ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
Reading skills
Context Clues
1.Definition Clues (DC)
เป็นการแสดงความหมายหรือนิยามคาศพั ทโ์ ดยพจิ ารณาคาช้ีแนะหรือคาสญั ญาณ (Clue
Signal Words) ที่ปรากฏอยใู่ น ขอ้ ความน้นั ๆ เช่น
1.1 Word clues:
Is, are, means, is called, refers to, is said, is seen as, is defined as, is
described as, is known as, what this means is
คาช้ีแนะดงั กลา่ ว มีความหมายใกลเ้ คียงกนั แปลวา่ ―คือ, หมายถงึ ,หมายความวา่ , เรียกวา่ ‖
1.2 Restatement clues: ผเู้ ขียนตอ้ งการบอกความหมายของคาศพั ทท์ ี่ไม่คนุ้ เคย น้นั โดยใชภ้ าษาท่ีเขา้ ใจ
ง่ายข้ึน โดยการกล่าวซ้าบางคร้ังอาจเป็นคาแปลโดยตรงหรืออธิบายเพมิ่ เติม ผเู้ ขียนอาจใชศ้ พั ทเ์ ฉพาะและใช้
คาเชื่อมอธิบายความหมายใหท้ ราบ
Or, that is, that is to say, in the other words,
1.3 Punctuation clues: ผเู้ ขียนตอ้ งการบอกความหมายของคาศพั ทโ์ ดยการใชเ้ คร่ืองหมายอธิบาย
ความหมายศพั ทเ์ พ่ิมเติม
Comma(,) Dash(-)Parentheses()
1. The judge’s verdict -decision- was anxiously awaited by everyone.
2. Tono loved the tranquility, the peace and quietness, when he worked.
3. The dromedary, commonly called a camel, stores fat in its hump.
4. His pertinacity or stubbornness is the cause of most of his trouble.
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
2. Cause & Effect Clues (C & EC)
เป็นการแสดงถึงความสมั พนั ธ์ ระหวา่ งสาเหตุ (Cause) และผลลพั ธ์ (Result) จากสาเหตุน้นั ๆขอ้
ควรจดจาคือ ถา้ หากคาศพั ทท์ ี่ไมค่ ุน้ เคยปรากฏอยใู่ นขอ้ ความที่แสดงเหตุใหอ้ าศยั การพจิ ารณาจาก
ขอ้ ความท่ีบอกผลลพั ธเ์ ป็นล่ทู างในการเดาความหมายศพั ทน์ ้นั แต่ถา้ หากคาศพั ทท์ ่ีไมค่ ุน้ เคยปรากฏ
อยใู่ นขอ้ ความที่แสดงผลลพั ธ์ ใหพ้ ิจารณาจากขอ้ ความที่บอกเหตุ เป็นล่ทู างในการเดาความหมาย
2.1 Cause Clues:
because เพราะวา่ since เพราะว่า as เน่ืองจาก now that เน่ืองจาก
for เน่ืองจาก because of เน่ืองจาก owning to / due to เน่ืองจาก
on account of เนื่องจาก as a result ด้วยเหตทุ ี่ bring about เป็ นสาเหตขุ อง
2.2 Effect Clues:
so / therefore / thus ดงั น้นั as a result ดงั น้นั /ผลลพั ธค์ อื
bring about เป็ นสาเหตขุ อง so that เพอ่ื ว่า accordingly ดงั น้นั result in ผลทีต่ ามมา
cause เป็นสาเหตุใหเ้ กิด that is why นน่ั คอื mean นน่ั หมายถงึ ว่า
1. The eagle builds her nest high on a rocky cliff; as a result, she has no
apprehension that anyone will steal her eggs.
2. Nina got drenched during the rainstorm because she left her umbrella at
her office.
3. Toxic gases from factories bring about the death of thousands of people
in the city.
4. The prestige of our school has grown because several students have won
academic prizes, and all of the students passed university admission tests.
5. The movie on TV last night was so scary that the girl could not sleep after
watching it.
6. The communist government launched more stringent rules as they want to
keep their people under control.
