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Published by Taruut, 2022-04-19 22:09:13

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

The jars a re stuck to the table with sovereign glue. When one or more cha racte rs appear be fore the
Each jar is a Small object with AC 13, 3 hit points, Iamias, Nemesatra fixes them w ith a steely gaze and
and immunity to poison and psychic da mage. asks, "Are you important?" She expects a n affirma-
For each jar that breaks, an invisible stalker is tive reply, for neithe r she nor her compa nion have
re leased, appearing in the air above the table. A time for wastrels. Nemesatra a nd Trizzia n won't
s talker attacks whoever is responsible for break- reveal the purpose of their mission. They view the
ing its jar, ignoring a ll other targets. The stalker characters as pawns, ordering the m to s ha re a ny
returns to the Elemental Plane of Air when it or its information they uncover about Zybilna's past. Once
la rget djes. the la mias obtain proof that Zybilna is lggwilv (or
cleverly fabricated evidence to the contra ry), they
P45. ZYBILNA1S BEDROOM use the nearest mirror to return to Azzagrat.

This spacious bedchamber is lightly furnished . An The lamias' access to the pa lace is limited be-
cause they can't bypass its locked doors or fly. They
oval mirror in a black wood frame is mounted on the entered the palace through the coach house (area
Pll) and have visited a reas P29, P14c, Pl4 g, P41
east wall, and a chess set with jet and bloodstone (where they debated the magical door), and P46.

playing pieces rests atop an octagonal table in the If the la mias a re attacked, they defend themselves
until at least one of them loses half of their hit
southwest corner, flanked by two comfortable, high- points or more, whereupon th ey touch the mirror in
this chamber and return to the Abyss. If the mirror
backed chairs. A four-poster bed with black silk sheets has been destroyed and they have no clear route of
escape, the lamias use charm person, suggestion,
and drapes stands in the middle of this room. Loung- or geas spells to persuade the characters to leave
the m alone.
ing on the bed are two creatures, each with the lower
Treasure. The chessboard was a gift to Iggwilv
body of a lion. One has the head and upper torso of a from the archmage Mordenkainen and is worth
2,500 gp. Its pieces mutte r under their breath when
woman, the other the head and upper torso of a man. they are taken off the board. The chessboard is one
reason why Nemesatra and Trizzian suspect that
The creatures on the b ed a re two lamias na med Zybilna and lggwilv m ight be one and the same,
Nemesatra and Trizzia n. The demon prince Graz'zt since Iggwilv's passion for the game is well known
sent them to parley with Zybilna, because he is to Graz'zt and his underlings.
convinced that the archfey knows the whereabouts
of lggwilv the Witch Queen (with whom Graz'zt P46. DRESSING ROOM
has unfinis hed business). Nemesatra a nd Trizzian
suspect that Zybilna and Iggwilv are the same per- This cham ber is a walk-in wardrobe. Hinged panels
son, but the lamias need proof before they re turn to
their master. along the walls swing outward to display a variety

Graz'zt has bestowed o.n each lamia the ability to of exquisitely crafted robes, gowns, scarves, head-
touch the surface of a ny mirror (as a n action), dis -
appear ins ide it, a nd reappear on another plane of dresses, stockings, gloves, shoes, boots, and other
exis tence of their choice, as though the la mia had
cast a plane shift spell that a ffects on ly one creature. clothing. Items remove themselves from hooks and
Nemesatra a nd Trizzia n used this ability to travel
from Azzagrat (Graz'zt's home in the Abyss) to the hangers and float in the air seemingly of their own ac-
Feywild, and they plan to use it again to return to
Azzagrat once they get the proof they desire. The cord, allowing you to see them more closely.
costumes in area P36 a re not proof enough on their
own, but a ny or a ll of the following cons titute proof: Permanent unseen servant s pells make trying on
clothes in this room easy and fun.
• The sworn tes timony of Thinnings the butler (see
area PlS), Ka lima nzaros the dwarf (see area P21 ),
or one of the hags in area P47, wh ich the la mias
must obtain using a s uggestion or geas spe ll

• A copy of The Faceless Lord (one of lggwilv's
known unpublished works) from area P38

• The jars of time in area P44, provided a nd the jars
s till show three faces ofl ggwi lv (including her
younger self, which the lamias recognize)


P4-7. DESTROYED STUDY and control demons, a nd used them to ravage king-
doms on the Material Plane. The hags suggest that
Splinters of wood, along with some loose papers the characters focus their efforts on slayi ng the
and two halves of a shattered blowing horn, are sus- jabberwock. In exchange, the hags promise to use
pe nded in the air. Whatever caused this unfortunate the power of fggwilv's Cauldron for the c haracters'
scene also punched a hole in the north wall on the benefit. furthe r te mpting them by describing the
landing between two staircases, one leading up and cauldron's many beneficia l prope rties (see appendix
the other leading down. The stony debris from the A). The hags hope to buy time until they ca n turn
blast is froze n in mida ir outside the tower. the tables on the characters a nd make them suffer
for their insole nce.
Cha rac te rs who peer through the hole in the wall
see the following scene: Leader ofValor's Call. The helmed knight.
named Strongheart (see a ppe ndix 8 ), battled Kelek
A human knight with a thick mustache and a look of a nd Warduke in this s tudy. Warduke used a horn
surprise on his face was apparently thrown backward ofblasting to punch a hole in the wall and sent the
through the jagged hole and now hangs in the air knight hurtling through it. An instant la te r. the pal-
amid the debris. The knight wears a helm adorned ace was frozen in time. The horn was destroyed in
with feathery wings, and he is holding a longsword the blast, which a lso dealt damage to Warduke and
Kelek. (Those two were later released from te mpo-
and a shield. ral stasis by the Hourglass Coven aod allowed to
rest a nd regain their lost hit points.) Strongheart
Nothing of value remains in the study. is s us pe nded 30 feet north of the tower and 60 feet
Any hags of the Hourglass Cove n who re treated to a bove the s torm vortex (area P13). He has 20 hit

the pa lace are found he re, near the hole in the wall points re ma ining.
(see append ix B for the hags' stat blocks). Parke d If Strong heart's te mpora l stasis ends while he's
nearby are their mounts and vehicles:
s us pended over the storm vortex, he falls into the
Bavlorna's bobbing lily pad (see appendix A) vortex. A charac te r within reach of S trongheart can
• Skabatha's flying rocking horse (see chapter 3) try to catch him as he falls, doing so with a s uccess-
• Endelyn's ornithopter offlying (see appendix A) ful DC 15 Strength check. Alternatively. characters
who can fly could reach Strongheart while he's
If only one hag is present, she is muttering to her- frozen in the air, tie one end of a rope arou nd him,
self. lf two hags a re he re, they are bickering a bout and secure the othe r end to something or someone
what to do next. If all three hags are present, they s trong enough to bear his weight (240 pounds with
are mocking the he lme d knight as they avoid ta lking all his gear), thus preventing him from fa lling when
about the ir present troubles. '"He seems to be taki ng the temporal stasis ends.
his present situation rather lightly," says Skabatha.
"Time has been rathe r cruel to him," gloats Ende lyn. If rescued a nd questioned, Strongheart expla ins
"lfwe still had the unicorn horn, we could make his role in leading Valor·s Ca ll to the palace (see
him plunge to his doom," bemoans Bavlorna. "Fall of the Witch Queen" earlie r in the cha pte r). He
pla nned to bring the members of the League of Ma-
If Ende lyn Moongrave is e ncountered here, s he levole nce to jus tice, but he unde restimated their te-
tells the characters that s he foresaw the dissolu- nacity a nd resourcefulness. He is grateful to his res-
tion of the coven. If one o r both of he r sisters are in cuers and offe rs to he lp them accomplis h w hatever
earshot when s he says this, they accuse Endelyn of goals brought them to Prismeer. Othe r members of
orchestrating the coven's breakup. Arguing e ns ues, Valor's Call follow his lead.
ending with each hag us ing her plane s hift s pell to
flee Pris meer. The hags a lso use this spell to escape Stairs Up and Down. Stairs to eithe r side of
if the charac te rs attack the m. the hole in the wall lead down to area P3 l and up

Otherwise, the hags do what they do best: deceive to area P49.
and ba rga in. They claim to be the true he roes of Treasure. Strongheart wields Steel. a magic long-
the situa tion, s ince they trapped Iggwilv in time to
save Pris meer from her tyranny a nd de bauc he ry. sword (see appendix A). The sentient blade can't be
They relate me mories of Iggwilv's past. portraying re moved from the knight's ha nd while he's froze n
her as a de me nted archmage who peered into the in time, and it ca n't communicate or be used to cast
Abyss, s tudied it inte ntly to learn how to s um mon revivify until it is re leased from te mporal s tasis.


These seven turre ts, areas P48a through P48g, are
a ttached to the palace's centra l tower. None of these
areas have windows. The contents of the seven tur-

rets are as follows:


P48a. An enameled blue coffer rests on an alabas- P48g. This chamber is empty. A short staircase
ter pedestal in the middle of this room, which is leads up to a rea P48f. A longer staircase leads
connected by an open archway lo a staircase that down to a rea P14a on the palace's lower level.
leads down to area P31 and up to areas P47 and
P49. The coffer contai ns a plum-sized jewel made Treasure. The five jewels stored in the turrets a re
of transparent blue crystal with a tiny, Z-shaped Zybilna's crystallized desires. They appeared to her
crack in its core (see "Treasure" below). Any char- short ly after the domain of Prismeer was formed ,
acter who grasps the jewel and succeeds on a DC and she placed them in the turrets for safekeeping.
15 Wisdom (Insight) check intuits that the jewel A detect magic spell reveals an aura of conjuration
is Zybilna's crystallized desi re to be treated as a magic around each jewel.
queen and rule over lesser bei ngs.
An identify spell or similar magic reveals that
P48b. Cha racters can reach this cha mber by climb- each jewel has a s ingle conjure fey spell embedded
ing a stai rcase from area Pl4b on the palace's in it, and that the spell can be cast as an action by
lower level. An enameled white coffer rests on a knocking the jewel three times against a hard ob-
black basalt pedestal in the middle of the room. ject or s urface. No other components are required
The coffer conta ins a plum-sized jewel made of to cast the spell, and there's no way for the user
translucent w hite crystal. The jewel is warm to to know what creature w ill appear. The creature
the touch (see "Treasure" below). Any character summoned by a jewel depends on the j ewel's color,
who grasps the jewel and succeeds o n a DC 15 as noted in the Conjured Fey table. The jewel van-
Wisdom (Insight) check intuits that the jewel is Zy- ishes when the creature appears, and the creature
bilna's crystallized desire to s how kindness to the disa ppears a fter 1 hour. S ee the conjure fey spell
description for the creature's behavior.
destitute a nd unfortunate.
P48c. Cha racters can reach this chamber by climb- These conjured Fey a re magically created dupli-
cates of creatures whose life essence Zybilna har-
ing a shor t staircase from a rea P48d. An enam- vested to twist part of the Feywild into what would
eled red coffer rests on a pedestal of rotting wood become her Domain of Delight. B eing mere echoes,
in the middle of the room. The coffer contains a they are oblivious to this fact and unaware of what
plum-sized jewel made of red crystal that hums they truly are. Each one acts as though it has been
faintly (see "Treasure" below). Any character who imprisoned in its jewel for a n unknown period of
grasps the jewel and succeeds on a DC 15 Wis- time (by whom, it can't say). It doesn't realize that
dom {Insight) check intuits that the jewel is Zybil- it will cease to exist when the spell that brought it
na's crystallized desire to punish those who have forth ends.

wronged or defied her. CONJURED FEY
P48d. This chamber is empty. A short staircase
Jewel Creature
leads up to area P48c. A longer stai rcase leads Black Spymaster Hushknife, a darkling elder (see
down to a hallway on the palace's lower level that
connects with areas Pl4d a nd Pl6. appendix C)
P48e. Characters can reach this chamber by climb-
ing a s taircase from a hallway on the palace's Blue Allegra, a quickling (see appendix C)
lower level that stretches north of area P29. An
e na meled green coffer rests on a wrought-iron Green Frogspittle, a green hag
pedestal in the middle of the room. The coffer con-
tai ns a fai ntly glowing, plum-sized jewel of green Red 5inch the Ruthless, a redcap (see appendix C)
crystal (see "Treasure" below). Any character
who grasps the jewel and succeeds on a DC 15 White Winky, a one-eyed blink dog
Wisdom ( Insight) check intuits that the jewel is Zy-
bilna's crysta llized desire to remain hidde n from P4-9 . BLACK BOOK

her enemies. The door to this chamber is sealed with a
P48f. Cha racte rs can reach this cha mber by climb- hart crown lock (see "Crown Locks" earlier in
the chapter).
ing a s hort s ta ircase from area P48g. An ena m-
eled black coffer rests on a pedesta l of living vines The walls, fioor, and ceiling of this room are made of
in the middle of the room. The coffer conta ins a white marble tiles. In the middle of the room, a quill
plum-sized jewel made of lustrous black crysta l with a feather sheathed in fiame and a black-covered
(see "Treasure" below). Any character who grasps book rest on an iron lectern.
the jewel a nd s ucceeds on a DC 15 Wisdom
{Insight) check intuits that the jewel is Zybilna's The book and the quill radiate au ras of abjuration
crysta llized desire to know wha t her enemies magic if scrutinized using a detect magic spell or

are plotting.


similar magic. The flame coming off the feather is an arrow that points toward a swan. whose beak
illusory and harmless. points to a hippogriff pointing a t an axe. By taking
the first lette rs of these creatures and objects, the
The front cove r of the book is e mbossed with im- name NATASHA is spelled out. Re ward any player
ages of a lion and a hart, the two animals rearing who figures this out by having that player's charac-
up on their hind legs and facing each other. Any ter whisper the name as if conjuring it from some
creature whose name is written in the book using half-forgotte n childhood dream.
the quill can open any of the palace's crown locks. If
a creature's name is crossed out using the quill, or When the door opens. read:
the page bearing its name is torn from the book, the
creature's ability to open these locks is rescinded. The door swings open to reveal a circular chamber
illuminated by drifting balls of colored light. In the
A long list of names fills the book's pages, many middle of the room, a finely forged greatsword floats,
of them belonging to fairies, judging by their color- point upward, three feet above a treasure chest. The
fulness. The hags of the Hourglass Coven are listed magic that holds the sword aloft also rotates it slowly,
near the middle of the book. Other names in the so that the blade catches and reflects the multicol-
book include Thinnings (Zybilna's butle r), Shon
(Zybilna's libra rian), Kalimanzaros (Zybilna's clerk), ored lights.
and Raezil Uthemar (Zybilna's elf spy in area P31).
The final few names are written in Endelyn Moon- The chest is not locked. The drifting balls of light
grave's handwriting. These last entries are the mem- are harmless magical effects confined to this room.
bers of the League of Malevolence: Kelek, Zarak,
Zargash, Warduke, and Skylla. Treasure. The greatsword is Snicker-Snack (see
appendix A). The levitation effect that keeps it aloft
P50. VAULT ends when the sword is held or moved.

An ornate iron door stands at the top of the staircase. The chest contains the following ite ms:

Its surface is covered with a complex array of cogs, • Snicker-Snack's ornate scabbard, adorned with
phoenix feathers (100 gp)
latches, and tumblers. The round doorknob is en-
• A gold helme t decorated with hart antlers (250 gp)
graved with the image of a nightingale. • A shimmering silver cloa k, with a unicorn e mbroi-

Zybilna stores her greatest treasures inside this dered on it in platinum thread (750 gp)
vault, which is shielded against divination magic.
The door is impervious to damage and has eight P51. BEANSTALK TOWER
built-in locking mechanisms, any one of which can
be affected by a knock spell or similar magic. A To enter this tower. the characte rs must use flight or
character can also spend 1 minute trying to pick one climb the beanstalk that supports it (see area P17).
of the locks by using thieves' tools, doing so with a
successful DC 18 Dexterity check. Opening a single The interior of the tower is a mess of broken furn iture
lock, however, causes any previously ope ned locks and grasping vines. Amid the ruins, a toad wearing
to close. To enter the vault, all eight locks must be a tiny wizard's cape perches on the lid of a treasure
opened at the same time. chest that has slid into a wall and become surrounded
by junk.
Characters who e xamine the doorknob discove r
an inscription around its base that reads, "Speak The toad is Iggrik, a s hapecha nged quasit and
My Name." A creature that speaks the password lggwilv's longtime companion. It addresses the
"Natasha" while grasping the doorknob can open all characte rs in Co mmon a nd cla ims to be Zybilna's
of the locks simultaneously. The door, once opened, toad famili a r. If a ttacked. it assumes the form of
locks automatically whe n it is closed again. A simi- a bat and flies away, ta king refuge in the ga rde n
lar doorknob, but without the inscription, is inside (area P2).
the vault.
Whe n the palace was froze n in time, lggrik was in
The jars of time (area P44) and the costume room the library (a rea P 28). It spied on the Hourglass Co-
(area P36) can provide hints about Zybilna's earliest ve n until the hags left the palace, the n used a potion
identity. The solution to this riddle is a lso hidde n in from Zybilna's labo ra tory to cause the bea ns ta lk to
the border of the Witchlight Carnival poste r map, lift lhis tower into the a ir, crea ting a haven for itself.
which incorporates drawings of creatures and ob- The quasit has been hiding ever s ince. It knows tha t
jects pointing at one another: a nilbog (goblin jester) the League of Malevole nce has s ided with the hags
points its scepte r at an almiraj (a horned rabbit), agains t Zybilna, but it lacks the courage to venture
which points its horn at a treant, which points to


forth and re main abreast of the league's activities Unicorn Horn. If the Story Tracker indicates that
in the palace. Warduke, in particular, terrifies the unicorn horn is here, lggrik found the horn and
placed it in the chest with the winged boots. Once
the quasit. Jggrik learns that the horn has the _powe r to re_lease
If the characters mention lggwilv or Natasha, creatures trapped in temporal stasis, the quas1t of-
fers the horn to characters who promise to use it to
lggrik tries to redirect the conversation. [f the char- free its mistress.
acte rs are otherwise fishing for information, Iggrik
reveals the following helpful tidbits: ENDING THE STORY

• The vault (area PS0) contains a vorpal sword that Releasing Zybilna from temporal stasis can be
can slay thejabberwock. Zybilna acquired the accomplished in one of three ways:
sword as a precaution, in case thejabberwock
turned against her. (lf the characters ask about the Shattering Jggwilv's Cauldron with a frost brand
vault's defenses, lggrik describes a locked door or flam e tongue weapon (see the cauldron's de-
that requires a password. which he knows but scription in appendix A for d etails), which ends the
won't automatically divulge.) time-freezing magic throughout the palace.
Touching Jggwilv's Cauldron with a unicorn horn
• Thejabberwock is not the biggest creature living while reciting a poem called "The Witch Queen's
in the palace. That would be Zybilna's enormous Cauldron" (see area P22), which also ends the
owl. Bloodybeak. It hates thejabberwock but is time-freezing magic throughout the palace.
confined to the aviary (area P20) and frozen in Touching Zybilna with a unicorn horn while
time. The password to open the aviary's windows speaking her true name, Natasha, which can be
learned in the palace's costume room (area P36),
is "canzus." from Iggrik the quasit (see area P51), or from the
• Guests can bypass the crown locks on the palace family tree in Loomlurch (see area Ll1 in chapter
3). Once she is freed , Zybilna can use the horn,
doors by writing their names into Zybilna's black the poem, and the cauldron to break tbe spell on
the rest of the palace, as described in area P22.
book (in area P49).
Jggrik also knows how to end the curse that lggwilv
placed on the Joun stone in area P33. If the charac- If Zybilna is freed from temporal stasis, read:
ters need help ending the curse, Iggrik tells them
how if they correctly answer the following riddle: Once more able to move, Zybilna lurches forward a
"Yesterday comes after tomorrow, but where's my
proof?" The answer is "in a dictionary." step, then quickly regains her balance.

