Profile Administration
User’s Guide
Updated: November 2017
Reproduction or transmittal of this publication in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, is
prohibited without prior written permission of Deere & Company
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3
Welcome ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Typographical Conventions.................................................................................................................. 4
Overview of Profile Administration ..................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 - The Basics............................................................................................................................. 6
Start and Quit Profile Administration ................................................................................................... 6
The Profile Administration Page .......................................................................................................... 7
Calendar Function ................................................................................................................................. 8
Send Feedback......................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 3 - Search ................................................................................................................................. 11
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Perform a Search................................................................................................................................ 13
Export Results to Excel ...................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 4 - Add New & Existing Users................................................................................................. 17
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 17
Add New User ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Support for Non-Latin Characters (Dealers in 3R00 or 3B00) .................................................................. 22
Add Existing User ............................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 5 - Modify User Profile & Access............................................................................................. 27
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 27
View User Profile................................................................................................................................. 28
View User Access ............................................................................................................................... 30
Change User Name and Profile ......................................................................................................... 31
Set User Access.................................................................................................................................. 32
Reset User Password......................................................................................................................... 34
Transfer a User ................................................................................................................................... 36
Delete a User ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Unlock MFA Account .......................................................................................................................... 37
Reset MFA Factors............................................................................................................................. 38
Managing MFA Issues – MultiFactor Authentication ........................................................................ 39
Registration for MFA.......................................................................................................................... 39
Troubleshooting MFA ........................................................................................................................ 43
Chapter 6 - Training Coordinators, New Model Qualification Coordinators, and JDU Supervisors. 45
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 45
Updating Training Coordinators ......................................................................................................... 46
Updating New Model Qualification Coordinators.............................................................................. 48
Assigning Supervisors ........................................................................................................................ 49
Chapter 7 – Request a Profile Administrator........................................................................................ 51
Overview............................................................................................................................................. 51
Requesting a Profile Administrator..................................................................................................... 52
Chapter 8 - Reports ................................................................................................................................ 53
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 53
CreateAccess by User Report ........................................................................................................... 54
CreateAccess by Account Report ..................................................................................................... 55
CreateAccess by Application Report................................................................................................. 56
Create Dealer Profile Administrators Report.................................................................................... 57
Glossary............................................................................................................................................... 58
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Welcome to the Dealer Profile Administration (DPA) system! The application design is
straightforward and easy to use and does not require a great deal of computer experience.
However, there is still the need for familiarization with the basic operation of a personal
computer and mouse. Next, it is best to have had exposure to Windows-based software
applications, such as Microsoft Word or Excel, and an Internet browser. Finally, while written
for the Profile Administration user, this manual contains common computer-related terms
such as click, highlight, drag, and scroll with which the user should be familiar. Please refer
to the Glossary for a definition of common computer terms.
Typographical Conventions
Formatting convention Example Type of information
Splat in margin Warning
Push pin Note
Bomb Error and error processing
Button icon in margin {Alt} Picture of a button on the toolbar. This is
{Alt-T} typically the button the under
Bold brackets {} {Ctrl,F} explanation.
Dash between two Identifies a key on the keyboard.
keyboard references Save Hold down the first key while pressing and
Comma between two releasing the second key.
keyboard references Link Press and release the first key, and then
Bold type in instructions press and release the second key.
Blue Underlined words Button and radio button names.
A link enables a jump to another page in the
guide. Use the Go To Previous View button
in Acrobat to return to the originating
Overview of Profile Administration
The Profile Administration (referred to as “Authorization Management” or “EUA”) system
maintains employee User IDs and their access to business applications at the dealership.
This application is available to designated Dealer Personnel Admins (DPAs) at the
dealerships and authorized Deere personnel who manage Dealer applications and
personnel. Dealer employees who do not have DPA rights will not have access to the
Profile Administrator, and authorized Deere personnel have access to options not available
to dealership DPAs.
The system provides a search function making it easy to find employee (user) IDs at a
dealership. This system assists in maintaining user profiles and resetting users’
passwords with the modify function. When an employee moves from one dealership
to another, the system can transfer them from the old account to the new one.
Users also utilize this system to identify the Training Coordinators and Supervisors at
each dealership who have the responsibility of overseeing the employee training for the
dealership through JD University.
Three reports are currently available listing access by user, by account, and by
Chapter 2 - The Basics
Start and Quit Profile Administration
Starting Profile Administration:
1. Open a browser window.
The browser window displays the Home Page.
2. Enter in the Address text box.
3. Enter User ID in the User Name text box.
4. Enter password in the Password text box.
5. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
The browser displays the Profile Administration Welcome page.
Fig 2-1 Public Folders page
If Authentication Fails:
1. Click the Try Again button.
The system displays the Sign In page again.
2. Enter a valid User ID in the User Name text box.
3. Enter a valid password in the Password text box.
4. Click the Submit button.
Quitting Profile Administration:
1. Click the Logout link in the top menu bar.
2. Click the Close Button on the Browser window, or choose Close from the File menu.
The Profile Administration Page
The basic format of the Profile Administration pages is consistent throughout the system.
The following describes the basic sections.
