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Published by portnoye, 2019-09-16 05:15:13



Empowering the Nation’s Soul Annual Report 2012-2013

Poverty alleviation through creativity


• launched november 2005
• non-profit organisation
• funded by sponsorships, donations, national lotteries distribution trust

fund (see website for full list)
• Permanent staff – four
• full bee status
• local and global advisory boards
• operational areas: south africa and international
• King iii compliant


to be a facilitator of the creative arts as a healing medium and to raise the
awareness of the centrality of culture and heritage as an intrinsic part of what it
means to be a rounded society.


the ifa lethu foundation promotes partnerships and initiatives that focus
on repatriation and preservation of our heritage. it promotes skills and
entrepreneurship in the creative sector and communities and applies the
creative arts to the fashion industry.


ifa lethu, a non-profit foundation based in tshwane, south africa is devoted to
the development and economic growth of the creative sectors in the country.
ifa lethu today manages the largest heritage repatriation effort in south africa
with collections having been repatriated from countries such as the united
states of america, canada, france, australia, spain, holland, the united
kingdom and Germany. further collections have been identified across the
globe and every endeavour is made by ifa lethu to facilitate their repatriation to
their home country.
recent activities marked a rapid growth and an extension of our mandate,
which has resulted in the foundation focusing on the provision of skills for
creative practitioners so they may become successful entrepreneurs. this
extension has allowed the foundation to align its work with the national
priorities, such as mzansi’s golden economy, millennium goals and the
national development Plan.
creative entrepreneurship training initiatives are ongoing in the visual arts,
fashion, fossilised heritage, sculpture, design and small business skills.
in addition, ifa lethu is committed to its education of the public and specific
local and international communities through their extensive programme of
exhibitions, workshops and conferences.
ifa lethu is headed by ceo dr narissa ramdhani and chaired by dr anna


Report from the Chair 2

Governance 3

Global Advisory council 6

Consultants 9

CEO Year in Review 12

Annual peformance plans 14

Risk Analysis & Stakeholder report 16

Training, internship & Employment 18

Projects 21

Crafts 29

Global Advocacy 33

Brand Building 36

Media 38

Partners, SPonsors & Donors 40

Contacts 41

Report from the Chair

Dr Anna Mokgokong realities and ugliness of apartheid “Creativity, in
Chair by buying their artworks. Followed the form of
by colleague Diane Johnston, the arts, is
It has been a great honour for me these two, now retired Australian a country’s
to sit on the Board of Ifa Lethu diplomats, generously kept their soul.”
over the past five years, so it is promises and returned their
with great humility that I accepted treasured collections to their Ifa Lethu, and which are used in
the role of Chair. home in our country and under our Global Advocacy programme,
Ifa Lethu’s care. It was a thrill for as well as to remind and inspire
Over these years I have seen me to open my home to Bruce new generations of our youth.
young faces bright with hope fulfill and his family on their last night Sadly our struggle artists are
their creative dreams, and elderly of their holiday in our country so slowly leaving us but happily
rural men and women be taught he could renew old friendships knowing their voices will be
not only to upgrade their crafting and meet some new successors ‘heard’ for years to come.
skills to global standards, but in an evening that was a true
pass on this heritage to the next Homecoming. I would be remiss if I did not
generations. Ifa Lethu has taken mention our funders, partners,
me spiritually and physically to “Our donors and friends who make ifa Lethu’s
our townships and rural areas; constantly work so successful on all fronts.
to meet international movers amaze me Development in the creative
and shakers and celebrity art at how sector is essential to our future
lovers; and to gaze proudly at our generously position on the world stage.
amazing Collection of struggle they donate
works repatriated from across the their own Creativity, in the form of the arts,
globe. collections is a country’s soul. Over 2 000
that are learners have been trained in
I recently met one of our founding part of our business skills, creative skills,
donors - Bruce Haigh. During the heritage.” crafting and marketing. For
struggle Bruce was stationed in this, funding is required. You
South Africa at the Australian High Our donors constantly amaze me will find a list of these generous
Commission as a young diplomat. at how generously they donate organisations and individuals in
He discovered the richness of their own collections that are part this report.
then banned ‘township art’ and of our heritage. From all corners
risked much to support those of the planet, art works are still It is my honour to also
artists who so ably depicted the coming back home, at no cost to acknowledge the work of our
Board members and Global
Advisory Council – you are our
yardsticks which measure our
progress. To Dr Ramdhani, her
staff and her team of consultants
– I will paraphrase Winston
Churchill – ‘Never was so much
owed by so many to so few’.


Strategic & Executive

Strategic Direction ADVISORY COUNCIL
COUNCIL Brand Ambassadors/
& Operational Networking & Profiling Ceremonial Powers

Operational Functions Project Operations & Delivery

The Ifa Lethu Foundation Dr Anna Mokgokong Dr Narissa Ramdhani
abides by the King III Code of Chair CEO
Corporate Governance. Through
its Governance Structure, Born in Soweto and raised in Dr Narissa Ramdhani is the
the Foundation successfully Swaziland, Anna Mokgokong is Chief Executive Officer and
manages risk and complies with a South African businesswoman Board Member of the Ifa Lethu
all the principles necessary for who has received international Foundation. Her previous
good corporate citizenship. acclaim for her entrepreneurial positions have included
ability. Directorships of Research
BOARD MEMBERS Centres at the former Universities
As former President of the South of Durban-Westville and Natal
Dr Lindiwe Mabuza African Women Entrepreneurs and positions with Yale University,
Honorary Lifetime President Network (SAWEN) and the former President Nelson
International Women’s Forum Mandela’s special projects and
Born in Newcastle, Kwa-Zulu of South Africa (IWFSA), Anna the African National Congress.
Natal, South Africa, Dr Mabuza is a much sought-after public
began her career in 1962 speaker with a keen interest in Under her leadership Ifa Lethu
teaching English and Zulu community development and has become the largest heritage
Literature at Manzini Central women empowerment. She was repatriation organisation in South
School in Swaziland, followed inducted in 1998 into the Women Africa with collections having
by lecturing in the Department Entrepreneurs of the World, been repatriated from across the
of Sociology at the University of an independent, international globe. She has also provided the
Minnesota. network of the world’s powerful vision to morph the Foundation
and successful female into one of the largest creative
She became a Member of the entrepreneurs. She also was entrepreneurial development
first democratic Parliament in the recipient of the prestigious organisations in the country,
South Africa in 1994, followed by SA Businesswoman of the Year providing skills for creative
five years as Ambassador to the Award 1999. practitioners so they may become
Federal Republic of Germany, successful entrepreneurs. This
and as High Commissioner in Dr Mokgokong has also served in has led to several South Africa
Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and academia and the public sector artists and fashion designers
the non-resident Ambassador – having chaired the Council of being catapulted onto the
to the Philippines. She became the University of South Africa international stage and has
High Commissioner of the and served on the Commission assisted in turning their skills into
Republic of South Africa in the for the Remuneration of Public commercially viable entities.
United Kingdom in 2001 and was Office Bearers, where she was
recalled in 2009. the Deputy Chairperson. She Dr Ramdhani holds the following
was appointed to serve as a degrees: University of KwaZulu-
Dr Lindiwe Mabuza is an member of the Interim Defence Natal Ph.D. (History), MA
experienced diplomat, a political Force Commission. She holds (African History): B.A. (History,
activist and a poet. a Bachelor of Science degree Classical Civilization); University
(University of Botswana), a of South Africa – Honors (History;
MBChB (Medunsa) and a University of Connecticut - M.A.
Doctorate Honoris Causa (Public History); and an Honorary
Commerce (UNISA). She recently Doctorate in Humane Letters
was honoured by Harvard conferred in 2010 from the
University in USA as a key note University of Connecticut, USA, in
speaker at the “Africa coming of Recognition of her contribution to
Age” Conference. South Africa’s rural development.

Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 3


Raymond Louw Hugh Masekela Michael Judin
Deputy Chair
Michael Judin obtained his law
Raymond Louw is Editor and Hugh Masekela, born near degree at the University of the
Publisher of SOUTHERN AFRICA Johannesburg in 1939, was Witwatersrand and commenced
REPORT, originally introduced to the practice in Johannesburg
a private circulation, weekly trumpet by anti-apartheid at the end of 1969. He is
current affairs newsletter activist Father Trevor Huddleston currently the senior partner
started in 1983 after he left SA and thus the anti-apartheid of the Johannesburg based
Associated Newspapers. He was movement became an important law firm, Goldman Judin Inc.
editor of the Rand Daily Mail. influence in his life. In 1961 Goldman Judin is the winner
In the run up to SA’s first Masekela went into exile where of the International Law Office
democratic elections in 1994, Harry Belafonte helped him settle Client Choice 2012 Award in the
while chairman of the Freedom in the U.S. as a student. general corporate (South Africa)
of Expression Institute, he was Masekela went on to perform category.
appointed to the Independent with Paul Simon on the Michael is admitted as an
Media Commission to ensure Graceland tour and defended attorney in Botswana, Lesotho
state broadcasting and state- Simon vigorously when the tour and Swaziland, and is a
financed publications were was seen as a violation of the member of the International Bar
impartial. He was later appointed ANC’s cultural boycott. Association and an associate
to a special Task Group on His 1987 hit “Bring Him Back member of the American Bar
Government Communications to Home” became the anthem for Association. Michael is a
restructure the apartheid gover- Nelson Mandela’s world tour member of the e-commerce
nment’s propagandist division. following his release from prison advisory committee of the
He received the World Press in 1992. Financial Services Board of
Freedom Hero Award in 2012 In 2013 Keeper of the Flame South Africa.
from the International Press Honoree Hugh Masekela He is a director of the Hospice
Institute and a Pringle Medal presented a musical tribute to Association of the Witwatersrand;
for services to journalism, twice SA President Nelson Mandela and an honorary member of the
awarded by the South African in honor of President Barack H. Institute of Directors of Southern
Society of Journalists; the Media Obama. Africa (IOD).
Institute of Southern Africa’s His achievements include two He is a member of the committee
Media Freedom Award; the South Grammy nominations, The that wrote the Code for
African National Editors’ Forum Order of Ikhamanga, a Lifetime Responsible Investing in South
Wrottesley Award; the Mondi- Achievement award at the Africa (CRISA), and a member
Shanduka Newspaper Lifetime WOMEX World Music Expo in of the committee that wrote King
Achiever Award; another Lifetime Copenhagen and the US Virgin III, South Africa’s Corporate
Achiever Award as the Vodacom Islands proclaimed ‘Hugh Governance Code and Report.
Journalist of the Year awards; Masekela Day’ in March 2011. Member: Risk & Audit Committee
the International Press Institute Approaching his 75th birthday, and Ifa Lethu Remuneration
award for Press Freedom Bra Hugh is still performing with Committee
Campaigning; and Doctor of vigour across the world.
Literature, honoris causa from the
University of Rhodes.

Chair: Ifa Lethu Remuneration
Committee and Audit & Risk
4 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13



Tom Nevin Kuseni Dlamini

Tom Nevin is a South African Previously CEO at Old Mutual Michael Selekane
born journalist, and researcher Life Assurance Company, Kuseni Arts Administration Officer
and writer on African custom, Douglas Dlamini, BA, M.Phil
tradition, ritual and folklore, and is a renowned South Africa Jeanette Lopes
is the initiator of the Ifa Lethu businessman. Office Manager
project. His work as a reporter A Rhodes Scholar at Oxford
took him to many countries University, where he read for his Geoffrey Masemola
in Africa where he worked on Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Projects Assistant
newspapers, radio and television Degree, he joined De Beers
in south, central, east and north in 1996 at its head office in
Africa. Johannesburg as the Head
He currently works on of public affairs. He held a
assignment for Men’s Health number of senior management
magazine, is associate editor positions at De Beers operations
of London-published African in South Africa and United
Business magazine, editor of Kingdom and at the Diamond
Energy in Africa magazine, South Trading Company’s London
African correspondent for The offices between 1996 and 2003.
Age newspaper in Melbourne, Moving to Anglo American South
Australia, and writes television Africa he held various executive
scripts for various channels positions at Anglo American
locally and internationally. plc and Anglogold Ashanti in
He has had many books on Johannesburg.
Africa published, including the He is a Member of the Economic
best-seller The Quivering Spear, Advisory Council to the office
a collection of African tribal of the Chief Economist of the
legends; a series of children’s Chambers of Commerce and
African folklore stories; and Industry South Africa (Chamsa).
a collaborative book with the In March 2008, he was named
University of Natal of folklore- a Young Global Leader by the
based plays for schools, African World Economic Forum (WEF).
Story Theatre. He is a keen golfer In June 2008, South Africa’s Mail
and is passionate about classical & Guardian newspaper selected
music and ballet. He has a large him as one of South Africa’s top
and growing collection of rare 200 young people you must take
African books and documents. to lunch.
He serves on several boards and
has been an Interim Chairman
at Avusa Limited since October
2012. Mr. Dlamini also serves as
a Member of the Board of
Directors of the National
Business Initiative (NBI).

Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 5

Global Advisory council

The Council serves in an advisory capacity to The Global Advisory Council advises the Executive
provide a broad intellectual and historical frame Board on legal, financial and diplomatic issues in
of reference. The names of its members, their relation to repatriation, youth development and
influence, networks and advice facilitate the marketing in foreign countries. The Council meets
international work of the Foundation. annually and members are invited to all major
In view of the extent of the international marketing, events of the Foundation in SA and abroad.
enterpreneurship and repatriation initiatives, Council members are invited to advise the
much of the work of the Ifa Lethu Foundation lies operational structure on the formation of
in the international arena and thus the role of an partnerships and development of networks in
International Council is critical to the success of Ifa their respective countries as well as funding
Lethu. opportunities.

Ifa Lethu’s Development and Poverty Alleviation

By Lord Renwick of Clifton as well as Business Incubator The arts, crafts and cultural
Programmes for township and sector is a key economic driver
I am very pleased to have rural youth and for rural women in the country’s tourism industry.
been a founding member of in the creative industries, have The Department of Trade and
the Ifa Lethu Foundation Global assisted thousands of people. Industry estimates that South
Advisory Council. The work of Some have become successful Africa’s creative sector alone
the Foundation since 2005 has entrepreneurs, some have contributes about R2-billion or
been remarkable in the areas of found jobs at museums; they 0.14% to South Africa’s GDP
repatriation of creative heritage have all received business skills annually.
works back to South Africa, training, as well as creative The Foundation enjoys an
as well in the development techniques that enable them impressive track record
programmes implemented since to look after their families and in developing creative
2008. You will read in this Report play a meaningful role in their entrepreneurs nationally. Ifa
how the Ifa Lethu development communities. Lethu has aligned its work to the
projects are now producing Millennium Goals and national
creative entrepreneurs in art, “Ifa Lethu’s priorities of poverty alleviation
crafts and fashion, as well as the programme and employment creation in
fossil casting initiative. of skills and South Africa. Through its work
What is remarkable about these enterprise over the last three years, the
initiatives is the guiding principle development Foundation has successfully
of providing this culturally-rich workshops, trained and assisted 2 300
country with trained creative have assisted young creative practitioners,
entrepreneurs and employees thousands especially rural women and
who can make a positive of people.” youth, in the areas of visual
contribution to the economy. arts, craft, sculpture, fossilised
Ifa Lethu’s programme of skills The demand for South African heritage and fashion, resulting
and enterprise development art, sculpture, art objects, in successful businesses and
workshops, in partnership craft and fashion by South trade being developed, cultural
with the University of Pretoria Africans themselves, by the tourism being generated and
School of Entrepreneurship, tourism industry and by foreign employment being created in
countries, also guides the Ifa the rural areas of South Africa.
Lethu Foundation’s strategy in The South African Government
its training programmes. views the work of the Foundation
as an important contribution
to poverty alleviation and the
economic empowerment of rural
communities, especially women
and youth. This view is shared
by the Ifa Lethu Global Advisory

6 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13

Global Advisory council

Princeton N. Lyman Lord Renwick of Clifton Right Hon Malcolm Fraser A.C. C.H

Ambassador Princeton N. Vice chairman, investment Mr Fraser is a distinguished
Lyman is the Ralph Bunche banking, J.P. Morgan Europe, Australian statesman. He was
senior fellow for Africa policy chairman of Fluor Limited, and Prime Minister of Australia from
studies at the Council on Foreign a director of British Airways 1975 until 1983, and before that
Relations. Ambassador Lyman’s plc, Compagnie Financière served as Minister for the Army
career in government included Richemont, SAB Miller and BHP and Minister for Education and
assignments as deputy assistant Billiton plc, Lord Renwick served Science.
secretary of state for Africa as British Ambassador to South He has a strong association with
(1981-1986), U.S. ambassador Africa from 1987 to 1991 - the the search for peace and justice
to Nigeria (1986-1989), director period leading to the release in Africa. From 1985 to 1986, he
of refugee programs (1989- of Nelson Mandela and the co-chaired the Commonwealth
1992), ambassador to South unbanning of the African National Group of Eminent Persons
Africa (1992-1995), and assistant Congress. which sought to promote
secretary of state for international He received an honorary degree political dialogue and bring a
organisation affairs (1996-1998). from the University of the Wit- representative government to
He served as director of the watersrand for his contribution power in South Africa. From
U.S. Agency for International to the struggle against apart- 1989 to 1990, he chaired the
Development in Addis Ababa, heid, and served as British UN Committee on African
Ethiopia from 1976-1978. Ambassador to the United States Commodity Problems.
from 1991 to 1995. He was the President of CARE
He was appointed to the House International from 1990 to
of Lords by Prime Minister Blair 1995 and Chairman of CARE
in 1997. Australia from 1987 to 2002. He
has also served on the board of
the International Crisis Group.
He has been a member of
InterAction C1 (a forum of former
Heads of Government) since

