Toowoomba Central Church Bulletin
Seventh-day Adventist Church 15 December 2018.
Mission Statement Our Vision is…
By God’s grace and for to Know
His Glory we will be a Experience
spiritual home where
comfort and growth can
be nurtured, a place where
the ministry of Christ is Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On our Hope
reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.”
He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be
experienced and shared done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in
in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling
to the ground. Luke 22:39-44
with the wider community. Church Pastor Church Bulletin - 15 December 2018 Jesus Christ
Pastor Andrew Feaveai
Duty Elder Brother Toowoomba Central
Valentine Mugabe Seventh-day Adventist Church
Welcome to the A Message Treasurer’s
Toowoomba Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. from our Pastor CORNER
We pray that you find a blessing while worshipping here with us today. Pastor Andrew Feaveai The Bible is full of praise of God.
The Church at Study - Sabbath School UNITY IS THE EVIDENCE OF “We proclaim how great you are and
Lesson Study 9:30 to 10:30am GODS PRESENCE tell of the wonderful things you have
“I appeal to you dear brothers and speaking, we too have much to praise
This Weeks Lesson - Unity in Worships sisters, by the authority of our Lord God for. Recently the Helen Early
Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with
Memory Verse for the Week. each other. Let there be no divisions concert love offering realized $ 974
“Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel among you.Rather be of one mind and last Sunday’s garage sale $ 1052.
to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— united in thought and purpose.” (1 Sincere thanks to all who supported
saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment Corinthians 1:10) the garage sale by way of goods or
has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water” Paul appeals to the church in Corinth time.
(Revelation 14:6, 7, NKJV). “in the name of our Lord Jesus
The Church at Worship - Divine Service Christ” he calls them to “agree with Jesus went alone to pray
on the Mount of Olives.
Praise and Worship in Song - Commencing at 10:50am one another,” and he encourages
them, demanding an essential unity of
Main Service - Commencing at 11:00am “mind and thought.” There was to be
no room for divisions. Instead, love,
Proclaiming the Word of the Lord unity, and harmony are to be the signs
Please Welcome of God’s -presence.
When we forget what unites us, we
Today: Brother Andrew King easily focus on externals such as who
was right or wrong, or who follows
Next Week: Rosie Gwynne & Worship Team which leader, or who holds the most
power or the most money. Unity and
“O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: harmony is not to be based on our
fear before Him all the Earth.” Ps. 96:9
preferences or interests, but a love for Thank God for answering our
Worship in Giving God and one another. There is no prayers. Alf is now home, praise be to
room for Ego-driven divisions
God. Please continue to pray for our
Today: SPD Strategy - Education amongst us. Our love for each other, Pastor / family and our church. As
Next Week: Local Church Budget is a reflection of our love for God. Christmas is approaching, please
Pastor Andrew
Worship God with Sacrifices from the Heart. continue to remember the farmers
and their families in your prayers.
The Sabbath Day Please also keep Val Dwyer’s family
The Celebration of God’s Sabbath ends tonight at 6:43pm in your prayers with the passing of
Then God’s Sabbath day begins anew next Friday evening at 6:46pm Val this past week. Straight after
church today, please remember if you
“Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.”
would like to be prayed for or have a
Mission Statement prayer request, please come to the
By God’s grace and for His Glory we will be a spiritual home where prayer room, an Elder and myself will
comfort and growth can be nurtured, a place where the ministry of
Christ is experienced and shared with the wider community. be waiting to pray with you.
Blessings Eva
Unity in Worship
When God created humankind, These wishes are late so that you can
Before their eyes were seeing; celebrate your birthday longer.
He wove the threads of worship, Happy Belated Birthday Pr. Andrew This month’s Adcom meeting will be
who celebrated his birthday on the held on Thursday evening, 20th
Into the fabric of their being.
10 December. Sorry for the mix-up. December at 7:00pm. If you have any
agenda items please let David know
We worship Him as Creator, by Sunday evening, 16 December –
Who maintains life all our days. email: [email protected]
With love and adoration, Alf Mathams has a birthday on the or Ph.: 0427 728 409
18 December. Kerry Wilmott
We give Him reverence and praise.
celebrates his birthday on the 19 th
December and Rosie Gwynne
Worshipping our great Redeemer, celebrates her special day on the 21 st
Who sacrificed all to save; December.
