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Published by polowooow, 2022-04-13 16:03:50





For Green Future



uyd YsIH ix.ufha mKsúvh

wjqreÿ ì,shk 13.7 lg muK fmr úYajfha wdrïNfha isg wo olajdu m%udKd;aul yd .=Kd;aul
mßKduhkag Ndckh fjñka ñksido we;=¿j mßirho oS¾> .uka uÕla meñK ;sfí.
udkj b;sydifha fY%aIaG;u yd úYsIaG;u fidhd.ekSï i|yd mßirh úiska olajk ,o odhl;ajh w;s
uy;a h. úoHdfõ yd ;dlaIKfha iS>% oshqKqj;a iuÕ mßirh ;=, ñksid ;=, ;snQ úúO jQ wNsryia
tlska tl úi|d.ekSugo ñksia m%cdjg yels úh. fl;rï ;dlaIKh oshqKq jQj;a fï iEu foalu
iu;=,s;Ndjh /lS we;af;a mßirh iuÕ nj ieu fokdgu fkdryilah.
kuq;a kj ,snr,ajdoS wd¾Ól l%uhla ;=, wê mßfNdackjdoS Ôjk rgdjlg uq¨ uy;a iudchu keUqre
ùu;a iuÕ mßirfha jákdlu ;lafiare lsÍfï ñkqï oKav njg uqo,a m;aj ;sfí. mßirh ms<sn|
fjkia oelaula, tys jákdlu ms,sn| kej; lshjd ne,Sula YsIHhka jYfhkq;a iudc m%cdjla jYfhkq;a
wm flfrys we;s nj úYajdi lrkafkuq. tlS wruqKq idlaId;a lr.kq jia úYajúoHd, úoHd¾Òka f,i
wm kÕk y~ fuf,i igyka lrkafkuq.

uyd YsIH ix.uh
Y%S ,xld inr.uqj úYajúoHd,h.



Organic Agriculture and Climate Change ....... 4
Y%S ,xldfõ j¾;udk ldnksl .............. 6

Nrjdg;gapu;r nra;ifAk vjpu;fhyKk; .... 9

ldnksl j.dfõ jeo.;alu iy wkd.; ....... 11
Organic Farming and Future ............................ 12
ldnksl j.dfõ j¾;udkh ............................. 14
ldnksl iy wkd.;h ........................... 15
ldnksl f.dú;ek iy wkd.;h ................... 17


fkú,a u,s;a , N+ ú{dmk mSGh -

Organic Agriculture and reduced synthetic fertilizer usage results in reduction of Nitrogen
oxide formation.

and Climate Change Apart from that, the use of pesticides or weedicides in organic agriculture
is at minimum levels. Therefore, it supports to mitigate the GHG
Climate change is one of the widely discussed environmental issues in emissions in the resource extraction, production, distribution, usage and
the past few decades. Briefly, the long-term swings in temperature and disposal of these fertilizers and different types of pesticides. In storage,
weather patterns can be defined as climate change. Both man-made and aerated manure has considerably less emission than stacked manure. In
natural factors affect the birth and evolution of this serious concern 2005, the global nitrogen fertilizer consumption which was produced
exerting a higher weightage on human interventions. Burning of fossil using fossil energy was about 90.86 million tones which aggregates to
fuels, agricultural activities, mismanagement of land are some of the around 1% of global fossil energy consumption. Efficient recycling of
causes for the rise of this pressing dilemma. In general terms, the emission manure from livestock and crop residues, leguminous crop cultivation
of greenhouse gases; namely, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, in organic agriculture fulfills the nitrogen demand of agriculture. And,
ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, it reduces the burning of biomass residues which results in reduction
and water vapour to the atmosphere or curtailing the ways of emitting of N2O and CH4 emissions from inefficient burning processes. In
favourable gases to the atmosphere are the main causes in this regard. addition, optimized crop rotation, reduced or no tillage brings out
several favorable impacts on the environment reducing the climate
of emitting favourable gases to the atmosphere are the main causes in change potential. Plantation of hedges, permanent grass cover, pasture
this regard. instead of cropland that can be seen in organic agriculture contribute to
The effects of climate change are considered irreversible, for instance increasing soil organic carbons.
rising of sea level, melting of ice caps can be taken. Highly industrialized
countries are the main contributors of this subject. Agriculture is one of In terms of energy consumption, use of efficient machinery, pest-resistant
the main industries which is adversely affected by these fluctuations in crop varieties with less spray cycles, no use of synthetic biocides, use
climate. Increasing temperature and unpredictable precipitation patterns of bio energy reduces emissions to the atmosphere. Most importantly,
affect depressingly on the present and potential harvest. Meanwhile, in organic agriculture, enteric fermentation in ruminants is reduced
several practices and processes of the agriculture sector contribute to by dropping the number of ruminants and switching to monogastric
the expansion of this environmental issue. At present, with the narrow animals, using feed additives, optimizing the composition of type of feed,
approach of realizing production and productivity KPIs, agriculture increasing the longevity and productivity of animals is practices which
has become one of the main sectors which emits greenhouse gases in result in lower methane emissions per animal. Well managed animal-
a significant portion. As per the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate grassland system also supports in reducing the effect of climate change.
Change (IPCC), in 2005, the contribution of agricultural sector on
greenhouse gas emission is about 10 – 12% which counts around 5.1 Despite the positive impacts of organic agriculture, it cannot be considered
and 6.1 giga tonnes of CO2 equivalents. From this, the highest portions that organic agriculture is always environmentally friendly due to some
are from methane and nitrous oxide respectively. According to Bellarby pitfalls. One of the main reasons is that due to less productivity of organic
et al, in 2008 it has found that the contributors of GHG emission in agriculture, more land area should be used to produce a desired level of
agriculture sector as N2O released from fertilized soil, CH4 emissions harvest. Consequently, transporting smaller quantities from different
from cattle enteric fermentation, emissions due to soil carbon losses regions of the country increases GHG emissions in transportation. In
from deforestation and other land use activities, burning of biomass addition to that, some researchers have realized that biofuels are not a
waste and crop residues, N2O and CO2 emissions from synthetic green alternative. Apart from that, organic food has a shorter shelf life
fertilizer production, fuel emissions from farm and irrigation machinery. which eventually results in high food wastage.

