Managers Message
Kia ora koutou
Welcome to our Winter newsletter. In this issue, we introduce you to the new members of our
Alzheimers EBOP team and let you know about our upcoming events.
Thanks to Lotteries we now have a vehicle, so we can get out and about more, especially to rural
locations. We are looking for some help to put signage on the vehicle so if you know anyone who
wants a sponsorship opportunity or wants to contribute to make this happen, please let me know.
Call us on (07) 308 0525 or email
I often get asked about local facts and figures. In the Eastern Bay of Plenty we provide a service to
160 clients with Dementia. Of these 45% are Māori, 59% Female and 60% live in rural areas outside
of Whakatane. Whilst most of our clients are over the age of 70, 13% are in the 50-69 age group
and we continue to get new referrals.
Our team have recently visited the Te Kaha and Kawerau areas to provide workshops, activities,
and education on living well with Dementia. Our carer support meetings are starting this month so
please diary the dates we would love to see you.
Noho ora mai
Sue Cave, Manager Alzheimers EBOP
New Alzheimers EBOP Team Members
Introducing our new team members Lesley Harris (Navigator), Fiona
Hutcheson (Educator) and Talia Spackman (Volunteer Coordinator).
Ko Pūtauaki tōku Maunga
Ko Ōhinemataroa tōku Awa
Ko Mātaatua tōku Waka
Ko Ngāti Awa tōku Iwi
Ngāi Taiwhakaea me Te Patuwai ōku Hapū
Te Paroa me Pūpuāruhe ōku Marae
Ko Lesley Tangikiteao Harris tāku ingoa
My name is Lesley Harris. I have three daughters, five grandchildren and
two great grandchildren. My work background is in social services and
education. I have the privilege of supporting families in their life journey
with Dementia.
Nga Mihi
Fiona Tēnā koutou katoa
My name is Fiona Hutcheson and I have recently moved to Ōpōtiki along
with my husband, Mike Scaddan. Although I am originally from
Tauranga, I have lived in many towns around Aotearoa. However I am
now pleased to call Ōpōtiki home.
I started my work life in a Medical Research lab supporting a research
team at Otago University. Following a move to Rotorua I retrained and
began my teaching career in the Science Department at Rotorua Boys’
High School. I later took up a position at Mt Maunganui College which
lasted 16 years, teaching Science to a senior level. Further study in
Psychology prompted a shift into a Guidance Counsellor role, making
student welfare and wellbeing a priority.
Relocating to a new district has once again allowed me the opportunity
to explore new possibilities. I am now extremely grateful to be able to
support the community in my new role as Educator with Alzheimers
Eastern Bay of Plenty. It is a privilege to work with such a dynamic team,
united in our focus to promote a dementia friendly community through
education, care, and ongoing support. Ngā mihi.
Kia ora
I’m Talia Spackman, the new Volunteer Co-ordinator for Alzheimer's
EBOP. I have just stepped into the role, so I am finding my feet and
learning a lot!
My husband Adrian and I are parents to 8-year-old Elliot and almost-5-
year-old Cohen, which is a job in itself. I have a part-time paid job
working as an administrator from home for a Whakatane physiotherapist
for a few hours a week.
I have been volunteering at our local Playcenter since Elliot was about 6
months old. I am also a member of the Edgecumbe Lions Club.
I am distinctly aware how rewarding volunteering can be so I hope to be
able to support the volunteers already working with us and increase the
pool of people on our volunteering books.
I am currently organising some volunteer training and will be in touch
with our volunteers once this has been arranged. I look forward to
meeting you.
Ngā mihi
Volunteers Needed
A Volunteer’s Story
(names changed for privacy reasons)
My name is Keith, and I am a volunteer companion. I spend
time each week with Bob, usually taking him out for a coffee
or look around town. Bob is an elderly man living on his own.
He has a supportive family living close to him and gets home
help daily.
We often grab a coffee and sit down at the heads. We chat the whole time and I try to stimulate
his brain be getting him to recount his past life such as bringing up his family, his past job, fishing
adventures, travel, and other features of his amazing life.