Global Advisory council

Lynda Chalker Tor Sellström Robert Devereux
Baroness Chalker of Wallasey
Tor Sellström, a Swedish After graduating from
Baroness Chalker is founder citizen, has closely followed the Cambridge University, Robert
and chairman of Africa liberation struggles in Southern Devereux worked with Amnesty
Matters Limited (UK), which Africa, including Angola, Namibia International and Macmillan
provides advice to businesses, and Zambia, Zimbabwe. His long Publishers before joining Virgin
governments and other relationship with Southern Africa in 1980 as Richard Branson’s
international organisations on and his experience as a Planning partner. He established the
developing business in sub- Economist with the Swedish entertainment division of the
Saharan Africa. She is also a International Development company of which he was
non-executive director of several Authority (SIDA), the Swedish Chairman, which included
major companies, as well as an Agency for Research the creation of Virgin Vision,
adviser to the World Bank. Cooperation with Developing the launching of Virgin
Countries (SAREC) and other Radio, Virgin Net, Virgin
Lynda Chalker has been a Swedish aid organisations, have Interactive Entertainment and
member of the Lower and Upper given him a clear view of the masterminding the purchase of
Houses of the UK Parliament for issues facing the region. Virgin Cinemas.
over thirty years. For eighteen of In October 2002, he took up In 1996 Robert sold his interests
these, she served continuously the position as Counsellor in Virgin in order to concentrate
as a Minister in Margaret (Economist) for development on his family, leisure investments
Thatcher and John Major’s cooperation at the Embassy and his charitable activities.
Governments. Between 1986 and of Sweden in Pretoria, South His non-commercial interests
1997 she was Minister of State Africa. Sellström joined ACCORD include the Portobello Trust, Save
at the Foreign & Commonwealth in January 2006 as a Senior the Rhino International, Westside
Office, holding responsibility for Advisor. He coordinates the School and Kuona Trust. He
Africa and the Commonwealth, Research Unit, serves on the has established The African
and from 1986 to 1997 Editorial Board of the African Arts Trust, which supports
also Minister for Overseas Journal on Conflict Resolution. professional practising artists. He
Development. She was made a He is attached to the Director’s is Chairman of the Tate’s African
Life Peer in 1992. Office for the development of the Acquisitions Committee and
Africa Peace Centre, the design has recently joined the Ifa Lethu
Lynda Chalker dedicates and roll-out of programmes Global Advisory Council. Robert
significant time and energy on African leadership, peace spends a significant amount
to many major charitable agreements and political and of time in East Africa, where
organisations and is well known socio-economic transitions, he owns a house in Lamu in
for her interests in African as well as for the building of Northern Kenya, and is involved
Healthcare, including Chairman partnerships with Sweden and in a number of community and
of the Board of Medicines for the other Nordic countries. commercial projects. He is also
Malaria Venture (MMV), Honorary a passionate collector of modern
Vice President of the British Red and contemporary British art and
Cross, Advisory Council member African art and has formed the
of the African Medical and Daraja collection, in partnership
Research Foundation, Trustee of with friends.
the Investment Climate Facility
for Africa, and Vice-President of
WaterAid. She is a founder Board
Member of the Nelson Mandela
Legacy Trust.

8 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13


Consultants are the life blood Judith Shoniwa University of Limpopo, Turfloop
of Ifa Lethu. With such a small campus, and a degree in Change
compliment of permanent staff Judith started as an Intern Facilitator Management at
(4), our work in Repatriation, Incubator Manager at Ifa Lethu UNISA. He holds a certificate as
Global Advocacy, Training and is now a Business Consultant a Skills Development Facilitator,
and Development of Creative training the Ifa Lethu participants is certified in Training the Trainer
Entrepreneurs, Marketing, on how start and grow their with the ICN International
and local and international businesses. Judith has a Master’s Communications network and has
Exhibitions would be just a degree in Entrepreneurship from a diploma in Project management
dream. Each of them brings the University of Pretoria, and from Executive Education.
their extensive knowledge, a Marketing degree from the
experience and expertise to the University of Zimbabwe. She Bette Kun
many Ifa Lethu projects held has been consulting with small
each year. This business model and medium enterprises around Bette Kun has been the PR and
allows us to control costs, Gauteng for the past three years. Marketing Consultant for Ifa
keep to budgets and achieve “Working on the Ifa Lethu projects Lethu since 2005. As a Marketing
our goals. As the best-of-breed has been an exciting experience Communications professional
in their sectors, we enjoy the as I have had the opportunity to Bette has worked both locally
exchange and transfer of skills work with talented youths who are and globally on a diverse range
they afford to our learners and creative,” she says. of projects and clients and brings
all stakeholders. this extensive experience to bear
Judith has also worked on the on the strategic direction of Ifa
Alice Tindall Mamelodi and Soweto youth Lethu.
Grobler entrepreneurship projects, where
she took them through the Start With strengths in the global IT
Alice is a Lecturer in Fine Arts Your Business training program. sector, Bette worked in the USA
at the Tshwane University of She has also worked with the for 5 years before returning to
Technology. Mhlanga ladies who are currently South Africa to head up a local
making beads and crafts to full-service PR agency. It was
She is a Textile Design and explore new avenues and markets during this time that Ifa Lethu
Technology expert, and holds for their businesses. was conceived, launched and
a Magister Technologiae Textile positioned as the country’s most
Design and Technology, 2005, Petrus (Pat) successful heritage organisation.
Tshwane University of Technology Mothsweneng Bette works closely with Ifa
(TUT) (cum laude); Baccaluareus Lethu’s CEO to strategise and
Technologiae Textile Design and Pat is a veteran Project Manager plan the Foundation’s awareness
Technology, 1999 (TUT); and having managed a project and positioning – whether it be in
is the winner of several textile at the Cradle of Human Kind
competitions. for the Siyasiza Trust. He
She assists the Ifa Lethu currently manages the Creative
Foundation in product Hands Phase 2 project of craft
development for community-craft production in Ngove, where the
projects in rural areas, ensuring main aim of the project is to equip
their international quality and 15 rural youth crafters with the
market readiness for foreign skills to sell and market their own
markets. products. Pat holds a BA from the

Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 9


heritage repatriation, establishing exhibitions both nationally and Greg Wallis
the Fashion line, or moving into internationally, and has worked
the development of creative with the University of California With a 35 year ’love affair’ with
entrepreneurs. Her writing and Los Angeles (UCLA) on numerous the fashion business, Greg
technology skills enable maximum exhibitions and projects both in is respected throughout the
use of new and traditional media. the United States and in South fashion world and is the Fashion
Africa. Carol was awarded a consultant for Ifa Lethu.
Carol Brown fellowship at Emory University in
Atlanta. Greg has worked in just about all
“My work with Ifa Lethu aspects of the industry and is now
commenced in 2010 when I Ideaology well known for his development
curated the major travelling work. He says; “Via students of
exhibition called ‘Home and Ideaology, headed up by Michelle mine, I am also in touch with other
Away’, which opened in Pretorius (Managing Director) and Fashion Institutions throughout the
Consitution Hill, Johannesburg, Craig Smith (Creative Director), world. At one stage I sat on the
during the time of the World Cup is the design and advertising State President’s Advisory Board
in South Africa. This exhibition branch of the Iconic Group and deciding on the curriculum for
drew attention to the opportunities the Design and Corporate Identity design students.”
which were lost to artists in South consultants to Ifa Lethu, having Greg visualised the Fashion
Africa during the apartheid era. conceived the logo, corporate ID Design program for Ifa Lethu,
The exhibition met with great and all design since 2005. placed students in various
success and after a tour of Launched on March 1, studios, many of whom are now
prominent South Africa museums 1998, Ideaology meets the making a name for themselves
it was invited to Australia to the communication needs of small to on international runways, and
University of Canberra Drill Hall medium sized business, where continues to mentor many.
Gallery.” turnaround time, cost efficiencies
and budget are essential. University of
“This led to other national and Ideaology is able to create Pretoria
international invitations and in and implement communication
2012 it was a great honour to be programmes across the full UP has been with Ifa Lethu
part of the South African Dept of spectrum of the marketing mix: since the beginning of their
Arts and Culture’s programme for • Corporate identity concept, entrepreneurship business
the Olympics in London. training. The Ifa Lethu Lecturers
It has been a great privilege for design and implementation deliver the training with passion
me to work as consultant curator • Design and copy for and commitment:
for this important part of our Menisha Moos – B. Comm.;
country’s heritage. The exhibitions newsletters, posters, B. Comm. (Hons.); M. Comm.
have been particularly inspiring brochures, corporate profiles, (University of the Western Cape).
for many of our young artists who calendars, greeting cards, Menisha Moos is a lecturer
are made aware of their history events, in business management
and now realise that they have including conferences and entrepreneurship in the
role models who were previously • Copy, design and setting of Department of Business
not known to them.” annual reports Management at the University
Carol Brown was formerly Director • Packaging design of Pretoria.She is busy with her
of the Durban Art Gallery and is • 3D printed and electronic
the appointed consulting curator invitations
for Ifa Lethu. With a Masters • Specialist magazine design
Degree in Art History she curates layout
• Solutions to promotional item
• Conceptualise and develop
advertising messages across
all platforms
• Develop complete end-to-end
website solutions
• Converting publications to a
digital platform

