MPS software will exceed your expectations
in terms of features, support, price and
future enhancements; quite simply, more
for less.
Easily manage every part of your SEN Passenger Services Software
passenger transport operations.
We know the problems you face and have Web Edition - Version 6
the solutions you need.
Contact Us
Mission Software
3rd Floor
86 - 90 Paul Street
Tel: 0333 920 2149
Email: [email protected]
Mission Software // Proven Excellence
Why MPS Software?
Mission Passenger Services Software (MPS) has
all of the features needed to manage an SEN
Council transport operation for both Councils
About Us and transport providers.
You get an easy to use diary system with
Mission Software designs innovative and sophisticated solutions; our aim is f
full analysis of passengers, venues, escorts, ull analysis of passengers, venues, escorts,
to maximise your potential by developing software that will make a signifi- vehicles, routes and drivers. Integrated mapping,
cant and lasting difference to your organisation - we know the problems you optimising routes and bid system.
face and have the solutions you need.
Our passenger transport software (MPS) began life in 1989 and has been Full control of both one off and recurring jobs,
continuously enhanced ever since. The latest web version is now being used integrated accounts & billing, driver and escort
by many London boroughs to manage their entire SEN passenger transport timesheets, licences, a police DBS system and
operations and we have also included many great features to make this the training courses management.
perfect solution for Providers to manage their Council contracts.
There is an extensive list of statistical, account-
MPS web software is feature-packed and starts at just £400 per month for a ing and daily reports to go with every part of
5 user online system. No “ user online system. No “Per Module” pricing, you get the full system from the system.
day one with user notes, web helpdesk, support and free upgrades. It will
work on any web enabled device - PC, Phone & Tablet.
Easy to use Excel spreadsheet layouts help import your existing data and we
MPS will manage every aspect of your SEN routes, one-off jobs, accounts, also offer a data-migration service with full data harmonisation, address
DBS, schedules, conformance with optional in vehicle GPS route manage- fixing and typo checking.
ment & messaging, live tracking, trip recording and replay.
Detailed notes and documentation, telephone & email support calls in the
Although MPS is a dedicated SEN & ASC Council transport management first year, with unlimited access to our user web helpdesk system is all
system, whether you operate a fleet of vehicles, offer an ambulance service, included.
community transport service, run a council transport department or are cur-
rently involved in service transformation, MPS is just right for you. MPS is designed to be run over the web or, if you want extra data
security, on your own intranet. Just let us know and we can help with the ecurity, on your own intranet. Just let us know and we can help with the
Routes, Trips & Passengers
New trips can be quoted, amended, ordered and
easily turned into live jobs.
Diary & Scheduler For each passenger you can store home, carer,
guardian and respite-home details, photographs,
special needs, medical, mobility equipment,
The MPS system is driven by a sophis cated diary and scheduler which creates diary loading times and annual assessment informa-
entries as soon as trips are confirmed. Create a recurring trip (e.g. a daily hospital tion.
pa ent collec on or weekly school trip) and all diary entries are created automa -
cally for the venue, provider, driver, escort, passengers and vehicle. MPS constantly Schedules of all routes, drivers, preferred
updates the schedules while also handling cancella ons and warning of over-occu- escorts, journey times and mileages are stored
pancy or availability issues. for each passenger and kept for historic analy-
sis. Web access is available for passengers and
The MPS Timeline vihe MPS Timeline view displays all ac vity for any day and makes it easy to see families to enter sickness, holiday, notes, re-
what is happening and make changes. A special screen displays any trip on any day quests and other information directly into the
(future or past) to check occupancy, availability, passengers, drivers etc. Route system.
reports display exactly which passengers are travelling on the selected report dates.
The diary system can be used to calculate monthly recharges, sub-contract provid- Drivers & Escorts
ers’ fee invoices and for sta s cal repor ng such as route costs, re-charges, costs
per mile, costs by vehicle type and costs per passenger mile. Each driver and escort record has address, agency, licences, Police DBS,
training courses, certification, clothing and equipment issued and photograph
Rou nes have been created to handle events such as a school closing for a day due history, stored on the system.
to bad weather – the scheduler will automa cally cancel all entries for route, driver,
escort, passengers and vehicle for that day and also automa cally send out SMS and Schedules display all days booked for drivers and escorts and these dates and
email no fica ons. times are used in the integrated timesheet system which has detailed costs
and analysis reporting.
