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Season 5 Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide.

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Published by jipeoples, 2019-02-26 09:36:01

Dungeon Master's Guide

Season 5 Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide.

Keywords: D&D,DND,DnD,Dungeons and dragons,Dungeons & Dragons


dlOO Item dlOO Item
60-61 Lumps ,
01-03 Ash unidentifiable
04-06 Bark 62-64 O il
07-09 Bodi ly organs 65-68 Paste
10-14 Bone s 69-71 Pellets
15-17 Cinders 72-84 Powder
18-22 Crystals 85-86 Semiliquid
23-26 Dust suspension
27-28 Fibers 87-88 Skin or hide
29-31 Gelatin 89-90 Spheres (metal,
32-35 Grains stone, or wood)
36-38 Grease 91-92 Splinters
39-41 Husks 93-94 Stalks
42-46 Leaves 95-97 Strands
47-54 Liquid, thin 98-00 Strips
55-59 Liquid, viscous


dlOO Contents dlOO c;:ontents
01-02 Account records 63-64 Painting
03-04 Alchemist's 65 Poetry
notebook Prayer book
05-06 Almanac 66-67 Property deed
07-08 Bestiary 68-69 Recipe book or
09-11 Biography cookbook
12-14 Book of heraldry 70 Record of a
71-74 criminal trial

15 Book of myths 75 Royal
16 Book of pressed proclamation
Sheet music
17 flowers 76 Spell book
18-22 Calendar Text on armor
23-24 Catalog 77-78 making
25-27 Contract 79 Text on astrology
28-29 Diary 80 Text on brewing
Dictionary Text on exotic
flora or fauna
30-32 Doodles or 81-82 Text on herbalism
sketches 83-84 Text on local flora
33 Forged document 85-86 Text on
34 Grammar mathematics
Text on masonry
35-36 workbook 87-88 Text on medicine
37-41 89-90 Theological text
42-43 Heretical text 91-92 Tome of
Historical text forbidden lore
44-45 Last will and 93 Travelogue for an
46-53 testament 94 exotic land
Legal code 95
54 Letter 96 Travelogue of the
55 Lunatic 's ravings planes
Magic tricks (not 97-99
56 a spellbook)
Magic scrol l

57-59 Map or atlas 00
60 Memoir

61-62 Navigational

chart or st ar chart




0 (10 XP)
The following tables organize monsters by envi ronment Monsters
and cha llenge rating. These tables omit monsters that Cat, commoner, hyena , jackal, 1/8 (25 XP)
don't customarily inhabit the environments included scorpion, vulture
here, such as angels and demons. Bandit, camel, flying snake, guard, 1/4 (50 XP)
kobold, mule, poisonous snake,
ARCTIC MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP) stirge , tribal warrior 1/2 (100 XP)
0 (10 XP) Constrictor snake, giant lizard, giant
Monsters poisonous snake, giant wolf spider, 1 (200 XP)
Commoner, owl 1/8 (25 XP) pseudodragon, winged kobold
Bandit , blood hawk, kobold, tribal Dust mephit, gnoll, hobgoblin, 2 (450 XP)
wa rrior 1/4 (50 XP) jackalwere, scout, swarm of insects
Giant owl , winged kobold 1/2 (100 XP) Death dog, giant hyena, giant spider, 3 (700 XP)
Ice mephit , ore, scout giant toad , giant vulture, half-ogre,
Brown bear, half-ogre 1 (200 XP) lion, thri-kreen, yuan-ti pureblood 4 (1,100XP)
Bandit captain, berserker, druid, 2 (450 XP) Bandit captain, berserker, druid,
griffon , ogre, ore Eye of Gruumsh, giant constrictor snake, gnoll pack 5 (1,800 XP)
orog, pol ar bear, saber-toothed tiger 3 (700 XP) lord , ogre 6 (2,300 XP)
Manticore, veteran, winter wolf, yeti 5 (1,800 XP) Giant scorpion, hobgoblin captain, 7 (2,900 XP)
Revena nt , troll , werebear, you ng mummy, phase spider, wight, yuan-ti 9 (5,000 XP)
remorhaz 6 (2,300 XP) malison 10 (5 ,900 XP)
Mammoth, young white dragon 8 (3,900 XP) Couatl, gnoll fang ofYeenoghu, 11 (7,200 XP)
Frost giant 9 (5,000 XP) lami a, weret iger 13 (10,000 XP)
Abom ina ble yeti 11 (7,200 XP) Air elemental, fire elemental, revenant 15 (13,000 XP)
Remorhaz, roc 13 (10,000 XP) Cyclops , medusa, young brass dragon 16 (15,000 XP)
Adult white dragon 20 (24,500 XP) Yuan-ti abomination 17 (18,000 XP)
Ancient white dragon Young blue dragon 20 (24,500 XP)
Guardian naga 23 (32,500 XP)
COASTAL MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP) Efreeti , gynosphinx, roc
0 (10 XP) Adult brass dragon
Monsters Mummy lord , purple worm
Commoner, crab, eagle 1/8 (25 XP) Adult blue dragon
Bandit, blood hawk , giant crab, Adult blue dracolich , androsphinx
guard, kobold, merfolk, poisonous 1/4 (50 XP) Ancient brass dragon
snake, stirge, tribal warrior Ancient blue dragon
Giant lizard, giant wolf spider, 1/2 (100 XP)
pseudodragon , pteranodon , winged 1 (200 XP) FOREST MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP)
kobold 2 (450 XP) 0 (10 XP)
Sahuagin, scout Monsters
Giant eagle, giant toad, harpy 3 (700 XP) Awakened shrub, baboon , badger, 1/8 (25 XP)
Bandit captain, berserker, druid , 4 (1,100 XP) cat, commoner, deer, hyena , owl 1/4 (50 XP)
griffon, ogre, merrow, plesiosaurus , 5 (1 ,800 ·XP) Bandit, blood hawk, fl ying snake ,
sahuagin priestess, sea hag 6 (2,300 XP) giant rat, giant weasel , guard, 1/2 (100 XP)
Manticore, veteran 8 (3,900 XP) kobold, mastiff, poi sonous snake,
Ban shee 9 (5 ,000 XP) stirge, tribal warrior, twig blight
Sahuagin baron , water elemental 11 (7,200 XP) Blink dog, boar, constrictor snake,
Cyclops 13 (10,000 XP) elk, giant badger, giant bat, giant
Young bronze dragon 15 (13,000 XP) frog , giant lizard, giant owl, giant
Young blue dragon 16 (15,000 XP) poisonous snake, giant wolf spider,
Djinni, marid, roc 17 (18,000 XP) goblin, kenku, needle blight, panther,
Storm giant 22 (30,000 XP) pixie, pseudodragon , sprite, swarm
Adult bronze dragon 23 (32,500 XP) of ravens, winged kobold , wolf
Adult blue dragon Ape , black bear, giant wasp, gnoll ,
Dragon turtle hobgoblin, lizardfolk, ore, satyr, scout,
Ancient bronze dragon swarm of insects, vine blight, worg
Ancient blue dragon