If the characters tell Iggrik that Zybilna can be "Damn. Too late!" she says with a snarl.
freed from temporal stasis by speaking her true
name while touching her with a unicorn horn, the Her eyes dart around in search of enemies before
quasit reveals that Zybilna's true name is Natasha
(see also "Unicorn Horn" below). fixing on you. "Have we met?" she asks.

If lggrik lea rns that everyone in the palace can Iggwilv the Witch Queen (see the accompa nying
be released from temporal stasis by destroying stat block) gives the characters time to explain
fggwilv's Cauldron, the quasit shares the following themselves, hanging on their every word. If you
information: used the Warlock's Quest adventure hook and one
or more characters have childhood memories of
• A flam e tongue weapon can destroy the cauldron, Zybilna, it dawns on Iggwilv that she has met those
and Warduke happens to wield such a weapon. characters before and gives them a knowing look.

• The jabberwock likes to coil around the cauldron Zybilna/Jggwilv is troubled to learn of what has
when it sleeps and is attracted to music. The best happened to Prismeer and vows to undo the damage
chance of defeating it is to use Snicker-Snack, the the Hourglass Coven has wrought-a task that will
vorpal sword in lggwilv's vault (area PS0). The take considerable time a nd effort. If the characters
password to unlock the vault is "Natasha." have unfinished business with the Hourglass Coven,
the arch fey reveals to them the weaknesses of all
• Destroying the cauldron is no great loss, since three hags and allows the characters to deal with
lggwilv has the powe r to repair it. (That's not to the coven as they see fit (see "Fate of the Hourglass
say that the Witch Queen will be pleased to see Coven" below). Appendix D has additional roleplay-
her cauldron destroyed.) ing notes for Zybilna.

Treasure. The treasure chest contains a pair of
winged boots. which lggrik offers to the characters
if they promise to free Zybilna.



Medium Fey (Wizard), Cl,ootic Neutral

Armor Class 19 (robe ofthe archmagi)
Hit Points 255 (30d8 + 120)
Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 27 (+8) 12 (+1) 23 (+ 6)

Saving Throws Int +14, Wis +7, Cha +12

s kills Arcana +20, History +14, Na ture +14

Condition Immunities charme d , frightene d

Senses truesight 60 ft. , passive Perception 11

Languages Abyssal, Ce lestial, Commo n , Draconic, Elvish ,

Infernal, Sylva n

Challe nge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bo nus +6

Boon ofImmortality. lggwilv is immune to any effect that R EACTI O NS
would age her, an d s he c a n' t d ie from o ld age.
Negate Spell (2/Day). When lggwilv sees a creature within 60
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If lggwilv fails a saving throw, feet of h e r cas ting a spell, she tries to interrupt it. If the crea-
she can choose to succeed instead . ture is casting a spell using a spell slot of 8th level or lower,
its spell fails and has no effect. Ifi t is casting a 9th-level s pell,
Magic Resistance. lggwilv has advantage on saving throws it mus t s ucceed on a DC 22 Intelligence saving throw, or the
against s pells and ot he r magica l effects. (This trait is bes towed spells fails an d has no effect.
by her robe ofthe archmagi.)
Special Equipment. lggwilv wea rs an amulet ofthe planes a nd a
robe of the archmagi. lggwilv can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the o p-
tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
ACTION S a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. lggwilv
regains s pent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Multiottock. lggwilv m akes two Bewitching Bolt attacks.
Witchcraft. lggwilv uses Spellcasting or Fey Step.
Bewitching Bolt. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack:+16 to hit, reach Dark Speech (Costs 2 Actions). lggwilv utters a phrase in a
S ft. or range 120 ft., o ne ta rget. Hit: 25 (Sd6 + 8) light ning
da mage, and if the ta rget is a crea ture , it mus t succeed o n a forbidden language and targets one or two creatures she can
DC 22 Wisdom savi ng throw o r be charmed by lggwilv until th e see within 60 feet of her. Each target must succeed on a DC
start of he r next turn. 22 Wisdom saving throw or take 11 (2d 10) psychic damage
a nd be frightened of lggwilv for 1 minute. A target can repeat
Abyssal Rift (Recharge 5- 6). lggwilv o pe ns a m omentary Abys- the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effec t
sal rift with in 120 fe et o f her. The rift is a 20-foo t-radius s phere. on itself on a success and thereby becoming immune to
Each creature in tha t a rea mus t make a DC 22 Const itution lggwilv's Dark Speech for 24 hours.
savi ng throw, t aki ng 40 (9d 8) necrotic d amage o n a failed save, Fey Beguile ment (Cos ts 3 Actions). lggwilv targets one creat ure
or half as much da m age on a successful o ne. In addi tion, t here she can see with in 60 feet of he r. The target mus t succeed
1s a SO percen t chance that 3 hezrous then app ea r in unoccu- on a DC 22 Charisma saving throw or be possessed by a fey
pied spaces in the sphere. They ac t as lggwilv's allies, take their spirit. While possessed, the target must obey lggwilv's com-
turns immedia tely a fter he rs, and can't summon other demons. mands. The target ca n repeat the saving throw at the end
They remain un til they die o r un til lggwilv dismisses them as of each of its turns, banishing the fey spirit and ending the
an action. effect on itself on a succes s .

Spel/casting. lggwilv casts one of the following spells, requiring
no material components and using Intelligence as the spell-
cas ting ability (s pell save DC 24, +16 to hi t with spell att acks):

At will: detect magic, disguise self. invisibility, light, mage hand,
message, prestidigitation, Tasha's hideous laughter

3/d ay each: dispel m agic, jly, polymorph
1/d ay each: maze, telekinesis, teleport, wish


Fey Step. lggwilv teleports, along with any equipment she l_s _
wearing o r carrying, to an unoccupied space she can see within
30 feet o f h er.


THINGS BEST LEFT UNSAID fl esh out its occupants and defenses as you see fit if
the characters decide to pay the hags a visit.
lf the characters speak to Zybilna/ lggwilv about her
past, her mood suddenly darkens: Zybilna takes no immediate action against the sur-
viving hags, preferring to le t them stew in exile. If
The archfey's hair turns from white to raven-black, and a.II three hags are still alive, the coven stays together
even though its me mbers constantly blame one an-
she appears younger and angrier now than she was a other for their failures. The hags are united by their
fear of Zybilna's wrath, and they live in torment,
moment ago. "You know nothing about my past!" she dreading the day when Zybilna seeks Lhem out and
inflicts punishme nt on them for their wickedness.
snaps. "The wars I've won, the enemies I've crushed.
I've turned the hourglass on its end so many times. MALEVOLENCE

Each turn is a new beginning. Who are you that stands The heroes of Valor's Call become distressed if
they learn that Zybilna and Iggwilv are one and the
before me and speaks of things best unspoken?'' same. They know Iggwilv only by her reputation as
a villain, but they have allied with Zybilna against
Ask the players in turn what, if anything, their the League of Malevolence. That alliance persists,
characters try to do to quell the archfey's anger, at least until the league is destroyed and its surviv-
then have the characters make a DC 12 Charisma ing members taken into custody. Zybilna offers to
(Persuasion) group check. Add 1 to the DC for each send Valor's Call and their prisoners back to the Ma-
dretch in area P37 that the characters killed. Any terial Pla ne, after which Valor's Call and Iggwilv go
characters who deliberately stoke her anger, or their separate ways.
who say or do nothing, automatically get failures on
thei r c hecks. League members who are still at large in the pal-
ace try to flee as soon as the time-freezing magic
On a successful group check, Zybilna/ Iggwilv on the palace e nds, for they know Zybilna will not
apologizes for her outburst, and her mood lightens. forgive them for their treachery. If the characters
On a failed group check, the archfey erases all rescued Strongheart, the me rciful knight sets out
knowledge of Iggwilv and Natasha from the charac- to track down and capture the remaining members
ters' memories before continuing the conversation of the league, whereas the other me mbers of Val-
as if nothing had happened. Inform the players that or's Call would just as soon dispose of them. U you
this effect has occurred-the names Iggwilv and want to use the League of Malevolence in future
Natasha no longe r mean anything to their char- adventures, allowing one or more of its membe rs to
acters, and their characters are unaware of what escape means they can show up again later in your
Zybilna has jus t done. As far as the characters are campaign. The league might also have other mem-
concerned, Zybilna is the archfey who rules Pris- bers whom the characters have yet to encounter.
meer and has no other past identities. The effect is
permanent and irreversible. STOLEN TREASURES

Various loose e nds are addressed in the sections In accordance with the rule of ownership (see
that follow. Some of the events described in these "Rules of Conduct" in chapter 2), Zybilna won't a l-
sections require the characters' involvement, while low characters to keep Jggwilv's Cauldron or the vor-
others can play out in their absence. pal sword, Snicker-Snack. The characters can keep
a ny other treasures they acquired in her domain,
fATE OF THE HOURGLASS COVEN but only because she chooses to bequeath these
items to them.
If all three hags of the Hou rglass Coven are dead,
the re's nothing more Lo be done with them. This LOST CHILDREN
section discusses what happens next if Zybilna is
set free a nd at least one of the hags is still alive. As beings of unfettered emotion and potential, chil-
dren a re of great importance to Zybilna. The archfey
The surviving bags can sense when Zybilna is sees to it that any childre n held captive by the Hour-
released from temporal stasis- or, rather, they can glass Coven are libe rated, rid of unhappy memories,
sense when their hold over Prismeer is Jost. The a nd escorted back to their homes by pixie courtiers.
ins tant Zybilna rega ins control of he r domain, the The same holds true for a ny children who were
hags use their plane shift spells to flee to Gehenna sequestered by Zybilna's protective magic (see "Chil-
where they maintain a cra mped tower guarded by ' dre n of Prismeer" in c hapter 2).
~ugoloth me rcena ries. They don't think. that Zybilna
1s aware of the tower, but her spies learned about it
some time ago. She reveals the tower's location to
characters who want to conclude their dea lings with
the hags or perhaps put a n end to them. The tower
in Gehenna is beyond the scope of this adventure;



If you used the "Warlock's Quest" adventure hook, lf her cauldron was not destroyed, Zybilna offers he r
the characters might want to contact their employer, rescuers the use of a wish spell in return for their
Madryck Roslof, a nd let him know that Zybilna is accomplishments:
well. [f s he is asked, Zybilna is wilting to convey a
message to Madryck so that the characters don't "As a reward, I offer you one free casting of a wish ]
have to rush home with the news. ] spell. Tell me, what is your hearts' desire?"

Characters who waste no time getting back lo Zybilna honors the spirit of the characters· request
Madryck find him safe at home, still clinging to life. a nd doesn't try to twist their words. If the characte rs
Madryck upholds his end of the agreement by givi ng want to be returned to the ir home world, Zybilna
them the key and the directions to his burie d hoard uses a wish spell to transport them back to the
(see "Madryck's Treasure" in the introduction). Witchlight Carnival or wherever else they want to
go, wiser and pe rhaps not a day older than when
ZYBILNA1S GIFTS they entered the Feywild. If they wis h for something
else, Zybilna satis fies that desire as well as s he can,
Honoring the rule of reciprocity (see "Rules of Con- given the limits of the spell.
duct" in chapter 2), Zybilna offers her rescuers a gift.
The nature of this gift depends on whether or not If Zybilna can provide what the cha racters desire
the characters destroyed her magnificent cauldron. wit hout casting a wish spell, so much the bette r.
For example, if they want to take her flying coach
TuE CAULDRON WAS DESTROYED (in area Pll) and explore more of the Feywild. s he
gives them the coach a nd its key be fore seeing them
If Jggwilv's Cauldron was destroyed but a ll its pieces on their merry way. If they ask for he r cauldron. s he
are recovered, Zybilna uses a wish spell to repa ir laughs and says, "Not in this life time:·
the artifact. If this turn of events occurs, read:
Dead Dretches. If the cha racters s lew three or
Zybilna beholds the pieces of the cauldron and says , more of the dretches in a rea P37, Zybilna is not feel-
"I wish my cauldron were made whole again." Motes ing so generous. She gran ts the c haracters· wis h to
of colored light swirl around the fragments as they return home, but nothing else.
rise into the air and snap together like pieces of a puz-
zle. The cracks and seams between them gradually To BE YOUNG AGAIN!
vanish as the cauldron is restored. Zybilna puts one
hand on its lip, and the cauldron transforms before If you used the "Lost Things" adventu re hook a nd
your eyes. Dull iron turns to gleaming gold, and what the characters are gra nted a wis h, Zybi lna offers to
was once a fearsome sight to behold now looks won- harness the time-dilating power of the Feywild to
drous beyond compare. send the cha racters back to thei r home plane as the
child ren they once were, s o that they can live their
The archfey commands her pixie courtiers to bring lives over without having suffered the terrible losses
enough water and wine to put the gold cauldron to that brought them to Pris meer in the first place.
use; Zybilna uses that time to attune to the cauldron (This use of Zybilna's gi ft tests the boundary of wha t
so that she can exercise its magica l properties for a wish spell can do but is neverthe less within the
the characters' benefit. See append ix A for infor- a rchfey's power.) This choice is a fine option if the
mation about what Jggwilv's Cauldron can do in its players wa nt to "retire" their cha racters a nd e nd the
gold form. campaign here a nd now. lf a ll the players acce pt

Dead Dretches. If the characters s lew three or this option, read:
more of the dretches in area P37, Zybilna is not
feeling so generous. She uses the scrying property You close your eyes, and the world shifts around you.
of the gold cauldron for the cha racters' benefit only The music of a calliope draws you back to reality. The
once before se nding the m away. cool evening air is filled with the sweet smell of candy
and the fragrances of autumn . You and your childhood
friends skip down the path toward the Witchlight Car-
nival, clutching golden tickets in your little hands.

T he adventure ends here, right whe re it started.


rrI: DIX



Wondrous Item, Rare

This magic rose comes in one of fi ve colors, as
noted in the Chrom atic Roses table. W hile a rose is
he ld, it gains a ha rmless visua l e ffect as indicated on
the table .

Whi le holding the rose by its stem , you gain re-
s is ta nce to da mage o f the type associated w ith the
rose's color. If you would take more tha n 10 damage
of this type from a single source (after applying the
resista nce), the rose disintegrates, a nd you take no
da m age ins tead.

As a n action, you can blow the petals from the
rose to produce a 2 0 -foot cone of acid, lightning,
poisonous gas, fire, or cold, as dictated by the rose's
da m age type. Each creature in the cone must make
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, ta king 3d 10
dama ge of the appropria te type on a failed save, or
ha lf as much d a m age on a s uccessful one. Using
this prope rty destroys the rose.


Color Visual Effect Damage Type
Aci d
Black Drips acid Lightning
CLO I\I( O F Blu e Crackles with lightning Fire
Green Issues green gas
Red Wreathed in fire
This appendix describes new magic
ite ms tha t appear in the adventure a nd W h i te Covered w ith frost
presents the m in a lphabe tical orde r.
Wondrous Item, Comm on
Wondrous Item , Very Rare (Requires Attunem ent)
T his m agic vehicle is a 10-foot-dia meter leaf tha t While wearing this cloa k, you can use a bonus ac-
floats on wa te r. It has te ndrils that propel it across tio n to change t he style, color, and apparent quality
la nd a nd across the wa ter's s urface (but not under- of the garment. T he cloak's weight d oesn't change.
water), as well as through the a ir. It has a wa lking, Regard less o f its appearance, the cloak can't be any-
flying, a nd s w imming s peed of 2 0 feet, a nd it can thing bu t a cloak. Although it can dupl icate the ap-
hover. It moves according to your s poken directions peara nce of othe r magic cloaks, it doesn't gain their
while you a re r iding it. m agical prope rties.

The lily pad can tra ns port up to 300 pounds with- DR EAD H ELM
out hindra nce. It can carry up to twice this weight.
but it moves at ha lf s peed if it carries more tha n its Wondrous Item , Common
no rma l capacity.
T his fearsom e s teel helm makes your eyes glow
red a nd hides the rest of you r face in s hadow while
you wear it.


DUST OF CORROSION and teleport yourself. a long with a ny equipme nt you
are wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoc-
Wondrous Item, Uncommon cupied space that you can see. You re ma in invisible
until the start of your next turn or until you attack,
As a n action, you can throw this dus t into the air cast a spell, or deal da mage.
filling a JO-foot cube that extends out from you. ·
Surfaces a nd objects ma de of no nmagical ferrous lGGWILv's CAULDRON
meta l in the a rea instantly corrode and turn to dus t
becoming useless and unsa lvageable. Any crea- ' Wondrous Item, Artifact (Requires Attunement by a
tu re in the area tha t is made wholly or partly out of Spe/lcaster)
ferrous meta l must make a DC 13 Constitution sav-
ing throw, taking 4d8 necrotic da mage on a failed Iggwilv crafted this wondrous cau ldro n with the
save, or ha lf as much da mage on a s uccessful one. help of her adoptive mother, the arch fey Baba Yaga.
The cauldron has two forms. Only Iggwilv or Baba
Found in a s mall packet, this dust is made fro m Yaga can change the cauld ron from one form to
finely ground rust monster ante nnae. There is another (by using an action to touch it), which eithe r
enough dust in each packet for one use. ca n do without being attuned to the item. In its fi rst
form, the cauldron is made of solid gold a nd em-
ELDRITCH STAFF bossed on the outside w ith images of bare-branched
trees, falling leaves. and broomsticks. In its second
Staff, Very Rare (Requires A ttunem ent) form, the cauldron is made of iron and embossed on
the o uts ide with images of bats. toads. cats, lizards,
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff a nd s na kes- eight of each a nimal. In either form.
that grants a +1 bonus to attack a nd da mage rolls. the cauldron is roughly 3 feet in dia meter and has a
2-foot-wide mouth, a rou nd lid with a molded hand le
The s taff has 10 charges a nd regains ld6 + 4 ex- at the top, and eight clawed feet for stability. The
pended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last cauldron weighs 80 pounds when empty, and it can
charge, roll a d20. On a l , the staff is destroyed in hold up to 100 ga llo ns of liquid.
ao otherwise harmless burst of eldritch energy.
Attunement. Any Humanoid creature that attunes
Eldritch Attack. When you hit with a melee at- to the cauldron must succeed on a DC 15 Constitu-
tack us ing the staff, you can expend up to 3 of its tion saving throw or be aged to the point of decrepi-
charges. For each cha rge you expe nd, the target tude. In this state, the creature's speed is halved, the
takes an extra ld8 lightning damage. ra nge of its vision a nd hearing is reduced to 30 feet,
and it has disadva ntage on a ll ability checks. attack
Eldritch Escape. If you take damage while hold- rolls, and saving th rows. The creature will reach the
ing the staff, you can use your reaction to expend 3 e nd of its natura l life span in 3d8 days. Only a wish
of the s taff's cha rges, w hereupon you turn invisible spell or divine intervention can reverse this aging
effect on the creature.

