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Published by Haneen Izzati Abdul Kadir, 2019-12-04 10:39:30


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Keywords: MAGAZINE





Business organization BUSINESS “GOOD
can be defined as any MANAGEMENT IS
official activity with defined as any THE ART OF
objective of making organization whether it is MAKING
profit from sale of goods public or private that PROBLEMS SO
or services. Not only provide good or services INTERESTING AND
that, non-profit in order to meet the THEIR SOLUTIONS
organization such customer’s satisfaction SO CONSTRUCTIVE
archives, museums, and at the same time to THAT EVERYONE
libraries with purpose to earn profit. WANTS TO GET TO
provide society with the WORK AND DEAL
educational, social or MANAGEMENT WITH THEM.” –
other services. There is a PAUL HAWKEN.
need to manage and is the process of reaching
protect business records organizational goals by
as well as to find them working with and through
when they are needed. people and other
organizational resources.



identifying goals as well as
objectives and strategies


Business Records is a business information process of gathering economic
contains the transaction between two or more parties in the
form of electronic and paper documents that kept for evidence Leading
and references.
guiding the organization
Business Management is a general member’s activities in an
appropriate direction
management of business operation that often structured as a
hierarchy. It work towards organization’s goal and objectives as Controlling
well as aligning an organization with the wants and needs of
clients. involves the process of
evaluating monitoring
Records Management is a general

administrative management that concerned with achieving
economy and efficiency in the creation, maintenance, use and
disposal of organizations records. Not only that it also
concerned in making the information that is contained
available in support of organization’s business.

Business Records Management is a

field of management responsibility for the efficient and
systematic control of the creation, maintenance, use and
disposition of business records. It a vital process to achieve the
efficiency and economy as well as to preserve the business


There are 13 types of business industries that common in our

Administrative, used in the daily Legal, used to protect the rights of “Spend time
operation of a business an individual or an organization upfront to
organization. For example, whenever it comes to any legal invest in
organizational chart. Advertising, proceedings. Manufacturing, systems and
these records are created in the these records are related with processes to
process of promoting goods and industrial operation. Plant & make long-
services to the customers such as, property, refers to any records term growth
catalogs and brochures. related to the functions of sustainable.”
Accounting & Fiscal is used to managing land and buildings.
demonstrate the process of Personnel, these records are -Jeff Platt
financial in business organization. related to staff or any individual
For example balance sheets and that is involved in an organization.
financial statement. Corporate, the Purchasing, relate to purchase,
records show the background and lease or hire of significant stores
condition such as vital records. and equipment. Sales &
Executives, used to explain about marketing, these records related
the administration of the with the process of selling and
organization and everything that buying. Taxation, these records
shows the information about the are related to the amount assessed
organization. Insurance, these as tax or the revenue gained from
records can be used by a taxes.
policymaker to claim for any
damage or loss.


Sole propriertorship

Business that owned by one person such as


Large business that can be public or private
organization such as Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad.


Cooperative Business with two or more owners who share in
the operation such as Kamal and Hassan

Form a business ownership in which group of sole
propriertorship or partnership agree to work together
for commit benefits. It a limited to serving the
specific need of its members such as Koperasi UiTM.


WHAT IS There are 5 keystakeholder such as, owners,
creditors, employers, suppliers and customers.
Owners is an entrepreneurs which is people who
ACTION? organize, manage and assume the risk of starting
business. Create a business that serves as sole
Management in action consists of four main owner. Profits or earning will be shared among
action such as marketing, production, financial these owners. Creditors is an individuals or
financial institutions that provide loan. Firms
management and personnel. Marketing is the that borrow from creditors pay interes on their
process of communicating the value of a product
or service to customers. Marketing might Employers, people who are hired to run the
sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling operation of a business. Managers is also an
products or services. employers who are responsible for managing job
assignment of other and making key business
Production is the process by which we decisions. Suppliers, company or individuals
who deliver materials to other companies to
produce a finished product from raw material. provide products. Customers is people who
The role is to ensure that this transformation targeted by companies to sell their products and
process is carried out efficiently. It falls into 3 services.
categories such as the manufacturing process,
service activities and advisory activities.