Glorify His Holy Name; For I know the plans I have for you There are still a few people that
With suffering He willingly gave. Christmas Special declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and haven’t handed in their ADRA Cups
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and
Fellowship Lunch a future. Jeremiah 29:11-13 given out last year. As part of the
Worship on God's holy Sabbath, requirements of ADRA, these need to
be returned each year and a new cup
Obedient to His Law.
issued. Thanks in advance for
With Bible study and prayer, The next Fellowship Lunch will be a handing yours in. Also if you haven’t
True fellowship believers adore. Special Christmas Lunch to be held in received one in the past but would
the Church Hall after the Main like one please see one of our friendly
by B.J.Hanson
Service on the 22 December. Treasury team today.
Sister’s Encouraging Sister’s Church member’s are reminded to
bring enough Christmas type food
Christian Women’s Fellowship and healthy Christmas treats for
Home Group themselves and a bit extra for any
visitor’s who may be attending If you are visiting our church today,
For December only the Home Group Toowoomba Central Church family
will meet on Thursday 20 December church. Your hosts Cliff & Vall Jull. cordially invite you to our Church Hall
at 10:00am to 12:00 noon for Bible after the main church service to the
Study, Prayer, Praise and Worship.
You are welcome to stay and enjoy Visitor’s Lunch. Many thanks to all those There is going to be a Kids Club run
fellowship together after the meeting who faithfully help out with the lunches There is going to be a Kids Club run
by our local church from the 14 - 18
with a cool or hot drink or you may weekly. Host: Rosemary and Crew. by our local church from the 14 - 18
January 2019 in the Harlaxton Hall,
like to BYO lunch. Contact Julie January 2019 in the Harlaxton Hall,
McBryde Mobile:0409 615 956 or Just A Friendly Reminder Toowoomba. John Oehlmann is the
Just A Friendly Reminder
Toowoomba. John Oehlmann is the
Email: [email protected] If you would like to put food items coordinator.
Christian Women’s Fellowship is a (dried or tinned) under the Christmas Out of Respect for our Lord, and coordinator.
home group meeting at 18 Wyalla other church member’s, you are John is looking for interested people
to assist with the weeks activity who
Street, Newtown. All Ladies tree, for people that aren’t as fortunate requested to Observe a Quiet Time I'm looking for interested people to
Welcome as you it would be much appreciated. in the Lord’s House on Sabbath. assist with the weeks activity who
should also have a Government Blue
This is the time for giving and Kindly Turn Off or Silent your should also have a Government Blue
card. First meeting after church on
Mobile Phones. Thank You
the 15th of December. Thanking you.
showing God’s love to others. card. First meeting after church on
the 15th of December. Thanking you.
John Oehlmann.
Jesus on the Mount of Olives Church Contact Team Roster’s
When hard situations confront us, we get scared, we get frustrated, we procrastinate. Pastor: Andrew Feaveai
We desperately want to get out from under the weight of it all. But what if, in the hard Worship Co-ordinator - 22 December
situations you face, what if God’s will for you is not that you run from the pressure, Mobile: O405 684 770
but walk through it? Duty Elder: Valentine Mugabe Worship Team
In Luke 22:39-46, in the Garden of Gethsemane we see that Jesus felt tremendous
pressure. He knew the hour of his death was drawing near. His stress level was at a
breaking point. He prayed to God, “Father, take this cup away from me.” And in his Head Elder:…….…...……Kerry Wilmott
anguish, he sweat blood—a physiological condition known as hemohidrosis. Mobile: 0415 859045 Church Cleaning
Meanwhile, he has no support from his friends. They’re all asleep. Head Deacon:… ….…Stan Starkey 22 nd December: John Oehlmann
On top of all that, there’s something else contributing to Jesus’ agony—the place Phone: 46 98 70 76
where he is at. Head Deaconess:…. .…Cristine Wills 29 th December: Andrew & Jenny King
Jesus is just outside the city limits of Jerusalem, up on the Mount of Olives, at a place Mobile: 0407 762 794 05 January: Gail & Kerry Wilmott
called the Garden of Gethsemane. The word, “Gethsemane,” comes from two Hebrew Treasurer:……………… …..David Peers
words, gat, which means “press,” and shemen, meaning, “oil.” Gat-shemen. Mobile: 0427 728 409
Gethsemane. Oil press. Surrounded by a garden full of olive trees, all around Jesus is Church Clerk:……… .Robyn Brierley
fruit that is destined to be crushed. Your Church Bulletin will now be
At this place, Gethsemane… Jesus faced two paths to pick. Mobile: 0418 465 151 available online in full colour. There
When Jesus looked west, he saw the hard choice—the path of suffering and death. Church Bulletin Editor
West from the Mount of Olives and the Garden, across the Kidron Valley, there stands Garry McBryde - Mobile: 0490178915 will only be a limited number of
the grand, majestic Temple. At the Temple, thousands of animals were slaughtered, Bulletin’s available at the church door
their blood staining the altar, as worshipers followed God’s Law in order to seek Notices to: [email protected] for Visitor’s and those who are unable
before 8:00pm Wednesday evenings. Thank
forgiveness. James Martin observes, “But this animal blood had no power on its you. to access the Bulletin on a Internet
own—it was merely a placeholder awaiting the day when God’s Son would shed his device. To receive your Church
blood as the final and ultimate sacrifice for sin.” Bulletin simply forward your email
You know what Jesus will choose. He will go to Jerusalem. He will go to the cross. Bible Study/ Prayer Meeting address to the email address below.
