Affinity News Memberofthe
A big welcome to two Issue 6 - Winter 2022
new recruits Page 3
Time for a wee chat Page 6
Seasonal Recipe to
try Page 11
Word Search
iQCath Female
Page 14 Page 13
Nursing Survey Colouring Fun Page 16
Results Page 8
Inside this issue
3 Welcome from our Director and General Manager Kim Taylor + Introduction to two
new recruits
4 - 5 Spotlight on spinal injury
5 Our charity of the year for 2022
6 - 7 Time for a wee chat + Disabled toilet access
7 Dementia and incontinence
8 Nursing services results
9 What our patients say
10 - 11 Women and ISC - What’s the problem?
11 Healthy main recipe: Vegetarian shepherds pie
12 Meet the team
13 Winter word search
14 New product news - iQCath female
15 Manfred Sauer Foundation - A place of positivity
16 Winter colouring fun
6 11
13 14
Kim Taylor - We hope that you have had chance to visit Following a recent vote on our
Director & General Manager our new website, social media channels, we are
we have certainly enjoyed interacting with delighted to announce that our
Dear Reader, you all more via our social media channels charity of the year for 2022 will
and it is lovely to hear your stories. If you are be Bladder Health UK. We are
Welcome to our winter edition of interested in sharing your story, what you delighted to be supporting such a
Affinity News. Well winter feels have learnt and what has made the biggest worthwhile charity and look forward
like it is well and truly here, with difference to you throughout your journey, we to working more closely with them
the dark nights and many areas would love to share these with our readers, over the coming 12 months.
of the country having already please contact our helpline on 01604 595 We hope you will support us in
seen a flurry of snow. 696 or [email protected]. our fundraising efforts by selecting
Bladder Health UK as your
Throughout this edition we have some Smile account when purchasing
interesting articles on Autonomic Dysreflexia, from Amazon, by donating,
Intermittent Self Catheterisation and by becoming a member or by
Dementia and Incontinence. supporting one of our fundraising
events throughout the year.
Our Manfred Sauer UK team continues
to grow, and it gives me great pleasure in We hope that you keep warm, stay
introducing you all to our two new recruits. safe and enjoy reading this edition
While we are on the subject of the Manfred of Affinity News.
Sauer team, I would like to congratulate our
Nursing Service on the fantastic results we With Kindest Regards,
have received following a recent survey,
I think you will agree, you can’t get much Kim Taylor
better than that.
A big welcome to two new recruits
Tracy joined us earlier this month as a Urology Nurse covering Derbyshire, Cheshire, Lincolnshire
and right up to North Yorkshire. She will also be covering the North East 1 day per week. Tracy
qualified in Doncaster in 1992. Shortly after this, she worked on an orthopaedic ward before moving
to a private hospital, a care home and then back to a medical assessment unit in Doncaster where
she stayed for several years as a bank nurse, whist bringing up her young family.
Tracy Reed When her children were older, she worked as a staff nurse with a health visiting team, where she
became passionate about treating patients suffering with incontinence. Tracy joined the continence
link nurse forum and took the opportunity to specialise in the field of continence in 2006. She then
worked as a Continence Sister in the Doncaster community for six years assessing, planning and
treating patients with all types of continence issues. Tracy left the NHS in 2012 to pursue a career in
the private sector, but still within the continence arena, as a nurse advisor and product specialist.
Tracy is committed to helping to tackle continence issues and is a firm believer in advising, supporting and promoting
ways to help sufferers live their best life. She is very much looking forward to being part of our specialist urology nursing
team and supporting both patients and healthcare professionals. Married for 29 years with two grown up children,
Tracy loves going to the theatre, walking, and supporting the mighty Castleford Tigers Rugby League Club.
Alex Cioaca Alex has been with us as a temp in our warehouse for the last 5 months where she has fitted in well
with the rest of the team. Recently we have made her position as a warehouse operative permanent.
Alex brings with her a wealth of experience; she is also a great team player with high attention to
detail and very efficient working techniques.
Alex has previous experience in healthcare and is really enjoying her new role at Manfred Sauer.