Financial management is the art of

bookkeeping that is the recording of financial
transactions. Typical accountant in business was
employed to establish a sound system of

bookkeeping, audit and so on. Personnel is the

success of an organizations depends upon the
effort of its employees.

Writer: Zatus Syamamie binti Ahmad Zahari
“Strategies resources are
resources that are
essential for the success of
a business organization.”

Records as a Is to provide understanding of the
past, present and future, bring
knowledge and intelligence, bear on

decision making and operations and
drive policy formulation and



business resources 6 major knowledge

Strategies Enterprise analysis
focuses on the needs of the
Business System Analysis (BSA) and business as a whole, its
strategic directions, and
records management identifying initiatives that
will allow a business to
Is an analytical framework that involves the meet those strategic goals.
analyzing of an organization as a system. The development
of business activities analysis involve identifying, defining Requirement
and examining in detail the component or parts of a business
system or organization such as the goals and strategies of the planning and management
organization, the functions of the organization that support
the pursuit of these goals and strategies, and also the involves planning the
activities of the organizations that constitute the functions.
The analysis is to provide the core foundation for the requirements development
development of recordkeeping tools that contributes to
decisions on the creation, capture, control, storage, disposal process, determining
and access of records. There are 6 major knowledge areas
such as; which requirements are the

Impacts highest priority for

implementation and

managing change.

elicitation is a techniques
for collecting requirements
from stakeholders in a

continued… Manage records according

Requirement analysis to the regulatory
and documentation describes
on how to develop and specify requirements
requirements in detail to allow
them to be successfully To help organization stay within
implemented by a project team. the policies and procedures of the
country they are operating in regarding
Requirement the retention of information by
communication is a techniques internationally or nationally.
for ensuring that stakeholders
have a shared understanding of In Malaysia, National Archives of
the requirement and how they Malaysia and MAMPU had legislated
will be implemented. various regulations, procedures and
guidelines to formulate a comprehensive
Solution assessment records management programs.
and validation describes how
the business analyst can verify Whereas, for the international
the corrections of a proposed standard (ISO 15489) is to provide
solution and how to access guidance to ensure that adequate
possible shortcomings in the records, in all formats and media, are
implementation. captured and managed adequately
throughout their lifespan.



Statute and case laws, and Mandatory
regulations governing the sector standards of
specific and general business
environment, including laws and practice
requlations relating specifically to
records, archives, access, privacy,
evidence, electronic commerce, data
protection and information.

Voluntary Identifiable Voluntary
codes of best expectations of the codes of
community about conduct and
practice what is acceptable
behaviour for the ethics
specific sector or


By managing the Reliability Integrity
records according
to the regulatory A reliable record is one whose The integrity of record refers to its
requirements, it contents can be trusted as a full being complete and unaltered.
can lead to the accurate representation of It is necessary that a record be
criteria such as transactions, activities, or facts protected against unauthorized
authenticity, to which they can indicate and alteration.
reliability, can be depended upon in the Records management policies and
usability and course of subsequent procedures should specify what
integrity. transactions or activities. annotations may be made to a record
after it is created, under what
Authenticity Usability circumstances additions or annotations
may be authorized and who is
A record is authentic if it can be A useable record is one that can authorized to make them.
verified that it is now exactly as it be located, retrieved, presented
was when first transmitted or set and interpreted.
aside for retention. The contextual linkages of
An authentic record is one that records should carry the
can be proven such as to be what information needed for as
it purports to be, to have been understanding of the transaction
created or sent by the person that created and used them.
purported to have created or sent
it, and to have been created or sent
at time purported.

Economically It can helps to reduce the

operating cost, enhance reduction of time
required, and helps to controls the creation and
growth of records.

Training for records
management professionals

Impacts Can be done by providing a policy framework
for how people are expected to manage their
Economically records and use the system in place, ensuring
that relevant legislative and compliance
Can help in reducing the operating cost, enhances requirements are meet, standardizing
reduction of time required, and controls the creation and information sources throughout an
growth of records. organization or group of organizations,
managing and monitoring budgets and
Ensure accountability resources, advising staff in other departments
on the management of their records and
All organizations need to keep records of business information and more.
decisions and transactions to meet the demands of
corporate accountability and to service their own
information needs.
A record is an evidence of an activity or decisions and
demonstrates accountability.

