What is cite the author’s last name
and page number in the parenthetical
citation (a comma does not separate
the two)?
MLA states specific information
required when citing a source from a
What is the penalty for absences from
If this happens you will receive zeros
for any work completed in class that
day; miss more than six class days
and Lisa will email you to see about
getting you to pass or dropping you.
What is revise your papers?
The single best way to learn and raise
your grade this semester.
What is the Extended Learning
If you need help with English, math
or science you can go here.
What is having additional
assignments imposed; receiving an F
or a zero for the assignment;
receiving an F in the course; to being
The penalties for plagiarism vary
from mild to severe. What are the
penalties for plagiarism at LSC-UP?
What is go Amish on you? And
nobody wants to see that happen.
What will Professor Golden do if she
catches you using your phone or
computer [without permission] during
Final Jeopardy Answer
What is do not use a comma after that
and do not capitalize the first letter of
the quotation, unless it is a proper
noun such as “Beluga.”
Final Jeopardy Question
Two rules apply to the word that
when it is associated with a direct
quotation. What are they?
Golden 1
1 of 2 50 minute class lesson plans
COURSE: ENGL 1301 Composition & Rhetoric I
Lesson Title: A Collaboration of Sites and Sounds: Using Wikis to Catalog Protest Songs of the 60s
Bridge: Begin this lesson by playing Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Fortunate Son.” Most students will recognize the song as being one of their grandfather’s, uncles, or
father’s favorite songs. Before you hand out the materials, ask the class to speculate as to why you played this particular song.
BLOOM QUESTION: What do you think the “moral” of “Fortunate Son” might be?
Play snippets of other “recognizable” protest songs, including Dion’s “Abraham, Martin & John”; Janis Ian’s “Society’s Child”; and Tom Clay’s “What the World Needs Now.”
Ask the class if they can think of any other protest songs.
Students will work in pairs to examine and rhetorically analyze the lyrics to protest songs from the 60s.
7 minutes
Course Student Learning Outcome:
1 – Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes
2—Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS, and MLA).
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to,
1. Identify the social ill/problem the artists are protesting against.
2. Add their research to the class wiki.
3. Format documents/research according to guidelines set forth by the Modern Language Association.
Pre-Assessment: Process Analysis: Students outline the process they take in completing various tasks associated with the class wiki. 3 minutes
Participatory Learning:
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials
7 min Explain that each student will first search the Internet for a Rhetorical Analysis Guide
protest song (subject to your approval for content and BLOOM QUESTION (ANALYSIS): Can you see any comparison
appropriateness) from any year within the decade of the to the social ills and problems associated with the protest songs of
1960s. the 60s to those we see today? What inference can you make?
After students have made their decisions, ask them if they What conclusions can you draw? Can you identify any recurring
are familiar with their song and the artist. themes?
After students have made their decisions, ask them if they
are familiar with their song and the artist.
7 min Ask students to share their selections out loud. On the board Wiki of “Fortunate Son”
or chart paper, compile a list of the selected artists and BLOOM QUESTION (SYNTHESIS): Has anyone ever built a
issues these artists are protesting against. wiki?
Explain that a more detailed compilation will be published
on the class wiki.
7 min Have each student work with a partner to analyze their .
songs' content and purpose. BLOOM QUESTION (EVALUATION) Why did you choose this
Students will use the Rhetorical Analysis Guide for this song? Do you agree with the stand the artist is suggesting people
part of the assignment. take? Do you think music is an effective vehicle for delivering
Invite students to share their finding with their fellow implicit messages?
New Technology: Game Jeopardy The categories on this game are focused on MLA and formatting documents according to those guidelines. 15 min
Golden 2
2 of 2 50 minute class lesson plans
COURSE: ENGL 1301 Composition & Rhetoric I
Lesson Title: A Collaboration of Sites and Sounds: Using Wikis to Catalog Protest Songs of the 60s
Bridge: Begin this lesson by playing Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth.” Students always recognize this song. Follow with snippets from The Temptations “Ball of
Confusion”; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s “Woodstock”; and Edwin Star’s “War.”
Ask the class if they can think of any other protest songs.
Students will work in pairs to examine and rhetorically analyze the lyrics to protest songs from the 60s.
