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"Notes of Hope" is a collection of write-ups from various writers to motivate and give hope to people. This Anthology is paged by 'Heartbeat Rhythm' and compiled by Farhat Imteyaz. This book contain write-ups of all genres by 50 different Writers all across the globe which will give motivation and hope to the readers and motivate them to get a step ahead towards their purpose in life.

No of Pages: 170

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Published by N. Sihhah Nidhom, 2021-06-05 06:49:40

Notes of Hope

"Notes of Hope" is a collection of write-ups from various writers to motivate and give hope to people. This Anthology is paged by 'Heartbeat Rhythm' and compiled by Farhat Imteyaz. This book contain write-ups of all genres by 50 different Writers all across the globe which will give motivation and hope to the readers and motivate them to get a step ahead towards their purpose in life.

No of Pages: 170

Keywords: anthioloyy ,hope ,indian antthology,notes of hope,love,poems

Heartbeat Rhythm



Compiler- Farhat Imteyaz



India. Singapore. Malaysia.
ISBN xxx-x-xxxxx-xx-x
This book has been published with all reasonable efforts taken to make the
material error-free after the consent of the author. No part of this book shall be
used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the
author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and

© Copyright, 2020, Farhat Imteyaz


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
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The Author of this book is solely responsible and liable for its content including
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Heartbeat Rhythm

Every writer use their mind to write something
new all the time. Every morning they wakeup
with a dream of becoming a published
writer.Thus, Heartbeat Rhythm is making
anthology and book for the writers who want to
provide a better place to their writups to be a
published author and pen their heartbeats by
pouring thier drops of emotions.

Heartbeat Rhythm is a platform for those writers
who pen their heartbeat into a collection of words.

"Catch your dream, run with Heartbeat

Contact us on Instagram id: @heartbeat.rhythm
E-mail: [email protected]

Heartbeat Rhythm

Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


This anthology is work of poems, quotes, letters
and stories in English and Hindi beautifully
penned by our talented writers. It contains write-
ups of different writers from different corners of
the globe.
We guided them not to use any copyrighted
contents for the ANTHOLOGY , we have tried
our best to check plagiarism.

If any copyright detected, Neither the
publisher nor the compilers will be
responsible. Co-author will be responsible for
their own contents.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form by any means,
electronic, mechanical, magnetic, Optical,
chemical, manual, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior Written consent of its


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


This Anthology was not possible without the help
of our co-authors across the world .Each and
every coauthor has put his/her best effortsfor this
This book is compiled by Farhat Imteyaj and
To make this anthology every co-author helped to
complete this anthology in a best possible way.
Thankful gratitude towards all who have worked
hard and made an effort for his book to be


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

About Book

Stop acting so small. You are the universe
in ecstatic motion.
- Rumi

Hope is everything, without hope nothing can
be in this world.
Notes of Hope is a collection of write-ups
from various writers to motivate and give
hope to people. This Anthology is pajes by
'Heartbeat Rhythm' and compiled by Farhat
Imteyaz. This book contain write-ups of all
genres by 50 different Writers all across the
globe which will give motivation and hope to
the readers and motivate them to get a step
ahead towards their purpose in life.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Farhat Imteyaz
(Compiler and Editor)

Farhat Imteyaz is 20, she is a dorky nerd who
hails from Mau, Uttar Pradesh. Farhat is currently
a graduation student. She loves to write about
things and gets motivated with things around her.
She is a strong Empath, and otherwise enjoy her
own company and solitude. She is an avid reader
of poetries.
She has been a part of several anthologies and this
is going to be her first anthology as a compiler.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Letter to someone who has lost

To the one who has lost hope,
Do you remember the idiom you learnt in third
standard which says, "Every cloud has a silver
It was all about hope, hope that there is alwaysa
way to get out of a troublesome situation.
I know at times life is unfair but hope is the thing
which keeps us alive and gives purpose to our

I request you not to lose hope at any cost. Hope
will bring light to all your darkness. Hope will
help you find light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope will let you find a bright and sunny day
after a dark and tiring night. Hope let you be
happy and try harder and harder to achieve your
goal. Hope will help you find purpose in your life
and to achieve it.

So please, never lose hope with resides inside
you.Hope is the fuel to our fire. So keep the hope
alive, And let the fire blaze inside you.

