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Published by Florida Neighborhood News, 2022-10-16 09:02:00

North Naples News | November 2022


The Determind Choice


A plea from
Jackie Stephens, CEO



2369 Cheshire Lane
Pelican Marsh - SOLD


202 Monterey Drive
The Vineyards - NEW LISTING

Terri Moellers, PA
[email protected]

800 HARBOUR DRIVE, NAPLES, FLORIDA 34103, 239-799-5300 ©2022 DOUGLAS 2326 Cheshire Lane

202 Monterey Drive
The Vineyards - NEW LISTING


A Division of Florida Neighborhood News, LLC
10001 Tamiami Trail North, Ste 111
Naples, FL 34108

Ea wDordITfrOom yRour Publisher Editor
Joel Kessler Rebecca Boucher
Isit here writing this piece not knowing if we will 239.248.1641 239.285.5101
even be publishing our November issue. It has not [email protected] [email protected]
even been a week since the wrath of Hurricane
Ian and I am one of the very fortunate to now Account Executive
have power and Internet. Others that live in our Susan Ashton
beautiful city and neighboring cities have been ravaged 239.821.5119
by this horrific storm. While SWFL is no stranger to
hurricanes and it wasn't too long ago that Hurricane [email protected]
Irma wreaked havoc on this area, we simply were Account Executive
not expecting the amount of storm surge that was Cindy R. Weiner
unleashed upon our shores and our communities. 913.991.1644
As most of us farther inland fared much better with
the wind and the rain, the devastation is beyond [email protected]
heartbreaking along our gulf shores and up the coast. Creative Director
We want to thank all of the first responders, Opus Studio, Inc.
linemen, and volunteers for all of their hard work.
The long hours they put in rescuing people, getting Founder & Consultant
our lights and Internet up and running, and bringing Dan Sheridan
supplies to people in need did not go unnoticed. It has
been a beautiful sight to see the way our neighborhoods VOLUME 5
have come together to help each other out. ISSUE 1
As we gradually rebuild and return to normal
operations, I want to remind everyone that in these November 2022
difficult times to be patient and kind with one another.
Everyone's situation is different and many have lost
everything. This was a great reminder to many of us of
what is really important. Direct Mailed to the communities of
We have much to be thankful for and from the Grey Oaks • Estuary at Grey Oaks • Pine Ridge
entire staff at Florida Neighborhood News we want to
wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! Bay Colony Golf • Tiburon • Monterey
Pelican Marsh • High Rises in Bay Colony
Rebecca Boucher
• The Vineyards • Talis Park
Mediterra • Collier’s Reserve • Bear’s Paw

Text Copyright | 2022 all rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any
electronic or mechanical means without permission from the publisher.

North Naples News regrets that no responsibility can be accepted for
unsolicited material. Opinions expressed by contributors or advertisers are

not necessarily those of the publisher.

The Village on Venetian Bay

Suite 4266 239-262-4040



Teens explore career opportunities available in Southwest Florida
B oys & Girls Club of Collier
County is seeking to expand its
Workforce Readiness Program
through partnerships with
additional businesses and organizations in

Southwest Florida.

The program allows teen members

in sixth through 12th grades to meet

local employers and tour businesses,

learning firsthand about the types of

career opportunities that are available in

Southwest Florida.

“They don’t

know what they

don’t know,” said

Alex Breault,

vice president of demand at Naples About Boys & Girls Club of Collier

teen initiatives. Airport and at County

“It’s our job to Elite Jets: safety, Founded in 1997, Boys & Girls Club

educate children convenience, of Collier County mobilizes donors, staff,

and teens on the privacy, and and volunteers toward the achievement

different types of luxury.” of a single mission: To enable all young

job opportunities that are available to Another recent visit brought teens to people, especially those who need us

them after high school and college. We The Naples Players for “Arts Day,” when most, to reach their full potential as

stress that many of their ‘dream jobs’ are members learned how skills in theater and productive, caring, responsible citizens.

available right here in Southwest Florida.” the arts can lead to careers, but also how The nonprofit’s six core program areas

On Aviation Day, for instance, those skills are beneficial in other types include education, career development,

members visited Naples Airport to learn of jobs. Law Enforcement Day brought character and leadership, health and

about its economic impact on Collier more than a dozen teens to the Collier wellness, the arts, and sports and

County and its wide range of uses, County Sheriff ’s Office, where members recreation. Boys & Girls Club of Collier

including private aviation, police and learned about career opportunities, County annually serves more than

fire protection, medical evacuations, and toured the headquarters building, and 3,000 children and teens, ages six to 18,

mosquito control. saw the fleet of vehicles used to keep the through clubs and after-school programs.

Then, members headed to Elite community safe. Through the generosity of sponsors,

Jets’ private terminal, where they had One of Boys & Girls Club’s core donors, and friends, Boys & Girls Club of

opportunities to board a Bell 407 program areas is career development, Collier County provides a safe place for

helicopter, Embraer Phenom 300 jet, but teen programs also cover character young people to learn, grow and develop

and Gulfstream G550 jet while speaking and leadership development—key traits ongoing relationships with adult mentors

directly with pilots. employers are seeking in new hires. who support the education, emotional,

“Most teens are familiar with careers The club is seeking additional physical, and social development they

in aviation—pilots, flight attendants, businesses and organizations representing need to become successful adults. For

ticket agents, baggage handlers, and health care, finance, education, legal, more information, please visit BGCCC.

security officers—but don’t necessarily retail, hospitality, public service, and other com or call 239.325.1700.

know why affluent business and leisure fields. On-site activities typically include a

travelers would choose to fly privately over facility tour, career discussion, and Q&As

first-class commercially,” said Stephen with teen members.

Myers, executive vice president at Elite For more information, please contact TOP: Aviation Day at Elite Jets, Naples Airport
Jets. “So, I helped explain the reasons Breault at [email protected] or BOTTOM: Elite Jets Helicopter Pilot Joe Fragione (left), Elite
why private air travel is seeing so much 239.325.1700.
Jets Executive Vice President Stephen Myers (right)

6 | North Naples News November 2022

Pre-construction condominiums from the low 600’s

AskParbebstentraPtliaitinuCmeCnCtctle BuyySsiCtelub
CALL AMY 239-595-4049
27901 Bonita Village Blvd Bonita Springs, FL 34134

Collier County District 2



8 | North Naples News November 2022

s I say farewell to my time as Strong communities are based upon debate? The greatest of rivals –
an elected official, I want to say mutual respect among all its members. from Ronald Reagan and Tip
thank you for your support and Like good manners, maintaining civility O’Neal to Roger Federer and
in public discourse takes commitment, Rafael Nadal – always ended their
A leave you with this hope for practice, and constant refinement. Over bouts well. Finishing well also
our community’s future. I was my years as an attorney and a public requires moving on, with no ill
thinking mainly about discourse among official, I have found the following to be will, in the event of a loss. Great
political leaders when I wrote it, but it is useful concepts to keep in mind: athletes, entrepreneurs, and civic
just as true for all public conversations, leaders understand the need to
including those around the dinner table, • DID I LISTEN TO ALL move forward and approach the
the clubhouse, or the office: THE OPPOSING PARTY’S next challenge with a fresh view
ARGUMENT? If I stopped and determination.
The way elected officials and listening because I disagreed, Maintaining civility in public
community leaders discuss issues I may have missed learning discourse is a critical step in maintaining
relating to their decisions is of utmost something useful or seen a flaw confidence in our political process.
importance. To make the best decisions, in my own argument. Or even We may not agree that the majority’s
they must be able to openly hear and a point of agreement, upon decision was the best one, but we can
understand opposing views. That doesn’t which we could begin to build still have confidence that the decision-
mean one must agree with the opposing consensus. Listening is an essential making process was a good one.
viewpoint or in any way lessen conviction prerequisite for civil discourse. I am very proud of how my colleagues
in one’s own position. Civility is not It encourages us to test our and I debated some of the most
about changing your mind and agreeing assumptions and understanding. controversial issues ever to face the Collier
with another person. Civility is having County Commission. Our response to
respect for another person as a human • AM I TAKING THE the Covid-19 Pandemic and how best
being, regardless of his or her views, OPPOSITION’S to protect our residents’ constitutional
and behaving in a way that reflects that DISAGREEMENT rights tested our collective commitment
respect. As Justice Anthony Kennedy has PERSONALLY? If so, why? Fear, to civil discourse. It was often difficult
said, civility “has deep roots in the idea anger, and resentment rarely help and imperfect, but the commitment to
of respect for the individual…We are a person perform at their best. keeping the discourse civil remained
civil to each other because we respect one Instead, these caustic emotions strong. Thank you to Commissioners
another’s aspirations and equal standing can lead to overreaction, inefficient Fiala, Locastro, McDaniel, Saunders,
in a democratic society.” dialogue, and wasted time. and Taylor for their commitments to
Disagreement doesn’t make the civil discourse during very difficult and
Disagreement and debate are essential opposition a bad person. emotionally charged meetings.
to good governance – they are how the I would also like to thank my
proverbial “sausage” of democracy is made. • HAVE I CAUSED THE Executive Coordinator, Angela Goodner,
Elected officials must be able to discuss OTHER SIDE TO LOSE without whose tireless efforts and
the consequences, costs, and trade-offs of FACE? Causing the opposition knowledge of the county none of these
various policy options without making to feel humiliated or slighted in a articles would have been possible or
the disagreements personal. They are public forum will likely generate submitted timely. Finally, I would like
supposed to bring differing viewpoints on the same in response. A lack of to thank North Naples News Publisher,
the issues and reach the best conclusions civility breeds a lack of civility; Joel Kessler, for providing me with the
within the “marketplace of ideas.” In it’s a vicious cycle, and it obscures opportunity to provide some (hopefully)
essence, we are elected to disagree and the importance of the issues at useful information and for some of the
debate as a necessary part of making hand. Disagreeing without being most interesting conversations I have
tough public decisions. disagreeable ensures the quality of ever had.
the decision-making process.
“Civility is not a tactic
or a sentiment. It is the • DID I FINISH THE
determined choice of trust DISCUSSION IN A POSITIVE
over cynicism, of community WAY? Did the discussion end
with respect, shaking hands, or
over chaos.” an acknowledgment of a good

–George W. Bush

November 2022 North Naples News | 9

C O ’ S





T he Naples/Collier County area recently earned the top S S ERVIC
spot in the most recent U.S. News and World Report FF KEVI
ranking of safest places to live. H E E K
But Collier County R N RAMBOS
residents already knew that. I

Residents know how important “I believe our program is an investment in community
public safety is to the health, general
welfare, and quality of life in a safety,” Sheriff Rambosk said. “You have to make the investment
community. Collier County’s 2021
crime rate is the lowest on record and your community has to commit to that investment. We have
since 1971. Collier continues to
have the lowest crime rate of any great partners here in Collier
metropolitan county in Florida.
“Service to others before self
is our guiding philosophy at the The challenge ahead is to
Collier County Sheriff ’s Office,”
Sheriff Kevin Rambosk said. “As stay number one in safety.
we remain vigilant in keeping
Collier County a safe place and Sheriff Rambosk is
a great place, we are dedicated to
providing services of the highest committed to ensuring
quality to the residents and visitors
of Collier County.” deputies have the equipment,

Not only are we recognized as the safest training, support, and
place to live in the U.S., but the Collier
County Sheriff ’s Office’s comprehensive leadership necessary to
school safety initiatives have also been
recognized as the best in the nation! carry out their sworn duties.

