Thank you for
the let into your
We appreciate the confidence
to leave the Clearview enter
your home . We are a serious
company committed to total
customer satisfaction ,
offering the best cleaning
professionals, all certified
and trained , obendecendo
every organ .
We’re a Leader in “Green”
Green cleaning, or How We Protect the Earth,
cleaning with products One House Cleaning at a
made from Time
environmentally friendly
ingredients designed to Our company, CLEARVIEW, is
preserve health and proud to partner in this effort
environmental quality, is of protecting our
becoming increasingly environment. We offer
important to homeowners premium home cleaning
across North America. services for homeowners
Green or eco-friendly across the United States and
cleaning is more than just Canada, with more than 180
a trend; it signifies a franchise locations all over
healthy and much-needed North America.
shift in thinking as more
people choose to take Across the board, we
steps necessary to protect maintain our strong
themselves, their loved commitment to green
ones, and the cleaning by using:
Home Cleaning
es. Clean Earth.
-Green Seal Certified®
-Cleaning Products
-HEPA Vacuums
-EPA-Registered Disinfectant
We are one of the only
cleaning companies in the
nation to use Green Seal
Certified® products.
Whole House Cl
eaning Services
Our Detail-Clean Rotation System
We use our unique Detail-Clean Rotation System to ensure
that our customers’ homes always meet our high standard of
cleanliness. This system was developed over 25+ years of
professional house cleaning experience. We use this system
to ensure that our clients are always satisfied and can expect a
consistently clean and beautiful space.
We provide a whole house detail-clean within the
first two cleanings:
First Clean: We’ll carefully detail-clean your kitchen and bathrooms, while
providing a thorough cleaning to the rest of your house.
Second Clean: We’ll detail-clean your living areas and sleeping areas, and
provide a thorough clean to your kitchen and bathrooms as well.
After initial cleanings, our detail-clean services will be performed on a
rotating basis along with our typical thorough cleaning services. This
ensures that your home is always up to par. We have high standards and our
work speaks to that. We prove our commitment to our customers through
maintaining our high standards of excellence.
You can rely on us for a
thoroughly cleaned house,
every single time.
Life’s Too Short to Clean Your Own Home
You’ve got things to do that are more important than
cleaning a messy house. Let us take care of it! Our team of
experts provides trustworthy, high-quality home
cleaning services. You can have full confidence and
peace of mind in choosing CLEARVIEW
Call Our Cleaning Service at 860-788-6619
We can save you time, so you can focus on what matters
to you. We’ve been in this field for more than 25 years.
The Cleaning Authority is a name synonymous with
customer respect and professionalism. Choose our maid
service for a team that goes above and beyond!