7 minutes
Course Student Learning Outcome:
1 – Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to,
2—Identify the social ill/problem the artists are protesting against.
3—Add their research to the class wiki.
Participatory Learning:
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials
10 min Pass out copies of the two articles. BLOOM QUESTION: (COMPREHENSION): State in “Make Way for Wikis”
5 min Allow the students to read the pieces in class. your own words both the benefits and the potential
7 min Discuss Eric Oatman's "Make Way for Wikis" first. The problems associated with Wikis that Oatman addresses in Wiki of “Fortunate Son”
article provides a good overview of wikis' history, his article “Make Way for Wikis.” Wiki Rubric
15 min characteristics, benefits, and potential problems. “Wiki Don’t Lose That
Ask students if they have ever created or edited a wiki. you solve _________ using what you have learned…?
How would you apply what you learned to develop …?
Explain the practicality of using wikis in an educational What elements would you choose to change? What facts
setting (i.e., the simplicity of creating and managing would you select to show…?
Websites, the opportunity for project development with
Web review, the streamlining of group collaboration, and BLOOM QUESTION: (MINIMIZE/MAXIMIZE) What
the ease in which group members' contributions can be could be done to minimize the problems that inevitably
tracked). happen with Wikis? Likewise, what could be done to
Display the example of wiki for the class and explore the maximize the potentiality Wiki has to offer?
way the example works so that students have a visual
understanding of what they will be working on. This is
also a good time to show and discuss the Wiki Rubric so
students know what is expected of them in this project.
Discuss Jennifer Dorroh's "Wikis: Don't Lose That
Number." Remind students (and yourself) that even
though wikis are potentially wonderful educational tools,
they are not without problems.
Have the students brainstorm other applications, benefits,
and problems of wikis not discussed by either article.
Have students return to their original groups of two.
Explain that the class is going to post their responses to
the research guide on the pre-established class wiki. For
tracking purposes, you will want the students to establish
Golden 3
login IDs. However, make sure that they either use
pseudonyms or first names only.
Help students with the technical aspects of uploading AUDIO VISUAL EQUIP
information onto the wiki. Rhetorical Analysis Guide
Wiki of “Fortunate Son”
Encourage them to get creative-graphics, pictures, and BLOOM QUESTION: (SYNTHESIS) What way would Wiki Rubric
hyperlinks are all perfectly acceptable. You may want to you design? What could be combined to improve (change)
have some of your tech-savvy students assist those who test________? Suppose you could ______what would you
need extra guidance. do?
Once all the responses are loaded onto the Website, direct
your students' attention to the wiki on your projected
screen. As a class, determine the best way to arrange the
entries, whether that's by artists, issues they're protesting
against, song names, etc.
5 min Play the protest songs that students bring in. Using the BLOOM QUESTION: (EVALUATION) Based on what
Rhetorical Analysis Guide, ask the students to jot down you know, how would you explain_____________? What
responses to the songs they listen to. Encourage them to information would you use to support the view ________?
add their comments to the ones already posted on the Why was it better that ______________? How would you
class wiki. Furthermore, encourage them to add to and compare the ideas of the 60s to those of today? People?
edit their entries in the future.
Remind the class that the best wikis are the ones that are
constantly being taken care of and tinkered with.
Summary: The post-assessment will be evaluated based on information gathered in pre-assessment Process Analysis.
ACP Showca
A Collaboration of Sites & So
Protest Songs
Pam G
23 Novem
ase Portfolio
ounds: Using Wikis to Catalog
s of the 1960s
mber 2015
Table of C
• Student Preparation Strategy
• Questions
• Technology
• Reflection
Describe Student Pr
• Work in pairs to rhetorically analyze and exam
songs from the 60s.
• Research information presented in the lyrics.
• Build a case for or against the artist's position
• Learn about the collaborative nature of wikis.
reparation Strategy
mine the lyrics of protest
• Begin this lesson by playing Creedence Clearwater R
recognize the song as being one of their grandfather
out the materials, ask the class to speculate as to wh
• Play snippets of other “recognizable” protest songs,
Ian’s “Society’s Child”; and Tom Clay’s “What the W
• Ask the class if they can think of any other protest so
BLOOM QUESTION: What do you think the “m
Revival’s “Fortunate Son.” Most students will
r’s, uncles, or father’s favorite songs. Before you hand
hy you played this particular song.
including Dion’s “Abraham, Martin & John”; Janis
World Needs Now.”
moral” of “Fortunate Son” might be?