Over the summer Sheriff Rambosk And that support includes
traveled to Orlando to accept the School
Safety Advocacy Council’s Award of hiring and retaining the
Excellence recognizing CCSO’s Threat
Management Program at the 2022 National most knowledgeable, skilled,
School Safety Conference and Exposition,
the largest school safety conference in and experienced members
the nation. Sheriff Rambosk accepted
the award on behalf of the terrific team possible and providing
of CCSO deputies who are dedicated to
keeping Collier schools safe through unique compensation that can help
initiatives that identify, prevent, intervene,
and investigate potential threats. see deputies through the

The day after the award, U.S. economic crisis of today and
Representative Mario Diaz-Balart met with
Sheriff Rambosk at CCSO Headquarters. the near future.
The congressman praised the agency’s Threat
Management Program, calling it a model for This summer the Collier
school safety that should be replicated across
the nation. County Board of Commissioners approved

The goal of the program is to identify students who are Sheriff Rambosk’s request for deputy pay
exhibiting concerning behaviors and connect them with services
before those behaviors escalate to threats. adjustments. The Sheriff wanted to recognize

10 | North Naples News deputies for putting their lives on the line

every day.

“This will help to ensure we hire and

retain the most knowledgeable, skilled, and

experienced law enforcement professionals

and that they have the ability to live in the

community they so bravely serve,’’ Sheriff

Rambosk said.

It’s important, he said, that local law

enforcement has the salaries needed to maintain

a strong force so that Naples/Collier can

continue to be number one in safety.

CCSO can’t do it alone. The agency’s ability

to deliver exceptional services relies on the

many alliances it has formed throughout Collier

County, with community groups, neighborhood

associations, civic associations, businesses,

schools, government, and public safety

agencies. Because crime prevention is truly a

community effort, CCSO is committed to these

partnerships and working collaboratively with

the communities we serve.

“Everybody has a stake in keeping Collier County safe,’’

Sheriff Rambosk said. “When law enforcement works hand-in-

hand with its citizens, the result is a safer community.”

November 2022

BOOK REVIEW annareviewed by


THE MARRIAGE N ot to be confused stubbornness.
PORTRAIT with another The novel weaves back and forth in time.
Lucrezia of Borgia
by Maggie O’Farrell fame, this Lucrezia We first meet Lucrezia at sixteen, having been
Publisher: Knopf was born the third daughter escorted by her husband to an isolated hunting
352 Pages of Cosimo I, Grand Duke lodge without her serving women. We learn
$28 US of Florence in 1545. Famed quickly she is certain he is going to attempt
nineteenth-century poet Robert to murder her because she has not produced
Browning captured her life in an heir, thus securing Alfonso’s bloodline.
his poem, “My Last Duchess.” But O’Farrell weaves in chapters of Lucrezia
O’Farrell takes the historical as a child, her encounter with the tiger in her
record, which is slim, and uses father’s menagerie, and the death of her sister
her writer’s talents to bring us a tale of riches, Maria, plus her subsequent betrothal and
marriage to a handsome duke, and ultimate marriage. Finally, the novel brings the two
tragedy. Or is it? storylines together for the ultimate reckoning
O’Farrell, famous for her retelling of of Lucrezia’s fate.
William Shakespeare’s tragic tale of his son in
Hamnet, uses her well-honed research skills Maggie O’Farrell uses all her gifts as a
and lush language to flesh out the details of storyteller to bring Lucrezia to life. We are
Lucrezia’s life in all its splendor. A true bird invited into the mind of a young woman who
in a gilded cage, Lucrezia never stepped foot is unsure of her power, struggling between
outside of the palazzo where she was born what she has been told is the right thing to do,
until the day she married Alfonso Il d’Este, and what her heart and mind speak. Lucrezia’s
Duke of Ferrara in 1558. She was just thirteen inner life is well-defined and rich as the
years old on her wedding day. Her older sister, glittery golden wedding gown she was laced
Maria, was to have the favor of marrying the into for her nuptials. This engrossing narrative
duke, but after her death from a fever, Lucrezia will satisfy not only lovers of historical fiction
was left in line and available for the marriage but anyone who enjoys a story well-told.
negotiations by her father. This story is like the deep red ruby the duke
The author’s version of Lucrezia is a gives to Lucrezia as a wedding gift, lush and
small girl with abundant red-gold hair and a glittering, but as dangerous as the heart’s
dominant spirit. She presents us with a child blood it resembles.
who is sharply intelligent, gifted in drawing
and painting, and unafraid of speaking her ∞ AUTHOR PROFILE
mind, even when it is unwarranted. Her
intended, Alfonso, the newly minted Duke Maggie O’Farrell was born and raised
of Ferrara, is at turns kind and playful, in Northern Ireland. She studied English
and then domineering and demanding. Literature at Cambridge and worked for many
Lucrezia, who has been raised to be meek, years as a journalist. She has written nine
not question authority, and obey her parents novels for adults, a memoir, and several books
and then husband, is surprised by her own for children. She is married to fellow writer
William Sutcliffe. They live in Edinburgh with
their three children.

12 | North Naples News November 2022

November 2022 Acclaimed French
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Provençal fare is presented in
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11224 Tamiami Trail N

North Naples News | 13



If you are buying and selling a home SEPTEMBER 2022 COMPARED TO SEPTEMBER 2021
at the same time, you’re under a lot of ALL DATA FROM THE NAPLES BOARD OF REALTORS® MLS – OCTOBER 10, 2022
pressure. You’re worrying about two
real estate transactions, both of which Median
may depend on each other. Although
there’s no magic wand we can wave to it on the market. That means making The most common contingencies involve
make the whole process easier, we can give all necessary repairs, digging up home inspections, financing, and home
you these five tips for buying and selling documentation on improvements you’ve appraisals. If you have the appropriate
at the same time: made, and making minor improvements contingencies built into your contract,
that will help your home sell faster. If you won’t be forced to buy a home if
1. Ask for an extended closing if necessary. you’re not sure how to help your agent something goes wrong.
2. Prepare your home before you jump into sell your home faster, sit down and have
the real estate market. a good talk. Your real estate agent will be TIP #5 Be prepared to make two mortgage
3. Ask your REALTOR® to make your offer more than happy to let you know what payments.
contingent on the sale of your current home. you can do to help.
4. Don’t waive other contingencies. If you end up buying a new home
5. Be prepared to make two mortgage TIP #3 Ask your REALTOR® to make your before you can sell your current home,
payments. offer contingent on the sale of your current you need to be prepared to make
home. two mortgage payments. That can be
FIND OUT HOW MUCH YOUR incredibly difficult, so make sure your
HOME IS WORTH NOW! When you buy a new home, you may finances are on track just in case.
need an exit strategy in case things go
TIP #1 Ask for an extended closing south. Ask your real estate agent to make ALEXANDRA JANZ
if necessary. your offer on your new home contingent Broker Associate & Luxury Properties Specialist
upon the sale of your existing home. That
It may be possible for you to request way, if you can’t sell your home, you won’t William Raveis-Florida, LLC
an extended closing when you buy your be on the hook to purchase a new one 239.315.1079 |
next home. That’s because you may need (especially if you’re not sure whether you
extra time to sell your current home – can afford it).
partly so that you don’t have to make
two mortgage payments, and partly TIP #4 Don’t waive other contingencies.
because it’s easier to sell a home that has Real estate agents build contingencies
furniture in it than it is to sell one that’s
completely empty. You should talk to into contracts to protect their clients.
your real estate agent about asking for an
extended closing if that’s a route you’re
interested in taking.

TIP #2 Prepare your home before you jump
into the real estate market.

You can make it easier to sell your
current home if you take the appropriate
steps to prepare before you even put

14 | North Naples News November 2022

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Location, style, and amenities form its winning strategy

A ntilles’ serene location is key architecture seems fitting in Naples’ include attached single-car garages
to its ability to offer a year- subtropical climate. Detailed with and screened-in lanais. They are priced
round resort lifestyle. No dove grey stucco over concrete block, from the high $400,000’s and include
street noises interfere with white trims, and sharp charcoal Bahama very private, preserve views. Larger
its peaceful ambiance. No neighboring shutters, the homes are fresh-looking and Grand Coach Homes are also three-
high-rises crowd out the views. Even pleasing, especially against Antilles’ lush bedroom units with two-car garages
during the height of season, is set back at landscaping. Phase Two Classic Coach and screened-in lanais. The upper-floor
the far end of a long approach affording Homes offer three-bedroom floorplans Montserrat is Antilles’ largest unit at
Antilles endless hours of peace and in the 1,500+ square-foot range and 2,444 square feet under air. Preserve
tranquility insulated by surrounding and lake view orientations are available
wetland preserves and deep landscape from the low to mid $600,000’s.
installations. Nothing but leafy palms and JMD Development has allotted a
tropical foliage can brush against Antilles’ generous amount of space to Antilles’
horizon-wide views. Rookery Bay Reserve amenities. The Flamingo Club
is its neighbor to the west. The majesty of encompasses 14,000 square feet of indoor
local and migratory birds’ flight patterns and outdoor features. The oversized
across its 110,000 3,500-square-foot resort pool is a perfect
acres of protected example of the developers’ attention to
lakes and habitats detail. It is designed with a wide and
have added
soaring highlights
to Antilles’
homeowners’ daily

The natural
beauty in and
around Antilles’
location is equally
remarkable for
its proximity to everything that
makes Southwest Florida a world-
class resort destination. Set back
from the wide Collier Boulevard
corridor, all that is exceptional
about Old Naples and Marco
Island’s attractions are just minutes
away from Antilles. Wide beaches,
fine dining, galleries, shopping,
and endless fishing and boating
opportunities abound in all directions, all
year round.