Will the organic agricultural practices be a solution for this? Considering these facts, it can be concluded that organic agriculture
possesses both positive and negative impacts on climate change.
In 2008, IFOAM General Assembly has defined organic agriculture as “a Therefore, it is wiser to have a tradeoff between organic and conventional
production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people agriculture. In order to increase the positive impact of organic agriculture
which relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted on climate change, restoration of degraded lands, crop diversification,
to local conditions rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects.” pasture, livestock and manure management, water management etc.
When compared with conventional agriculture, soil management that can be practiced. to increase the positive impact of organic agriculture
can be seen in organic agriculture in terms of organic fertilizer usage on climate change, restoration of degraded lands, crop diversification,
pasture, livestock and manure management, water management etc. can
be practiced.

- Ms. W. A. L. M. Bandara , Faculty of Management Studies -
( Temporary Lecturer )


wyil l÷¿ -fkú,a u,s;a N+ ú{dmk mSGh -

fojeg woaor msmqKq u,lg vjpu;fhy tptrhak;
yqiau .kakg jrï wysñ j
y;s,ñka mK whoskdhqre epyq;fs; tPL MFk; fsq;fs; fhL MFk;
ÿgqj wyig is;=Ks fuf,ig tptrhap tpz;NzhL Nghthd; tptrhak;
kz;NzhL NghFk;
yqiau .kakg ñksia f,djlg cupikf;ffhf gpr;ir vLj;Njhk; 200 Mz;Lfs;
jrï ÿkak;a bka m,la ke; ,dp czTf;fhf gpr;ir vLf;f NghfpNwhk;
fijK ÿka uy úi,a .iaj, vj;jid Mz;LfNsh!
w;= is|S Wka jrla fkdis;u rpw;gq;fs; mope;J tpl;lhy; NfhapYf;F
rpwg;gpy;iy rpw;gpfNs!
nqÿ mqog u,a fk,d hk l, mope;J tpl;lhy; NfhapYf;F gpwg;gpy;iy
ÿgqfj ke;sfoda yqiau ysÕ nj mJNghy; tptrhapfs; mope;J tpl;lhy; cz;z
fudfyd;lg fyda /|S bkakg $l topapy;iy
osh fmdolaj;a u,g wysñ o tptrhak; mope;j gpd; tUe;jp gadpy;iy
fUNkfk; fhztpy;iy fhy;eil Ngztpy;iy
is;=j;a y~d l÷f,ka fidaod,kak ehis ek; grp Nghf;f ehfupfk; cjt
fof.dv;,d hk osh oyrla fjkak Nghtjpy;iy
ñksi;alug ks.d lrk ñksiqkag ehis ek; tpQ;Qhd tsu;r;rpapy; trjpfs; tUk;
iu úh fkdyel bjiñ ojkdg .skak tapW epuk;Gkh?

- uOQsIS WfoaYsld , jHjydßl úoHd mSGh - - Ravichandran K. , Faculty of Agricultural sciences -


Y%S ,xldfõ j¾;udk lDIsld¾ñl jevigyklg jvd uQ,sl jYfhka wmkhk fyda úfYaIs;
ldnksl fj<| jHjidhla f,i ldnksl j.dfõ wkd.;h Y%S ,xldj ;=, oel
.; yels fõ hehs ks¾Kh l< yel.

ldnksl f.dú;efkys YlH;dj yd ;srir nj ms<sn| m¾fhaIK
yd jHdmD;s jevigyka fkdue;slu Y%S ,xldfõ M,odhS yd ,dNodhS
ldnksl f.dú;ekla ixj¾Okh lsÍug yd jHdma; lsÍug we;s
m%Odk ndOdj fõ’. ldnksl fmdfydr ksIamdokh lsÍu i|yd l%shdj,s
;dlaIKh ÈhqKq lsÍu iy Y%S ,xldj ;=< tajdfha ;d¾lsl Ndú;h
i|yd Wmdh ud¾. ilia lsÍu iïnkaOfhka fuf;la isÿ lr we;s
m¾fhaIK yd jHdmD;s m%udKh b;d wju fõ’

idïm%odhsl l%u u.ska ksIamdokh jeä lsÍu flfrys wjOdkh fhduq

lsÍu iy ldnksl lDIsl¾udka;h i|yd wruqo,a fkdue;slu fuhg
m%Odk;u fya;=j hs. tkuq;a j¾;udkh jk úg;a ldnksl øjH
úfhdackh ms<sn| iuyr laIqø Ôj úoHd;aul wOHhkhka l%shd;aul
fjñka mj;S.

j¾;udkh jk úg Y%S ,xldfõ nyq;rhla f.dúfhda ridhdk øjH u; wjika jYfhka i|yka lsÍug we;af;a ldnksl j.d l%uh Y%S ,xldjg
hefmk lDIsld¾ñl rgdjlg fhduq ù we;. tys oS b,a¨ug iß,k wjYH úfoaY úksuh W;amdokh lrk úfYaIs; wmkhk-wNsuqL
iemhqula i,id oSu i|yd ridhksl fmdfydr, m,sfndaOkdYl, fjk;a jHjidhla f,i;a, M,odhS iy ,dNodhs jHdmdrhla f,i;a m;a l<
j¾Ol øjH Ndú;d lrk kuq;a wjidkfha ,efnk M,odfõ .=Kd;aul yels njhs. ta i|yd wjYH jkafka ksis mßÈ isÿ lrk m¾fhaIK
Ndjh ms<sn| lsis÷ ;elSula isÿ fkdfõ. l%shdj,shla, ixj¾ê; jHdmD;s ud,jla iy rcfha oekqj;a Ndjh;a
iyh;a mu‚.