She enjoys travelling with her family, different cultures and in her spare time likes to cook, bake and
sea fishing.
Spotlight on Spinal Cord Injury
Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) Level of Injury and extent of paralysis
Our spinal cord is essential in providing C4 Injury CERVICAL 1 SPINAL
2-way communication from our brain VERTEBRAE 2 CORD
to all areas of our body. When a TETRAPLEGIA (neck) 3
spinal cord injury occurs, whether it 4
is due to an accident or illness, that Results in complete 5
communication is broken down and paralysis below
can lead to complete or partial loss the neck 6
of movement and sensation in the 7
affected parts of the body.
It is estimated that there are 50,000 1
people in the UK living with a spinal 2
cord injury and each year there are 3
around 2,500 people newly injured. 4
A spinal cord injury is a life changing
occurrence. It can affect mobility, C6 Injury THORACIC 5
bladder & bowel function as well as VERTEBRAE 6
sexual function. The effects of the injury TETRAPLEGIA (attached to the ribs) 7
will vary according to the level at which
the spinal cord is damaged. Many Results in partial 8
people who have suffered a spinal paralysis of hands
cord injury at T6 (Thoracic vertebrae) and arms as well as 9
or above can potentially suffer with a lower body
condition called Autonomic Dysreflexia 10
and it is really important that nurses 11
and doctors as well as patients are
aware of the condition and know how 12
to treat it.
“Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a 1
potentially life-threatening medical
emergency.” T4 Injury LUMBAR 2
As stated, it can occur in patients PARAPLEGIA VERTEBRAE 3
with a spinal cord injury at level T6 (lower back) 4
or above. It is more likely in patients Results in paralysis
with complete spinal cord injuries but below the chest
those with incomplete injuries may
also be affected. AD is triggered by a 5
painful stimulus below the level of injury
which then causes severe, sudden L1 Injury SACRAL
hypertension (high blood pressure) PARAPLEGIA VERTEBRAE
and must be treated promptly. Most
people can easily treat and even Results in paralysis COCCYGEAL VERTEBRAE
prevent AD. below the waist (tail bone)
The crucial thing is to know their
normal blood pressure, their triggers Possible Causes
and their symptoms.
AD is caused by a stimulus below the level of injury and is often related
4 to the bladder or bowel:
• Urine Infection Further causes might include:
• Blocked Catheter
• Full bladder • Pressure sores
• Bladder/Kidney stones • Ingrown toenails
• Distended bowel • Burns to the skin including
• Constipation sunburn
• Haemorrhoids • Fractures
• Sexual activity
• Menstrual problems
• Having a baby
• Knocks & Sprains
Signs of AD (Sudden onset): What to do:
• Thumping Headache • Locate and remove whatever is causing the problem
• High Blood Pressure • Sit up
• Flushed skin above the level of injury • Lower the legs if possible
• Sweating above the level of injury • Loosen any tight clothing
• Goose bumps below injury level • Monitor blood pressure if possible
• Nasal Congestion • Take medication if it has been prescribed (if you
• Slow Pulse Rate <60bpm cannot find and treat the cause) and blood pressure is
• Nausea not going down
• Anxiety
If you cannot locate and treat the Regarding medication:
cause, seek prompt medical attention
(Dial 999) • Nifedipine 10mgs is usually prescribed to treat the hypertension
and can be placed under the tongue and bitten so that it will
Family and carers must be informed of the absorb easily and quickly. The capsule should then be
possible causes and treatment options for AD. swallowed too.
If it is quickly recognised and treated • If Nifedipine is not available, 2 puffs of GTN spray can be used
immediately, the symptoms can subside, and as an alternative.
complications can be avoided. • Nifedipine is contraindicated in cardiac disease or the over 60s
• Avoid GTN spray if Sildenafil (Viagra) has been used in the last
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) 24-hours
• Anyone who knows they could experience Autonomic
Normal blood pressure for spinal injury Dysreflexia should carry their prescribed medication with them
patients, especially tetraplegics, is usually AT ALL TIMES
low and can be in the region of 90/60 lying • ALWAYS check expiry dates on medication, especially if it is not
down. So, a blood pressure reading of 130/90 used regularly
may therefore be Hypertensive. If untreated, We hope that this information proves useful. Should you need to
it can rapidly rise to extreme levels such as discuss anything mentioned in further detail please contact us on
200/130 0800 999 5596 and we will be happy to signpost you to someone
who is able to help.