Monsters Challenge Rating (XP) GRASSLAND MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP)
Brown bear, bugbear, dire wolf, 1 (200 XP) 0 (10 XP)
dryad , faerie dragon (ye llow or Monsters
younger), giant hyena, giant spider, 2 (450 XP) Cat, commoner, deer, eagle, goat, 1/8 (25 XP)
giant toad, goblin boss, half-ogre, hyena, jackal, vulture
harpy, tiger, yuan-ti pureblood 3 (700 XP) Blood hawk, flying snake, giant 1/4 (50 XP)
Ankheg, awakened tree, bandit weasel, guard , poisonous snake,
captain, berserker, centaur, druid , 4 (1 ,100 XP) stirge, tribal warrior 1/2 (100 XP)
ettercap, faerie dragon (green or 5 (1,800 XP) Axe beak, boar, elk, giant poisonous
older), giant boar, giant constrictor 7 (2,900 XP) snake, giant wolf spider, goblin, 1 (200 XP)
snake, giant elk, gnoll pack lord, 8 (3,900 XP) panther (leopard), pteranodon,
grick, lizardfolk shaman, ogre , ore 9 (5,000 XP) riding horse, wolf 2 (450 XP)
Eye of Gruumsh, orog, pegasus, 10 (5,900 XP) Cockatrice, giant goat, giant wasp,
swarm of poisonous snakes, wererat, 15 (13,000 XP) gnoll, hobgoblin, jackalwere, ore, 3 (700 XP)
will-o'-wisp 17 (18,000 XP) scout, swarm of insects, worg 4 (1,100XP)
Displacer beast, green hag, 22 (30,000 XP) Bugbear, giant eagle, giant hyena, 5 (1,800 XP)
hobgoblin captain, owlbear, phase 24 (36 ,500 XP) giant vulture, goblin boss, hippogriff, 6 (2,300 XP)
spider, veteran, werewolf, yuan-ti lion, scarecrow, thri-kreen, tiger 8 (3,900 XP)
malison Allosaurus, ankheg, centaur, druid, 10 (5 ,900 XP)
Banshee, couatl, gnoll fang of giant boar, giant elk, gnoll pack lord, 17 (18,000 XP)
Yeenoghu, wereboar, weretiger griffon, ogre, ore Eye of Gruumsh, 24 (36 ,500 XP)
Gorgon, revenant, shambling orog, pegasus, rhinoceros
mound , troll, unicorn, werebear Ankylosaurus, hobgoblin captain,
Giant ape, grick alpha , oni , manticore, phase spider, veteran
yuan-ti abomination Couatl , elephant , gnoll fang of
Young green dragon Yeenoghu , wereboar, weretiger
Treant Bulette, gorgon, triceratops
Guardian naga, young gold dragon Chimera, cyclops
Adult green dragon Tyrannosaurus Rex
Adult gold dragon Young gold dragon
Ancient green dragon Adult gold dragon
Ancient gold dragon Ancient gold dragon


HILL MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP) MOUNTAIN MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP)
0 (10 XP) 0 (10 XP)
Monsters Monsters
Baboon, commoner, eagle, goat, 1/8 (25 XP) Eagle, goat 1/8 (25 XP)
hyena, raven, vulture Blood hawk, guard, kobold , stirge,
Bandit, blood hawk, giant weasel, 1/4 (SO XP) tribal warrior 1/4 (50 XP)
guard, kobold, mastiff, mule, Aarakocra, pseudodragon ,
poisonous snake, stirge, tribal warrior 1/2 (100 XP) pteranodon, swarm of bats, winged 1/2 (100 XP)
Axe beak, boar, elk, giant owl, giant 1 (200 XP) kobold 1 (200 XP)
wolf spider, goblin, panther (cougar), Giant goat, ore, scout
pseudodragon, swarm of bats, swarm 2 (450 XP) Giant eagle, half-ogre, harpy, 2 (450 XP)
of ravens, winged kobold, wolf hippogriff, lion
Giant goat, gnoll, hobgoblin , ore, 3 (700 XP) Berserker, druid , giant elk, griffon , 3 (700 XP)
scout, swarm of insects, worg ogre, ore Eye of Gruumsh , orog,
Brown bear, dire wolf, giant eagle, 4 (1,100XP) peryton , saber-toothed tiger 4 (1 ,100XP)
giant hyena, goblin boss, half-ogre, 5 (1,800 XP) Basilisk, hell hound, manticore, 5 (1,800 XP)
harpy, hippogriff, lion 6 (2,300 XP) veteran 6 (2,300 XP)
Bandit captain, berserker, druid, 7 (2,900 XP) Ettin 7 (2,900 XP)
giant boar, giant elk, gnoll pack lord, 10 (5,900 XP) Air elemental, bulette, troll 8 (3,900 XP)
griffon , ogre, ore Eye ofGruumsh, 11 (7,200 XP) Chimera, cyclops, galeb duhr, wyvern 9 (5,000 XP)
orog, pegasus, peryton 14 (11,500 XP) Stone giant
Green hag, hobgoblin captain, 17 (18,000 XP) Frost giant 10 (5 ,900 XP)
manticore, phase spider, veteran, 21 (27,500 XP) Cloud giant, fire giant, young silver 11 (7,200 XP)
werewolf 24 (36,500 XP) dragon 16 (1 5,000 XP)
Ettin, gnoll fang ofYeenoghu , Young red dragon 17 (18,000 XP)
wereboar Roc 23 (32,500 XP)
Bulette, gorgon, hill giant, revenant, Adult silver dragon 24 (36,500 XP)
troll, werebear Adult red dragon
Chimera, cyclops, galeb duhr, wyvern Ancient silver dragon
Stone giant, young copper dragon Ancient red dragon
Young red dragon
Roc SWAMP MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP)
Adult copper dragon 0 (10 XP)
Adult red dragon Monsters
Ancient copper dragon Rat, raven 1/8 (25 XP)
Ancient red dragon Giant rat, kobold, poisonous snake, 1/4 (50 XP)
stirge, tribal warrior
Bullywug, constrictor snake, giant 1/2 (100 XP)
frog, giant lizard, giant poisonous 1 (200 XP)
snake, mud mephit , swarm of rats, 2 (450 XP)
swarm of ravens , winged kobold
Crocodile, lizardfolk, ore, scout, 3 (700 XP)
swarm of insects 5 (1 ,800 XP)
Ghoul, giant spider, giant toad , yuan- 7 (2,900 XP)
ti pureblood 8 (3,900 XP)
Druid, ghast, giant constrictor snake, 14 (11 ,500 XP)
lizardfolk shaman , ogre, ore Eye 21 (27,500 XP)
of Gruumsh , swarm of poisonous
snakes, will -o'-wisp
Green hag, wight, yuan-ti malison
Giant crocodile, revenant, shambling
mound, troll, water elemental
Young black dragon,
yuan-ti abomination
Adult black dragon
Ancient black drago n