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
3. Comparison Clues (CpC)
3.1 Comparison Clues: ผเู้ ขียนช้ีแนะความหมายดว้ ยการเปรียบเทียบ (Comparison)
as / as.....as / like / alike / similar to / resemble (v) =เหมือนกบั
in the same way/ similarly / likewise = ในทานองเดยี วกนั
comparing / compared with = เปรียบเทียบกบั as if / as though = ราวกบั ว่า
1. Many atolls can be found in the Pacific Ocean; similarly, other coral
islands are found in the Caribbean Sea.
2. The Asian gibbon, like other apes, is specially adapted for life in the
4.Contrast Clues (CtC)
Contrast Clues: ผเู้ ขียนช้ีแนะความหมายดว้ ยการแยง้ ความ (Contrast)
but / yet = แต่ while / whereas = ในขณะที่ unlike = ไม่เหมอื นกบั
however / nevertheless / nonetheless / anyway = แต่อยา่ งไรกต็ าม
though / although / even though / despite / in spite of / even = แมว้ ่า
on the other hand / on the contrary = ในทางตรงขา้ ม
1. Tony was a meticulous worker, unlike Tom who was careless in his
2. I love playing basketball so much; on the contrary, my friend despites
3. The major points of your essay are clear to me; whereas, the details
are still hazy.
4. The omnipotent superhero always won his battles, unlike his weak
5. Although the fire was damaging, he was able to salvage some
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
5. Summary Clues (SC)
การช้ีแนะชนิดน้ี นกั เรียนตอ้ งใชว้ จิ ารณญาณส่วนตวั คิดดว้ ยเหตุผลจากขอ้ ความท่ีปรากฏ
ตีความหมายศพั ทท์ ี่ไมค่ ุน้ เคย โดยพจิ ารณาจากขอ้ ความแวดลอ้ ม หรือใจความของเรื่องและขบคิด
ตีความหมายของคาศพั ทน์ ้นั ออกมาดว้ ยตนเอง โดยไม่มีคาช้ีแนะที่เป็นคาศพั ทช์ ดั เจนการช้ีแนะชนิดน้ีอาศยั
ประสบการณ์หรือความรู้เดิมของนกั เรียนมาช่วยตีความหมาย จึงจะทาใหส้ รุปขอ้ ความ และเดาความหมาย
ของคาศพั ทไ์ ดอ้ ยา่ งมีสมเหตุผล
1. BamBam contributes money to the Red Cross, the Orphaned Children’s
Club, and the Cancer society. He also volunteers many hours in the
emergency ward of the hospital. He indeed altruistic.
2. Try this experiment. Spend a week not judging anything or anybody.
When next you meet someone who talks a lot, spends a lot, complains a
lot, or doesn’t work, say to yourself, ― I give you the space to experience
life as you choose. It’s not for me to judge you.‖ Then your life will
become a lot more serene.
3. The water in the Chao Praya river at Bangkok was contaminated. At
once they posted signs warning people about the dangerous condition of
the river.
4. People feel shamed if they do something wrong.
5. The farmers store their grain in the granaries.
6. You have to hold this glass carefully; it is fragile.
7. The corral behind our house is big enough to hold 30 cattle.
8. A cemetery is a place where the dead are kept.
9. After the harvest, we had an abundant amount of apples. We made apple
pie, apple sauce, and apple juice because we had so many apples!
10.The little girls began to giggle when they saw the boys walk by. When
the boys heard the giggling, they pretended not to notice.
11. Students! Students! Please stop chattering and listen to me. Class has
12. I took the tome off the shelf and opened it to page 94. Then I began to
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
1. Everything used in the kitchen in cooking including knives, tray, pots is
known as utensils.
Utensils are…………………………………………………………………
2. An unreasonable and lasting fear of something is called a phobia.
Phobia means………………………………………………………………
3. In Great Britain, the police officer was called a constable.
Constable means ………………………………………………………….
4. I have asked everybody to immigrate to Canada but only ten
people move in.
Immigrate means …………………………………………………………...
5. The toy car was very lasting. Although the boy dropped it or threw it against
the concrete wall many times, it didn’t break.
Lasting means …………………………………………………………........
6. Although some hawks can stand cold weather, in winter, the
majority migrate to a warmer region.
Stand means ………………………………………………………….............
7. Some children are dissatisfied with the old presents that their
parents give them.
Dissatisfied means …………………………………………………………......
8. The weather man says it won’t be a good day for outdoor activities.
He predicts that it will be raining all the day.
Predict means …………………………………………………………................