10 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13


doctorate on small business and was run at the Origins Centre. This Casting programme became a
entrepreneurship policy. She has first workshop proved successful springboard to train and develop
published chapters in textbooks and 2 of the candidates were world class fossil casters who
and delivered papers at national hired onto the Malapa project at have gone on to work in museums
and international conferences. Wits University. These 2 young and also to create their own Fossil
Her research interests focus on men became the principal casting Casting small businesses.
entrepreneurship education, technicians for all the fossil
the small business enabling material coming out of the newly
environment and entrepreneurship discovered site of Malapa.
policy. “Since then we have run numerous
workshops and trained interns
Retha Strydom – B.A.; HED in conjunction with Ifa Lethu, the
(University of the Free State); most recent of these collaborations
Business Management & was the training of 10 people
Administration (Hons); MBA from the local communities in
(University of Stellenbosch). the Cradle of Humankind. The
Retha Strydom is a lecturer participants were trained in
in business management moulding, casting and painting.
and entrepreneurship in the
Department of Business The collaboration with Ifa Lethu He says: “The highly successful
Management at the University of allowed participants to get collaboration between lfa Lethu
Pretoria. involved with the fossil heritage and the lnstitute for Human
She has contributed to chapters which is found on their doorstep.” Evolution in developing a fossil
in textbooks and delivered papers De Klerk graduated with a PhD in casting programme had its origins
at national and international Palaeontology from Wits University several years ago through a
conferences. She received a (2012). She is a Wits graduate and small grant from the US Embassy.
Laureate award for innovative holds a BSc in Geology (2005), This grant allowed a small-scale
teaching in 2008. a BSc Honours in Geology and training program to take place
Her research interests focus on Palaeontology (2006), and a MSc where young artists and artisans
entrepreneurship education, Degree in Palaeontology with from the Mamelodi area underwent
social entrepreneurship, the role Distinction (2007). skills training in casting and
of creative art and craft in social mould-making. From this first class
development and facilitating start- Dr Lee Berger of students two young men were
ups. selected for additional training
Prof. Berger is the Reader in and to form the foundation of the
Dr Bonita de Human Evolution and the Public initial casting programme. From
Klerk Understanding of Science at the these humble beginnings the
Institute for Human Evolution, casting programme, in ongoing
Dr Bonita de Klerk is the School of GeoSciences, University cooperation with lfa Lethu, has
Operations Manager for the of the Witwatersrand. He holds grown and not only created
Malapa Project in the Evolutionary an adjunct Professorial position in jobs, but also imparted a sense
Studies Institute at Wits University. the Department of Anthropology of community pride, and public
Her work with Ifa Lethu started in at the University of Arkansas. He awareness into Science.
2009, when a casting workshop is best known for his discovery of This growth in awareness and
for 40 students from Mamelodi Australopithecus sediba. pride has not only occurred in the
It is under his leadership and community around Mamelodi, but
support that the Ifa Lethu Fossil also nationally and internationally
as the work of this programme
has received media and scientific
attention and word has spread of
its success.”

Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 11

Ceo-yeAR in ReView

Dr Narissa Ramdhani completely transparent view of are working locally, globally
CEO how we manage our projects and and entrepreneurially. having
administration processes. the internationally renowned dr
the year under review – lee berger as mentor of this
2012/2013 – has been filled as i look back over the past 8 programme, his team from the the
with activities by our staff and years, each year i am proud to centre for human evolution at the
our consultants. indeed, for the add to our achievements and university of the witwatersrand
first time in our history, we have report on how our development has produced many casters who
included a section in this report programmes in visual arts, craft are in demand from museums
(Page 9) on our consultants, work, fossil casting, fashion and anthropological programmes
their activities during the period design and business training has across the globe.
and how they add value to the catapulted local talent onto the south africa is on the map as an
work performed by ifa lethu world’s stages in these industries. anthropological world heritage
across the country and even our projects section in this report site and it is our fossil casters
globally. when we started our (Page 21) reports on just a few. who produce the casts on sale
organisation back in 2005, we across the world at airports and
determined then to opt for the “we cOntinue places of natural history. we
inclusion of best-of-breed and tO add tO have taken disadvantaged young
knowledgeable consultants to Our heritage people, opened their eyes to their
help the foundation in spreading cOllectiOns.” heritage and roots and thrust
the vision and implementing the them into a new world.
mission. to date, i can confidently in recent years, ifa lethu’s focus we continue to add to our
say this model has done us well. has broadened to include the heritage collections. ifa lethu’s
we have touched thousands of development element aligned first vision was to repatriate south
learners and visitors with our to the national development africa’s ‘lost art’ taken out of the
programmes, our exhibitions and Plan and mzansi’s golden country during the struggle when
our presence from limpopo to economy. this has resulted in the work of black artists held no
london. the development of creative value. forbidden to exhibit their
entrepreneurs and successful work in public in case their social
early in the year we secured the employment creation for south commentary and depictions of
services of a well-known and africa’s creative practitioners. oppression, so ably captured on
respected pair of consultants recently we have taken canvas, paper, and other media,
from our friends at the university our enterprise development would incite greater unrest, it was
of Pretoria to assist us in programme to rural communities left to small numbers of brave
assessing and advising on how via our mobile ‘creative hands’ diplomats and business people
we could begin the move to an workshops, set up permanent who risked much to listen to
integrated reporting process. business incubators, and focused township jazz and see these vivid
this year’s annual on the crafters in small villages works of art.
report, therefore, and put them through the same
is a first step in that training as our young artists.
direction and with time we
hope to move completely our fossil casting programme
to achieve that goal. (see (Page 24) continues to add
Page 16) it is our wish that we talented young people to a global
stand alongside organisations pool of much needed reliable
who have already achieved and accurate fossil casters who
this goal so that our funders,
donors and stakeholders have a

12 ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13

CEO-Year in Review

Bruce Haigh, Dr Anna, David Poshoko, Dr Ramdhani The timing of the exhibition was
planned to coincide with the 5th
We are happy to report that “We also World Forum on Human Rights
founding donor Bruce Haigh, an were in Nantes, entitled “Sustainable
Australian diplomat of the time, present at Development - Human Rights:
visited our shores during this the London A Common Struggle”. The
last year, promising his family he Olympics, headquarters of the Forum are in
would take time to show them requested Nantes and I was privileged to be
the country he fell in love with and funded invited to address the Forum.
all those years ago. It was our by our We also were present at the
great honour to host Bruce and stalwart London Olympics, as a request,
his family to a wonderful evening, Department and funded by our stalwart
hosted by Dr Anna Mokgokong at of Arts and supporter, the Department of Arts
her home, so he could meet old Culture.” and Culture. The exhibition at the
friends, some surviving artists and Oxo Tower Wharf was seen by
fellow diplomats. Bruce, you are The exhibition was shown in two thousands of visitors in London for
always welcome at Ifa Lethu. venues at Nantes, France. Nantes the games, and once again South
It is these infrequent gatherings is the 6th largest city in France - Africa appeared on the culture
that bring home the sad fact that historically significant as over 40 tours map.
our struggle artists of the 1960s to percent of the French slave trade This is just a taste of what we
1980s are slowly leaving us as the was carried out via the city, with have achieved this past year –
years and deprivation take their around 450 000 men, women and you will find more in this Report
toll. Fortunately, their memories children abducted from Africa to and on our website.
of those dreadful times live on. America. A recent memorial to this
During the last year we have dark side of history has been built While funding continues to be a
taken our Collections across the and it is appropriate that while we challenge, we have maintained
planet and for the first time we remember apartheid through the and managed our projects,
were invited to participate in the artworks in the exhibition, we, like achieved our objectives, and look
France/South Africa Seasons with Nantes, celebrate our progress to forward to the excitement of the
our “Home & Away” exhibition. freedom. 20 Years of Freedom in 2014. Our
planning has begun.
I must record my thanks to our
wonderful local Board for their
support and trust over this
last period. This mission is not
achieved by one person. To the
Global Advisory Council, you
continue to challenge, support
and open some magical doors for
our work to take the most exciting
roads. Finally, to my dedicated
team permanent staff members –
you rock.

Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 13

AnnuAl peRfoRmAnCe plAn

The Annual Performance Plan is indicative of the Goals, Objectives and Priorities for the Ifa Lethu Foundation
as a whole. We are committed to good governance (King lll), transparency and measurement.

Key Result Areas % Weighting Key Performance Objectives
(KRA) for KRA’s Indicators (KPI)
30 Project expense • to ensure all projects meet financial
financial operational expenses requirements of funders by having bi-
5 financial compliance monthly meetings to address Progress,
projects 20 deliverables, project budgets and
sustainability concerns.
existing projects
• adhere to operational budgets as
new Projects approved by board.

• Produce monthly management accounts
for audit.

• ensuring that financial management
complies with internationally acceptable
accounting standards.

• undertaking annual financial audits
through the services of an external audit

• ensuring that monthly management
accounts are always available for scrutiny,

• utilise funding in a cost effective manner
by accepting only service providers who
offer competitive rates.

• secure funding from new and current

• Keeping funders briefed regularly on
developments and project progress.

• Production of annual reports.
• conclude existing projects successfully as

per deadlines and as per proposal criteria.
• produce final reports for completed

• holding of bi-monthly meetings of project

staff to assess deliverables and concerns.
• embark on eight new projects in current

financial year, subject to financial
considerations like funding.
• projects to adequately reflect the three
arms of ifa lethu work (outreach,
advocacy and creative entrepreneurial
• ensure all projects are aligned to project
activity and board vision.
• comply with all requirements, regulations
and statutory provisions.
• bi-monthly meetings.

14 ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13

Annual performance plan

Key Result Areas % Weighting Key Performance Objectives
(KRA) for KRA’s Indicators (KPI)
20 Raising Foundation • Branding the organisation.
MARKETING profile Nationally and • The continuous development of
LEADERSHIP Globally satisfactory stakeholder relations.
Collaborations and • Ensure timeous and regular

Partnerships communication on Ifa Lethu developments
Electronic Media with targeted constituencies.
• Identify new stakeholders and formalise
Staff Management relationships for joint ventures, thereby
assisting sustainability initiatives.
Strategy • Maintain and nurture current stakeholder
partnerships by regular information
Governance sharing of developments and projects at
Ifa Lethu.
• Maintain stakeholder database.
• Ensure that website is updated regularly
to indicate projects, research and
• Develop mechanisms to assess usage.
• Update Facebook regularly.
• Continue to involve staff in high end
projects and activities.
• Continue to mentor and empower staff
through three mentoring sessions which
will elevate their career development.
• Involve staff with stakeholders by
encouraging them to attend meetings and
• Encouraging staff input on strategy and
positioning with a view to developing and
strengthening decision making powers.
• Ensuring minimal staff turnover.
• Instilling the right company values in staff.
• Generate innovative strategy and
positioning for the benefit of securing
funding, project management and
• Implementation of new business strategy
to accommodate current trends nationally
and globally.
• Ensure all governance and legal
documents are updated.
• Ensure Foundation complies with updated
governance requirements as approved by
the Board.
• Conduct activities of the Foundation in a
manner that prevents reputational risk.
• Continue to monitor the succession plan.
• Play an active role in ensuring that the
Foundation does not contravene the
related principles of King III.
• Drive Foundation policy processes
by developing and reviewing policy
necessary for the appropriate governance
of the organisation and the management
of staff. Approval and reviews will be
undertaken by the Board.

Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 15

Risk Analysis & Stakeholder report

Risk Analysis strategies, are given the skills of the employees and the
resources available to the organisation. A major shift of
Ifa Lethu Foundation has a stated goal of producing integrated reporting versus traditional reporting is the
an Annual Integrated Reporting system. To this end fact that integrated reporting focuses on long term value
the Foundation engaged specialist advisory from the creation, and forward looking information, therefore,
University of Pretoria to assess the organisation, its becomes very important. It also follows that the number
business plans and implementation methodologies. of variables that have to be taken into consideration
This year’s report is the first step in that direction. increases as the time horizon increases. The needs,
We include some of their findings. interests and expectations of a wide variety of
stakeholders have to be taken into consideration when
The integrated reporting long term value creation is considered. The radically
process changing natural and social environment in which
organisations operate will also have a major impact on
long term value creation.

An integrated report, like financial statements, is the The Ifa Lethu integrated
result of certain activities that took place. In the case of reporting journey
integrated reporting these activities relate to the way in
which an organisation executed / and are planning to The need exists within Ifa Lethu to tell its story to all its
execute strategy. stakeholders. What makes the Ifa Lethu story unique is
An organisation’s strategy is dependent on the way that it cannot translate the value that it creates through
that it does business (i.e. the business model), the a normal annual report, because that simply will not
environment in which it operates and the vision and reflect the value that it creates. It needs a medium that
goals of the organisation. The board is responsible can link the social value with the financial results.The
for formulating strategy, and the future success of future viability of an organisation is thus dependent on
the organisation is dependent on how robust these the strategies that the board adopts in reaction to the
different variables that might impact the organisation.

Current Risks

Risk Name Root Cause Consequence Current Controls
Leadership Lack of a Contravention of This role requires a leader with vision, Roll out succession Plan in
succession plan King III a deep belief in the objectives of the 2014.
Security Foundation and the ability to raise funding
Lack of a secure Safety of from individuals and organisations across Necessary security
environment for a national the globe. It also, currently, is a combination mechanisms and structures
the art collections, collection is in of COO and CEO as Dr Ramdhani fulfils in place. All areas of
including travelling jeopardy all the ‘exco’ responsibilities. A succession concern covered, including
exhibitions plan is in place. travelling insurances. All
structures in accordance
Security for an irreplaceable Collection of with international standards
artworks is an ongoing concern. Additional and requirements. These
concerns are for the safety of works being controls are a deterrent but
transported for exhibition across the world not a guarantee. Report to
and while on exhibition. be prepared by August 2014

Funding Absence of a Entity will no Funding for development projects is an Creative fundraising plan.
Fundraising Plan/ longer be viewed ongoing concern. While funders are ready Good risk management and
strategy. as a going to fund actual projects, administration costs corporate governance in all
Failure to concern. also require funding within the accepted the businesses of the entity.
align strategy Lack of rate of a 35% of total cost. Funding for Quarterly fundraising
to changing sustainability. the current permanent staff, and daily reports. Successfull
environment. Unable to fulfil operational costs at Ifa Lethu are a constant maintenance of confidence
Failure to raise mandate. struggle. levels of funders. Investigate
confidence levels of the contracting of an internal
potential funders. or external professional
Absence of ongoing fund raiser to alleviate
stakeholder pressure on the CEO. This
engagements. will allow CEO to focus on
Changing funder strategy and stakeholder
priorities engagements.

16 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13

Risk Analysis & Stakeholder report

Risk Name Root Cause Consequence Current Controls
Governance This is a risk Financial losses, The CEO provides a full Board report every Directors Liability Insurance.
pertaining to fraud, reputational quarter. An internal audit function is in place. Event specific operational
Incomplete misappropriation damage, loss Financials are audited annually. Montly Plans.Fraud Prevention Plan.
Projects/ of funds and of funding, Management accounts are prepared and Delegation of Authority.
Projects not organisational litigation, presented at Board meetings. Internal Audit.
implemented assets, banking, irregular ICT Governance Plan.
supplier collusion expenditure, Ifa Lethu has delivered on all funder man-
disciplinary dates for projects. Monitoring mechanisms.
Lack of Direction. actions, low staff Reviews at departmental
Poor planning. morale. and board level.
Inadequate funding. Quarterly funder reports.
Lack of area Funder Project Business Plans.
expertise. dissatisfaction.
Poor service
Unspent grants.