Top menu bar
The top menu bar is at the top of the Profile Administration window. It has the following
- Dealer Menu - Select contract type and transfer to the Pathways Dealer Net Portal or
John Deere Power Systems distributor support web pages
- Help - Displays the online Help for the Profile Administration page
- FAQ - Displays the Profile Administrator Frequently Asked Questions page
- Logout - Sign off Profile Administration
- Feedback - Send feedback about the website
Helpdesk Info bar
This bar provides the Helpdesk phone number information localized for the Profile
Sidebar menu
The Sidebar menu provides the basic navigation through the Profile Administration system.
- Add User - Adds a new user, or a previously existing employee, to the system
- Search for User - Find existing users in the system. Once the system displays the search results,
it provides a modify drop-down menu allowing viewing or updating the user's profile, viewing or
setting the user's access, resetting the user's password, transferring the user to another
account, or deleting the user from the system
- Reports - Displays report options for Access Rights based on User, Account, or
- DPA Report - Displays a report listing the Dealer Profile Administrators of an account
- Training Coordinators - Add and maintain the training coordinators for an account
- New Model Qualification – Add and maintain the model qualification coordinators for an
- Request a Profile Administrator - Request a new Dealer Profile Administrator for an account
- View Accounts for DPA – Displays accounts that a DPA and access
- View Reports – Displays a report of users that are approved or rejected after requesting to be
- Manage Org Chart – Allows assignment of the Primary or Secondary Supervisors for a
dealership’s employees
Main page
This is the area used to view and enter information. This area will change depending on
the function you are using.
Calendar Function
There are some date fields entered via a Calendar pop-up window. A Calendar button
next to the date field indicates this function is available.
Using the Calendar function:
1. Click the Calendar button next to the date field.
The system displays a Calendar pop-up window.
Fig 2-2 Calendar
2. Click the Today link at the bottom of the Calendar window to select today’s date.
3. Click the button in front of the current month to move back one month.
4. Click the button next to the current month to move forward one month.
5. Click the arrow buttons next to the year to change the year, or click in the box and type in
the year.
6. Click the day of the month to select the desired date. The system closes the calendar and
displays the selected date in the Date field.
Send Feedback
This function sends feedback back to John Deere Information Systems (JDIS) about the Profile
Administration Web site/system. Use the Feedback function to notify Dealer Support
personnel of bugs or for enhancement requests.
NOTE: this function is only available to Dealer Employee DPA ID’s -- it is not displayed under
Deere employee IDs.
Sending feedback:
1. Click the Feedback link in the top menu bar.
The system displays the Feedback Form.
Fig 2-3 Feedback Form
2. Enter a comment or question in the Comments/Questions text box.
This is free-form text.
3. Enter first and last name in the Your Name text box.
This field is required.
4. Enter the name of the Dealership in the Dealership's Name text box.
This field is required.
5. Enter the Dealer Account Number of the dealership in the Dealer Account text box.
This field is required.
6. Enter your phone number in the Phone Number text box.
This field is required.
7. Enter the Unit Code in the Unit Code text box.
This field is required.
8. Enter your email address in the Email Address text box.
This field is required.
9. Click the Send button at the bottom of the page.
The system will send the feedback to the appropriate JDIS personnel and display a
confirmation page indicating delivery of the feedback.
Fig 2-4 Feedback sent message
10. Click the Continue button to return to the EUA main page.
Chapter 3 - Search
The Search function finds users/User ID(s) in the system. The system will retrieve all records matching
any partial entries in the first name, last name, or User ID fields. The Account drop-down list allows for
either manually scrolling to the desired account or entering a partial account number and having the
list automatically scroll to that account.
If the search criteria return more than 100 IDs for a dealership, the system will break the list into
pages – 100 IDs per “page” – to allow review of very large dealer accounts.
For Dealers in China or Russia: Under the Search Reserved ID’s selection box, there will be another
option – Show Localized. Selecting this option restricts display of the Account number and name
fields to the local Character set (Russian or Chinese) for easier viewing.
The information displayed in the Search Results list includes:
Ø Action
Modifies or views user’s account. Refer to Modify User Profile & Access for more information.
Ø User ID
User's ID used to access the Dealer applications.
Ø User Create Date
Date the user was created in the system.
Ø Account Number
Number and name of the account to which the user belongs.
Ø Last Name
The user’s last name.
Ø First Name
The user’s first name.
Ø Middle Initial
The user's middle initial.
Ø Job Title
The user's job title.
Ø Status
The status of the user's ID in the Profile Administration system. The status values include:
The system has created the User ID for the user but the request for access is not complete.
Completion of the Set Access step is required before the system allows execution of any
other action for the user.
There was a problem when creating System Accounts for the user. The system notifies
Deere Administrators of the problem. Check the status again in approximately an hour.
The system successfully created the User ID but there was no request for system access.
The user has not logged in for 90 days and is revoked.
The user has not logged in for 180 days and their system access has been removed.
Ø Active Status
The active status of the user's ID will be Active or Disabled. (Note: DPAs do not have access to see
Disabled accounts.
Perform a Search
Performing a Search:
1. If not signed onto the system, perform the Log On procedure and return to
these instructions.
2. Click the Search for User link in the Sidebar menu. The system displays the Search page.
3. Clicking the Clear Fields button at the bottom of the page clears all fields on the page.
Fig 3-5 Search page
4. The search criteria include fields for first name, last name, User ID, or a dealership
account. The search requires entry in at least one of these fields.