Support better management

Can help in managing the resources effectively,
developing strategic plan, minimize litigation risks and
effective decision making.

W h at i s ev en I SO 154 89 ?

the first standard devoted
specifically to records
management; providing an
outline for comprehensive
assessment of full and
partial records

There are several process 1. Physically placing a document
of Records Management into a chronological sequence
within a file or folder that contain
Process which are: a title.

- Capt uring 2. Papers added progressively to
file maybe dated or numbered
It involves deciding which sequentially to provide additional
documents are captured, which in security in defining the series of
turn implies decisions about who act io n .
may have access to those
documents and generally how long 3. Additional indexing points
they are to be retained. maybe added subsequently to
the file to ensure that the specific
Factors that A FFECT document can be located and
Capturing ? r et r ieved

Regi strati on ?

''To provide evidence
that a record has been
created or captured in a
records system''

It is all about

METADATA is dat a t h at
provides inform at ion
about ot her dat a.

The pur pose is t o
enables and im proves
u se of t h at dat a

Fin din g Dat a: M et adat a m akes
it m u ch easier t o f in d r elevan t
dat a.

Usin g Dat a: To u se a dat aset ,
r esear ch er s n eed t o u n der st an d:

- h ow t h e dat a is st r u ct u r ed,
def in it ion s of t er m s u sed

- how it w as collect ed, and
- h ow it sh ou ld be r ead.

Lear n about t he dif f erent

t ypes of classif icat ion an d an d t o m eet var iou s ot h er bu sin ess or
h ow t o ef f ect ively classif y per son al object ives. In som e cases, dat a

you r dat a in Dat a Pr ot ect ion classificat ion is a regulat or y

101, ou r ser ies on t h e r equ ir em en t , as dat a m u st be
fundam ent als of dat a sear ch able an d r et r ievable w it h in
specif ied t im ef r am es. For t h e pu r poses

secu r it y. of dat a secu r it y, dat a classif icat ion is a

u sef u l t act ic t h at f acilit at es pr oper

A DEFI N I TI ON : secu r it y r espon ses based on t h e t ype of

theprocessof organizing data dat a bein g r et r ieved, t r an sm it t ed, or
by relevant categoriesso that
Su b-Th er e ar e t h r ee m ai n t y p es of d at a
it may beused and protected cl assi fi cati on that ar e con si d er ed

mor e ef f i ci ent l y. i n dustr y stan dar ds:

Content-based cl assi f i cati on i n sp ect s

an d i n ter pr ets fi l es l ook i n g for
sen si ti ve i n for m ati on

Con text-based cl assi fi cati on l ook s at
appl i cati on , l ocati on , or cr eator
am on g other var i abl es as i n d i r ect
i n d i cator s of sen si ti ve i n for m ati on

Today, t h e t ech n ology is u sed f or a User -based cl assi fi cati on r el i es on
var iet y of pu r poses, of t en in su ppor t u ser k n ow l ed ge an d d i scr eti on at
of dat a secu r it y in it iat ives. Bu t dat a cr eati on , ed i t, r evi ew , or
m ay be classif ied f or a n u m ber of d i ssem i n ati on to fl ag sen si ti ve
r eason s, in clu din g ease of access, d ocu m en ts.
m aint aining regulat or y com pliance,
Con ten t-, con text-, an d u ser -based
appr oaches can be both r i ght or w r on g
d epen d i n g on the bu si n ess n eed an d
d ata type.


It is a mental process of
determining the filing segment
by which record is to be stored
in an order that follows a
particular system.

Ru le ONE: Ru le FOUR: Ru le SEVEN:

Order of filing Single Letters Numbers in Business
Arrange business names that
-Each word in a and have numbers first
business name is Abbreviations
-For example, the name 7
a separate filing ARE SEPERATED eleven food store come
before the name Ali
unit Rest au r an t .

Ru le TWO: Ru le FIVE: All title in R- u le EIGHT:
business names is
Minor words and indexed as written. Index and file all
Symbols in organizations and
Business Names Ru le SIX: institutions according to
Ar t icles, the names written on
p r ep o sit io n s, Combine an article or their letterhead
co n ju n ct io n s particle in a personal
except for the or business name with Ru le NINE:
the part of the name
word The. following it to form When personal names
one filing unit. and names of businesses,
Ru le Th r ee: institutions and
N O Punctuation organizations are
identical, addresses
and Possessives determine the correct
Disregard all filing order
punctuation when
indexing personal
and business names


''Access classification?apply
to people, both those who
are responsible for
managing the
access-classified records
and others with right to
access. ''

WHY WE SHOULD PROTECT IT How do w e do it ?

