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D&D - Dragon Heresy - Lost Hall of Tyr v2 (5e) (lvl 1-5)

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Published by Capn_Ragnar, 2022-11-06 01:19:19

D&D - Dragon Heresy - Lost Hall of Tyr (5e) (lvl 1-5)

D&D - Dragon Heresy - Lost Hall of Tyr v2 (5e) (lvl 1-5)

Keywords: Dungeons & Dragons,DnD,TTRPG








A Remembrance Day L Adventuring 5 T
(October) 9 Fishing 5
Alþingi iv, 5, 7, 15, 63, Slátrun (October) 9 Lake Odin 2 Healing 5 Temperature
113 Magic Enhancement 2 Woodworking 5 Activity Level 25
Snow War (January) 9 Character Traits 25
C Summer Solstice Law and Custom O
Bearing Arms 6 Clothing 25
Climate in Isfjall 25 Festival (June) 8 Organizations Heatstroke and
The Allfather’s Hunt honor coin 7
D Judicial Combat 6 Braethralag iv, 4 Frostbite 25
(December) 9 Lethally Cold 22, 24, 26
Dómstóllinn 1, i, vii, Valiblot (February) 9 Wear Your Wealth 10 brotherhoods
(braethralag) 4 Night and Day 25
35, 44, 49, 53 Valor Festival Weregild 6 Shelter 25
Liquidating Loot 11 Directors of the Board 5
Dire Straits 40 (November) 9 Guilds and Merchants 4 Uncomfortably Cold 23,
Water Festival (July) 8
Graspin’ Aspen, Spruce Winter Games Logiheimli iv, vii, 17, Mining Guild 5 24, 26, 119
Noose 38 22, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32
Hobs on Patrol 41 (February) 9 Mixologist’s Guild 5 Water Intake 25
Wind and Water 25
Inside the Hall 46 Winter Sacrifice dwarven smith 30 Shipping Guild 5 thegns 3
Dwarven Smith 31 Wizard’s Guild 5
Journey Home 48 (October) 9 Fortress and Barrows 27 Overwhelmed! 47
Wives’ Day (February) 9 Thralls 3
Overwhelmed! 47 Frostharrow iv, vii, 1, Honored Questors 31
Rival Claim 37 R tiwstakn 15, 17, 30, 31,
Sploosh 37 2, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, Inner Chamber 33 33, 37, 41, 47, 65, 115
Livestock Enclosure 29 Rumors 14
The Climb 43 49, 55, 105, 119, 130 Living Quarters 30 U
The Rapids 40 S
The Rope Bridge 35 G Logihóll 29 Services Unlicensed
Longhouses 30
The Sacrifice Gate 44 Geirolf Tyrthegn 14, Smithy 30 Ale and Mead 12 Commerce 5
The Strong Gate 45 15, 17, 33, 37
When Norðalfar Attack The Barrow Gate 30 Healing 13 Useful Spells
Gods and Goddesses Hirelings 13
42 The Gates 29 Inns and Taverns 12 Apportation 109
The Huskarls 33
E Allfather, The 4 The Temple 29 Lodging 12 Aura 46, 121
atheist 4 Detect Magic 51
Equipment Gyrid’s sword 15 Villager’s Rest 32 Magical services 12 Dispel Magic 55
South Norðlf Warren
armor 11 H Visitors Quarters 30 Flight 117
Warden and High
Finding intesting items Healing Services 13 Priestess 33 Bowling for Boulders Great Haste 115
(Trap C) 52 Magelock 32
11 M Clan Leader’s Room 52 Pathfinder 17
Liquidating Loot 11 Heatstroke and
Pack Animals 11 Frostbite 25 Magical Items Common Room 51 Protection from Evil 47
Inner Foyer (Trap A) 51 Purify Food vii, 24, 109
Status-implying items Hirelings 13 as Treasure Outer Entrance 51 Purify Water 23, 109
Swords 11 huskarls 3 Gem of Healing 52 Sleeping Chambers (A Resist Water 37
Gyrid’s sword 15
viðskipti (bronze blades) I Lögfræðingur iv, 34 and B) 52 Seek Magic 56, 106
Trap B 51 See Secrets 51
11 Important People The Law Giver 14, 34 Treasure Chamber 52 Shatterproof 121
Festivals Hajarl of Isfjall 5 Universal Charged Survival 23 Slow Fall 37
Víðir Stefánsson 2 Scroll of Missile Shield
52 Eating And Drinking 23 Summon Spirit 30
Alþingi 7 Isfjall V
Aurochs Festival (July) 8 Muspelheim iv, 45 Field Dressing Game 24
Einmannafjall 2 Preserving Meat 24
Day of the World Tree N Wind and Water 25 Veiddarlond 3, 14, 30,
Isfjall Residents 31, 33, 34
(April) 8 Ána Rottur 2 Norðland Svartalfheim iv, 49,
Equinox Festival
(March) 7 gestur 2 Social Strata 51, 53, 55
Glaciers 2
Equinox Festival Hajarl of Isfjall 5 Jarls 3
(September) 8 Karls 3
Festival of Blood (June) 8 (Jökull) 2 Thralls 3
River Rats 2
Festival of Renewal Snjófugl 2 North Norðlf Warren
(May) 8
Festival of Storms Snowbirds 2 Ambush 53
Chief’s Counsel
(March). 8 Is Green! 9 Chamber 53