Antilles’ Coach Homes are equally
distinguished. Its 212 units offer
handsome, new-look, contemporary
residences with luxury appointments
built in as standard fittings. The timeless
elegance of West Indies Island-style

16 | North Naples News November 2022

inviting wade-in, sun-shelf entry that “The natural beauty in dining, socializing, and table games.
homeowners love. It also features a and around Antilles’ Low monthly fees and Antilles’ list of
negative perimeter edge that appears at location is equally
low angles to overflow into Antilles’ own remarkable for its first-quality standard finishes and fittings
five-acre Kingfisher Lake and wetland also influence buyers. High ceilings, wide
preserve like a stepped water feature proximity to everything window walls, triple-width sliders, eight-
gently meandering through the 54-acre that makes Southwest foot solid core interior doors and wind
community. The pool’s fluid design Florida a world-class and impact-rated windows and exterior
includes curved sides to create nooks resort destination. ” doors, quartz countertops, and stainless-
and natural separations to accommodate steel appliances are some of Antilles’
a family or small group swim areas. A community. Executive services are everyday building standards. Its feature
multi-person heated spa is adjacent and managed here and the exercise and sheet is on the website noted below for a
the huge tiki-hut with an end-to-end, fitness center, massage room, and catering full description.
quartz-topped service bar and BBQ kitchen are to the rear. Its huge gathering
grill area overlooking the pool. Antilles’ room occupies about one-half of the club’s Antilles is a gated community two
pergola-shaded fire pit has become a 5,000-square-foot expanse and features miles south of Tamiami Trail East (US
winter season favorite and the site of wall-to-wall views across the community. 41), off Collier Boulevard (SR 951). Turn
many evening cocktail celebrations. It includes the fireplace lounge with east on Port Au Prince Road and continue
Outside the gated pool area regulation comfortable furnishings and a big screen to The Flamingo Club, 155 Indies Drive
bocce and pickleball courts have attracted TV, Sonny’s all-day coffee bar, and East, Naples, FL 34114. Antilles is
players at every level of expertise and multiple seating arrangements perfect for represented by JRW Developer Resources,
a four-hole putting green was recently a division of John R. Wood Properties.
added, courtesy of JMD Development. Please refer to to
register for the most current updates or
The Flamingo Club amenity center call 239.691.4455 for an appointment.
was designed to be at the heart of the The sales center is open daily from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays.

November 2022 North Naples News | 17



A plea from Jackie Stephens, CEO

T o the thousands of people and safety visitations, HOW YOU CAN HELP
businesses who share the suffering and parenting
of loss, we at the Children's observations • Share the CAC social media posts
Advocacy Center of Collier during the months with your friends on social media.
County feel your loss deeply, as we also of water extraction and reconstruction
have lost everything in the floodwaters ahead. We also desperately need funds to •
of Hurricane Ian. While almost all our replace all equipment and contents. childrensadvocacycentercollier/
staff are all safe in their homes, the CAC The stories of people coming together,
facility has lost everything. of helping, and of giving are a testament •
to the very best in humanity, and it is a caccolliercounty/?hl=en
We are a crisis-oriented nonprofit joy to witness. We’ve been humbled by
organization. As the first responders gifts ranging from a child’s $5 allowance • Make a gift of any size to continue
to child abuse in our community, we to $50 and $100 donations, as well as our work with the most traumatized
work with law contributions from local businesses that children from babies to teens, and
enforcement were more fortunate on September 28. their families.
and the With so many needs throughout our
Department community, we are so grateful for every MAKE A GIFT HERE:
of Children single donation.
and Families •
to determine For our children, with gratitude, cacdonation
if abuse has .. Jackie Stephens
and if it has,
we provide
safety for the
child and support for the families with
therapy and advocacy to get through it all,
at no cost.

Just two months ago we completed
extensive new renovations. On September
28, our fresh new facility was inundated
with flood waters. All carpeting, drywall,
insulation, furnishings, forensic exam
equipment, and therapy materials were
destroyed. The nurturing hand-stitched
quilts made with love by local ladies,
donated clothing, toys, and stuffed
animals from hundreds of caring people,
were lost.

We’ve reached out to our community
partners to help find temporary donated
space or modest rental space for our
therapy, forensic interviews, family

18 | North Naples News November 2022

We hope that you and your families are safe and well and
wanted to let you know that we are working hard to return Chairman’s Circle
Gold Agents
to our normal business hours. Top 2%
Until then will remain closed until our
property is safe for you to visit.
OUR Skills – YOUR Benefit
Please check our website or follow us on
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A perfect and outstanding team!

Alexandra and Juergen are truly a perfect and outstanding Team, in case
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it took only one week from going online until there was one firm offer at
listing price. Their professionalism, their friendliness, their cooperation,
their trust and their support were even exceeding in my expectations.

Juergen K. | Seller, Treviso Bay


Treviso Bay Vanderbilt Beach
9719 Acqua Ct #226 | $599,000 9653 Gulf Shore Dr #201 | $1,850,000


Bay Colony Hickory Beach

8787 Bay Colony Dr #602 | $2,800,000 26468 Hickory Rd | $6,495,000

November 2022 239-315-1078/-1079 [email protected] | We Speak

North Naples News | 19


Reopen and reach out following Hurricane Ian

Executive Director of Communications
& Community Engagement
Collier County Public Schools

H urricane Ian brought a surge
of flooding into Collier
communities, devastation to
our northern neighbors in Lee
County, and widespread power outages.
The Category Four storm made landfall
on September 28, 2022, and
by October 6, all 50+ Collier
County Public Schools
(CCPS) reopened to students.

“We need [students]
back, and we also need the
community to get back.
We know the schools play
an active role in getting
our economy up and going
again because parents can
then get to work,” CCPS
Superintendent Dr. Kamela
Patton said while giving an
interview to CNN in front
of Shadowlawn Elementary

We understood many of
our staff members live outside
of Collier and the schools
where they live may not have
been open. In fact, 22% of
our CCPS teachers live in
Lee County. To support our
employees, CCPS partnered
with the Boys & Girls Club
of Collier County to provide
a school day camp at no cost
for school-aged children of
our staff who live outside of
Collier. Our nearly 7,000
employees — instructional,

20 | North Naples News

“We need [students] back, and we North Naples News | 21
also need the community to get

back. We know the schools play an
active role in getting our economy

up and going again because
parents can then get to work.”

–Dr. Kamela Patton, CCPS Superintendent

non-instructional, and support roles — have propelled
student achievement to the top of both state and national
assessments, and should take pride in CCPS being A-rated
every year since 2017.

“Our employees are balancing a tremendous amount of
personal trauma along with professional responsibilities and
dedication to their students,” explained CCPS Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources Valerie Wenrich.
“Collectively, our CCPS staff family are helping each other
in various ways, such as carpooling, doing laundry for each
other, delivering meals, giving monetary donations, and
giving leave time to others who may not have enough. They
are emotionally resilient and have learned over time how
to support each other. We will continue to support our
employees the best we can.”

CCPS schools immediately started collecting donations
for families personally affected by Hurricane Ian. The day
before schools reopened, a caravan of vehicles gathered at
Oakridge Middle School to deliver needed items to school
sites and affected neighborhoods.

Reopening our 50+ public school campuses came with
many considerations, including electricity at schools and
homes, staffing availability, road closures, fuel scarcity,
significant flooding and debris, driving conditions, traffic
control system outages, food concerns, boil water notices,
and the availability of Youth Relations Deputies and nurses
who serve during times of emergency. As we move forward
together, it is important to remember the many staff
members, students, parents, and community members that
have selflessly answered the calls to serve.

1. Caravan of support gathers at Oakridge Middle School

2. Home in East Naples
3. Gulf Coast High School football players unload donations

4. School leaders from East Naples Middle Deliver supplies
5. Sorting Donations at East Naples Middle School

6. Chad Oliver and Shadowlawn teacher Antonio Masiello deliver supplies
7. Shadowlawn Principal Amber Eilason welcomes students

November 2022

If disagreeing with someone serves no purpose or

“ change, it is okay to agree and allow them the
pride of their own opinions.”


THE MAN1941-2022

D ennis Nelson, friend, partner, co- his clients deserved, so he stepped back completely at
worker, employer, business owner, that time.
father, grandfather, and husband.
Many men can claim all of these titles Dawn Litchfield Brown, Marcus Bickle, and John
but Dennis was loved by all, no matter Kinkead fully purchased the company from Dennis to
what the title. help him feel comfortable that his clients will continue
to get the service and expertise they were accustomed
He could live out of his car as he had little desire for to receiving. This was so very important to him. He
material things, or live in the lap of luxury. Either way, did not want to see the business go the way of a Big
he would be the same Dennis. He would do anything Corporation.
to help someone as long as it encouraged them help
themselves. He always had time for anyone who needed He had experienced his departure from NMM and
to talk or maybe just a little extra mentoring. this world, the way that he always said he would.

Dennis loved to learn and help people around him He said, “They will have to carry me out in a pine
learn as well. He considered himself an observer all box, with my dignity intact.”
the while collecting information about a person that
he could apply to the situation. His years of experience And that is exactly what he has done. He was a man
and brilliant mind often challenged him when trying of his word!
to explain a subject or strategy, yet he was able to get
there without anyone ever feeling belittled or inferior. Dennis is survived by his wife, Penny Nelson, his
In fact, he made you feel smarter. three children, David Nelson, Cathy Secretan, and
Linda Nelson, and his two grandchildren, Amy and
Dennis loved the minds of children and enjoyed Tyler Nelson. In addition, he has two stepchildren,
watching them process information at light speed. He Zak DiRocco and Jesse DiRocco and two step-
enjoyed learning how a machine worked and marveled grandchildren Emma and Lucy Dirocco.
at how the components worked together for the
specified result. November 2022

As a businessman, he was a man of principals and
integrity. His clients trusted his brains as well as his
heart. They knew that if Dennis had to choose between
his own security and that of a client, he would always
choose the client.

Dennis said he would always be an active owner
and participant of The Naples Money Managers,
as long as he felt he was able to bring value to the
company. He decided that his fight with long COVID
and its effects on his immune system were affecting his
ability to bring the kind of value to the company that

22 | North Naples News


Born in California in 1941 Moved in 1957 and grew Married in 1962
up in Connecticut with one
sister Wendy. His Dad was He attended:
an encyclopedia salesman. Santa Monica City College in California
California State Polytechnic University

Bachelors of Science
University of Missouri

Masters in Finance

Military In Missouri he began his life as a farmer with fields of soybeans and corn. In 1966, he began
Corporal in the Army from a hog farm being a farmer to over 3,000 hogs. As one man said they are the only baby animal that
1961-1963 in the Armor and looks exactly the same as it will when it grows up. He also ran cattle in 1970 for Oppenheimer cattle.
Artillery Division designated
In 1974, Dennis left farming and decided to apply the lessons he learned about hedging his crops
as sharp shooter and livestock in the financial world. He began this career when the Dow Jones was at 580. He, unlike
most, thought it was a great time to enter the industry when it had nowhere to go but up.
“ If what you have to
say benefits no one As he progressed in the financial world he took a management position with Dean Witter in
or changes nothing, North Dakota, God’s Country as he called it. Eventually, he decided to seek warmer weather and
DON’T say it!” began his research for the best place to advance his financial career. Naples, Florida rose to the top
of his list. In 1985, he became the manager of Interstate Securities in Naples, Florida.
November 2022
Dennis began to see the trend in the financial markets
changing. He commented several times about how Naples
did not have a firm that was fee-based. He expected that
the financial markets and clients were going to move
in that direction. Dennis began to encourage Dawn
Litchfield, to open up such a firm. The first fee-based firm
in Naples opened on Crash Day, October 19, 1987, called
Litchfield Asset Management.