By the end of this lesson, students will
• Identify the social ill/problem the artists
• Add their research to the class wiki.
be able to,
s are protesting against.
• Process Analysis: Students outline th
various tasks associated with the clas
he process they take in completing
ss wiki.
• Explain that each student will first search the Internet for a prote
from any year within the decade of the 1960s.
• After students have made their decisions, ask them if they are fam
• After students have made their decisions, ask them if they are fam
BLOOM QUESTION (ANALYSIS): Can you see any compar
protest songs of the 60s to those we see today? What infer
Can you identify any recurring themes?
• Ask students to share their selections out loud. On the board or c
artists are protesting against.
• Explain that a more detailed compilation will be published on the
BLOOM QUESTION (SYNTHESIS): Has anyone ever built
• Have each student work with a partner to analyze their songs' con
• Students will use the Rhetorical Analysis Guide for this part
• Invite students to share their finding with their fellow classmates
BLOOM QUESTION (EVALUATION) Why did you choose t
suggesting people take? Do you think music is an effective
est song (subject to your approval for content and appropriateness)
miliar with their song and the artist.
miliar with their song and the artist.
rison to the social ills and problems associated with the
rence can you make? What conclusions can you draw?
chart paper, compile a list of the selected artists and issues these
e class wiki.
a wiki?
ntent and purpose.
of the assignment.
this song? Do you agree with the stand the artist is
e vehicle for delivering implicit messages?
Pass out copies of the two articles. Allow the students to read the pi
Discuss Eric Oatman's "Make Way for Wikis" first. The article provi
potential problems.
Ask students if they have ever created or edited a wiki.
Explain the practicality of using wikis in an educational setting (i.e.
for project development with Web review, the streamlining of group
can be tracked).
Display the example of wiki for the class and explore the way the ex
they will be working on. This is also a good time to show and discus
project. Discuss Jennifer Dorroh's "Wikis: Don't Lose That Number
potentially wonderful educational tools, they are not without proble
Have the students brainstorm other applications, benefits, and prob
to their original groups of two. Explain that the class is going to pos
Rhetorical Analysis Gu
Wiki Rubric
"Make Way for Wikis"
"Wikis: Don't Lose Tha
"Fortunate Son" is a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival
released on their album Willy and the Poor Boys in 1969. It was released as a single, toget
ieces in class.
ides a good overview of wikis' history, characteristics, benefits, and
., the simplicity of creating and managing Websites, the opportunity
p collaboration, and the ease in which group members' contributions
xample works so that students have a visual understanding of what
ss the Wiki Rubric so students know what is expected of them in this
r." Remind students (and yourself) that even though wikis are
blems of wikis not discussed by either article. Have students return
st their responses to the research guide on the pre-established class
at Number."
ther with "Down on the Corner.”
with Wikis that Oatman addresses in his article “Make Way for W
• BLOOM QUESTION: (APPLICATION): How would you solve _
what you learned to develop …? What elements would you choose
Wikis? Likewise, what could be done to maximize the potentiality
• BLOOM QUESTION: (SYNTHESIS) What way would you desig
Suppose you could ______what would you do?
• BLOOM QUESTION: (EVALUATION) Based on what you know
would you use to support the view ________? Why was it better
the 60s to those of today? People?
• New Technology: Game Jeopardy The categories on this g
according to those guidelines.
n words both the benefits and the potential problems associated
_________ using what you have learned…? How would you apply
se to change? What facts would you select to show…?
be done to minimize the problems that inevitably happen with
y Wiki has to offer?
gn? What could be combined to improve (change) test________?
w, how would you explain_____________? What information
r that ______________? How would you compare the ideas of
game are focused on MLA and formatting documents
• How will you know if ob
• The post-assessment will be evaluated
pre-assessment Process Analysis.
bjectives have been met?
d based on information gathered in
• Begin this lesson by playing Creedence Clearwater R
• Most students will recognize the song as being one of thei
• Play snippets of other “recognizable” protest songs, includ
Ian’s “Society’s Child”; and Tom Clay’s “What the World N
• Students will:
• Work in pairs to rhetorically analyze and examine the lyri
• Identify the social ill/problem the artists are protesting ag
• Research information presented in the lyrics.