-Farhat Imteyaz


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Get Up And Get Started

Stand up warrior,
Don't sit there,
Bowing down your head,
It doesn't suits you.
I know, you have been through a lot,
And things have gone wrong,
But this is not where you
were meant to stop.
You have to keep moving,
Because you have to,
achieve your goals.
Your dreams are waiting for you,
Get up and get started,
You can do it.
And you know,
No one can stop you ,
That's the secret of your strength.
So, just get up and get started.
-Farhat Imteyaz


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Meera Bhansali

Meera Bhansali is a 42 year old, part time tutor,
full time mom and passionate writer. She writes
about various topics including mental health, issues and explores different genres
with ease. From comedy to horror and everything
in between.
Read her on -


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


When I'm alone
The past haunts
Fills the mind with taunts.
So that I may moan.

Tears swell as I groan
Of mistakes known
Or misguided repent
I silently lament.

I try not to vent
And live in the present
But heart discontent
Fails to relent.

Returns to the lanes past.
Making suffering vast.
Fighting ugly blunders
With courageous wonder.

To be courageous is
Be resolute.
For its fear that brews
And notions confute

Risking things to defend
Doing task unstoppable
Only to transcend
To tasks laudable.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Dear Words,
I had abandoned you years back, when I had no
hope to write . In my lonliness I pushed away
even my pen and dairy. Days passed to weeks and
weeks to years. From a newly married bride , I
was transformed to a mother of three. From
butterfly ,I went to being in a cocoon. Reverse
osmosis has hardly worked well. But the cocoon
was my space for two decades or maybe
more..All I know is I lost time. Now when I could
no longer take it, I yearned for my long lost
friend, my pen. I found it in a dusty webbed
corner, lying, awaiting for me. I reached it and it
was alive. We bonded back again as if it was just
yesterday we last met .I knew now was the time
to pen down all my enclosed thoughts, my pains,
my happiness, my words of revenge, and open the
doors of my chrysalis and walk down the
moulded road, long forgotten, but not gone.
Each letter I wrote, my mind opened up to every
colour. My heart started fluttering at the new
beginning. Every letter, showed me,what I had
with held. My wings, ohh so cramped, slowly
with each passing letter started to paint
themselves with colours renewed. Finally my
wings, fully furnished with the hues of my past
pain, and adorned by my love for you are ready
and strong to fly and face back the world unseen.
Today maybe the end of our beautiful sorjourn
together but I assure you it is the beginning of a
new tarriance. I will not stop.
Yours loving butterfly.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Vidushi Saxena

Vidushi Saxena, a writer at beginning, is 21 and
she is on the path to pen down the inner thoughts
for the outer world. She is fond of romantic tales
but trying to embrace other feelings as well. She,
not only writes poetry, but also prose and short
Being graduated from Economics(hons.), She is
currently- a UPSC Aspirant, but in meantime, she
also manages time to pour her heart out in her
personal diary. She is looking forward for a
satisfying response from the readers and is also
willing to work on the areas required to be


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

To go or not to go.

In the world full of -
"She was brief and you are my eternal."
I found,
Everything is temporary,
And the permanents are the greatest back-
Stabbing you more than what you thought were
Making you bewildered constantly between the
Far beyond this chaos of- "To-Go Or Not-To-Go
I found, there is a life.
A life where you are your right as well as wrong,
Where you are your interim Or eternal,
Where you are your only person,
And where you are certainly alone but not


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Intrepid Mum

A little girl was there
Who wasn't even able to tie her hair.
As she turned 14,
She came to acknowledge a different scene
Now she was someone's daughter in law
And was living her life in his paw.
Her inner soul was almost died,
But her life turned when the little one cried .
Again a girl was born,
And she left all torn,
She didn't want her girl to be a disgrace,
So she took her away from her birthplace,
In a different city within a good society,
Her daughter led a life of sobriety.
Her girl always wanted to make her MUM
Who lived a life that was so scary,
With her hard work she chased her dream,
And made her Mum's eyes in triumph gleam.

She gave her MUM a life,
That she never had being her father's wife.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Joel Jason Lobo

A Roman Catholic priest hailing from
Belthangady, a small town of DK district of
Karnataka. After his due training he is now
reaching the students for priesthood. He is
highly interested in poetry, writing, music,
thought propelling literature.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Visibility and invisibility!!