- uOQsIS WfoaYsld , jHjydßl úoHd mSGh -

kuq;a uE; ld,Sk ldnksl i|yd we¨ï lrk msßia úiska ldnksl

j.d tall ia:dms; lrñka flfrys msßia Wkkaÿ lrùug iu;aj
we;. fuu j.d tall ia:dms; lsÍug uQ,sl jYfhka fya;= ù we;af;a
ldnksl f.dú;efkka ,efnk m%;s,dN yd nksIamdok wmkhkh i|yd
we;s b,a¨u jeä ùuhs. kuq;a lDIsld¾ñl lafIa;%h ;=, fuu tall
wkjYH wx.hla f,i ie,flas. thg fya;=jõ ù we;af;a idïm%odhsl
j ridhksl øjH yd ne÷Kq lDIsl¾udka;h yd ieiª úg ldnksl
j.dfjka jeä wiajekakla ,nd.; fkdyels ùuhs. tkuq;a ldnksl j
j.d lrk ,o t<j¨, m,;=re yd l=¿nvq i|yd hqfrdamSh fj<|m< ;=,
jeä b,a¨ula mj;sk w;r jeä ñ,lg wf,ú lsÍugo yelshdj mj;Ss.

Èfkka Èk jeä jk wdydr b,a¨u i|yd ldnksl lDIsld¾ñl l%u

uÕska m%udKj;a iemhqula ,nd Èh fkdyels neúka Y%S ,xldfõ mj;sk

j¾;udk wdydr ksIamdok wjYH;d imqrd,Sug ldnksl j.dfjka jeä
odhl;ajhla ,efnkafka hhs ie,lsh fkdyel. tfia kuq;a m<sfndaO
kdYl jeks lDIs ridhk øjH Ndú;fhka f;dr j ksIamdokh lrk

,o .=Kd;aul Ndjfhka by< øjH jeä ñ, .Kka hgf;a wmkhkh
lsÍu i|yd j¾;udkh jk úg jeä wjOdkhla fhduqj we;. iuyr
ksIamdok tall ie,lsh hq;= id¾:l;ajhla iys; j oekgu;a ia:dms;
lr we;s w;r, wmkhk b,a¨u imqrd,Su i|yd wjYH jHdma;sh i|yd
wjia:djla we;s nj o oel .; yel.

ú/lshd .eg¨ úi£u i|yd rch úiska wkq.ukh lrk iajhx
/lshd fhdackd l%u hgf;a o fuu tall ixj¾Okh l< yelsh. ta
i|yd wmkhk ksIamdok .ïudk ia:dms; lrñka ldnksl j j.d lrk
,o ksIamdok i|yd we;s b,a¨u imqrd,sh yel. fï wkqj idudkH


- koSYd yxisks , jHjydßl úoHd mSGh -

.yfld<l isßh fk;a flúks irikd ldnksflka ke;s¨ jdishla
uo mjfk isys,sh .; jgd oejfgkd ridhhkslfhka¨ ysñ jdishla
osh ì|l f;;ukh osj w.g f.k tkd wehso f.dúhks ke;so fmd<fjys jdishla
Ôjhl uqÿka W, ñysl;ska Wmoskd fmdfydrlg fldgqù j.djg jqkq ydkshla
is;amqrd fk;a jgd fidÿre nj rkaokd fmr l=Uqre lf,a ridhkslfhka fkdfõ
osfkka osk jevqKq .; ku f,djg lekaokd iajdNdúl fmdfydfrïu fõ
ukqi;d f.a iskd fjk w;l rkaokd wehso fï msgrgg .e;shla
oefjk is;a osfkka osk kqjK wei mrokd fkdoefkao tys ydkshla
ksoyfia ., osh w.,a jefikafka ldnksflka keye ydkshla
jki;;a jk f,djl udhsul fidndoyfï W,am;la
jk .yk fkdue;s f,dj ysre /iska oefjkafka jjuq .=Kimsß j.djla
fldkal%SÜ jk f,djla ñysl;u jikafka oskuq rgg fkdù ;ejq,la
osfkka osk ñfhk fidndoyï ud;dj
Tng oefkkd ÿlu ug;a wo oefka ys;g
Tnu ÿka Ôjhu Tng tfrysù fuosk
flf,ys .=K fkdo;a is;la ;=, miq ;eùula
we;so @

- T. S. fifkúr;ak - lDIs úoHd mSGh - - P. D. K. uÿNdIsks - lDIs úoHd mSGh -

- úYdld fiõjkaos , N+ ú{dmk mSGh -


N r j d g ; g a p u ; r ,jdhy; Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;if capupdq;fSf;F kl;Lkd;wp kz;zpd; Ngz;jF
epiyikiaAk; rpwg;ghf Ngzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,J Nghd;w Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;ifapy; jukhd

GJj;jd;ik kpf;f tpisr;ry;fis ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbtJld; ,urhadq;fs; mw;w clYf;F

nra;ifAk ve;jnthU jPq;Fk; tpistpf;fhj MNuhf;fpakhd czitAk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Kbfpd;wJ.
czT cw;gj;jp vd;gJ ,t;thwhf miktJNt fl;lhakhFk;. ,t;thwhd tptrha
epiyikNa gz;ila fhyj;jpy; Ngzg;gl;L te;jpUf;fpd;wJ vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ.

vjpu;fhyKk; gRikg;Gul;rp fhuzkhf mjpfupj;j rdj;njhifapd; czTj;Njitia <Lnra;Ak;
nghUl;L epu;ge;jpf;fg;gl;l tpQ;Qhdj;jpd; %yk; mNrjd grisfSk; fpUkpehrpdpfSk;
cUthf;fg;gl;lik> mj;Jld; Gjpa jhtu ,dq;fSk; tPupak; kpFe;j jhtu Ngjq;fSk;

re;ijf;F mwpKfQ; nra;ag;gl;ld. ,tw;wpd; %yk; tptrhapfs; FWfpa fhyj;jpy;

mjpf tpisr;riyg; ngw;Wf;nfhz;ljhy; tptrhapfshy; mjpf ,yhgKk; <l;l

Kbe;jJ. mjdhy; mjidNa epue;jukhf gad;gLj;j Muk;gpj;jdu;. ,jd; %yk;

kf;fspd; Nfs;tpAk; ,yFthf eptu;j;jp nra;ag;gl;likahy; kf;fSk; ,jidNa

tpUk;gpdhu;fs; fhyg;Nghf;fpy; tptrhaj;jpy; njhopy;El;gKk; tsu;r;rpaila Muk;gpj;jJ.

mWtilf;F Ke;jpa rpy nraw;ghLfSf;fhf ,ae;jpuq;fSk; ga;d;gLj;jg;gl;ld.