9. In chemical factories, employees sometimes receive extra pay for doing
hazardous work.
Hazardous means …………………………………………………………...........
10. A good government must be responsible for the well-being of the citizens.
Citizens means …………………………………………………………...........
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
Context Clues
1. Our English class is far behind schedule. We need to……… on
weekends, or we won’t finish in time.
1. Put up 3. Look up
2. Catch up 4. Pick up
2. English is………..for all Burapha University students; every student
has to take it.
1. Complementary 3. Compensatory
2. Commentary 4. Compulsory
3. The bomb explosion in a village school in Yala a month ago was
a………..; fifteen people were killed.
1. Drought 3. Romance
2. Famine 4. Tragedy
4. I am sorry that I could not ………..you at the party last night because
you were dressed up beautifully.
1. Recognize 3. Recall
2. Reveal 4. Remind
5. It is ………..to rob person; therefore, he was arrested and sent to
1. Illogical 3. Inappropriate
2. Illegal 4. Inaccurate
6. Police have arrested a man who stormed into a mobile phone shop and
………..before escaping with 30 mobile phones last month.
1. Attacked the shopkeeper
2. Lived in the same neighborhood
3. Fled on a motorcycle
4. Were searching for his two friends
7. Spies from South Korea are infiltrating North Korea to poison a group
of ―bovio-Koreans‖—that’s cows to you and me. So we here from a
Pyongyang news agency, anyway.
1. Persuading in a country to believe in something
2. Declaring war on another country
3. Going into a country secretly with an unfriendly purpose
4. Exploring in a country with a specific purpose
8. This year, engineers decided they would not open the gates and flood
and important sparrow nesting area. Environmentalist had warned that
flooding this year could lead to the bird’s extinction. The decision not to
open the gates had led to the upturn in the sparrow’s population.
1. Increase 2. Reverse 3. Stability 4. Decline
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
Meaning Recognition.
Directions : Choose the alternative which has same meaning as the
bold word in the given sentence.
1. The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.
a. Taking that job was a smart move.
b. This is one of the smartest restaurants in town.
c. Poodles are said to be smart dogs.
d. He set off at a smart pace.
2. If it is not enough, cut the apple into quarters.
a. The troops attacked the city from all quarters.
b. We must find quarters before nightfall.
c. A quarter of population voted for him.
d. The Emperor gave no quarter to the evil traitors.
3. Lucy fixed me a drink.
a. I had the brakes on my car fixed.
b. Can you fix it for me to meet the director?
c. Kevin fixed dinner for his wife.
d. She fixed hooks to the window frame.
4. It is hard for young people to get jobs in this area.
a. Poverty is a hard problem to solve.
b. The surface of stone is hard and cold.
c. She had led a hard life on a small farm.
d. You’re a hard man, so nobody likes you.
5. The researcher’s job is to gather information about people.
a. I gather from what I hear your business is doing well.
b. He gathered his clothes together and packed them in the suitcase.
c. The train pulled away slowly, then gathered speed.
d. Townspeople gathered in the town hall to talk about the new school.
6. It is considered right to wear black clothes to attend a funeral.
a. It is difficult to make a right decision at this time.
b. It is quite right to be nervous during exam week.
c. I hope we are doing the right thing.
d. The verdict was the right thing.
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
7. Sattahip is an operating Thai naval base.
a. Some believe that there are a lot of treasure hidden under the base.
b. Confidential messages were sent to the military base.
c. We are planning to expand our customer base.
d. A good base is important for a delicious soup.
8. Dozens of Native Americans boating to the largely abandoned island in
San Francisco Bay capture the attention of media around the
a. Authorities capture a member of an Italian organized crime syndicate
who has been on the run.
b. He predicts that Trump will ultimately capture 43.7 percent of the
popular vote.
c. Watching her work, he admires the energy she is able to capture in a
d. User can easily capture data and submit complete forms from
anywhere by using this program.
e. Computer presentations have an advantage because they tend to
capture interest more easily.
9. When the home inspection is concluded, we can verbally present you
with a rough estimate of necessary repairs on your property.(GAT 61)
a. We spent a long time driving up a very rough mountain road with little
to see other than dense bush.
b. Tom had a workman’s hands that were rough and covered with
c. I never follow recipes exactly when I cook-I just use them as rough
d. He’s had a rough time, with the divorce and then his father dying.
e. You look a bit rough-how much did you drink last night?