Monsters 0 (10 XP) Monsters 0 (10 XP)
1/8 (25 XP) 1/8 (25 XP)
Giant fire beetle, shrie ker, myconid 1/4 (50 XP) Quipper 1/4 (50 XP)
sprout Merfolk 1/2 (100 XP)
Flu mph, giant rat, kobo ld, stirge, 1/2 (100 XP) Constrictor snake, steam mephit 1 (200 XP)
tribal warrior Giant sea horse , reef shark, sahuagin 2 (450 XP)
Drow, giant bat, giant centipede, 1 (200 XP) Giant octopus, swarm of quippers
giant lizard , giant poiso nous sna ke, Giant constrictor snake, hunter 3 (700 XP)
goblin, grimlock , kuo-toa, swarm 2 (450 XP) shark, merrow, plesiosaurus , 5 (1 ,800 XP)
of bats, troglodyte, violet fungus, sahuagin priestess, sea hag
winged kobold 3 (700 XP) Killer whale 11 (7,200 XP)
Darkmantle, deep gnome, gas Giant shark , sahuagin baron, 13 (10,000 XP)
spore, gray ooze, hobgob lin, magma 4 (1 ,100 XP) wafer elemental 17 (18,000 XP)
mephit, myconid adu lt, ore, piercer, 5 (1,800 XP) Marid 23 (50,000 XP)
rust monster, scout, shadow, swarm Storm giant
of insects 6 (2,300 XP) Dragon turtle
Bugbear, duergar, fire snake, ghoul, 7 (2,900 XP) Kraken
giant spider, giant toad , goblin boss, 8 (3 ,900 XP)
half-ogre, kuo-toa whip, quaggoth 9 (5,000 XP) URBAN MONSTERS Challenge Rating (XP)
spore servant, specter 10 (5,900 XP)
Carrion crawler, druid , gargoyl e, 11 (7,200 XP) Monsters 0 (10 XP)
gelatinous cube, ghast, giant 13 (10 ,000 XP) 1/8 (25 XP)
constrictor snake, gibbering mouther, 14 (11 ,500 XP) Cat, commoner, goat, rat, raven
grick, inte llect devou rer, mimic , 15 (13,000 XP) Bandit, cultist, Aying snake, giant rat, 1/4 (50 XP)
minotaur skeleton, nothic, ochre jelly, guard, kobold, mastiff, mule, noble,
ogre, ore Eye of Gruums h, orog, pony, stirge 1/2 (100 XP)
polar bear (cave bear) , quaggot h Acolyte, draft horse, giant centipede,
Doppelganger, grell , hobgoblin giant poisonous snake, kenku, 1 (200 XP)
captain, hell hound , hook horror, pseudodragon, riding horse,
kuo-toa monitor, minotaur, quaggoth skeleton, smoke mephit, swarm 2 (450 XP)
thonot, phase spider, spectator, of bats, swarm of rats , swarm of
veteran, water weird , wight ravens , winged kobold, zombie 3 (700 XP)
Black pudding, bone naga , chuul , Crocodile, giant wasp, shadow,
ettin , Aameskull, ghost shadow, swarm of insects, thug, 4 (1,100 XP)
Beholder zombie, drow elite warrior, warhorse 5 (1,800 XP)
earth elemental, otyugh , roper, Ghoul, giant spider, half-ogre,
salamander, troll, umber hulk , specter, spy, yuan-ti pureblood 6 (2,300 XP)
vampire spawn, wraith, xorn Bandit captain, cult fanatic, gargoyle, 7 (2,900 XP)
Chimera, cyclops , drider ghast, mimic, priest, wererat, wi ll- 8 (3,900 XP)
Drow mage, grick alpha, mind Aayer, o'-wisp 9 (5,000 XP)
stone giant Doppelganger, knight, phase spider, 12 (8,400 XP)
Cloaker, fomorian , mind Aayer veteran, water weird , wight 13 (10,000 XP)
arcanist, spirit naga Couatl, ghost, succubus or incubus 15 (13,000 XP)
Fire giant Cambion, gladiator, revenant, 16 (15 ,000 XP)
Aboleth vampire spawn 23 (32 ,500 XP)
Behir, dao Invisible stalker, mage 30 (155,000 XP)
Beholder, young red shadow dragon Oni, shield guardian
Death tyrant Assassin
Purple worm Gray slaad, young silver dragon
Arch mage
Rakshasa, vampire
Spellcaster or warrior vampire
Adult silver dragon
Ancient silver dragon