,aw;ifahff; fpilf;Fk; %yg;nghUl;fis; ,t;thwhd tptrhapfspdhy; ghupastpy; Neuk; kPjkhf;fg;gLfpd;wJ> gbj;j tptrhapfs;
cUthf;fg;gl;ldu;> gy;NtW Ngjq;fspy; tpijney; cw;gj;jpahfpd> kf;fspd; tpUg;gq;fs;
gad;gLj;jp cuq;fis jahupj;J ,aw;ifahd Njitfis eptu;j;jp nra;af;$bajhf ,Ue;jJ. ,t;thwhf gy;NtWgl;l ed;ikfs;
vy;Nyhuplj;jpYk; fhzg;gl;l NghjpYk; ngUk;ghydit jPikfshfNt fhzg;gl;ld.
Kiwapy; ,yFthf nra;ag;gLk;

tptrhak; ,aw;if tptrhak;. ,t;thwhf

Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;if nra;tjhy; NghjpasT ,t;thwhd tptrhaj;jpy; vkJ MNuhf;fpak; vq;F nrd;wJ?.......... mjhtJ jPtpu
,yhgk; <l;l KbahJ vd;w kdepiy mNrjdg;grisg; ghtidahy; epyj;jb ePiu ntFthfg; ghjpg;gilar; nra;fpd;wJ.
jw;Nghija jiyKiw tptrhapfsplk; mJkl;Lky;yhky; ,uhrad cuq;fs; kw;Wk; ,uhrad fpUkpehrpdpfs; Nghd;wtw;wpd;
fhzg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ. Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;if gad;ghl;lhy; mjDila fopTfs; ehk; cz;Zk; cztpy; fye;jpUg;gij
gz;ilafhyk; njhl;L ,d;iwa fhyk; tiu mtjhdpf;f Kbfpd;wJ. ,J gy Ma;Tfspd; %yk; ep&gpf;fg;gl;bUf;fpd;wJ. ,jd;
gy;NtW khw;wq;fis nfhz;ljhf fhzg;gl;L tpisthf gy GJtifahd Neha;fs; cUthfpd;wd. ,jdhy; rpWtu;fs; njhlf;fk;
tUfpd;wJ. ngupatu;fs; tiu ghjpf;fg;gLfpd;wdu; vd;gJ Kf;fpakhd tplakhFk;. czT vd;gJ

Nrjdg; gapu;r;nra;ifapy; ,aw;ifahfNt mbg;gilahd tplak;. mJ clYf;F er;rw;wjhfTk; MNuhf;fpakhfTk; ,Uj;jy;
#oypy; fpilf;Fk; %yg;nghUl;fis mtrpakhdjhFk;. ,g;gb MNuhf;fpakhd czT cz;gJ vd;gJ vkJ cupik MFk;.
nfhz;L jahupj;j grisfisAk; g+r;rp ngupatu;fs; tiu ghjpf;fg;gLfpd;wdu; vd;gJ Kf;fpakhd tplakhFk;. czT vd;gJ
tpul;bfisAk; kw;Wk; xspg;nghwp> iffshy; mbg;gilahd tplak;. mJ clYf;F er;rw;wjhfTk; MNuhf;fpakhfTk; ,Uj;jy;
mfw;Wjy;> gapuhf;ftpay; Nghd;w Kiwfs; mtrpakhdjhFk;. ,g;gb MNuhf;fpakhd czT cz;gJ vd;gJ vkJ cupik MFk;.

Mfpatw;iwAk; gad;gLj;jp tptrhak; ,d;iwa fhyfl;lj;jpy; ,itahTk; vk;khy; ftdj;jpw; nfhz;L tug;gLfpd;wd.
nra;ag;gLk;. gz;ila fhyj;jpy; ,Ue;J ,jdhy; mNrjdg;gapu;r;nra;ifia jtpu;j;J Nrjdg; gapu;r;nra;ifapy; <LgLtjw;fhd
tptrhak; ,t;thwhd KiwapNy Ngzg;gl;L topKiwfis gpd;gw;Wjy; mtrpakhfpd;wJ. Mdhy; ,aw;if tptrhak;> mjhtJ
te;jJ. ,g;gapu;r;nra;ifapd; %yk; vk; Nrjdg; gapu;r;nra;if nra;tjhy; el;lk; Vw;gLk; kw;Wk; NghjpasT ,yhgk; <l;l
Rw;W #oiyAk; ehk; thOk; Rw;whliyAk; KbahJ vd;w kdepiy jw;fhy tptrhapfsplk; fhzg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ. ,jpypUe;J
khRwhky; ghJfhg;gjpy; Kf;fpa gq;F tptrhak; vg;NghNjh tpahghuk; Mfptpl;lJ vd;gij czu Kbfpd;wJ. ,t;thwhd
tfpj;jJ. Nrjd cuq;fspd; ghtidahy; epiyik khwNtz;Lk;. Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;ifapd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij vjpu;fhy re;jjpapdu;
kz;tsk; Nkk;gLj;jg;gl;L ghJfhf;fg;gl;lJ. Gupe;J nraw;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;ifia Kiwg;gb xU <Lghl;Lld;

mJkl;Lkd;wp kz;GO kw;Wk; Vida Nkw;nfhz;lhy; fz;bg;ghf xU jdpahu; njhopy;El;g epWtdj;jpy; <l;l KbAk; vd;gJ
gad;jU capupdq;fs; thof;$ba