10. We run a relatively new non-profit organized focused on scientific
research to cure a rare disease.(GAT61)
a. The study shows that you don’t have to run every day to keep your
heart healthy.
b. Since twins run in that family, it didn’t surprise me when I heard the
c. All new computers have more than enough space to run the game.
d. He could become president of the United States and still run his
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
1. Implication/ Inference:
The writer suggests that……... It is shown that………
It can be implied that………. The passage suggests that………
The writer feels that……… The author thinks that………
The sentence ―XXXX‖ means that………
It can be concluded from the article that………
The point in this XXXXXXXX is that………
According to the passage, it can be concluded that………
What can we conclude from……… We can infer from………
What can be inferred from………It can be inferred from………
Erosion has been called the “quiet crisis” While the world focused on obvious
environmental problem, beaches around the world are slipping into the ocean.
Erosion is often controlled by planting vegetation to anchor the sand or soil and
now the Japanese firm Shinki Co. is using artificial seaweed to fight the
1. The “quiet crisis” implies that erosion…….. .
1. is progressing slowly 3. is slowly down
2. is largely ignored 4. is not important
Fat has expanded beyond a simple body energy source to become the
developed world’s obsession. And as more fast food finds its way into Asia, fat
consumption is on the increase. With it comes a potential for serious health
2. We can infer from this paragraph that people in developed countries………. .
1. are unaware of the harmful effects of a fatty diet
2. know that fat is a good source of energy
3. need more energy than those in Asia
4. enjoy food with a high fat content
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
(From a cartoon) Frame 2
Father: Well, I guess school’s a waste
Frame 1
Father: What did you kids learn in time. You all might as well quit and
school today?
get jobs.
1st kid : Nothing 1st kid : I dissected a frog.
2nd kid: I don’t know. 2nd kid: I played football.
3rd kid : I can’t remember. 3rd kid : I learned about fractions.
3. What can we conclude from this cartoon?
1. Children would rather go to school than get jobs.
2. Students learn many different thing at school.
3. Parents do not understand children’s feeling about school.
4. People cannot usually remember what they learn at school.
Customer Cook
What’s it taste like?
What kind of soup is this? what’s the difference?
I can’t tell you.
4. The point in this cartoon is that…….
1. Everything taste the same when it is put into soup.
2. It doesn’t matter what kind of soup it is if you do not recognize the taste.
3. Whatever you think soup taste like,that is what is in it.
4. There is no need to ask about the taste of soup if you already know what it
Manatkawin, director of the Thai Trade Center in U.S.A., said many new
varieties of tropical fruit such as durians from Australia, lychees from China,
and mangoes from Taiwan had been imported for marketing test this year.
5. We can infer from this paragraph…………. .
1. Thailand may soon have more competitions for its tropical fruit exports
2. Some countries in Asia are buying tropical fruit from U.S.A.
3. Australia, China, and Taiwan are importing more Thai fruit
4. Other countries are testing Thai fruit for safety purpose
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
Tone/Mood respectful
1. Tone/mood: excited
1.1 Positive
Amused humorous optimistic encouraging
Enthusiastic joyous cheerful lighthearted
Loving hopeful sympathetic thoughtful
1.2 Negative
Disappointed pessimistic doubtful disdainful
Anxious satirical helpless depressed
Hostile ashamed desperate
1.3 Neutral
Formal informal authoritative nonchalant
Curious objective nostalgic idealistic
2. Question
The author’s attitude towards XXXXX seems to be………..
The tone of this passage is…….. The writer seems to be………..
The best word to describe the feeling of XXXXX is…………..
What is the author’s mood towards XXXXX ?
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
1. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. Joan jogged down the path
with Rex at her side and smiled about last night's victory. The tone of
this excerpt can be best described as _____.
1. Cheerful 3. Anxious
2. Depressed 4. Ironic
2. (A poem)
The wood was gone. What stayed there still
Was a yellow, shaved-off, blade-headed hill
The sun came out like fiery flames
That burned up Gramps’ little dried-out fields.
The rain fell slick-slack- slick-slack-slick
It flowed over furrows and rows and dikes.
The fields are ruined, the land cracks and creaks.
The water flows down Granny’s cheeks.
The tone of this poem is…………. .