He will be what John the Baptist declared: “The lamb who takes away the sin of the Every Tuesday evening from 5:30pm in [email protected]
world” (John 1:29). the Youth Room or Pastor’s Office a time
But Jesus could have picked an alternate path. He truly had available another choice. of Bible Study and Prayer for all.
It was the easier road. The road well worn. The path of self-protection.
East of Jesus, in just a forty-five minute walk, laid the Judean Wilderness. It is, simply Every Wednesday evening there is a
put, the way of escape. Bible study group at 24 Jackson St, Extra Church Parking Available
The Judean Wilderness is a desolate and uninhabited region. It’s filled with plateaus, Nobby starting at 6:00pm (Includes light Please use the rear car park of HB
rounded hills, deep canyons, and dramatic cliffs. Throughout the Bible's history, the meal supplied). Call Leon on 0455 103 Recruitment (business opposite our
Judean Wilderness has been a place where people go to escape. It is there that: 880 for more details. church car park, Laurel St.). To enter
David ran and hid from Saul (1 Samuel 22-27). Every Wednesday, 7:00pm to 8:00pm drive down the side entrance (eastern
Roman ruler Herod the Great built a series of fortresses—places to go in case the a prayer, song and study based side of HB’s building) to the rear area
people rebelled. meeting in the Highfields area. Phone
The Essenes—the Jewish group responsible for the famous Dead Sea Scrolls—lived and for those first to start parking on
in solitude in order to escape the Jewish establishment at Jerusalem. Stan on 4698 7076 for more information the western boundary & continue
The Judean Wilderness is also the place where: including this weeks location. across to maximize the number of cars
John the Baptist lived and preached--boldly telling people to repent. Every Friday night at 6:30pm, able to park there – thank you. A
Tradition tells us Jesus came face-to-face with the Devil in temptation. Patriarchs and Prophets is being studied reminder if you park in a metered car
The narrow and hard road led to Jerusalem, but the broad and easy road escaped to the here at the church. park in the vicinity of our church, you
Judean Wilderness. Prayer Group meets every Sabbath don’t have to feed the meter on a
In the Garden of Gethsemane, when the pressure was on, Jesus felt what we often
feel—the urge to run and escape. morning from 8:30am to 9:00am in the Sabbath if you have given your car
Jesus could have fled, but instead, he bled. Prayer Room. All Welcome. details (rego, make and model) to
In his hard situation, he did not run away, but walked through it. It was not easy, but Find a Group that suits you and be David. If you’re unsure please see
…he was committed to doing God’s will. For our sake, he chose to serve. Anon inspired by God’s grace and love for you. David today.
Funeral Notice
A funeral service will be held on
Monday 17 December 2018, at
12:00pm for the late
Valmae Lydia Dwyer ADVENTIST
Aged 89 years CHURCH
South Queensland
Valmae passed away peacefully at
the Crow’s Nest Nursing Home on
Sunday 9 December.
The funeral service will be held at
Hiram Philp Chapel, Herries Street,
“Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4
We wish to thank all who have helped out in
anyway at the ADRA and Welfare center this
year. Also thanks to our school for the
beautiful hampers. We have helped 274
Family’s with food parcels, clothing and
household goods for the year. The Lord has
blessed us in this work for those in need.
Thank you again we could not manage with
Adventist Development and
out your help, prayers and support. From the
Relief Agency
ADRA Management Team.