nghUj;jkhd fl;likg;nghd;iw cUthf;ff; jw;rkak; mNrjdg;gapu;r;nra;ifapy; ,Ue;J Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;iff;F khWtjw;fhd
Kaw;rpfs; gyTk; vLf;fg;gl;L tUfpd;wd. 187 ehLfspy; Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;if nra;ag;gl;L
$ba epiyik fhzg;gl;lJ. ,jdhy; tUfpd;wd. ,g;NghJ vkJ ehLk; me;ehLfspy; xd;whf khw;wkiltijw;fhd Kaw;rpfSk;
Kd;ndLf;fg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ. Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;ifia tpUj;jp nra;tjw;fhf vkJ
kz; mq;fpfspd; njhopw;ghL mjpfupj;J ehl;bw;F rPdhtpy; ,Ue;J Nrjdg;grisfSk;> fpUkpehrpdpfSk; nfhz;Ltug;gLfpd;wd.
vjpu;fhyj;jpy; jdpahu; njhopy;El;g epWtdKk; Nrjdg;gapu;r;nra;ifAk; xNu me;j];ij
jhtuq;fspd; tsu;r;rpf;F rhjfkhd #oiy ngWk; vd;gjpy; vt;tpj Iag;ghLkpy;iy. ,urhadq;fshy; tUq;fhyj;jpy; Vw;gLk;
tpguPjq;fis czu;e;J ,sk; jiyKiwapdu; Nrjdg; gapu;r;nra;ifia cau;j;jpg;gpbf;f
cUthf;Ffpd;wJ. Nrjdg;nghUl;fspd; fuk; Nfhu;g;Nghk;.

ghtidahy; mNefkhd cf;Fk; gjhu;j;jq;fs;

,yFthf cf;fyiltjhy; kz;zpy;

ePu;gw;Wj;jpwd;> fhw;Nwhl;lk;> ePu;tbg;G Mfpad

rpwg;ghd epiyapy; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.

- Kingson , Faculty of Applied Sciences -


- S. C. A. J. is,ajd , lDIs úoHd mSGh -

fmdar od, i;shhs ;ek ;ek we; lv t,j¨ m,;=re
yßhg wiajekak .;af; ji úi uqyq lr È,sfik msgfmd;=
f.dúhf. b|, bvï ysñ jeú,slre olajdu fmkqula kï we; Tmhg úis;=re
ueisú,a, ´l lk fndk wmghs Èkhl wk;=re
we;a;u fkakakï
fldhskao mfia ire njla ydks ke;=j m,sfndaOlhskaf.a
ridhksl fmdar od, od,u úi by,d M,ál /l.kafka
ys;lr mdxY= Ôúfhd ál ueß, .shdu ri lr tajd ñ,§ lkafka
ldnksl fmdfydr oeïuu ms,sld j,ghs wms w; fokafka
m%;sMf,a álla m%udohs ;uhs
yenehs tal Okd;aulhs rg isg mgjk fmdfydßka ñÈ,d
laIksl wdyr lEju ldnkslj fyd| fmdfydrla ;k,d
blaukg nv.skak ksjqkg ji úi fkdue;sj fõ,la ld,d
w;=re m%;sMf,a Nhdklhs lsh, ljqre ljqre;a /l.uq Èúhu f,v ÿla ÿr,d
b;ska - chks fyar;a - jHjydßl úoHd mSGh -
fïl ;ud fyd|u ldf,
ysñ ysóg ridhksflka ldnksflg udre fjkak
tal ldf. ldf.;a nvghs miqïìhghs
fyd| fõú

- mshqñ - l<ukdlrK wOHhk mSGh -


ldnksl j.dfõ
jeo.;alu iy wkd.;

mq;d¦ iSfha, Thd fudlo lrkafka@
iShd¦ uu fï ridhksl Ndú;d lrñka j.djla yokafka mqf;a
mq;d¦ wehs iSfha Thd Th ridhksl fmdfydr Ndú;d lr,d j.d lrkak
iShd¦ mqf;a ridhksl fmdfydr Ndú;d lsÍfuka uf.a blaukska
ireidr fjkjd. ta lDñkdYl Èhr .eiqj;a uf.a blaukska
ireidr ù jefvkjd
mq;d¦ b;ska iSfha ridhksl fmdfydr .y, wms lEu leju wms f,v
fjkjfka wks;a tl iSfha fmdf<djg fydo keye fka iSfha
iShd¦ b;ska mqf;a ridhksl fmdfydr .y, j. lrk tl wmsg f,ais fka
myiqhs fka
mq;d¦ wfka b;ska tfyu lsh,d fldfyduo iSfha wms ji lEju wms
f,dl= Wkdu f,v fjkjfka
iShd¦ tal kï we;a; mqf;a, f,aish .ek ne¨jd jf.a fkfï fka Thd,f.a
wkd.;h .ek;a wms ys;kak ´fka fka
mq;d¦ tal fka iSfha fudkjd lrkak;a ksfrda.Sj bkak ´fka fka
iShd¦ tal ;uhs mqf;a oeka ug f;areKd. wudre Wk;a uu ldnksl
fmdfydr lDñkdYl j.djg .ykakï mqf;a

- y¾I uÿIxl , N+ ú{dmk mSGh -


Organic Farming - K. W. K. D. uÿjka;s , lDIs úoHd mSGh -
and Future
Organic farming is the agriculture system which uses the organic
pesticides and organic manure to cultivate crops. Simply this is developing and Agri
culturing land by the uses of the natural ingredients. Though it seems to be difficult
but it will gain many more pros for present generation as well as for the upcoming
generation. The purpose of natural farming is to gain healthy foods as well as to save
the environment.
When we use in-organic chemicals to develop or to cultivate our crop they might be
toxic to our body. It will be easy for farmers to grow their crops but consumers may
suffer from various kind of diseases.
“Health is wealth” this a famous saying that we have heard from our small ages. As
human health is the precious thing that we can get. For that consuming non-toxic
food is essential. To consume non-toxic foods, we must cultivate them. As youngsters
we have few more decades to live. Our health is depending on the food that we
consume. Consumption of organic food has many health benefits compared to
conventional food.
Organic farming helps countries achieve sustainable use of natural resources. Non-
renewable natural resources such as water and coal are increasingly used by the
agriculture industry and hence inculcating organic farming will help save our natural
Health-conscious consumers around the world are increasingly demanding organic
foods in the market. But organic farming is bit costlier and harder than inorganic
farming. When we consider all the impacts of the organic farming more we cultivate
organic more the future will be bright