Bladder Health UK is our charity of the year
A big thank you to everyone who voted using Not only do Bladder Health UK deal
our social media channels, for which charity you with sufferers, but they also have
wanted us to support this year. We are delighted strong supportive relationships
to announce that Manfred Sauer UK’s charity of in place with relevant corporate
the year in 2022 is Bladder Health UK. We are and commercial organisations and access to both NHS and
currently discussing what activities we will be Government bodies. This means they recognise the power of the
focusing on. Once we have decided, we would like patient voice and are trusted to speak out on behalf of those who
to invite you to join us in our fundraising efforts for cannot be heard on their own. Furthermore, they have access to a
this worthy charity. wonderful community of people, via their forums/chatrooms, social
Bladder Health UK is a national patient support media channels, joint ventures and sponsors, whose passion is to
charity that has been communicating with bladder make things better for those who know what it’s like to live with a
illness sufferers for over 25 years. They offer a debilitating and often isolating illness. We are delighted that they
plethora of resources to give help, educate and recommend many of our products to their patients and we further
inform, so people can start to live positively with congratulate them on their forthcoming partnerships with ITN
bladder illness. In addition, they pride themselves Productions as they announce an exciting new programme, which
on their advice line where callers are listened to is due to launch in May and is entitled, ‘Bladder Health: Breaking
with empathy and understanding by experienced Boundaries’ For more information contact Bladder Health UK
people. Established patients and Clinical staff are 0121 702 0820
available 5 days a week.
[email protected]
Time for a wee chat?
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of The more we talk about incontinence, the closer we are to
urine and is surprisingly common. It is thought ending the stigma around experiencing bladder issues.
that up to one in four people in the UK, men and By having those difficult conversations with family, friends,
women alike, will have a problem with bladder doctors and other specialists, people know where to go for
control at some time in their lives. Whilst, often help, meaning that fewer people will suffer on their own and
thought as an inevitable consequence of getting think they are the only person affected.
old, having had children or a disability, there are
many other reasons and conditions responsible Manage symptoms independently
for it happening.
At Manfred Sauer our role is to provide access to the right
You are not alone information, advice, care, support, people and products, to
enable you to manage your incontinence issues independently,
Yet despite it being a well-known problem, without worrying about frequent emptying or toilet access and
urinary incontinence remains a taboo topic. does not impinge on your ability to live life to the full. If we don’t
Embarrassment and shame can often stop have the answer, we will make every effort to signpost you to
people from talking about it. In addition, they will someone who does.
not feel able to access healthcare providers, or
approach specialist urinary products and services Disabled toilet access
suppliers, who may be able to help them.
Living with urinary incontinence can be difficult; At Manfred Sauer, we are pleased to offer a free RADAR key to
but delaying the process of seeking help can all new clients as part of your welcome pack. You can’t miss
sometimes narrow what treatment options are it really. It’s large, conspicuous and means you will be able to
available and even limit their effectiveness. At open more than 9000 accessible toilets in the UK, or will you?
Manfred Sauer we know that with the right help In recent years, several people have reported difficulties to us
and support, together with care, compassion and when it comes to unlocking disabled toilets in public areas.
experience, a lot can be done to manage and Sometimes this has been out of hours, but other times it has
improve continence issues. In fact, we know that been during the normal working day. So why is this happening
many people affected by urinary incontinence and what can be done to ensure that people who need to use a
can go onto lead happy and fulfilled lives thanks locked disabled loo can now “go” in peace, and quickly, without
to the comprehensive range of products and the indignity of asking someone if they can have a wee? We
services. decided to try to find out more. We contacted Tom at The Royal
Association for Disability and Rehabilitation, for his thoughts.
Minimise the impact
That’s why we must recommend our helpline
01604 595696 as a starting point (ideal for advice
and free samples), because talking about and
seeking help for incontinence is important if you
want to minimise the impact on all aspects of
your life.
