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Published by Online Book, 2022-03-15 00:25:28

EXCEL Buletin 2022 (English Version)

First Edition


Section 17A of the MACC Act
has been fully enforced.

17 February 2022, the Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission
(MACC), Tan Sri Dato 'Sri Azam Baki has launched the Expert Masterclass in Corporate
Liability, Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan & Corruption Risk Management or known
as the EXCEL Program which took place at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
The program was also attended by MACC Deputy Chief Commissioner (Operations),
Datuk Seri Ahmad Khusairi Yahaya and Chairman of ELMU Education Group Sdn Bhd,
Datuk Seri Muhamad Adlan Berhan and Datuk Victor Hoo as well as Ramssol Group
Berhad Managing Director, Datuk Seri Cllement Tan.
This program was launched as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has
fully enforced the provision under Section 17A of the MACC Act 2009 (ASPRM 2009) on
the 1st of June 2020.
In addition, this EXCEL program was the first program in Malaysia with a strategic
collaboration between the Akademi Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (MACA), ELMU
Education Group Sdn Bhd (ELMU Group) and Ramssol Group.

This program aims to promote the values of integrity as well as disseminate efforts to improve
good governance in the country, especially in the private sector. The provisions of the law under
Section 17A (Corporate Liability) are enforced to encourage business activities to be conducted
with integrity without corruption and to promote good governance practices in the

organisation and is not intended to punish commercial organisations alone.

Through this collaboration, all the parties involved will Among the focuses in this
use their respective expertise to assist organisations, EXCEL program are related to:
especially private organisations to develop an
Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) and a Organisational
Corruption Risk Management Plan (CRM) within their Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP)
respective organisations in line with the initiative of
the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) and the Corruption Risk
implementation of Section 17A (Corporate Liability) of Management (CRM)
the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act 2009. Primarily for Plan in the organisation.
face-to-face delivery participants are expected to
attend the 4 days course with Certified Trainer from National Anti-Corruption
the Akademi Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (MACA). Plan (NACP)

In addition, the government also encourages the corporate sector to organise integrity and
anti-corruption themed programs and these initiatives are classified as corporate social
responsibility or CSR by companies.

All the company participating in this program is eligible to apply for tax deduction under
Section 34(6)(h) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Under this provision, companies or
contributors are eligible to apply for tax deduction from gross business income of an
amount equal to the amount of expenditure that has been created through integrity and
anti-corruption programs that can benefit the community.

In support of Anti-Corruption efforts, Ramssol Group signed a Strategic Marketing and
Collaboration Agreement with Elmu Education Group accompanied by the Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers and Akademi Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia
(MACA). Under the agreement, Ramssol would leverage its position as a human capital
management solutions provider in South-East Asia to advertise, market, promote and sell the
training courses around the region. Ramssol signs deal with ELMU Education Group Sdn Bhd

(ELMU Group) during the signing ceremony on 14th December 2021 last year.

Why Civil servants detained by the Malaysian

Does This Law Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)


Arrested for various corruption offenses:

2020 467
2019 525


Creating a fair, clean and corruption-free Professional Management & Support
business environment. Management Professional

Encourage commercial organisations to 2020 9 2020 109 2020 349
implement corruption prevention efforts 2019 17 2019 121 2019 387
in the organisation.

Promote good governance and compliance
with anti-corruption laws.

Source: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission

EXCEL Learning

Course Objectives: Outcomes:

Provide disclosure and understanding of the Detect, prevent, and respond to corruption
negotiation framework of the MACC Act 2009, towards a more ethical business culture.
especially Section 17A and related laws.
Identify and manage corruption risks by
Provide knowledge on Corruption Risk establishing a risk-based Anti-corruption
Management Plan (CRM) technique using the Management System.
Responsible, Accountable, Consulted & Arrested for various corruption offenses
Informed (RACI) evaluation process. Improve awareness, efficiency, and
effectiveness of the organisation in managing
Provide understanding and knowledge to risks associated with corruption.
participants regarding the needs of different
levels and processes of control (intervention) Enhance reputation and image of the
and how to access the organisation’s readiness organisation by providing legal compliance
for change. guarantees.

Provide understanding and knowledge to Demonstrate benchmark of good practises in
participants to prepare a systematic risk the Anti-Corruption Management System.
management action plan so as to create the
best governance that can close the space of Application of organisational anti-corruption
opportunities for corruption, abuse of power practises.
and malpractice.
Instil confidence and trust to potential partners
Understand the need for Organisational and investors.
Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) to be developed
and identify organisational corruption scenarios

Identify appropriate processes and methods in
develop Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan

Event highlights during EXCEL signing and launching ceremony between the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC),
Akademi Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (MACA), ELMU Education Group Sdn Bhd (ELMU Group) and Ramssol Group.

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