- Harsha Madhushanka , Faculty of Geomatics -


ldnksl iuÕ fygla ldnksl iy wkd.;h

ridhkslhg yqremqreÿ mi lkafka ;=ka fõ,hs wms yeuodu
flfia fõúo ldnkslhg taj;a yßyeá fkd,enqfkd;ska tfyu
mfia we;s .=K Wlyd .ekqug fldfyduo f.jkafka;a ðú;hla tfyu
iu;a fõúo ldnksl ri yefoaù fkdyÿkkd f,v frda.
wyr iuÕska jio lkafka
we;a; thuhs wms fkdokafka ri kyr bmsf,hs .kakfldg ji lEu
ridhksl úi wmsj lekaoka jjkakgo myiqhs ji úi tlal
fmd<j hggu ksOka jkafka YÍrhg hkúg fï ish¨u lEu
ufvys hqj rcq fu ÿl okafka fkdurd urdù f,a kyr
fmdfydr ke;sjhs jyu fndkafka
ks¾joH jQjo yosis ;SrK w;g tk uqo, .ek ú;rla is;=fjd;ska
kE lsisúg;a hym;la jkafka msßfyhs wmf.a fi!LHh ks;e;skau
ld,f. wejEfuka úi|sh hq;=h fïjd ksfrda.slu mru iïm;hs okakd wms iefjdu
md,lhd kE tnj okafka yDo idlaIshg hgj tfyu lrkd úg ksjerÈo
jefgk wU weg uy rela flfrõfõ
,la ìfuys kE l=i.skafka uerefka f.dúhd jjkd foh wms lkafka
ire ìula jQ uyS;,hu Èßu;a lruq f.dúhka jjkg ji úfika f;dr
flfuka hqO ìula jkafka wmyiq jqjo tys we;s jákdlï w.fkah
mig, ire ìug wosm;s u;= mrmqrg;a tys m%;sm, ,enkqfha fkdwvqju
fojÕkqka weia jid bkafka
ljod fld;ekl ksu fjhso fï ÿl wyila Wig n,dfmdfrd;a;= we; wmg
ldnksl ri n,d bkafka tajd im,d .kakg .kakd jEhuo
fkdfofjksh th lsisúgl;a wkaieug
- A. D. udmgqk , lDIs úoHd mSGh - hqyqiq¿j fjr oruq .kakg .=K lEu

- y¾I uÿIxl , N+ ú{dmk mSGh -


ldnksl j.dfõ úfYaI wjodkhla o fhduqj mj;S. hqfrdamsh fj,|fmd, i|yd fyd|
b,a¨ulao mj;sk neúka jeä ñ,lg wf,ú lsÍu isÿ l, yel.
j¾;udkh j¾;udfka by, /lshd ysÕ;djhla rg ;=, mj;sk neúka rch hg-
f;a wkq.ukh lrk iajhx /lsh fhdackd l%uhg ms,shula jYfhkao
ldnksl fmdfydr ms,sno i,ld ne,SfïÈ j¾;udkfha§ th ld,Sk fuu ldnksl ixj¾Okh l< yel. tys§ .ïudk ;=, ldnks
ud;Dldjla njg m;a ù we;. fldfrdakd jix.;fha m%;sM,h- -l lDIsl¾udka; l%u wrUñka fuh ÈhqKq l< yel. ta wkqj ldnksl
la jYfhka fndfyda fokd f.j;= j.djg kenqre úh. tys§ l%u j,g keUqre ù isák mqoa.,hska Èß .kajñka Tjqkag wjYH my-
iuyr mqoa.,hka ksjfia§u i|yd wjYH ldnksl fmd- iqlï i,iñka fuu tallh ixj¾Okh l< yel. ta Èfkka Èk
fydr ksmoùu weröh. fuu ldnksl fmdfydr fh¥ wdydr øjH ;dlaI‚l f,dalh o ÈhqKqjg m;ajk neúka kj Wml%u Ndú; lrñ-
.=Kd;aulNdjfhka by, neúka fj<|fmdf,ao fuu wdydr j,g ka fuu ldnksl fmdfydr j.djka ÈhqKq l< yel. kuq;a ,xldj ;=,
ridhksl fmdfydr fh¥ wdydr j,g jvd m%uqLia:dkhla ysñ fõ ;ju;a fuu tallh ÈhqKq fjñka mj;sk w;r fï iïnkaOj lr we;s
.fuu ldnksl fmdfydr ÈhqKq l,fyd;a th j¾;udkfha mÍlaIK m%udKh wju uÜgul mj;S. thg m%Odk u fya;=j jkafka
Y%S ,xldj ;=, mj;sk fndfyda m%Yak /ilg ms,shula jkq we; ,xldj ;=, ta i|yd mj;sk m%;smdok wju ùuhs. kuq;a uf.a u;hg
.j¾;udkfha mj;sk wdydr ysÕ;djhg ms,shula jYfhka ldnks wkqj fuu ish¨ lreKq i,ld ne,Sfï§ fuu ldnksl jeäÈhqKq
l fmdfydr Ndú;d lrñka j.d lghq;= isÿ l, yel. ridhksl lr m%;s,dN /ila ,nd.; yels nj fmfka. rcfha iyfhda.h we;sj
øjH Ndú;d fkdlr lnksl øjH fhdod j.d lghq;= isÿ lsÍfu- úfYaI jHdmD;shla hgf;a fuh M,odhS õhdmdrhla njg m;a l< yel.
ka b;d by, .=Kd;aulNdjhlska hq;= wdydr ksmoúh yels neú-
ka tajd wmkhkh lsÍu isÿ l< yel. wo jk úg fï ms<sn|j - OfkaId Wohx.kS , jHjydßl úoHd mSGh -

- bIdrd , l<ukdlrK wOHhk mSGh -

ldnksl iy m< lr we;s. l%ufhka jeäjk mdß b,aÆu f.dùkag ;u
wkd.;h j.d lghq;= ldnksl l%uhg mßj¾;kh lsÍu i|yd m%Odk fya;=jla
ù we;s. j¾;udkfha ldnksl f.dú;eka m%p,s; ùu i|yd wdydr
j, iqrlaIs;Ndjh ms<sn| mdßfNda.slhka w;r oekqu j¾Okh ùu;a
mdßißl .egÆ;a fya;= ù we;s. fndfyda fokdf.a úYajdih jkafka
wkd.;fha we;sjk wdydr b,aÆug ldnksl f.dú;ek úi÷ula
fkdjk njhs. fuys§ úfYaIfhka ie,lsh hq;= jkafka kQ;kfha Ndú;d
jk lDIs WmlrK iy l%ufõo wkd.;fha§ lDIs úoHd{hska úiska
jeäÈhqKq lrùuhs.

