About RACK59 We have the experience, expertise OKLAHOMA’S
and proven facility to make sure that PREMIER
RACK59 is a colocation data center in Oklahoma City, your critical data is always available. COLOCATION
that provides secure, competitively priced data center DATA CENTER
solutions for small, medium and large enterprise Contact Us
businesses. All customers, whether they use a single 1U What Makes Us Different
of space or an entire custom private data center, benefit 7725 West Reno Avenue, Suite 304
from RACK59’s premier facility, power, connectivity and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127 We have the experience, expertise and proven facility
unmatched service. We maintain our five 9’s of reliable to make sure that your critical data is always available.
access utilizing our state of the art redundant facility and 405-443-3667 | RACK59.com
customer service focused business model. LOCAL – Oklahoma Ownership
POWER– More Power Than Competitors Combined
RACK59 Specialties CONNECTIVITY – 20+ Carriers in the Carrier Hotel
SPACE to Grow – Over 200,000 Square Feet Available
• Colocation
Power, Space & Bandwidth. This is
what we know and what we do best.
• Private Data Center
RACK59 can provide your company their own
dedicated, private data center.
• Workplace Recovery & Business Continuity
Where will your employees go when disaster strikes?
• Data Center Connectivity
Our network engineers can facilitate any
customized solution that your company may have.
Infrastructure Security WHY RACK59? Data Center Connectivity
When it comes to data center security, RACK59 Tier 3 Data Center Environment We make bandwidth simple. Our network
goes to extreme lengths to make sure our engineers can facilitate any customized
customer’s data and equipment are secure Our Tier 3 concurrently maintainable solution that your company may have.
at all times. infrastructure is the standard for Our connectivity provides:
obtaining 100% uptime. • 20+ Carriers in the Carrier Hotel
To ensure this happens we utilize: • Carrier Neutrality
• Perimeter Fencing 40MW On-site Substation • MPLS and Metro-E Circuits
• Gated Entrance • True BGP Mesh Bandwidth
• Security Cameras Throughout More available critical power than all • 4 Diverse Physical Entries
• HID Card Access the data centers in Oklahoma combined. • 3 NAPs Creating a Self Healing Ring
• Biometric Access • 1Mbps or a GigE Circuit
• Restricted Access Lists Unmatched Connectivity
Disaster Recovery
Redundant Power 20+ carriers trust us with their data.
Where will your employees go when disaster
RACK59 power has the most robust power of any Colocation strikes? Many businesses have a backup solution
data center in Oklahoma and rivals enterprise data for their data but few have a backup for their
centers like Google, Facebook and Microsoft. Power, Space & Bandwidth. This is employees.
what we know and what we do best. RACK59’s Business Continuity Center provides:
Our power is a true 2N configuration: • Private or 100+ Shared Workstations
• Diverse Power Generating Sources Private Data Center • 24hr Turnaround for Setup
• Onsite 40MW Substation • HID Card Access
• 2 Underground Feeds to Generators RACK59 can provide your company • Conference Room
• Diverse Automatic Transfer Switches their own dedicated, secure private • Copy, Scan and Fax
• Diverse UPS’s data center space.
405-443-3667 | RACK59.com
Environmental Monitoring Business Continuity and
Workplace Recovery 7725 West Reno Avenue, Suite 304
We monitor absolutely everything in our data Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127
center utilizing dual systems. Where will your employees
go when disaster strikes?
ES2 and Netbotz Monitoring Systems:
• 24/7/365 Environmental Monitoring Data Center Connectivity
• Consistent 70ºF to 74ºF Temperature
• Controlled Relative Humidity of 40% -45% Our network engineers can facilitate
• Over 300+ Monitoring Points any customized solution that your
• UPS’s, Chillers, Generators, CRAC units company may have.
• Water Sensors Plus Many More