Shortly after, Interstate’s local office was taken over
by Raymond James. Dennis was faced with the decision
of staying as a manager, or he could join Litchfield at her
tiny firm.
Eventually, all the credit they could possibly get was exhausted and finally he had to get a night
job delivering newspapers to keep the doors open. There were times when his partner, Litchfield

North Naples News | 23

who still had small children needed more money than he did. Over 30 years ago
He generously gave her as much of his half as she needed with
no intent of ever asking for it back, and he never did. we began serving financial needs in Collier County.
“We create more income than bonds and
Each day they thought they would have to close the doors. growth with less risk than stock through
One day he did something that he thought he never would.
He asked his father for money, $1,000. He believed this was patient accumulation and preservation of assets.”
what was needed to keep the company open that “one more
day” to allow it to succeed – and it did. If you need more predictable income
let’s start a conversation.
His ego was healthy but not debilitating. He had a keen
eye for things like shooting and playing pool. As we would Call us today at (239) 261-4800
imagine a sharp-shooter would. He played in a pool league
and that lead him to a great idea. Something else was missing John Kinkead
in Naples, that was “Outdoor Pool Tables.” So he created All
Weather Billiards, with clients such as David Copperfield, Vice President of Wealth Advisement

Michael J. Fox, and Mariah Carey. 10001 Tamiami Trail N.
In 2000, when the stock markets Naples, FL 34108

started to turn south, Dennis created NAPLESMONEYMANAGERS.COM
an in-house money management
program to help generate more November 2022
income while the markets were
going through the downcycle. It
allowed clients to keep their good
stocks and still generate the income
they needed. The portfolio strategy
is now called “The Power of Mapato”
the double income strategy.
Dennis’s commitment to his clients and neighbors was
unmatched. In 2004, as Hurricane Charlie destroyed his
home in Punta Gorda and the business office in Naples, he
was found on neighbor’s roofs and cutting trees to make sure
insulin could get to a neighbor.
His unfailing need to help or lift up others will forever be


• Even if something did not work out well, he would
always say, “Give people the pride of making their
own decisions and their own mistakes.”

• “Remember, just because someone throws a ball at
you doesn’t mean you have to catch it!”

• “If what you have to say benefits no one or changes
nothing, DON’T say it!”

• “If disagreeing with someone serves no purpose or
change, it is okay to agree and allow them the pride
of their own opinions”

24 | North Naples News

A testament to community

BY LORNA FEDELEM, MD medians and Fifth and some are left with nothing. This
Avenue downtown breaks my heart and I wish I could make
N aples, Florida you are loved. stayed beautiful. everything better. That’s what I do as a
I know we are all reeling My mother, doctor, I want to heal people and make
from the recent hurricane Nora Fedelem, them feel better. I want to do this for
and trying to process the was a founding my beautiful city.
utter devastation that has taken over our teacher at the
beautiful piece of Village School Naples will survive. We will
paradise. Hurricane and contributed persevere, we will rebuild, we will be
season is an annual to so many young strong. I want this community to know
event for us, but this children’s lives. I am here for you, just like so many
year proved to put us other Neapolitans that share the same
all to the test. I officially sentiments as me. Please be gentle with
moved back to yourselves too. Allow yourself to grieve,
I was born Naples two years ago and opened my allow yourself to feel the sadness for
and raised here in solo concierge primary care practice in our loss, and seek help if you are having
Naples, Florida, January of 2021. I am honored to be a hard time coping. If you ever need
so I have watched able to serve this community, the way a reminder of why you are here, go to
this community my parents have and still do. I say all of the beach, and watch the beauty of the
mature from a sleepy this to show how much this community masterpiece that unfolds every evening
agricultural town to means to me. It’s more than just a place as the sun sets over the Gulf. Naples, I
what we are today. to live, it’s my life. I get to raise my two love you!
It’s been such a boys here and go to the beach to watch
wonderful experience the sunset or walk down the Naples Pier Call and schedule a complimentary
to see Naples change to watch the dolphins and sting rays. meet and greet with Dr. Fedelem.
over the years. I My heart is full, and I feel like I am
know some would where I am meant to be, even during the 9150 Galleria Ct., Suite 200, Naples, FL 34109
say it gets too busy aftermath of Hurricane Ian. We have | 239.580.6390
and crowded here all been through a traumatic experience,
at times, but I
enjoy seeing Naples
prosper and thrive. I feel so lucky to
be a part of this amazing city, why not
share it with everyone! I was fortunate
to attend Seagate Elementary, Pine
Ridge Middle School, and Barron
Collier High School during my school
years. I got to valet cars at LaPlaya and
the Naples Philharmonic (now Artis)
during high school, play in the BCHS
marching band, and grill out at Wiggins
Pass whenever I wanted to. I wouldn’t
trade those memories for the world! My
father, Terry Fedelem, worked for the
City of Naples for over 30 years as their
landscape architect, making sure our

November 2022 North Naples News | 25





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Naples Winter Wine Festival is set for 2023 with a concerto
“In Perfect Harmony” of the very best in wine and food

T he Naples Children & Education quickly with everyone working in perfect focused on the areas of children,
Foundation (NCEF), founders harmony to present some of the most education, hunger, cancer research,
of the Naples Winter Wine extraordinary wines, travel packages, and military veterans. The
Festival (NWWF), announced and one-of-a-kind experiences found Beynons attended the NWWF
the NWWF will return to The Ritz- nowhere else in the world,” said 2023 for the first time in 2016 and
Carlton Golf Resort, Naples on February NWWF Co-Chair Libby Germain. “We immediately fell in love with its
3-5, 2023. With the theme “In Perfect will be staying true to our promise to mission.
Harmony,” the Festival will showcase the community that every dollar raised • With homes in both Naples
the finest wines, exquisite cuisine, and during our live auction under the big and Columbus, Ohio, Libby and
incredible auction lots to benefit children tent will benefit underprivileged and at- Rick Germain are passionately
in need. risk kids in Collier County.” involved in a number of charitable
organizations in both locations.
The twenty-third annual NWWF The Co-Chairs of the 2023 NWWF Rick has over forty years of
comes following the record-breaking bring the perfect combination of progressive growth in the
event in 2022 and anticipation for another professional and philanthropic experience automotive industry within various
hugely successful festival is already building both in Naples and abroad. Here is some manufacturer environments and
under the leadership of the 2023 NWWF background on this year’s leadership team: currently directs the Germain
Co-Chairs Nena and Bill Beynon, Libby Automotive Partnership with
and Rick Germain, and Julia and Robert • Originally from West Virginia, multiple dealerships in Naples
Heidt, Jr. For 2023, the festival moves to Nena and Bill Beynon have been and Columbus. Libby is an alum
the first weekend of February, which is one full-time residents of Naples of The Ohio State University
week later than usual. since 1998. Bill is President and and supports the university in a
CEO of Capital Wealth Advisors, number of capacities by serving
This year’s theme, “In Perfect where he leads a team of over on The Ohio State University
Harmony,” reflects the amazing ensemble forty professionals focused on Foundation Board. She also has
of award-winning chefs and world- the areas of wealth management become very involved with Ohio
renowned vintners who come together and estate planning. Nena’s career State’s Comprehensive Cancer
each year to deliver a concerto of elegant was in elementary education, Center, The James. The Germains
and exclusive vintner dinners in private serving twenty-three years in have supported the NWWF since
homes around Naples followed by the the classroom. Nena and Bill 2017.
exciting live auction featuring the very have enjoyed their involvement • Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio,
best wines and unique experiences to in many non-profits since Julia and Robert Heidt, Jr. are
exotic destinations around the globe. moving to Naples, both as active active philanthropists through
volunteers and board members. the Heidt Family Foundation
“Plans for the 2023 Naples Winter Their philanthropy has and have supported a wide
Wine Festival are coming together
range of initiatives, including
St. Vincent DePaul and
Cristo Rey School, Bethany
House Services, Lindner
Hope House, the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography
at UC San Diego, and the

28 | North Naples News November 2022

Heidt Hope House, part of the Boys Hope Girls Hope FINE SINCE
Cincinnati “Building Hope” initiative. Robert Heidt is JEWELRY 1966
Chief Executive Officer of Wellington Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine, where he has practiced as a physician WE HAVE MOVED TO
since 1982 and served as the team physician for the 300 FIFTH AVE SOUTH, SUITE #211
Cincinnati Bengals for nearly three decades. Julia Heidt
serves on the Board of Trustees for the Scripps Family Marilyn Janss will be specializing in
Office. The Heidts have supported the NWWF since custom designing and redesigning fine jewelry
2017. with your gems and/or ours. We will continue
“This past year’s NWWF was an amazing success as we
raised an incredible amount of money for essential children’s to do repairs and special orders.
services in our community,” said Bill Beynon, 2023 NWWF
Co-Chair, and NCEF Grant Committee member. “Our team YELLOW AND Home of the I REISS RING 14K GOLD
is excited to take on this challenge, building upon the 2022 WHITE DIAMONDS “NAPLES MEDALLION” AND DIAMONDS
event and bringing everyone together again in 2023 for another
Ticket packages for the 2023 Naples Winter Wine Festival 239-261-7952 or [email protected]
start at $15,000 per couple for a Double Magnum package and
$35,000 for two couples to experience a Jeroboam Package. OPEN STUDIOS
For additional information, please visit

1-5 PM
The Naples Winter Wine Festival, one of the world's 3-7 PM 1-5 PM
most prestigious charity wine auctions, offers a weekend of
unforgettable memories. Guests enjoy world-class food and Buy original art directly AIRPORT-PULLING RD J AND C BLVD
wine during intimate dinners in private homes and are invited from Southwest Florida’s
to bid on once-in-a-lifetime travel and wine experiences during largest concentration of NAPLES BLVDSEWARD
an electrifying live auction. Since its inaugural event in 2001, working artists.
the NWWF has raised nearly $244 million, making a profound YAHL ST PINE RIDGE RD
difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. „ 100+ Artists
„ Studio Tours SHIRLEY ST
The Naples Children & Education Foundation, the
founding organization of the Naples Winter Wine Festival, is North Naples News | 29
improving the educational, emotional, and health outcomes of
underprivileged and at-risk children. Through its annual grants
and strategic initiatives, NCEF has impacted more than fifty of
the most effective nonprofits in the community, providing more
than 275,000 children with the services and resources they
need to excel. NCEF's unique approach, which emphasizes
collaboration between organizations and bridges public and
private resources, has become a blueprint for how to transform
a community, one issue at a time.