This index organizes the monsters in the Monster Mule Ape
Manual by challenge rating. Noble Black bear
Poisonous snake Cockatrice
CHALLENGE 0 (0-10 XP) Quipper Pony Crocodile
Rat Slaad tadpole Darkmantle
Awakened shrub Raven Stirge Deep gnome
Baboon Scorpion Tribal warrior Dust mephit
Badger Sea horse Twig blight Gas spore
Bat Shrieker Giant goat
Cat Spider CHALLENGE 1/4 (50 XP) Giant sea horse
Commoner Vulture Giant wasp
Crab Weasel Aarakocra Gnoll
Crawling claw Acolyte Gray ooze
Deer CHALLENGE 1f8 (25 XP) Axe beak Hobgoblin
Eagle Blink dog Ice mephit
Frog Blood hawk Boar jackalwere
Giant fire beetle Camel Bullywug Lizardfolk
Goat Cultist Constrictor snake Magma mephit
Hawk Flu mph Draft horse Magmin
Homunculus Flying snake Dretch Myconid adult
Hyena Giant crab Drow Ore
jackal Giant rat Duodrone Piercer
Lemure Giant weasel Elk Reef shark
Lizard Guard Flying sword Rust monster
Myconid sprout Kobold Giant badger Sahuagin
Octopus Manes Giant bat Satyr
Owl Mastiff Giant centipede Scout
Giant frog Shadow
TROGLODYTE Giant lizard Swarm of insects
Giant owl Thug
Giant poisonous snake Tridrone
Giant wolf spider Vine blight
Goblin Warhorse
Grim lock Warhorse skeleton
Kenku Worg
Mud mephit CHALLENGE 1 (200 XP)
Needle blight
Panther Animated armor
Pixie Brass dragon wyrmling
Pseudodragon Brown bear
Pteranodon Bugbear
Rid ing horse Copper dragon wyrmling
Skeleton Death dog
Smoke mephit Dire wolf
Sprite Dryad
Steam mephit Duergar
Swarm of bats Faerie dragon (young)
Swarm of rats Fire snake
Swarm of ravens Ghoul
Troglodyte Giant eagle
Violet fungus Giant hyena
Winged kobold Gia nt octopus
Wolf Giant spider
Zombie Giant toad
Giant vulture
Goblin boss


Half-ogre Gibberin g mouther CHALLENGE 3 (700 XP) Nightmare
Harpy Githzerai monk Owl bear
Hippogriff Gnoll pack lord Ank ylosaurus Ph ase sp ider
Imp Green dragon wyrm lin g Basilisk Quaggoth thonot
Kuo -toa whip Gr ic k Bearded devil Spectator
Lion Gri ffon Blue dragon wyrml in g Veteran
Quadrone H unter shark Bugbear chief Water weird
Qu aggoth spore servant Intellect devourer Displacer beast Werewo lf
Quasit Lizardfolk shama n Doppe lganger Wight
Scarecrow M errow Giant scorpion Winter wo lf
Specter Mi mic Gith yanki warrior Yeti
Spy Minotaur skeleton Gold dragon wyrm ling Yuan-ti malison
Swarm of quippers Myconi d sovereign Green hag
Thri- kreen Nothic Grel l CHALLENGE 4 (1,100 XP)
Ti ger Ochre jelly H ell hound "
Yuan -ti pureblood Ogre H obgob li n captain Banshee
Ogre zombie H ook horror Bl ack pudd ing
CHALLENGE 2 (450 XP) Ore Eye of Gruumsh Killer wha le Bone naga
Orog Knight Chuul
All osaurus Pega sus Kuo-toa monitor Couatl
Ankheg Pentad ron e Manti core Elephant
Awakened tree Peryton M i n o t au r Ettin
Azer Plesiosauru s Mummy Flamesku ll
Bandit captain Polar bear Ghost
Berserker Poltergeist (specter) COUATL
Black dragon w yrmling Pri est APPEN DIX B I MONST ER LI STS
Bronze dragon wyrm ling Q uaggoth
Carrion crawler Rhinocero s
Centaur Rug of smoth erin g
Cul t fanatic Saber-tooth ed tiger
Druid Sahuagin pri estess
Ettercap Sea hag
Faerie dragon (old) Silver dragon wy rml in g
Gargoyle Spined devil
Gelatinous cube Swarm of poisonous snakes
Ghast Wererat
Giant boar White dragon wyrmling
Giant constrictor sna ke Wi ll-o'-wisp
Giant elk

Gnoll fang ofYeenoghu Giant shark CHALLENGE 6 (2,300 XP) Drow priestess of Lolth
Helmed horror Gladiator Fomorian
Incubus Gorgon Chasme Frost giant
Lamia Green hag (in coven) Chimera Githyanki knight
Lizard kingjqueen Half-red dragon veteran Cyclops Green slaad
Ore war chief Hill giant Drider Hezrou
Red dragon wyrmling Mezzoloth Galeb duhr Hydra
Sea hag (in coven) Night hag Githzerai zerth Mind flayer arcanist
Shadow demon Otyugh Hobgoblin warlord Spirit naga
Succubus Red slaad Invisible stalker Tyrannosaurus rex
Wereboar Revenant Kuo-toa archpriest Young bronze dragon
Weretiger Roper Mage Young green dragon
Sahuagin baron Mammoth
CHALLENGE 5 (1,800 XP) Salamander Medusa CHALLENGE 9 (5,000 XP)
Shambling mound Vrock
Air elemental Triceratops Wyvern Abominable yeti
Barbed devil Troll Young brass dragon Bone devil
Barlgura Umber hulk Young white dragon Clay golem
Beholder zombie Unicorn Cloud giant
Bulette Vampire spawn CHALLENGE 7 (2,900 XP) Fire giant
Cambion Water elemental Glabrezu
Drow elite warrior Werebear Blue slaad Gray slaad
Earth elemental Wraith Drow mage Nycaloth
Fire elemental Xorn Giant ape Treant
Flesh golem Young remorhaz Grick alpha Young blue dragon
Giant crocodile Mind flayer Young silver dragon
Night hag (in coven)
Oni CHALLENGE 10 (5,900 XP)
Shield guardian
Stone giant Aboleth
Young black dragon Death slaad
Young copper dragon Deva
Yuan-ti abomination Guardian naga
Stone golem
CHALLENGE 8 (3,900 XP) Yochlol
Young gold dragon
Assassin Young red dragon
Chain devil