? Ju st f ollow 5 easy st eps:

1. To pr ot ect per sonal infor mat ion i) Identify the transaction or
and pr ivacy business activity that the record
d ocu m en t s
2. To pr ot ect int ellect ual pr oper t y
r ight s and commer cial ii) Allocate the appropriate
conf ident ialit y level of access or restriction
to the record
3. Secur it y of pr oper t y (physical,
f inancial) iii) specify appropriate
control mechanisms for
4. St at e secur it y handling.

5. Legal and ot her pr ofessional iv) Record the access or
pr iliveges security access of the record

in the record system to

signal the need for additional

control measures





PG. 1


PG. 2


PG. 3


opportunities are like
buses, there’s always Business continuity planning (BCP) is the process involved in creating a
another one coming.” system of prevention and recovery from potential threats to a company. The
plan ensures that personnel and assets are protected and are able to function
– Richard Branson quickly in the event of a disaster. The BCP is generally conceived in advance
and involves input from key stakeholders and personnel.



• The disaster recovery plan process involves more than simply
writing the document.


STEP Conduct a survey of records management and maintain a
Identify types of records complete file list. A copy of the file list should be retained or
backed up at another location.
Establish vital records management
program Identify records needed to conduct business under emergency
Identify the risk operating conditions.
Identify alternative storage facilities
Define roles and responsibilities Identifying the most probable threats that may lead to negative
impact to the organization and minimizing the risk.
Develop a list of contacts
Review existing storage facilities and identify if they are secure
Prepare a disaster bin and will reduce loss or damage.

Draw up an action plan Establish a group of staff contacts to assist with the restoring
(also assign the duties of maintaining the plan so that it is up to
date at all this time).

Develop a contact list of emergency number such as fire, police,
hospitals, properties, security neighboring businesses and trades

Acquire tools and other supplies to be used in small disasters
such as leaky pipes, small fires, etc. This may include certain
tools, gloves, masks, fire distinguisher and fire blankets.

Develop a short plan that contains many of the details of the
above such as numbers both internal and external and develop a
step by step list of actions for staff to follow in case of disaster
and circulate the plan to every staff in the organization.



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At Zalora, customers feel easy and comfortable
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What is Disaster Recovery Operation? The six actions

Recovery in the aftermath of natural or man- 1. Security and Safety
made disasters is directly related to the 2. Stabilizing the
availability of local resources and the environment
infrastructure and operational ability to deliver 3. Assessing the extent of the
assistance from outside the affected region. damage to records and
RAND researchers have helped governments, facilities
militaries, and private organizations organize 4. Rehabilitating storage area
recovery operations during disasters, learn from and building
past experience, and prepare for future 5. Ongoing protection of the
disasters. records
6. Resumption of operation


The Six Actions Remove any water in the area, using
mops and buckets as well as wet dry
Security and Safety vacuum machines, if available.

Ensure safety of the individual inside. Assessing the Extent of the Damage
to records and facilities
Ensure security of the building : fires
are out and immediate dangers are Compile an accident report.
Consult available experts about the
Stabilizing the Environment most appropriate treatments for
damaged records.
Steps must be taken to stabilize the
environmental conditions affecting
the records such as :

Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in

WL.oColekminegnftoSrtfounteure .. Another actions ..

Rehabilitating Storage Area and Building

Clean and sterilize stack area and shelving or other types of storage
devices, before returning records.

Ensure that any chemical used to sterilize the stack areas are approved by
the head of the emergency team.

Ensuring the Ongoing Protection of the Records When the Records Were
Returned to Storage

Complete all the treatment to records, including drying and cleaning.
When they are completely dry, check them for mould and mildew and if
they are clean, return them to storage.

Maintain a list of all records returned to storage areas.

Resumption of Operation

Determine and analyze the causes of the emergency or disaster by holding
post mortem meetings.

Prepare an indicant report or similar briefing notes for agency heads on
emergency or disaster.

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