1. Ironic 3. Depressed
2. Fanciful 4. Exaggerated
3. ―One of the more delightful mysteries of sound came when the astronauts on
one of our early spaceships heard a program of nostalgic music over their sound
system, and radioed NASA to thank whoever it was who had sent them to the
The tone of this sentence is…………. .
1. Sympathetic 3. Hostile
2. Anxious 4. Playful
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
Topic & Main Idea
1. Topic :
1. Circle, shapes, oval, square, triangle, rectangle
Circle oval square triangle rectangl
2. Fertilizing, planning, watering, raking, gardening, shoveling
Directions: Read the following paragraph of each item and decide which
choice is the best topic.
1. Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Whales are the
largest sea animals. These two huge animals may, in fact, come from the same
biological family. Biologists now believe that the ancestors of elephants once
lived in the sea, like whales. There is plenty of evidence to support this idea. For
example, the shape of an elephant’s head is similar to a whale’s. Another
similar is in the fact that both animals are excellent swimmers. Some elephants
have chosen to swim for food to islands up to 300 miles away. Like the whale,
the elephant uses sounds to show anger or for other kinds of communication.
Finally, both female elephants and female whales stay close to other females
and help them when they give birth.
1. How Elephants are Good Swimmers
2. The Largest Animals in the World
3. How Elephants and Whales are Alike
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
2. Communication is possible among bees through their sense of smell. A group
of bees, called a colony, uses smell to protect itself from other bees. This is
possible because all the bees in a colony have a common smell. This smell acts
like a chemical signal. It warns the group of bees when a bee from different
colony is near. This way, bees from outside cannot enter and disturb a hive. If
an outsider does try to enter, the bees of that colony will smell it and attack it.
1. The Chemical Signal of Bees
2. How Bees Live
3. How Bees Communication through Smell
4. Bee’s Communication
3. People usually build their houses out the materials that easily available
to them. In some areas, most people build their houses out of wood. This is true
in parts of North America and in Scandinavia. These areas have large forests, so
wood is easy to get and inexpensive. In many other areas in Europe, there are
few forest left. Stone and brick are cheaper, so most people build their houses
out of these materials. In tropical regions, houses are sometimes made from
plants that grow there. For example, in parts of Africa or Asia, houses may be
made out of bamboo. Finally, in the very coldest areas near the Arctic, people
make their houses out of block of ice.
1. Material Used for Houses 3. Houses around the World
2. The Wooden Houses of Scandinavia 4. Houses in different Region
4. Researchers have discovered that eye movement are linked to
dreaming. During a dream the dreamer’s eyes usually move rapidly back and
forth behind the closed eyelids. It is as if the dreamer were a spectacular
watching what goes on in his dream. Sometimes the eye movements are up and
down; the dreamer then report dreams about people or objects moving up or
down. When little or no eye movement is registered, the dreamers report they
have been simply watching something not moving or talking in their dreams. In
general, rapid eye movements show that the dreamer is taking an active part in
his dreams.
1. The Dream 3. An Active Dreamer
2. Body Movements and Dreams 4. The Association between
Dreaming and Eye Movements
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
2. Main Idea:
1. What is the author's main point?
2. The main thought of this passage is ……….. .
3. The main theme of the passage is ……….. .
4. The best statement of this passage's main thought is that ……….. .
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
6. The passage is primarily concerned with……….. .
7. Which of the following statements expresses the main idea?
Directions: Read and find the main ideas of all these short passages.
1. After the hurricane, there was no water and not much food on the island.
It is still very bad. Many people no longer have homes and living in schools.
Others are in hospitals. We need help from other countries.
1. The writer wants to help for his family.
2. The writer wants to help for his country.
3. The writer wants some food for his country.
2. John never has any money. He has a good salary, but he’s always
borrowing money, ―Where does it go?‖ asks his mother. ―Don’t ask me, says
John, ―All I do is buy clothes, go to the theater and eat in the restaurants.‖
1. John eats in restaurants.
2. John’s mother buys clothes with his money.
3. John uses all his money and doesn’t save.
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
3. Bicycles are very popular today in many countries. Many people use
bicycles for exercise. But exercise is only one of the reasons why bicycle are
popular. Another reason is money. Bicycles are not expensive to buy. They do
not need gas to make them go. They also are easy and cheap to fix. In cities,
many people like bicycles better than cars. With a bicycle, they never have to
wait in traffic. And finally, bicycles do not cause any pollution!