CHALLENGE 11 (7,200 XP) Vampire Mummy lord (in lair) CHALLENGE 21 (33,000 XP)
Young red shadow dragon Planetar
Behir Ancient black dragon
Dao CHALLENGE 14 (11,500 XP) CHALLENGE 17 (18,000 XP) Ancient copper dragon
Djinni Lich (not in lair)
Efreeti Adult black dragon Adult blue dracolich Solar
Gynosphinx Adult copper dragon Adult gold dragon
Horned devil Beholder (in lair) Adult red dragon CHALLENGE 22 (41,000 XP)
Marid Death tyrant (not in lair) Androsphinx
Remorhaz Ice devil Death knight Ancient bronze dragon
Roc Dragon turtle Ancient green dragon
CHALLENGE 15 (13,000 XP) Goristro Lich (in lair)
CHALLENGE 12 (8,400 XP)
Adult bronze dragon CHALLENGE 18 (20,000XP) CHALLENGE 23 (50,000 XP)
Arcana loth Adult green dragon
Arch mage Death tyrant (in lair) DemiliciT (not in lair) Ancient blue dragon
Erin yes Mummy lord (not in lair) Ancient silver dragon
Purple worm CHALLENGE 19 (22,000 XP) Empyrean
CHALLENGE 13 (10,000 XP) Vampire (spellcaster) Kraken
Vampire (warrior) Baler
Adult brass dragon CHALLENGE 24 (62,000XP)
Adult white dragon CHALLENGE 16 (15,000 XP) CHALLENGE 20 (25,000 XP)
Beholder (not in lair) Ancient gold dragon
Nalfeshnee Adult blue dragon Ancient brass dragon Ancient red dragon
Rakshasa Adult silver dragon Ancient white dragon
Storm giant Iron golem Demilich (in lair) CHALLENGE 30 (155,000 XP)
U l trolo th Marilith Pit fiend




challenging, and time-consuming endeavor.
However, unless you have something specific
in mind, you're better off conserving your
time and energy by repurposing an existing
map. Published adventures and the Internet
are terrific sources for maps. A few sample maps are
included here as well. Use them as you will!

Ground Floor Top Floor

rst Floor


One square =5feet








One square = 5 feet



J~ ERE ARE SEVE RAL INSPIRI NG WORKS T HAT CAN Bowers, Malcolm. Gary Gygax's Extraordinary
help you become a better storyteller, writer, Book ofNames.
performer, and mapma ker. This is by no
means an exhaustive list, but a collection Browning, Joseph & Suzi Yee. A Magical Medieval
of titles picked out by playtesters and the Society: Western Europe.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS creative team. For
more inspirational reading, see appendix E of the Burroway,Janet. Writing Fiction.
Player's Handbook. Cleaver,Jerry. Immediate Fiction.
Cordingly, David. Under the Black Flag.
Atlas Games. Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Egri , Lajos. The Art ofDramatic Writing.
Card Game. Ewalt, David M. Of Dice and Men.
Gygax, Gary. Gary Gygax's Living Fantasy and the rest
Bernhardt, William. Creating Character: Bringing Your
Story to Life. of the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds series .
---. Master ofthe Game.
- - -.Perfecting Plot: Charting the Hero'sjoumey. - - -.Role-Playing Mastery.
- - -. Story Structure: The Key to Successful Fiction. Hindmarch , Will. The Bones: Us and Our Dice.
Hindmarch, Will &Jeff Tidball. Things We Think

About Games.
Hirsh,Jr. , E.D. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy.
Ingpen, Robert. The Encyclopedia of Things That

Never Were.
Kaufmann,J.E. & H.W. Kaufmann. The

Medieval Fortress.
King, Stephen. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.
Koster, Raph. A Theory ofFun for Game Design.
Laws, Robin D. Hamlet's Hit Points.
Lee, Alan & David Day. Castles.
Macaulay, David. Castle.
Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Marte d'Arthur.
McKee, Robert. Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and

the Principles ofScreenwriting.
Mortimer, Ian. The Time Traveler's Guide to

Medieval England.
O'Connor, Paul Ryan, ed. Grimtooth's Traps.
PennyPress. Variety Puzzles and Games series.
Peterson,Jon. Playing at the World.
Robbins, Ben. Microscope.
Schell, Jesse. Game Design: A Book ofLenses.
Snyder, Blake. Save the Cat.
Swift, Michael and Angus Konstam. Cities of the

Renaissance World.
Truby, John. The Anatomy of Story.
TSR. Arms and Equipment Guide.
- - -. Campaign Sourcebook/ Catacomb Guide.
- -- . The Castle Guide.
Walmsley, Graham. Play Unsafe: How Improvisation

Can Change the Way You Roleplay.
Wilford,John Noble. The Mapmakers .
Writers Digest. The Writer's Complete Fantasy