Festival of the Bells Is Purple! 9 Common Room 53
(December) 9
Harvest Festival J Entrance 53
Gladiator Arena 53
(August) 8 Judicial Champion Magic Circle 55
Law and Custom 7
Husband’s Day Sleeping Chambers 53
(January) 9
Jester’s Week (April). 8 Treasure Hoard 55
Not Guilds 5
Planting (May) 8



The Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) Kickstarter replaced the maps and funded a superior print run for the
new, larger book. Thanks to everyone who made it possible!


Alain Scaiola David F Queen III John Rudd R. Todd hurt
Alan Reid David J Chato Jonathan K Jackson Randall Wright
Alex Fosth David Meyer Jonathan Korn Randy Price
Alexander Macris David Nixon Jonne Kuokkanen Randy Smith
Alexander Thissen Derek P Rucker Jordi Rabionet Hernan- Raulston Hunsinger JR
Anders Starmark Donald Edmonds dez Richard D. Booher
Andre Van Driel Douglas Meserve Joseph Lockett Richard William Sorden
Andreas Loeckher Douglas Zielsdorf Kenny Johnson Rob Knop
Andrew Sutton Edward Sturges Kevin Abson Robert Conley
Armin Sykes Eliyahu Sandler Kevin Watson Robert Henderson
Arne Petter Oyen Emiliano Marchetti Korrey Furler Rod Holdsworth
Arthur Walden Lechner Eric Murray Kyle Norton Roger Cawte
Ben Krauskopf Evan Boucher Luca Lettieri Ryan Bonatesta
Ben Prior fred brackin M Scott Frega
Benjamin Charvet Fritz W Charles Marc PANTEL Shawn L. Stroud
Benjamin Ng Gary McBride Marcel Bovenschen Stephane Gelgoot
Big Gulp Gigermann Mark Graunke Terry McKelvey
Brett Volz Guy Larke Mark Llewellyn James Theodore Briggs
Brian Chafin Hans-Peter Schoeni Mark Solino Thomas Spatt
Brian L Isikoff Ian Becker Merlin Avery Tim Baker
Brody States Ian McKay Mia K Sherman Tim Hunt
Bryan Green Ingolf Schäfer Michael and Benjamin Tim Jordan
Caffeinated Dragon J Doe Oaks Tim Rudolph
Carey Williams Jack Gulick Michael Faubus Tim Shorts
Casey Corbin James “Jamie” Cook Michael Stevens Todd Agthe
CharlesDM Jason Gabel Miguel F Santiago Todd Stephens
Che Webster Jason Hobbs Irizarry Tonda
Christopher Anderson Jeff Scifert Mr Prisby Tony A. Thompson
Christopher Dorr Jen Ivey Nathan Mezel Tony Beighton
Christopher Francis Jesse Lowe Nathan R Duffy Vaughn Romero
Christopher J Scott John C Armerding Paraj V Mandrekar Wayne Stewart
Dan Alban John C. Lemay Patrick Pilgrim
Daniel Jay-Dixon john e graham Peter J Graff
Darryl Hills John Ickes Peter von Kleinsmid