Microsoft Bing Maps N
Not-available dates (such as holidays) can be input and will be used by the ot-available dates (such as holidays) can be input and will be used by the
scheduler when allocating staff.
All routes integrate with Microsoft Bing Maps for time, distance and pick-up
sequence optimisation. Optional live GPS tracking can show where vehicles are Drivers and Attendants have their own login to the system to manage
in real time to help passengers and families to prepare for pick-ups and drop addresses, availability, leave notes and review timesheet and other
offs. information.
User Notes & Diary
Create reminders and notes for any member of
Quotations & Jobs staff including jobs to do, clients to call, pas-
senger cancellations or trip details to be
updated. This is an internal diary system for
It is easy to create quotations on the system, incorporate existing subcontrac- each member of staff.
tor costs, pre-set mark-ups and client discount structures.
Once a quote is accepted it can be converted into a job and become live on Accidents
the system. Jobs can have passengers or no passengers, can be one-off or
recurring and the billing can handle multiple payment options. The system has
quotation, purchase order and invoice reports for jobs. Store details of any vehicle accidents including locations, road conditions,
injuries, essential contact information with police and insurance references.
A BSOG system records trip details for annual reclaims.
No Accounting Headaches Stats Reports
The MPS system has a fully integrated invoicing
system for re-charging trips and double checking MPS has a sophisticated reporting system to
providers’ incoming fee invoices. Each passen-
ger on a trip can be invoiced differently, by allow full analysis of routes, mileages and
costs, invoices and other statistics.
account, smartcard, cash to driver, as part of a
monthly contract etc. By using the scheduler at “Instant stats” show the number of passengers
the beginning of a school year it is possible to carried, analysed by client, venue, route and
“pre-create” a whole years re-charging and pre-create” a whole years re-charging and multiple other options.
sub-contract providers’ invoices to reduce
manual input times.
The MPS Dashboard provides instant graphical analysis based around date,
Reports and a spread sheet system give sophisticated billing analysis for any client category and other coding options.
month – with full extract to XLS, XLSX & PDF.
Data Migration
MPS has a simple online sign up system or Mission Software can install all com-
ponents of the service on to your own intranet and assist with data conversion.
Simple to use spreadsheet layouts will allow you to easily import your existing
Fleet Management data and avoid re-typing. Should you decide to stop using the service we offer
a data export service as well.
Integrated fleet management features include full vehicle details, annual MOT,
Tax & servicing schedules, with reminders, and full job sheet analysis for Support & Assistance
workshop jobs which include stock parts, parts purchase ordered, employee
time worked and analysis of chargeable and non-chargeable components.
We can offer on-going support via a mix of
Vehicles are automatically flagged as “unavailable for jobs” while in the on-site and remote desktop support under an
workshop. All service jobs include a staff allocation and timesheet system for annual support agreement. A web helpdesk
management of workshop staff hours. system allows users to request help and monitor
the progress of support jobs online.
3rd Party Providers W We offer a customisation service to ensure that
the software and web system suits your exact
Sub-contract providers that supply services or operate bus or cab routes can
be recorded on the system along with their pre-agreed rates. A sophisticated
Providers’ Rate Calculator instantly analyses your jobs (can be based on
mileage and vehicle type) and suggests the cheapest sub-contract provider Welcome Pack
using a “pence per mile” pricing model
P Providers’ invoices and purchase orders are all integrated into the routing and To help new customers we offer a 10 day support pack to migrate and set up
accounting system. A web form allows Providers to securely log in and manage your current data, train your users, work with your own IT staff and ensure a
their details, jobs, rates and billing. smooth transition to the new system.
Record all provider performance including lateness, breakdowns, change of Take the headache out of a new system implementation by having Mission staff
vehicle and other issues which can affect billing and re-charging. to help at every step.
Run MPS software on your intranet
MPS Software can be installed on your existing IT system to run on your
intranet – this is the method being used at several London Boroughs. Mission
Run over the web - Great Value Software will install the system on your SQL and IIS servers, then assist with
activation over the intranet.