• Build a case for or against the artist's position.
• Add their research to the class wiki.
• Learn about the collaborative nature of wikis.
Revival’s “Fortunate Son.”
ir grandfather’s, uncles, or father’s favorite songs.
ding Dion’s “Abraham, Martin & John”; Janis
Needs Now.”
ics of protest songs from the 60s.
My Personal Reflection
It goes without saying that the amount of work asso
weeks module. In addition to teaching ENGL 1301 & 1302 at
HCC—Spring Branch. When the semester began I had 150 st
the ACP but because we had such an awesome facilitator in
entirety and I am so grateful.
I am an English major, not an education major, and
because I never had to do it and now, I prepare an outline, b
lesson plan as was required for this course. In doing so, I ha
value in the details and why they are important.
I loved the syllabus snapshot and will use that for t
for those I will be teaching at HCC. Being an adjunct is a lon
of belonging again that I have missed. I made connections a
As I said during the final presentation meeting, thi
set each week made me better because it illuminated some t
illuminated some things that heretofore I did not do, but wil
a better instructor for my students and an overall better ind
assess beside the best of the best. Who gets to do that? I am
Thank you, Pam Golden
on this ACP Experience
ociated with the program is daunting, especially the first
t Lone Star University Park, I also teach the same classes at
tudents on my rosters—so I was concerned at the outset of
Bruce Carraway, I was able to complete the course in its
d as such I struggled with the whole lesson plan thing,
but never have I been expected to created such an extensive
ad to dig deep but am so glad I did and can really see the
the courses I will teach at Lone Star in the spring, and also
nely trade in many ways and this program gave me a sense
and I made a few friends.
is program—the participants, primarily the example Bruce
things I do that would be better if done differently, or it
ll as a result of this program. The experience has made me
dividual because it afforded me the opportunity to self-
very grateful for the opportunity and for all I learned.
Fortunate Son
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Fortunate Son (disambiguation).
"Fortunate Son"
Single by Creedence Clearwater Revival
from the album Willy and the Poor Boys
A-side Down on the Corner
Released September 1969
Recorded 1969, Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, California
Genre Hard rock
rock and roll[1]
Length 2:21
Label Fantasy
Writer(s) John Fogerty
Producer(s) John Fogerty
Creedence Clearwater Revival singles chronology
"Down on the "Fortunate "Travelin' Band"
(1969) Son" (1970)
"Fortunate Son" is a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival released on their album Willy and the Poor Boys in 1969. It was released as a
single, together with "Down on the Corner", in September 1969.[2] This song reached #14 on the United States charts on 22 November 1969,
the week before Billboard changed its methodology on double-sided hits. The tracks combined to climb to #9 the next week, on the way to
peaking at #3 three more weeks later, on 20 December 1969.[3] It won the RIAA Gold Disc award in December 1970.[4] Pitchfork Mediaplaced it
at number 17 on its list of "The 200 Greatest Songs of the 1960s".[5] Rolling Stone placed it at #99 on its "500 Greatest Songs of All Time" list.