T hree hags can attune to the cauld ron simul-
taneous ly. provided they have formed a coven. If
the coven disbands, the attuneme nt ends for all
th ree hags.

Random Properties. Re gardless of the form
it takes, the cauldron has the following random

• 1 minor beneficia l prope rty (determined by rolling
on the Minor Beneficial Properties table in the
Dungeon Master's Guide)

• l minor de trimenta l prope r ty (determined by rol l-
ing on the Minor Detrime ntal Properties ta ble in
the Dungeon Master 's Guide)

Gold Cauldron. The gold cauldron has the follow-
ing prope rties:

, Jfwa ter is poured into the cauldron a nd tirre d for
l minute, it tra ns forms into a hea rty, hot s tew that
provides o ne nouris hing mea l for up to four people
per ga llo n of wa1er used. The s tew re ma ins ho t



T H E WITCH QUEEN 'S C AU LDRO N • Dipping the bristles of an ordina ry broom into
the water-filled cauldron transforms the broom
As explained in the description of lggwilv's Cauldron, into a broom offlying for 3 days. Once used, this
the poem titled "The Witch Queen's Cauldron" is an prope rty of the cauldron can't be used again until
incantation that hints at the time-freezing property of the next dawn.
the artifact:
Iron Cauldron. The iron cauldron has the follow-
Eight cats perch atop eight dead attending ing properties:
Eight lizards flee from eight rats scavenging
E'.ght toads climbing meet eight dead andfalling • You can use an action to scream into the empty
Eight snakes sneak under eight bats screaming cauldron, w hich magica lly summons a swarm of
Eight eyes open, always dreaming bats that flies out of the cauldron and acts imme-
All on the cauldron that is ever seeming. diately after you in the initiative order. The swarm
obeys your commands a nd disappears after 1 min-
while in the cauldron, the n cools naturally after it ute if it hasn't been destroyed by then. Once used,
is removed. The outside of the cauldron re mains this property of the cau ldron can't be used again
safe to touch despite the heat of the stew. until the next dawn.
• If wine is poured into the cauldron and stirred
for 10 minutes, it transforms into a magical elixir • If at least 1 gallon of blood is poured into the caul-
that fortifi es up to four people per gallon of wine dron and stirred for 1 minu te, it turns into a cloud
used. Any creature that imbibes the elixir gains of harmless black smoke that e rupts from the
10 temporary hit points. Any of the elixir that is n't cauldron and dissipates quickly. At the same time,
cons umed within 1 hour vanishes. Once used, this all Humanoid creatures within a certain radius of
property of the cauldron can't be used again until the cauldron fall unconscious for 1 hour, except
the next dawn. those that are attuned to the cauldro n or immune
• Whe n the cauldron is filled with 90 gallons of wa- to being charmed. The radius of the effect is 100
ter mi xed with 10 gallons of wine, it can be used feet per gallon of blood used. An unconscious
as the focus for a scry ing spell. When this spell is c reature awakens if it takes da mage or if someone
cast us ing the cauldron as its focus, the target of uses a n action to s hake or slap it. Once used, this
the s pell fails its saving throw automatically, a nd property of the cau ldron can't be used agai n unLil
the ~pell works even if its caste r and the target are the next dawn.
on different planes of existence. When the spell
ends, all the liquid in the cauldron vanishes. • Tying a dead frog or toad to the end of a n ordina ry
branch and dipping it in the water-filled cauldron


!c;c.w1Lv's CI\ULDRON

transforms the branch into a wand ofpolymorph whereupon all ongoing effects created by the caul-
with 3 charges. This wand can't recharge and dron end as it loses its magic.
crumbles to ashes when its final charge is ex-
pended. Once used, this property of the cauldron The destruction of Jggwilv's Cauldron causes all
can't be used again for 8 days. hags in the multiverse to lose the Shared Spellcast-
• If you spend 1 minute touching the cauldron with ing trait gained by being in a coven (see the "Hag
a unicorn's horn while reciting the poem called Covens" sidebar in the Monster Manual).
"The Witch Queen's Cauldron" (see the accom-
panying sidebar), all creatures within 1,000 feet Reconstructing the Cauldron. If all eight pieces
of the cauldron except those that are attuned to it of the shattered cauldron are within 5 feet of one an-
become frozen in time. A time-frozen creature is other, a wish spell can reassemble them, restoring
incapacitated, can't move or speak, doesn't age, the cauldron and all its properties. The cauldron's
and is unaware of its surroundings or the pas- reconstruction also restores the Shared Spellcast-
sage of time. Moreove r, it can't be move d, harmed ing trait of hag covens throughout the multiverse.
in any way, or a ffected by any other magic. All
other conditions a nd effects on the creature are INSTRUMENT OF SCRIBING
suppressed until it is no longer froze n in time.
Destroying the cauldron, sending it to another Wondrous Item , Common (R equires Attunement)
plane of existence, or touching it with a unicorn's
horn for 1 minute while reciting "The Witch This musica l instrument has 3 cha rges. While you
Queen's Cauldron" ends the time-freezing effect are playing it, you can use a n action to expend I
on all creatures. The effect also ends on a ny crea- charge from the instrument a nd write a magical
ture that comes into contact with an antimagic message on a nonmagical object or surface that you
field or is touched by a unicorn's horn. can see within 30 feet of you. The message ca n be
up to six words long a nd is written in a la nguage you
Destroying the Cauldron. The cauldron is a know. If you are a ba rd, you can scribe a n additional
Medium object with AC 19, 80 hit points, a nd im- seven words a nd choose to ma ke the message glow
munity to damage from any s ource other than a faintly, allowing it to be seen in nonmagica l da rk-
flame tongue or frost brand weapon. Reducing the ness. Casting dispel m agic on the message erases it.
cauldron to Ohit points with such a weapon s hatters Otherwise, the message fades away a fter 24 hours.
the cauldron into eight pieces of roughly e qua l size,
The instrument regai ns a ll expe nded cha rges

da ily at dawn.



Wondrous item . Common Wondrous Item, Uncommon
While holding this orb. you can use an action to de-
te rmine which way is north. This prope rty func tions As an action, you can sprinkle this dust on yourself
on ly on the Material Pla ne. or another creature you can see within 5 feet of you.
The recipient gains a flying speed of 30 feet and
ORNITHOPTER OF FLYING the ability to hover for 1 minute. If the creature is
airborne when this effect e nds, it fa lls safely to the
Wondrous item. Very Rare ground, taking no damage and landing on its feet.
You can use this contraption to fly, provided your
we ight (including whatever you a re wearing or car- A s mall packet holds e nough pixie dus t
rying) doesn't exceed 300 pounds. The ornithopter for one use.
has a flying speed of 30 feet, and it moves according
to your s poke n directions wh ile you are riding it. It POLE OF COLLAPSING
can't hover. lf the ornithopte r loses its ride r while
ai rbo rne, it falls a nd can't fly again for ld6 + 4 days. Wondrous Item, Common

The ornithopte r is 8 feet long, has a 14-foot wing- While holding this 10-foot pole, you can use a n
span, and weighs 25 pounds. action to speak a comma nd wo rd a nd cause it to col-
lapse into a 1-foot-long rod for ease of storage. The
PIPE OF SMOKE MONSTERS pole's weight doesn't cha nge. You ca n use a n action
to s peak a diffe re nt command word a nd cause the
Wondrous Item, Common rod to revert to a pole; howe ve r, the rod will elongate
While s moking this pipe, you can use an action only as far as the surrounding space allows.
to ex ha le a puff of s moke that takes the form of a
s ingle creature, s uch as a dragon , a Rumph, or a POTION OF ADVANTAGE
froghe moth . The form must be sma ll e nough to fit
in a I-foot cube a nd loses its shape a fte r a few sec- Potion, Uncommon
onds, becoming an ordinary puff of smoke.
When you drink this potion, you gain advantage on
O,a oic D 1R EC T10N one ability check, attack roll , or saving throw of your
choice that you ma ke within the next hour.

This potion takes the form of a s parkling, golde n
mist that moves and pours like water.

P1r>E oic





SCISSORS OF SHADOW SNIPPING • You can relinquish control of the shadow, at w hich
point it becomes autonomous and behaves as
Wondrous !rem, R are (Requires A uunem enr by a
Fey or a Spellcas ter) the OM wishes. It uses the shadow stat block in
the Mons ter Manual, but its cr eature type is Fey
As an action, you m ake a few snips w ith these
iron shea rs and cause the s hadow of a Humanoid instead of Undead. A crealure w hose Streng th
creature you can see within 5 feet o f you to detach is r educed to Oby this shadow's Strength Drai n
from its sou rce. If the c r eature is unwilling to give attack does not die but fa lls unconscious instead.
up its shadow, it ca n m ake a D C 15 Charisma The creature regains consciousness and all its
saving throw, retaining its shadow on a success. Strength after fini sh ing a short or long rest.
Whether or not the shadow is snipped, this proper ty
of the scissors can't be used again until the A cr eature w hose shadow has detached from it is
next daw n. cursed. If a shadowless cr eature is subjected to any
spell that ends a curse, or if its detached shadow is
The detached shadow is rooted to the spot r educed to O hit points, the detached shadow disap-
wher e it was snipped until you use a bonus ac- pears, and the cr eature r ega ins its normal shadow
tion to cause it to behave in one of the follow - instantly.
ing ways, either of whic h is possi ble only if you
can see the shadow: SNICKER-SNACK

• You control the shadow 's m ovements and Weapon (Crearsword), Legendary (Requires Auune-
can make the s hadow move up to 30 feet m ent by a Non-evil Creature)
across a solid or liquid surface, in any di-
rection you choose (including along vertica l You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
surfaces), provided it rem a ins w ithin your m ade w ith this m agic vor pal sword. In addition, the
sight at all times. The shadow is harmless w eapon ignor es r esista nce to slashing damage.
and unable to be harmed, and it is invisible
in darkness. lt can't speak, and it doesn't When you use this w eapon to attack a cr eature
require air, sleep, or nourishment. that has at least one head and roll a 20 on the attack
roll, you cul off one of the c reature's heads. The
P oLE o.- CoLLI\PS ING creature dies if it ca n't survive w ithout the lost head.
A creature is immune to this effect i f i t is immune
to slashing dam age, it doesn't have or need
a head, it has legendary actions, or the

OM decides that the creature is too

big for its head to be cut off w ith this
w eapon . Such a cr eature instead
tak es an extra 6d8 slashing dam -
age from the hit.




TALKING Do u the weapon is used, it can't be used aga in until the
next dawn.
Sentience. S teel is a sentient, lawful good long-
While attuned to Snicker-Snack , you have profi- sword with a n Intelligence of 8 , a Wis dom of 11,
ciency w ith greats words, and you can use your Cha- a nd a Charis ma of 15. It can see and he ar out to a
ris ma modifie r ins tead of your Strength modifier for range of 60 feet. The s word can spe ak, read , a nd
attack and da mage rolls made with the weapon. understa nd Common and Dracon ic. It fre ts over
your well-being while you are attuned to it, a nd it
Sentience. Snicker-Snack is a sentient, chaotic doesn't like to back down from a fi ght.
good greatsword with an Intelligence of 9, a Wis-
dom of 14, and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and TALKING DOLL
da rkvis ion out to a ra nge of 120 feet. It can s peak,
read. and unde rs ta nd Common, and its voice s ounds Wondrous Item , Common (R equires A ttunem ent)
s ilvery a nd melodic. Snicker-Snack craves the de-
s truction of evil Dragons a nd urges you to see k out While this s tuffed doll is w ithin 5 feet of you, you
these creatures a nd s lay them . can s pend a s hort rest telling it to say up to sbc
phras es , none of which can be more than s ix words
Snick er-Snack has a fickle persona lity. It ends its long, and you can set a condition unde r which the
a ttuneme nt to you if you miss on attack rolls with doll s pe aks each phrase. You can a ls o replace old
the weapon three times in a row. Each time you fin- phrases with new ones. Whatever the condition,
is h a long rest a fter that happe ns, you can attempt to it must occur within 5 feet of the doll to ma ke it
re ga in the sword's trus t by ma king a contested Cha- spe ak. For example, whenever someone picks up
ris ma check agains t Snicker-Snack . If you w in the the doll, it might say, "I want a piece of candy." The
contest, your attune ment to the weapon is insta ntly doll's phrases are lost when your a ttune ment to the
restored. Your a ttuneme nt to the weapon can't be doll e nds.
restored in a ny other way.
Wand, Common
Weapon (Longsword), Very Rare (R equires Attune-
m ent by a Good-aligned Creature) This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can
You have a +2 bonus to attack a nd damage rolls use a n action to expe nd 1 of its charges and ta rget
ma de with this magic weapon. a Huma noid you can see within 30 feet of you. The
target must s ucceed on a DC 10 Charisma saving
Revivify. You can use a n action to cast the revivify throw or be forced to scowl for 1 minute.
s pell from the sword. You must touch the target with
the sword to cast the s pell. Once this proper ty of The wand regains a ll expended charges daily at
dawn. 1f you expend the wand's las t charge, roll
a d20. On a 1, the wand tra nsforms into a wand
o f s m i le s .


Wand, Common

This wand h as 3 cha rges. While holding it, you can
use an action to expe nd 1 of its ch a rges a nd ta rget
a Huma noid you can see within 30 feet of you. The
ta rget must succeed on a DC 10 Cha risma saving
throw or be forced to s mile for 1 minute.

The wa nd rega ins a ll e xpended cha rges da ily at
dawn. ff you expe nd the wand's last charge, roll
a d20 . On a 1, the wand tra ns forms into a wand
o fscowls .


Weapon (Greataxe), Rare

You h ave a +1 bonus to attack and da mage rolls
m ade with this magic weapon.

When you use this axe to m ake a n a ttack against a
plant (an ordinary plant or a creature w ith the Pla nt
type) or a wooden object that is n't being worn or
carried , the at tack deals a n extra 2d6 s lashing da m-
age on a hit.





.:J<: ~ that appear in the adventure: the Hour- Younger than Skabatha and older than Ende lyn.
0 6-glass Coven, the League of Malevolence, Bavlorna is called Slack-jawed Lorna because her
wide mouth is prone to hang agape. Flies flit in and
,v~\.:Yl and Valor's Call. out of it. She is the hag of the present. the he re and
now, the moment to mome nt. Those desperate indi-
HOURGLASS COVEN viduals who seek her out do so to find a re medy for
a nagging problem or anxie ty. Though she despises
The Hourglass Coven is a group of three hags, unannounced visitors, a tragic tale of woe and mis-
each one bound to an aspect of time: one reflects ery puts he r in a bargaining mood. If these visitors
the past, another reflects the pres e nt, and the third enter into a n agreement with Bavlorna, she'll use
reflects the future. These hags are utter wickedness her powers to resolve their pressing problem in ex-
distilled into corporeal forms, driven by a lust for se-
crets that can be used to manipulate their prey. change for something of use to he r.

Skabatha Nightshade, Bavlorna Blightstraw, and Alignment. Neutral evil.
Endelyn Moongrave are daughters of Baba Yaga. Personality Trait. "I detest chores and would
The three became wild with jealousy when lggwilv, rather have othe r creatures do them for me."
Baba Yaga's adopted daughter, surpassed them in Ideal. " l don't care about the past or the future. I
power and carved out a Feywild domain for herself live in the present. What I do now, this very moment,
in the guise of an archfey named Zybilna. The hags
wormed their way into lggwilv's good graces, biding is all that matters."
their time until they could wrest the domain from Bond. ''I'm safe in my cottage. Why should I leave
her clutches. They waited until Iggwilv was lured
away on an important matter to imbue Jggwilv's it when I can make others come to me?"
Cauldron with the ability to freeze time. When Flaw. "Watching someone run widdershins makes
their sister returned, the hags used this power to
trap Iggwilv and her court in temporal stasis. The me sneeze uncontrollably."
hags then carved up lggwilv's domain, splitting it
between them. The sisters couldn't agree on which BAVLORNA1S APPEARANCE
of them should keep lggwilv's Cauldron, s o they le ft
it in Iggwilv's palace and hired s ome unscrupulous Bavlorna has a toad-like face with a mouth that
mercenaries to watch over it. magically widens and elongates, enabling he r to
swallow creatures whole. He r bulging eyes move
The hags loathe each other's company, but one independe ntly, cons tantly s canning her surround-
hag will occasionally visit anothe r to plot a gains t ings. Stained and molde ring patchwork garme nts
the third sister, creating a vicious c ircle in which hide much of the leathery, mummified fl esh that
Bavlorna and Endelyn plot agains t Skabatha, Ende- stre tches over Bavlorna's compact fra me and ex-
lyn and Skabatha conspire against Bavlorna, and traordinarily long, spindly limbs. She must sub-
Skabatha and Bavlorna bedevil Ende lyn. Nothing merge herself in a briny concoction for an hour each
much ever comes of these petty plots and s quab- day, or her body will dry out until it locks up in a
bles, however. kind of living rictus, and s he remains that way until
s ubmerged. As the hours pas s between ea ch imme r-
SHARED SPELLS OF THE HOURGLASS COVEN sion, her move me nts become more ponderous and
her s kin audibly cracks as s he moves.
On the rare occasions when all three hags of the Hour•
glass Coven are within 30 feet of one another, any one Bavlorna lives like a he rmit. She is frazzled, impa-
of them can use an action to cast one of the following tient, pa ra noid, and vindictive, lashing out at a nyone
spells, requiring no material components (s pell save s he thinks is trying to de prive he r of the treasures
s he has tucked away in he r cottage. She trus ts no
DC 14): detect thoughts, dispel magic.finger ofdeath, one, so s he creates tiny duplicates o f he rself, called
glibness, locate creature, mass suggestion. lornlings, to serve as he r attenda nts. Whe n s he trav-
els away from he r la ir, s he does so on he r bobbing
Once a spell from this list has been cast, no mem- lily pad (see appendi x A). accompa nied by lorn lings,
ber of the coven can cast that shared spell again which use the quickl ing s ta t block in appe ndi x C.
until the next dawn, when the coven regains all of its
shared spells.



