Why Surgical Preference Cards Are So
Di몭cult to Keep Up-To-Date
Surgical preference cards need to be regularly updated to optimize OR
procedures. Unfortunately, they often remain not updated because of insu몭cient
training, sticking to old updating models, resistance to change, and insu몭cient
By elaniee01 | Blog ·
04 Apr 2022
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The OR is often a 몭urry of activity in the race to save human life. Even for minor
surgeries, all must be in order down to the smallest tool. Missing equipment slows down
the procedure, needs sta몭 to exit the room, and endangers the patient. All of these are
why surgical preference cards must be up-to-date.
A surgical preference card deEtanitlesrawll itthheFiancsetrbuomokents, eqLuoipgminent, and supplies that a
surgeon will require to competently and safely carry out an operation. Every surgeon
works di몭erently, and no preference card will be like another. Therefore, the cards are
essential resources for the OR that need priority attention. Unfortunately, this is often
not the case, and many cards will be out-of-date or inaccurate.
What factors contribute to out-of-date
surgical preference cards?
Lack of su몭cient training
Surgical preference cards contain many tiny details that require a trained person to
su몭ciently 몭ll in. Unfortunately, many hospitals have few such trained sta몭. Given that
the OR could constantly be busy with many procedures going on weekly, the sta몭 may
be incapable of 몭lling in all of them.
Moreover, the surgeon will likely hand the card over to an untrained or inadequately
trained sta몭 who will struggle to use it and make mistakes.
The same-old methods
Even though many preference card systems have shifted from paper to digital
platforms, updating them still lies with the sta몭. If the sta몭 were slow to update paper
card systems, they might struggle to manage the digital system.
Also, the processes for requesting changes, routing and assigning the requests, tracking
requests, and updating the system still rely on printing and physically passing the cards
around. The technology may have digitized updating and storage of the preference
cards, but the grunt work relies on the same model.
Resistance to change
Human beings tend to resist change, especially because it challenges the status quo and
requires training. Even while it is easier to update the preference cards using the digital
system, sta몭 members may choose to stick to the old ways. This resistance, however,
often comes at a detrimental and frustrating cost.
Insu몭cient management equipment
Surgeons are often on the go and need all relevant information on hand at all times.
However, many surgical preference card management systems tend to be on desktops
in administrative areas. Moreover, equipment such as scanners can be complicated for
medical sta몭 to manage and are at the same administration stations. The fact that the
systems are not on mobile phones, for instance, will limit their accessibility and a몭ect
the regular 몭ow of updating.
The consequences of out-of-date surgical preference cards
While updating the preference card may seem like a minor item in the grand
scheme of things, out-of-date cards are simply ine몭cient. They will lead to
consequences such as:
The sta몭 may mistrust even the updated cards, choosing to rely on their own
experience and knowledge to evaluate the surgeon's needs.
Patient safety is compromised as time is wasted getting missing items.
Ine몭cient systems will eventually cause surgeons and OR sta몭 to be frustrated.
Outdated cards in몭ate supply costs.
Surgeons need updated preference cards as their tools of the trade. Though there have
been challenges, both surgeons and OR sta몭 must collaborate to make their systems
more e몭cient.
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