by Douglas H. Cole

If converting the adventure from Dragon Heresy to 5e on 5e Conversion Notes
the fly, the only items that need to be figured are reverse
conversions back to Armor Class, removing some of the 101
more detailed stats from the Dragon Heresy rules, which
provide a bit more gritty play.
If converting a monster, if an equivalent creature can be
found fully statted up in another book, save yourself the
trouble: just use it. Where monsters are unique to the game
system or the adventure, convert as follows:

Armor Class

Where Dragon Heresy uses Threat DC, Hit DC, and DR
to describe how difficult it is to hit a creature, 5e just uses
armor class.
Start with the creature’s Threat DC. Then take the
creature’s DR, and divide it by the modifier for Size under
the CM Modifier column on p. 102 (A large creature with
DR 6 has an equivalent of DR 4 after normalizing for Size).

Armor Class = Threat DC + adjusted DR

Wounds, Vigor, and Damage

Ignore wounds. A creature has Hit Dice equal to Vigor
Dice, and Hit Points equal to vigor.
Damage. Attacks with “normal” or “mundane” damage
types—bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing—carry over
as is. Attack types that call for a saving throw have their
damage doubled. A spell that does 2d10 wounds, or inflicts
vigor on a successful saving throw, do 4d10 hit points,
half-damage on a save instead.
Psychic damage is a special case: that damage carries
through as is.
When in doubt, err on the side of scary. The Aesir frown on
wimpy monsters.
The following page is brief introduction to the grappling
rules, usable with 5e to make encounters with grabby
monsters more entertaining.


A Vaettrhrogn has Threat DC 8 and DR 0; it converts to
Armor Class 8. It is a 3d8+9 Hit Die monster with 22 Hit
Points. Its attacks translate as-is; the grappling attack can
be used with the rules on the next page.
An Úlfjarl has Threat DC 12 and is a medium creature
with DR 1. It’s Armor Class is 13. It has 2d8+2 Hit Dice and
11 HP.
The Ice Alf has Threat DC 11, and is a small creature. It
has DR 0, so it doesn’t matter: Armor Class is 11. It is 6d6
Hit Dice and 21 Hit Points. It’s Death Burst inflicts 2d8
slashing damage on a failed save, half damage if the save
is successful.

One Page Dungeon Grappling

This quick-reference guide gives the basics of how to grapple in After A Grapple
5e using the alternate grappling rules presented in Dragon Heresy
or the Dungeon Grappling supplement. Grappling actions utilize These are some possible actions after a grapple, with a brief
the same kinds of die rolls and mechanics as primary weapons: explanation of the mechanics invoked. For more details, and
A grapple is a variation of a melee attack that does damage with more options, check out Dungeon Grappling.
the control type.
[[ Attack (Grapple). Attack to build up more control. Make
How to Grapple
a grappling attack vs. the Grapple DC. If you hit, inflict
There are three important concepts: The attack roll, the defense your usual control damage.
target number, and the effect roll.
[[ Counter-Grappling. Attack to remove control points
[[ Grappling Attack Roll. Make a melee attack: Roll 1d20
applied on you by foes. Counter-grappling does not
+ your Athletics proficiency to hit. You must overcome the provoke opportunity attacks. Make a grappling attack
Grapple DC. [S&W: roll 1d20 + Strength Bonus] against the foe’s Grapple DC. If you hit, roll your control
Attacks to establish a grapple (no control has yet been scored) damage, and remove up to that many control points being
provoke an opportunity attack, if available. applied to you.