Also, we can’t stress enough the importance of
being referred to the correct department for a
full assessment before you start trying products.
Because the more informed you are, the easier it
is to make decisions based on facts and realistic
outcomes. If you find yourself challenged by
an incontinence issue, please give us a call, we
always put your needs and requirements first and
take the time to ensure your issues are managed
with sensitivity, care and understanding.
“There is no legal obligation to provide public toilets, accessible or Disabled
otherwise in the UK. In recent years, 10% have shut, whilst many
others have been severely affected by the pandemic. This has meant Toilet
they are secured with a second mortice lock, preventing RADAR key
holders from getting inside. Add to this a combination of appallingly
bad signage, non-existent communications, different policies and
procedures for out of hours provision by local authorities, and in some
places - Cornwall, New Forest and Liverpool, far less choice to begin
with and you can start to see the scale of the problem.”
Tom continued. “Currently there is no good, accurate and up to date
guide that people can rely on when they are planning their journeys. However, at RADAR we are working hard to
change this. We are currently in the middle of a huge project to collect data on disabled toilets, their locations and
associated facilities. Once we have this we will then need to check with councils and local authorities and make any
corrections before it launches. However, in the meantime, we have completed the Changing Places database https://, which may provide some much-needed interim help. However, we urge you to keep
checking back on the progress of the National UK Toilet Guide, which we hope will detail over 15,000 toilets and be the
most comprehensive directory of its type. For more information visit”
Dementia and Incontinence By Zena Aldridge FRSA MA RNMH –
Admiral Nurse Research Fellow Dementia UK
Dementia is an umbrella term for a Whatever the cause of the incontinence
range of progressive conditions that there are a few things you can try which
affect the brain causing a variety can help to manage it more effectively.
of symptoms including memory For example, if the person has
loss, difficulty communicating and problems with their memory, they
processing information and carrying might benefit from being reminded
out practical tasks and changes in to go to the toilet. If they can become
behaviour. These symptoms can disorientated a sign on the toilet door
negatively impact upon a person’s can help them find their way more
ability to remain continent which can easily and a coloured toilet seat in
prove difficult for the person with a primary colour can make it easier
dementia, their families, and carers. to see. Clothing without button fly’s
Yet incontinence is unlikely to be a and zips might be easier to manage
symptom of dementia until the latter if a person has issues with dexterity.
stages, so it is important that if a To get more information and support
person with dementia experiences Dementia UK have produced a leaflet
difficulties with incontinence they on continence which you can download
see a health professional to rule out from:
any treatable causes. Many people get-support/maintaining-health-in-de-
with dementia experience functional mentia/continence/ or request a hard
incontinence - where the person has copy by contacting the Admiral Nurse
difficulty getting to the toilet before Dementia Helpline.
passing urine, which is caused If you are caring for someone with
by issues such as poor mobility, communication dementia and have any concerns or questions about
difficulties, disorientation, or the inability to find the toilet continence or any other matters, you can call or email
which can be alleviated if the right support and advice the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678
is available. Improving the identification, assessment or [email protected] for specialist support and
and effective management of incontinence can advice. The telephone lines are open Monday to Friday
enable people with dementia to maintain their dignity 9am-9pm and Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm.The Admiral
and improve their health. Furthermore, it can reduce Nurses will listen to you and give you advice, support and
the impact on families and carers who may find the information to help you care for someone with dementia
management of incontinence challenging. and just as importantly to help you to care for yourself.
Nursing Survey Results
1 2 3 4
Person completing Was your Was your nurse My Manfred Sauer
Nurses Service wearing a visible nurse listened
Questionnaire nurse dressed in ID badge? to me
a clean, smart and
8% 100 100
8% professional % %
Spouse Patient ✔AGREE ✔AGREE
5 6 7 8
I felt involved and My nurse I felt that my I had confidence
informed in the and trust in the
planning of my care explained my privacy and dignity nurse who was
treatment/ advice was always
100 respected treating/advising me
% in a way that I
could understand 100 100
✔AGREE % %
9 10 11 12
The information My family/carer Overall, how How likely are
my nurse gave were involved in
me helped me to satisfied are you you to recommend
understand and planning of my care with the service our services to
manage my care (with my consent) you receive from
friends and family
100 63% MSC nurse? if they needed similar
% 38%
100 care/treatment?