Never long only to be optimistic!
That the intoxication of positivity,
May mar the sublime Reality!!
Never long only to be pessimistic!
That you neglect,
To view the door of opportunity!
and reap only negativity!!
Be then, realistically optimistic!!
That with your eyes,
decked with vision and sight!
You may see, the Reality
With its invisibility of visibility!!!
And visibility of invisibility!!!
With all its Clarity!!!
Joel Jason Lobo. Cap


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Good enough only to beg!

Don't peg...
Your leg...
Too much to veg!!
That in the stare..
of umpteen pair of eyes...
You will be a dreg..
Good enough only to beg!

Joel Jason Lobo. Cap

Tree full of Sap...

I clap...
to those who slap..
Me, with and without a gap!
......coz, I now..
Come out of the cosy nap!
My hidden 'ME' to tap!
Never to seek...
fleeting comfort's lap!!
Taking each passing day..
as the road map..
Want to be like a tree...
full of sap!!

Joel Jason Lobo. Cap


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Vishakha Khandelwal

Vishakha Khandelwal is born and brought up in
Jaipur, a city in the state of Rajasthan in India.
She is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in
Businesses administration from THE IIS
years old, she is passionate about words and
writes mainly about love and inspiration.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Hurdles being part of life,
Crossing them is art of life.
You'll face many obstacles,
You may stumble down,
but don't forget to prevail upon.
Rise again being stronger, not weaker.
Don't let the hurdles break you,
Let them make you.
They came to teach you
how to rise again, how to stay firm,
even in the darkest and toughest situation,
don't let yourself break.
For you to be powerful,
Difficulties need to be entailed.
Sure, it may be awful,
Provoking you to quit;
But honey, you need to stay resolute,
facing every mishap
and solving every puzzle.
Sooner or later, You'll win,
and that day my darling,
All the struggle you did
will be worth it.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz
Hope – hard to keep, easy to lose. The nights and
days makes it exhausting to stay hopeful. We tend
to lose faith– in ourselves and in god, since the
mishaps of life makes it awful to stay resolute.
But, one of the tiresome things to triumph is
Life may not be according to your wish, but it is
according to the creator of world. And trust me,
God has better plans for you than you have for
yourself. So honey, stay firm and calm, and trust
the process. Stick to your plan while trusting
God's. Plant your efforts and let the tree grow as
planned by the universe and its power. Keep your
hope alive.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Janarthanan Ilangovan

Janarthanan is a doctor in making from
Puducherry. He is also a budding writer who
believes that words can be used to express
someone's emotions. He is a sinensophile and
loves to listen to music. He is also a hopeless
romantic at heart.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Reclaiming Hope

People wanted me to be broken,
To lose all of my hope and motivation.
I have been watching life from the side lines,
Wanted to escape from everything.
Thought I am here to help others,
But thats just an excuse to shy away from my
Scars from the past made me lose my path,
It weakened my strength to move on.
Learning from the wisdom of age,
All I want is to survive and overcome my fears.
Its time to wash away my tears from past,
Fulfilling my purpose of living life as it is.
I am hiding right now from everything,
Because even the sun is hiding before it rises.
I will rise above too like the sun,
Spreading my light and conquering the world.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


Though you can't reach the shore now,
Soon the winds will help to sail your scow.
As you reach the island of hope,
Slowly you will learn to cope.
There will be storms in your life,
It'll pass away relieving your strife.
Just when you feel like you're done,
To spread light there will come the sun.
When your life gets so dark,
Wait my friend, for the spark.
Everything will become crystal clear,
And your problems won't seem near.
God will guide you through your pain,
Your endeavours will never go in vain.
There'll be obstacles in your lane,
Keep hoping and it'll keep you sane.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Awesh Kumar

A person with a great sense of humour, amazing
friend , optimistic who loves to talk and write.
The best thing about him is his wanderlust
(always on travel mode).


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

We knot our heart tightly, chose our path blindly
and start walking on. We are living in boundaries
and limits of our own thoughts. We will not be
able to fly because our wings were wounded, torn
or cut down by our own society. We are talented
and maybe somehow somewhere we know that.
But we can’t explore ourself because of chicken
heartedness, narrow-mindedness or old disbeliefs
of our society.
Why can't we break our boundaries?
Why can’t we live our life with utmost happiness,
in a unique way?
Why can't we fly freely without thinking about
our society and being independent? Why can’t we
live in harmony?