To list all employees in one account, select the account by clicking on the down arrows
next to the Account Number text box. S elect the account from the list when you click
the down arrows next to the Account Number text box. If you want to search that
specific account, keep the Only This Account radio button checked. Alternatively, you
can use the All Accounts at this Location radio button to search within all the accounts
at that location.
To search for a user who may be listed at more than one dealership, fill in as
much of the first and/or last name as known. The system will return based on
matches to submitted characters, so JO SMITH could possibly return not only Jo
Smith, but also Joanne Smith, John Smith, Jo Smithston, or John Smithsonian.
Enter a partial or full User ID in the User ID text box to search on User ID.
5. Click the Search Reserved IDs check box to include reserved IDs in the search.
The system lists Reserved IDs in the search results at the bottom of the list
in a separate section.
6. Click the Search button at the bottom of the page. Once the system has calculated
matching IDs, you will see a list:
Fig 3-6 Search Results page
7. Click the headings Account Number, Last Name, First Name, Job Title, or Active Status to
sort by that column.
8. If there the ID is assigned to a special status, click the green words to view the definition
of a user’s status. A pop-up window will display an explanation of the status.
This is an example of an ID with Pending status:
Fig 3-7 Status definition window for Pending
9. If more than 100 IDs are returned, you can view the additional IDs by either clicking on
the ► to the right of Page 1 of #, or by typing the page number you want to go to in the
box to the left of GO and clicking on Go.
10. To perform another search, return to step #3.
Dealer accounts located in Russia or China: There is now a selection box (under Search
Reserved ID’s) called Show Localized available that lists the Account Location and user’s
name in localized characters (Latin information is removed for easier review).
Export Results to Excel
The Search Results page can export results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for data
The two options for viewing the Excel file are downloading to the local workstation and
saving it, or opening it in Excel immediately without first saving it.
Ø Exporting the results to Excel:
1. If the system does not display the Search Results list,perform the search now and return to
these instructions.
Export to Excel link
Fig 3-8 Search Results page
2. Click the Export to Excel link in the Search Results header area.
The Download dialog box displays.
Fig 3-9 File Download dialog box
3. Click the Open button to open the Excel spreadsheet without saving it. The system will launch
Microsoft Excel and display the results spreadsheet. Choose the Save or Save As command from
the File menu to save the spreadsheet.
Fig 3-10 Sample Excel spreadsheet
4. Click the Save button to save the file to the local workstation from the File Download dialog box.
The Save As dialog box displays.
Fig 3-11 Save As dialog box
5. Navigate to the desired folder to save the spreadsheet.
6. The folder name displays in the Save in drop-down list at the top of the dialog box.
7. Enter a name in the File Name text box to change the name for the file.
8. Click the Save button.
9. The system saves the spreadsheet file in the indicated folder with the specified name.
Chapter 4 - Add New & Existing Users
This chapter covers adding new and reactivating previously existing users to the
Profile Administration system. Previously existing users will appear in search results
as disabled (authenticated Deere IDs only: DPA IDs cannot view disabled user IDs).
Both functions begin with the Add User function. This function requires a check for
duplicate users in the system before adding the new user. The system might find the
user active in another account and tell you to contact the helpdesk. However, if the
system finds the same user in a disabled status (not active), the Add Existing User
function automatically launches a transfer of the user to the desired account.
In order to reactivate a disabled/previous ID for a field employee, the Last Name,
First Name, Middle Initial, and Month/Year of Date of Birth typed in must match
the information on file.
Dealer employees do not require (and should not be assigned) more than one active
“provisioned” ID at their dealership. IDs should not be “reassigned” from one
employee to another. Names and birth date information should not be modified
unless there was a data entry error made when the account was set up, or when a
legal name change has occurred (marriage or divorce). Most applications will allow
access to information to the single ID for all dealer accounts within the same Dealer
Organization Group as the associated dealer account.
If an employee requires an ID associated to another dealer account in order to access
an application specific to another dealer account, the DPA can create a “reserved” ID
for that employee from the “provisioned” ID. No user should have an active
“reserved” ID at the same dealer account as their active “provisioned” ID and no user
should have more than one “reserved” ID under a dealer account.
Add New User
The Add New User function adds a new user profile to the system and obtains a
system generated User ID for the new user. The first name, last name, middle initial,
and birth month and day are used to make up a unique key to the dealer
applications. This unique key is used to identify each user in the system so these
fields are required when adding a new user. The system then searches the database
for previously added users matching this unique key.
If the system completes the duplicate check and finds no users with matching name
and birth month and day, it displays a screen to enter the user’s profile information
into the system to create a new User ID.
If an active user is found with the same unique key, the system displays an error
message indicating there is already a user with the same name and birth information
and to contact your helpdesk.
If the system finds a user that is not active that matches the unique key, it displays the
option to transfer the employee to the current account. Please refer to the next section
for more details about transferring employees.
If you know that the new employee has worked at a Deere dealership previously
and you don’t see a message indicating that the system found a previous ID, a
message should be sent via the Feedback form with the person's last and first
name and date of birth instead of continuing with creating a new ID. The previous
ID may have been set up with a variation of their name or Date of Birth that is not
allowing the previous ID to be matched to what was typed in. Please contact your
helpdesk if additional assistance is needed.