INDEX bringing back the dead, 24 creating a campaign (cont.) creating an encounter, 81-85 ,
brown mold , 105 s tory, 125 102
aasimar, 286 - 287 businesses (character) , 127, theme , 36 character objectives , 81
abilities (N PC) , 89, 92 time , 32 combat, 81 - 85
ability check , 237-238 , 245 , 129 budget, 83- 84
bu ying mag ic items , 135-136 creating a currenc y, 20 d ifficult y, 82- 84 , 84- 85
263-264 Bytopia, 58 , 59- 60 creating a downtime acti vity, multi-part, 83
ability score, 89, 237-240, campaign, 9, 25-41 , 126. See party size, 83
131 XP thresholds, 82-83
242 , 263-266 also creating a campaign creat ing a dungeon , 72- 73 , dungeon , 102
absent characters, 235-236, tracking, 126 fun , 85
Cania (Nine Hells), 65 74 , 99-105 , 290-301 . See
260 Carceri , 58, 63 also creating an encounter; creating an NPC , 89-97, 244,
Abyss , 58, 62-63. See challenge rating, 82, 92, 274 , random encounters 279-283
274 - 275, 279, 306-309 air quality, 105 abilities, 89
also specific layer entries charges in magic items , 141 creator, 99-101 appearance , 89
Acheron, 58, 66 charms , 228 ecolog y, 102 attitude , 244
action options , 271 - 272. See chases , 252- 255 encounters, 102 bond, 91
city, 17 factions ,·101-102 challenge rating, 92
also specific actions City of Brass , 55- 56 features , 102-105 class, 96-97, 283
acti vating a magic item , 141 class , 96-97, 283 , 287-289 goals, 72-73 detailed, 89-91
advantage, 239-240 NPC , 96-97 haza rds, 1OS equipment, 92
ad venture , 16, 25 , 71 - 8~ cleaving,'272 hi s tory, 101 flaw, 91
cl imax, 72, 75 , 77 inhabitants , 74, 101-102 ideal, 90
99-123, 125-126. See climb onto a bigger creature, light, 104- 105 interaction trait, 90
also creating an adventure 271 location , 99 loyalty, 93
hoo ks, 72 clues (mystery), _78 map, 102- 105 , 311 , 312, manne ri sm , 90
published, 72 coastal monsters, 302 monster, 91-92
seeds, 125-126 cold, 110 314, 315 occupation and history, 89
ad venturer NPC , 93 collaps ing roof (trap), 122 purpose , 101 quickl y, 89
ad venturing day, 84 color pools (Astral), 47 random, 290- 301 statistics , 92, 279-283
air quality, 105 combat, 247-252, 270-273 sounds, 105 talent, 90
a ir vehicles , 119 combat encounter; 81-85 . See creating a magic item, useful knowledge, 90
alien technology, 268 also creating an encounter: 214-216, 284-285 villain , 94-97
alternative rewards, 227-232 combat sent ient, 214-216
altitud e , 110 command word , 141 creating a monster, 273-283 creating an organization,
animi s m , 12 commerce, 19-20 class, 283 21-22
anti paladin, 96, 97 complex traps, 121-122 features , 280-281
appearance (NPC) , 89 compl ications , 79-81 quickly, 274-275 creating a plane, 43
apprentice, 92- 93 concealed doors , 104 stat block, 275-279 creating a race , 285-287
Arborea, 58 , 60-61 conditions , 248 creating a multiverse, creating a religion , 10-13
Arcadia , 58 , 66 - 67 conflict with a sentient item, 43-69. See also creating a
arctic monsters , 302 216 campaign animism , 12
area of effect, 249-250, 251 connecting ad ventures, creating an adventure, 5, 71- dualism , 12
armor, magi c, 139 125- 126 87, 99-105 , 125-126. 5ee forces and philosophies,
artifacts, 219-227 consumable magic items, 141. also creating a dungeon;
destroying , 221 See also potions ; scrolls creating an encounter; 12-13
properties , 219 - 221 contacts, 93-94 random encounters loose pantheon, 10-11
art objects, 133 , 134-135 contests, 238 adventure seeds, 125- 126 monotheism, 12
Astral colo r pools , 47 continent scale (map), 14 character goals , 72-74, 76 mystery cults, 11-12
Astral Plane, 43 , 46 - 48 continuing campaign, 36 climax, 72 , 75, 77 racial, 13
astral projection, 47 conversation, 244-245 complications, 79-81 tight pantheon , 11
atonement (paladin) , 97 cosmology, 43-44 dungeon, 99-105 creating a settlement, 15-20,
attack rolls , 235, 238 , 239 cover, 251 , 272 elements, 71-72 112-116
attitude (N PC) , 244 crafting a magic item, event-based, 75-77 as an adventure site, 16
attunement, 136-138 128-129 foreshadowing , 126 atmosphere , 17
automatic success (variant) , creating a background, 26 , intrigue, 78 commerce, 19-20
239 289 . introduction, 72, 74, 77, 79 encounters, 114-116
Avernus (Nine Hells) , 64 location-based, 72-75 government, 17-19
awarding experience points , creating a campaign, 14, maps, 72, 75 , 77 map, 114 , 313
260-261 25-41,43-44 , 125 . See moral quandaries , 79-80 purpose, 15-16
background NPC , 94 also creating a world mystery, 77-78 random , 112- 114
backgrounds, 26 , 264, character backgrounds , 26 NPCs, 74, 75-76, 77, 78 size, 16-17
289. See also creating a characters , 26, 36 side quests, 81 creating a spell, 283 - 284
background continuing or episodic, 36 structure, 72 creating a trap , 120- 122
barred doors, 103 ending , 33 twists, 80 complex, 121-122
Beastlands, 58 , 60 events , 26- 33 t ype , 72-79 detection, 120-121
becom ing lost, 111-112 , flavor, 38-41 villain , 74, 75-76 , 77, 78 disabling, 120- 121
117-118 map, 14, 25 - 26 effects , 121
beginning an ad venture, 72, planes of existence, 43-44 trigger, 120
74, 77, 79 play style, 34- 36
between adventures , 125-131 INDEX
blessings , 227-228
bond (NPC), 91
Border Ethereal , 48