1. Bicycles are better than cars.
2. Bicycles do not cause the pollution.
3. Bicycles are popular today for many people.
5. Louise called Mark on Saturday morning. ―What are you doing
tonight?‖ she asked. Mark said, ―Tom asked me to go to a baseball game with
him. Do you want to come with us, too? He can bring his friend, Jack‖ ―OK,‖
said Louise. ―I like Jack.‖
1. The four friends are going to a baseball game.
2. The two friends are going to a baseball game.
3. Tom and Mark are going to a baseball game.
6. Accurate weather prediction is, of most parts of the world, a matter of
life and death. A sudden heavy rain can cause rivers to overflow their banks,
creating dangerous conditions. A typhoon can kill thousands of people. If these
events can be predicted in advance, our lives could be a great deal safer.
1. Accurate weather forecasts can predict people’s death.
2. Dangerous conditions like a typhoon can influence people’s life.
3. Accuracy in advanced weather forecasts can save people’s life.
7. Eric went to a movie and enjoyed it very much. It was the story of a
family with 17 children. The family sang and danced. After the movie, Eric said
to his mother, ―That was good. Why don’t you go to see it, too?‖
1. Eric saw a movie with 17 children.
2. Eric told his mother to see the movie.
3. Eric want to see the movie with his mother.
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
1. Purpose:
To inform To persuade To entertainment To advise
To instruct To argue
2. Question:
The purpose of this passage is ……………
What is the purpose of this passage?
The author’s intention of writing this article is to ……………….
The main purpose of this reading is to……………….
According to the passage, the writer intends to ……………….
A pamphlet urging people not to eat animals or use products made from
animals or animal suffering because the author thinks that is cruel and
1. What is the author’s purpose?
1. To Persuade 3. To Entertain
2. To argue 4. To inform
Bella look up from her book. The whole class was laughing at something.
She turned around and asked Jameji what was so funny. Jameji tried to explain,
but he couldn’t stop giggling. Everyone was looking at Bell’s feet. Bella
glanced down at her feet and saw a red shoe on one foot and a brown she on the
other foot.
2. The purpose of this passage is to …………the reader.
1. Inform 3. Persuade
2. Entertain 4. To instruct
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
The earth is a sphere made up of one-fourth land and three-fourths water.
The largest bodies of water are the four oceans: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean,
Indian Ocean, and Arctic Ocean. The land is divided into seven continents:
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica.
3. The purpose of this passage is to ………… the reader.
1. Inform 3. Instruct
2. Advise 4. Argue
People who have eaten contaminated seafood experience weakness,
nausea, dizziness, and blurred vision. TO avoid poisoning, good hygiene is
important. All seafood should be thoroughly washed and cleaned, and cooked
completely. Avoid eating the internal organs of fish, where toxins tent to
concentrate. And don’t eat big portions of fish or shellfish in one meal.
4. The purpose of this passage is to …………
1. Describe the problem of ocean pollution.
2. Inform people how to avoid seafood poisoning
3. Monitor catches from international waters
4. Inform people of the symptoms of seafood poisoning
Companies are spending so much money trying to inspire employees that
they have created an industry: the motivation industry. Trouble is, there has
been exhaustive academic research trying to find out what motivates workers,
and it has turned up almost no evidence that motivational spending makes any
5. What is the purpose of this research?
1. To examine what makes people want to work.
2. To evaluate employees’ performance.
3. To improve the hiring process.
4. To make organizations more secure.
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
(A poem)
The night will never stay,
The night will still go by,
Though with a million stars
You pin it to sky;
Though you bind it with the blowing wind
And buckle it with the moon,
The night will slip away
Like sorrow or a tune.
6. What does the poet intend to present?
1. Nature does not ignore human suffering.
2. Time passes by; nobody can stop it.
3. One should not stay up late in the night.
4. The night is beautiful with the moon and stars.
ภาษาอังกฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
1. Reference:
What does the word ―………..‖ refer to?
In line XXXXX, the word ―………..‖ refer to ……….. .
In line XXXXX, ―………..‖ refer to ……….. .
1. Third-persons pronouns สรรพนามบุรุษท่ี 3
He she him her it they them
While Pai was holding a camera, he saw a large seagull land close enough for
him to take a picture of it.