Bavlorna is a llergic to the sight of creatures run-

ning counterclockwise in circles, a motion known

as "running widdershins ." Creatures that run wid-

dershins w ithin 10 feet of Bavlorna cause her to

lapse into a fit of sneezing. See the stat block for

more details. === - = -- --,

BAVLORNA BLIGHTSTRAW grapple ends, the target is restra ined, and Bavlorna can 't u se

Medium Fey {Hog), Neuirol Evil her Bite attack on another target.

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Withering Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit , ra nge 60 ft., one
Hit Points 110 (l3d8 + 52) target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic damage.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Create Lornlings (Recharge 5-6). Bavlorna c rea tes one or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA two 1-foot-tall duplicates of herself, called lornlings (use the
quickling stat b lock in append ix C). Each lornling a ppea rs in
22 (+6) 11 (+O) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+l) 15 (+2) an unoccupied space within 5 feet of Bavlorna, obeys her com-
mands, and takes its turn imme dia tely after hers. A lorn ling
Saving Throws Con +7, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +5 las ts for l hour, until it or Bavlo rna dies, or until Bavlorna di s-
misses it as a n action . Bavlorna can have no more than eight
Skills Arcana +9, Deception +5, Perception +4, St ealth +3 lo rnlings in existence at a time.

Senses t ruesight 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan Spellcasting. Bavlorna casts one of the following spells, requir-
ing no m aterial compo nents and using Inte lligence as t he spell-
Challenge 7 {2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 casting ability (spell save DC 14):

Amphibious. Bavlorna can breathe air and water. At wi ll: detect magic
2/day each: create food and water, polymorph, remove curse
Boon ofImmortality. Bavlorna is immune to any effect that 1/day: plane shift (self only)
would age he r, and she ca n't die from o ld age.
Widdershins Allergy. If a creature within 10 fee t of Bavlorna
uses at least 10 feet o f movement to run in place counte rclock- Swallow. Bavlorna swallows a Small or smalle r creature she is
wise, Bavlorna is overcome by a fit of sneezing and can't cast grappling, ending the grapple on it. The swallowed creature is
spells unti l the end of her next turn. In addition, any c re ature blinded and restrained, it has total cover agains t attacks and
Bavlorna has swa llowed is immediately e xpelled and falls prone oth er effe c ts o utside Bavlorna, and it takes 10 (3d6) acid dam-
in a n unoccupied s pace wi thin 5 fee t of her. age at the start of each of its turn s . If the swallowed creature
is o ne of Bavlorna's lornlings, Bavlorna gains all the lornli ng's
ACTIONS m e mories when the acid damage reduces it to O hit points.

Multiattack. Bavlo rna makes one Bite attack a nd one Wither- Bavlorna c an have only one creature swa llowed at a time.
ing Ray attack. If Bavlorna dies , a swallowed creature is no longer restrained
and can escape from the corpse using 5 feet of movement,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ta rge t. exiting prone.
Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) piercing d a m age, and th e target is grappled
(es cape DC 16) if it is a Me dium or smaller creature. Unt il the



Endelyn, a lso known by the na mes Creeping Lyn
and Bitter End, is the youngest me mber of the Hour-
glass Coven. People come to her to learn about their
futures, which s he spells o ut through grotesque
theatrical pageants. As payment, she s natches away
a portion of each client's free w ill, preventing them
from taking certa in courses of action in their lives.
Her petitione rs often lea rn of a dreadful fate that
awaits them but fi nd the mselves unable to prevent it
due to the cu rsed terms of thei r deal.

Endelyn's obsession with tragedy and hopeless-
ness extends to her own life; she has foreseen her
own demise du r ing a sola r eclipse. In the depths
of her castle, a lightni ng-powere d device called the
Orrery of Tragedies clicks and turns day a nd night,
giving Endelyn glimpses of her terrible fate.


Medium Fey (Hag), Neu tral Evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 114 (12d8 + 60)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.


20 (+S) 13 (+1) 20 (+S) 13 (+1) 10 (+O) 17 (+3) Alignment. Neutral evil.
Personality Trait. "I have foreseen not on ly this
Saving Throws Con +8, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +6 moment but the next as well. Nothing surprises me."
Ideal. "Each of us gets to play the lead in our own
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +6, Perception +3, Stealth +4 tragedy, but if you can't be bothe red to put on a good
show before you die, don't waste my time."
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Bond. "My world is the stage, and my theate r is of
paramount importance to me."
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan Flaw. "My death will occur during a n ecl ipse. That
is my doom, and I can't change it, but [ will do every-
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 thing in my power to forestall it."

Boon ofImmortality. Endelyn is immune to any effect that EN DELYN 's APPEARANCE
would age her, and she can't die from old age. Endelyn's e maciated form is hidde n under the laye rs
of her elaborate costume. Part dress, part mecha n-
Eclipsed Doom. Endelyn can be killed only if she is reduced ical theate r, the outfit makes he r look fri ghteni ngly
to Ohit points during a solar eclipse or while she is within 60 tall; without it, s he is a hunched and withered bag of
feet of a symbolic representation of one. Otherwise, Endelyn bones. She shrouds her wrinkled features behind a
disappears in a cloud of inky smoke when she drops to O hit gauzy "theater curta in" veil. The outermost layers of
points, along with anything she was wearing or carrying, and her dress open to reveal a ma rionette theatre, a nd
reappears 24 hours later in the same location or the nearest she manipu la tes her puppets us ing an a rrangement
unoccupied space. of artificial hands that nest les in the folds of fa bric.
She travels about Yon on he r ornithopter offly ing
Uncanny Awareness. Endelyn can't be surprised. (see appendix A).


Multiattack. Endelyn makes two Puppeteer's Lash attacks. The only way to dispose of Endelyn for good is to
slay her during an actua l solar eclipse or in the
Puppeteer's Lash. Melee or Ranged Sp ell Attack: +6 to hit, reach presence of a symbolic depiction of one. S ee the s tat
S ft. or range 60 ft., one creature. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) psychic dam- block for details.
age, and if the target is Large or smaller, Endelyn telekinetically
moves it up to 10 feet in any direction horizontally.

Spel/casting. Endelyn casts one of the following spells, requir-
ing no material components and using Charisma as the spell•
casting ability (spell save DC 14):

At will: detect magic:, mage hand
2/day each: augury, polymorph
l/day: plane shift (self only)



Skabalha is the oldest member of Lhe Hourglass Co-
ven. Be tter known as Granny Nightshade, s he offers
her assistance to those w ho are haunted by regret.
Her deals often result in cruel twists; for example,
a petitioner who asks to be re united with a lost love
might be transformed into one of their loved one's
cheris hed items, such as a favorite bonnet.

Skabatha assumes the guise of an old toymaker.
Part toy herself, s he has a wi ndup key between her
hunched s houlders that rotates quickly when s he's
in a good mood a nd s lows down as her mood sours.
When s he is furious, the key comes to a dead stop.


Medium Fey (Hog), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 1SO (20d8 + 60)
Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 12(+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Co n +6, In t +4, Wis +6, Cha +S

Skills Arcana +7, Dece ption +5, Pe rception +6, Stealth +2

Senses truesight 60 ft. , passive Perception 16

Languages Commo n, Elvish, Infernal, Sylvan

Challenge 8 (3 ,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Boon of Immortality. Skabatha is immune to any effect that Alignment. Neutra l evil.
would age her, and s he can't die from o ld age. Personality Trait. "When dea ling with outs iders,
I present myself as a kindly old grandmother."
Forgetfulness. Th e first creature that Skabatha sees afte r she Ideal. "Children a re better off work ing for me
finishes a long rest is invisible to her. She ca n't re member see- than picking up lots of bad habits."
ing the c reature or perceive it using her truesight until the end Bond. "I hate my sisters, but together we
of her next lo ng rest. a re strong."
Flaw. "I forget the first creature I see each day
ACTIONS w he n I awaken ."

Multiattack. Skabatha makes two Claw attacks. SKABATHA'S APPEARANCE

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to h it , reach 5 ft., one c reature. Skabatha appears as a s hort, thi n, gna rled woman
Hit: 25 (6d6 + 4) poison damage. swathe d in a tatte red dress with petticoats. Cracked
wh ile face pa int plaste rs her features, with crimson
Spellcasting. Skabatha casts one of the following spells, requir- splotches on her cheeks a nd th ick mascara coating
ing no material components and u si ng Wisdom as the spell- her sparse eyelashes. Underneath her ma ke up, her
casting ability (spell save DC 14): flesh is textured like rotten bark and infested with
wood lice a nd fungus. The windup key s ticking
At will: detect magic, druidcraft, speak with animals o ut of her back is a part of her body and no easier
2/d ay each: polymorph, remove wrse, speak with plants to remove than one of her li mbs. Skabatha roams
1/day each: awaken (as an action), plane shift (self only) Thither on her flying rocking horse (see chapter 3
for its stat block), which creaks horribly as it moves.
Alter Size. Skabatha magically sh rin ks herself to Tiny size (be-
tween 4 and 8 inches ta ll) or returns to her norm al size. If Ska- Skabatha a lways forgets the first creature she sees
batha lacks the room to re turn to her normal size, s he attains when s he awakens a fter a long rest. See the s tat
the maximum size possible in the space available. Anything she block for details .
is wearing or carrying changes size along with her.

As a Tiny creature, Skabatha dea ls 2 (l d4) poison damage
when s he hits with a Claw attack. She has advantage on Dex-
te rity (Stealth) checks, an d dis advantage on Strength checks
and Strength saving throws. Her stat istics otherwise re main
uncha nged .



The League of Malevolence is an odious assemblage
of villains united in one purpose: the accumulation
of power. Its founding member, the sorcerer Kelek,
expects his confederates to work together for the ir
mutual benefit, but he also encourages the m to pur-
sue their own evi l sche mes.

Five members of the league, including Kelek, are
described here, although one member (Skylla) has
recently parted ways with the others.


Kelek is a greedy, narcissistic sociopath who revels
in chaos but is a coward at heart. The fact that he's
highly intelligent makes him even more dangerous.
More than anything, he wants the staff ofpower
in the possession of his mos t hated foe, Ringlerun
(described later in this appendix).

Alignment. Chaotic evi l.
Personality Trait. "All who hear my name s hould
tremble in fear!"
Ideal. "Kindness is jus t another word for
Bond. "I must have Ringlerun's staff! With it, the
League of Malevolence will be unstoppable!"
Flaw. "I trust no one, nor a m I trustworthy."


Kelek uses Arcane Defense to bolster his low Armor
Class whenever possible, aod his challe nge rating
is a reflection of the like lihood that he will use Fiery
Explosion as often as he can. If one or more of his
allies get caught in a blast, so be it.

KELEK Sorcerer's Bolt. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, rea c h 5
ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2dl2) force dama ge.
Medium Humanoid (Human, Sorcerer), Chaotic Evil
StaffofStriking. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Armor Class 12 (bracers ofdefense) one target. Hit: 8 (ld6 + 5) bludgeoning d a mage, o r 9 (ld8 + 5)
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14) bludgeo ning damage when used w ith two ha nd s, and Kelek can
Speed 30 ft. expend up to 3 of the staff's c harges , dealing an extra 3 (ld 6)
force damage for each expended charge.
15 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) Fiery Explosion (Recharge 4- 6). Kelek creates a magical explo-
10 (+O) 14 (+2) sio n of fire centered on a point he ca n see within 120 fee t of
him. Each c reature in a 20-foot-radiu s s phere cen tered on tha t
Saving Throws Con +5, Cha +6 Proficiency Bonus +3 point mu s t make a DC 14 Dexte rity savi ng throw, taking 35
Skills Deception +6, Intimidation + 6 (10d6) fire damage o n a failed save, or half as much damage on
Senses passive Percep tion 11 a successful o ne.
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish
Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP) Spel/casting. Kelek ca s ts o ne of the following spells, us in g Cha-
risma as the spell cas tin g ability (spell save DC 14):
Special Equipment. Kelek wears bracers ofdefense a nd ca rries
a rt offofstriking wi t h l O charges . The s taff regains l d6 + 4 At will: light, mage hand, prestidigitation
1/day each: dominate beast. fly, mirror image, web
expended charges daily at dawn. If its last charge is expended ,
roll a d20; on a 1, the staff becomes a nonmagical qu a rters t aff. R EACTIONS
Arcane Defense (3/Day). When he is hit by an attack, Kelek
ACTIONS protects himself with an invisible barrier of magical force. Until
the end of his next turn , he ga ins a +5 bonus to AC , including
Multiattack. Kelek makes three attacks u si ng Sorcerer's Bolt, agains t the tri ggeri ng attack.

Staff of Striking, or a combination of them. H e can replace one :c:: - -
of the attacks with a use of Spe llcas ting.


Skylla. who sometimes goes by the alias Charmay,
forged a warlock's pact with Baba Yaga. It is from
this powe rful a rchfey that Skylla draws her magic.

Skylla is spiteful and treacherous, as likely to
betray her allies as to help them. She talked Kelek
into a llowing her to serve as the primary liaison be-
tween the League of Malevolence and the Hourglass
Coven, claiming her pact with Baba Yaga made he r
better suited for the role than a nyone else.

Endelyn Moongrave foresaw that Skylla's allies
would turn on her one day and shared this informa-
tion with the warlock. Skylla reacted to that news
by dista ncing he rself from the league, and now she
works for Endelyn. Skylla is open to the idea of re-
joining the league, but not while Kelek is in charge.


Medium Humanoid (Human , Warlock), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 10 (13 with mage armor)
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft .

9 (-1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)
11 (+O) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws W is +4, Cha +5

Skills Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Nature +3, Persuasion +5

Senses passive Perception 12

Languages Common, Elvish

Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Special Equipment. Skylla carries an eldritch staff (see appendix Alignment. Chaotic evil.
A) with 10 cha rges. The staff regains ld6 + 4 expended charges Personality Trait. "Only a fool would turn their
daily at dawn. If its last charge is expended, roll a d20; on a 1, back on me."
the staff is destroyed. Ideal. ''Power is what I crave. One can never have
too much of it."
ACTIONS Bond. "Baba Yaga is my patron, and she has
taught me to be s elf-re liant. Nevertheless, I feel be-
Multiattack. Skylla makes two Eldritch Staff attacks. She can holde n to stay on good te rms with her vile spawn,
replace one of the attacks with a use of Spellcasting. the hags of the Hourglass Coven."
Flaw. "I don't have a single frie nd 1 can count on.''
Eldritch Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (ld6) bludgeoning d amage, or 4 (ld8) bludgeon- COMBAT NOTES
ing damage when used with two hands, and Skylla can expend
up to 3 of the staff's charges, dealing an extra 4 (ld8) lightning Skylla is not an e ffective me lee combatant. She is
damage for each expended charge. more dangerous when she can use magic from a
safe dista nce. She can also use her faerie fire spell
Spellcasting. Skylla casts one of the following spells, requiring to make foes e a s ier for her a llies to hit.
no material components and u sing Charisma as the spellcast-
ing ability (spell save DC 13):

1/day each: detect magic, disguise self.faerie fire, jly, hypnotic
pattern, invisibility, mage armor


Eldritch Escape. When Skylla takes damage, she can expend 3
charges of her eldritch staffto turn invisible and teleport, along
with any equipment she's wearing or ca rrying, up to 60 feet to
an unoccupied space s he can see. She remains invisible until
the start of her next turn or until she attacks, casts a spell, or
deals d amage.



Warduke's services as a re morseless kille r-for-hire
can be easily bought. The evil swordsma n serves
Kelek as a cohort a nd a dve nturing compa nion from
time to time. He is n't terribly bright, which is why he
leaves the plotting a nd sche ming to others.

What does Warduke look Like unde r his dread
helm? No one knows. He never removes his he lmet
to revea l his face to others , but the visage beneath it
is that of a grim, hideous ly scarred g ladiato r.

Alignment. Chaotic evil.
Personality Trait. "Ts peak with the flames
and razor-sha rp edges of my sword. They beat
words to hell."
Ideal. "I expect to be paid well for my handiwork."
Bond. "The League of Malevole nce is a con-
venient a rra ngement- until something better
comes a long."
Flaw. "I would rathe r die than surrender."


Warduke likes to hit th ings with his sword: it's as
simple as that.


Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 17 (half plate, shield)
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 11 (+O) 14 (+2) 9 (- 1) 11 (+O) 11 (+O)

Saving Throws Str +6, Con +S Proficiency Bonus +3
Skills Ath letics + 6, Intimidation +3
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge S (1 ,800 XP)

Special Equipment. Warduke wears a dread helm (see appendix
A) and wields a flame tongue longsword.


Multiauock. Warduke makes three Dagger or Flame
Tongue attacks.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld4 + 3) piercing damage.

Flame Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach S ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) slashing damage. or 8 (ldlO + 3) slash-
ing damage when used with two hands, plus 7 (2d6) fire dam-
age if the weapon is aflame.

Flaming Blade. Wardu ke ignites or extinguishes his flame
tongue longsword. While aflame, it sheds bright light in a 40-
foot rad ius a nd d im light for an additional 40 feet.

Second Wind (Recharges ofter o Short or Long Rest). Warduke
regains 13 hit poin ts.


Medium Humanoid (Ore), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 14 (leather armor)
Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15)
Speed 30 ft.

13 (+l ) 11 (+O) 15 (+2) 6 (-2)
16 (+3) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +2

Skills Acrobatics +7, Insigh t +6, Perception +6, Stealth +7

ZARAK Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16

Zarak is an assassin without honor or conscience. Languages Common, Ore
Unus ually s hort of stature for someone of orcish
heritage, he might pass for an ugly, beardless dwarf Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
were it not for his rotting tusks and grayish pa llor.
The only thing he loves is money, a nd he wouldn't Special Equipment. Zarak carries a potion ofinvisibility.
hesitate to s tab a llies in the back if they came be-
twee n him a nd the ric hes he covets. ACTIONS

Alignment. Chaotic evil. Multiattack. Zarak makes two Dagger attacks.
Personality Trait. "I mince people, not words."
Ideal. "Coin is what I crave." Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Bond. "Once I agree to kill something, I purs ue or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld4 + 3) piercing damage,
my qua rry until the job is done." plus an extra 5 (2d4) piercing damage if the target is a creat ure
Flaw. "A frie nd is just a n enemy I haven't and Zarak has at least 18 hit points.
made yet."
Garrote. Melee Weapon Attock: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one
COMBAT NOTES Huma noid. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage, and the target
is grappled (escape DC 11). Until this grapple ends, the target
When faced with multiple foes, Zara k prefers to hurl takes 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing dama ge at the start of each of its
daggers from a distance. When targeting a lone indi- turns, and Za rak can't grapple another creature or use Assas-
vidual, especia lly someone he has been hired to kill, sin's Whim.
he prefe rs the up-close-and-pe rsona l garrote, so that
he ca n hear the dying breath of his ha pless prey. If BONUS A CTIONS ..z
defeat seems likely, he qua ffs his potion ofinvisibil- Assassin's Whim. Zarak takes the Dash, Disengage, or
ity a nd flees. Hide action.


