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Published by gjmcbryde2, 2019-01-09 01:01:13

Church Bulletin 12th January 2019

Toowoomba Central Church Bulletin

Seventh-day Adventist Church 12 January 2019.

Mission Statement Our Vision is…

By God’s grace and for to Know

His Glory we will be a Experience

spiritual home where

comfort and growth can
be nurtured, a place where

our Hope
the ministry of Christ is
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way,

experienced and shared the truth, and the life: no man in
cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6
with the wider community. Church Pastor Church Bulletin - 12 January 2019 Jesus Christ
Pastor Andrew Feaveai Toowoomba Central

Duty Elder
Sister Rosie Gwynne Seventh-day Adventist Church

Welcome to the A Message Treasurer’s
Toowoomba Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor Andrew Feaveai on holidays CORNER
We pray that you find a blessing while worshipping here with us today. In Every Thing “We make a living by what we get;

The child of God does not let a day go by, we make a life by what we give.” —
The Church at Study - Sabbath School surely, in which he does not lift up his Winston Churchill
heart in thanking Him for His manifold
Lesson Study 9:30 to 10:30am blessings, bestowed in measureless grace,
not only day after day, but hour after hour.
As we delight ourselves in the Lord, we
This Weeks Lesson - Among the Lampstands.. cannot help but praise Him many times
daily for His mercies. How good He is to
Memory Verse for the Week. us always! Yes, we thank Him for His 10 Days of Prayer – this is a
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:7, goodness-- the goodness that we can see, wonderful initiative of our General
NKJV). the blessings that we know as blessings. Conference, from 9th January
But do we thank Him for the trials, the through to 18th January. Come and
heartaches, the disappointments! Are we
The Church at Worship - Divine Service as ready to praise Him when things go share in the theme – “A Deeper
Praise and Worship in Song - Commencing at 10:50am wrong as when they go exactly right? Experience” and be blessed, being
We do not speak of praising God in
held each evening from 7pm to 8pm
Main Service - Commencing at 11:00am generalities, but of thanking Him sincerely in the prayer room. If you are unable
for the very trials and sorrows that beset
us? George Matheson, Scottish preacher to make it any evening but would like
Proclaiming the Word of the Lord whose eyesight became dim, put it this the material please see me and I’ll
way: "My God, I have never thanked Thee
Please Welcome for my thorn. I have thanked Thee a arrange a copy for you. Blessings Eva
Today: Brother Eddie Craig thousand times for my roses, but not once
for my thorn. I have been looking forward
Next Week: Brother Valentine Mugabe to a world where I shall get compensated
for my cross, but I have never thought of
my cross as itself a present glory. Teach
“O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: me the value of my thorn." Today, we celebrate the birthday of
fear before Him all the Earth.” Ps. 96:9
May the Lord teach us the value of the Barry Hodgkinson. Annette Long
Worship in Giving unpleasant things that comes upon us, the will celebrate her birthday on the
unwanted circumstances of life. It is so
Today: Local Church Budget easy to thank Him for the roses. But it is 13 January. Dulcie Bell, Archie
not easy, is it, to give Him praise and
Langley, Sam McMicking and Ally
Next Week: Education thanksgiving for the thorns? Yet the way to Swanborough all have a birthday
Worship God with Sacrifices from the Heart. know the peace of God is to see His hand on the 15 January.
and His love in the thorny places, and to
thank Him for them.
The Sabbath Day Be careful for nothing; but in every thing
The Celebration of God’s Sabbath ends tonight at 6:52pm by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made
Then God’s Sabbath day begins anew next Friday evening at 6:51pm known unto God. And the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding, shall
“Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.”
keep your hearts and minds through Christ
Mission Statement Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
By God’s grace and for His Glory we will be a spiritual home where comfort and growth can be Anxious for nothing, prayerful for every
nurtured, a place where the ministry of Christ is experienced and shared with the wider community. thing, thankful for any thing-- herein
comes the peace of God, through Christ
Jesus. Anon