In 2014, the song was added to the National Recording Registry by the Library of Congress for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically
• 1Origin
• 2Interpretive legacy
• 3Cover versions
• 4Licensed uses
o 4.1Video games
o 4.2Movies and TV
o 4.3Commercials
• 5See also
• 6References
Origin[edit] • 7External links
The song is a counterculture era anti-war anthem, criticizing militant patriotic behavior and those who support the use of military force without
having to "pay the costs" themselves (either financially or by serving in a wartime military).[6] The song, released during the Vietnam War, is not
explicit in its criticism of that war in particular, but the clear attacks on the elite classes (the families that give birth to "fortunate sons")
ofAmerica and their withdrawal from the costs of nationalistic imperialism are easy to contextualize to that conflict. The song was inspired by
the wedding of David Eisenhower, the grandson of President Dwight David Eisenhower, to Julie Nixon, the daughter of President Richard
Nixon, in 1968.[7] The song's author and singer, John Fogerty, told Rolling Stone:
"Julie Nixon was hanging around with David Eisenhower, and you just had the feeling that none of
these people were going to be involved with the war. In 1968, the majority of the country thought
morale was great among the troops, and eighty percent of them were in favor of the war. But to
some of us who were watching closely, we just knew we were headed for trouble."[8][9]
Fogerty has since gone on to explain more about the initial origin of the song, while on the television
show The Voice (U.S. TV series):
"The thoughts behind this song - it was a lot of anger. So it was the Vietnam War going on... Now I
was drafted and they're making me fight, and no one has actually defined why. So this was all
boiling inside of me and I sat down on the edge of my bed and out came "It ain't me, it ain't me, I
ain't no senator's son!" You know, it took about 20 minutes to write the song."[10]
Interpretive legacy[edit]
The song has been widely used to protest military actions and elitism in Western society,
particularly in the United States; as an added consequence of its popularity, it has even been used
in completely unrelated situations, such as to advertise blue jeans.[11]
It attracted criticism when Bruce Springsteen, Dave Grohl, and Zac Brown performed the song
together at the November 2014 Concert for Valor in Washington D.C.. Fogerty, a military veteran,
defended their song choice.[12]
Cover versions[edit]
The song has since been recorded or notably performed by Bob Seger, La Renga, Gordon Downie
and the Country of Miracles, Brandi Carlile, Pearl Jam, U2, Sleater-Kinney, Corrosion of
Conformity, Death Cab for Cutie, Cat Power, The Dropkick Murphys, 38 Special, Circle Jerks, Jeff
B.R.I.C.K. & The Mortiboys, Minutemen, Kid Rock, W.A.S.P., Todd Snider and Patty Griffin, Bruce
Springsteen, Santana featuring Scott Stapp, The Ghost Inside and Aloe Blacc. The Screaming
Jets recorded a cover of "Fortunate Son" and released it as a B-side to their 1996 single,
"Sacrifice". Wyclef Jean's cover of the song was played over the beginning and ending credits
of The Manchurian Candidate (2004). Sleater-Kinney also performed a cover of the song, which
they dedicated to George W. Bush, during the WedRock benefit concert on April 28, 2004. Fogerty
recorded a version of the song with Foo Fighters for his 2013 albumWrote a Song for
Everyone.[13] October 12, 2015, Dustin Monk and James Dupré covered the song with songwriters
on The Voice (U.S. season 9).
Licensed uses[edit]
Video games[edit]
The song is used in the introduction sequence of the game Battlefield Vietnam where it is among a
list of in-game playable tracks. The song was also used during the E3 announcement trailer
for Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam[14] and is also the main menu song for the game and plays
mid-game in vehicle radios. "Fortunate Son" was also included in the game Call of Duty: Black
Ops at the start of the level S.O.G. Its use is an anachronism, as the level S.O.G. takes place during
the Battle of Khe Sanh, a year before the song is released. InHomefront, the song is played during
the chapter "Golden Gate". A cover of the song was released as DLC for Rock Band in 2007. The
first appearance of the song came out before real instruments were integrated. The original version
was made available to download on March 1, 2011, for use in Rock Band 3 PRO mode which takes
advantage of the use of a real guitar / bass guitar, along with standard MIDI-compatible electronic
drum kits in addition to vocals.[15][16] The master recording by CCR was made available as well in
2010. The song is also playable on basic controllers in Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock.
The song is briefly played as both its original recording and a solo a cappella rendition, sang by
Jessy Carolina, in BioShock Infinite.[17] As the game is set in 1912, the presence of the song, which
is sung by a slave as a spiritual, indicates that time travel is at work in the plot. This is later
confirmed when players discover a "tear" in space and time; the Credence Clearwater Revival
version of the song can be heard playing through this tear.
The song is featured in the video game Grand Theft Auto V on the in-game radio station Los Santos
Rock Radio, though the song is only available for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4and PC versions
of the game. A instrumental version of the song is also played as background music in Indianapolis
500 Legends
Movies and TV[edit]
"Fortunate Son" is featured in the film Forrest Gump, and is the introduction song in the scene
where Forrest and Bubba are shown flying in a U.S. Army UH-1C Huey Helicopter, to the combat
zone, in South Vietnam, c. 1968, in the Vietnam War. Most recently, "Fortunate Son," performed by
Creedence Clearwater Revival, is featured in the film "Little White Lies," called the French "Big
Chill," in part for its use of American rock classics.