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz
There are more than 6 thousand
books on amazon to know about
yourself and your life purpose.
I agree Examine life is not worth
living but if you are examining
you are not living too.
Things not go according to plan
so its okay to not have one,
don’t fake it, be yourself and just go with flow.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Ranjani Sriram

Ranjani Sriram is a writer by passion. She is
currently a high school student.
She loves writing quotes poems and write ups.
Her goal is to spread positivity and love! And
give people Hope!


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz
I will fly too
I will fly higher than the clouds.
Brighter than the stars
And stronger than the moon
Don't break me I am glass, you will get hurt
Don't glare at me I am gold!
You eyes will be blinded.
I have an iron will.
I have the determination of a God
And the body of a angel.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz
Have you ever wondered
why a deer runs so fast
when a tiger chases it?
Because it needs to save its
dear life?
No. It's fighting against fate
and prove that it will win against fate.
Running away is not always a cowardly act.
Sometimes its courageous act against fate
and the will of God!
So its okay to runaway sometimes.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Samreen Ahmed

Samreen Ahmed is a masters in law graduate
from the Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh with
a proven academic record. Law and poetry come
naturally to her as she advocates for the liberation
of women from all stereotypes and domination.
Samreen, is a free-spirited empathetic human
being who is passionate about legal research.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


The waves of joy spread around; theagony of not
begetting a ‘Son’, A mother rejoicing her
motherhood; the other planning an abortion,
She was worshipped as the Goddess; the other
was baptized as a bad omen,
She was their pride; the other was made a minor
She had dreams; the other only heard her parents
They withstood by all her hurdles; the other never
had parent’s cuddles
Her beauty was admired; early age pregnancy
made the other looked pale & tired,
Her achievements were celebrated; the other
rebuked and subjected to gross hatred,
She had the confidence to face the world; the
other was subdued by the world,
She rejoiced a happy life while other was made to
believe that her birth was futile,
Oh! Dear father
I wish before you did this blunder
You should have realized, your chromosomes
determined my gender,
Do we share the same blood and genes I wonder?
When you got me married even before eighteen;
I wish you understood that I was just a teen,
How could you still wish me to be sane?


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Am I destined to bear and share pain?
Now, I won’t let anyone else decide
Stop smirking and staring at me
I will wear my identity with pride
I am determined to fight for my rights.


Dear Girls
Your mothers didn't raise you to be beggars of
happiness,seeking approvals every now & then.
Retrace,reflect,you'll find it all within.
You weren't sent on earth to please or appease but
to make every moments yours & seize.
Be confident & carry all your flaws with pride,
sucess will come to your side.
Strive to learn, you may fail or excel
But, take those lessons of life,soar high & rise!
Break those barriers and notions of Beauty
Carve for wisdom & inculcate generosity.
Be unapologetically You
Someone who's upfront & true
Don't get fascinated by those false hopes
Remember,those are barricading ropes
You have to earn what you desire
Don't settle for less, even when you get tired!
You have to read,lead & pen history
Engraving the tales of your victory.
Against all prejudices & stereotypes
Your struggles & strides
In becoming the Woman of Substance, the
incredible Star!


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Simran Kaur

Simran Kaur, a resident of Lucknow, is currently
pursuing PhD in Management from BBD
University, Lucknow. She has pursued B.Tech in
under-graduation and MBA in post-graduation.
On professional front, she has worked as a
communication trainer in British School of
Language for 6 months. Later, she turned into a
freelance academic content writer. She has got 2
books published, one on Business Environment
and the other on Managerial Economics, both are
available online. She is fond of writing quotes,
poetry, and short stories and has contributed to
various anthologies as well.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


When you are sad, look around,
And remember all you have found.
Each having a unique place,
In your heart’s palace.
Remember the incidents you shared with them,
The fun you did, and the moments that were gem.
Love and friendship that you share,
Or whatever that is in your heart’s snare.
So don’t be sad,
Remember all the incidents you had.
There will be a smile on your face,
Keeping up the Lord’s grace.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


