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Published by lyshan, 2021-09-14 06:10:11

Checkpoint Maths Coursebook - Year 7

Checkpoint Maths Coursebook - Year 7

G lossary and index

ratio  an amount compared to another 137 secondary data  data not collected by the 64
amount, using the symbol : individual currently using the data

rectangle  quadrilateral with two pairs of 87 sector  part of a circle, cut from the 185
equal and parallel sides, all angles 90° circumference to the centre

recurring  repeating; in a recurring fraction, sequence  a set of numbers arranged 20
a digit or group of digits is repeated for ever 78 in order, according to a rule

reflect  transform a shape, resulting in the set square  typically plastic, a triangular
mirror image of that shape 161 shape, with angles 90°,60° and 30° or 90°,
45° and 45° 121
reflection  the mirror image of a shape 161
share  to split up into parts 138
reflex angle  an angle that is bigger than
180 degrees 54 short division  similar in method to long
division but where remainders are simply
remainder  the number that is left after a division; placed in front of the following digit 31
20 divided by 7 has a remainder of 6 12, 83
side  the one-dimensional lines
rhombus  quadrilateral in which all sides bounding an object 87
are equal, opposite sides are parallel, opposite
angles are equal, but not 90° 87 sieve of Eratosthenes  a method of finding
prime numbers 14
right angle  an angle of 90 degrees 54
simplest form  dividing all parts of a
right-angled triangle  a triangle with a 90° fraction or ratio by their highest 73, 137
angle 87 common factor

rotate  transform a shape, resulting in each simplify  (fraction) find an equivalent fraction
point of the shape moving around a fixed
position by the same angle 161 with smaller numbers 73

rotation  turning a shape around a fixed simplify  (an expression or equation) 98
position 161 gathering, by addition and subtraction,
all like terms to give a single term
rotational symmetry  a shape that can be
rotated a fraction of a whole turn and 91 simplify  (ratio) dividing all parts of the 137
looks the same ratio by a common factor

round  make an approximation of a number, solid shape  shape having three dimensions 87

to a given accuracy 37 solution  the value of any unknown letter(s)
in an equation 26, 101
ruler  a device used for drawing straight lines
and measuring distances 120 solve  calculating the value of any unknown
letter(s) in an equation 101
SAS  used in constructions, an abbreviation of
Side Angle Side or the length of two sides and sphere  a solid with all points on its surface the
the size of the angle between them, minimum same distance from its centre 87
information to construct a
triangle 122 square  quadrilateral with all sides equal, 87
all angles 90°
scale  a number of marks along a line used
in making measurements; equal distances square centimetre (cm2)   unit of area; area 170
usually represent equal amounts of a square of side 1 centimetre
square kilometre (km2)   unit of area; area
scalene triangle  triangle in which all sides of a square of side 1 kilometre 170
are different in length and all angles
are different 87 square metre (m2)  unit of area; area of a 170
square of side 1 metre


G lossary and index

square millimetre (mm2)   unit of area; 170 translate  transform a shape, resulting in
area of a square of side 1 millimetre each part of the shape being moved the same
distance in the same direction 161
square number  the result of multiplying a
whole number by itself; 81 is a square number translation  see translate 161
equal to 9 × 9 (81 = 92) 16
transversal  a line that crosses two or more
square root  the square root of a number, parallel lines 60
multiplied by itself, gives that number; the
square root of 36 is 6 ( 36 = 6) 16 trapezium  quadrilateral with one pair of 87
sides parallel
square-based pyramid  a solid with a
square base and four triangular faces 87 triangular prism  a solid whose two ends,
and its cross-sections, are identical and
statistic  a value calculated from a 105 parallel triangles 87
set of data
triangular-based pyramid  a solid with
straight line  a line that is not curved 120 four triangular faces 87

substitute  replace part of an expression, unitary method  solving direct proportion
usually a letter, by another value, usually problems by first calculating the value of a
a number 28 single item 140

surface area  the area of the faces of a 177 unknown  a letter (or letters) in an 26
solid or 3D shape equation, for which the value (or values)
is yet to be found
symmetrical  has at least one line of
symmetry, or rotational symmetry of order 89 unlikely  less than an even chance 153
two or more
variable  a symbol, usually a letter,
term  an individual number in a sequence 20 that can represent any one of a set of values 26

term-to-term rule  a rule to find a term 20 vertex  a point where edges of a 2D or 87
of a sequence, given the previous term 3D shape meet

terminating  ending; a terminating vertically opposite angle  two of the four angles
decimal has a finite number of decimal formed when two lines cross; they do not
places, it does not go on for ever 75 have a common side 60

theoretical probability  a probability 158 vertices  plural of vertex 87
found using equally likely outcomes
very likely  a high change of happening 153
time  a way of putting events in order or
measuring their duration 144 very unlikely  a small chance of happening 153

tonne (t)  one thousand kilograms 47 volume  the space occupied by a solid or 175
3D shape
top-heavy fraction  common term for an
improper fraction 80 whole number  the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … , … 7

transformation  movement of a shape by x-axis  the horizontal axis on a grid 129

reflection, rotation or translation 161 y-axis  the vertical axis on a grid 129


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