ldnksl hkq lDIsl¾udka;fha tla wdldrhla jk w;r tys§ j¾;udkfha ridhksl ksid we;s ù ;sfnk fndfyda fnda fkdjk
frda. ksid mdßißl .eg¨ wd¾Ól .eg¨j,g ldnksl úiÿuls.
lD;su fmdfydr m<sfndaOkdYl Ydl jeüu md,kh mY= iïm;a m%Odk jYfhka jl=.vq frda., ms<sld we;sùu, c, W,am;aj,g ner
fmdaIl cdkuh jYfhka kùlrKh lrk ,o mgl Ndú;d fkdlrhs. f,day tl;=ùu jeks mdßißl wiu;=,s;;dj we;s lsÍug fya;=jk
ldnksl j.dfõ§ f.dùka ksIamdokh /l .ekSu yd m<sfndaO md,khg .eg¨j,g fuh úi÷uls.
úúO l%u Ndú;d lrhs. yß; fmdfydrj, fldïfmdaiaÜ, úúO j.d
l%u Ôj úoHd;aul m,sfndaO md,kh hdka;%sl j.d l%u Ndú;d lrhs. kuq;a mj;sk b,aÆug iß,k iemhqula ,nd§u .eg¨jls. m,sfndaO
ldnksl f.dú;ek idïm%odhsl ridhksl f.dú;ekalrKh iuÕ jix.; meñ‚hfyd;a th o .egÆjls. ldnksl j.d l%u Ndú;fha§
fjkialï olajhs. ldnksl ;sridr lDIsl¾udka;fha Wm f.dúfhl= jeä ld,hla ;u fjkqfjka lem l< hq;=hs.
wxYhls. ldnksl i|yd fhdod .kafka ldnksl fmdfydrhs. úfYaIfhkau ffcj úúO;ajh by< kexùu wruqKq fldgf.k
ldnksl fmdfydr f,i ye¢kafjkafka fnda. ksIamdokhg ldnksl l%shd;aul jk wjia:djka i|yd fuh i;H fõ. Bg fya;=j úfYaIfhka
øjH fhdod .ekSuhs. ldnksl øjH f,i Ydl fldgia yd i;aj wmøjH ÈhqKq fjñka mj;sk rgj,g fuh fm!oa.,sl hymeje;au flfrys
fhdod .kSs. fldïfmdaiaÜ m%Odk ldnksl fmdfydr fõs. l%udkql+,j n,mEï t,a, lsÍuhs.
ksIamdokh lk ,o ldnksl øjHh fnda. j.dfõ § yd ldnksl
fmdfydr jd‚clrKfha § jeo.;a fõs.

wkd.;fha§ ldnkslj j.d flreKq wdydr øjH i|yd weußldkq - W. W. D. ä,ks ùod.u - ;dlaIK mSGh -
fj<|fmdf,a b,aÆu fvd,¾ ì,shk 1la muK jk nj o 2025 jk
úg tu w.h fvd,¾ ì,shk 23 olajd j¾Okh jk njg wkdjels

- bIdrd , l<ukdlrK wOHhk mSGh -

-fkú,a u,s;a N+ ú{dmk mSGh -

- J. M. Ñka;l chuy - ;dlaIK mSGh -

.sks .yk uy wjqfõ fmrÈ. Odks k.rh f,i kï oerejd
fudr iQrk uy jeiafia n; nq,;ska wgqfldgq mqrjd oeuqjd
fy< n; i/ lrkd fy<fha isß;a yg uq,iqk ÿkakd
Tnhs oefha Ôj kd,h ÿr,d ue,slu Yla;sh ch.;a;d
f.dúhd rc fjk
rfÜu wgqfldgq msrfjk ji úi fmdfydr fkdfhdod ;u j.djg
ji úi fkdue;sj iEfok f.dhu ks,a,g yß wmQrej
lrk wfma fy< f.dúlu m%ñ;sh fld;k we; okajñ ,;djg
/flkakg lruq wfma hq;=lu yßhg ldnksl fmdfydr fhÿfõ ;u j.djg
msg/áhkaf.ka keõ tkl,a b|
rfÜu iïm;a uqo,g hglr fhÿju fmdfydr ú;rla Th ldnksl
f.dúlu n¨l, ld,h fíßh yelS f,v frdaf.ka Ôú;h
wjika lrk hq.hhs w;,. iqN úh yelS uq¨ Èúhu bÈßhg
wfmalug h,s mk fokakg wkd.;h Ndrhs Tfn oE;a yg
wjeisu Èkhls wo Èk
ke; fyd;a fjkafka wm yg
ksjghka fjkakg msgrg

- G. G. C. m%idoskS lreKdkkao - ;dlaIK mSGh - - W. W. D. ä,ks ùod.u - ;dlaIK mSGh -

ldnksl f.dú;ek mqrjeishkaf. mK k, fkdj ure je, njg m;a j mj;S.
th udhdjlS. mQ¾K;ajfhka nß;j t,a,S jefgk M, u¨ mqxÑ
iy wkd.;h
Wkaf.a oEia weo ne| ;nñka lv idmamqj, wdvïnrfhka ;ekam;a
w;S;fhka uqla; jQ j¾;udkhla fkdue;. w;S;fha fijke,a,
j¾;udkh kï Èh oyrdjg jegqKq l< th iqkaor oiqkla ujhs. th jqjo tys ydkslr;ajh Wka fkdokakd ;rïh. ;dlaIKh tod fuka

iEu lafY%a;%hlgu fmdÿ jQ O¾u;djhla jk w;r lDIsl¾udka;hg u fkdj wo Èk ysks fm;a;gu <Õd ù we;s jqjo wm th fl;rï ÿrg