From the time the humankind has evolved,
among various virtues, “Hope” has always been a
source of light in the darkness. We have always
heard “Don’t lose hope, everything will be good”.
Whenever we incur any problem or are stuck in
difficult situation, we feel we have reached a
“dead-end” or a “deadlock condition”. But still
somewhere deep in our heart, we know that the
situation will be solved and what looks difficult
today, will seem very easy tomorrow. This voice
of our conscious is what is “Hope”.
The Covid-19 pandemic, being the worst of all
times, has not been able to break us. Why?
Because of the “Rope of Hope” that we all are
holding. This rope has not only brought us
together but has also instilled us to believe that
today is the darkest of night but tomorrow will be
the brightest of the sun. This rope has encouraged
us to believe in each other and light the lamp of
hope within each other. The whole mankind has
tied itself with this rope of hope to beat down the
worst devil of Covid-19.
Thus, if Rope of Hope can unite the whole
mankind then why can’t we build our inner-self
so strong using this Rope in the most difficult
phase of our lives. We should not be afraid of
problems nor we should blame God or others for
difficult situations. With the light of hope in our
hearts, we should believe in “Try Me!!” instead
of “Why Me?”


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Romaisa Yasmeen

Romaisa is a teen writer who believes in keeping
things very simple. She possess a dream of
compiling her very own book. She just want
appreciation for her work. She wants to be a
known and established writer throughout the
world. She just want to make her parents proud.
She has a great desire to travel various places and
want to be an inspiration for others.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Broken pieces form a new YOU

Broken pieces all around
Tired of healing every wound,
She saw herself falling apart
Crying and grieving in the dark.

Failure; Regrets; Heartbroken; betrayed
These were the traits, her life portrayed,
No hope for living, no reason to survive
Sat numb, thinking nothing left to revive.

Windows opened, entered a ray of light
Saw her broken, decided to enlight and said
When life seems drifting apart,
You must not give up on yourself,
Try holding it on till the last,
Shuffle your broken pieces
Rearrange it and make something beautiful, out
of blue
Your broken pieces will form a new you,
Just self belief is required
To cure every wound and scar,
And you will shine more brighter, than you ever

Hold on; Stand up and fix yourself,
Gave her a beam of hope and left,
Now strong she stand to compose her fate
Led her step forward on a way to recreate.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

It's okay to feel too much or
nothing at all.

It's okay, if you are at a point of life, where you
feel too much about anything, or doesn't feel
anything. May be you have been suffering from
pain for so long that you are tired of everything,
you don't want to try, don't want to put any effort,
all you want is sit hopelessly and cry, and at
times, you feel like everything around is meant to
hurt you. Going through all these, feels so
terrible, having emotionless days, and sleepless
nights, where you just stare at the ceiling and get
upset about everything, you just feel everyone
around you is perfect and you are just useless and
a burden for everyone.

But listen, if you are going through all this, then
it's okay, there is no problem in feeling all these
killing emotions. We are humans, we are meant
to feel this way, we are not perfect robots, we are
flawed humans. It's okay, this is just a temporary
phase, which will surely pass, and you will
survive through it. Just don't lose hope, keep
reminding your heart, this shall too pass, and face
it all with a smile. Relax and have patience. You
are a warrior, remember that.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Srinidhi Krishnaswamy

To carve a niche of positivity, I’ve spent 25 years,
until one day when I realized I had to carve
myself first. I consider myself a learner in the
paths of life, for there is no definition of
perfection. Inspired by emotions and
understandings, rather than theory. A budding
writer with a pinch of expectations to receive
appreciation in the form of genuine feedback. An
admirer of love, tiny moments and neck hugs!


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Narrow paths of Wonder

Hopes of the present will be doubled in number
when the self musing knack smears its way into
the journey of life.

Do not stop expecting when it stops raining,
maybe it was a dream all along. Because darlin, a
warm summer might keep you more alive than
the drops of rain ever did!

Being the epitome of normalcy with a touch of
uniqueness is abnormal. When one soul might
have a hundred perspectives to the rarest
question, unique can’t be a touch, rather the only
definition of a person.

When You and I can find our way back home
from gratifying each other, nature gets to weigh
in and spread peace instead of forest fires.

Luck was acquired by an indifferent man, who
failed to notice what the earnest acquires.

Sanctity is habitually associated with purity and
keeping it clean at heart. Well, is that more a
reward than understanding ?
Kind hearts arise from the worst of realisations.