✔AGREE Not applicable Agree %
8 ✔Extremely Satisfied 5%
Extremely Likely Likely
What our patients say “I just wanted to say a
big thank you for all your
At Manfred Sauer we value and continually support and supplies
monitor patient feedback so that we can ensure over the last few weeks.
the highest levels of service and address any Your prompt response
shortcomings that may occur. to any queries and
Here are a few of the testimonials that patients requests is comforting
have shared with us following their experience of and reassuring.”
our helpline or use of our products.
(AG) Essex
“My Husband and I wish to thank
you all so much for all the care,
kindness, and efficiency that you
give to help my husband have a
better quality of life and health.
We are very grateful. Sending our
warmest wishes.”
(RM) Weymouth
“I recently started using yourselves for my
Nephrostomy and ileostomy needs and I would
just like to say how excellent your services are
especially how fast and easy it is from placing
an order to delivery. Also, I am rather shocked
at how quick items get ordered and delivered.
That part of the service is outstanding, my
delivery driver is one of the nicest kind polite
men I know he’s always on time too.
Thank you to everyone.”
(SW) Guisborough
Women and intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC)
What’s the problem?
Intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC) is an alternative A lot of women struggle with performing ISC so let’s see if
to having a urinary catheter in place all the time. we can help!
Some people need to perform it on a long-term basis, Refer to the diagram in our female ISC booklet to familiarise
some only for a short period depending on the reason yourself with your anatomy.
the bladder does not empty naturally. It involves
sliding a catheter in, draining the bladder then FemaleISCGuide.pdf
removing it. Pre-lubricated, single use catheters are
used. ISC has a far lower risk of infection compared Which Catheter?
to indwelling catheters so should be considered in
preference to an indwelling catheter (National Institute “Not one catheter fits all”. Firstly, you will be guided by your
for Health & Clinical Excellence, 2010). health care professional regarding what sized catheters to
use. You may be asked to use a larger diameter catheter
The less time a catheter is in the body = such as a size 14ch or 16ch if you have a narrowed urethra.
less risk of infection! Using this size will provide regular dilatation. For women
who just need to drain their bladder usually a size 10ch or
The advantages are: 12ch catheter is recommended. Men normally use a size
• Improves self- management of condition & 12ch or 14ch catheter (16ch or 18ch for dilatation). Male
independence catheters are also much longer.
• More comfortable If you register with a home delivery company you can ask
• Improved body image for samples of various catheters to try. You may find some
• Enables “normal” sexual activity easier to use or more comfortable than others. Catheter
• Reduces risks of indwelling catheter associated lubrication and comfort varies considerably! If you obtain
complications such as stone formation, urethral your catheters from your local pharmacy this will not be
erosion and CAUTI (catheter associated UTI). possible as they can only provide what is prescribed by
ISC provides a way of emptying the bladder regularly your GP. As long as it is the recommended size you can use
but also enables the person to pass urine normally. any product. There are also some catheters with integrated
Some women can pass urine but do not empty their drainage bags if needed.
bladder completely when they do, whereas others Always wash before performing ISC and try not to touch
cannot pass urine at all. The frequency a person any part of the catheter being inserted. Wet wipes are
should perform ISC varies accordingly. Firstly, it delivered with each order when obtaining your supply via
depends on your urinary symptoms. If you can a home delivery company. If you miss the target and insert
pass urine (void) but do not empty your bladder it it into the vagina throw it away and use a new catheter
is important to check how much urine is left behind to try again. DO NOT TRY AGAIN WITH THE SAME
after you have voided. You do this by performing ISC CATHETER.
straight after voiding and measuring the amount that
drains. Positions to try!
You can then be guided by the chart below:
• Unable to void/pass urine: Some women can perform ISC by feel alone and do not
ISC 4-5 times per day – try to keep the volumes to need to use a mirror. If that’s you – great! you can sit on a
around 500-600mls (a “normal bladder capacity”) toilet. If you need to use a mirror it gets a little more tricky.