[[ Grapple DC. This is the target number, analogous to [[ Injure the Foe (Grappling). Once you have built

Armor Class, that must be overcome to hit with a grappling up control, you may spend those points to injure your
attack. opponent. Make a grappling attack roll vs. the foe’s Grapple
Grapple DC = 10 + Athletics or Acrobatics bonus + Unarmored DC. If you hit, you may roll damage as HP of injury, rolling
an X-sided die for every X point spent. Spending CP may
Defense (if any) change your foes Condition.
Descending Grapple DC [S&W] = 9 – STR or DEX bonus
Example: A fighter has accumulated 23 control points on a
[[ If the target has one or more control points on them, foe. After a successful grappling attack roll, she spends 12
the attacker may execute applicable techniques listed of them, rolling 3d4 damage to HP, and retains 11 control.
in After a Grapple. These follow-ups do not provoke
opportunity attacks. [[ Takedown. You must have your foe in at least the

[[ Grappling Damage. A successful hit deals damage, Grappled condition. After a successful Grappling Attack
with the control damage type (called control points). roll, spend control points equal to your foe’s CM/5 and the
Player characters roll based on their Hit Die type: foe is rendered prone.
Wizards roll 1d6 [Magic-Users roll 1d4 in S&W],
Fighters roll 1d10 [1d8 in S&W], etc. Add the Strength [[ Shove. A non-grappling method of knocking a foe down or
bonus to grappling damage rolls.
away. If you win a Contest of Athletics, you may push your
[[ Monsters’ grappling damage is based on their size, foe 5’ away from you or knock it prone (attacker’s choice).
sometimes adjusted for capability, and also adds
the Strength bonus to the damage. See the Size Grappling Effects
Adjustment table.
Compare the current total of applied control points vs the
Grappling Effects target’s Control Maximum, and apply the effects shown on the
Control Point Effects table.
Compare the current total of applied control points vs the
target’s Control Maximum (CM), and apply the effects shown on Monster Size Adjustment Table
the Control Point Effects table. [CM equals HP in S&W.] CM BASE GRAPPLING
CM = [STR + DEX bonus + 2×Proficiency] × CP Modifier
Tiny × ½ 1d4

Small ×¾ 1d6

Medium ×1 1d8

Large × 1.5 2d6

Huge ×2 2d8

Control Point Effects Table


1/5 Control Maximum Grabbed Can’t move without dragging foe

1/2 Control Maximum Grappled Speed halved; speed bonus lost; no reactions
Control Maximum Restrained Speed 0; Attacks vs restrained have advantage; restrained has disadvantage
Greater than CM Incapacitated when they make attacks or Strength/Dexterity saving throws
Can’t take actions or reactions, or move; may be carried as pure encumbrance


Swords & Wizardry Conversion Notes

Lost Hall of Tyr is easily converted to play with the Class and Level. All characters add one-quarter their
Swords & Wizardry Complete core rulebook, and hit dice (round normally, so at 3rd level you pick up a
therefore nearly any “old-school” ruleset. There are +1) to their ability scores (not passive perception). A 5th
two areas that need tweaking: skill tests and monster level character adds +1 to his target number for all active
stat blocks. skill rolls.

Skills and Attributes Class bonuses are also provided due to practice and
knowledge. Good attributes are their own reward.
Old-school rules do not rely on skills or skill tests There are no special bonuses to skill tests for
except for a few special cases (bending bars, thieves‘ racial features.
skills, etc.). Dragon Heresy and Fifth Edition make Difficulty Class. Each test in the adventure is provided
skills subsets of an attribute. Grafting a skill- with a Difficulty Class (DC) that describes the level of
challenge system onto the core rules requires challenge for the test. Convert the DC to an attribute
little fuss. modifier by subtracting the DC from 14 and dividing the
result by two (drop fractions):
Skill Basis. The Dragon Heresy skills listed in the
adventure main text are all rolled up into ability scores: Test Difficulty Adjustment = (14 – DC of Test)/2
A DC 8 test adjusts the target attribute by +3, a DC 14
[[ STR. Athletics check is no bonus, and a DC 19 check is performed at
[[ DEX. Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth ­–2 to the attribute score.
[[ CON. There are no CON-based skills

[[ INT. Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion Passive Perception. Convert a passive Perception
[[ WIS. Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, requirement to a S&W wisdom requirement. As with
skills, S&W Wisdom requirements are given in square
Perception, Survival brackets: [WIS 12].