Uncanny Dodge. Zarak halves the damage he takes from an
attack made against him, provided he can see th e attacker.



Zargash worships Orcus, the D emon Prince of
Undeath, who has promised to transform Zargash
into a vampire after a lifetime o f faithful ser vice.
For a living priest to worship Orcus i s utter folly,
but Zargash is twisted beyond any hope of redemp-
tion. His hobbies include slaying the living a nd
animating the dead.


Medium Humanoid (Cleric, Human}, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2)
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +4 Proficiency Bonus +2
Skills Deception +6, Insight +5
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Cling to Life (Recharges ofter a Long Rest). The first time Alignment. Chaotic evil.
Zargash would drop to 0 hit points as a resu lt of taking dam- Personality Trait. " I do not fear death. for when I
age, he ins tead drops to 1 hit point.
die, Orcus will transform me into a vampire."
Special Equipment. Zargash wears a bat-shaped amulet that
has the properties of a ring offeather foiling. Ideal. "Entropy is not simply the bane of exis-

A CTION S tence. ft's the doom of the multiverse. My job is to
speed it along."
Multiottack. Za rgash makes three Warhammer attacks.
Bond. "Praise Orcus! May he give me the power to
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (ld8 + 2) bludgeoning damage, or 7 (ldl0 + 2) spread death, decay, and undeath in his name!"
bludgeoning damage when used with two hands.
Flaw. "I see living people as the corpses they are
Deathly Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 60 ft ., one
creature. Hit: 25 (4dl0 + 3) necrotic damage. doomed to becom e and treat them accordingly."

Spel/casting. Zargash casts one of the following spells, using COMBAT NOTES
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13): War is Zargash's domain. He wears a rusty chain
shirt under his robe and likes to thwart enemy spell-
At will: light, 1haumaturgy
1/day each: command, gaseous form, hold person, silence, casters by enveloping them in the area of a silence
spell. If defeat seems inevitable, he casts gaseous
speak with dead
form on himself and flees, leaving his allies to fend
BONUS ACTIONS for them selves.

Animate Corpse (1/Day). Zargash targets the lifeless corpse of
one Humanoid he can see within 30 feet of him and commands
it to rise, transforming it into a zombie under his control. The
zombie takes its turn immediately after Zargash. Animating the
zombie requires Zargash's concentration (as ifconcentrating
on a spell). The zombie reverts to an inanimate corpse after
10 minutes, when 1t drops to O hit points, or when Zargash's
concentration ends.



Medium Humanoid (Dwarf), Lawful Good The noble adventuri ng party known as Valor's Call
was founded by Strongheart, a resolute human pal-
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) adin committed to destroying evil wherever it rears
Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21) its ugly head. Strongheart a lone determines who
can become a member of this prestigious group,
Speed 25 ft. which has more members than those described
here. (The other members, who do not appear in
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA this adventure, a re busy elsewhere.) Strongheart is
9 (-1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) always on the lookout for cou rageous heroes who
13 (+l) 16 (+3) are willing to devote themselves to a good cause.
Only good-aligned characters are allowed to join
Saving Throws Str +l, Con +5 Valor's Call.

Skills Perception +2, Survival +2 ELKHORN

Damage Resistances poison Elkhorn has been Strongheart's most stalwart com-
pan ion over the years- unflinchingly loyal, tirelessly
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 optimistic, and fiercely devoted to the destruction of
evil in all its forms. He's not especially bright, so he
languages Common, Dwarvish fights with his heart rather than his wits.

Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Age has drained much of the strength from Elk-
horn's body. Strongheart has urged Elkhorn to re-
Special Equipment. Elkhorn w ields a +7 longsword. tire, but the old dwarf stubbornly refuses to do so.

ACTIONS Alignment. Lawful good. .
Personality Trait. "As long as I have the strength
Multiattack. Elkhorn makes two Dagger or+l Long- in my bones to fight evil, that is what l will do." 3
sword attacks. Ideal. "One who stands id le as evil remains un-
checked is no friend or ally of mine. We all have an 0
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or obligation to fight atrocity a nd corruption, to what-
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (ld4 + l) piercing damage. If ever extent we can."
the target is a creature that is Large or bigger, it takes an extra 5 Bond. "Strongheart is a good egg, but J have yet to
(ldl0) piercing da mage. teach him a ll I know about being a true menace to
evildo e r s ."
+1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Flaw. "Retire? My goodness, no. I'll retire when
target. Hit: 4 (ld8) s lashing damage, or 5 (ld70) slashing dam- J'm dead."
age when used with two hands. If the target is a creature that is
Large or bigger, it takes an extra 5 (ldl0) slashing damage. COMBAT NOTES

BONUS ACTIONS Elkhorn's challenge rating is based on him using
Feint lo improve h is rather weak sword attack.
Feint (Recharge 5-6). Elkhorn targets one creature that he can Having been trained in his youth to fight ogres and
see within 5 feet of him. Elkhorn has advantage on the next at- trolls, he's much more dangerous against creatures
tack roll he makes against that target before the end of his turn. that are s ignificantly bigger than he is.
If that attack hits, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage of
the weapon's type.

Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Elkhorn
regains 12 hit points.



Medium Humanoid (Cleric, Human), Lawful Goad

Armor Class 19 (plate armor)
Hit Points 31 (9d8 - 9)
Speed 30 ft.

12 (+l) 17 (+3) 17 (+3)
15 (+2) 10 (+O) 9 (- 1)

Saving Throws Wis +S, Cha +S Proficiency Bonus +2 MERCION
Skills Insight +S, Medicine +S
Senses passive Perception 13 Me rcion strikes the balance of a natura l leader and
Languages Common, Dwarvish a protective caregiver_ She has a direct manner that
Challenge 3 (700 XP) reassures and inspires those around her.

Special Equipment. Mercion wields a + J quarterstaff. Mercion does not worship a deity, but rathe r an
idea l: that truth gives life to artistry and beauty, and
ACTIONS that those who embrace deceit should be censured
a nd punished. Light is her domain.
Multiattack. Mercion makes one Divine Radiance attack and
one +l Quarterstaff attack. She can replace one of these at- Alignment. Lawful good.
tacks with a use of Spellcasting. Personality Trait. '·No one dies on my watch-
unless they stand against w hat I hold dear."
Divine Radiance. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach Ideal. "Truth begets art a nd beauty, wh ile deceit
5 ft. o r range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) radiant damage. does nothing but tear the fabric of ou r souls.''
Bond. "Evildoers beware! Valor's Call is
+1 Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach S ft., com ing for you."
one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, or 7 (ld8 + 3) Flaw. "My friends would say I'm inflexible. The
bludgeoning damage when used with two hands. truth is, I like things done a certa in way."

Radiant Fire (Recharge 5-6). Mercion creates a magical explo- COMBAT NOTES
sion offie ry radiance centered on a point she can s ee within
120 feet of her. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere cen- Me rcion counts on he r armor to protect her as s he
tered on that point must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, administers hea ling. She uses Radiant Fire agains t
taking 28 (8d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as groups of foes when there's no chance of harming
much damage on a successful one. a llies or innocent lives. otherwise resorting to hold
p erson s pells and Divine Radiance attacks .
Spellcasting. Mercion casts one of the following s pells, using
Wisdom as the s pellcasting ability (s pell save DC 13):

At will: light, spare the dying .

2/day each: command, create food and water, cure wounds,faene

fire, hold person, revivify

1/day: death ward


Armor Class l 5 (+l leather armor)
Hit Points 60 (&d& + 24)
Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3)
9 (-1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 9 (- 1)

Saving Throws Dex + 5, Int +2

Skills Acrobatics +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7

Senses passive Perce ptio n 9

Languages Common

MOLLIVER Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Molliver is a thief who gives most of what they steal Evasion. When subjected to an effect that allows a Dexter-
to the destitute, keeping a few choice items for their ity saving throw to take only half damage, Molliver takes no
own use. They're always ready to put themself in damage on a successful save or half damage on a failed one,
harm's way to see justice triumph over tyranny and provided Molliver is not incapacitated.
Special Equipment. Molliver wea rs +l leather armor and boots
Molliver invites trouble by not thinking through oflevitation.
the ramifications of their actions, counting on their
friends to ba il them out whenever they get in over ACTIONS
their head . They always have a fri endly jibe or acer-
bic remark on the tip of their tongue, a nd the ir cav- Multiattack. Molliver m akes two Dagger or Shortsword
alier attitude doesn't always sit we ll with their more attacks, or one ofeach.
cautious companions.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Alignment. Chaotic good. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld4 + 3) piercing damage.
Personality Trait. "I'm a bit rash, to put it mildly." The attack deals an extra 7 (2d6) piercing d amage if Molliver
Ideal. "l have no tole ra nce for bullies and tyrants." has advantage on th e attack roll o r if the target is within 5 feet
Bond. "The brigganocks of Yon are my trus ted of one of Molliver's a llies.
friends. They need someone to protect them , a nd I
happily volunteer." Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Flaw. "My impatience sometimes demands that I creature. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) piercing damage. The attack deals
strike out on my own while my comrades-in-arms an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage if Molliver has advantage on
waste time deliberating." the attack roll or if the target is with in 5 feet of one of Molliv-
er's allies.
Levitate. While wea ring boots oflevitation, Mollive r casts levi-
Molliver likes to get up close and pe rsonal in fights. tate (selfonly).
If they're caught in a tight s pot, they try to use their
boots oflevitation to escape. REACTIONS

Uncanny Dodge. Molliver halves the damage th ey take from an
attack m ade against them, provided they can see the attacker.



Ringler~n beca me a n a dve nture r to be tte r satisfy
his craving for a rca ne knowle dge. One of his adven-
tures took him into an underwate r tomb, where he
tricked a marid into s urre nde ring a staffofpower.
This staff greatly increased R ingle run's capabilities
and made him the e nvy of many riva l s pe llcasters .

Ringlerun has a good heart, but he's easily dis-
tracted by intellectua l pursuits. He would rather
spend time in quie t conte mplation or reading tha n
in frivolous conve rsation.


Medium Humanoid (Human, Wizard), Lawful Good

Armor Class 12 (staffofpower}
Hit Points 42 (l2d8 - 12)
Speed 30 ft.

17 (+ 3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
9 (- 1) 10 (+0) 9 (- 1)

Saving Throws Sir+1, Dex +2 , Con +1, Int +7, Wis +S, Cha +2

Skills Arcana +S, History + S

Senses passive Perception 11

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish

Challenge S (1 ,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Special Equipment. Ringlerun wields a staffofpower. It has Alignment. Lawful good.
20 charges when fully charged and regains 2d8 + 4 expended Personality Trait. "Don't ta lk to me. I'm reading."
charges daily at dawn. If its las t charge is expended, roll a Ideal. ..Magic belongs on ly in the ha nds of those
d20. On a 1, the staff retains its +2 bonus to attack and dam- w ho use it for noble ends."
age rolls but loses its other properties; on a 20. it rega ins Bond. "My staffofpower dramatically enhances
ld8 + 2 charges. my magical abilities. I shudder to think how its
power cou ld be abused in the wrong hands."
ACTIONS Flaw. .., get prickly when people who are clearly
less intelligent want to te ll me what to do."
Multiottack. Ringlerun makes three Staff of Power or Freezing
Ray attacks. He can replace one of those attacks with a use of COMBAT NOTES
Ringlerun can fend off melee attackers with wild
StaffofPower. Melee Weapon Attack: + 3 to hit, reach S ft., one swings of his staff, but he prefe rs to fly out of reach
target. Hit: 4 (ld6 + l ) bludgeoning damage, or 5 (ld8 + l) and attack at range using his staff's formidable
bludgeoning damage when used with two hands , and Ringlerun spells (cone ofcold being his favorite).
can expend l of the staff's charges to deal an extra 3 (ld6)
force damage.

Freezing Ray. Ranged Spell Auack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one
creature. Hit: 27 (6d8) cold damage.

Spellcasting. Ringlerun casts one of the following spells. using
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):

At will: light, mage hand, prestidigitation
3/day each: charm person, detect magic, sleep
1/day each: banishment, dispel magic. fly, knock

StoffSpell. While hold ing his staffofpower, Ringlerun can ex-
pend l or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells
from it (spell save DC 13, +7 to hit with spell attacks): cone of
cold (8d8 cold damage; S charges),.fireba// (10d6 fire damage;
S charges), globe ofinvulnerability (6 charges), hold monster
(S charges), levitate (2 charges) , lightning bolt (10d6 lightning
damage; 5 charges), magic missile (1 charge), ray ofenfeeble-
ment (l charge), or wall offorce (5 charges).


. ....•.•


Strongheart prefers to fight with Steel, his trusty
sword. His favorite use of the command spell is to
compel a foe to "Yield!" (which has the same effect
as commanding it to halt). He tries to capture and
imprison evildoers, slaying them only if they cannot

be apprehended.


Medium Humanoid (Human, Paladin), Lawful Good

Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield)
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)

Speed 30 ft.

l 5 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+l) 17 (+3)
12 (+1) 13 (+l)

Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +5 Proficiency Bonus +2
Skills Insight +3, Persuasion +S
Condition Immunities frightened
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

STRONGHEART Special Equipment. Strongheart wields Steel, a sentient, lawful
good longsword (see appendix A).
Strongheart is a fearless seeker of justice, risking
his life to ensure that good triumphs over evil. He is ACTIONS
thoughtful, kind, and seldom rash, yet never hesitant
to punish those who spit in the face of law a nd order. Multiattack. Strongheart makes three Steel attacks.

Strongheart doesn't worship a god but devotes Steel. Melee Weapon Attack: + 6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
himself to an ideal: that the world can be spared Hit: 8 (ld8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (ldl0 + 4) slashing
from evil by those who have enough courage to damage when used with two hands. Once on each ofhis turns,
stand against it. Strongheart can also cause the blade to gleam with holy light. If
he does so, the target is blinded until the start of Strongheart's
Alignment. Lawful good. next turn.
Personality Trait. "I try to see the good in people,
but I won't give comfort to those who have no good- Revivify (Recharges at the Next Dawn). While holding Steel,
ness in them." Strongheart casts re vivify.
Ideal. "Justice needs champions. I count my-
self as one." Spel/casting. Strongheart casts one of the following spells,
Bond. '· Va lor's Call is not just a n assembly of using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):
like-minded individuals who believe that good must
triumph over evi l. Its members a re also my friends." 3/day each: command, detect evil and good, protection from
Flaw. "I am prepa red- my friends might say too evil and good
prepared- to sacrifice myself for the greatest good.''
1/day each: lesser restoration, remove curse , zone oftruth


Protect Another. When a creature Strongheart can see attacks
another creature that is within 5 feet of him, Strongheart can
use his reaction to impose disa dvantage on the attack roll, pro·
vided he is carrying a shield.





appear more tha n once in the adventure,

~ presenting them in alphabetical order. The
introduction of the Monster Manual explains
how to inte rpre t a creature's stat block.


Boggles are the little bogeys of fa iry tales. They hide
under beds a nd in closets, wa iting to fri g hte n a nd
bedevil folk wit h the ir mjschie f.

A boggle excretes a special oiJ from its pores and
can make the substance slippery or sticky. The oil
dries up a nd disappears an hour after the boggle
expels it.

A boggle can create magical o penings th at enable
ii to travel short distance s or to pilfer items th at
would otherwise be beyond its reach. To create s uch
a rift in space, a boggle mus t be adjacent to a space
defined by a frame, s uch as an op en window or a
doorway, a ga p between the bars of a cage, or the
space between the feet of a bed and the floor. The
rift disappears after a few seconds-enough time for
the boggle to s tep, reach, or attack through it.

BOGGLE throw o r be restrained. On its turn, a creature can use a n
action to try to extricate itself, ending the effect and moving
Small Fey, Typically Chaotic: Neut ral in to the nearest unoccu pied space of its choice w ith a suc-
cess ful DC 11 Strength check.
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4) BONUS ACTIONS
Boggle Oil. The boggle excretes nonflammable oil from its
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. po res, giving itself one of the following benefits of its choice
until it uses this bonus action again:
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Slippery Oil. The boggle has advantage on Dexterity (Acrobat-
8 (- 1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 6 (- 2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
ics) checks made to escape bonds and e nd grapples, and it
Skills Perception +5, Sleight of Hand + 6, Stealth +6 can move through o peni ngs large enough for a Tiny creature
without squeezing.
Damage Resistances fire Sticky Oil. The boggle has adva ntage on Strength (Athletics)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 checks made to grapple and any abili ty check made to main-
tai n a ho ld on another creature, a surface, or an object. The
Languages Sylvan Proficiency Bonus +2 boggle can also climb difficult surfaces, including upside
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) down on ce ilings , without needing to ma ke an ability check.
Dimensional Rift. The boggle creates an invisible and immobile
ACTIONS rift within an opening or frame it can see within 5 feet of it, pro-
vided that the space is no bigger than 10 feet on any side. The
Pummel. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. d im ensional rift bridges the dista nce between t ha t space and
Hit: 2 (ld6 - 1) bludgeoning damage. a point within 30 feet of it that the boggle can see or s pecify by
distance and d irection (such as " 30 feet straight up"). Wh ile
Oil Puddle. The boggle creates a pudd le of nonflammable next to the rift, the boggle can see through it and is considered
oil. The puddle is 1 inch deep a nd covers the ground in the to be next to the destination as well, and anything the boggle
boggle's space. The puddle is difficult terrain for all cre atures puts through the rift (including a po rt ion of its bo dy) emerges
except boggles and las ts for 1 hour. The o il has one of the fol- at the destination. Only the boggle can use t he rift, and it lasts
lowing addit ional effects of the boggle's choice: until the end of the boggle's next turn.

Slippery Oil. Any non-boggle creature that en ters th e puddle o r APPENDIX CI CREATURES
starts its turn there mus t s ucceed on a DC 11 Dex terity sav-
ing throw o r fall prone.

Sticky Oil. Any non -boggle creature that enters the puddle or_
starts its turn there must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving


BRIGGANOCK gems a nd use them to decora te the ir architecture
and crafts, or they trade them to other Fey for food
Brigganocks are fra ntic, mouse-sized creatures that and favors. A more powerful Fey creatu re can use
live in mines. Whenever a mortal makes a nonmag- a wish stone to scry on the make r of the wis h, em-
ical wish, perhaps while blowing out the candles on power a supernatural cha rm, or provide the spark
a birthday cake or tossing a coin down a well, an neede d to create an animated object. Othe r uses are
echo of that wish becomes lodge d in a stone buried possible as well.
deep in the earth of the Feywild. Brigganocks seek
out these wish stones, discarding the ones that con- A brigganock's soul lives outside its body, mani-
ta in wishes of ill inte nt and keeping those that hold festing as a bulb of pale light that floats alongside it
good wishes. Brigganocks re fine wish stones into and helps the brigganock see in the dark.