The song also appeared in the film Live Free or Die Hard and in an episode of American
Dad! entitled "In Country...Club", during a reenactment of the Vietnam War, when Steve sprays the
actors dressed as Vietcong with orange paint and the intro is played at when Steve and Stan enter
the reenactment. Another film is Tropic Thunder, an action satire film about three actors making a
Vietnam War film. The song is also played in the Battleship ending credits. In the 2011 TV
series Lights Out it is played in the last episode, "War", both when Patrick "Lights" Leary is
approaching the ring for his final confrontation with Richard "Death Row" Reynolds and when the
match is over.
A cover version of the song is played by Lyle Workman at the end of Sons of Anarchy episode
108.[18] It also appeared on Chuck in the third season episode "Chuck Versus the Beard", covered
by Jeffster! "Fortunate Son" is used in the film Dale.
The song plays in the background during the episode "Always Faithful" of Las Vegas, when Danny
McCoy is recalled to the Marines.
The song appears in episode "The Ring" of television series "Parenthood".
The song plays also at the end of the pilot episode of The Brink
A cover version of the song performed by Wyclef Jean appears on the soundtrack of the 2004
version of the film The Manchurian Candidate and is the opening track of the closing credits.[19]
The song plays also during S02E04, The Silver Angel episode of The Strain.
A highly edited version was used in a Wrangler commercial because John Fogerty "long ago signed
away legal control of his old recordings to Creedence's record label, Fantasy Records."[11][20] In this
case, the advertiser eventually stopped using the song, as Fogerty related in a later interview:
Yes, the people that owned Fantasy Records also owned all my early songs, and they would do all
kinds of stuff I really hated in a commercial way with my songs. ... Then one day somebody from the
L.A. Times actually bothered to call me up and ask me how I felt, and I finally had a chance to talk
about it. And I said I'm very much against my song being used to sell pants. ... So my position got
stated very well in the newspaper, and lo and behold, Wrangler to their credit said, "Wow, even
though we made our agreement with the publisher, the owner of the song, we can see now that
John Fogerty really hates the idea", so they stopped doing it.[21]
During 2015 has the song also been used in a Danish TV-commercial for glasses.
See also[edit]
• List of anti-war songs
1. Jump up^ James E. Perone (1 January 2001). Songs of the Vietnam Conflict. Greenwood
Publishing Group. pp. 60–. ISBN 978-0-313-31528-2.
2. Jump up^ "Creedence Clearwater Revival". .telus.net. 1971-01-02. Retrieved 2010-06-
3. Jump up^ Whitburn, Joel (1990). The Billboard Hot 100 Charts: The Sixties (25 October
1969 through 27 December 1969). Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin: Record Research,
Inc. ISBN 0-89820-074-1.
4. Jump up^ Murrells, Joseph (1978). The Book of Golden Discs. London: Barrie and
Jenkins Ltd. p. 257. ISBN 0-214-20512-6.
5. Jump up^ "Staff Lists: The 200 Greatest Songs of the 1960s". Pitchfork Media. 2006-08-
18. Retrieved 2013-12-15.
6. Jump up^ "Creedence Clearwater Revival Biography". The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
and Museum. Retrieved 2013-12-15.
7. Jump up^ "The story behind the lyrics and the identity of the "Fortunate Son"".
Snopes.com. Retrieved 2010-07-21.
8. Jump up^ "Fortunate Son Songfacts". Songfacts.com. Retrieved 2010-06-12.
9. Jump up^ "Fortunate Son — Creedence Clearwater Revival". Rolling Stone.
Retrieved November 12, 2008.
10. Jump up^ The Voice (US), Season 9 Episode 7. Originally aired 10/12/2015.
11. ^ Jump up to:a b Baker, Bob (2002-11-01). "Fogerty to Wrangler: Song in ad 'ain't me' -
SFGate". Articles.sfgate.com. Retrieved 2010-03-26.