Smart is the mind which has a flair for passion.
Imbecile is the mind which thinks it's a gift of


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

When it solely depends on you to distinguish any
emotion into the right and the wrong, jealousy is
often considered futile. It is human to feel, and
healthy to practice optimism out of.

A pragmatic approach is unworthy of a well-
versed individual. Awaken the closed eyes.

Closure is fit into narrow paths of stepping out of
misery, when all it requires is for you to step into
your undiscovered future.

The unawareness of the future generations is the
quotient to measure empowering revolutions.

If not quoted as presumptuous, drop the idea.
It is the impossible that needs to be broken.

When freedom understands that it is inbuilt, the
givers and the takers depart into its practice.

Make sure the ones who pick up your pieces
match it with theirs. We all have our baggage.

Suffocation seems redundant when walking out is
a requisite of dilemma.

“Why are you fit for this job?”, she asked. I
smirked looking at my file in front of the desk.
Explanatory reasonings may not be worthwhile
for instances that can play its own game.

The black sheep was trying to teach us something
different. Though caught, it stands out.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Ideal something is falsified in a perfect world.
Draw your own line!
It is not about fulfilling expectations. Sometimes
it is the acknowledgement.
Display of great valour is a puzzle that fits
honesty. A life of toil and a death of peace.
In a world of fulfillment, would I find myself the
flawless person? No, because then you’ll start
hating perfection. There’s something odd about
an equilateral triangle.Just looking for the right
amount of imperfection being imperfect at that


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Sneha Sagar

I am Sneha Sagar, currently I am studying in
Vishakpatnam. I have seen lots of people who are
worried, depressed and lonely so at that moment
I thought I don't want to be that person so I have
decided to write because writing helps in being
yourself and it helped me a lot and I am very
grateful for everything what I achieved till now.
My heart says always do what you love and what
makes you feel happy because happiness is very
important in one's life. I just want to all to be
happy and strong. I have so may hobbies but my
favorite are writing and cooking. Love, Love


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz


Tomorrow is not promised. Not a single second
or minute, is. So, live for today. Keep the promise
you make. Take action on the things you desire
and need. Remind those that matter to you that
they are loved and you are grateful for them.
Never leave someone you care about on negative
terms. Give more than you take. Make calls
you've been telling yourself you'll do 'tomorrow'.
Let the smell of shit go. Never go to bed angry.
We will all die one day, so learn to live each day
with the promise to yourself that it'll be better
than yesterday.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

You are enough.

When your chest aches and your head is
swimming with all of your faults and all of your
flaws and you can't seem to find your fooling,
remember that fear is a liar. That you have been
here before, and you will breathe again.
Remember that you are enough. Always enough.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Ujjwal Shree

Ujjwal Shree , a writer with the pen name Neha
Gupta lives in Patna, Bihar. She is pursuing
graduation in Bsw and incorporates more into
writing as a part time writer.
An extremist in her thoughts, and always tries to
put life to her perspectives through her words.
Available on instagram as Shree22349 and via
mail [email protected]


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

You may see me struggle,
but you won't see me fall.
Regardless if I'm weak or not,
I'm going to stand tall.
Everyone says life is easy,
but truly living it is not.
Times get hard,
people struggle
and constantly get put on the spot.
I'm going to wear the biggest smile,
even though I want to cry.
I'm going to fight to live,
even though I'm destined to die.
And even though it's hard
and I may struggle through it all,
you may see me struggle...
but you will NEVER see me fall.


Notes of hope | Farhat Imteyaz

Open letter to someone who is

To the brave people outside,

There’s going to be times when you feel like life
is kicking you down, and there’s going to be
times when you feel like you can’t take it
anymore. And that’s okay to feel like that, but you
have to remember that you are not alone.

Whatever dream or wish you hold in your heart, I
hope you go for it, brave people .I hope you
believe in yourself with your entire being and
that in those moments that you might not. I hope
you never settle when it comes to your dreams
I hope that you always chase them with wild lust
and fiery passion. I hope you never let the
doubters and non-believers stop you and that you
let the obstacles strengthen and humble you.
Keep your chin up high and walk around the place
like you own it because you do. Don’t think
you’re in this fight alone because you’re not.

Brave people, I hope you go for your dreams
because they are yours to have...

Someone who cares


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