For additional information on the Naples Children &
Education Foundation or the Naples Winter Wine Festival,
contact Lisa Juliano at [email protected] or

(L to R)
Julia and Robert Heidt Jr., Nena and Bill Beynon, and Rick and Libby Germain

November 2022


Offers hi-fidelity, realistic training equipment for new and seasoned NCH staff

T he Judith and Marvin Herb
Family Simulation Center (Sim
Center) has revolutionized
medical training and practice for
NCH Healthcare System staff members,

with state-of-the-art educational

equipment that is highly realistic to the

work environment, ultimately improving

patient outcomes and experiences.

Sim Center Medical Director, Douglas

W. Harrington, DO, FCCP, and the

Penny and Bill Allyn Endowed Chair

in Simulation says medical simulation

training is comparable to flight simulation

training used in the airline industry—

where real-life issues and scenarios can

be practiced in a controlled environment

before a pilot ever gets the plane off the


“It’s not only preparing

for a problem, but it also

runs a scenario when there’s

been a problem,” said Dr.

Harrington. “Just as an

airline spends hundreds of

hours training pilots before

they take off the ground,

we do the same thing in


The Sim Center is used

to optimize learning curves Foundation which enabled the acquisition

whenever a new piece of of three high-fidelity realistic manikins,

equipment is brought into While many medical staff have said Goodwin.
the hospital or a new process is started, completed post-graduate education, The Simulation Center recently was
explained Dr. Harrington. “If an event they still learn from simulation. And an
could have gone better, we scrutinize it experienced surgeon can use simulation recently awarded a $1 million “match”
and prepare for better future scenarios,” and become better.” grant from the Richard M. Schulze
he said. Family Foundation. Donors interested
According to Hope Goodwin, RN, in supporting the program will have the
Dr. Harrington said that only 10 to MSN, CEN, CHSE, Sim Center opportunity to double their impact thanks
20 percent of a lecture is retained in a Operations Manager, and Certified to this exciting opportunity.
classroom setting. However, when the Healthcare Simulation Educator, nurse
same information is presented in a hands- residents must undergo mandatory Sim “One manikin is a 27-week-old micro-
on simulation setting, retention increases Center training that allows them to train preemie with high-end realism throat
to more than 85 percent. in a safe, controlled environment. chords for intubation purposes, chest rise
for breathing, stomach distention, pulses,
“I’d much rather be taken care of NCH’s Sim Center is a state-of-the- crying, grunting, and can go cyanotic
by a healthcare provider who has not art facility with cutting-edge simulation (blue baby),” said Simulation Technician
only read about but has also performed equipment thanks to the generosity of Julio Irizarry, MA.
the processes,” said Dr. Harrington. donors like Julie and Steve Vanderboom,
“Simulation is revolutionizing how we who donated both time and funding, The Super Tory newborn, the most
train our internal medicine residents. and the Bill and Julia Van Domelen high-fidelity infant simulator on the
market with articulate arms, legs, and face,

30 | North Naples News November 2022

“Simulation is revolutionizing Victor Colesnicenco
how we train our internal Happy Cruises
48 x 36
medicine residents. While many
medical staff have completed 239.691.2484
post-graduate education, they
[email protected]
still learn from simulation. And
an experienced surgeon can use MERCATO
simulation and become better.” 9115 Strada Pl, #5130

–Sim Center Medical Director, Douglas W. Harrington, DO, FCCP Naples, FL 34108

offers venous access as well as access into the bone. It can also North Naples News | 31
provide simulation for emergencies, CPR, intubation, can get
a flat or bulging fontanelle (where the bones of the skull have
not fully formed), and can also cry and grunt.

“The third and most high-fidelity birthing manikin
can perform low occurrence, high-risk scenarios such
as maternal hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia, and breech
birthing not typically encountered by labor and delivery
nurses,” says Goodwin.

An Anatomage™ Table allows comprehensive 3D
visualization of the human body with an intuitive hands-on
interface. This visualization allows staff to perform patient
diagnosis with quick analysis and examination and can be used
for medical education and dynamic presentations. Access to
four digital cadavers allows staff a glimpse into the bodies of
actual living people who died from cancer, pneumonia, and
heart attack, as well as a death row inmate. Thousands of MRIs
and CTs are stored in the system with the ability to download
actual patient MRIs or CTs for educational purposes.

According to Troy Munn, Chief Development Officer,
NCH Healthcare System, Inc., the NCH Hospital Ball
chaired by Dianna and Doug Harrington, DO, held this
past April at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples, raised $1.5 million
to benefit the 10,000 square-foot permanent Sim Center
space and furnish it with more state-of-the-art technology
and simulation equipment. Also announced at the event was
a separate, significant endowment gift—the Penny and Bill
Allyn Endowed Chair for Simulation. Philanthropist Bill
Allyn created the endowed chair for the position of medical
director that Dr. Harrington holds.

For more information on the Sim Center, contact
Operations Manager Hope Goodwin, RN, MSN, CEN,
CHSE at 239.624.1253 or email [email protected].

To make a donation to the Judith and Marvin Herb Family
Simulation Center, please call 239.624.2015.





Art Lab Monroe, Art2D & Studio Art TLC Northline Plaza Border Fine Art Lines Ocean Art

19 18 17 1819 J and C 2076-86 J and C 2172-88 J and C 2220 J and C 2354 J and C


16 15 14 12 975 3 21
Lee Ann Ln 11 10 8 6 4
20 21 25 27 Janes Ln
22 26 28 13


Fairways 29 30 31 B Donna Hope . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Alejandra Ponce . . . . . . 100
Judith Belmont . . . . . . . . 97 Jane Huggins . . . . . . . . . . . 31
BY PATRICE SCHELKUN Trade 32 33 34 MAP LEGEND Nora Sharpe Beyrent . . . . 17 R
Valerie Blauvelt . . . . . . . . 29 I Natali Rass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
OPEN STUDIOS Village 35 36 37 Gabriela Brazao . . . . . . . . 101 Bronia Ichel . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Anna Rac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6210-60 Shirley 38 Paula Brody . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Sir Roland Richardson . 56
Scott Brown . . . . . . . . . . . 43 J Jan Roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
1ST WEDNESDAY 1ST THURSDAY 3RD SATURDAY J&C Blvd Artists Teryl Hubschman Alice Jacobs . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Tracy Magen Rosen . . . . . 12
Raud Johnson . . . . . . . . . 73 Richard W . Rosen . . . . . . . 13
T NOV 2 NOV 3 NOV 12 Elsa St Fairways Trade Brzeski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ransformation. T3ha-t7w aPs Mthe fo1cu-s5 PM Village Artists K S
I had chosen for this month’s The Alley C Karen Kelleher . . . . . . . . . 85 Arturo Samaniego . . . . . . 51
article on the artBs,uayiomrigeidnapl arritmdiarercitllyy 1-5 PM5850-80 Shirley The Alley Artists Kimberley Camera . . . . . . .5 Shirley Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Anika Ellison Savage . . . 64
from Southwest Florida’s 41 47 48 49 Anthe Capitan-Valais . . . 84 Julie Kimball . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Patrice Schelkun . . . . . . . 48
at the transformalatrigoenstocofntcheentration of 50 Artisan’s Plaza Tina Cenname . . . . . . . . . .14 Dora Knuteson . . . . . . . . . 94 Laurél Schmid . . . . . . . . . 62
42 43 44 45 46 Artists Cynthia Corio-Poli . . . . . . .52 Jill Segal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
39 40 Cori Craciun . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 L Joel Shapses . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Inspirations & Louis Cristo . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Carol Lader . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Susan Alexander
TAYLOR RSHDIRLEY ST JSAtNiDcCkBsLV&D AIRPORT-PULLING RD 52 51 Claymore Artists Valerie Cristo . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Janet Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Stones Rachelle LeeAnn . . . . . . . 59 Shipman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
TAYLOR RD SHIRLEY ST 53 54 Seward Ave, Yahl St D Lisett Llorens . . . . . . . . . . .33 Tammra Sigler . . . . . . . . . 66
5857 Shirley 55 & Taylor Rd Artists Marc Damon . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Kari LaOrden . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Linda Sollars . . . . . . . . . . . 49
NAPLES BLVD Gary Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Janice Lutton . . . . . . . . . . 42 Andre Spatz . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Naples Art District comwmorukninigtyarotisvtes.r the 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Mary Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Vicky Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Britt Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
YAHL ST Maggie DeMarco . . . . . . . 70 Danell Lytell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rochelle Buss Szews . . . .25
last 16 years. Little did I know a„s10I0+saAtrtists SEWARD 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 Carolynn Desch . . . . . . . . . 41 AIRPORT-PULLING RD
Boris Deriy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 M T
down to write, that our commu„„nSDitteuymdoioonfTsotruartsions Naples Glassworks PINE RIDGE RDShirley Street Artisans Plaza Jan Deswik . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Tyler MacDonald . . . . . . . 99 Tekla Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Southwest Florida would be facing the & Vicki Lynn Art Galelria Richard Diedrich . . . . . . . 20 Sandee Mahler . . . . . . . . . . .7 Linda Thompson . . . . . . . 96
5760 Shirley Holly Manneck . . . . . . . . . 26 Christine Tracey . . . . . . . . . .8
5311 Shirley E Gerry Manning . . . . . . . . . .55
TylerMAC Joan Eshkenazi . . . . . . . . . 21 Ray Mathews Jr . . . . . . . . . 86 U
Jan Edwards . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Deborah Martin . . . . . . . . 63 Tracy Ulmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
2025 Seward 99 Silvina Marzari . . . . . . . . . 34
F Brenda McDonald . . . . . . 61 V
devastation of perhaps SEWARD AVE 100 Terra Faux & Zaobra Sandy Fleming . . . . . . . . . .53 Lynn Fishbach Miller . . . .35 Fabrizio Venuta . . . . . . . . . 81
Susan Minter . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Juliana Versari . . . . . . . . . . 19
disaster to hit the Sunshine State. 101 5650 Yahl G Michael Monroe . . . . . . . . . 16
Ray Gallo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Kathleen Moore . . . . . . . . 47 W
79 Clay More YAHL ST Jill Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Wendy Wagner . . . . . . . . 38
5560 Shirley Tara Funk Grim . . . . . . . . . 91 N Carol Walsh . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Sometimes change—and thus 83 82 80 81 Barbara Groenteman . . . 71 Steve Nagy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Misoon Whang . . . . . . . . . 10
97 85 84 The House of Drop Julie Spencer Groves . . . 37 Catherine Nearhos . . . . . 77 Karen Anne Welsh . . . . . 27
Christy Noonan . . . . . . . . 40 Diane Whiting . . . . . . . . . 28
transformation—is thrust upon us by life’s 98 87 86 5532 Shirley H Sara Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Loretta Hamilton . . . . . . . 30 O
5401 Taylor 89 88 Christina Georgeanne Julie Siler Olander . . . . . . . .4 Z
Bonnie Ziskin . . . . . . . . . . 57
circumstances. And those circumstances 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Heller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 P
Leigh Herndon . . . . . . . . . 92 Timothy Parker . . . . . . . . . 15
aren’t always welcome. But we find Inspirations Dennis Holt . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Ashleigh Poirier . . . . . . . . 88
strength in community, in supporting one
another, and we build from there. 5450B Shirley