BRIGGANOCK Brigganocks have minor spellcasting abilities
that he lp them s urvive. They a lso have the ability to
Tiny Fey, Typically Neutral Good manipulate time, allowing the m to accomplish hour-
long tas ks in a matter of seconds, though a brig-
Armor Class 12 ganock must rest between these bursts of temporal
Hit Points 9 (2d4 + 4) acceleration.
Speed 15 ft.
Briggaoocks like to nibble on cheese, le ttuce, and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA other soft foods. They eat quite a lot for creatures of
4 (- 3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) their s ize and never turn dow n a good meal.

Saving Throws Dex +4 , Con +4 Proficiency Bonus +2 ACTIONS
Condition Immunities exhaustion
Senses passive Pe rception 10 Pickaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Languages Common, Sylvan Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) piercing damage.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Spellcast ing. The b rigganock casts one of the following spells,
Fey Ancestry. The brigganock has advantage on saving throws requiring no material components and using Charisma as the
against being c harmed, and m agic can't put It to sleep. spellcasting ability (spell save DC 11 ):

Soul Light. The briggano ck is accompanied by an insubstantial, At will: minor illusion, spare the dying
invulnerable ball of light that contains its soul. The brlgganock 1/day each: animalfriendship.faerie fire , meld into stone, silence
can't turn off the light o r control its brightness. The soul light
sheds bright ligh t in a 10-foot radi us and d im light for a n addi- Time Lapse (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The brig·
tional 10 feet. If the brigganock dies, its soul light fades away. ganock accelerates the passage of time around itself, enabling
it to accomplish up to 1 hour of work in a matter of seconds.
Tunneler. Using a pickaxe or s imilar tool, a bngga nock can This work can't affect any creature other than the brigganock,
burrow through solld rock al a s peed of 5 feet, leavi ng a or any object being worn or carried by another creature, and
6-l nch-diameter tunnel in ,ts wake. the activity must take place within a 10-foot cube. For example,
the brigganock could use this action to rapidly carve a pump·
kin, cook and eat dinner, move a pile of stones, or tie a dozen
knots in a length of rope.


Move Soul Light. The brigganock moves its soul light up to 30
feet in any direction to an unoccupied space it can see. At the
end of the cu rrent turn, the light returns to the brigganock.



Bullywugs a re amphibious bipeds described in the
Monster Manual. Two add itional varieties a re pre-
sented here.


Bullywug knights adhere to a code of chivalry. Their
sense of honor compels these noble bullywugs to
fight fairly a nd to ins ist that others do so as well.


The la rgest or most inte lligent bullywugs inva riably
e nd up leading their kind. A royal is often mounted
astride a gia nt toad or accompan ied by one (see the
Monster Manual for the giant toad's stat block).


Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment

Armor Class 15 (hide armor, shield)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Medium Humanoid, Typically Lawful Good

Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +3

Armor Class 18 (plate) Skills Athl e tics +5, Intimida tion +4, Stealth +3
Hit Points 66 (l 2d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Se nses passive Perception 10

STR DEX CON Languages Bullywug, Common Proficiency Bonus +2
16 (+3) 12 (+l) 13 (+l) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

INT WIS CHA Amphibious. The royal can breathe air and water.
9 (- 1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Speak with Frogs and Toads. The royal can communicate sim-
Saving Throws Con +3, Wis +2 Proficiency Bonus +2 ple concepts to frogs and toads when it s peaks in Bullywug.
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Bullywug, Common Standing Leap. The royal's long ju mp is up to 20 feet and its
Challenge 3 (700 XP) high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.

Amphibious. The knight can breathe air and water. Toad Rider. The royal has advantage on melee at tacks its makes
while riding a toad mount.
Speak with Frogs and Toads. The knight can communicate sim-
ple concepts to frogs and toads when it speaks in Bullywug. ACT IONS

Standing Leap. The knigh t 's long jump is up to 20 feet and its Multiattack. The royal makes two Spear attacks.
high jump is up to 10 fee t , with or without a running s tart.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit (with advan-
ACTIONS tage if the roya l is moun ted on a toad) , reach 10 ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) piercing damage, or 7
Mu/tiattack. The knigh t m akes two Glaive attacks. (1 d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. melee attack. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature,
Hit: 8 (ldl0 + 3) s lashing dam age. it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
Croak ofCharming (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
The knight makes a loud croak while targeting one c reature it Croaked Decree (Recharge 5- 6). The royal makes a loud pro-
nouncement. Each ally of the royal that is within 60 feet of the
.. can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC royal and can hear the pronouncement has advantage on its
firs t attack roll on its next turn.
t 12 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the end of its

,l next turn.



Campestris are happy-go-lucky mushroom-like crea- Medium Swarm ofTiny Plants, Unaligned
tures with few cares or worries. They are captivated
by music, though they can't distingu.ish a well-played Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
performa nce from a bad one. [f a nyone plays an Hit Points 27 (6d8)
instrument or s ings in the campestris' vicinity, the Speed 5 ft.
little creatures will happily sing a lon g, each in a n
obnoxious ly nasal falsetto, as they da nce a nd caper
arou nd whoever is maki ng the mus ic.

Ca mpestris can easily imitate lyrics and music.
After a campestri has practiced a song or a piece of
music three or four times. the creature rem embers
it forever.

Campestris vary wide ly in color. from white to tan
co dark brow n, but they a lways have red or purple
caps a nd s peckles. A campestri moves by m a nipu-
lati ng the mycelium that grows out of the base of its
stem a nd s uppor ts it. The mushroom creatures eat
salty soil, fil ter out the salt, a nd excrete a s lippe ry
paste of purified s oil (stripped of things nouris hing
to fungi. of course). Eating salt is a lso a defense
mecha nis m. because it makes the campestris taste
salty and thus unpleasant to most creatures, though
bullywugs consider the m a delicacy.

3 (-4) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 8 (- 1)
Tiny Plant, Unaligned
Skills Perception +4

Armor Clas.s 12 (natu ral armo r) Damage Resistance s bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Hit Points 2 (ld4)
Speed 5 ft. Condition Immunities charmed, grappled, paralyzed, petrified,

prone, restrained, stunned

Senses tremorsense 30 ft ., passive Perception 14

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA La nguages understands Common but speaks only through the
l (-5)
7 (-2) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) & (-1) use of its Mimicry trait

Challenge l (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Skills Perception +4 M imicry. Each campestri in the swarm can mimic any voice or
song it has heard, albeit in a nasal falsetto.
Senses tremo rsense 30 ft., passive Perceptio n 14
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's space and
Languages understands Common but s peaks only through the vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large
enough to accommodate an individua l campestri. The swarm
use of its Mimicry trait can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.

Challenge 0 (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 ACTIO NS

Mimicry. The campestri can m im ic any voice o r so ng it has Head Butts. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
heard, albeit in a nasal falsetto. target. Hit: 10 (4d4) bludgeoning damage, or 5 (2d4) bludgeon·
ing damage if t he swarm has half its hit points or fewer.
Spores (1/Doy). A 20-foot radius of spores extends from the
Head Butt. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- swarm . These spores can go around corners, and they have
get. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage. no e ffect o n Constructs, Ele mentals, Plants, or Undead. Each
other creature in the area must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving
Spores (1/Doy). A 5-foot radius of spores extends from the th row. O n a failed save, the creature is inca pacitated and its
campestri. These spores can go aro und corners , and they have speed is halved, both for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
no effect on Constructs, Elementals, Plants, o r Undead. Each saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
other creature in the a rea must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving on itself on a success.
throw. On a failed save, the creature is incapacitate d and its
speed is halved, both for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end ofeach ofits turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.



Ancient legends s pea k of a seelie fey who be trayed Medium Fey, Typically Chaotic Neuua/
the Summer Queen. In the Summe r Queens' wrath
she cursed every me mber o f his ho use. The seelie '
fey's true na me has b een stricke n from history,
but the s tories call him Dubh Catha ("Dark Crow"
in Com mon), and o the r Fey refe r to the house's
descendants as dubh s ith- "darklings." Darklings
dwell in secluded caverns and cha mbers be neath
the towns of other species. From such e nclaves,
they quietly ply the ir trade as thieves a nd assassins.


The Summer Queen's curse causes a darkling's
body to absorb light, w hich w izens the creature,
much like the effect of rapid agi ng. For this reason ,
darklings cover their e ntire bodies with clothing
when exposure to light is a risk. The lig ht da rk.lings
absorb over the course of their lives explodes out-
ward when they die, incinerating the creatures a nd
much of their possessions.


Awise and respected da rlding ca n unde rgo a ritua l
to become a n elder. Othe r e lde rs m ark the suppli-
cant with glowing tattoos, chan neling away some of
the darkling's absorbe d lig ht. 1f the ritual s ucceeds,
the darkling grows into a taller, e lf-like form. The
darkling peris hes if the ritual fails.

DARKLING Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Small Fey, Typically Chaotic Neutral Speed 30 ft.

Armor Class 14 (leather armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Hit Points 13 (3d6 + 3) 13 (+l} 17 (+3) 12 (+l } 10 (+0} 14 (+2) 13 (+l}
Speed 30 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Acrobatics +5, Deception +3, Perception +6, Stealth +7
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
9 (-1) Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16

Skills Acrobatics +S, Deception +2 , Perceptio n +5, Stealth +7 Languages Elvish, Sylvan

Senses bli ndsight 30 ft., da rkvis ion 120 ft ., passive Perception 15 Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Languages Elvish, Sylvan Death Burn. When the darkling elder dies, magical ligh t flashes
o ut fro m it in a 10-foot radius as its body and possessions,
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficie ncy Bonus +2 other than metal or ma gic o bjects, burn to ash. Any creature
in that area m us t make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On
Death Flash, When the darkling d ies, non m agical ligh t fla shes a failed save, the creature takes 7 (2d6) radiant damage and is
out from it in a 10-foot radius as its body and possessions, blinded until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the
other than metal or magic objects, burn to ash . Any creature in creature takes halfas much damage and isn't blinded.
that area must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
or be blinded until the end of its next turn. ACTIONS ...

Light S ensitivity. Wh ile in bright light, the darkling has _disad- Multiattack. The darkling elder makes two Scimitar attacks.
vantage o n attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight. Scimitar. Me/ee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + J) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Dagger. Me/ee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Darkness (Recharges after a Short or Lang Rest). The darkling
or range 20/60 ft., one ta rget. H it: 5 (ld4 + 3) p iercing damage elde r casts darkness , requiring no spell components and using
pills 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. Wisdom as the spellcasting abil ity.



A giant dragonfly has a 20-foot w ingspan. Jt drones These large mollusks retreat into their ha rdy
loudly as it hovers and darts through the a ir, search- shells when threatened, a nd they're pa rticularly
ing for smaller insects ro consume. susceptible to being injured by contact with salt.


Lorge Beast, Unaligned

GIANT DRAGONFLY Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Hit Points 22 (4dl 0)
Large Beast, Unaligned Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft.

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 22 (4dl0) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses darkvision 60 ft.. passive Perception 10
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Languages -

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Senses passive Perception 10 Proficiency Bonus +2 Salt Osmosis. Whenever the snail s tarts its turn in contact with
Languages- a pound or more of salt, it takes ld4 necrot ic damage Using
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) an action to sprinkle a pound of salt on the snail deals l d4
necrotic damage to it immediately and another l d4 necrotic
Drone. When it beats its wings, the dragonfly emits a loud damage to it at the start of its next turn (after which the salt
droning sound that can be heard out to a range of l 20 fee t. rubs off), provided the snail has not withdrawn into its shell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 6 to hit, reach 5 ft., o ne target.
Hit: 6 (ld4 + 4) piercing damage. Slam. Me/ee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target.
Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Uncanny Dodge. The dragonfly halves the damage it takes from Shell Defense. The snail withdraws into its shell, gaining a +4
an attack made against it. provided 1t can see the attacker. bonus to its AC until it emerges. It can emerge from its shell as
a bonus action on its turn.



Harengons a re rabbit-folk native to the Feywild. Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment
through they often migrate to the Mate ria l Plane.
They love to trave l on foot a nd rare ly stay in one Armor Class 14 (l eather armor)
place for long. Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Not all ha rengoos are mean-spirited bullies like
the ones presented he re. Eve ry ha re ngon follows STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
their own path through life, their disposition s haped 14 (+2) 17 (+ 3) 11 (+O) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+ 0)
in part by the company they keep. One ha re ngon
might travel to far lands, ma ke frie nds a long the Saving Throws Dex +S Proficiency Bonus +2
way, delight in freedom and the open trail, and find Skills Acrobatics +S, Perception +4
inner peace. Another might become a n adve nture r Se nses passive Perception 14
with a strong heart a nd fervent drea ms. For more Languages Common, Sylvan
information on hare ngons as player c ha racte rs, see Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
the introduction of this adventure.
Pack Tactics. The harengon has advan t age on an attack roll
HARENGON BRIGANDS against a creature if at leas t one of the harengon's allies is
wi th in 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't in capacitated.
Harengon brigands a re us ua lly e ncou nte red in
small bands lurking along trails a nd roadways, Standing Le ap. The harengon's long jump is up to 20 feet and
where they can easily spot and a mbus h the ir vic- its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or withou t a runn ing start.
tims. They delight in extorting travele rs for safe pas-
sage while rudely mocking them. These bullies are ACTIONS
particularly a ntagonistic toward those who appear Club. M elee Weapon Attack: + 4 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target.
to be lost or in a hurry. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) bludgeoning d a m age.

The best way to deal with ha re ngoo brigands I Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, ran ge 30/ 120 ft., one
is to outnumber them or give them a good kick- target. H it: 5 (ld4 + 3) bludgeoning da mage.
ing. They flee quickly when the tables are turned
against the m. HARENGON SNIPER

HARENGON SNIPERS Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment

Harengon snipers provide artillery support to gangs Armor Class 14 (le ather armor)
of harengon brigands. They hide atop bluffs, in the Hit Points 9 (2d8)
high bra nches of trees, and be hind she lte r, ready to Speed 30 ft.
pick off targets from a safe distance.
These s nipe rs are so adept with their crossbows 10 (+ 0) 17 (+ 3) 11 (+0) 10 (+ 0) 13 (+1) 10 (+ 0)
that their ta rgets gain no be nefit from less than total
cover against ranged attacks the ha re ngons make Saving Throws Dex +5
with these weapons. In addition, they can attack
a target as far away as the ir weapons' maximum Skills Athletics +2, Perception +5, Stealth +S
range without needing to apply the us ual penalty
for attacking at long range. After a sniper makes a n Senses passive Perception 15
atlack. the ha rengon can duc k out of sight to make
retaliation difficult, if not impossible.

Languages Common, Sylva n

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Standing Leap. The harengon 's lon g jump is up to 20 feet and
its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.

Club. Me/ee Weapon A ttack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
H it: 2 (ld4) b ludgeoning damage.

Light Crossbo w. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit (th e target
gains no benefit from less than to ta l cove r) , range 320 ft.,
one target. Hii: 7 (ld8 + 3) piercing damage. Hit or Miss: Im -
mediately after making this attack, the harengon can use the
H ide action.



Huge Dragon, Typically Chaotic Evil Ajabberwock is a solitary, temperamenta l predator
that haunts pristine forests and ancient ruins. Ac-
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) curate descriptions of jabberwocks are difficult to
Hit Points 115 (10d1 2 + SO) come by, because the rare s urvivors of an e ncounter
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft., swi m 30 ft. with one retain only a confused impression of its
parts and not a sense of the whole. Pieced-together
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA accounts describe it as a sinewy, dragon-like crea-
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+S) 4 (-3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) ture that can walk on its hind legs as easily as it
trave ls on all four. Its eyes can emit fi ery beams.
Saving Throws Str +1 0 , Dex +6, Con +10, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +5
Once a jabberwock has chosen its tar get, it con-
Skills Perception +8 centrates its attacks on that target until the victim is
killed (and devoured), until the jabberwock is killed,
Damage Vulnerabilities s lashing from a vorpol sword or until the target escapes using teleportation magic
or other means.
Damage Immunities poison
If a jabberwock is slain, another one appears 3d8
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned years later, mate rializing within a thousand miles
of where the old one perished . No immaturejabber-
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 18 wock has ever been sighted, a nd the creature does
not appear to age.
dies only if it starts its turn wit h 0 hit points and doesn't
Challenge 13 (10 ,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 regenerate.

Confusing Burble. The jabberwock burbles to itself unless it is Uncanny Tracker. The jabbe rwock ca n unerrin gly track any
incapacitated. Any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet creature it has wo unded in t he las t 24 hours, and it knows the
ofthe jabberwock and is able to hear its burbling must make distance and direction to its quarry as long as the two of them
a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. O n a failed saving th row, the are o n the same plane of existence.
creature can't take reactions until the s tart of its next t urn, and
it rolls a d4 to d etermine what it does during its current turn: ACTIONS

1-2. The creature does nothing. Multiattack. The jabberwock m akes two Rend attacks.
3. The creature does nothing except use all its movement to
Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., o ne target.
move in a random direction. Hit: 21 (3dl0 + 5) slashing damage.
4. The creature either makes one melee attack against a ra n-
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+l 0 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
dom creature it can see o r does nothing if no visi ble creature Hit: 10 (ldl0 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
is within its reach.
Fiery Gaze (Recharge 5-6). Unless it is blinded, the jabberwock
Legendary Resistance (3/Day) . If the jabberwock falls a saving emits a 120-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line of fire fro m its eyes.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Each creature in th at line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving
throw, ta king 31 (7d8) fire damage on a failed save, or halfas
Regeneration. The jabbe rwock regains 10 hit points at the s tart much damage on a successful one.
of its turn. If the jabberwock ta kes slashing damage, this tra it
doesn't function at the start of its next turn. The jabberwock LEGENDARY ACTIONS

The jabberwock can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action o ption can be
used at a time an d only at the end of another creature's turn.
The jabberwock regains spent legendary actions at the start
of its turn.

Tail Attack. The ja bberwock makes one Tail attack.
Rend Attack (2 Actions). The jabberwock makes one

Rend attack.
Wing Attack (3 Actions). The jabberwock beats Its wings. Each

creature within l 0 feet of the jabberwock m ust s ucceed on a
DC 18 Dexterity saving throw o r take 8 (1 d6 + 5) bludgeoning
damage and be knocked prone.


Small Fey, Typically Chaot ic Neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 93 (ll d 6 + 55)
Speed 30 ft. , burrow 30 ft .

9 (-1)
23 (+6) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+O) 15 (+2)

Skills Athletics +9, Perception +5, Stealt h +5

Damage Resistances blud geoning, piercing, and slashing from

nonmagical attacks

Senses d a rkvisio n 120 ft. , tremorsense 120 ft.,

passive Perce ption 15

Languages Dwarvish, Gnom ish , Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon

Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Stone Camouflage. The korred has advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks mad e to hide in rocky te rrain.