The required profile information includes the primary account, user’s name, birth
month and day, password, date of employment, and job title. The rest of the profile
information is optional in most areas of the world where the system is deployed. If an
ID is reactivated for new employment, make sure that corrections are made to the
existing information where appropriate.
The user profile is where system access can be granted. Checking the “needs system
access” checkbox allows the user access to one or more systems with the Set Access
function. Leaving the checkbox unchecked will prevent the user from getting system
access and they will not be given a Set Access screen.
Adding a new user:
1. Click the Add User link in the Sidebar menu.
The Add User – System displays the Step 1 of 3 page. The fields having a red asterisk
next to them are required fields.
i. Fig 4-12 Add User #1
2. Enter the user's last name in the Last Name text box. (limited to Latin characters)
3. Enter the user's first name in the First Name text box. (limited to Latin characters)
4. Enter the user’s middle initial in the Middle Initial text box. This entry is optional.
5. Click the Calendar icon and enter the user’s birth year, month, and select the day.
6. Click the Check for Duplicates button at the bottom of the page.
The system will check the database for users with the same unique key information.
When the system completes the check and finds no duplicates, it displays the Add User -
Step 2 of 3 page.
Fig 4-13 Add User #2
The Add User - Step 2 displays the Last Name, First Name, and birth month and day
defaulted with the information entered in Add User - Step 1.
If the system finds a duplicate user that is active, it displays a message indicating a user
with the same credentials already exists and to contact the helpdesk.
If the system finds an inactive, duplicate user, in a different account, it displays a screen
allowing transfer of the user to the current account. Refer to Transfer Existing User
7. The User ID check box defaults with a checkmark displayed in the check box. This indicates
the user needs access to one or more systems. If the user needs no system access, click
this check box to turn it off.
8. Select the affiliated account to which the user belongs from the Affiliated Account
drop- down list. Note that the Primary Account and Location fill automatically.
This field is required.
9. Enter the user's middle initial in the Middle Initial text box.
This field is optional.
10. Enter the user's nickname, if applicable, in the Nickname text box.
This field is optional.
11. Enter a temporary password in the Temporary Password text box.
This field is required and must follow the current password policy. Once established in
the system, the user must change this temporary password.
12. Enter the user's tax identification number in the Tax ID text box.
This field is optional.
13. Enter the user's street address in the Address and Address 2 text boxes. Note that in
some areas, the address information on the profile screen is defaulted to the address for
the selected dealership location.
These address fields are optional.
14. Enter the user's city address in the City text box.
This field is optional.
15. Enter the user's state address in the State text box.
This field is optional.
16. Select the country address from the Country drop-down list.
This field is optional and will default to the United States.
17. Enter the user's zip code or postal code in the Zip/Postal Code text box.
Complete this field if you are entering the user's full address.
18. Enter the user's phone number in the Phone text box.
This field is optional.
19. Enter the user's email address in the Email text box.
This field is optional.
20. Enter the month, day and year of the user's date of employment in the Date of
Employment text boxes.
These fields are required and must be completed in mm/dd/yyyy format.
21. Select the user's job title from the Job Title drop-down list.
Selection of this field is required.
22. Under Additional Contact Information, select a contact type in the drop-down list and
enter the contact information in the corresponding text box.
Selection and entry in these fields is optional, but some applications will rely on this
information. It is HIGHLY recommended to add a work email address.
23. After entering the pertinent information in the profile, click the Add button at the
bottom of the page.
The system begins the process of adding the user to the database, and displays the User
ID and Account Creation page. This page indicates the progress of the add function.
When the function completes successfully, the page shows the status of all processes as
Completed and displays the system-generated User ID, highlighted in yellow. Notify the
user of the new User ID and Password.
Fig 4-14 User Id and Account Creation completion page
24. Click the Return to Search button when finished with this user to display the Search
function or click an item in the Sidebar menu to start another function.
25. Perform the Set User Access function at this point if the user needs access to one or
more systems.
If the system finds a duplicate user in the account, it displays the following
Fig 4-15 Add User - duplicate user found error message
1. Click the Back button to return to the Add User page.
2. Verify the information entered for the new user.
If it is correct, then the same user is already in the system for that account.
3. If it is not correct, return to step #2 in the To Add a New User instructions above.
Support for Non-Latin Characters (Dealers in 3R00 or 3B00)
1. This is an example of the View Profile screen showing information for a dealer
employee in Latin characters (pink highlight) and in the local characters (yellow
2. When modifying employee information, be sure to only use Latin characters in the left
column fields (indicated below by pink highlight), and use the right column fields
(indicated below in yellow highlight) for information using the local language characters
(Chinese or Russian). Using non-Latin characters in any of the left column fields
(indicated below in pink highlight) will result in system errors and inability for this ID to
access JD University training or DPA authority.
Add Existing User
When performing the Duplicate Check in the Add New User function, the system
checks all accounts for users with the same key information. If the system finds the
user inactive in another account, the system will automatically display a transfer user
page rather than adding a new user. The steps involved are selecting the account for
the transfer, updating the user's profile and resetting the user's password.
Adding an existing user:
1. Click the Add User link in the Sidebar menu.
The system displays the Add User - Step 1 of 3 page. The required fields have a
red asterisk next to them.