ADRA. request donations of single and queen size sheets even if they need
new elastic.Thank you if you can help. Glynis Wilkinson.0421285993.
God loves you unconditionally. Always remember that
no matter what situation you are in. God still loves you.
Conference Announcements difference in the lives of those in need! The ADRA Gift Catalogue is out now
and features a variety of life-changing gifts for people in Australia and
CONVERGE 2019 - Australia-Wide 18+ Festival overseas. View the full range available now at or connect When: 8-11 February, 2019. with the ADRA Christmas Appeal at
Where: Stuarts Point Convention Centre, NSW. Cost: Starting at $124.
Speakers: Tacyana Nixon and Simon Gigliotti. Accommodation: Pitch a tent, ADRA Logan Management Committee – Expressions of Interest - Have you
hire a cabin, or stay offsite. Food: Starting at $75 for a weekend package that been praying for a missional vehicle to apply your spiritual gifts, passion and
includes 6 main meals. skillset? Here is an opportunity to bring meaning to your mission. The ADRA
Community Centre in Logan Central is seeking active management
CHANGES TO OPREATING HOURS –ADVENTIST BOOK CENTRES – committee members. Register your interest by contacting Centre Manager
While the same materials and resources will remain available the Kallangur Henk La Dru to discuss this further. Phone 0401 356 105 or Email:
store located at our Watson Park Convention Centre, the actual physical shop [email protected]
will now only be open on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week. The Eight
Mile Plains shop (Christian Life Resources) will remain open five days and all SUMMERFEST REGISTRATIONS - close on 16th Dec at 10pm online for
members and friends throughout the Conference are most welcome to contact SummerFest 7-13 January 2019. To register for SummerFest Camp, please
either shop, whichever is most convenient, for literature and all other head to our website.
resources in the full range that will continue to be available for ministry,
including Pathfinder and Adventurer supplies. Thank you for noting the SHARE YOUR CHRISTMAS WITH ADRA LOGAN – as we are collecting
following operating hours: for this Christmas. If you have a life group, a church in action or Sabbath
Christian Life Resources (Eight Mile Plains) school group or play group. We need to collect non-perishable foods for the
Monday – Wednesday Open 9:00am – 5:00pm
community, we need all the help you can give. Some of our normal channels
Thursday Open 9:00am – 7:00pm have dried up with these foods which is making it difficult for us to compile
Friday Open 9:00am – 4:00pm
healthful food parcels. We want to look after our community over the
Phone: 3340 4700 Christmas period whilst the centre is closed and for our Christmas day party.
Email: [email protected] Last year we had a fantastic turn out with the community where we had
Adventist Book Centre (Kallangur) music, kid’s activities and great food for all who came. Our focus is for those
Monday – Tuesday Closed who have no family, or home or lonely and with God’s Grace we can fill this
Wednesday – Thursday Open 8:45am – 5:00pm
space. You can be part of it. Jesus says thank you on behalf of His children.
Friday Closed
Phone: 3886 1316 Items like: Baked Beans, Canned fruit and Veg, Pasta, Long or short grain
Rice etc, Noodles, Pasta sauce, Rice cream, Spaghetti, Cereals. Please contact
Email: [email protected]
Henk at ADRA on 0401 356105 for collection by Dec 10th
GIFTS THAT MATTER - Give the gift of hope and healing to a person or
community facing poverty or hardship this Christmas. Whether it's an exercise
book for a young student in Malawi or a wheelbarrow for a cocoa farmer in
the Pacific, ADRA’s Gift Catalogue is full of unique and life-changing gifts.
Choose a gift at
want for Christmas is for others to thrive, your gifts can make a meaningful
Retirement Village Announcements School Announcements
Did you know that the Seventh-day Adventist Church operate four retirement
villages across South Queensland? Each of them are ideally located in areas
with good public transport, that are close to local shops and amenities and they
all have an Adventist aged care facility collocated onsite. If you are
considering a move into a retirement village and would like to find out more
about and / or visit one of our four Adventist villages please contact:
• Melody Park (Nerang) – Dean Cook 0491 052 202
• Victoria Point - Daniel van der Merwe 0418 740 304
• Caloundra – Dean Cook 0491 052 202
• Capricorn (Yeppoon) – David Tyson 0427 297 755
Church Announcements
KIDS CLUB – EDENS LANDING – For all kids aged 5 – 12, during School
Holidays January 14 to 19 2019. 9.30am to 12 noon. At the Hall, 3 Castile
Cres, Edens Landing. Crafts Stories, Food, Games, Songs and Drama.
