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Published by , 2017-02-01 09:34:54



Newsletter of the
OFFICERS Aero Club Albatross
December 2008
Frank Mazzeo, President
Jim Herrmann, Vice President 411110welr
Bob Janney, Treasurer
Rob Dunning, Secretary CONTENTS
(Officers are also directors)
Departments 2
Frank Mazzeo (2011) Flight Logs 8
Bob Janney (2011) 'Pinions Droppings
Paul Harris (2010)
Rob Dunning (2010)
John (Taz) Browning (2009)
Jim Herrmann (2009)
(year after name is year term expires)


John(Taz)Browning, Safety officer
Tony Benson, Chief Flight Instructor
John Dellicker, Chief of Maintenance
Tom Saunders, Membership Chairman
Bob Templin, Library
Jim Angelou, Blairstown Operations

NEWSLETTER Safety First 9

Jim Herrmann, Editor & Publisher

Sue Herrmann, Assistant Editor The DIY 10
Steve Lenter, Contributing Editor
Bob Cook, DIV

John(Taz)Browning, Safety First ACA Meeting Minutes 13
Rob Dunning, Meeting Minutes
John Dellicker, Maintenance


Front Cover Picture: Thanks Liz for Capturing this

characteristic moment of winter flying at Blairstown Airport.

ACA WEB Resources


The ACA meets at 8 PM, 2 Thursday of every Month at the Netcong
VFW on Bank Street. Visitors are welcome.

December 2007 Page 1 ,

I PreFlight by Jim Herrmann I

Well its finally here - a late December issue ®. Its getting harder every
year to collect enough good information for this newsletter. Maybe you
guys don't want it. I don't know. But you sure don't contribute anything
to it. Its YOUR newsletter folks.

Don't forget that the Annual Awards Dinner is coming up in a few weeks.
See the invite on the next page. Let Jimmy Angelou know you are
coming and with whom.

You can get to it from 33, 519 or 623, etc. Google it or use your Garmin


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:i:9Nt RN6H
Thanks to all the members wh
We NEED YOU to provide content so, please submit your writings for
'Pinions to me at my NEW (now two year-old) email address at least one week before the publishing
month (April, June, August, October, and December).

December 2001 Page 2

___ are eordialle LkvvLteä to attea' the 2'

Aero Club Albatross Awards Banquet

Saturday, February 28th 2009

Top Of The Green Restaurant, Apple Mountain
Golf & Country Club

369 Hazen - Oxford Rd (Rt. 624), Belvidere, NJ
2 miles from Rt. 31 at Oxford
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

$33.00 per person

Please RSVP to:
Mr. James Angelou
No later than Saturday February 14th
yardscreeksoarinp(äembargmall. corn


6:00 -7:00 PM

Cash Bar
Cheese and Crackers Platter

Buffet Dinner
7:00 -8:00 PM

Chicken Francaise,
Beef Burgundy with Mushrooms Roasted,
Salmon Filet with mustard dill beurre blanc

Buffet Packages includes soup or salad and are served with Potato
and Vegetable du Jour and fresh baked rolls and butter Also, Chef's

Choice Dessert and Coffee and Tea are included.

Awards Presentation
8:00 PM - 10:00

_______________ December 2007 Page 3 (

I Maintenance I

1-26 (563) 1 N17933 11/09 1 Frank Fila 908-879-7846

Belly skin needs paint- Pending

Elevator gap seal missing Pending

1-26 (508) I N11185 1 11/09 1 Mark Isack I 908-377-0559

Compass needs rebuilding Pending

Antenna mount loose Antenna removed & area repaired 11/08.

Antenna is defective. New one on order 12/08.

Trailer needs touch up work Pending

Cambridge varlo too sensitive. Pending

1-34 1 N 7680 12/09 1 lmre Bocskay 516-374-7611

Rivet missing near wing root. Pending

Seat pan cracked on edges Pending

Blanik L13 I N10869 3/09 1 Bob Templin 1908 850-9143

Lark trailer needs to be adapted- Pending

Rusted screws in canopy- Screws on hand-

Blue trim lines- Pending

Landing gear strut needs recharge. Pending

1-34R I N2682H 5/ 09 1 John Dellicker 908-362-9998 I

84 trailer needs to be adapted- Work in progress


During the annual inspection of 508 the Aircraft Registration Certificate
could not be found. A new one has been obtained, but this discovery
points out the need for a check of documentation BEFORE any cross
country flight. I'm not sure what happens when an officer asks to see
the documentation and you can't produce it, but I know it won't improve
your day.