12. Jump up^ Lewis, Randy (November 12, 2014). "John Fogerty defends 'Fortunate Son'
song choice at Concert for Valor". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 14, 2014.
13. Jump up^ Greene, Andy (June 6, 2013). "Fogerty and Friends Go Back to the
Bayou". Rolling Stone (1184): 23.
14. Jump up^ Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam debut trailer
15. Jump up^ Gaddo, Kyle (2011-02-25). "Eleven Legacy Rock Band Tracks Getting PRO
Upgrades March 1st". DualShockers. Retrieved 2012-11-09.
16. Jump up^ Snider, Mike (2010-06-10). "Rock Band 3: What's New, What's Notable". USA
Today. Retrieved 2012-11-08.
17. Jump up^ Pinchefsky, Carol. "Irrational Games Makes Serious Misstep with 'BioShock:
Infinite' Soundtrack Offering". Forbes magazine. Forbes magazine. Archived from the
original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved January 16, 2014.
18. Jump up^ "The story behind the choice for using Fortunate Son in the Episode".
Themagickitchen.blogspot.com. 2009-08-05. Retrieved 2010-07-21.
19. Jump up^ "Internet Movie Database". www.imdb.com. Retrieved 2014-10-08.
20. Jump up^ Baker, Bob (2002-10-23). "Their 'Son' was Fogerty's baby; The last thing the
singer wants is a Creedence corporate revival, but he doesn't own the rights, so 'Fortunate
Son' now sells jeans". Pqasb.pqarchiver.com. Retrieved 2010-03-29.
21. Jump up^ "John Fogerty Experiences a Musical and Personal 'Revival'". Spinner. 2007-
10-05. Retrieved 2010-03-26.
External links[edit]
• Classic Tracks: Creedence Clearwater Revival "Fortunate Son"
• Library of Congress essay on the song's addition to the National Recording Registry.
Studio albums Creedence Clearwater Revival (1968) Creedence Clearwater Revival
Bayou Country (1969) • Doug Clifford
Green River (1969) Stu Cook
Willy and the Poor Boys (1969) • John Fogerty
Cosmo's Factory (1970) • Tom Fogerty
Pendulum (1970)
Mardi Gras (1972) Book:Creedence Clearwater Revival
Live albums Live in Europe (1973)
The Concert (1980)
Compilations Creedence Gold (1972)
More Creedence Gold (1973)
Pre-Creedence (1975)
Chronicle, Vol. 1 (1976)
The Best of Creedence Clearwater Revival (1977)
20 Golden Greats (1979)
Creedence Country (1981)
Hits Album (1982)
At the Movies (1985)
Chronicle, Vol. 2 (1986)
Rollin' on the River (1988)
Heartland Music Presents Creedence Clearwater Revival (1992)
Keep On Chooglin' (1999)
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Box Set (2001)
Bad Moon Rising: The Best of Creedence Clearwater Revival (2003)
Platinum (2004)
Creedence Clearwater Revival Covers the Classics (2009)
Singles "Porterville"/"Call It Pretending"
"Suzie Q. (Part 1)"/"Suzie Q. (Part 2)"
"I Put a Spell on You"/"Walk on the Water"
"Proud Mary"/"Born on the Bayou"
"Bad Moon Rising"/"Lodi"
"Green River"/"Commotion"
"Down on the Corner"/"Fortunate Son"
"Travelin' Band"/"Who'll Stop the Rain"
"Run Through the Jungle"/"Up Around the Bend"
"Lookin' Out My Back Door"/"Long As I Can See the Light"
"Have You Ever Seen the Rain?"/"Hey Tonight"
"Sweet Hitch-Hiker"/"Door to Door"
"Someday Never Comes"/"Tearin' up the Country"
"I Heard It Through the Grapevine"/"Good Golly Miss Molly"
Related articles Discography
The Golliwogs
Creedence Clearwater Revisited
Fogerty v. Fantasy, Inc.
Saul Zaentz
Fantasy Records
CATEGORY 4 Wiki Rubric 2 1
CONTENT Covers topic in depth with Content is minimal,
details and examples. 3 OR there are several
Subject knowledge is factual errors.
excellent. Includes essential Includes essential
knowledge about the information about the
topic. Subject knowledge topic but there are 1-2
appears to be good. factual errors.