We have bonded well – he is a lovely old chap and it has been mutually rewarding to hear him tell
his interesting story and bring out his quirky sense of humour.
His family tells me that our outings appear to have reignited some of his interest in life.
Becoming a volunteer with Alzheimer's has been rewarding for me as well. I certainly look forward
to my weekly outings with Bob as much as he does.
We are looking for volunteers to help with a variety of tasks. A small contribution of your time can
make a big difference.
We have roles such as companionship, carer support, event assistants, running raffles, blokes
shed, administration and activity coordinators.
If you can help, please contact Talia ph. 07 3080525 or email
Wanda Trak
Wanda Trak is a programme where people at risk of going
missing are issued with a small radio frequency device in the
form of a pendant. The Wanda Trak pendant may be worn
without removing for six months.
Alzheimers EBOP partner with NZ Police and Land Search
and Rescue to assess suitability and issue this device. If a
person with dementia is at high risk of wandering and has 24-
hour caregivers at home who can raise the alarm, please let your Navigator (Elayne or Lesley)
know. They can assess suitability and refer for a possible Wanda Trak device.
Our wonderful Volunteer Peter looks after the Wanda track issues, battery checks and
replacement programme. This device supports healthy active lifestyles for people who have a
risk of going missing. It provides peace of mind for both the person using the device and their
families / whanau and carers.
Upcoming Events
Due to popular demand, we are re-starting our carer support meetings. These meetings
provide opportunity to connect with others who care for loved ones with dementia. You can
share experiences, gain tips, and receive education. You are welcome to bring your loved
one with dementia along as we have a separate activities area on the day. To book in phone
our Administrator on (07) 308 0525. Start time 10.30am to 11.30
CARER SUPPORT MEETINGS Kawerau: Bert Hamilton Hall, 4 Porritt
Drive, Kawerau
Whakatane: Acacia House, 19 Louvain Start time 10.30am to 11.30
Street, Whakatane
Start time 10.30am to 11.30 Thursday 28 July
Tuesday 28 June (venue change to Thursday 25 August
Whakatane Library) Thursday 22 September
Tuesday 26 July Thursday 27 October
Tuesday 30 August
Tuesday 27 September
Tuesday 25 October
Tuesday 29 November
SAVE THE DATE: The Alzheimers EBOP AGM will be held on Monday 22nd August 2022. Time
and Location to be advised.
MEMORY WALK: We are looking at holding this event on the 25th of September 2022 to celebrate
Alzheimers Awareness Month. Details to come in Spring Newsletter.
Communities living well with Dementia
We recently delivered workshops to Te Whanau a Apanui in Te Kaha, Tuwharetoa ki Kawerau
Hauora and the Ngāti Awa Kaumatua Group to provide education and information about Dementia.
We had some great discussions about the brain and how to keep this healthy. A total of 80 people
took part in these 3 workshops.
It was so heartening to see carers, Whanau and friends wanting to learn more about this disease,
with a view to helping people with Dementia live safely and with dignity in their own Community.
We have also been involved in education with Audika in Whakatane. They are working towards
accreditation as a Dementia friendly business. It is fantastic to see their efforts creating a safe,
friendly, accepting and supporting place for people with Dementia. Well done, Audika!
If you are looking for training and education about Dementia please contact our educator, Fiona
Hutcheson, ph. 07 308 0525 or
You can become a Dementia Friend by completing the on-line education programme. It should take
only about 20 to 30 minutes. The link is
Dementia Friendly Community Activities
Staying active and social is an important part of living well with Dementia. Here are a few activities
in the community you may enjoy.
Kawerau: Cottage Craft is held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month. The cost is $3.00 and a fee
of $20.00 per year. They operate between 9.30am and 11.00am. It is held at the Bert Hamilton Hall,
4 Porritt Drive, Kawerau. Ladies take your knitting or any crafts that that you like or just go for a chat.
You may also like to knit a few rows of the community blanket.
Contact Margaret (07) 323 7458 or Judy (07) 323 7881.