Stakeholder engagement Those responsible for Ifa Lethu’s strategic direction will
need to consider where on the ladder of participation
Loosely defined, stakeholders are persons, groups, each stakeholder group should be placed and
organisations, members or identifiable sub-systems pursue relations with these groups accordingly. Such
that have an impact on the organisation, but also the determinations will have cost implications and must be
ones that are affected by the organisation. Unlike a planned carefully.
value chain analysis, stakeholder analysis takes a Ideally, a robust stakeholder engagement exercise
“snapshot” of the stakeholders as they function at a will yield risks, opportunities, needs interests and
certain time. This essentially static form of analysis expectations that will be used by the board to inform its
becomes more useful as it gets repeated each year so strategic decision making processes.
that comparisons may be made over time as relations This is currently a work in progress with stakeholder
between stakeholders evolve. relations being considered via our current tools –
website, Facebook and Linkedin; and within available
An initial stakeholder map for Ifa Lethu might look marketing budgets.
something like this:


Citizens Board

Staff Artistic 8 Citizen Control Citizen Power
Community 7 Delegated Power

State Beneficiaries 6 Partnership

Empowering the Nation’s Soul

Contractors Beneficiary 5 Placation
Communities 4 Consultation
3 Informing
Foreign Donors 2 Therapy Tokenism
Governments 1 Manipulation Nonparticipation


The relationships that Ifa Lethu has with its stakeholders iPieter Conradie and Douglas Racionzer, University of
are a matter for strategic consideration and can Pretoria, 2013: ‘Ifa Lethu Gap Analysis, Annexure 1”
be placed in an ascending order of control and
engagement, what is called the “ladder of participation”. Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 17
At the lower order of relationship, essentially non-
participation, stakeholders are manipulated into the
marketing and public relations role for an organisation.
Some rungs up, the ladder of participation allows
stakeholders to be consulted but the decision-making
power remains with the organisation. At the top rungs of
the ladder of participation, stakeholders are engaged,
consulted and joint decisions are made with substantial
power and control being delegated to stakeholders.

Training, internship & Employment

Training, the creativity, output and buy- Page 29 Crafts). In addition, our
Internship and in of the community, refine the Fashion Design graduates, having
Employment skills to market readiness and passed through a rigorous series
global quality, and ultimately of our workshops in Durban are
When Ifa Lethu started its open an incubator where the going on to find lucrative careers
very first training workshop in participants can work in a in the fashion industry.
Mamelodi township, near Pretoria, permanent, managed and secure There is no doubt that the cultural
in 2007, the Foundation had environment. We have recently sector is a key economic driver in
been focused almost 100% on opened incubators, which are the country’s tourism industry. The
fulfilling our initial mandate of the housed in refurbished containers, Department of Trade and Industry
repatriation of the country’s lost in Mamelodi, Soweto and Ngove estimates that South Africa’s
‘struggle art’. We had launched in Limpopo, where our learners creative sector alone contributes
Ifa Lethu in 2005 by bringing use the facilities to produce about R2-billion or 0.14% to South
together as many of those original market-ready cultural products. Africa’s GDP annually. In addition,
township artists still alive. The Market-ready products are the sector provides jobs and
reaction to this launch and the already available for distribution income for approximately
showing, for the first time, of with fair prices being ploughed 38 000 people through an
our fledgling collection became back into the communities (See estimated 7 000 small enterprises.
a game-changer for our future But we believe we can do far
vision. better than this. The creative
sector can also be used as
It became clear, that while there a catalyst for rural economic
was an important repatriation development and for fostering
effort to do – a task still in full expanded participation in the
operation today – there was economy, especially by women
also a unique opportunity to and youth.
find, educate and inspire our Furthermore, as the art of
young creative talent, train designing and producing cultural
them creatively, add business products is handed down
skills to enable new generations from generation to generation,
of entrepreneurs, and create members of communities have
employment opportunities for
them in the arts sector.

From this initial project in
Mamelodi in 2007, with 10
young creative people, we have
extended the programme to other
township and rural nodes. Our
recipe is to send in our Creative
Hands mobile workshop, assess

18 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13

Training, internship & Employment

an opportunity to work together they may become successful government ministries such as
and impart knowledge and social entrepreneurs. This has also Trade and Industry, Arts and
values to each other, especially been done in response to the Culture, and Foreign Affairs, the
the youth. This contributes requirements of transformation International Marketing Council,
towards social cohesion and and economic growth needs. as well as those in the various
instills the culture of respect, municipal structures and the
discipline and Ubuntu. It is for “Ifa Lethu creative industry sector.
these reasons that we continue has thus Ifa Lethu, through its four phased
to say that cultural heritage developed a training programme - which
represents both an economic programme includes product development,
activity and a cultural practice. of skills and business entrepreneurship;
Moreover, tourists are often enterprise the development of the
attracted to a particular area development Business Incubators and the
because of its cultural and workshops...” Distribution models offered in all
heritage significance. provinces; enables the indirect
As a result of the legacy of This programme is unique in empowerment of youth and
apartheid many South Africans that we aim to translate creative women who are interested in
are unable to enter the job industry growth needs into the creative industries. It also
markets successfully or involve meaningful capacity. The demand develops entrepreneurs so that
themselves in small business for South African Art, sculpture, they are market ready and finally
enterprises, thus making it more art objects, craft and fashion assists in identifying the markets
challenging for South Africa to by South Africans themselves, for these entrepreneurs.
become a more entrepreneurial by the tourism industry and by This first project produced such
society. In the case of those foreign countries, also guides talent as Michael Selekane - a
aligned to creative industries the Ifa Lethu Foundation strategy young man with a burning
such as art, craft, and heritage, to sector-lock its training passion to record his own eco
they form part of the marginalised programmes. In the development system in paintings and drawings.
majority and without proper skills of its training programmes, Michael, who is now our official
to ensure that they flourish in their Ifa Lethu undertook extensive brand and youth ambassador
respective fields. The legacy of research in this area to ascertain and delivers speeches at our
apartheid still haunts many such skills, needs, and market international events, is enjoying
individuals today. demands and to validate its a successful entrepreneurial and
Ifa Lethu has thus developed strategic intent. This programme artistic career. With our help he is
a programme of skills and is also aligned with feedback from currently completing his diploma
enterprise development various stakeholders including at TUT; and has exhibited his
workshops, in partnership with work at the World Summit on Arts
the University of Pretoria School and Culture in Johannesburg;
of Entrepreneurship, as well as at the National Arts Festival
Incubator Programmes for rural (Grahamstown) in 2009 and 2010;
youth and women interested at the prestigious Albany Museum
in the creative industries, so in Grahamstown in 2011; and
more recently at a solo exhibition
at the Pretoria Art Museum where
his works were a sell out.

Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 19

Training, internship & Employment

Fossil Casting – a world The programme, showcased in 2012 at the American
skills shortage Association of Physical Anthropology, has gone
global, and has revolutionised the way fossil casting
Our Fossil Casting Project has extended from an initial is now done. This work has featured at the World
single project to an ongoing programme that provides Summit for Sustainable Development in China, and
skilled fossil casters for World Heritage sites and even casts produced have even appeared on Capitol Hill in
self-owned businesses. Washington D.C.
It was highlighted in National Geographic Magazine
In 2009 Ifa Lethu, recognising the world shortage and the South African Government has funded a further
of fossil casting skills, partnered with Professor Lee distribution of heritage casts to major partner museums
Berger at Wits University to produce casters who can and countries including ltaly, France, Mauritius,
take their place on the world stage. Several graduates England, Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia. Professor
of this programme have been placed at various Berger said “The Ifa Lethu Fossil Casting programme
universities and museums, with two further graduates has been so successful it now acts as the core training
now engaged in their own business – Fossils of Africa – programme for other institutions, and has revolutionised
producing fossil castings of the recently discovered the way in which casting of these objects is done, and
Australopithecus sediba, under licence from Wits, and allowed the wide-spread distribution of these important
being sold at the World Heritage Site of the Cradle of World Heritage objects.”

Business Skills Training INTERNSHIPS

Ifa Lethu, together with our strong partnership Internships are an integral part of our training
with the University of Pretoria, provides emerging programme. On the job training gives interns a unique
entrepreneurs, crafters and trainees with opportunity to gain valuable work experience, and
entrepreneurial skills. We provide this business training exposure to best practices. All Ifa Lethu interns have
to all our learners. been successfully placed in employment.