Lord, your word is full of power,
Lord, your word is full of power, Sister’s Encouraging Sister’s
Penetrating the deepest parts,
The Word Of Truth
Lord, your word is full of power,
Lord, your word is full of power,
Penetrating the deepest parts,
Exposing and analysing our every thought Christian Women’s Fellowship
Lord, your word is full of power,
Penetrating the deepest parts,
Exposing and analysing our every thought
Penetrating the deepest parts,
Lord, your word is full of power,
And the purposes of our hearts
Exposing and analysing our every thought Home Group
Penetrating the deepest parts,
Exposing and analysing our every th
And the purposes of our heartsought
Penetrating the deepest parts,
And the purposes of our hearts
Exposing and analysing our every thought
And the purposes of our hearts
Exposing and analysing our every thought For January only the Home Group
Help us, Lord, to allow your word
And the purposes of our hearts
Help us, Lord, to allow your word
The annual Department Leader’s Help us, Lord, to allow your word will meet on Thursday 17 & 31 of CHURCH CALENDAR - All church
And the purposes of our hearts
To do a thorough work,
To do a thorough work,word
meeting will be held Saturday Help us, Lord, to allow your January at 10:00am to 12:00 noon for departments are asked to submit dates
Even though it is painful, Lord,
To do a thorough work, word
Help us, Lord, to allow your
To do a thorough work,
Even though it is painful, Lord,
evening, 2 February. Help us, Lord, to allow your word Bible Study, Prayer, Praise and for any planned activities for 2019 to
To revisit our past hurts
To do a thorough work,
Even though it is painful, Lord,
To revisit our past hurts
All Department Leaders and support Even though it is painful, Lord, Worship. You are welcome to stay
To do a thorough work,
To revisit our past hurtsord,
Even though it is painful, L
To revisit our past hurts
team members are encouraged to It's needful to expose what's hidden and enjoy fellowship together after Robyn to be presented to Adcom for
Even though it is painful, Lord,
To revisit our past hurts
It's needful to expose what's hidden
attend. It's needful to expose what's hidden the meeting with a cool or hot drink approval. [email protected]
To revisit our past hurts
So healing can begin,
It's needful to expose what's or you may like to BYO lunch.
So healing can begin,hidden
Restoring what the enemy took
It's needful to expose what's Contact Julie McBryde Ph: 0409 615
So healing can begin, hidden
Restoring what the enemy took
So healing can begin,
It's needful to expose what's hidden
By allowing God's truth within
Restoring what the enemy took 956 or Email: [email protected]
So healing can begin,
By allowing God's truth within
Restoring what the enemy took
So healing can begin,
By allowing God's truth within Christian Women’s Fellowship is a
Restoring what the enemy took
By allowing God's truth within
Restoring what the enemy took
We give ourselves to you, O Lord, home group meeting at 18 Wyalla
By allowing God's truth within
We give ourselves to you, O Lord,
By allowing God's truth within
To work within our lives,
We give ourselves to you, O Lord, Street, Newtown.
We give ourselves to you, O Lord,
To work within our lives,
For there's no one else who understands, All Ladies Welcome The first meeting for 2019 is planned
We give ourselves to you, O Lord,
To work within our lives,
To work within our lives,
For there's no one else who understands, st
We give ourselves to you, O Lord,
Nor can heal the hurt inside
For there's no one else who understands, for Thursday evening, 31 January at
To work within our lives,
For there's no one else who understands,
Nor can heal the hurt inside
To work within our lives,
Nor can heal the hurt insidestands,
For there's no one else who under 7;00pm. If you have any agenda items
Nor can heal the hurt inside
For there's no one else who understands,
Your sword of truth can bring the healing please let David know by Sunday
Nor can heal the hurt inside
Your sword of truth can bring the healing
Nor can heal the hurt inside
As we open up our hearts,
Your sword of truth can bring the healing th
As we open up our hearts,
Your sword of truth can bring the healing evening, 27 January - Ph. 4633
You know just where we hurt the most
As we open up our hearts, healing
Your sword of truth can bring the 7325; 0427 728 409; or email
As we open up our hearts,
You know just where we hurt the most
Your sword of truth can bring the healing
And you never miss the mark
You know just where we hurt the most
As we open up our hearts,
And you never miss the mark
You know just where we hurt the most [email protected]
As we open up our hearts,
And you never miss the markmost
You know just where we hurt the
And you never miss the mark
You know just where we hurt the most
For we long to live our lives in line
And you never miss the mark
For we long to live our lives in line
And you never miss the mark
With your word of truth,
For we long to live our lives in line
With your word of truth,
For we long to live our lives in line
For it’s by your truth, we are set free
For we long to live our lives i
With your word of truth,n line
For it’s by your truth, we are set free
With your word of truth,
For we long to live our lives in line
And our lives are made brand new.
With your word of truth,
For it’s by your truth, we are set free
With your word of truth, new.
For it’s by your truth, we are set free
And our lives are made brand
And our lives are made brand new.
For it’s by your truth, we are set free
By M.S.Lowndes
And our lives are made brand new.
For it’s by your truth, we are set free
And our lives are made brand new.
If you are visiting our church today, And our lives are made brand new.
Toowoomba Central Church family
cordially invite you to our Church Hall
after the main church service to the
Visitor’s Lunch. Many thanks to all those
who faithfully help out with the lunches
weekly. Host: Rosemary and Crew
Just A Friendly Reminder
Just A Friendly Reminder
Out of Respect for our Lord, and
other church member’s, you are
requested to Observe a Quiet Time
in the Lord’s House on Sabbath.
Kindly Turn Off or Silent your
Mobile Phones. Thank You