Kawerau: St Margarets Church, 1 Newall Street. 10am Friday drop in coffee morning and games.
Whakatane: The River Edge Park Railway runs on the 2nd Sunday of the Month between 10am and
3pm. Cost is $2.00. Park in McAlister Street carpark.
Whakatane: The graduate's group is a coffee group for those who have cared for a person with
Dementia who has since passed away. Ring our office for contact information.
We extend our deepest sympathy those who have
lost a loved one recently.
We would like to thank all the families who have
requested donations to Alzheimer's EBOP to be
made in lieu of flowers.
If you would like to support our services and make a positive difference to the lives of many people
affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias, you may consider doing this in either of two ways:
1. A direct donation or bequest to Alzheimer's EBOP will help us provide ongoing services:
• By an online payment (03-0490-0180920-00 using your name as reference)
• As a one-off or by regular payments
• By provision in your will
• Leaving a fixed sum or percentage of your estate to Alzheimers Society EBOP
2. A donation to Eastern Bay of Plenty Community Foundation Endowment Fund for Alzheimers
Society EBOP, usually by a one-off payment or by provision in your will. This is a “gift that keeps
on giving” as every year income is received by way of investment growth of the Endowment Fund.
Remember you can claim a tax credit from IRD (using form IR526) at the end of the tax year if,
during that year, you:
• donated $5.00 or more to Alzheimers Eastern Bay of Plenty
• are a NZ tax resident
• received taxable income
We at Alzheimers Society Eastern Bay of Plenty are able to keep up the work we do through the
income of Subscriptions, Donations and Grants that we receive. An annual subscription of $25
covers the whole family and covers the period from 1st June to 31st May each year. This
subscription helps us provide the newsletter to keep you informed about what we do.
Subscriptions are now due for 2022/2023. If you are joining for the first time, and send the
details below by email to
MEMBERSHIP 2022/2023
Phone No:
Email address:
Annual subscription for a family: $25.00
Plus, Donation $ Total: $
Please direct credit 03-0490-0180920-00 using your name as reference
Chairperson Jenny Dowthwaite
Board Members Susi Shaw
Verna Falwasser
Manager Trish Morris
Educator Vacancy
Navigators Sue Cave
Fiona Hutcheson
Volunteer Programme Co-ordinator Elayne Tangitu
Office Administrator Lesley Harris
Finances Talia Spackman
Heather Balcombe
Dallas Cooke
0525 Freephone: 0800 004 001 ma:
Pohutukawa Day Program
Pohutukawa Day Program
Community Based, DHB Funded Program
Tuesday to Friday, 9:30am to 2:30pm
Social Interaction in a Fun & Safe Environment
Activities to Stimulate and Keep your Brain Active
Exercises and Games to Promote Strength & Balance
Includes Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
(a specific program of group activity and
stimulation suitable for people with Dementia)
for further information contact: Team Leader Colleen Banks
83A Domain Road, Whakatane 3120
Tel: 07 3080055, email:
Home Care Services We have dedicated experienced staff
Community Services providing a high standard of personalised
Independent Living Service care, visiting in-house Doctor, daily
Advocacy/Information Services Diversional Therapy activities catering for
individual needs, group settings and regular
We also provide outings and in-house church services.
Conference Room Hire, Equipment Hire, On-site Families and friends always welcome, we
provide a safe secure homely environment.
Library and Internet access. Inquiries and Inspection welcome,
Hearing therapist, Stroke & Brain Injury and COPD
& Post-Polio
Field Officers on site.
We are a totally committed and professional team
who can assist with any of the above Service needs.
Telephone 07 307 1447 Fax 07 307 0229
Email: Website:
A Bupa Village that combines the best features of a Rest Home and hospital facilities.
Independent Units, Companionship and Security.
4 Spencer Lane Whakatane phone 308 5457 Enquires Welcome
Alzheimers Society Eastern Bay of Plenty Incorporated
Lightning Hub, 1st Floor, 193-195 The Strand, Whakatane 3120
Phone 0800 004 001
P O Box 13
Whakatane 3158