Winter reminder, as the weather gets colder and the winds blow harder:
Check for ice, low tire pressure and loose tie downs.
Follow safe ground handling procedures. Spoilers out and 2 or 3 people
helping when conditions are gusty.

John Dellicker COM

_________ December 2001 Page 4


by Steve Lenter

November -----

November was a relatively quiet month with only a combined total
of 40 flights. Flying began on the 2nd with just one flight, a
check-flight in the 134 by Rick Healy. There was no flying for the
entire following week until things improved on Sunday the 9th. It
was a flyable day, weak conditions with the longest duration
being 1.6 by Derek Conrad in the 134. That was his 3rd flight of
the day! Mark Issac had two practice flights in Red and then
gave it to Paul S for a sleigh-ride. Bobby checked out Mike in the
Blanik. There was no flying until Wednesday when Billy Taylor
took up the club 134 for an hour in weak conditions. Six days
passed until flying resumed on the 18th, but it was worth the wait!
The northwest winds were blowing and many pilots took
advantage of this first ridge day of November. Johnathan and
Gus got to the tunnels in their snailpianes, Chip took 125 to
Snyders, Emery did the same in the 134,Jimmie took off a few
hours from the operation and flew his 126 to Fairview Gap
several times. Zultan flew locally as well as the team of Jim B.
and Ron A. in the Grob. The ridge worked well the following day
but there were only 4 recorded flights. Paul did his silver distance
to Slatington, Jonathan stayed local for 3 hours, Bob Janney took
up the 34R and got to Cherry Valley and of course Emery couldn't
sit on the ground so he flew the 134 to Hawk. Another 3-day
span without flying led to the weekend. Another NW front came
roaring through. Claudio flew his 24 on the local ridge, Cookie
borrowed Emerys 134 and got to Lehigh River, Jim H and Weber
shared the Blanik for 2 hours and the fantastic thermals(a bit of
ridge also!), Rob D got in weak wave to 6500' and Paul S enjoyed

December 2007 Page 5


by Steve Lenter

the local ridge in Red. There was only one flight on Sunday by
Issac in Red for an hour. He commented that the thermals were
good. I guess this was a special day of repentance for the rest of
the ACA squad that didn't show up to fly. Business must've been
booming in the local churches! A light SE ridge day came on the
24th and just a few pilots took advantage of these conditions.
Jimmie took up Paul in the Blanik over an hour, Emery got to
Wind Gap twice and Jonathan did about the same during his 2.2
hours aloft. The last flying day and flight of the month was a bit
under an hour by Mark I. in Red on the 29th.

