Dear Guests,
On behalf. of our entire tealn, we would like to give you a warm welcome to Sandies
Sandies Bathala is the newest addition to the Planhotel Hospitality G[oap. The
brand's philosophy is to create a simple and friendly atmosphere whilst still providing the
best service possible. We strive to make your holiday experience inemorable and up to your
expecta:tions through our friendly and easygoing atmosphere and our unwavering dedication
to quality and service.
Our R`esort participetes in a sustalnability program promoting practices that care i ;o[
the environment. Innovation and eco-efficiency guarantee that our clients i;eel the place, and
enjoy a healthy nature surrounding our small peradise.
We are truly honored that you have cLiosen to stay with us, our team and myself serve
at you with pleasure and will ensure your scar will be comfortable and memorable.
To enjoy your stay with us even further, please coimect to our Wi-Fi by connecting
to "Guest WiFi" in your rooms, "SANDIES" and/o[ ``Sandies Bathala" in public areas such
as the reception and kindly proceed to the log in page on your btowser. Proceed to enter your
E-Mail and room number in the credentials section below the initial section. Once you click
``1og in" you can connect to our internet facilities.
Furthermore, in our passionate attempts to save a. bit lnore dsylightjust fior you, we
hzIve changed our time to one hour alieaLd o£Mal6.
We de hope we are able to malce Sandies Bathala your "borne away from home"
during your stay.
Warlnest regards,
Resort Manager
Sandies Bathala Maldives