2. Enter the user's last name in the Last Name text box.
3. Enter the user's first name in the First Name text box.
4. Click the Calendar icon and enter the user’s birth year, month, and day.
5. Click the Check for Duplicates button at the bottom of the page.
The system will check the database for users with the same unique key information.
If it finds a duplicate user in another account, the system will display a page in
order to transfer that user to the current account. The system displays the
Transfer Employee - Step 2 page.
If the system finds a duplicate user in the same account, it displays a message
page indicating this is a duplicate user and the system is unable to add the user
again. The system displays the previous page.
Fig 4-17 Transfer Employee - Step 2
6. Select the account from the Transfer To drop-down list.
This is the account to which the employee will be transferred. The drop-down list only
contains accounts to which the logged-in DPA has access.
7. Click the Transfer Employee button at the bottom of the page.
The system will display a confirmation page when the transfer is complete.
Fig 4-18 Transfer User completed message
8. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom of the page.
The system displays the Employee Record page, and retrieves and displays the
information for the user. (See Support for Non-Latin Characters for employees in 3R00
or 3B00 dealerships.)
Fig 4-19 Employee Record page
9. Click the need system access check box if the user needs access to one or more
10. Update the required information on the user profile, including job title, date of hire,
etc. Required Fields have a red asterisk.
11. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
The system saves the user profile information, and after the transfer and profile are
complete displays the Reset Password page.
Fig 4-20 Reset Password page
12. Enter a temporary password in the Temporary Password text box.
This field is required and must follow the current password policy. Once the system
establishes the user in the system, they can change this temporary password.
13. Click the Reset Password button at the bottom of the page.
The system stores the user’s password and displays the Transfer Employee completion
page. Notify the user of the new password.
14. Click the Continue button.
The system displays the Search page.
Chapter 5 - Modify User Profile & Access
The Modify functions allow for updates to a user's profile information, setting access for
the user to various systems, resetting the user's password, transferring the user to
another dealership/account, and deleting a user.
In order to begin the modify process, first use the Search function to find the desired
user, and then choose the type of modification required. The following are the functions
available in the Modify user function set:
► Update Profile
Changes the user information, including the user name, and indicates whether the
user needs access to systems.
► View Profile
Displays a read-only page with the user’s profile information.
► View Access
Displays a read-only page with the user’s assigned system access.
► Set Access
Identifies the business systems the employee can be granted access.
► Reset Password
Changes the user’s password.
► Create Reserved ID
Only available to Dealer Helpdesk Admins
Creates a secondary id that would be used by someone in a dealer family with multiple
locations. Having a secondary id in an account in another location would give them
access to different applications. Reserved IDs are not profiled, meaning they do not get
an account in JD University and cannot be set up as a DPA.
► Transfer
Transfers a user from one dealership to another.
► Delete
Deletes the user profile from any systems and marks the id as disabled in EUA.
► Zap
Only available to Dealer Helpdesk Admins
Removes the id from the system. Used when an id was mistakenly created or a user
was found to have two ids.
► Unlock MFA Account
Allows the DPA to unlock a user’s MultiFactor Authentication account (which became
locked due to too many failed login attempts)
► Reset MFA Factors
Allows the DPA to clear all MultiFactor Authentication factors to allow user to re-
register for MFA (in case the user needs to reset one or more factors)
View User Profile
The View User Profile command displays the user information in read-only format.
Viewing a user’s profile:
1. Search for a user as described in Chapter 2.
Fig 5-21 Search Results page
2. Click the modify link in the Action column for the selected employee.
The system displays the modify drop-down menu.
Fig 5-22 Modify drop-down menu
3. Click the View Profile command on the Modify drop-down menu.
The system displays the Employee Record page with the user profile information. (See
Support for Non-Latin Characters for employees in 3R00 or 3B00 dealerships.)
Fig 5-23 Employee Record page
4. Click the Back button at the bottom of the page to return to the Search Results page.
Alternatively, choose another function in the Sidebar menu by clicking a link.
View User Access
The View User Access command displays the systems access assigned to the user. The page is in
read-only format. The information displayed includes:
► User and Account identification
Displays the User ID, full name, dealer account number, and dealer name in the top
portion of the page.
► Application Name
Displays the name of the application to which the user has access. This also identifies
the type of access the user has for the given application (i.e., inquiry only means the
may not update the information, but can view it.)
► Business Activity
Lists the activities within the application to which the user has access.
► Security Context
Displays the data subset (account data) the user can access or update in the
given application.
Viewing a user’s access:
1. Search for a user as described in Chapter 2.
2. Click the modify link in the Action column for the selected employee.
The system displays the modify drop-down menu.
3. Click the View Access command on the Modify drop-down menu.
The system displays the Access Rights by User page.
Fig 5-24 Access Rights by User page
4. Click the Back button at the bottom of the page to return to the Search Results page.
Alternatively, choose another function by clicking a link on the Sidebar menu.
Change User Name and Profile
The Update Profile command updates the user information including the user name,
address, date of birth, tax identification number, phone number, email address, date of
employment, and job title.
