychic power and jealousy of dragons. Limerick written by passing bard "There once was a dragon so stupid All his gold was easily looted By a slimy jelly Who thought it quite nifty That lizard has only copper numbering fifty!" 34
Goldmaw Dragon's Envy Goldmaw was so full of vanity that he ousted huge dragons from their own lairs in order to take their treasures for themselves. Goldmaw's efforts did not stop there, the reputation of dragons and their arcane abilities drove his power to new levels and moulded his interests in the mortal realms. Hubris Weapon (Any Bludgeoning), very rare (requires attunement) A hammer created from the living royal jelly of Goldmaw You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you attack a Dragon with it, you have a chance to stun it. The Dragon must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the start of your next turn. magnanimous Weapon (any slashing), very rare (requires attunement) A golden sword made from royal jelly. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you make an attack with it as part of the Attack action, your target takes an additional 2d6 acid damage. If you make an attack with this weapon against a target in dim light or darkness, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage of the type dealt by the weapon (acid) and the target becomes poisoned. Beneficence Weapon (Longbow), very rare (requires attunement) A white longbow that radiates psychic light. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This weapon has 5 charges. While attuned to it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to fire an arrow from it. For the next minute, you have advantage on attack rolls made with this weapon and you ignore cover. The bow regains 1d4 + 1 charges expended during a long rest. 36
Court of Jelly Under the command of either a Queen or Emperor Jelly, several specialised Jellies protect the entrance to a royal lair. Turret Jelly One of the more common Jellies of the Court of Jelly, these amorphous guards remain on lookout for intruders, attacking from range with their gelatinous cannons. Behaviour Turret Jellies are a very territorial creature. Highly defensive in nature, they will attack any creature that gets too close to their royal owners. Distribution Turret Jellies are a member of the royal jelly court and as such can be found near jelly Queens and Emperor jellies. Description Turret Jelly appears as a large mass of purple jelly with a large central mouth protruding like the barrel of a cannon. They have four large tentacles which they use to move around. These appendages can also be forced through the ground and erupt into a wall of writhing tentacles, providing the Jelly with cover. Jelly Cannon Turret Jelly attacks by firing a glob of jelly from its mouth. The Jelly expels a stream of sticky, noxious gel in a straight line, burning any unlucky enough to be within range. 38
Moat Jelly Another of the members of the jelly court, these creatures have the ability to raise water up out of the ground to control the terrain in favour of defending their Royal overlords. Physical description The Moat Jelly is a large, translucent, amorphous creature that typically measures about 10 feet in diameter and weighs 100 pounds. Its surface is covered in cilia that it uses to propel itself through the water and sense its surroundings. The Moat Jelly has two long, trailing tentacles that it uses to capture prey. These tentacles are also lined with cilia and are used to draw food into the Moat Jelly's mouth, which is located at the centre of its body. The Moat Jelly is a hermaphroditic creature, meaning that it has both male and female reproductive organs. However, it can only reproduce through parthenogenesis, or self-fertilisation. Moat Jellies are not very intelligent creatures, but they are able to learn simple tricks with enough repetition, especially when working together in large numbers. Diet The Moat Jelly's diet consists primarily of small fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic invertebrates. It will also consume algae and other plant matter if food is scarce. Behaviour Moat Jellies are passive creatures that typically spend their days drifting through the water in search of food nearby the jelly court. When hunting, a Moat Jelly will use its tentacles to snag prey and draw them into its mouth for consumption. If multiple Moat Jellies are present in an area, they will often cooperate in order to capture larger prey items. 39