• Residual volume more than 500mls A lot of women perform ISC standing and “straddling” the
ISC 3 times per day toilet or with one leg up on the toilet seat. Adopting this way
• Residual volume 300mls – 500mls enables you to balance a mirror on the toilet seat, leaving
ISC twice daily (morning and evening) you with both hands free to part the labia and insert the
• Residual volume 150mls – 300mls catheter. If you are unable to stand for that long or in that
ISC once daily position you can try using the mirror to locate the urethra
If less than 150mls for 3 catheterisations stop ISC and then place a finger next to the urethra, put the mirror down,
review. sit on the toilet then insert the catheter next to your finger
and into the urethra.
Ref: Naish. W 2003 Professional Nurse.
Alternatively, you may find it easier to use a Fluid Matrix* - Suggested fluid intake for 24 hours. This matrix provides a GUIDE
catheter with a drainage bag. Using these
you can perform ISC laying on the bed or ONLY to daily fluid intake in relation to body weight.
sitting on the front edge of a toilet (or chair)
with the mirror placed on the floor. BODY WEIGHT RECOMMENDED FLUID INTAKE
TOP TIPS! Stones Kgs MLs Fl.ozs Pints Mugs
Always hold the catheter with your 6 38 1190 42 2.1 4
thumb on the top and fingers under 7 45 1275 49 2.5 5
it. When you insert it aim it straight 8 51 1446 56 2.75 5-6
up not slanting backwords. 9 57 1786 63 3.1 6
Try a variety of catheters to see 10 64 1981 70 3.5 7
which is easier to use and more 11 70 2179 77 3.75 7-8
comfortable. 12 76 2377 84 4.2 8
Make sure you drink an adequate 13 83 2575 91 4.5 9
volume of fluids to help prevent 14 89 2773 98 4.9 10
infections. See the table to the right
for recommended fluid intakes.
*This matrix is to be used as a guide to fluid intake only. Increased levels of activity should
also be taken into account when determining fluid intake.
Healthy Main Recipe:
Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie
Start the year in the right way. One portion of this
delicious pie contains all 5 of your recommended
5-1-day intake.
• 2 tbsp olive oil 1. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a flameproof dish over a medium heat.
• 2 onions, sliced Add the onions and cook for 10 mins until softened, then stir in the
• 1 tbsp flour flour and cook for a further 2 mins. Add the carrots, cauliflower, garlic
and rosemary (or whatever vegetables you prefer), and cook for 5 mins,
• 300g (about 2 large) carrot, cut stirring regularly, until they begin to soften.
into small batons
2. Tip the tomatoes into the vegetables along with a can full of water.
• ½ cauliflower, broken into small Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 mins, then remove the lid and
florets. You could also use leeks, cook for 10-15 mins more, until the sauce has thickened and the
celery or mushrooms. vegetables are cooked. Season, stir in the peas and cook for 1 min more.
• 4 garlic cloves, finely sliced 3. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes for 10-15 mins until tender. Drain, then
• 1 rosemary sprig, leaves finely place back in the saucepan and mash. Stir through enough milk to
reach a fairly soft consistency, then add the remaining olive oil and
• 400g can chopped tomatoes season.
• 200g frozen peas 4. Heat the grill. Spoon the hot vegetable mix into a pie dish, top with
the mash and drag a fork lightly over the surface. Place under the
• 900g potato, cut into chunks grill for a few mins until the top is crisp golden brown.