Total Total Avg
Nov Dec Fits Hrs Hr/FIt

ACA Ship Fits Hrs Fits Hrs

Club Red 10 11 1 0.5 11 11.8 1.1

34 10 19 10 18.7 1.9

Blanik 3 3.7 2 2.4 5 6.1 1.2

26 508 1 1.6 3 1 4 2.6 0.7

Cow 1 0.5 1 0.3 2 0.8 0.4

34R 2 5.3 2 5.3 2.7

Club Total 27 41 7 4.2 34 45.3 1.3

Pvt 26014 4 17 4 17 4.3

26 008 2 7.7 11 2 7.7 3.9
Grobl 03 1 1.6 2 2.6 1.3


26125 1 4 1 4 4.0

LS3FD 1 3 1 3 3.0

26 662 1 2.5 1 2.5 2.5

ASW24 CT 1 2.2 1 2.2 2.2
36 198 1 2.5 1 2.5 2.5

LS3a V3 1 4.5 1 4.5 4.5

Pvt Total 13 45 1 1 14 46 3.3

Grand Total 40 86 8 5.2 48 1 91.3 1.9

-- December 2001 Page 6


by Steve Lenter

December -----

Iwasn't going to do the flight commentaries for December until
tomorrow, but when I saw there were just 8 total flights, I decided
to knock it out right away!. That's an amazingly low total! I don't
ever remember such a low amount in the 19 years I've been
doing this. Anyway, There was just one private flight in the Grob
on the 5th by the tag-team of Ron and Jim. They lasted an hour
in the thermals. The first flight of the month was actually on 12/1
with an overcast day. Paul S took up the Cow(l guess this is the
ACA 233) but was back down in 0.3. There was no more flying
until mid-month when Bobby took up the Blanik for a local ridge
flight for 95 minutes. Saz took up the same ship the following day
with Daniel in just under an hour. On Sunday, it was just Mark
Issac flying Red for a half-hour. Four days passed until the 18th,
the last day in December with any recorded flights! Phil Weber
made all three in 508, all under 20 minutes. That's it! Hard to


December 2007 Page7 (a


by You

This space is blank
due to lack of ACA

Please Submit
for your next club

December 2007 Page 8

Safety First by: Your Vice President

Winter Safety Tips:
. Please check for ice in and on all aircraft.

. Never fly with ice on your surfaces.

White gliders disappear into the surrounding snowy
landscape; so, keep an extra careful lookout
(especially on landing).

This time of year the sun gets low so be careful
when flying SW on the ridge as it may make it
difficult to spot those going NE.

Those going NE please be aware that the opposing
traffic may not see you.

Make sure canopy is clean so it doesn't degrade
your vision even more. Streaks and smears will "light
up" in winter lighting conditions.

Keep some ventilation over the inside of the canopy
to keep it from frosting over from the inside.

Winter months have stronger winds so use multiple
helpers and open spoilers while ground handling.

Dress warm for flight and be prepared for even
colder and prolonged conditions if you land out!

-Jim H.

December 2007 Page 9

DIY by Bob Cook

DIY Final Results 2008

And the winner is.........

Rick Healy!

Congratulations Rick! In the "Young Eaglet" category, with back-to-back
second place finishes in the first two events, Rick was able to move to the lead
and hold it for the season. Chuck Irwin and Paul Harris each had an event win,
but lacked consistency, resulting in a tie for secondlthird place. Competitors
Paul Seifreid, Greg Hansa, and Mark Isack, each scoring a second place fmish,
ended up in a tie for the 4th through 61h places.

I must comment on something that veterans of the DIY contest know all too
well. It is consistency, which will win the yearly event. Finishing 3rd or 4th or
even 5th in the monthly contest can still result in win the yearly title, if the
contestant participates in every event!

And the winner of the "Old Buzzard" categoly (former winners of the D117

Jonathan Leal!

Competing in 3 of the 4 events, Jonathan pulled off two wins and a third, giving
him an untouchable lead in the yearly event. Bob Cook scored in three events
for second place overall, narrowly edging out Ron Almquist. Rob Dunning and

Ron Schwartz followed up in 01 and 5th place respectively

A note about next year's competition:

I spoke with Ron Schwartz recently about the DIY contest. (This contest was
Ron's original idea. He ran the event for many years, before Jonathan took it
over for a bunch more years). Ron also makes the beautiful stained class
awards for the monthly winners, and the highly coveted stained glass Tiffany
Lamp for the yearly champion. Ron and I have decided, in order to increase the
level of competition, the Tiffany Lamp will only be awarded if the yearly
competition is of a sufficiently high level. This means that at least two of the
top contestants must each participate in at least 3 of the 4 monthly events. We
will still crown a winner at year's end, but if the competition is on the lame
side, (like it was this year), then no Tiffany Lamp.

Again, congratulations to this year's DIY champions!

December 2007 Page 10

DIY by Bob Cook


Young Eaglet Category .

Name April I June I August! October I Total
July September November
Rick 4 8
4 00 5
Healy 5
00 4
Chuck 0 5 4
frwin 5 0 00 4
4 0
Paul 0 4 00
Han-is 4 0
Seifried 00



Old Buzzard Category

Name April! June! August! October! Total
May July September November
Jonathan 13
Leal 3 5 50 10