Because of limited places, the children must be registered to attend. For more
information contact Brigita on 0409 618 101
informal session where parents, careers, children and babies meet together in
a relaxed environment. You are welcome to come and see how your child will
enjoy their time at our Bright Sparks Playgroup. We meet every Thursday
during term time – 9.00am to 10.30am. For more information phone 3347
6444 or email – [email protected]
NORTHPINE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE has amassed a tremendously
talented and diverse group of alumni throughout the years. Now, we want to
connect with them, share news about their old school and learn about what they
have been up to. If you are a former student of Northpine Christian College,
please visit and fill
out the form. We also encourage you to share it with all of your classmates. If
you have any questions or wish to share information with us, please email
[email protected]
SESSION - Organisers are looking for Seventh-day Adventist musicians to
represent the South Pacific Division by providing music at the General
Conference Session in Indianapolis in 2020. They are searching for a diversity
of culture, age, styles & genres including singing groups, bands, soloists and
instrumentalists. Applications must be completed online. Follow this link to
apply, and for audition details:
Applications close 31 December, 2018
LAWSON DISCOVERY HOLIDAY – Come and join our next Adventist SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION (SPD) Church Planting Conference. February
focused travel group to North Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef in March 10-13, 2019. This is for pastors, church leaders, administrators and especially
2019. Cruise for 7 nights from Brisbane and join your fellow travellers for local church members - anyone who is passionate about making disciples and
included port tours (Cairns and Airlie Beach) and group activities on board the church planting. With overseas and local speakers, plus over twenty
Pacific Aria. Flights and transfers arranged from other capital cities. Singles workshops to choose from, this SPD Church Planting Conference, with the
are welcomed – no single supplement if you are willing to share. For more Holy Spirit’s leading, promises to be a unique opportunity to be inspired,
information: Website: Email: empowered and equipped to join God in His mission on earth. This
[email protected] or Telephone: 07 3272 2167 conference will:
• Examine Adventism’s unique heritage as a disciple making, church
planting movement
• Empower and equip individuals, teams, Churches, Conferences,
Unions and Missions to plant churches
• Show how to facilitate a church planting movement in our
• Explore the growing potential in making disciples in an increasingly
post-Christian world
For more details email [email protected] or
[email protected]. Register here.
CAR RIDES WITH LITTLE MISS GIGI - A podcast filled with Christian
stories for 6-10 year old girls. A wonderful world of inspiring stories await
you at ‘Car rides with little miss GIGI.’ These stories will delight and inspire
your little girl’s imagination and excite her as she learns more about God. You
can listen in the car, at home for quiet time or before bed. Find us on iTunes
& Stitcher or Visit: or Email:
[email protected]
Positions Vacant
Camp Somerset is looking for someone who may be able to help them update
their site maps that are handed out to groups and campers for their planning
purposes, some of the maps that need creating are the following: Central
Complex and Cabin Map. Lodge Map. Central Complex and Lodge Map
(combined). Campsite Location Map. Entire Site Map (Dimensions to suite
A4 printout and an office sign 1100W x 900H. Internal Layout of Cabins and
Units. If you can help we would love to hear from you, please e-mail Tim at
[email protected].
Full-time and Part-time positions have become available in our South
Queensland Administration and Resourcing Centre (Spring Hill), Finance
These positions offers variety and challenges as part of the team in the
Conference and will be responsible for data capture/entry in accounts
receivable/payables and providing general accounts support to our
Accountants covering a wide range of the Conference operations, including
assisting in the Tithes and Offerings System.
Relevant current experience including data entry to accounting ledgers,
competent use of Excel spreadsheets/other similar accounting software and
general accounts support, is essential for this position.
The successful applicant should be an active member of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church and be able to demonstrate good communication and
relational skills to be able to effectively relate to staff, church members and
the general community.
A detailed Position Profile is available on request.
Written applications, including detailed resume, references and details of
full-time or part-time availability, should be forwarded to:
Mrs Susan Hensley
HR Manager
Seventh-day Adventist Church (South Queensland Conference) Limited
PO Box 577
The Administration of Seventh-day Adventist Church (South Queensland
Conference) Ltd reserves the right to make an appointment to this position.