MPS runs on our shared, standard, secure web server using 256bit encryption
and SSL or on your own Intranet systems. Mission Software is responsible for supporting the software, with your IT staff
managing the hardware and intranet connections. Our option for this includes
There is no software to install on your own computers - you use a web browser 10 Mission Software user licences per year.
to log in and run the software. You can use MPS at work, home or a client site.
Our flexible rental plan couldn’t be easier; you pay monthly with a notice Many Local Authorities and Councils wish to
period of only 30 days to cancel the service. purchase transport software (not rent), to run
on their own internal web or intranet systems,
For this you get all of our system with no restrictions on fleet sizes or number or this you get all of our system with no restrictions on fleet sizes or number to manage their SEN and school transport
of trips and no annoying module based pricing. services.
As enhancements and upgrades are made to the software you will have instant The Mission Software purchase option includes he Mission Software purchase option includes
access to these free of charge. all the modules of our web software, installed
on your own system, software updates,
Enhanced Security - non shared web hosting ESCROW, Installation, online web helpdesk and
an option to buy different licence packs.
Some of our clients do not want to share a server with other users - perhaps
because of their clients’ specific data security requirements. For this reason Call us to discuss how you can run our system
we offer a dedicated web server and hosting option. on your own Intranet.
Our web systems are fully Local Government & Council compliant with SSL,
Encryption, DMZ, Failover, Penetration Test Certificates, multi-country loca-
tions for servers and other security features.
We also offer an enhanced ISO27001 compliant solution- just email for details
[email protected]
MPS Video Overview
Passenger Services Software
Web Edition - Version 6
Packages & Options Mission Software // Proven Excellence
Run securely over the web
This package runs on our shared, standard, secure web server using 256bit
encryption and SSL. Your data is secure and backed up automatically each day.
3 User system for Providers - just £400 per month There is no software to install on your own computers - you use a web browser
to log in and run the software. You can use MPS at work, home or a client site.
If you are a Provider and run up to 100 home to Simple to use spreadsheet layouts will allow you to easily import your existing
school routes for Councils, this starter package data and avoid re-typing. Should you decide to stop using the service we offer
will help you to manage schedules, billing, a data export service as well.
timesheets, payslips, DBS, bid for and invoice
Support & Assistance
trips, this system is perfect for you.
Y You get our full system for up to 100 routes and
this can be used on any web enabled device, in We can offer on-going support via a mix of
your office, home or out and about. on-site and remote desktop support under an
annual support agreement. A web helpdesk
It allows you to have 2 admin users processing your day to day schedules, system allows users to request help and monitor
cancellations, waiting time and changes, as well as a log in for a manager to see the progress of support jobs online.
the costs and profit on each route, each month. It is easy to see the cost of your
drivers & attendants and what your income and expenses look like for the whole W We offer a customisation service to ensure that
school year, contract period or any dates you choose. the software and web system suits your exact
This system makes it easy to manage Council routes, reduces admin time and his system makes it easy to manage Council routes, reduces admin time and
makes timesheets, DBS, monthly billing, payslips and invoicing really easy. Welcome Pack
Integrated mapping and a mileage checker allow you to check mileage for any To help new customers we offer a 10 day support pack to migrate and set up
trip within the software, single pickup or multiple drop. your current data, train your users, work with your own IT staff and ensure a
smooth transition to the new system.
Our flexible rental plan couldn’t be easier; you pay just £400 per month with a
notice period of only 30 days to cancel the service. Take the headache out of a new system implementation by having Mission staff
to help at every step.
VAT @ 20% is not included in these prices.
Enhanced Security Web System
This package runs on a non shared, dedicated, secure, 2 server web system. You
get a web server and a data server to enhance security. This has a DMZ and of
course 256bit encryption and SSL. Your data is secure and backed up automati-
cally each day.
5 User system - £750 per month
There is no software to install on your own computers and this configuration
meets all standard Council web security requirements. We also provide annual
This is our most popular package and whether
you are a Transport Provider or a Council, this security penetration testing reports to guarantee the security of your system.
package will help you to manage schedules,
billing, timesheets, payslips, DBS, bid for and Simple to use spreadsheet layouts will allow you to easily import your existing
invoice trips, it will be perfect for you. data and avoid re-typing. Should you decide to stop using the service we offer a
data export service as well.
Y You get our full system with unlimited routes and Support & Assistance
this can be used on any web enabled device, in
your office, home or out and about.