20 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13


pRoJeCt SummARy

Date Project Location Funder
may 2012 moulding workshop ifa lethu training national lotteries board, wits university,
centre, Pretoria silicone concepts
Jun 2012 smithsonian craft festival smithsonian, ifa lethu
washington dc,
apr - Jul 2012 creative hands & the usa absa foundation
Jul 2012 ndebele legacy (Phase ii) elim, limpopo absa foundation
Jul 2012 creative hands incubator national lotteries board
business training (Phase iii) elim, limpopo ministry of arts and culture
Jul - aug 2012 Product development
workshop ifa lethu training absa foundation
feb - sep 2012 ifa lethu home & away centre, Pretoria ausaid
sep 2012 exhibition for london oxo gallery, ausaid
Jan 2013 olympics london, uK national lotteries
fossil casting business transnet
feb - apr 2013 clinic mamelodi dept of arts & culture
apr 2013 business incubation & city of nantes, city of durban and
fossil casting limpopo national arts council
may - Jun 2013 limpopo creative -
2012 - 2013 business workshop ngove & elim,
business training limpopo
soshangaan arts training soweto
Project. mamelodi
Kwamhlanga business
training mamelodi
france/south africa
seasons - coming home nantes, france

22 ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13

pRoJeCtS 2012 - 2013

Ifa Lethu’s projects cover the whole of the country. We and we have established Incubators at various
have reached out to communities in rural and urban Community Centres. Herewith follows a selection of
areas through our Mobile Creative Hands Workshops, projects:

moulDinG woRKShop

this project was linked to the fossil making
commercialisation project and focused on new methods
of developing superior casts for the commercial market.
the workshop was held at the ifa lethu training

funding: the national lotteries board
partnerships: Wits university, silicone concepts
deliverables: • 12 youth from mamelodi were trained in

new fossil casting techniques
• the work of ifa lethu received greater

recognition within the mamelodi
community, which continues to entrust
its youth in the care of the foundation

the limpopo CReAtiVe
BuSineSS woRKShop

these workshops were held in the villages of ngove
and elim where the foundation piloted its creative
environmental and entrepreneurial projects in 2011/2012.
the workshops were conducted to measure and assess
the success and alignment to pre-set objectives in the
past year. the discussions were also focused on the
success rate of the commercialisation initiatives.

funding: ausaid funding
location: twanani and Xidzimbanyana
Partners: university of Pretoria
deliverables: • 34 participants from the pilot projects

were invited to the workshop
• Participants provided information to assist

with the gap analysis
• assessments were undertaken to guide

new interventions to assist with marketing
and distribution

ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13 23

Projects 2012 - 2013

Creative Entrepreneurs in

As part of its Youth in Business Projects, the Foundation
implemented its entrepreneurial development programme
for youth, many of whom are operating businesses on a
part-time basis. The training programme was designed for
the development of sustainable businesses in the creative

Funding: National Lotteries
Location: Ifa Lethu Creative Hands Incubator
Partners: Kungawo Development, Mafolo Arts
Deliverables: • Business/Financial management
training was provided (10 workshops)
for 10 youth from Soweto
• 10 Business plans were created
• Mentoring of 10 trainees commenced
and continues for 6 months
• Prizes will be awarded to the
business which proves sustainability


Having undertaken a gap analysis of the Fossil Casting production of business training
project in Mamelodi, needs were identified to transform modules
the project into a successful commercial venture. • Participants economically
Participants focused on the necessity of sophisticated empowered through the
training for the production of business and financial enhancement of their business skills
plans. Drawing on the partnership with the University of
Pretoria School of Entrepreneurship, Ifa Lethu structured a
specialised training programme to address this
Funding: National Lotteries Board
Location: Ifa Lethu Business Incubator, Mamelodi
Partners: University of Pretoria
Deliverables: • 6 participants were trained in the

production of viable financial and
business plans for fossil casting
• 6 Business Plans created
• Two Ifa Lethu interns (academic)
furnished with experience in the

24 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13

pRoJeCtS 2012 - 2013

CReAtiVe hAnDS AnD the
nDeBele leGACy

through the application of the mobile training model, deliverables: • 30 participants provided with
this project focused on the provision of skills to 20 youth business incubators to resume formal
in the mbokota village of limpopo for the production of business activities
fabric inspired by the ndebele legacy. this segment of
the project represented Phase 11 which concentrated on • incubators styled into a store and
the establishment of the business incubator, the official information centre
launch of the incubator and the implementation of the
distribution. • markets identified for products and
orders secured
funding: absa foundation
location: elim, limpopo • direct employment opportunities
Partnerships: art aid, limpopo Provincial and local provided for 30 members of the
government community

ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13 25

pRoJeCtS 2012 - 2013

the KwAmhlAnGA BuSineSS
initiAtiVe phASe i

the project targeted 10 ladies who live in Kwamhlanaga- • Participants were training in product
which is considered the spiritual home of the amandebele marketing
tribe that settled there in the 1700s. the ladies are
endowed with skills previously provided by ifa lethu on • Participants produced business
product development focusing on bead and felt crafts. plans for implementation
many of the products were showcased at the design
indaba. but they lacked the skills to turn these initiatives
in viable business entities. training was therefore
implemented to address this area of challenge.

funding: department of arts and culture
location: ifa lethu creative hands incubator
Partners: (mamelodi)
deliverables: university of Pretoria, Kungawo
• 10 Participants acquired training on

how to run a business
• Participants researched and

produced business concepts for

SmithSoniAn CRAft feStiVAl

through the ceo’s participation in the american partnerships: smithsonian institute, msinga ifa lethu
museums association conference, opportunities were deliverables: trainees, american museums
presented to develop a partnership with the museum association
stores of the smithsonian. this was firmed through the • 230 products sold at the festival
invitation by the latter to furnish ifa lethu products for sale • ifa lethu and its creative
at the craft festival in washington dc in June 2012. the
decision was taken to focus on the ifa lethu angels of entrepreneurial activities profiled in
hope as the signature products. washington
• future income generation projects
funding: ifa lethu (sales and profits secured being negotiated for the foundation
location: coverage of costs) and its KZn trainees. opportunities
msinga and washington created for inroads into the museum
store system in washington dc

26 ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13

pRoJeCtS 2012 - 2013

CReAtiVe hAnDS inCuBAtoR 3:

this project was aligned to the foundation’s distribution
and marketing Phase of the ndebele legacy Project. the
business incubator and the project were introduced to
the public and to stakeholders in the limpopo Provincial
Government, the absa banking Group and to other
financial structures of the province.

funding: absa foundation
location: elim (limpopo)
Partnerships: artaid, limpopo Provincial government,
deliverables: absa, twanani Women’s Group
• 30 participants introduced to the

banking and the retail sectors
• initiatives launched to create funding

opportunities through the local
banking sector for participants in the
distribution phase

pRoDuCt DeVelopment

this workshop was devoted to preparing trainees for deliverables: • 10 crafters from mamelodi, soweto
participation in international trade fairs. such training and Kwandebele were trained on trade
included the production of prototypes for the shows. fair participation

funding: national lotteries board • 10 contemporary product ranges were
location: ifa lethu training centre created
Partnerships: dept. of trade and industry, tshwane
university of technology • suitable packaging was developed and
quality control specifications set out

• Participants’ preparedness for trade
shows completed

ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13 27

Projects 2012 - 2013

The KwaMhlanga Business
Initiative Phase iI

This project built on the Foundation created by the 2012-
2013 projects. Skills were required in Trade and Business
Shows. Training was therefore implemented to address
this area of challenge.
Funding: Department of Arts and Culture
Location: Ifa Lethu Creative Hands Incubator
Partners: University of Pretoria, Kungawo
Deliverables: • 10 Participants acquired training on

how to prepare for trade shows
• Participants researched and

produced business concepts for
• Participants were trained in product
display and marketing
• Participants produced business plans
for implementation


This project focused on 30 learners - Grades 5 & 6 at
Soshangaan Primary school in Mabopane. The workshop,
facilitated by Michael Selekane at his old primary school,
was to teach young learners the joys of art and how it may
be used to earn a living.
Funding: National Lotteries Board
Location: Soshangaan Primary school in
Partners: Tshwane University of Technology
Deliverables: • Teach learners how to draw

• Help them grow their talents and

• Drawing is going to assist them in
technical drawing and figure

• Lessons will assist learners for
a competition to have their work

28 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13



Many art pundits dismiss these crafts is the only means quality of these products,
crafts as tourist ‘tat’ not worth of family support for many rural training crafters in business
commenting on or considering people. Passed down from skills, entrepreneurship,
as art. But it is this creativeness, generation to generation, these and marketing. To date, we
which produces often beautifully skills are still producing crafts have followed up our mobile
crafted items, that needs due largely to necessity and a workshop with permanent
nurturing and refining to lift will to feed families. Community incubators where communities
it into the sphere of ‘export leaders express their fears that in rural areas can safely practice
quality art’ to be proud of and these skills will dwindle and their skills and pass them on to
to fulfill the creative spirit die as young people find the forthcoming new generations,
that can be channeled into promise of city life and earnings thus maintaining this important
sustainable, market-ready too strong to even learn these cultural heritage.
income for individuals and their age-old creative skills. Today, our crafters are selling
communities. Ifa Lethu launched its ‘Creative their products for fair prices
A strong component of our Hands’ programme in 2008 locally to tourists and retailers,
tourist industry, often the sale of in order to improve on the at our airports and abroad.