Updating a user’s profile:
1. Search for a user as described in Chapter 2.
2. Click the modify link in the Action column for the selected employee.
3. Click the Update Profile command on the Modify drop-down menu.
The system displays the Employee Record page. (See Support for Non-Latin
Characters for employees in 3R00 or 3B00 dealerships.)
Fig 5-25 Employee Record page
4. Enter or update the data in the respective fields.
Edit any of the user's information, including the key data - name, date of birth,
date of employment and job title. The only information not changeable is the
Read-only account fields.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
The system saves the information and returns to the Search Results page. (The
system displays a blank Search Results page if entry to the update function was
from the Add User function.)
Set User Access
The Set User Access function identifies the application(s) and functions (business
activity and type of access) within the application(s) to which the user has access.
The system displays the application list in a folder hierarchy that can expand and collapse
using the Toggle Expand/Collapse All link at the top of the page. Alternatively, clicking an
application folder icon expands or collapses only that application.
The open folder icon indicates the expanded listing of the application showing
all available functions.
The closed folder icon indicates the collapsed listing of the application showing
no functions.
The check box icon indicates a function within the application. If there is a checkmark
in this box, the user has access to the function. If the box is blank, the user does not
have access.
Setting a user’s access:
1. Search for a user as described in Chapter 2.
2. Click the modify link in the Action column for the selected employee.
3. Click the Set Access command on the Modify drop-down menu.
The system displays the Update Employee Permissions page. For verification of the
correct user, the system displays the user name in the header line of the user under
update. The applications are listed in an expanded format (all roles are listed).
Fig 5-26 Update Employee Permissions page with all applications expanded
4. Click the Toggle Expand/Collapse All link at the top of the page to collapse or expand
the entire set of applications.
5. Click the folder icon next to a specific application to collapse or expand just
one application.
6. Click the check box icon in front of the application function to which the user
should have access.
A green checkmark in the check box indicates the user has access to the function. A
blank check box indicates the user does not have access.
7 . Use the Click to Customize link to the right of a role to tighten security for that
application role. This is used to limit the scope of what the user can do within that role
to a particular set of accounts in the user's dealer family.
8. Click the Save Permissions button at the bottom of the page after verification of
access to all the functions the employee should have access.
The system begins the process of saving the access information. The system displays the
Saving Permissions page and displays the status of the save. After the save is complete,
the system displays the Completed Saving Permissions page.
Fig 5-27 Saving Permissions Completed page
9. Click the Return to Search Results button at the bottom of the page to return to the
Search Results page.
The system displays the Search Results page with the last search results.
10. Click the View Access button at the bottom of the page to view the user's access.
Reset User Password
The Reset User Password function assigns a new password for a selected
employee. Alternatively, the system can automatically generate a new password
for the user.
Changing a user’s password:
1. Search for a user as described in Chapter 2.
2. Click the modify link in the Action column for the selected employee.
3. Click the Reset Password command on the Modify drop-down menu.
The system displays the Reset Password page. The page displays the employee name
and a text box in which to enter the new temporary password.
Fig 5-28 Reset Password page
4. Click the Password policy link next to the text box to view the policy for
creating passwords.
The system displays the Password Policy pop-up window.
Use the Close button to close the pop-up window.
Fig 5-29 Password Policy
5. To manually assign a user’s password, enter the temporary password in the New
Temporary Password text box. The password must meet the current password policy.
To automatically assign a user’s password, go to the next step.
6. Click the Reset Password button at the bottom of the page.
The system changes the user's password and displays the user name and new password
on the Reset Password page. The system highlights the new password. Notify the user
of their new temporary password and remind them to change it once they login.
Fig 5-30 Reset Password page after reset complete
7. Click the Continue button to end the Reset Password function and return to the Search
Results page.
Transfer a User
The transfer function transfers an existing user’s profile and access in the system to
a different dealer account/location in the DPA’s dealer family.
Transferring a user to another dealership:
1. Search for a user as described in Chapter 2.
2. Click the modify link in the Action column for the selected employee.
3. Click the Transfer command on the Modify drop-down menu.
The system displays the Transfer Employee page. The page shows the employee and
dealer information, and provides a Transfer to drop-down list to select the account for
the transfer. The drop-down list only contains accounts to which the logged-in DPA has
Fig 5-31 Transfer Employee page
4. Choose the account to transfer the employee to from the Transfer To drop-down list.
5. Use theCalendar function to choose the date of the transfer. The system will assume
a blank date means the transfer is effective immediately.
6. Click the Transfer Employee button at the bottom of the page.
The system begins the process of transferring the employee. Once complete, the
system displays a page confirming the transfer of the employee was successful.
Fig 5-32 Transfer Employee confirmation page
7. Click the Continue button on the confirmation page.
The system will return the Search Results page.
Delete a User
The Delete User function removes systems access for an employee who has left the
dealership. Deleting a user places the userid in an ‘archive’ and shows their userid in
EUA as Disabled. This disabled userid can be used again if the user comes back to
work, and can be re-added to EUA by doing the Add Existing User steps.
Deleting a user:
1. Search for a user as described in Chapter 2.
2. Click the modify link in the Action column for the selected employee.
3. Click the Delete command on the Modify drop-down menu.
The system displays the Delete Employee page.
Fig 5-33 Delete Employee page
4. Use the Calendar function to choose the Last Day of Employment date to take effect at
a later date. The system assumes a blank date means the employee should be deleted
effective as of today's date.
