Will God punish Can I
sin? Yes! "The wicked save myself
shall be turned into from hell?
No! No one can save
hell," himself. "For all have
sinned, and come
(Psalm 9:17a) short of the glory of
Hell is a terrible
place where fire is. God;"
(Romans 3:23)
Sinners will burn
in hell FOREVER.
Who can Jesus died on the
save me from hell? cross to pay for
ALL your sins.
JESUS can,
because He "Christ died
NEVER sinned. for US."
(Romans 5:8b)
Jesus is God's Son.
He loves YOU!
He was How can I
buried. be saved?
Then He "Believe on the
rose again the Lord Jesus Christ,
third day. Jesus
said, "I am alive and thou shalt
for evermore," be saved."
(Revelation 1:18b)
(Acts 16:31b)
"...except ye TURN TO
repent, ye shall THE LORD JESUS.
all likewise perish."
Ask Him to forgive
(Luke 13:3) you and save you.
"For whosoever
shall call upon
the name
of the Lord
shall be saved."
(Romans 10:13)