The word ―him‖ refers to ………
The word ―it‖ refers to ………
2. Demonstrative pronoun นิยมสรรพนาม
This that those these
―Are these your boots or mine?‖ Prince asked his brother Pai.
The word ―these‖ refers to ………
3. สรรพนาม one (เอกพจน์), ones (พหพู จน์), another (เอกพจน์), others (พหพู จน์)
―When Boo and I picked the ―apples‖ Jame said ― we put the good ones in his
The word ―ones‖ refers to ………
4. คณุ ศพั ท์แสดงความเป็ นเจ้าของ Possessive Adjective
His her its their ours
To make these two features of the university, its intellectual objectives and its
inherent class structure, I prefer to characterize the university as an aristocracy
of the intellect.
The word ―its‖ refers to ………
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
5. คาว่า there, then, such,
Dan returned from the ascent of Annapurna a changed man. The experiences he
underwent there would have destroyed a weaker body.
The word ―there‖ refers to ………
6. วลี The former (คนกอ่ น/อนั กอ่ น/สงิ่ ก่อน)และ The latter (คนหลงั /อนั หลงั /สง่ิ หลงั )
The antibiotic penicillin and the pesticide DDT helped to decrease world’s
death rate in the mid-1900s. The former is still widely used, but the latter is
now illegal in the U.S.A.
The word ―The former‖ refers to ………
The word ―the latter‖ refers to ………
7. ประพนั ธสรรพนาม (Relative pronoun)
Who Whom that Which Whose
Last week Margie sold ten dresses that she made by hand to Jenny who owns
the Modern Dress Shop on Phraya Satcha Road.
The word ―that‖ refers to ………
The word ―who‖ refers to ………
8. การอ้างองิ ด้วยคานาม (noun reference) การใช้คานามใหม่ท่ีมีความหมายเช่นเดียวกบั คานามเดมิ
(synonymous noun)
There can be numerous biological and hereditary reasons for the failure to grow,
but lack of parental love is now being added to the list.
The phrase ―the list‖ refers to ………
9. การอ้างอิงด้วยกริยา (verb reference) คอื การใช้กริยาใหม่ทใ่ี ช้ทดแทนคากริยาเดิม โดยมากมักใช้คากริยา
ช่วย do does did เพอ่ื แทนกริยาแท้
If one company had opened the door to television , others might as well do the
The verb phrase ―do the same‖ refers to ………
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)
Some would say that is takes many years to see an effect of smoking on
lung growth so early, said Dr. Diane Gold. Gold and colleagues from Harvard’s
School of Public Health based their findings on 5,158 boys and 4,902 girls
between the ages of 10 and 18 – a third of whom had smoked-who were
examined annually between 1974 and 1958.
The study found that smoking just five cigarettes a day appeared to
reduce lung volume slightly, especially for girls.
1. In line 4, ―who‖ refers to……….. .
1. The youngsters who smoked 3. Gold and colleagues
2. 5,158 boys and 4,902 girls 4. A third of the smokers
2. In line 6, ―The study‖ refers to……….. .
1. lung cancer study 3. New England study
2. previous study on lung health 4. Harvard University study
Human experience shows us that new technologies reach their practical
limits early in their development. The Great Pyramid of Egypt was built about
2680 B.C., only few hundreds of years after the Egyptians first learned to cut
and move large blocks of stone. They continued building pyramids for another
1,000 years, but never again one as big.
3. The word ―one‖ refers to ……….. .
1. Technology 2. Stone block 3. Pyramid 4. Human experience
Server punishment can be extremely effective in stopping behavior. If a
child sticks a finger in a light socket and gets a shock,that may be the last time
the child ever tries it.
4. The word ―one‖ refers to ……….. .
1. A finger 3. a light socket
2. putting a finger in a light socket 4. Getting a shock from a light socket
Some people think you can just wish yourself out of a depression. That’s
not true. Many doctors believe that one thing that many cause depression is an
imbalance of serotonin- a chemical in your body. If this happens, you may have
trouble sleeping and unusually sad or irritable.
5. The word ―one‖ refers to ……….. .
1. A chemical imbalance 2. A belief 3. A depression 4. A sleeping trouble
ภาษาองั กฤษเพ่ือการส่อื สาร 1 (อ 33201)