creating a wi lderness, 14, El emen tal Chaos, 52-53 greater deity, 11 magic, 9-10, 23-24. See
25-26 , 73 , 106-112 , Elemental Planes. See Inner Great Wheel, 44 also creating a magic item;
116- 120. See also creating green slime, 105 creating a spe ll ; magic
an encounter; random Planes grenades , 268 ite ms
encounters El ysium, 58, 60 grid, 250- 252 restrict ions, 24
encounters , 106 encounter, 75 , 77, 81-87, hack and slash, 34 schools of, 24
features , 108- 109 Hades, 58 , 63
goals , 73 102, 106. See also creati ng Harpers, 21 magic items, 128-129,
hazards, 109- 112 an encounter; random hazards, 105 , 109- 112 129- 130, 133 , 135-227
map, 14, 25- 26 , 108- 109 encounters healing variants, 266-267 alphabetical descriptions,
unusual environments, ending a campaign, 33 heat , 110 150 - 2 14
116- 120 ending an adventure , 72, heroic fantasy , 38 artifacts, 219-227
75, 77 hero points, 264 attunement, 136-138
creat ing a world, 4, 9-41. Endl ess Maze (Abyss) , 63 high altitude, 110 buying, 135-136
currency, 19- 20 environment, 109- 112 , hill monsters , 304 categories, 139-140. See
magic, 9- 10, 23-24 116- 120 hirelings , 94 also specific category
map , 14 epic boons , 230, 231 - 232 hit points, 247- 248 entries
religion , 10-13 epic fantasy, 39 hitting cover, 272 crafting, 128-129, 141
settlements, 15-20 episodic campaig n, 36 hoard treasure, 133, 137- 139 cursed, 138-139
equipment (NPC) , 92 home base (for characters) , formulas , 141
critical hits , 248 et her cyclone, 49 identifying, 136
currency, 19-20, 133. See Ethereal curtains , 48-49 15 , 25 rarity, 135
Eth ereal Pl ane, 43, 48- 49 honor, 264-265 resilience, 141. See also
also creating a currency event-based adventure, 75-77 horror, 266 objects
cursed items, 138-139 events (campaign), 26- 33 ice (hazard), 110- lll selling, 129-130, 135-136
damage, 249, 273 Evernigh t (Shadowfell), 52 ideal (N PC) , 90 sentient, 214-218
damaging objects, 246-247 expenses (character), 126- 127 ident ifying a magic item , 136 spec ial features, 141-143
dark fantasy, 40 experience points (XP), immersive storytelling, 34 wearing and wie ld ing ,
darkness , 104-105 82-84, 260- 261 individual treasure, 133, 136 140- 141
dart trap, 123 thresholds, 82- 83 Infinite Staircase, 58-59
Dawn War deities , 10 exploration, 242-244 influence, 78 Maladomini (Nine Hel ls) , 65
DC. See Difficulty Class explosives, 267-268 initiative, 247, 270-271 Malbolge (Nine Hells) , 65
Death Dells (Abyss) , 63 extra NPC , 94 mannerism (NPC), 90
Death domain , 96-97 facing , 252 variants, 270-271 mapping , 14, 25-26, 72, 75 ,
Deep Ethereal, 48-49 factions. See organizations; injuries , 272- 273
degrees offailure, 242 see also creating a dungeon: Inner Planes, 43 , 52- 57. See 77, 102-105 , 108-109, 114,
deity, 10-13 factions 255
falling net (trap) , 122 also specific Inner Plane campaign , 14, 25
divine rank, 11 Far Realm, 68 entries
pantheon , 10-11 favors, 229-230 inspiration, 240-241 scale, 14
racial , 13 fear, 266 inspirational reading, 316 chases , 255
demigod, 11 fey crossings , 50 interaction trait (NPC), 90 dungeon , 102-105
demiplane, 68 Feyw ild magic, 50 intrigue, 40 , 78 sam ples , 310-315
Demonweb (Abyss) , 62- 63 Feywi ld, 43, 49-50 kingdom sca le (map) , 14 settlement, 114
desecrated ground , 110 firearms , 267, 268 knowledge (NPC), 90 wilderness , 108- 109
desert monsters, 302 fire-breathing statue (trap) , lairs, 108 mark, 271
destroying artifacts , 221 122 land, 229 marks of prestige, 228-231
detecting a hazard, 105 flanking , 251 languages , 20-21 massive damage, 273
detecting a trap, 120-1 21 flavor (campaign), 38- 41 larva (Hades), 63 Material Plane, 43
diagonal movement, 252 flaw (NPC) , 91 law, 114 Material Plane echoes , 43. See
dice , 235, 236- 237 flying , 119- 120 layers , planar, 58 also Feywild ; Shadowfell
Difficulty Class, 238- 239 followers , 92-93 lesser deity, 11 Mechanus , 58 , 66
disabling a trap, 120- 121 food and water, 111 letters of recommendation, medals, 229
disadvantage, 239-240 foraging, 111 228-229 memory loss (Feywild), 50
disarm, 271 foreshadowing, 126 light, 104- 105 metagame thinking, 235
disease, 256-257 forest monsters, 302-303 Limbo, 58 , 61-62 milestones, 261
Dis (Nine Hells), 64 framing events , 79 line of sight, 251 Minauros (Nine Hells) , 64
divine rank , 11. See also deity; frigid water, 110 linking adventures , 125-126 miniat ures, 250-252
specific divine rank entries fun, 85 location-based ad venture, missing players, 235-236, 260
Domains of Dread gaining levels , 131, 261 72-75 mixing potions, 140
(Shadowfell) , 51-52 gaining renown , 22 , 129 locked doors , 103 mobs , 250
doors , 103- 104 Gapi ng Maw (Abyss), 62 long rest , 267 modifying a class, 287-289
downtime activities, 127-13 1 garrisons (character) , 127 loose pa ntheon , 10-11 modifying a magic item, 284
dualism, 12 gate-towns (Outlands) , 67 lo sing the path , 111-11 2, modifying a monster, 273-274
dungeon , 72- 75, 99-105, Gehenna , 58, 63 117-118 monotheism, 12
290-301. See also creating a gemstones , 133 , 134 Lower Planes , 58. See monsters , 71, 74, 82,
dungeon Gloaming Court (Feywild), 49 also Outer Planes 91-92, 247-248, 273-283,
Dungeon Master, 4 god. See deity loya lty, 93 302-305 , 306-309. See
echo plane, 43. See government, 17-19 madness, 258-260 also creating a monster;
also Feyw ild; Shadowfell grassland monsters , 303 creating an encounter;
ecology (dungeon) , 102 creating an NPC; random
eladrin , 286 encounters; specific terrain