fmdÿ jQjls. 1960 oYlfhka miqj yß; úma,jh f,dj jid .ekSug f.dú;efkys id¾:l;ajhg fhdod.kafka oehs m%Yakd¾:hls. úYd,

fmrd;=j Y%S ,xldj wdishdfõ muKla fkdj f,dalh ;=<o f.dú;efka ldnksl wmøjH m%udKhla wmf;a yßk ,o rg jeishka fl;rï ÿrg
tajd l<ukdlrKh fldg ldnksl f.dú;ek fj; fhdojd .kafka
kscìula úh.
oehs .egÆjls. ;dlaIK Odrdjkays Èfkka Èk .eUqr w;m; .dk
wm u;lfha /fokafka w;S; rcjreka jdmS YsIagdpdrh f.dvkeÕQ
úoHdfõ§kaf.a nqoaê .,kh ;j;a foig r|djkjdg jvd ;u rfgys
lsisÿ ji úila ke;sju wiajeoa¥ wlalr oyia .Kkhs. .x.d ^108 mrmqr ke.=ug fh§u fl;rï kï wmQ¾j o@ msgfoi uy iud.ï
kv;a;=jg jvd wm rfgys mqkaÑ f.dúhka iúu;a fldg ienE yß;j;a
la jeõ 40 000 la muK W/u lr.;a wm rg ;=< îchla wuq jQjo
úma,jhla werôSug yels kï thuy;a ch.%yKhls.
thska uQ, .eá;s yg .ekSug ;rï úNjhla mj;S. lïue,s fkdù
W. A. yis; úyx. fmf¾rd - ;dlaIK mSGh -
f.dú;ekg Wreu ,o wm lDñkdYl j,a kdYl foda; ;nd mKkmsáka

ure ;=re,g ,.d lsÍug nyqcd;sl iud.ï iu;a úh.

fláld,Sk ch.%yKh fmroeß fldg wm m<uq mrïmrdj úiska
oekgu;a u;= mrmqr reÿre .x.djl msyskSug wmyiq wkaoñka .s,ajd

we;. Bg lÈu ksoiqkla f,i ms<sld frday,a j, we|ka u; mK hÈk
mqrjeishka oelaúh yel. úfYaI fldg w;S; f.dú;efkys uyf.or

jQ rcrg mqrh jl=.vq udrhd yg ì,s § we;’ uyd .xÈh, jeõ ;,d

b÷ks,a .Õ=,e,a ysñ wysñ ldnkslh
os¨Kq ìfï kS;S ueo uqksj;h
yß; ,m¨ je,a y,dy, úfika ng
fijk ;sfha jfika msß f,djla we;
iqfldu, iq,,s; f,v t,a,f.k w;ska
l=iqï mqnqÿjk wo fygu fmfkau h
ßúio wyfia .yfld,;a úrilj
tlaj kef.a fkdoS Wka fmdfydru h
ñys,shf.a ;=ref,a irkd fkdu flfia jjfkao
;re ore .S je,a úfika f;dr .ila
ijfk .efÜ kuqÿ Wmoskd osk
jejqfjd;a .ila tf,i
fyg oskhs úfika f;dr
ldnksl j.djh

- l,amkS yxisld - l<ukdlrK wOHhk mSGh- - nld - l<ukdlrK wOHhk mSGh -

- ksfïsId S. úl%uisxy - ;dlaIK mSGh -

jeiai j,dyl foúhka.. rgu Èkkakg jjkafkda
f.darkdvq lr fyñysg..
lvd yef,ka jreidjla.. ldnkslj uq¿ rggu
fl;aìï jeõ W;=rkakg.....
ñysuv,u yskefyù... ji úi ke;s fygla lrd
.ia je,a o¿ ,d jefvù.
m, ordù ys;a hdù... msh k.kakg wjirhs
tlsfkl u,a mQÈù... ndOd oyila ueo wm Ôjh fok..
udj;a t,s fmfy,s fj,d... fidnd ujqka iq/flk j.djhs fï...
jika;hla ,. tkjd... kj mrmqf¾ Wreuh rlskd
mßirhu tl¨ fj,d...
iq¾h l=u/ mdhkjd... wgq fldgq i/ lrkd
l=/¨ ?ka .;= lshñka..
tlsfkl is;a megf,kjd.. c, mi i;=kq;a rlskd
nla uy fï wjqreoafoa ... ldnkslhs wfma f.dú;ek..
fidnd ujqka iqmqreÿ f,i yskefykjd..... rlskg fidnd uj lem fjuq wm ieu tl f,i

- M. S. fiõjkaos - l<ukdlrK wOHhk mSGh - - P. B. u,aó fïOdks - ;dlaIK mSGh -

iqj|hs u, fia ñksidææææ

uk Wia fyhska ñksid kñka
wms wmj rjghs mqyq f;aciska
ñksiqka úkd fõo hï flfkla
ñysl;a ujg úk l, ;rï

wd;aud¾;h fmroeß lrf.k
ldis fidhdf.k uiqre fjiska hk
flf,ihs iqkaor fidndoyï l;

flda nx kS;sh ¥Ilhka yg

kS;s kï we; ,shd fldf;l=;a
fmdf;a msgq lsisod fkdfmr¿Kq

jkixydr weu;s mq;=f.a
rpkdfj f;audj ˜mßirh iqrlsuq˜

.ia brhs mia lmhs- forK wuq fidfydkls
l=Kq f.dvhs u<l|hs -c,h u; mdfj;s
.sks ;shhs l¿ ÿuhs- yqiau .uq wm ks;s
udrhhs frda.shhs- fcdavqju frdayf, fj;s

irefl;a ire oeka úi fmõ yskaod
úil=re fl;aj;= rl= fjia wekaod

ji úi ri msß t<j¿ ykaod
Èk Èk hhs wm ure fj; lekaod

i<ld ñysuj mK fuka ieuod
j<ld,uq yeu ÿisß;a kqj‚ka úuid

fkduld f,da;=< ukqoï lsisod
y~.d mjiuq ˜iqj|hs u, fia ñksid˜

- l=uqÿ ;ßkao - N+ ú{dmk mSGh -


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