30 ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13


“tOday, Our
crafters are
selling their
fOr fair
lOcally tO
tOurists and
retailers, at
Our airpOrts
and abrOad.”

ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13 31


32 ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13

global advocacy

Global Advocacy

As an NPC, Ifa Lethu dedicates
significant resources to
advocacy, more specifically in
relation to the area of Art and
Human Rights. Such work,
through the many educational
and public programmes, is
expected to inform and shape
public opinion. It is also
expected to influence policies
and practices of powerful
stakeholders and decision
makers who could support
development of the creative

Our Advocacy programme Addressing delegates in Minneapolis
has taken on an increasingly
important role as various experiences and pass on best to economic and personal growth,
Government Departments practices to other countries and and taking unemployed youth of
and organisations invite us to their creative programmes. the streets, many organisations
participate in their activities in Because we have focused on have invited us to share this
representing South Africa on the the commercialisation of the knowledge.
world stage. It raises the profile results of our programmes, our In addition, the organising of
of both Ifa Lethu and our country, belief that business training of venues, funding and partnerships
formulates strong partnerships creative entrepreneurs is the key for exhibitions and events takes
and allows us to share our considerable time and effort to
ensure success. In the period
under review the CEO has
travelled to:

Dr Ramdhani with the Mayor of Nantes and other guests • India
• UK
• Australia
• France
• Chile
• Kenya

Exploring partnerships with the British Museum Dr Ramdhani with Alderman Sir
34 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 Michael Bear, former Lord Mayor
of London and supporter of Ifa
Lethu’s Global Programmes.

Global Advocacy

These visits included:
• Logistical arrangements for

international events
• Partnerships and funding
• Sales Promotions
• Conferences
• Providing expertise on the Ifa

Lethu Training model

The Lord Mayor of London’s Mansion - the venue for
Ila Lethu’s 20/20 event in 2014

The Minneapolis Conference Centre, venue of the Diane N’Diaye, of the Smithsonian
American Museums Association meeting. Museum with CEO Dr Ramdhani

Dr Ramdhani with Sir Dave Richards, Chairman of the Exploring partnerships in the USA
Barclays Premier League in London Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 35

Brand Building

Ifa Lethu has a long history of London Olympics We welcomed thousands of
building its global brand. We do visitors from all nations to our
this through public exhibitions In 2012 the Department of Arts exhibition ‘Coming Home’ at the
and special events that not only and Culture invited and provided Oxo Gallery, Tower Wharf, London.
position the Ifa Lethu brand but funding for Ifa Lethu to hold its
also position South Africa’s own public exhibition from our
cultural heritage. By showcasing Heritage Collection during the
both our heritage collection London Olympics.
of struggle art alongside our With the UK as a magnet for
emerging artists and high- visitors from across the world,
quality craftworks, we show the Ifa Lethu was proud to be part
world how far we have come of a major world event and to
in our 20 years of democracy. showcase the cultural and artistic
Our exhibitions also remind the endeavours of our heritage and
rest of the world of our darker the promise of our current creative
heritage and how the creative talent.
spirit can never be suppressed.

London Olympics
36 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13

BRAnD BuilDinG

2011/12 fRAnCe/ the exhibition was shown in two appropriately, the remarkable
South AfRiCA venues at nantes, france. nantes journey of the foundation’s
SeASonS is the 6th largest city in france - collection continues as it spreads
historically significant as over 40 awareness of human rights far and
ifa lethu’s “coming home” percent of the french slave trade wide.
exhibition travelled to nantes in was carried out via the city, with the timing of the exhibition was
france as part of the 2011/12 sa around 450 000 men, women and also planned to coincide with the
seasons in france. the sa/france children abducted from africa to 5th world forum on human rights
seasons project is the result america. a recent memorial to this in nantes, entitled “sustainable
of a bilateral agreement which dark side of history has been built development-human rights:
was signed by Presidents Zuma and it is appropriate that while we a common struggle”. the
and sarkozy in order to cement remember apartheid through the headquarters of the forum are in
relationships between the two artworks in the exhibition we, like nantes.
countries. nantes, celebrate our progress to

“Coming Home”

ifA lethu AnnuAl RepoRt 2012/13 37


38 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13


Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13 39

Partners, Sponsors & Donors

partners and collaboration

• Ausaid • Michigan State University Technology
• Australian National University • Mafolo Arts Centre, Soweto • University of Fort Hare
• Artaid • Maropeng/Cradle of Humankind • University of Kwa Zulu Natal
• BASA (Business Arts South • Menier Gallery (London) • University of Pretoria
• Mozambique Dept Of Arts and • University of the Western Cape
Africa) • University of the Witwatersrand
• Bonhams UK Culture • Vshe Productions
• Brand South Africa • National Arts Festival Embassies
• City Of Johannesburg • National Heritage Council • Australian High Commission SA
• Constitution Hill • Presidency of South Africa • British High Commission (SA)
• Curate-a-Space • Pretoria Art Museum • Chilean Embassy SA
• DBSA (Development Bank of • Proudly South African • Indian High Commission (SA)
• Robben Island Mayibuye • SA Embassy (USA)
Southern Africa) • SA High Commission (UK)
• Dept of Foreign Affairs Museum • SA High Commission Australia
• Durban Art Gallery • SA Chamber of Commerce, UK • US Embassy (SA)
• Freedom Park • SA Tourism
• G&D Apparel • South African Democracy and • National Lottery (NLDTF)
• Institute for Human Evolution • SA Chamber of Commerce
• Iziko Museums Education Trust (SADET) • Skynet
• Ministry of Arts and Culture • Tata Africa • South African Airways
• Ministry of Culture Chile • The Origins Centre • South African Democracy &
• Tshwane University of
Education Trust (SADET)
funders and sponsors • Tata (South Africa)
• Telkom Foundation
• Ausaid • Diane Johnstone • Transnet Foundation
• Absa Foundation • Embassy of the United States of
• Australian High Commission Moira Rowan
• Barloworld America Princeton Lyman
• BASA (Business Arts South • Industrial Development Rosalind Deuters Smith
Russell Rollason
Africa) Corporation (IDC) Steve Etheridge
• Min of Arts and Culture (SA) • Market IQ Sue Scott
• Development Bank of Southern • National Arts Council (NAC) Tor Sellstrom
• National Arts Festival Victor Gordon
Africa • National Heritage Council
Stanza Bopape High School
donors Fred VD Wilk Tsako- Thabo High School
Ginna Fleming Vlakfontein High School
Bruce Hunt Jerry Prillaman Vukamawethu High School
John and Denise Hart Kevan Martin
Renier Janse Van Rensburg Laurence Coutts
Bruce Haigh Lindiwe Mabuza
Canon Collins Margaret Johnson
Caroline Duah Melissa Becker
Derek and Elise Levin
Di Johnstone

Schools Mamelodi High School
Modiri Technical School
Jafta Mahlangu School Nellmapius High School
Bonalsedi High School Phateng High School
Gatang High School Solomon Mahlangu High School
Khutalani High School
Lehlabile High School

40 Ifa lethu annual report 2012/13


the foundations of ifa lethu are built on the generous donations of prized
works held by people across the globe who supported black south
african artists in the 60s – 80s. during these apartheid years ‘township’
and ‘struggle’ artists had no opportunity to exhibit or sell their art as
museums and galleries in the country considered their work to be of no
or little value and of no significance when compared to the work of white
or foreign artists. many of the diplomats and business people visiting or
stationed in south africa at the time risked much to buy these unique
records of south africa’s history. We thank and recognise them for their
unselfish donations of these prized works and for sending these heritage
art works back home to play significant roles in the education of our youth.


for more information regarding: Please contact: tel: +27 (0) 12 346 2985
[email protected] fax: +27 (0) 12 346 3531
• Donations
• Sponsorship ifa lethu foundation
• Patronage s06
• Current collections & projects first floor, south building
• Creative Entrepreneurship Groenkloof forum office park
57 George storrar drive
Programmes groenkloof 0181
south africa

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