It takes vision to see what the and jewelry makers, as well as those Despite the setbacks of a major

possibilities are. When ceramist and working in fiber art, printmaking, hurricane, Art Alive! open studio events

sculptor Richard Rosen founded the mosaic, pastels, and collage. will take place on the first Wednesday,

Naples Art District in 2006, he and a small Finding strength in one another and in first Thursday, and third Saturday of each

group of 15 Naples artists had the idea to each other’s gifts helps transform us into month from November to May. Some

share their art and artistic practice with our best selves, and it certainly can help studios are open every Thursday and by

people in their community. Starting as just transform a community after loss. Part appointment as well. Other special events

a few studio spaces in a largely industrial of what has made the Naples Art District planned for this season will coordinate

neighborhood where rents were affordable, so attractive to artists as well as art lovers with the county-wide !Arte Viva!

the mission of this unique 501(c)(3) non- over the years is its sense of community. celebration of Hispanic arts and culture,

profit has been to cultivate art awareness Artists often work in isolation, spending including a Feliz Navidad celebration

and education in Naples. Not only did much of their time alone in the studio. in December and a special two-week

these artists establish a personal place for Thus, they value the opportunity to share Frida Fest focusing on Mexican artist

artmaking, but their efforts have helped ideas, philosophies, and skills with other Frida Kahlo in late January. Also planned

transform the area—and our community— working artists. are Artful Arrangements in February,

into a culturally rich and vibrant place to Most artists are also eager to share an Art & Design Expo in March, and

visit and call home. what they know and love with those a Creativity Camp for Adults in late

Just north of Pine Ridge Road who value art, or who simply want to April-May. For more information,

and west of Airport-Pulling, you’ll venture into making art for the first visit the Naples Art District website at

find loads of businesses that provide time or explore a new technique. Many

design services and building materials studios offer workshops and classes on a

to homeowners and the construction regular basis. Instead of having just a brief

industry. But on Shirley and Taylor conversation with an artist exhibiting at a Patrice Schelkun is a contemporary realist painter
Streets, J&C Boulevard, and adjacent weekend art fair, the Naples Art District working in oil and on glass. She and her husband
streets you’ll also now find over 100 allows you the chance to develop ongoing split their time between Naples and Lake George, NY.
painters, photographers, ceramists, relationships with artists, learning from View her work at or
sculptors, woodworkers, glass artists, them and supporting them in their work. @schelkun_studio_arts on Instagram and Facebook.

32 | North Naples News November 2022

running through November 2022


Owner of East West Fine Art

V enetian glass artist Mauro Bonaventura
communicates with glass souls as he does with
a friend, sharing his own emotions and the
sensations that come to him. When Mauro
touches the glass, an instinctive relationship develops. He
tells stories from the present and the past that narrate
the beauty and charm of his hometown, Venice, and the
element that is its heart—the sea.

The stunning sphere, named “Running through My
Mind” is the deep blue color of the Venetian Sea. The
artist created the sculpture from a tangle of colored glass threads that recall
ocean waves, electrical circuits, or the network of nerve cells.
This colored cage contains a human figure, flexible and harmonious in its
attempt to free itself from the web of threads. Mauro draws our attention
to the interconnectedness of the world of the ocean, the human world
outside our bodies, and the world inside our brains. There are mysterious and
powerful synapses in our minds, the relationships between human beings, and
the electrical signals inside the ocean that connects all of its dwellers.

34 | North Naples News

It almost seems that Board Certified M.D. with 20+ years
Bonaventura’s works release of Experience in Concierge
an opposing tension that on Holistic Internal Medicine
one hand clutches and enfolds
his figures in the multicolored Svetlana Kogan, M.D.
sphere that imprison them.
720 Fifth Avenue South • Suite 209 Naples, FL 34102
Yet, from above opens the
door to another world of a (239) 676-6883
distant freedom, perhaps the
most important, the boundless
universe of the spirit and of
ideas. While the human body can be trapped, the human spirit • Moved practice from NYC to Naples
can never be conquered. • A Cornell University graduate, authored
Mauro was born in Venice in 1965. At 18, he graduated with hundreds of print & online publications
a diploma in electronics. In his search for a job, fate gave him an and has appeared as a medical expert on
opportunity to become an apprentice in the age-old tradition of FOX, CBS, ABC, and NBC.
Venetian glassblowing. • Author of ‘Diet Slave No More!’
Right from the start, Mauro became enamored and book, phone app, & weight management
mesmerized with the incandescent quality of glass. His career program.
began with learning the techniques of glassblowing and glass • A luxury concierge-style private practice
decoration and to date he remains in the glassmaker’s trade. with direct access to the doctor herself
It was a turning point for Mauro in 1992 when he was
fortunate to be invited by a glass maestro to observe him in & instant feedback to your questions &
lampworking. A new passion struck Mauro when he realized needs.
this technique enabled him to explore a new and exciting way of • Holistic Primary Care with meticulous
working with glass on a closer and more intimate level. attention to lifestyle, nutrition, and Mind-
In the subsequent course of his lampworking career, we have Body balance. Will help you manage your
seen Mauro Bonaventura’s artistic development growing from most important asset - your health.
strength to strength with his life-like figures often encased in
intricate network of cages or spheres. He continues to hone his NEWSFLORIDA NEIGHBORHOOD
skills and perfect his mastery of the medium of glass to create
outstanding and thought-provoking art pieces. OLD NAPLES & NORTH NAPLES NEWS
Lampwork is a technique of glass processing carried out by
a torch in which oxygen and methane gas, even propane is used GET YOUR
in order to create a scorching flame. The artist then uses this
torch to melt the glass rods. Different colors and finishes of the NEWS
rods have different densities and mineral compositions. They
require different temperatures to melt. The artist must be not only ON THE GO
artistically creative, but also educated in chemistry to properly
work with the difficult and fragile materials. Once the sculpture is FLORIDANEIGHBORHOODNEWS.COM
completed, it must be placed in a temperature-controlled kiln to
further strengthen the glass. North Naples News | 35
Each creation born is one-of-a-kind, capturing the artist’s
unique vision of the world. To see these and other works by
Mauro Bonaventura, visit East West Fine Art at Mercato:
9115 Strada Place #5155, Naples FL 34108.

[email protected] ::

1. Mauro Bonaventura, Freedom | 29 x 13 x 15

2. Mauro Bonaventura, The Wall | 20 x 20 x 4
3. Mauro Bonaventura, Aquarium: 24 x 7 x 7

BOTTOM: Mauro Bonaventura, Running Through My Mind | 12 x 12 x 12

PAGE 35: Mauro Bonaventura, Dance your Troubles Away | 12 x 12 x 12

November 2022


[email protected] | 239.595.0482

Naples Mac Help

In the past 50 years, privacy has become desktop, laptop, phone, and tablet—and Google and Apple both have ways to
more precious as the internet and social works seamlessly on all of them. For just mask your email address when sending mail.
media have eroded the walls of privacy $8.32 per month, you can browse the web
that we have constructed. If you are not with no worries, to me this is priceless! If you have a Gmail account, here’s
sure about this theory, type your name how to do it: your email is joseph@gmail.
into Google and see what the results are! If you use Apple devices, Apple has a com. You want to buy something from
I am going to give an explanation of some new feature called iCloud Private Relay. It Amazon, and they ask for your email.
tips you can easily implement to start is included with a subscription to iCloud+ Type the + sign and a word afterward,
rebuilding your privacy wall back to a which bundles Apple services into one such as [email protected].
more fortified state. payment. When Private Relay is enabled, This mail will automatically come to
all of your browsing activity in Safari will your inbox, and you can reply from that
One of the best things to do is start be routed through two internet relays. address. Remember the + sign is the key
using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to Your data is encrypted and then sent to to creating an alias in Gmail.
protect your online activity. A VPN adds Apple, so your ISP can’t see any of your
a layer of anonymity between your device web browsing requests. It is not really a Apple has a service called Hide My
and the internet provider. An example VPN but does hide your IP address from Email, where they will create a unique email
would be if you were to log into Wi-Fi the sites that you visit. address for many sites and services that
in a coffee shop. This is an open or public you like, and these are forwarded to your
Wi-Fi network that does not require a Another way to protect your privacy is primary AppleID email address. Like the
password. The danger of these networks to have a second phone line for shopping Private Relay, this is a feature of iCloud+.
is that there is no privacy, and anything and registration for different services and
you type or enter could be intercepted by websites. The easiest way to do this is to In Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and
someone that has the software to do this. add a second SIM card to your newer other browsers, you may see a “Private
This happens anywhere where you can iPhone or Android phone. Most phones Browsing” or “Incognito Mode.” These
join a network without a password, and no since 2020 contain dual-sim capability, only prevent web pages that you visit from
data transferred on these networks should so check with the manufacturer to verify. appearing in history, they do not protect
be considered private. This happens This allows you to accept and make calls you from outside eavesdropping as a VPN
in hotels, shopping centers, airports, from the second line, but since I don’t use does. So private browsing is only private
restaurants, doctors’ offices, and almost mine for calls, I know that any number on the computer or device you are using,
anywhere that is not a home. Again, if calling on the second line is a marketing but your internet service provider (ISP)
you are logging into your bank to pay call or spam call from a vendor I gave the is aware of every page that you visit and
bills on an open network, your password number. Makes it a lot easier to reject may see that data for marketing services,
and email are at risk of being exposed unknown callers! another reason that using a VPN is a
and another person could then log into great way to maintain privacy!
your account. Using a VPN prevents this
from happening. It makes you anonymous
when browsing the web at home or away
from home. You can also set up a VPN to
show that you are in another country if
you want to watch local TV from London
while you are in Naples! The best VPN I
can recommend is ExpressVPN. It allows
you to install the app on all devices—

36 | North Naples News November 2022




Minotti | The Collective
111 Tenth Street South, Suite 202, Naples, FL 34102 | 239.331.4111