5. Click the Delete Employee button at the bottom of the page.
The system begins the deletion process and, when complete, displays the Delete
Employee complete page.
6. Click the Continue button on the confirmation page to return to the Search Results page.
Unlock MFA Account
1. Log on to (
2. Search appropriate user (dealer or supplier)
3. Go to modify drop down option ( )
4. Select unlock MFA Account
· If Message displayed is – “MFA account successfully unlocked.”
o Dealer can try to access the application using the current password.
· If Message displayed is – “MFA account was not locked.”
o Dealer will have to Reset password.
Reset MFA Factors
1. DPA to Log on to (
2. Search the appropriate user (dealer or supplier)
3. Go to modify drop down option ( )
4. Click Reset MFA Factors
· Message displayed – “MFA factors successfully cleared.”
o DPA to ask User to login to the MFA protected application and set
up the new MFA Factors immediately.
· Message displayed “MFA factors not currently set.”
o User never had any Factors set up.
Managing MFA Issues – MultiFactor Authentication
Starting in December 2017, dealer employees will be required to use MFA (Multi Factor
Authentication) to access various applications on the Deere systems to ensure that the logged
in user is the person assigned to the user ID.
Once an application/website has been assigned as requiring MFA, the user logging in may be
required to provide a 2nd factor (method) to prove they are the person who was assigned to the
Registration for MFA
1. Each dealer employee needing access to those items requiring MFA will need to log into the
following URL -
2. At the initial screen, the dealer employee should type in their JDNET user ID in “Username”,
hit the TAB key, and type in their user ID password in “Password”. Click on Sign In.
3. The dealer employee will be presented with a screen showing the available options for MFA
Dealer can set up MFA Factors from the following
·Okta Verify – Supports two forms of authentication
on a Smart phone.
o Send Push – Dealer can push a notification to
the registered Smart Phone. This requires cellular
connectivity on dealer phone.
o Enter Code generated on the mobile app to
verify. This does not require cellular connectivity on
your phone.
·SMS Authentication – Enter Verification code
received on the mobile phone as SMS/Text.
·Voice Call Authentication – Enter Voice Call
Verification code received on the phone (mobile or
Option 1: Okta Verify as a MFA Factor
Okta Verify requires a Smart phone. It allows two different methods of authentication Send Push
and Enter Code.
The Send Push method sends a notification to Dealer phone (which must be on and have internet
access). Once Dealer receive notification on the phone, dealer Approve notification on phone to
successfully authenticate. No other action is required.
The Enter Code method can be used even if the cell phone is not
accessible through cell service, but is powered on. The OktaVerify app
on the phone generates a code which updates every 30 seconds. That
code can be typed in the screen prompt to allow access.
How to set up Okta Verify
Click on Set Up.
Choose the device Type.
Download Okta verify application from the device app store
and click on Next.
Direct the dealer employee to Open the downloaded Okta Verify application on their phone, and
tap on Add Account, and click on Next.
As soon as they click on Add Account, a camera
will open up.
Ask them to Scan the QR code on their computer
screen using the phone’s camera.
Ask them to wait until their device enrolls (the QR
code will give a green check mark when done). It
takes a while to enroll their device.
When their device is successfully enrolled, the
person is now set up with Okta Verify MFA.
Option 2: SMS Authentication – sends a six-digit text message to your phone that the user will
need to type in on the Okta login screen to authenticate.
NOTE: Verification Code is valid for 5 minutes
· If Dealer were not able to use the code with in the 5
minutes window, please ask them to request the new
SMS code to be resent.
· Once they use the SMS code, the code become
invalid and cannot be reused. Ask them to delete the
SMS code after use.
Option 3: Voice Call Authentication – Employee receives a call on the phone number they
selected as MFA Factor. The employee will have to provide a phone number with area code that
is available to the employee while working with Deere applications. Employee will need to type
in the Verification code provided in the voice message in the Okta login screen to authenticate.
NOTE: Verification Code is valid for 5 minutes maximum.
Troubleshooting MFA
If the dealer employee gets an error at the Deere authentication screen (invalid user ID or
password – Sign in Failed)
Note : Dealers sign in via Channel login will see
below screen
User password (for Deere login, not MFA) may need to be reset. Use Reset Password option (see
instructions on page 34).
If the Dealer employee gets an error at the MFA screen or Dealer employee via channel login
(below screens are examples), continue to next page for troubleshooting instructions.;
· If the Dealer employee is getting an error message that the MFA account is locked, this is
usually because the user has failed five times in providing the correct MFA authentication
(either usual method is unavailable or not set up properly). In Authorization Management,
select the Unlock MFA Account (see page 37).
· If Authorization Management shows that the account has been unlocked, have the
user try logging in again. If they are not able to, you may need to go to the next
step and Reset MFA Factors (see page 38).
· If Authorization Management shows that the account was not locked, check error
message again. The problem may be that the user’s Deere ID may need a
password reset. Refer to page 34 for instructions.
· If Authorization Management shows that the account could not be unlocked,
notify the Support Desk for additional assistance. Provide them with the
employee’s user ID and the error message, indicating that the MFA account
couldn’t be unlocked.