up to 200ml/7fl oz milk
The Team at Manfred Sauer
Craig Smith Irena Kirveleviciute Aga Leskiewicz Tom Rust
Laura Johnston Jason Tate Adrian Serkowski Lesley Reeves
Alex Cioaca Tracy Reed Carol Hutchings Carolyne Tobin
ComTpimeteition Winter
Word Search
WIN a £20
Gift Voucher
For the chance to win a £20 voucher all E S J C F D U E EWH T RWY
you need to do is complete our Winter F K L R I J X CMPOOYO L
Word Search, identify the missing word that REOAUS AC T R T BDG L
does not appear and send your entry, along E S L VML F UMA COBP I
with your name and address to: T U A C P R I Q I WH GWD H
Newsletter U D T E I B E D E I O G JWC
Manfred Sauer UK D U R X S C A H Y N C AMM E
Unit 3, io Centre, Barn Way O I A M T R I P T T O NWR T
Lodge Farm, Northampton NN5 7UW F R C U E N I WD E L L UM A
or Email: L L A BWO N S MR A M Z Y N
Or email S L I P P E R YWK TWO A R
[email protected] D A R K N E S S BWE P T P E
Competition closes Friday 18 February 2022. OTXXQYBARPASGQB
Winter Word Search NS F EDSMR L KHS YRH
NEW female Available on
single-use catheter,
ready to use immediately
FEMALE 4-6 times a day, 150 times a month, 1,800 times a year.
This is how often an average user of intermittent
self-catheterisation inserts a catheter. This is why the
quality and application safety of the catheter are crucial.
Advantages of using the
NEW iQ-Cath female
Unique soft and
flexible rounded tip
This combination allows
the catheter to smoothly
follow the path of the urethra.
For convenience,
the catheter is
immersed in saline
for immediate use.
Male and paediatric catheters also available
For more information, please contact the helpline on: FREE HOME DELIVERY SERVICE
Providing a personal service from
01604 595 696 a professional team.
For your FREE information pack
[email protected]
Or visit: contact 0800 999 5596 or email
14 [email protected]
A place of positivity
A devastating event such as paralysis can turn • Learn coping strategies
your life and that of your family upside down. • Find purpose
That’s why having access to a facility such as • Increase awareness of their own body
The Charitable Manfred Sauer Foundation is • Take responsibility
such a valuable lifeline. • Strengthen physical and psychological health and wellbeing
Established in 2001 by Manfred Sauer, • Increase levels of independence
following his own rehabilitation at both Stoke • Take back control of their life
Mandeville and Heidelberg, The Manfred
Sauer Foundation is funded and supported Combining all the facilities of a rehabilitation centre, The Foundation
by profits from Manfred Sauer GmbH and promotes health, wellbeing and self-fulfilment.
its subsidiaries, including Manfred Sauer Whether its nutrition, therapies, creativity, honing new skills, exercise or
UK Ltd. There are no shareholders, and the relaxation, guests can enjoy a tailor-made experience that encourages
Foundation is Manfred’s legacy. Its aim is to fun, interaction and understanding.
give something back; both to the disabled
community all over the world who use our As well as a hotel, state of the art health centre, therapists, sports
products, as well as the local community who coaches, dieticians, workshops, training, seminar and events, the
have worked on the manufacturing site and Foundation helps disabled wheelchair users regain strength, energy
made the company such a success. and purpose. When asked about its success and the role it plays
The Foundation is based in Lobbach in amongst disabled people. Manfred said.
Germany (100km from Frankfurt Airport) in
a beautiful location on the edge of a nature “The foundation is a place of positive interaction between disabled
reserve. Fully wheelchair accessible, it is open people and the more ‘able bodied’, where they can learn to master
to the public for short or longer stays at highly the reality of their lives. It offers the opportunity for reflection,
subsidised rates. Every year it welcomes orientation and the exchange of ideas and it helps guide them
hundreds of wheelchair users, together with towards a healthier lifestyle and a more meaningful life.”
their partners and/or families, to stay in an
environment that encourages them to If you want to support the Manfred Sauer Foundation in its charitable
commitment, please get in touch to donate.
Winter Adult colouring has therapeutic mental health benefits, including reducing symptoms of depression
Colouring Fun and anxiety and helping your brain to switch off and relax. It’s also fun and could help with your
mindfulness as well as being a creative outlet for your colouring talents. So find those pencils/pens and
get colouring today.
Manfred Sauer UK Follow us on social media
Unit 3, io Centre 16
Barn Way
Lodge Farm Industrial Estate
Prescriptions: 0800 999 5596
Helpline for advice and samples: 01604 595 696