Soldier Jelly These are less common Jellies of the Court of Jelly, taking up only a small fraction of the forces under the control of the royal ranks. Behaviour Soldier Jellies are a very aggressive creature. They will attack any creature that gets too close to their royal owners. Distribution Soldier Jellies are one of the few members of the Royal Jelly Court to be sent out into the world on what some have called Pilgrimages. The Jelly roams the earth collecting weapons and armours, learning to use them over the course of time. For some reason they are especially skilled with a glaive. Description Soldier Jellies appear as a huge mass of slow moving, clear yellow jelly. The most distinguishing feature of these creatures is that they are one of the very few breeds of Exo to use weapons. The Soldier Jelly has two large tentacles that it uses to wield weapons and shields that it has 'collected' from previous battles. Jelly Weapons Soldier Jelly's arms end in large suction pads that it uses to grip weapons. The most common weapon for these creatures is a large club or mace, however they have been known to use anything from swords to spears. Soldier Jelly's also use large shields to protect their more vulnerable underbelly. Ruined armour The remnants of armour plates, battered and broken, that have been collected and integrated into the Soldier Jelly's form have added to its defences over time. Lifecycle Soldier Jelly's do not reproduce in the traditional sense. They are born from or 'collected' by the royal jelly court. The Queens and Emperor jelly create these creatures by moulding them from the living jelly of their fallen enemies. Out of Combat There is only one role the Jelly fills, and that is to gather and defend. They will only stop if they have no more space for loot, or when the GM deemed necessary. But once their stockpile is thinned out, or raided, they will begin the gathering process all over again. Soldier Jelly Treasure The Jelly will attempt to retrieve every single thing that it is able to, lavishing any treasures it comes across. This usually leaves numerous interesting items of value for those capable of defeating it in combat. In Combat The Jelly usually hangs back, surveying the situation and only jumps into combat when it absolutely has to. It knows exactly which weapons to use to combat a certain foe. Once it has familiarised itself with a certain species, it will learn how to defend itself against it, to make sure it is able to survive attacks in the long run. 40
Gelatinous Skull Deep in the darkest territories of Jelly-kind you may be lucky enough to come across such a horror as the great Gelatinous Skull. Behaviour Lurking in the dark, amongst the ruins of the old world these monstrous beings watch and wait for adventurers to stumble within reach. They target only intelligent creatures, seeking a taste of fresh brain matter. Description Appearing as a large, green skull, these horrors of the dark are a reminder of the inevitable end of all creatures smart enough to fear it. Their surface is tough but amorphous, hardened against attacks just like the armour of its prey it so easily bypasses. Habitat The Gelatinous Skull can be found in any dark place where it can easily hide. Often they will use illusions to appear in locations they do not want others to travel, so as to sheepdog their prey close enough to strike. Diet The Gelatinous Skull's diet consists primarily of brain matter, which it extracts from the skulls of its victims. This may confer some other benefits beyond nutritional, similar to Illithid diets, but it is not an easy task to confirm this theory. 42
Exos Description An Exoderm is any member of the Phylum Exos (Meaning boneless). Exos are largely ageless and adults normally distinguish themselves by their size. The younger an Exoderm the smaller it generally is. While many animals do not in fact have bones, creatures belonging to the Exos taxonomy also commonly have no solid form, perceptible skin, or organs. An Exoderm reproduces asexually (Rare exceptions) and regenerates its body with ease, transforming most organic matter into healthy ‘flesh’. Habitats Exoderms are found in all climates, though rarer in extremely hot and cold parts of the world. The vast majority exist in ruins, caverns and other underground areas. Wet, damp, and dark are a favourite. Body wall The body wall is composed of cells that have flattened themselves out into the epidermis of a single layer or more. The cells are the same type found throughout but temporarily taken on the responsibility of forming a tougher layer of connective tissues. Some Exos will form a lattice from these connections while others will incorporate parts of their environment into the dermis. Movement Exoderms appear to have a sense of up and down in that they will keep their upper mass at the same height relative to their base. The base of an Exoderm extrudes small tubelike feet that pull them across the floor in a similar method to molluscs. They are not confined to this method of locomotion, in some species there have been cases of snake-like movement and in rare species ‘rolling’ has been observed. Feeding The one constant with each species of Exos is the