ORGANIZATION Content is well Content uses headings Content is logically There was no clear
Organized, using or bulleted lists to organized for the or logical organiza-
headings (those organize, but the most part. tional structure, just
given in research overall organization of just lots of facts.
guide) or topics appears flawed.
bulleted lists to
group related
ATTRACTIVENESS Makes excellent use Makes good use of font, Makes use of font, Makes use of font,
of font, color, graphics, color, graphics, effects, color, fx,etc. but color, graphics, fx,
effects, etc. to enhance etc. to enhance the occasionally these etc. but theses often
the presentation. presentation. detract from the distract from the
presentation. presentation content.
CONTRIBUTION Contributes greatly to Contributes adequately Contributes Contributes minimally
TO THE GROUP the development of to the development of moderately to to the development of
the class wiki. the class wiki. the development the class wiki.
of the class wiki.
ACCURACY No misspellings or Three or fewer Four misspellings More than four errors
Grammatical errors. misspellings and/or and/or grammatical in spelling or grammar.
No HTML errors in mechanical errors. errors. No more than Five or more HTML
wiki (e.g., broken links, No more than two four HTML errors in errors in the student’s
or missing images). HTML errors in the the student’s contribution to the
student’s contribution contribution to the
the class wiki. class wiki.
Wiki Rubric. Read. Write. Think. NCTE. 2006 December 14, 2014. Web. Work Cited
Wiki: Don’t Lose That Number
Despite the Los Angeles Times’ fiasco, the interactive online tool holds promise for journalism.
Related reading: Journalism’s Backseat Drivers
By Jennifer Dorroh
Jennifer Dorroh ([email protected]) is AJR's managing editor.
The newspaper editorial, in its traditional form, is strictly an insider's game: The elite groups of writers on the
editorial board hash out their opinions draws their own conclusions and assert their stance in the morning paper.
In June, the Los Angeles Times took a bold, though temporary, departure from that model when it used a new
technology to open up one of its editorials to what amounted to an online free-for-all.
Latimes.com posted the paper's Friday, June 17 editorial "War and Consequences" as a wiki, a form that
allowed readers to edit or alter any part of the piece. The Times' trailblazing "wikitorial" drew lively
contributions from readers across the political spectrum. But the trial came to a crashing halt in the wee hours of
Sunday morning, after a handful of site visitors added pornographic images and other inappropriate material to
the piece, prompting latimes.com to remove the wiki.
Does this mean news organizations should shy away from wikis? Not necessarily. Some online media experts
say news sites shouldn't give up on the form too quickly.
News outlets that ignore wikis "may miss a rich opportunity to expand their influence and their brand," says
Nora Paul, director of the Institute for New Media Studies at the University of Minnesota. "Your site can
become a place where citizens can share information under the auspices of a brand that cares deeply about
Wikis let readers "do something they've never done with the newspaper before: They can edit, on the fly, text
that has already been put out there, and then track the kinds of changes or contributions that others have made,"
she says.
That's what computer programmer Ward Cunningham had in mind when he created the first wiki software a
decade ago. He conceived wiki as a way to allow colleagues to more easily discuss programming language, he
wrote on his personal Web site, adopting "wiki wiki," a Hawaiian word for "quick" that he picked up on a trip to
the islands, as a name for his brainchild.
A few years later, a group of wiki enthusiasts realized the potential for using that same technology to collect and
publish information of interest to the general public, and Wikipedia, the collaborative online encyclopedia, was
born. Last year, the group launched Wikinews, which allows citizen reporters to submit news articles and to edit
the work of others.
Wikipedia's and Wikinews' focus on reporting, rather than on the opinion writing that the Times attempted,
provides a useful model for news sites that aim to draw more reader input.
"News organizations could offer wiki-based backgrounders and tutorials on important public topics — with a
focus on the news value and public-interest aspects," wrote Amy Gahran, a freelance writer and blogger, in a
contribution to the Poynter Institute's E-Media Tidbits.
Many say that an editorial doesn't lend itself to the collaborative editing process because people with opposite
viewpoints will simply change each other's conclusions. The L.A. Times editorial urged the U.S. government to
set a timetable for training Iraqi soldiers.