Jesus Christ the Way Church Contact Team Roster’s

I’ve often told the story of a very embarrassing and painful situation I had as Pastor: Andrew Feaveai Worship Co-ordinator - 19 January
a young college student. I’d only been a Christian a short time. I was full of Mobile: O405 684 770 Pat Jull
zeal, and it wasn’t a secret to my professors or my classmates that I was a Duty Elder: Rosie Gwynne Mobile: 041 771 4055
Christian. And one day we were in an English class in college, and the [email protected]
professor of this English class was a hard-bitten war correspondent from Head Elder: Valentine Mugabe
World War Two. She was a woman, and she was overtly hostile to Mobile: 0415 859045 Church Cleaning
Christianity and made no bones about it in our English class. Head Deacon:… … .…TBA th
On this one occasion, she singled me out in front of the whole class, and she Phone: 46 98 70 76 19 January: Stan & Gloria Starkey
said, “Nathan” I said, “yes.” She said, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Head Deaconess:…. .…Cristine Wills 26 January: Ian & Lesley Webster
the only way to God?” Now imagine yourself in that situation if you’re Mobile: 0407 762 794 2 February: Andrew & Aofaga Feaveai
Christian, where publicly somebody calls on you and said: “Do you believe Treasurer:……………… …..David Peers
that Jesus Christ is the only way to God?” I wanted to disappear into the Mobile: 0427 728 409
floorboard because I immediately felt the pressure of that confrontation. I Church Clerk:……… .Robyn Brierley
knew that if I said yes, He’s the only way, that the wrath of this teacher was Mobile: 0418 465 151 Your Church Bulletin will now be
going to come down on my head without any cessation. And I also knew that Church Bulletin Editor available online in full colour. There
if I said no, I would be guilty of treason to Christ. It was a no-win situation. Garry McBryde - Mobile: 0490178915 will only be a limited number of
And so when she said, “Nathan, do you believe that Jesus is the only way to Assistant Editor Bulletin’s available at the church door
God?” I sort of mumbled, “yes.” for Visitor’s and those who are unable
Well, she heard it, and as I anticipated she exploded in fury, and she said Sarah Wills - Mobile: to access the Bulletin on a Internet
something to this effect, she was enraged, she said, “that is the most bigoted, Notices to: [email protected] device. To receive your Church
narrow-minded, arrogant statement I have ever heard. How can you think before 8:00pm Wednesday evenings. Bulletin simply forward your email
that Jesus Christ is the only way to God?” And I mean I turned crimson, and Thank you. address to the email address below.
[email protected]
the rest of the class just looked at me with utter disdain. And I said, “Well, Bible Study/ Prayer Meeting
here’s my problem.” I said, “I didn’t come at this thing looking for the only
way. I’m as American as you are. I’m not looking for some narrow view of Every Tuesday evening from 5:30pm
things.” I said, “but I got to the place where I was persuaded that Jesus was, in the Youth Room or Pastor’s Office Extra Church Parking Available
in fact, the Son of God. And then I read in the New Testament that this One, a time of Bible Study and Prayer for Please use the rear car park of HB
of whom I’m persuaded was the Son of God, opened His mouth and said all. Recruitment (business opposite our
things like this: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Every Wednesday, 7:00pm to church car park, Laurel St.). To enter
Christmas break, starting
Father except by Me.’” I understand what a universal negative is. When 8:00pm a prayer, song and study based drive down the side entrance (eastern
up again in the New Year.
Jesus says “no man comes to the Father except by Me.” He’s eliminated all meeting in the Highfields area. Phone side of HB’s building) to the rear area
Stan on 4698 7076 for more
other possible options. Jesus, this same Jesus said, “I am the door through information including this weeks and for those first to start parking on
which men must enter.” “I am The Good Shepherd….The rest are hirelings. location. the western boundary & continue
All of the others are thieves and robbers trying to violently break into My Every Friday night at 6:30pm, across to maximize the number of cars
Father’s kingdom where they have no right.” I said, “Don’t you see that I Patriarchs and Prophets is being able to park there – thank you. A
saw that and the One who’s the Son of God and His apostles are saying to studied here at the church. reminder if you park in a metered car
me that there is no other name under heaven through which men must be Prayer Group meets every Sabbath park in the vicinity of our church, you
saved than through the name of Christ.” I said, “don’t you see that if I believe morning from 8:30am to 9:00am in the don’t have to feed the meter on a
that Christ is one way, I have to believe that He’s the only way or else I have Prayer Room. All Welcome. Sabbath if you have given your car
to believe that this One who is one way is dead wrong when He claims to be Find a Group that suits you and be details (rego, make and model) to
the only way. And if He’s dead wrong when He claims to be the only way, inspired by God’s grace and love for David. If you’re unsure please see
I’d be foolish to think that He’s even one way.” By Nathan Bingham
you. David today.

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