method with which they feed. Exos move onto their food, scilla surrounding their cells draw the target up and into their body where any living creature is unable to find purchase to escape. The cells exude either acid or digestive enzymes that begin liquidising the soft matter. As digestion is completed the cells feed on the nutrients, beginning to divide and spread out into the rest of the body. This makes room for empty cells to move in and continue to feed until nothing is left. Sensory and nervous system Exoderms are without their own sense organs but each cell transfers information to neighbouring cells regarding temperature, light, damage, vibrations, and odour. It is also possible for some species to ‘hijack’ sensory organs from their food sources. Transferring information from an eye through their cellular network has been witnessed but this is by no means common. Exos lack a centralised brain but their nervous system more than makes up for this. Within the body, there are three nerve nests that function independently of one another. One transfers heat information, another transmits vibrations, the third sends odours. These nerve nests work faster than standard cellular information transfer. This is why Oozes and slimes are slow to react to damage and changes in light. Classes Amorphozoa The Amorphozoa is the most often talked about Class of Exos. They breed much easier and can be found in all walks of life. These are your standard jellies, Oozes, and slimes. Akomazoa Far harder to spot and oftentimes more deadly. The Class Akomazoa moves so slow as to be imperceptible to the human eye. These creatures simply lay in wait for prey to walk over them. This Class covers Puddles and Sludges. 44
Orders Katharzoa Katharzoa of the class Amorphozoa. Exos that are freely moving and clear enough to see through are found within this Order. Laspizoa Of the Class Amorphozoa, these are Exos that are not clear or see-through. Often Oozes and Slimes are lumped into this Order. Adizoa Of the Class Akomazoa. Adizoa are patient Exoderms that expand themselves to cover their prey, leaving themselves mostly empty and retracting in on their target with an everthickening and poisonous skin. Kratontazoa Of the Akomazoa Class. These animals lay in wait but once alerted will wrap themselves around their prey, either crushing the life from them or simply waiting until they die from dehydration. Kaigontazoa Of the Akomazoas. The surface of this Exoderm goes to work so quickly on organic matter that it appears to onlookers that any creature stepping on it has stepped into a deep puddle. In fact, the Kaigontazoa order of Exoderms is usually spread very thin. Genus Slimes - Laspizoa Species of this genus are distinguished by their Opaque bodies that lay low to the ground. These tend to feed mostly on plants and small insects. Jam - Katharzoa Jams are somewhat less clear-bodied than other Katharzoa but this is due to a slower digestion and plasma storage method used by their cells. Jellies - Katharzoa This Genus sets itself apart with a firmer body than many other Exos. They tend to hold to a specific physical shape and can vary widely in their preferred prey. Goo - Katharzoa Where many other Exoderms camouflage themselves or copy the appearance of creatures or items, these Katharzoa emulate the other aspects of life. Many can appear as the thing they mimic but the effect can go much deeper. Oozes - Laspizoa Opaque bodies, slow-moving, and a strong digestive system. Oil - Kratontazoa Stationary and solitary, this Genus of Kratontazoa lives primarily in dark crevices and empty burrows. Oils lay in wait and attach themselves to living creatures, slowing their movement and pulling them to a stop. Tentacle - Kratontazoa Tentacles are thick appendage-like masses that ambush passers-by, reaching out to constrict them. Bubble - Adizoa Bubbles are the definitive Genus of Adizoa. They react to prey stepping on them by throwing their mass up around them as a surrounding barrier. This takes the appearance of a ball or bubble. Puddle - Kaigontazoa The Puddle Genus of Kaigontazoa has specialised to expend as little energy as possible moving and focus utterly on digesting prey at blindingly fast speeds. 45
You look a little wobbly... If you're looking to learn about all the different types of jellies, oozes, and slimes out there, then this is the encyclopedia for you! In this second volume we cover the Jellies that no one wants to talk about. The kind your nan wont want spoil you with... This document was inspired by a desire to create an easy-to-reference guide for all things related to the boneless horrors that lurk within the world. It is perfect for anyone who wants to learn about the different types of these creatures, as well as their habits and habitats. Content lay out: GMBinder Created by: Nick Jones WWW.GMBINDER.COM