monsters (cont.) philosophies, 12- 13 rarity, 135 rules discussions , 235
as NPCs, 91-92 Phlegethos (Nine Hells) , 64 razorvine, 110 running a business, 127, 129
by challenge rating, piety, 23 reactions, 252 running the game, 235-261
306-309 pit (trap), 122-123 religion , 10-13 . See sai li ng vessels, 119
by terrain , 302-305 planar categories, 43 sanity, 265-266
challenge rating, 82 planar layers, 58 also creating a religion saving throws, 238, 239
hit poi nts , 247-248 planar portals, 45, 47, 48 - 49, renown , 22-23, 78 , 129 schools of magic , 24
mobs, 250 scro lls , 139, 140
statistics by cha ll enge 50, 51 , 58- 59, 67-68 as piety, 23
rating, 274 planar travel, 44-46, 58-59. benefits, 22-23 mishaps, 140
gaining, 22, 129 sea, 117- 119
monuments, 108 See also planar portals losing, 23 secret doors, 103-104
morale , 273 Plane of Air, 53-54 resolving social interaction , see lie fey, 49
moral quandaries, 79-80 Plane of Earth , 54 244-245 se ll ing magic items, 129-130,
mountai n monsters, 304 Plane of Faerie. See Feywild , restr ictions on magic , 24
Mount Celestia , 58 , 59 Plane of Fire, 55-56 rest variants , 267 135-136
movement, 252 Plane of Shadow. resurrection , 24 sentient magic items,
multiverse , 43-69. See rings , 139
See Shadowfell River Styx, 58 214 - 2 1 8
also creating a multiverse Plane of Water, 56-57 rods, 139 sett lements , 15-20, 108, 112-
mystery, 40, 77-78 planes of existence, 43-69. ro lepl aying, 245-246
myste ry cults , 11-12 rolling sphere (trap), 123 116, 254. See also creating a
mythic fantas y, 39 See also cosmology; specific rolling the dice, 235, 236-237, settlement
navigation , lll-112 , 117-118 plane entries 242 chases, 254
Negative Plane, 43 players , 6 ruins, 108 shadow crossings, 51
Nessus (Nine He ll s), 66 play sty le , 34-36 rules , 5 Shadowfell despair, 52
net (trap) , 122 plot points, 269-270 Shadowfell, 43, 51-52
new players , 236 poison, 257-258 ships, 119
Nine Hells , 58 , 64-66 . See poison darts (trap), 123
poison needle. (trap), 123
also specific layer entries portcullises, 104
nob le titles, 19, 230 Positive Plane, 43
noncombat challenges , 261 potions , 139, 140
nonplayer character. See NPC precipitation, 110
noticing other creatures, 243 proficiency, 239, 263-264
N PC, 74, 75-76 , 77, 78 , background, 264
dice , 263
89-97, 244-246, 247-248. personality trait, 264
See also creating an NPC; property (character), 126-127
villain province scale (map), 14
adventurer, 93 psychic dissonance (Outer
hit points , 247-248 Planes) , 59
party members, 92-93 psych ic wind (Astral), 47-48
roleplaying, 244-246 published adventures, 72
oathbreaker (palad in) , 97 published worlds, 9, 68
objects, 246-247 qu icksand, 110
occupation (N PC) , 89 quirk, 90, 143
ocean, 117- 119 magic item, 143
organizations, 21-23. NPC , 90
See also creating an race, 285-287
organization racial deity, 13
adventurer, 21-22 rain , 110
rank, 22 raising a strongho ld, 128
renown, 22-23 random dungeons, 290-301
samp le, 21, 23 random encounters, 85-87,
other rewards , 227-232 106, 114-1 16, 118
Outer Planes , 43, 57-67. See challenge, 87
also specific Outer Plane checki ng for, 86
entries creating tables, 86-87
optional rules , 59 sample table, 87
Outlands, 67-68 sea, 118
overrun, 272 settlement, 114-116
owning property, 126-127 triggering, 85
Pandemonium, 58 , 62 underwater, 116
pantheon, 10-11 , 13 wil derness, 106
loose , 10-11 random magic items, 144-149
of the Dawn War, 11 random settlements,
racial , 13 112-114. See also creating a
sample, 11 settlement
tight, 11 random treasure, 133-135,
patron, 94 136-139, 144-149
performing sacred rites , 129 rank (in an organization), 22


shipwrecks , 118 structure (ad venture) , 72 training , 131, 231 class options , 96-97
short rest, 84, 267 stuck doors , 103 to gain levels , 131 methods , 95
shove aside, 272 Stygia (Nine Hells) , 64-65 scheme, 94
side quests , 81 Styx. See River Styx Trans itive Planes , 43 weakness , 96
siege equipment, 255-256 subrace, 285- 287 traps , 120-123. See visibility, 117, 119, 243
Sigil , City of Doors , 58, 68 success at a cost, 242 walls , 102
sil ver cord , 47 Summer Court (Feywild) , 49 also creating a trap wandering monsters ,
size, 251 supernatural gifts , 227-228 sample, 122-123 302- 305
skills, 239, 263-264 survival , 109-112 travel, 106- 108; 109-112, wands, 140
sky, 119- 120 suspects (mystery), 77-78 116-120, 242-244 war, 40- 41
slippery ice, 110 swamp monsters , 304 pace, 242-243 water vehicles , 119
small player groups, 236 swashbuckling, 40 treasure , 133-232 weapons , mag ic, 140
snow, 110 swimming, 116-117 tables, 133 , 136-139, wearing and wielding magic
social interaction , 244-246 swords and sorcery, 38-39 items, 140- 141
system shock, 273 144-149 weather, 109- 110, 118- 119
resolving, 244-245 table rules , 235- 236 triggering a trap , 120 webs, 105
roleplaying, 245-246 table talk , 235 Triple Realm (Abyss) , 63 weirdness , 109
sounds, 105 tactical map, 250- 252 tumble , 272 wilderness , 73, 106-112, 11 6-
sowing rumors, 131 talent (N PC), 90 twists (adventure) , 80 120, 254. See also creating
special features for magic teleportation circles , 24 Underdark monsters , 305 a wilderness
items , 141-143 temperature, 109-110 . underwater, 116-117, 305 chases, 254
special rights , 230 Thanatos (Abyss) , 62 wind, 110
speed factor, 270- 271 theme (campaign) , 36 monsters, 305 wondrous items, 140
spell points , 288-289 thin ice, 111 unseel ie fey, 49 World Axi s, 44
spells in magic items, 141 tiers of play, 36-38 Upper Planes, 58. See world building, 9-41 , 43 - 69
sphere of annihilation (trap), tight pantheon, 11 World Tree, the , 44
123 time , 32- 33 also Outer Pla nes wuxia , 41
sp iderwebs, 105 time warp (Feywild) , SO urban monsters , 305 XP, 82-84 , 260-261
spiked pit (trap), 123 titan, 11 using ability scores , 237-240, thresholds, 82-83
staffs, 140 titles , 19, 230 yellow mold , 105
starting at higher level, 38 tools, 239 242 Ysgard, 58 , 61
starting attitude (NPC) , 244 town , 17 using a map, 242 Zhentarim , 23
story, 71 , 72, 125 tracking, 244 using magic items , 140-141
strongholds, 109, 128 , 230 using the dice , 235, 236-237,

vehicles , 119
vestige, 11
vi ctim (m ystery), 77
village, 16- 17



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