Bob Cook 2 5 30

Ron 5 0 4 09
Almquist 2 5 0 07
4 0 0 04


December 2007 Page 11


2008 Oct 13 Members Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 8:15
Opening Remarks -
'At a boys

Emery and Jimmy for cleaning up trash.
Mark Isaac polished 508
Dale Sazhin polished right wing of 1 -34R
Saz for volunteering for ACA election ballots
Minutes were not read because they were not available.
Treasurer's Report:
SSA calendars are for sale
30 calendars $180
Tie down for 3 months for $1125
Income of $1,574 (deposit on 2-33)
Balance $47,795
Treasurer's report approved.
Membership -
I new associate. Patrick soled yesterday. Student of Cook.
I new full flying. Mike Davies applies for full flying membership. Owns
a plane. Short by 2 check rides, has not flown w/ Tony or Taz, so we'll
do it next month.
Librarian - Good books there. Several DVDs were donated by Bob J
and Frank M.
Pinions - October issue is in print and electronic issue will be available
Maintenance -
1-34 and both 1-26's will be annual'd this month.
Blanik - Remove tail blocks before untying the wings to avoid
stress on tail area. Strut needs charging by AJ. Pick up tail as
you push it back into tie down so tail does not hit against the
Operations - For every $0.50 I gallon reduction in gas, that's $1
reduction in toes.
Vansant will be closing Dec 1 for grading purposes.
Wurtsburo will be closing December 1 for the Winter.
1N7 is getting an III" 1-26 from Vermont for the Winter

Private guys with tie downs need to pay promptly.
YCS procedures will be modified for 2009 and will be posted on
ACA website.
YCS will need 2009 waivers signed.

December 2001 Page 12 (let


Avionics I is new business at 1N7 and Freedom Wings Intl.
Putting together order for YCS clothing - let Jimmy know
Freedom Wings International is now based at Blairstown.
Jimmy and Bob Cook are volunteer flight instructors for them.
Safety committee

Transition from 1-26 to 1-34: different landing technique. Need
to round out and float. Airbrakes are much more powerful than
a 1-26's.
Take off from the area where the tie downs are.
Moose has been talking about the "lemans" start where we push
out at the last minute. We may try this one day and will brief the
entire group. This requires the tow plane to be used as a
"tractor" and the wing runner must be more aware. This puts
additional stress on tail wheels to turn the glider. Jimmy is not a
proponent of "lemans" and prefers to keep our traditional
Old Business
New business
Proposed Banquet menu will be posted to internet soon. Jimmy's
requested date set by next meeting (late Feb, early March).
Jim H read a petition to save Kutztown Airport as an airport.
Special Business:
Candidates for ACA Board Elections:
Bob Janney, Frank Mazzeo
New nominees:
Bob Templin, Bill McCrink
Fairfield - All had a great time. Weather was low, never got
above 3,100 MSL one or two days.
DIY-No-one has flown most recent task. November is last
month and it's really close!
Governor's Cup - ACA won both North and South. Bill Thar
won North and Kellerman won South.
Badges and records - Paul Seifried got his A, B, C, Bronze
and Silver Duration.

Harris Hill I El Mira Fun Winter Fun Contest is Friday after

Thanksgiving. Take our 1-26's (and ask the Board first). Has
spot landing and duration.
Memorable Flights:

- December 2001 Page 13


PaUl Seifried's 5-hour in thermals over the ridae Overcast and lift
Meeting adjourned at 9:55
After meeting program will be - Ray will display the large PDA

2008 October 09 Members Meeting Minutes

(editors Note: Rob, I think this should have been titled November)

Meeting was called to order at 8:21
Zoltin fixed lights on 1-34 trailer.
Mike Davies would like to thank Bob Templin, Bob Cook and Jonathan
Leal for helping assemble, test fly and tie down his new 1-26.

Previous meeting minutes were not read. Rob Dunning the Secretary
was not at the meeting.

Treasurer's report 46,495
Previous Total 47,428
Present Total

Slight increase in total funds. Received deposit from 2-33 consortium for
club 2-33.

Treasurer's report approved.