[[ CHA. Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Wisdom = 10 + (Passive Perception – 11)/2

Skill Tests. All skill tests are roll-under: 1d20 equal Specific Trumps General
or lower than a modified ability score. Die roll targets
are delineated in play in square brackets as [DEX +3] or The skill test guidelines above provide guidance for
[INT -2], indicating that the 1d20 is rolled against the how challenging a task might be where a die roll is
character’s DEX+3 or INT-2, respectively. required—but if the system you are using already
has rules for something (Bend Bars/Lift Gates, Find
Traps or Climb Walls, etc), use those instead if they
will provide a smoother game-play experience. As
always, let the players be clever: if they come up with
the answer themselves, no die roll is needed. This is
especially true for
passive perception,

Strength Fighter, Paladin, Ranger Assassin, Monk interaction often
Dexterity Thief Assassin, Monk replaces die rolls.

Constitution Fighter, Druid, Monk

Intelligence Magic-User Assassin, Cleric, Druid
Wisdom Cleric Druid, Ranger, Magic-User,
Assassin, Druid, Paladin, Thief

Passive Perception Assassin, Ranger, Thief Druid, Fighter, Monk


Open Gaming License 1.0

Designation of Product Identity the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content
The following is designated as product identity: All trademarks, you Distribute.
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content Finch.
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content
may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules Copyright 2010, Matthew
affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No
terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except J. Finch.
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may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Dragon Heresy Copyright 2018, Gaming Ballistic, LLC; Author:
5. Representation of Authority To Contribute: If You
are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You Douglas H. Cole.
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by Lost Hall of Tyr: Dómstóllinn Copyright 2017, Gaming
this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the Ballistic, LLC; Author: Douglas H. Cole.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact
text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) Copyright 2019, Gaming
You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add
the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to Ballistic, LLC; Author: Douglas H. Cole.

Dungeon Grappling Copyright 2016, Gaming Ballistic, LLC;

Author: Douglas H. Cole.


A challenging adventure for 4 to 6 Level 1-5 characters



Deep in the glacial peaks northwest of Isfjall,
past the northwest border of the realm, a band
of adventurers is deceived and nearly destroyed
by a powerful Winterfae sorceress as they pursue
raiding hobgoblins. Through bravery and sacrifice,
they retrieve and return a lost holy relic. The
Tiwstakn: key to finding the legendary Dómstóllinn:
the Lost Hall of Tyr.

With most of the hajarl’s warriors and freeholders
out trying to restore order to the Hunted Lands,
a disgraced and desperate cleric of Tyr calls for
stalwart thegns to venture into the Frostharrow,
rediscover the Lost Hall, and return balance to the

They must journey into the wilds, guided only by
their wits, old legends, and a warning:

Strength and Sacrifice from those
who seek the Dómstóllinn

Lost Hall of Tyr is an adventure designed
for the Dragon Heresy Roleplaying Game
by Gaming Ballistic. Within the book you
will find:

[[ The town of Isfjall, its customs, culture, and
of course, things to buy and sell

[[ Rules for wilderness survival supporting an
exciting journey to find the hall

[[ Several adventuring locations and side-
quests, including full-color maps for
navigation and encounters

[[ Ready-to-Play Characters and a Bestiary
with 30 complete creatures

Survive the journey
Vanquish your foes
Rediscover the Lost Hall
Claim your reward

ISBN 9780998335476

51299 >

9 780998 335476

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