· If the Dealer employee reports that their MFA factor isn’t available or usable, ask the
employee if they registered for more than one MFA factor. If they did and the other factor is
available, direct the employee to click on the triangle to the right of the MFA login ICON. This
will show a dropdown menu of the other factors set up in registration. The employee can
then select a different factor to authenticate.
· The Dealer employee can update/modify their MFA options by logging into After logging in using an available MFA factor, direct
the employee to select the MFA Account Settings icon on the desktop.
· The Dealer employee should then follow the instructions on each screen to add
(Setup button) or modify (Reset button) their current MFA settings (change phone
numbers for the SMS text or voice message or reregister a new download of
· If the Dealer employee is not able to log into MFA self registration (no available MFA
methods), in Authorization Management, select the Reset MFA Factors (see page 38).
· If Authorization Management shows that the MFA Factors were successfully reset
OR if Authorization Management responds that the MFA Factors were not set,
direct the user to log into and reregister for at least
one MFA factor.
· If Authorization Management shows that the MFA Factors could not be reset,
notify the Support Desk for additional assistance. Provide them with the Dealer
employee’s user ID and the error message, indicating that the MFA factors couldn’t
be reset.
Chapter 6 - Training Coordinators, New
Model Qualification Coordinators, and
JDU Supervisors
Employees who are designated as Training Coordinators in Profile Administration are
called Human Resources Business Partners, or HR BPs, in John Deere University. They
have the ability to coordinate training for employees at particular store locations.
There can be from 1 to 8 coordinators at each dealership. The training coordinators
have group enrollment privileges in John Deere University but are limited to the
employees at specifically assigned dealerships.
New Model Qualification (NMQ) coordinators are employees that have been assigned
the responsibility of overseeing new model qualification activities for the dealership.
There can be up to two coordinators at each dealership. Adding a user as a NMQ
coordinator identifies the user to Deere as a contact for NMQ activities for their
Setting someone up as a Supervisor gives them the ability to coordinate training for their
direct reports in John Deere University. Supervisors are provided a toolbar within JD
University to coordinate training or pull reports on all direct and alternate reports
specifically assigned to them.
Updating Training Coordinators
The Training Coordinators function adds new coordinators or changes coordinators.
Assigning or editing Training Coordinators:
1. Click the Training Coordinators link in the Sidebar menu.
The system displays the Edit Training Coordinators page, and selects the default account
in the Account Number drop-down list.
The system lists any existing Training Coordinators for the dealership in the Coordinator
text boxes, and outlines the text boxes, in red, of any inactive dealership or any User ID
of a training coordinator that is invalid or inactive.
Fig 6-34 Edit Training Coordinator page
2. To change the account number, select it from the Account Number drop-down list.
The system refreshes the page with the selected account and the training coordinators
for that account.
3. Enter the User ID of the employee responsible for overseeing training in an empty
Coordinator text box.
This must be the valid 7 digit User ID assigned to the employee (the User ID normally
begins with X).
4. Repeat step 3 for each coordinator assignment needed.
5. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
The system verifies the User IDs, saves the information, and refreshes the page with the
list of coordinators.
Updating New Model Qualification Coordinators
The New Model Qualification Coordinators function adds new coordinators or changes
Assigning or editing New Model Qualification Coordinators:
1. Click the New Model Qualification link in the Sidebar menu.
The system displays the Edit New Model Qualification Coordinators page and selects the
default account in the Account Number drop-down list.
The system lists any existing coordinators for the dealership in the NMQ Coordinator
text boxes, and outlines the text boxes, in red, of any inactive dealership or any User ID
of a training coordinator that is invalid or inactive.
2. To change the account number, select it from the Account Number drop-down list.
The system refreshes the page with the selected account and the training coordinators
for that account.
3. Enter the User ID of the employee responsible for overseeing training in an empty NMQ
Coordinator text box.
This must be the valid 7 digit User ID assigned to the employee (the User ID normally
begins with X).
4. Repeat step 3 for each coordinator assignment needed.
5. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
The system verifies the User IDs, saves the information, and refreshes the page with the
list of coordinators.
Assigning Supervisors
The Manage Org Chart function allows assignment of Primary and Alternate Supervisors to
multiple employees at the dealership.
NOTE: The Update Profile function allows assignment of a Primary Supervisor to the ID.
The View Profile function only displays the Primary Supervisor for the ID.
Assigning or editing Primary / Alternative Supervisor:
1. Click the Manage Org Chart link in the Sidebar menu.
2. Type in the dealer account in “Select A Location”, and click on the ˅ a er Select One to
select either the Primary or Alternative Supervisor role for assignment.
Click on Search.
3. You will get a list of employees for the dealer account and information on Supervisor
assignment (based on the role selected).
4. Click on the box to the left of each name you wish to assign/reassign to a single ID for
the selected role. If you click on the box to the left of the top row (First Name), all
employees at the location are selected automatically. To deselect, click the box a
second time and the Selection will be removed. Click on Next at the bottom of the
screen to continue.
5. The list of selected IDs will show up. The role to be assigned will be confirmed at the top
of the list.
Click on the to the right of Search User for a search screen to look up a user by
name, user ID or list the active users in a dealer account. Click Search to get list of
matching IDs.
Click on the User ID (in green) to select for the role.
The search window will close and the selected ID will show up in the Search User field.
Click on Save.