Membership - Mike Davies arrived at the meeting for full membership,
but unfortunately did not fly with the CFIG yet. He will return after CFIG
check flight.
Librarian - New DVD's purchased by Bob Janney. 'The Boy who flew
with Condors'
Pinions - Jim would like any next issue articles.
Maintenance -

Blanik - The Oleo shock absorber needs recharging. The
patches over the aileron connection access holes need
replacing and painted.
Operations— Last week of Oct. YCS has lots of rides, so be patient if
you need a tow. Aero Ventures is having a Grand Opening day on Oct.
25th 2008. With Aero Ventures training in a Cessna 152 and 172 there
will be student pilots in the circuit. Also, helicopters and a Scout plane
which is practicing short field landings at the end of 07 runway. Keep

December 2007 Page 14


your eves out of the cockoit for this extra traffic around the airnort.
Airport management has talked about knocking trees down to clear the
25 end of the runway.
Safety committee -
Not all check flights will lead to automatic approvals in club aircraft. This
depends on the approval, Check pilot and you. If you do not pass the
first approval then continue gaining experience and return for another
one when you feel you're ready. Persistence is an important trait in
gliding. And is what makes you a better pilot.

The approvals pin board in the shed is up to date. The electronic version
is not. Taz is working on that in the near future.

Old Business -
2-33 consortium put down a deposit for the club 2-33 to be sold to them
in March 2009 for $5000.00. Bob Janney wrote and read a letter
explaining to the members of ACA the reasons the board came to this
New Business -
Volunteers for Nominee Committee Selectors. Zoltin and Jimmy
Angelou volunteered to be Nominee Committee Selectors.
Jimmy A. would like to organize a 1-26 group photo of the 11 we have at
the airport.
Red Barn Pizza - ACA by Stearman
Region 4 North - At Fairfield PA., pilots from Blairstown competing are
Ron Schwartz, Tony Benson, Jim Herrmann and Erik Mann. Crews are
Rudi Braun and Frank Mazzeo.
DIY - No DIY flights in Novice class this month. New DIY task is a star
pattern with Blairstown airport at its center.
OLC - New OLC for 2009 starts on October the 10th 2008.
Badges and records - None.
Interesting Flights -
Last Monday Ron Shwartz flew the Governor's cup south. The first
thermal of the day was 7knts up to 5000'; Ron took this as an indicator
for a good day. Cut the cylinder at Van Sant then things got tough at
PGC. Almost landed out at Pottsville, floated past Kutztown and directly
for the ridge. Ridge worked well had some kind of flat street with good
rising air. Final glide with no turns was 58 miles in a 1-26.
Meeting adjourned at 9:37

December 2007 Page 15 (a


2008 Dec-11 Members Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 8:15
Opening Remarks -
At a boys

John Dellicker fixed the tractor and fixed
Jimmy and John fixed Blanik wheel strut.
Bobby modified beer can crusher to also pull stakes
Bobby for doing the Library.
Minutes were read and approved.

Treasurer's Report:
Colibri calibration $80
$2 replacement Registration for 508
Last Month Balance $47,795
This month $47,708
Treasurer's report approved.

Membership -
Librarian - Good books there.
Pinions - Will come out next month.
Maintenance -

Club tractor needs inner-tube for right front wheel. We need to
purchase one.
Check the ropes on the club tie downs, because of strong winter
Operations - Hoping for weather. Call if you need a tow.
If you remove your private ship from 1 N7, please notify JD Air
Next year, we do not want any gliders tied by the windsock to
make it more visible from the air.
Please read pilot guidelines
Safety committee
Snow and Ice can collect in elevator. Double check the
Jerking a frozen tail wheel can damage it.
Old Business
Banquet: Jimmy has invited Freedom's Wings. Probably $35-
$38. Date will be solidified this week.
Awards committee: John Yorston has volunteered to be the masters of
ceremony and requests help. Eric Mann, Bobby Templin and other
members need to be on it because of awards

December 2001 Page 16 (a


theyve won. Rob, Jim H and Frank have volunteered. Jimmy
will arrange the banquet. We need to hustle to get the trophies
engraved for the banquet.
New business
Registration for 508 arrived.
Jimmy proposes we photograph Silver badge completions and
send to SSA.
ACA is approaching 80th anniversary, and it would be nice to
create some publicity with possibly the SSA and the AOPA.
SSA Magazine has a letter from Doug Whitehead's oxygen
incident (ACA member)
Memorable Flights:
Schwartz got the best flight of the year.
Jimmy flew SE with Paul Seifried, and NW with Phil Weber.
Paul Seifried flew 50k Sliver to Slatington.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15
After meeting program will be -Postponed to next month -Bill Thar
will discuss Spot.

December 2001 Page 11



Parting Shot

Hey Guys. Don't forget that it's hard to see white gliders
against the snow.

December 2007 Pane 18

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