Naples Design District
938 Third Avenue North, Naples, FL 34102 | 239.494.1914


How Ian impacted our community and building back better

"O ur thoughts are with accomplished while host a clothing drive for Dress for Success
everyone impacted by also restoring the Southwest Florida to help women affected
Hurricane Ian. The beauty and vibrancy of by Hurricane Ian. PBS also encourages
devastation and impact the Southwest Florida donations to the Collier Comes Together
are being felt by our entire community. We community. Fund administered by the Collier
must remember adversity builds strong Community Foundation.
character, strong character builds strong In accordance with
people, and strong people build strong our mission statement, As Russell Budd, Founder of PBS,
communities. At PBS Contractors our PBS is working to states, “In the aftermath of Hurricane
purpose statement is ‘We Build Better support the needs Ian, our purpose has never been more
Lives for Our Team, for Our Clients, and of our community. clear or more urgent. Recovery will
for our Community.’This has never been In October, PBS require unparalleled levels of time,
more of a focus as we Contractors held resources, and hard work, and PBS is
all come together to their award-winning committed to not only rebuilding homes
rebuild our community “Russell's Barbecue.” and businesses but rebuilding better lives
stronger than it was This event is held for all of Southwest Florida.”
before.” each spring and fall
and raises money for HOW TO HELP THOSE
-Tim Dupre, a different not-for- IMPACTED BY IAN:
President, and CEO, profit community
PBS Contractors organization at each • The Collier Community
barbecue. The beneficiary in October Foundation:
It has been was the 100 Club of Collier County, and
heartbreaking to see 100% of proceeds helped first responders • Red Cross:
the devastation caused and their families whose homes were • Salvation Army of Collier County:
by Hurricane Ian and lost or damaged by Hurricane Ian. In
the PBS Contractors November, PBS Contractors plans to
team (many of whom • United Way of Collier and the
are hurricane victims
themselves) are Keys:
dedicated to seeing our
community brought
back to life. We know
many will be seeking
to remodel or rebuild
their homes and/or
businesses and strongly
encourage that
FEMA guidelines that
establish elevations
at which you must
build be strictly
adhered to, and only
licensed, experienced,
and trusted contractors be hired for any
jobs. PBS can help with ensuring that
your home or business structure is being
built back with the utmost safety in mind
providing better protection from wind
and water. PBS has confidence this can be

38 | North Naples News November 2022



Glamping at the Top of the World

BY KAREN T. BARTLETT that I heard it sing. I looked it up forest. There also are snow igloos (you
later, and yes, the aurora borealis need a down sleeping bag) and luxurious
W hat I learned from crackles and hisses as it swirls. log-and-glass chalets.
Hurricane Ian is that
even people who live in I was traveling with a group of At night my beloved and I will drift
paradise sometimes yearn journalists in Finnish Lapland when to sleep beneath the magical light show,
to escape to some remote spot on the our guide unexpectedly stopped the and hurricanes will be cleansed from
globe for serenity and healing. Just days van in the middle of nowhere and our minds. In the daytime, we may go
after a river of murky seawater invaded commanded us to get out on the
my Naples home, I’m feeling that way snow-banked side of the road. The
myself. It’s just a fantasy, of course, element of surprise and awe made
because right now it’s all about cleaning it magical, but anticipation made
up and helping our neighbors. But it even more magical the next
even a moment of fantasy has healing night and the night after that.
properties, so I’m still deciding between a
glass igloo beneath the swirling lights of I’ve long dreamed of going
the aurora borealis near the Arctic Circle back, but lately, the fantasy has
and a glamping tent near a remote village taken on a new dimension.
in Tibet. This time, I have my sights on a
glass-domed igloo for two at the
AURORA BOREALIS THERAPY: luxurious Kakslauttanen Arctic
Resort, 150 miles north of the
Finnish Lapland Arctic Circle where guests go
I saw the aurora borealis once. Well, full 180-degree immersion in the
aurora borealis from the comfort of their
not so much saw it as absorbed its sudden own beds.
gauzy arrivals and departures from an
indigo-blue sky. Greens, mostly, with By a clever feat of engineering, the
swirls of white and lavender, but it was so glass doesn’t frost over when it’s minus
much more than color. I felt it brush my 40° outside and toasty warm inside.
skin like butterfly kisses. I even imagined Surrounding each private igloo is nothing
but a vast snow-covered Christmas tree

40 | North Naples News November 2022

sledding or cross-country skiing, or maybe we’ll join a reindeer safari with
native Sami guides. I’ll skip the “refreshing” ice swim (sometimes they need
to saw out a hole for you), but I’m all about that authentic Finnish smoke
sauna, switching with birch leaves and about a ten-second roll in the snow
included. We can pack light, as the resort offers for rent all the necessary
winter apparel, boots, and gear.

With all this, plus Finnish and Lappish cuisine and a respectable supply
of Finland’s legendary spirit, Koskenkorva vodka, could there be a more
stress-releasing destination on the globe? I think not.

The aurora borealis is visible between now and late April.

SERENITY FOUND: of a fine hotel, from super-comfy bedding to stereos
and expansive private decks and observation platforms.
A Botanical Garden at the Top of the World And well it should, as the Songtsam name is renowned
Who would guess that a fjord-embraced Norwegian island, renowned for its collection of unique luxury hotels across the
Tibetan Plateau. This is their first glamping resort. The
for polar expeditions and aurora borealis light chasers, also claims the company isn’t just randomly bandying about phrases
world’s northernmost botanical garden? I happened upon the Tromsø like “unobtrusive service,” “sustainability,” “reverence for
Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden purely by accident while exploring the nature,” and “preservation of the culture¬;” its founder is
island of Tromsøya. There was no gate, no ticket booth, and not even a a native of the real Shangri-la in Yunnan Province. He’s
gardener in sight. Perhaps it is tended by gnomes in the middle of the also an award-winning documentary filmmaker on the
night. It was a magical private moment, making my way in solitude along essence of Tibetan culture. Guests of the glamping resort
the terraced paths spilling over with brilliant flowers, their faces turned can balance authentic cultural exchanges, breathtaking
nature experiences, and fresh local cuisine with plenty of
to the sun, and their backs to jagged snow-peaked time for breathing, sleeping, and yak gazing.
I think I could find the tranquility and healing I
On the same island, which lies in the warm waters need there.
of the Gulf Stream, are some of the oldest and most
colorful fishing villages in Norway. In my fantasy, it’s
summertime in Norway, and I’m headed back there now,
not to hike again with the huskies through emerald-
green, cloudberry-infused meadows (okay, maybe I’ll do
that, too) but first, to recapture my moment of serenity in
the northernmost botanical garden in the world.

GLAMPING: Tranquility on the Tibetan Plateau TOP: The aurora borealis swirls over Norway and Finnish Lapland from October to April.
Now I’m dreaming about the brand new Songtsam Glamping Resort
near a remote village in the Palpa Valley of Tibet, set in a spectacular MIDDLE: Tent Glamping on the Tibetan Plateau. Photo courtesy of
mountain wilderness surrounded by lush virgin forests and meadows of BOTTOM LEFT: Young sled huskies in training are excited about hiking with visitors at Tromsø
grazing yaks.
Wilderness Center. Photo by Karen T. Bartlett
Each tent, spaced just far away from the others for privacy but close BOTTOM RIGHT: Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden on the island of Tromsøya.
enough to the gourmet-quality dining tents, exudes the expected ambiance
Photo by Karen T. Bartlett
November 2022
TOP RIGHT: Glass-domed igloo at Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort in Finnish Lapland. Courtesy photo
BOTTOM RIGHT: Luxury inn-style amenities in the tents at the new Songtsam Glamping Resort in

Tibet. Courtesy photo
NoOrtldh Naples News | 41


Spotlight on volunteer Harry McCartney!

BY LAUREN SPEIRS cast in his first The Producers. I played six parts and in
show The Smell of one scene I went out into the crowd and
H arry was born in Mobile, the Kill, and I was danced with audience members. It was a
Alabama but grew up in Japan the soundboard hoot—a lot of fun.”
(yes, he still remembers how to operator for that
speak the language!) because his show. It was the Maybe because of his military
father was a civil servant. After finishing first time we were background, Harry found himself slightly
college, Harry went into the Navy and able to volunteer, typecast. “I did get cast as a cop a lot.
was in the Seabee Battalion. For those of work, and play In Oklahoma, I was the sheriff. In The
us who don’t know, the Seabee nickname together! We had Producers, I was a police officer. The only
comes from the initial letters “CB” from a blast and we’re embarrassing moment I had on stage was
the words “Construction Battalion.” still enjoying when I tripped coming in the door in The
While serving in Vietnam, his twelve- being a part of Producers!”
man team traveled all over the country TNP ever since.”
building shelters for US Marines. Everyone at The Naples Players
Harry adds, is grateful for a volunteer like Harry
After serving in the military, Harry “Deb told and we’re always happy to hear that
started his own business as me about the the feeling is mutual. “I’ve never had
a contractor on Anna Maria theatre—she got a bad time at TNP. Everyone is really
Island. Harry worked for other me hooked on supportive and it’s just an enjoyable
important local organizations: it! Initially, I did group to be with. I’ve done thirteen
a monkey boat captain for the Readers Theatre (script-in-hand plays) but musicals here! The young kids have really
Naples Zoo, a contractor for I wanted to learn so I tried not to rely on taken Something Rotten! to a whole other
the Rookery Bay Department the script too much. I’ve done just about level—they are just Broadway.”
of Environmental Protection everything—fly rail, lights, ushering, and
where he maintained 250,000 backstage hand. In Fiddler on the Roof, I TOP TO BOTTOM:
acres with tractors, boats, and was a Russian Cossack dancer and did all Harry in Mary Poppins (center)
all kinds of heavy equipment, of those tough dances—I even jumped Debron Keller and Harry McCartney at TNP
and he was also a certified off a table! My all-time favorite show was
nursing assistant. Harry in The Producers (left)

An important part of
Harry’s story is his wife
Debron (aka, Deb) with whom
he volunteers at The Naples
Players. “I met Deb in 1991
and we got married in 1992—
she was a flight attendant at the
time. We just celebrated our
thirtieth wedding anniversary.”
Not only did Deb introduce
Harry to volunteering at TNP
but they also traveled the
world together. They’ve been
everywhere from Moscow to Turkey!

Deb says, “In 2002, Harry and I
bought a condo that is walking distance
to Fifth Avenue South. I knew Harry
had a lot of stage presence and couldn’t
wait for him to join in on the fun I was
having at The Naples Players! In 2007,
Harry was able to volunteer, and he was

42 | North Naples News November 2022



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Call us from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week at NCH-7777 (239-624-7777).