Korreds a re secre tive creatures tha t have s trong Multiattack. T he ko rred makes two Greatclub or Rock attacks.
lies lo earth a nd s tone. They pre fe r to keep their
own company but occasiona Uy consort w ith crea- Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
tures of eleme ntal earth such as galeb duhr. A tribe target. Hit: 10 (ld8 + 6) bludgeoning damage, or 19 (3d8 + 6)
ofkorreds gathe rs weekly to pe rform cere monial bludgeoni ng d am age if the korred is on the ground.
dances, beating out rhythms o n s tone with their
hooves and clubs. Korreds typically flee fro m othe r Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/120 ft., one
creatures but become aggressive whe n they feel in- target. Hit: 10 (l d8 + 6) bl udgeoning damage, or 19 (3d8 + 6)
sulted or a re a nnoyed by the sounds of mining. bludgeoning damage if the korred is on the ground.

No one knows the ways of s tone and earth better Spe/lcasting. The korred casts one of the following spells,
than a korred. Korreds can seemingly s me ll veins requi ring no spell components and using Wisdom as the spell-
of metal a nd gems. A ko rred on the s urface ca n feel casting ab ility (spell save DC 13):

0 At will: commune with nature (as an action), meld into stone,
stone shape
the rise a nd fall of bedrock unde r the ea rth and
where caves a re present. a nd unde rg round it knows 1/day: O tto 's irresistible dance
pathways through the s to ne for miles a round. S e-
cret doors set into s tone are as obvious as windows BONUS ACTIONS
to a korred.
Command Hair. The korred has at least one SO-foot-long rope
Korreds have ha ir a ll over the ir bodies, but the woven out of its hair. The korred commands one such rope
hair that grows on their heads is m agical. Whe n cut, within 30 feet of it to move u p to 20 feet and en tangle a Large
it trans forms into s tra nds of wha tever ma te ria l was o r smalle r creat ure tha t the korred can see. The target must
used to cut it. Korreds ofte n use iron s hears to cut succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or become grappled
off their ha ir the n weave t11e s tra nds togethe r to cre- by the rope (escape DC 13). Until this g rappl~ ends , the target
ate iron rop~s tha t they ca n ma nipula te or a nimate. is rest rained. The korred can use a bonus action to release
the ta rget, which is also freed if the korred d ies or becomes
Korreds ta ke great pride in their ha ir a nd e~ual~y incapacita ted .
great offense at a nyone who a tte mpts to c ut it w1th-
A rope of korred hair has AC 20 and 20 hit points. It regains
out permission. l hit point at the start of each of the korred's turns while the
rope has at least l hit point and the korred is alive. If the rope
drops to O hit points, It 1s destroyed.



A living doll is easily mistaken for an in-
ani mate doll or a stuffed animal until it
moves. Trapped within each living doll is a
mean spirit that encourages those around
it to behave badly toward others. The doll
ta kes pleasure in tormenting the guilt-ridden
and despondent, hastening their descent into
depression or paranoia. Because it fears its
own destruction, the doll rarely causes direct
harm to others. When forced to defe nd itself, it
debilitates opponents with its maniacal cackle and
assaults the minds of its enemies by turning their
worst fea rs against them.

LIVING DOLL destroyed only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't
Tiny Construct, Typically Neutral Evil
Unusual Nature. The doll doesn't requi re air, food ,
Armor Class 11 (natural armor) drink, or s leep.
Hit Points 28 (8d4 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.
Crabby Hands. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature. Hit: The ta rget is grappled (escape DC 6) and takes 11
3 (-4) 11 (+0) 13 (+l) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (- 2) (2dl0) psychic d am age at the s tart of eac h of its turns until this
grapple e nds . The doll can grapple o nl y one creature at a time.
Saving Throws Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +0
Damage Immunities poison
Cackle (Recharge 4-6). The doll cackles as it targets one or two
Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned creatures it can see with in 30 feet ofit. Each t arget that can
hear the doll 's cackling must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10 throw, succeeding a utomatically if it h as an Intellige nce of 4
or lower. On a failed savin g throw, the creature ta kes 5 (2d4)
Languages Common psychic damage and is incapaci tated for l minute as It is over·
come by a fit of laughter. At the end of each of its turns, the
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 creature ca n repeat the saving t hrow, end ing the effect on itself
on a success, A creature that succeeds o n th is saving throw is
False Appearance. If the doll is motionless at the start of immune to th is doll 's Cackle fo r 24 hours.
combat, it has advantage on its in itiative roll. Moreove r, if a
creature hasn't observed the doll move or act, that creature
must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check to
discern that the doll is animate.

Regeneration. The doll rega ins 5 h it points at the start of
its turn. If the doll takes fire or psychic d am age, this trait
doesn't function at the s tart of the doll's next turn. The doll is



Racing faster than the eye can track, a quickling Tiny Fey, Typically Chaotic Evil
appears as little more than a blurry streak of color.
Only when it stops running do its small, slender Armor Class 16
form and cold, cruel eyes become apparent. Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
Speed 120 ft.
Quicklings owe their existence-and their plight-
to the Queen of Air and Da rkness, the dread ruler of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the Gloaming Court. Once lazy, egotistical folk, the 4 (-3) 7 (-2)
creatures that would become the quicklings were 23 (+6) 13 (+l) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
late in answering the queen's summons one time
too many. To hasten their pace and teach them to Skills Acrobatics +8, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8,
mind her will, the queen shrank the ir stature and
sped up their internal clocks. The queen's curse Perce ption +S
gave the quicklings their a m azing speed but also
accelerated their passage through life. No quickling Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
lh•es longer than 15 years.
Languages Commo n, Sylvan
The mortal realm is a ponderous place to a quick-
ling's eye: a hurricane creeps gradually across Challenge l (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
the sky, a torre nt of rain drifts earthward like lazy
snowflakes, and lightning crawls in a meandering Blurred Movement. Attack rolls against the quickling have dis-
palh from cloud to cloud. The slow and boring world advantage unless it is incapacitated or its speed is 0 .
seems to be populated by torpid creatures whose
deep, sonorous speech lacks meaning. Evasion. If th e quickling is subjected to an effect th at a llows it
to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it
To other creatures, a quickling seems blindingly instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw and
fast, vanishing into an indistinct blur when it moves. only half dam age if it fails, provided it isn't inca pacitated.
Its cruel laughter is a burs t of rapid staccato sounds,
its speech a shrill s queal. Only when a quickling de- ACTION S
liberately slows down, which it prefers not to do, can Multiattack. The quickling m akes three Dagger attacks.
other beings properly see, hear, and comprehend
it. Never truly at rest, a "stationary" quickling con- Dagger. Me/ee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
stantly paces and shifts in place, as though it can't range 20/60 ft. , one target. Hit: 8 (l d4 + 6) p ie rci ng damage.
wait to be off again.

Quicklings have a capricious nature and are al-
ways up to something. A quickling spends most of
its time pe rpetrating acts of mischie f on s lower crea-
tures. One rarely passes up an opportunity to tie a
person's bootlaces togethe r, move the stool a crea-
ture is about to sit on, or unbuckle a saddle while no
one is looking.

Tricks of that sort are hardly the limit of their
artful malice, however. They don't commit outright
murder, but quicklings can ruin lives in ple nty of
other ways, s uch as by stealing an important lette r,
swiping coins collected for the poor, or planting a
stolen item in someone's bag.




A redcap is a homicidal cr ealure born of blood lust. REDCAP
Redcaps, although small, have formidable strength,
which Lhey use to hunt and kill without reservation Small Fey, Typically Chaotic Evil
or r egr et.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
In the Feywi ld, or wherever that plane touches the Hit Points 45 (6d6 + 24)
world at a fey crossing, if a sentient creature satis- Speed 25 ft.
fies its intense desire for bloodshed, one or more
redcaps mighl appear where the blood of a slain STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
fo e soaks the ground. At first, new redcaps look like 18 (+ 4) 9 (-1)
tiny bloodstained mushrooms just pushing their 13 (+l) 18 (+4) 10 (+O) 12 (+l)
caps out of the soil. When moonlight shines on one
of these caps. a creature that looks like a wizened Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3
and undersized gnome with a hunched back and a
sinewy frame springs from the earth. The creature Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
has a pointed leather cap, trousers of similar mate-
rial. heavy iron bools, and a heavy bladed weapon. Languages Common, Sylvan
From the moment il awakens, a redcap cares only
for murder and carnage, and it sets off to satisfy Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
these cr avings.
Iron Boots. The redca p has disadvantage on Dexterity
To suslain its unnatural existence, a r edcap must (Stealth) checks.
soak its hat in the fresh blood of its victims. When
a redcap is born, its hat is coated wilh wet blood, Outsize Strength. While grappling, the redcap is considered
and it knows instinctively Lhat if Lhe blood isn't r e- to be Medium. Also, wielding a heavy weapon doesn't impose
plenished at leasl once every three days, the redcap d isadvantage on its attack ro lls.
vanishes as if il had never been. A r edcap's desi re to
kill is rooted in ils will Lo survive. A CTIONS

Redcaps don't usually operale in groups, but in Multiattack. The re dcap m akes three Wicked Sickle attacks.
some circumstances they might be found in the em-
ploy of hags and evil mages. Wicked Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) s lashi ng damage.
A lso, some redcaps are psychically connected to
the beings whose murderous ac ts led to their birth. lronbound Pursuit. The re dca p moves up to its speed to a crea•
A r edcap might use this innate connection to find lure It can see and kicks with its iron boots. The target must
and murder its creator. Others seek out their maker succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 20 (3dl0 +
10 enjoy proximity 10 a kindred spirit. An individual 4) bludgeoning damage a nd be knocked prone.
responsible for the cr eation of sever al r edcaps at
the sa me site could attract an entire group to serve
as cohorts.

In any case, if a redcap works with another being,
Lhe redcap demands 10 be paid in vic tims. A patron
who tries to sLiA e a redcap's natural and neces-
sary urge for blood risks becoming the redcap's
next target.



Gleam and Glister a re h igh elf twins, w ho u ntil
recently performed a m azing acts of ba la nce a nd
agility at the W itch light Carniva l. Together, they a re
known as the S ele nelion twins. (A sele ne lio n is a
celestial event during a luna r eclipse in which the
sun and the eclipsed moon can be observed at the
same time, either jus t b efore s unse t or jus t a fte r
sunrise, when both bodies a ppe ar jus t a bove the
horizon at nea rly opposite points in the s ky.)

Gleam and Glis te r were born during s uch a n
event, and they a re blessed w ith m agical abilities
tied to moonlight (Gle am) a nd sunlight (Glis ter),
respectively. The twins a re easily dis tinguis he d by
the masks they wear ; Gleam w ears a c rescent moon
mask, and Glis ter wears a sun mas k.

Blessed by Corellon , the twins can each cha nge
their sex at the end of a long rest, though one twin
rarely does so witho ut the othe r doing likewise. The
accompa nying s ta t block uses "s he" a nd "her" as
each twin's default pronouns .

The hvins are as fond of one a nothe r as two s ib-
lings can be. Gleam is the introvert of the pa ir, while
Glister is the extrovert. B oth h ave frie ndly, agree-
able demeanors. Appe ndix D conta ins additiona l
roleplaying notes for Glea m a nd Glis te r.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit. reach 5 ft.
Mtdium Humanoid (Elf), Chaotic Good o r range 20/ 60 ft., o ne target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
Moon Ray (Gleam Only; 3/ Day). Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit.
Armor Class 14 range 60 ft. , o ne creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) radiant damage,
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) and the target mus t succeed on a DC l3 Wisdom saving throw
Speed 30 ft. o r be tra nsformed in to a bat fo r 1 minute, as tho ugh affec ted
by a polymorph spell. The target can repeat the saving throw
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+O) 17 (+3) a success.
7 (-2) Sun Ray (Glister Only; 3/Day). Ranged Spell Allock: +S to hit,
ran ge 60 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) radiant damage,
Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +5 and the ta rget must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw
or be blinded for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving
Skills Acro batics +8, S leight of Ha nd + 6, Stealth +6 throw a t th e end of each o f its turns, ending the effect on itself
on a success.
Senses darkvis ion 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Twin Sight (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). In her mind's
eye, a Selenelion twin can see what the other twin sees for up
Languages Com mon, Elvish to 1 minute, provided both twins a re alive and on the same

Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficie ncy Bonus +2 plane of existence. Maintaining this effect requi res concentra-
tio n (as if concentrating on a spell).
Fey Ancestry. The Selenelion t wi ns, Gleam a nd Glis te r, h ave
advantage o n savi ng th rows agai ns t b ei ng c h a rmed, and magic APPENDIX CI CREATURES
can't put them to sleep.

Regeneration. A Selenelion twi n regains 5 h it poi nts at the start
of her t urn as lo ng as b oth twi ns a re alive and within ~0 feet_
of each other. A t win d ies o nly if she s tarts her turn with 0 hit
points and doesn't regenerate.
Twin Bond. While both Selenelion twins are alive and on th e
same plane of e xistence, each is aware of the other's e motions.





Cl \l'l ~ 111 11 L ti CH\l'flR 1 0

This ha rengon brigand is a n insuffe rable This 3-foot-ta ll ta lking da ndelion find s poetry ,:,
bragga rt a nd a daring thief who's willing to in everything and is quick to fa ll head over
put himself in seemingly precarious s itua- heels in love. A humble idea lis t, Amidor ne ve r !;?_
tions when he has a n audie nce, confide nt that puts its own needs above the needs of othe rs.
his speed a nd c unning wi ll see him throug h I"l'l
dange r. He leads by exa mple rather than Alignment. Neutra l good.
Personality Trait. "My speech drifts into ..0
by dictate. fl owery verse, if you'll pa rdon the pun. Allow
Alignment. Chaotic evi l. me to de monstrate: Do not cry, my love! Let ::,
Personality Trait. "Respons ibility isn't me catch your tea rs as fae ries collect morning
dew. Let me lift your spirits like a s eed on ~,.,
really my thi ng." the breeze!"
Ideal. "What's yours is mine; it's on ly a Ideal. "The pursuit of true love compels :,
me! Never s ha ll I wilt if I have s uc h a cause to
matter of time." cha mpion." ii
Bond. "l have a reputation to upho ld. I can't Bond. "The beautiful P olle nella- a vis ion
in stripes." Q.
have it sullied by s illy concepts like honesty Flaw. "I cannot resist a pre tty face or a heav-
a nd gene rosity." e nly scent." 0

Flaw. "My confidence is bound up in ARGANTLE THE KORRED QUEEN "0
my scarf's powers. I'm quite the coward
without it."
Queen Argantle s ports a generous bea rd a nd 0
ALAGARTHAS THE ELF PRINCE w his ke rs. He r ha ir is shorn on one side, from
w he re E nde lyn Moongrave recently s n ipped 0
( II •\ PT ER 1 ) 0, off the queen's precious, powe rful locks.
Argantle wears a n abunda nce of shale jew- n
This prince made a barga in with E ndelyn elry that doesn't seem to weigh her down in
Moongrave and is payi ng the price. He longs the least. 0
to return to his home in the Misty Forest a nd "0
deal with the threat of a n evil green dragon Alignment. Chaotic ne utra l. '<
tha t nests there. Pers onality Trait. "My mood is as stormy
as the skies of Yon, a nd I hurl boulde rs whe n ;.
Alignment. Chaotic good. I'm a ngry."
Personality Trait. "I a m a n elf, a nd time is Ideal. "Bitte r End is a raving tyrant. I live in ii,
on my s ide . I refuse to give up- eve r." hope tha t one day we'll be free of that hag."
Ideal. "The elves of the Misty Forest will Bond: "I have sworn to protect Lock- "0
lose their homes a nd likely pe rish if that bury He nge, and I'll defe nd it with every
green dragon isn't s lain or drive n off. I s ha ll last whisker."
dea l with the dragon before it visits great Flaw. "I a m quic k to ma ke e ne mies a nd
harm on the forest a nd my people. T hat is s low to ma ke frie nds ." f
what a prince is expected to do."
Bond. "Ah, the Misty Forest! No o the r wood "0
compa res to it in beauty a nd serenity."
Flaw. "To rele nt is to s how weakness, and ;I;);
I s ha ll not be seen as weak. It is my destiny
to be king." 0









c 11 \ I' I L Jl l \\ I I ( 11 I IC 11 r ( \ R N I \' \ L ( I I I I I< I 1111 I 11 !'

Burly a nd his brother, Hurly, joined the car- C huckle head's real na me is Fug. He has a
nival as youn gsters. Hurly disappeared a s trong affection fo r Mishka (the on ly child in
few months ago, and search pa rties failed to Loom lu rch w ho doesn't fear or mock him) and
locate him. Miste r Witch a nd Mister Light treats he r li ke a younger s ibling. He resists
convi nced Burly to s tay with the ca rnival af- any attempt to remove the maggot that lives
terward, rather than conti nue the search o n in his head, because he fears losing it m ight
his own. When he's not straining at some feat turn him back into the uncaring, self-ser ving
of athleticism, he's reading books of poetry. person he was previous ly.

0• Alignment. Neutral good. Alignment. Neutra l (neutra l evil without
the maggot).
IJ Personality Trait. "I treat my brain like a
muscle and try to keep it strong." Personality Trait. "I get a ngry when people
Ideal. "I keep the peace. I don't advocate make fun of my head ."
violence; I'm just doing my job."
Bond. "After my brothe r disappeared, every- Ideal. "Not a ll goblins are the sa me. l mean,
one in the carnival was so nice to me. I look look at me."
out for them."
Flaw. "Sometimes I forget my own strength Bond. "Mishka is like my little sister. I don't
and accidenta lly break things. Especially frag- like how Granny Nights hade treats he r."
ile things."
Flaw. "The maggot showed me my true
.. (ANDLEFOOT THE MIME self. I'll a lways love it for that, e ve n as it
eats my head."
0 ( Ii \l'TER l. Ill flll.:R
a. Despite the loss of its original head, this child-
~ Candlefoot's appeara nce is strangely mo no- sized scarecrow retains an upbeat demeanor
characterized by its affinity for gallows hu-
chromatic, due to the chaotic magic of a reck- mor. With its long claws and rattling gourd
head, Clapperclaw knows it ca n be off-putting
less sorcere r to w hom he was appre nticed in to strangers, a nd it relies on humor to de-
eG his youth. After fleeing his maste r, Candlefoot fu se tension.

found a home in the Witchlight Ca rnival. He Alignment. Lawful neutral.
Personality Trait. 'Tm genera lly positive,
ca n communicate only through mime until his and I make jokes when f'm ne rvous or sense
tension in the air."
stolen voice is re trieved from the ke nku war- Ideal. '' I prefer to keep moving from place
to place."
lock, Kettlesteam. Bond. "My original head. It was perfect ev-
e ry way. I hope to get it back one day."
Alignment. Ne utra l good. Flaw. "I'm self-conscious about my re place-
me nt head."
Personality Trait. "l s hrug a lot because

I'm indecisive."

Ideal. "Love has the power to conquer a ll."