We can offer on-going support via a mix of
It allows you to have 3 admin users processing your day to day schedules, on-site and remote desktop support under an
cancellations, waiting time and changes, as well as a log in for 2 managers to see annual support agreement. A web helpdesk
the accounts, costs and profit on each route, each month. It is easy to see the system allows users to request help and monitor
cost of your drivers & attendants and what your income and expenses look like the progress of support jobs online.
for the whole school year, contract period or any dates you choose.
W We offer a customisation service to ensure that
This system makes it easy to manage SEN routes, reduces admin time and makes his system makes it easy to manage SEN routes, reduces admin time and makes
T the software and web system suits your exact
timesheets, DBS, monthly billing, payslips and invoicing really easy. requirements.
Welcome Pack
Route optimisation, Schedules, Stats, Integrated mapping and a mileage checker
allow you to check mileage for any trip within the software, single pickup or To help new customers we offer a 10 day support pack to migrate and set up
multiple drop. your current data, train your users, work with your own IT staff and ensure a
smooth transition to the new system.
Our flexible rental plan couldn’t be easier; you pay just £750 per month with a
notice period of only 30 days to cancel the service. Take the headache out of a new system implementation by having Mission staff
to help at every step.
Each additional uach additional user costs £100 per month
VAT @ 20% is not included in these prices. Minimum term 12 months.
DMZ Web System with Failover
This package runs on a non shared, dedicated, secure, 3 server web system. You
get a web server and a data server to enhance security. This has a DMZ and of
course 256bit encryption and SSL. Your data is secure and backed up automati-
cally each day. We also include a failover solution for maximum resilience and
15 User system - £1,500 per month uptime re-assurance. This is our premium web offering which meets all data pro-
tection, availability and compliance.
For Councils with multiple departments that want
to access the system - this is the ideal package. It There is no software to install on your own computers and this configuration
will help you to manage schedules, billing, exceeds standard Council web security requirements. We also provide annual
timesheets, payslips, DBS, bid for and invoice security penetration testing reports to guarantee the security of your system.
trips, it s a dedicated SEN Council solution.
Simple to use spreadsheet layouts will allow you to easily import your existing
data and avoid re-typing. Should you decide to stop using the service we offer a
Y You get our full system with unlimited routes and data export service as well.
this can be used on any web enabled device, in
Support & Assistance
your office, home or out and about.
It allows you to have a mix of admin and standard users. This package is typically t allows you to have a mix of admin and standard users. This package is typically
purchased by Councils where SEN, Depot, ASC and any other departments need urchased by Councils where SEN, Depot, ASC and any other departments need We can offer on-going support via a mix of
to all have access to the system. It is truly, multi-department and multi-user.o all have access to the system. It is truly, multi-department and multi-user.
t on-site and remote desktop support under an
annual support agreement. A web helpdesk
Route optimisation, Schedules, Stats, Integrated mapping and a mileage checker oute optimisation, Schedules, Stats, Integrated mapping and a mileage checker system allows users to request help and monitor
allow you to check mileage for any trip within the software. You can also use the llow you to check mileage for any trip within the software. You can also use the the progress of support jobs online.
providers rates calculator to get cheapest greed provider on all jobs.roviders rates calculator to get cheapest greed provider on all jobs.
W We offer a customisation service to ensure that
This package also comes with a full self service module for his package also comes with a full self service module for Passengers/Parents, his package also comes with a full self service module for his package also comes with a full self service module for Passengers/Parents, the software and web system suits your exact
Drivers, Attendants and Providers.rivers, Attendants and Providers. requirements.
Welcome Packelcome Pack
Our flexible rental plan couldn’t be easier; you pay just £1,500 per month with a ur flexible rental plan couldn’t be easier; you pay just £1,500 per month with a
notice period of only 60 days to cancel the service. otice period of only 60 days to cancel the service. To help new customers we offer a 10 day support pack to migrate and set up
Each additional user costs £125 per monthach additional user costs £125 per month your current data, train your users, work with your own IT staff and ensure a
V smooth transition to the new system. Take the headache out of a new system
VAT @ 20% is not included in these prices. Minimum term 12 months.AT @ 20% is not included in these prices. Minimum term 12 months.
implementation by having Mission staff to help at every step.