ANcDolAoRrT Lazy Susan

Meet in Naples Laura Chelini

TBY STACY VERMYLEN Foundation’s student original work of art.
here is nothing like a splash of program, will Admission is free. For a more private
vibrant color to liven up a room provide tastes of
or an outfit! November will bring award-winning salsas viewing, consider attending the Artisan
over 20 talented artisans and their and sauces bottled Marketplace Cocktail Party on Friday,
colorful works to the Seventh Annual nearby. Beautiful November 4, featuring the wines and
Artisan Marketplace Show at the Naples scarves, kimonos, cuisine of Chef Vincenzo Betulia, to be
Woman’s Club. The theme for our 2022 fitness clothing, enjoyed while visiting the booths.
show is “Color My World,” reflecting the colorful leggings, and
way color can brighten the world around us silk dresses will be The Artisan Marketplace will be open
with objects of art and craft. (We could all presented by Dena on November 4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 4
use some brightening after the tragedy of Lyons, Martha Gill, p.m. and the Cocktail Party will be on
Ian.) Artisan Marketplace guests will stroll and Alyssa Del Torre, Friday, November 4 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
around booths filled with jewelry, ceramics, too. More jewelry, purses, and artisan-
art, apparel, and accessories, plus enjoy two made soaps and lotions will also be The Naples Woman’s Club is located at
special booths featuring condiments and available. 570 Park Street, in downtown Naples.
toffee; all provide wonderful gifts or treats Be sure to look for the Silent Auction The club is a non-profit organization
for everyday enjoyment. table, where guests can bid on the unique that raises funds for college scholarships
items donated by local businesses; and grants for local social service
The Marketplace, they’ll make great gifts. Try bidding on organizations. For information and
started in 2015 by the the opportunity to drive a Bentley for tickets, go to
Naples Woman’s Club a weekend, stay at a lovely hotel, enjoy
to support artists and a special gift basket of wine, or own an Bottom Photo: Silver Dollar
raise funds for college
scholarships for students
pursuing the fine arts, has
been held each year in
early November, kicking
off the holiday shopping
season. Mary Limont,
who creates unique
one-of-a-kind silver and
copper jewelry, helped
organize the event in its
first few years and hosts a
favorite booth each year.
Patti Patrick, part of a group of talented
potters, will once again offer unique
ceramic works of art created in the kilns
at the Marco Island Art League.

NWC proudly announces that artists
Popo Flanigan, Laura Chelini, and Tara
O’Neill will also be on-hand, displaying
and selling their fine-framed art. Taste of
Immokalee, run by young entrepreneurs
who have been part of the Immokalee

44 | North Naples News November 2022


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A common condition commonly overlooked

BY DR KOGAN always consider what environmental can cause disturbances in the thyroid.
Concierge Holistic Internal Medicine triggers could the patient potentially I typically recommend that the salt the
have been exposed to. Could an infection patient consumes for cooking should be
P revention is the foundation of a or some sort of inflammation create a iodized. Interestingly, Iodine deficiency
holistic approach to health. When compromised milieu for the functioning seems to be most prevalent in pregnant,
I think of a disease that could of the thyroid gland? Many different vegetarian, and vegan patients. I do not
easily be prevented if screened for viral, bacterial, fungal, and even parasitic recommend taking any iodine-containing
early, the thyroid immediately comes to infections can trigger autoimmune supplements which have more than 150
mind. In fact, almost ten percent of the inflammation of the thyroid gland. micrograms of iodine (a recommended
population is estimated to have some Another consideration could be some sort daily value, RDA). Food intake via
degree of thyroid imbalance, but only of nutritional deficiency or a presence of seafood products is always more natural,
one percent is officially diagnosed. This food sensitivity, which could potentially in my humble opinion, than pushing high
means that nine out of ten people with compromise the functioning of the doses of supplements.
early thyroid disease will likely not get the thyroid gland.
preventive help they need. The takeaway message of this article is
Getting checked for food sensitivities this: if you feel that your symptoms could
The thyroid gland can be thought of as or Celiac Disease might get us some be resulting from thyroid imbalance, get it
a mirror of our personal lifestyle. As our answers. The most common deficiencies checked out and consider how managing
environment changes, so does the thyroid. identified in newly diagnosed thyroid your stress, diet and lifestyle can help you
Its function is designed to be activated patients are Vitamin A, Vitamin D, heal this common condition.
or suppressed in response to the daily Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Iron,
stressors and metabolic demands we face. Zinc, and B12. If any such deficiency is Lifestyle interventions, however small,
identified, prompt supplementation may always improve thyroid function, and this
Patients with imbalanced thyroid lead to the correction of the imbalance. is most likely thanks to the mitigation
glands present with a variety of of an inflammatory state, which either
complaints. Some of them are: A common dietary question I also get directly or indirectly instigated the thyroid
from patients is: how does Iodine fit into dysfunction in the first place.
• • Mental or physical fatigue the picture of healthy thyroid?
• • Unintentional weight gain or loss Dr. Kogan is a Concierge Holistic Internal Medicine
• • Insulin Resistance or Metabolic In truth, there is no straightforward doctor in Naples. For more information visit
answer to this question. It seems like
Syndrome iodine deficiency as well as the excess of
• • High Cholesterol despite best iodine in the diet or supplementation

dietary efforts
• • Depression
• • Infertility
When holistic doctors consider
a thyroid etiology for the patient’s
presenting symptoms, they usually
consider what kind of past or current
stressors surround their patient. It is a
well-known fact that stress suppresses
thyroid function at multiple levels
and should be considered right away.
Additionally, when we consider the
Ayurvedic (ancient Indian) view of
the body chakras, thyroid function is
intimately connected with blockages in
the Throat Chakra.
In addition to stress, we should

46 | North Naples News November 2022

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this November at Artis—Naples

T he 2022-23 season is well Naples, starting with Community Day, Baker Museum. Helen Frankenthaler:
underway at Artis—Naples, a free event for the whole family filled Late Works, 1990-2003 showcases the
home of The Baker Museum with music, art, and many fun activities. innovative soak-stain paintings of
and the Naples Philharmonic, Later that evening, the late Myra Janco Frankenthaler’s late years and is on display
with a wide variety of exhibitions and Daniels, founder of the organization through November 27. The exhibition
performances in November for which that is now Artis—Naples, will be Ran Hwang: Becoming Again, on display
we can all give thanks. From a salsa remembered in what is sure to be a through January 8, meditates on both
orchestra early in the month, to a day memorable performance with the Naples the transient and cyclical nature of life
devoted to the community mid-month, Philharmonic and special guests. with an installation by the Korean-born
to an evening of holiday jazz as the artist Ran Hwang which incorporates
month draws to a close, Artis—Naples Later in the month, Artis—Naples buttons, beads, pins, and video projections.
is grateful to be presenting so many will be visited by two piano virtuoso Envisioning Evil: “The Nazi Drawings” by
outstanding events—and grateful for the brothers, Arthur and Lucas Jussen, Mauricio Lasansky is on display through
wonderful audiences who support them. in two programs. The Jussen brothers February 19. This haunting and powerful
perform with Naples Philharmonic exhibition presents the illustrations of
November opens with Naples musicians on November 15 and 20 Lasansky, the son of Jewish immigrants
Philharmonic Pops series performances, as part of the Sypert Salon series, in Argentina, as he grappled with the
in a program entitled Jack’s Hollywood performing chamber music by Schumann Holocaust. And extending all the way
Epics, running from November 1 and Mozart. On November 17 and until July 16 of next year throughout the
through 5. Jack Everly, the principal pops 19, the Jussen brothers perform the Hayes Hall galleries, Florida Contemporary
conductor of the Naples Philharmonic, Mozart Concerto for Two Pianos with 2022-23 showcases the artwork of three
leads the orchestra on an exhilarating the orchestra. Then audiences can get notable Florida artists.
journey through stirring Hollywood ready to be truly moved by the luxurious
themes. Then it’s time to dance on sound of the Berliner Philharmoniker, For details on all exhibitions,
November 6, when premier salsa one of the greatest orchestras in the performances, and events, visit
orchestra Grupo Niche makes their world, as they make their Florida debut
Artis—Naples debut with their catchy, on November 21 and 22. Legendary
upbeat rhythms. And everyone can saxophonist Dave Koz and Friends LEFT: Lucas and Arthur Jussen Photo ©Marco Borggreve
keep on dancing on November 10 when herald the start of the holiday season
BalletX, the premier contemporary ballet on November 27 with their 25th MIDDLE: Kirill Petrenko with the Berliner Philharmoniker
company of Philadelphia, performs with Anniversary Christmas Tour. ©Monika Rittershaus
the Naples Philharmonic. November
12 will be a very special day for Artis— Art lovers won’t want to miss the RIGHT: Community Day
exhibitions currently on display in The

48 | North Naples News November 2022

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for the debt of your identity thief

Attorney, Vernon Litigation

"If you are not proactive
in fending off such
a debt collector, you

could potentially face a
judgment to pay for a
debt that was the result of

identity theft."

T he US Department of Justice company, you could incur significant legal bringing suit that you were the victim
classifies identity theft as the fastest- fees attempting to defend against the of identity theft, including a copy of the
growing white-collar crime in the litigation. There are steps to safeguard police report, you may be able to obtain
Nation. The Federal Commission yourself when being dragged into this any actual damages as well as attorney’s
received over 2.8 million fraud reports type of litigation because, unfortunately, fees and costs in successfully defending
from consumers in 2021, losing more than the burden is on us as consumers to prove your case.
$5.8 billion dollars to fraud. we have been the victim of identity theft.
If you have provided the above notice
Digital thieves only need your name, Often, the debt has been sold many and can prove that the company failed
address, and last four numbers of your times to different debt purchasers and, to diligently investigate your report
social security number to apply for as a result, the company suing no longer of identity theft or that the company
any loan or credit application. Digital has the original information to confirm continued to pursue litigation after
applications for loans or credit cards you are the individual who originally being presented with such facts, the debt
require your personal information along applied for the loan or credit application. collector may be liable for a civil penalty
with an electronic signature without any This includes information such as the and damages up to $30,000. If you are
other verification that the name and social original electronic signature confirmation not proactive in fending off such a debt
security number match the individual document that confirms the identity of collector, you could potentially face a
filling out the application. Common ways the original individual who signed for the judgment to pay for a debt that was the
that identity theft can occur are by identity loan or credit application. result of identity theft.
thieves rummaging through garbage to
find paper with your personal information This is when making sure all attempts Victoria Martinez is a lifelong resident of SWFL
on it, through pop-ups or emails that to dispute the debt including reports with and an attorney at Vernon Litigation Group. Ms.
pretend to be financial institutions asking credit bureaus, the FTC, and local police Martinez’s practice focuses exclusively on litigation,
for your personal information or by become critical since consumers have with a concentration in business, trust, and probate
hacking into online accounts to retrieve the burden to prove they are the victim litigation in both federal and state courts, as well as
your personal information. of identity theft by the legal standard of arbitration.
a preponderance of the evidence, which
Ignoring a debt that does not belong is more likely than not. If you promptly
to you can present a long-term problem. provided written notice to the company
Even if you are successful in reaching
a settlement with the debt purchasing

50 | North Naples News November 2022

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