Bond. "My true love, Palasha, mea ns ev-

erything to me. I'd live my life's misfortunes

a hundred times over if l knew the path that

would lead me back to her."

Flaw. "I'm afraid of my own re flection and

avoid looking into mirrors. The Hall of Illu-

sions terrifies me."



I R rt I l I ~ (II ll~ll ,0

Gra nny Nightshade reared Cradlefall from an Gleam is blessed with kindness, grace, a nd
egg. but the hag's alchemical incubation pro- the powe r of m oonlight. She wears a c rescent
cesses s tunted the dragon's growth, making moon mask a nd is one-ha lf of an acrobatic
him small even for a wyrmling. Cradlefall is duo called the Selenelion twins, a longside
Gra nny Nights hade's most loyal servant- a Gliste r, he r sunny twin. Gleam wants to re-
slithering parcel of cruelty that's never far unite with he r twin and return to the Witch-
from her side. light Carnival. where they belong.

Alignment. Lawful evil. Alignment. Chaotic good.
Personality Trait. "I hiss when I speak and Personality Trait. ''I'm s hy except when I'm
slink around whomever I'm ta lking with.'' on stage or under the Big Top."
Ideal. "Te rro r is the best teacher, a nd fri ght- Ideal. "Everyone should be free to express
e ned childre n make the best workers." the mselves however they wish."
Bond. "Ska ba tha Nights hade is my true. lov- Bond. "I love my tw in, Glister, with a ll my
ing mothe r. I mus t honor a nd protect he r." heart. I feel incomplete without he r."
Flaw. "My words are laced with veiled Flaw. "I avoid confl ict. Even a simple argu-
threats , even when I'm pretending to be nice." m ent leaves me flustered and longing to be
e lsewhere."
c II r t • \• T < P l I < 11 T ( I I \ \ I c",::,:
C I J>f,_p \0
Dirlagra un was raised by a noble high elf fam- ,§,'
ily of the Summer Court a nd blessed with the Glis te r is blessed with confide nce, grace, and
abi lity to speak a nd unde rs tand Commo n and the powe r of the s un. She wears a s uo mask .!?.
Sylvan. The displacer beast adores the com- and is one-ha lf of an acrobatic duo called the
pany of c hildren a nd served as a nanny to the S ele ne lion twins, a longside Gleam, her shy 0
family's childre n. twin. Glister is content to remain Endelyn's ::,
"guest" in Motherhorn if it means her sibling
Dirlagraun's own offspring, a kitten named is safe from the hag's wickedness. ..!!.
Star, we nt missing a few weeks ago.
Alignment. Chaot.ic good. ,,
Alignment. Chaotic good. Personality Trait. "I like to play with fire.
Personality Trait. "My tentacles flick in the I'm confident and take risks, even when the
air when my gua rd is up.r odds are s tacked against me."
Ideal. "Nurture the young, for they a re the Ideal. "Everyone s hould be free to express
bright lights of tomorrow." themselves however they wis h."
Bond. 'Tm duty-bound to protect the young Bond. "I would sacrifice everything to pro-
guests of the Witc hlight Carn iva l." tect my twin ."
Flaw. ·•1ca n't forgive myself for the disap- Flaw. ''When I'm nol the center of attention,
peara nce of my cub, S ta r." I become s ullen a nd moody."



c1 ,r1r11 0 ('Ji l IC II T

Hurly's brusque nature and short temper Kettlesteam delights in causing trouble at the
carnival. She uses a combination of mimicry
made life in the Witchlight Carnival hard for and conjured illusions to communicate: s he
has overheard so many conversations that she
him. His prickly demea nor stems from the ca n talk in one of several diffe re nt voices.

fact that he lacks the talent to be what he Alignment. Chaotic ne utral.
Personality Trait. 'Tm stubborn as a dog
wants to be: an e nte rtainer. Miste r Witch and gnawing a bone (mimics the sound ofa dog
gnawing a bone)."
Mister Light gave him menial jobs because Ideal. "Malicious joy. J can't help but
chuckle when people mess up (mimics the
they knew his limita tions. By allowing him to sound ofsomeone s tumbling and others
laug h i ng)."
perform in he r theater, Endelyn Moongrave Bond. " I have a fey pact with Zybilna of
Prismeer (mimics the sound of the wind
confirmed what Hurly knew to be true: that blowing through willows and faraway tin-
kling bells).'"
Witch and Light we re right all along. Flaw. "I have a volatile te mpe r (mimics the
sound ofa kettle boiling over)."
Alignment. Chaotic good.

Personality Trait. "If 'dumb brute' is

the only role I can play well, I guess that's

what I'll be."

N Ideal. "People might pretend to ca re about
Ii you, but when the play is over, they show you

their true selves, and it's never pretty."

Bond. "I miss my brother."

Flaw. ''I'm quick to lose my temper."



C f-1 \ PT [ R I \\ \ R I\

Jingle Ja ngle is a kind soul w ho refe rs to he r- Miste r Light is the face of the Witc hlight
self in the third pe rson. She has a knack for Carnival. He's a loud, fl a mboya nt ringleade r
finding keys and is thrilled to add new ones to who'll do anything to ma intain the carnival's
!' her collection. She a lso g ives keys as gifts to happy atmosphere.
those who need the m .
Mister Light wears a harlequin s uit a nd a
JingleJangle seeks a quie t life far away ja unty hat. When he presides over the ca rni-
from locked doors and the intrigues of the fey val's Big Top, he s pa rkles like a disco ba ll.
courts . She moved to Tele my Hill to e njoy the
hill's companions hip a nd protection. Alignment. Chaotic good.
Personality Trait. "There's a lways some-
Alignment. Chaotic good. thing for me to smile about.''
Personality Trait. "Jingle Ja ngle is thorough Ideal. ··Delight. I want everyone to feel the
and fastidious. No c utting corne rs." wonder that I feel each day in this place.''
Ideal. "Revel in your uniqueness, whe the r Bond. "Mis ter Witch is my greates t fri end
you're a goblin who likes keys or a n awake ned a nd most trusted confida nt."
hill with talking trees." Flaw. "I was the crueler of the two of us .
Bond. 'Jingle Jangle kee ps her keys s hiny long ago. Perhaps that streak of violence
and clean." hasn't quite left me."

Flaw. "Jingle j a ngle is frightened by
locked doors!"



Cll\Pl!RI \\lf(HLICHTC\R I\J\L CII.\P1FR3 flllllllR Cl.

Mis ter Witch is businesslike and humorless Nib (whose real na me is Me ryl Cabe rs tock) 0
as he deals with s ta ff a nd keeps the carniva l is a tall, rake-thin, e lde rly m a n dressed in
running on sche dule. A s mile on his visage is t hreadba re fine ry a nd a housecoat. H e wears -0
a ra re event, a nd it fades quickly. a blind fold to avoid glimpsing the a ppa ritio ns ;,
tha t c urse him, but the ir presence still un- 0
Mis ter Witch dres ses w ith panache, though nerves him.
in muted tones, a nd always carries his magic 0n
pocket watch. AHgnment. Neutra l.
Personality Trait. "I speak in a trembling 0
Alignment. Chaotic good. voice a nd jump a t the s lightest s hadow." -0
Personality Trait. "I carefully consider my Ideal. "I seek atoneme nt. I was the wors t '<
words before speaking the m aloud." of Waterdeep's s lumlords : ruthless, miserly,
Ideal. "Caution. Thoughtless de cisions le ad a od cold hearte d. I s uppose I'd bette r do some :i-
to reckles s acts." good before I die."
Bond. "This carniva l is our opportunity for Bond. "My s pinning wheel is the key to my .-.,;.J.,
a new life, far away from the gloomy world we re d e mptio n."
came from ." Flaw. "Yes, I'm scar e d. If you'd done a ll the §"'
Flaw. ''I'm too confide nt in my own authority things I've done, you'd be scare d too."
to see the seeds of doubt in the carniva l s taff." -0
CH \ PT I:. R I \\ ITC II l IC 11 T C \RN I \· ·\L
lll\PllR2 IIITll[R :,
Nor thwind e mbod ies the j oys of s pring, find-
The Knight of Wa rts is known for he r skill ing childlike wonde r in e ve rything from a C,,.
at piloting balloons. jus tice a nd mora l cla r ity story told by a s tra nger to a drop of m orning
guide he r eve ry action. Despite be in g held dew. The sapling ha ils fro m a line o fFeywild t;
prisoner for treason , s he cla ims tha t he r trea nts a nd travels as the W itchlig ht Carni-
honor remains intact. Even if it mea ns los ing va l's la ndscape r, laying down s ilk ribbons to
her title, s he refuses to bow to King Cullop form rivers a nd planting acorns tha t grow rap-
XIX or re nounce he r frie nd a nd compa nion, idly into s ple ndid oak trees.
Wigglewog, with whom s he cons pire d to help
Sir Ta lavar escape Bavlorna's clutches. Alignment. Chaotic good.
Personality Trait. "I love to hear s to ries.
Alignment. Lawful good. Te ll m e e ve ry thing!"
Personality Trait. "I s pit whenever I hear a Ideal. 'J oy. Jus t look a t the world around us!
coward o r a lia r s peak." Is n't it a m a zing?"
Ideal. " Honor is what ma kes a knight, eve n Bond. "My a ncesto rs. One d ay I w ill grow
beyond duty or prowess with a weapon." into a n e normo us tree a nd they will be
Bond. '"Ba llooning. The re's nothing quite so proud!"
like ta king flight in a ba lloon a nd going whe re Flaw. "Oops! I s imply cannot keep a secret."
the winds ta ke you."
Flaw. •·I'm a s nob who criticizes the s tate
a nd quality of weapons w ielded by others ."


PALASHA THE MERMAID CH,\ PT l- R 5 P \ I ,\( I· 0 I I ii P I , Dr IR~

CH\111~1 \IT(IIIIC'IIIC\R I\Al Shon knows tha t Zybilna is the a rchmage lgg-
wilv in a new form-a cha nge for the be tter, in
Palasha is a n elega nt a nd ope ratic me rma id his estima tion. He would never cros s Zybilna .
whose long fins billow even whe n s he's no t un- to who m he owes his career.
derwaler. S he sculpls wate r wi th he r ex traor-
dinary voice, creating aslo unding dis plays of Shon a nd his "hump" (a gia nt wolf s pide r
aquatic magic. P a lasha's d ista nt yet de m a nd- named Gray tha t rides on Shon's back) a re
ing nature has ea rned he r a re puta tio n for be- never a part fo r very lo ng.
ing haughty, but really, s he's jus t s low to trust.
Alignment. Neutra l.
Alignment. Chaotic goo d. Personality Trait. "I li ke books mo re
Personality Trait. "I clic k my fin gers at tha n people.''
Lhose a round me whe n f want s ome thing." Ideal. "Knowledge is a great thing, but no t
Ideal. "l strive to bring beauty a nd wonde r in the ha nds of imbeciles and bullies. Knowl-
into this world w ith the po we r of my voice." edge mus t be pro tected fro m those who would
a buse it.''
Bond. "Ca ndlefoo t. r ca n be myself Bond. "I look a fte r Gray, a nd Gray looks
a fte r me."
around him." Flaw. "lf you're put off by my a brasiveness ,
Flaw. "I have trouble show ing my true feel- know tha t l couldn't care less. I don't need a ny
more friends.''
ings, which ma kes me s eem a loof."
0 CI-I\PT[R2 llllJEP

;; S ir Ta lava r is a n esteemed member of the
Seelie Cou rt a nd a loyal vassa l of the S um-
0.. me r Queen. Ma ny of S ir Ta lava r's squires
have gone on to beco me knig hts of great
... PINCUSHION THE LIVING DOLL re nown. T he vene rable fae rie dragon has a n
e ncouraging, ca n-do de meanor a nd a n unwav-
C. Cll.\l'T R.) TIIITHEP e ring sens e of ho nor.

~ AJ.ignment. Law ful good.
Personality Trait. "My speech is rid-
t dled with refe rences to adven tures l have
Pincushion is S ka ba tha ig hts hade's c hild- unde r ta ken."
Ideal. "A little kind ness goes a long way.''
hood doll- a n animated nanny broug ht to Bond. " f am but a humble vassa l of He r
life by Baba Yaga to he lp e ducate S kaba tha . Magn ifice nce, the S umme r Queen.''
The doll's magic has ke pt it well preserved, Flaw. ''My kn ightly oaths a re tested most
despite its great age. Gra nny Nig hts hade has s trongly by my craving for hard ca ndy."
put Pincus hion in c ha rge of producing fabric
for her toy works hop- a jo b the doll cons ide rs

beneath it.

Alignment. Neutral evil.
Personality Trait. "1 be have like t he
conceited mis tress of a hig h-socie ty fash-

ion house."

Ideal. "l want Ska ba tha to respect a ll I've
done for he r."

Bond. "Nobody knows more a bo ut fas hion
than I do.''

Flaw. "I crave fl a tte ry.''



C' 11 \ PT l R I \\ I l C' 11 I I C. 11 T C \ R I /\ I C 11 •\ I' l L ~ I \ 0 ":Cr

r( I I \ I' E R 'i T 11 I T 11 [ R This goblin's real na me is Onk. He oversees 0
the goblin laborers who work be hind the
Skabatha Nightshade encounte red lhis scenes at Mothe rhorn. He also serves as the n0
sma ll ghou l while collecting grave dust in theater's master of ceremonies.
a cemetery on the Material Plane. The hag 0
brought Sowpig to Loomlurch and fed her Stagefright carries a fool's scepter lopped "C
bowls of carrion. Sowpig lures ch ildre n with a visage s imila r to his, and he talks to the '<
from the Witch light Carnival into the hag's inanimate scepter as if it were al ive (wh ich it
clutches so that Gra nny Nightshade can put is not). Arguments between the two-or, more
them to work in her toy s hop. precisely, Stagefright and himself- always
end with Stage fright bashing the scepte r's
Alignment. Chaotic evil. head against something hard.
Personality Trait. "I tend to stand s ilently,
staring and saying nothing." Alignment. Chaotic neutra l.
Ideal. "Children need work to keep them Personality Trait. "My scepter would have
out of trouble. Those toys aren't going to you believe it can do a better job than I can,
make themselves." but time a nd agai n, I prove it wrong."
Bond. "I serve Granny, who made m e Ideal. "Chaos! I thrive in it."
what r am today. I would never betray her." Bond. "The stage is my world. Without it,
Flaw. 'Tm a soulless hus k incapable I w ither."
of remorse." Flaw. "I treat everyone Like props."


c 11 \ I' 1 r R 3 T I I I r 11 E R rCII \l'TER I \\'ITC Ill IC fl C \R1 I\ \L "0'

Originally a nonsentient oilcan, Squirt was Thaco is the longest-ser ving Witchlight hand, N
carried to the Feywi ld by dwarves hoping to but no one really knows his history and
harvest boggle oi l. T hough the expedition was scarcely any dare to ask, for he a lmost never 2.
a success, the dwarves were put to s leep by s peaks and harbors a malicious streak that is
pixie magic. During a celebration that e rupted ke pt in check by Mister Witch. He paints his .i,-
around them, an elf used her magic to a ni- face with a grin and puffs on a bubble pipe.
mate the oilcan in jest. Having come a live at Thaco has retired from performing and no ('\
a party, Squirl was imbued with the urge to longer stages his knife-throwing act d ue to an 0
seek out fun wherever it can be fou nd. un for tuna te incident that took place in the Big
Top some time ago.
Alignment. Chaotic neutral.
Personality Trait. "Why do something Alignment. Chaotic ne utral.
yourself when you can have someone else do Personality Trait. ·•1 pre fe r not to talk.
it for you?" When I must, I say as little as possible."
Ideal. "No use s itti ng about gettin g rus ty Ideal. "Everyone should mind their own
when there's fun to be had. Let's party!" business."
Bond. ''I'm runnin g on fumes here. I
need oil." Bond. "My bubble pipe- if anyone touches
Flaw. 'Tm too tired to fly today. You it, they lose a finger."
carry me."
Flaw. "I can't stand childre n. They're
like roaches."



clf\Pf!P'i P\L\(f 01 IIIARf [HSIR( C 11 ,\ P I E R J T ~ I I 1 11 l I~

Zybilna's butler appears as a lanky ma n clad Will looks like a n 11-yea r-old lad dressed in
in faded brown clolhes. Th innings longs to a homemade tunic a nd a spide r silk cloa k.
see Prismeer's a rchfey freed from temporal He is the polymorphed form of a n oni na med
stasis and her enemies fed their comeup- Mugan, who served Granny Nights hade until
pance. He helps a nyone whose goals align a curse changed his alignment from lawful
with his own, but he abhors violence and evil to chaotic good. Will's time in the forests
of Thither has imbued him with a persona lity
shuns combat. common among fairykind: boastful, impul-
Alignment. Ne utral. sive, and full of mirth.
Personality Trait. "I crave secrets."
/deal. "Hos pitality, ownership, reciprocity- Alignment. Chaotic good.
Personality Trait. "I like to s trike a diffe r-
the rules of conduct must be respected." e nt pose with every sentence 1speak."
Bond. "I have pledged my fealty to Zybilna Ideal. "Eve ry child mus t das h free a nd

of Prismeer, and 1 am nothing if not he r wild, like me!"
Bond. "For the Getaway Gang to flourish,
loyal serva nt."
Flaw. "Don't expect me to come to your we need more me mbers. Not adults, mind
you, jus t kids like me!"
rescue. I didn't get this far by be ing brave or
foolhardy." Flaw. "I'm as s tubborn a nd slippery as a

toad. I won't and I s han't, but I will if r can't!"



The satyr Vansel is a vagabond who travels Jggwilv was a brillia nt, ca lculati ng figure
the Feywild in a consta nt state of amusement hardly prone to e motiona l outbursts, but as
at whatever befalls him. He e njoys bathing Zybilna, she allows he r e motions to run ra m-
and splashing in water, picking flowe rs, and pa nt a nd is more likely to find herself in the
eating wild mus hrooms. He bas no s h a me grip of happiness, a nger, or mela ncholy. This
with regard to who he is and what he looks is the price s he pays to exert control over the
like, and he has a knack for small ta lk, rev- Feywild a nd impose her will on the domain
eling in the opportunity to cha t with a nyone
about anything. of Pris meer.
Alignment. Chaotic ne utral.
Alignment. Chaotic good.
Personality Trait. "Nothing dampens Personality Trait. "r have become more
my spirits."
te mpe ramental in my old age."
. Ideal. "There's fun and de light to be found
in every experience." Ideal. ··t used to believe tha t e motions a nd

Bond. "Wonders abound in the Feywild, kindness were s ig ns of wea kness. Now I see
and I would never dream of leaving it.''
their strength."
Flaw. "1 laugh in the face of da nger, often to Bond. "Prismeer is my home now."
my detriment." Flaw. "My mother, Baba Yaga, warned me

that a rrogance would be my undoing, 'as
s ure as sta rs light the night sky.' She mi ght

be right."


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