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Published by mikegiancanelli, 2019-01-03 19:50:07

! Pre-Listing-Package MJG-rev

! Pre-Listing-Package MJG-rev


Pr of ession al Per son al

• Has been a licensed Real Estate • Married to Sally Giancanelli for 29
agent since 1990 year s

• Has sold over 181 homes since • 3 sons - Michael IV, Matt, and Nick
2010 • Avid Skier and Golfer
• Has lived in Sierra Oaks and
• Specializes in OFF Market
Pr o p er t ies Arden Park since 1990
• Sacramento area expert
• National Association of Realtors • One dog: Nala
(NAR) Member since 1990
Edu cat ion & Tr ain in g
• Well versed with 1031 exchanges
M ike Giancanelli
• Specializes in probate sales. • Pasadena City College
• VA purchase expert • Harris Real Estate Coaching
• Tom Ferry Real Estate Coaching
• Proven business systems and • Certified Probate Real Estate
proven results
• Offer a risk free listing agreement • ATL – Probate Mastery Course

• Have a flexible fee program to fit
all sellers

• Experienced working with First
Time Homebuyers

• Experienced working with
Contractors, Wholesalers, Flippers
and Buy and Hold Investors

• Will be your realtor for life

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm



M ike Giancanelli
For M ore Review s go t o
w w w.sot / review s/ m ike-gian canelli

“We ch o se Mike a s o u r re a lto r d u e “Th a n ks fo r liste n in g to o u r n e e d s
to h is va st exp e rie n ce in th e a n d ta kin g ca re o f th e d e ta ils.”
Sa cra m e n to m a rke t a n d h is gre a t
p e rso n a lity. If yo u wa n t a gre a t KIM P
re a lto r th e n give Mike a ca ll.”


“Th a n k yo u fo r m a kin g eve ryth in g “Tru ly a n im p re ssive jo b – we love
p o ssib le .” yo u r te a m !”


“Exce lle n t jo b , yo u r te a m wa s “We h a ve b o u gh t a n d so ld m a n y
a m a zin g.” h o m e s th ro u gh yo u r te a m . It’s
a lwa ys a p le a su re !”
“Th a n ks fo r a ve ry p ro fe ssio n a l jo b
re p re se n tin g o u r fa m ily, we ’ll re fe r “Yo u m a d e th e p ro ce ss o f se llin g
you to oth e rs.” a n d b u yin g a n e a sy o n e !”


M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Meet the Team

M ike Giancanelli

Realt or

After spending 28 years in Northern California's real estate industry Mike Giancanelli continuously
finds new ways to serve the needs of his clients. Mike is not only a hardworking agent and tough
negotiator, he is also friendly and compassionate. These traits allow Mike to focus on some of the
undeserved areas of real estate, allowing him to aid people in some of the more stressful times of
their lives. Mike’s big heart and focused disciple make him a great asset to the Carlile team.

Taylor Greer

Br ok er - Pr esident

Born and raised in Sacramento, leading to an in-depth expertise with the people, communities, and
markets in the region. Recognized entrepreneur in the real estate community. Currently leading a
multi-faceted residential organization with offices throughout the Sacramento area. Many licenses
and years of experience in Real Estate Brokerage, Mortgage Origination, Appraisal and Home
Building for an uncanny backdrop of experience to lead the private money lending organization at
Carlile Private Finance. Relationships built in these contiguous businesses create a culture of
credibility and success.

Richard Baker

Loan Of f icer

As a member of the Carlile Loan team, Richard's focus is on mortgage. Other loan officers may not
be able to put together your loan because of its complexity, but Richard believes the toughest
loans are the most fulfilling. He is available 7 days a week and at all hours of the day and strives to
provide exceptional customer service and create a positive atmosphere. Richard is determined to
provide you outstanding customer service with a smile. He is committed to closing your loan in less
than 30 days. Richard’s loyalty is to his client, making sure your loan process is as seam less as

Darcie Weinbur g

Tran sact ion Coordin at or

After a 15 year run in sales, Darice decided to take her commitment of helping
others to the next level. As a TC she is very detail orientated, keeping track of all
necessary documents, amendments, and addendums pertaining to your contract.
By always staying one step ahead Darcie will keep your escrow on track.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Easy Exit Listing

Wh at is you r biggest f ear w h en you list you r h om e? It ’s sim ple:
You w or r y abou t bein g lock ed in t o a len gt h y list in g agr eem en t w it h a less t h an
com pet en t r eal est at e agen t , cost in g you r h om e valu able t im e an d exposu r e on
t he m arket .

Wor r y n o m or e, M ik e Gian can elli t ak es t h e r isk ou t of list in g you r h om e t h r ou gh
t h e easy exit list in g agr eem en t . M ik e Gian can elli is t h e on ly local agen t of f er in g
t his t r uly unique guarant ee.

1. You can cancel your listing at any time.*
2. You can relax, knowing that you will not be locked into a lengthy or binding

co n t r act .
3. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with our real estate services, if

everything is not done exactly the way we promise it will be done, simply call us to
let us know and we will cancel the listing.

What could be a better and safer assurance than that?


* Restrictions apply.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Flexible Fee Structure

Did you k n ow t h at m ost br ok er s w ill ch ar ge you t h e sam e f ee, n o m at t er h ow
you r h om e sells - even if you f in d t h e bu yer ? Wit h ou r syst em , you h ave
com plet e f lexibilit y - af t er all, w h y pay f or som et h in g you m ay n ot get ?

6% Your property sells through the MLS and the commission is shared equally
with the other broker. Full service, full MLS.

Tot al f ee 6%

5% We find the buyer, write the contract and take care of the closing process.
There is no other broker involved. Full service, full MLS.

Tot al f ee 5%

4% You find the buyer, we write the contract and we take care of the closing
process. There is no other broker involved. Full service, Full MLS.

Tot al f ee 4%

3% You find the buyer, you write the contract and we take care of the closing
process. There is no other broker involved. Limited service, no MLS.

Tot al f ee 3%

$1995 You find the buyer and close the transaction. There is no other broker
involved. Limited service, no MLS.

Tot al f ee $1995 * Restrictions apply.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Our Communication Guarantee

Fact : Accor din g t o t h e Nat ion al Associat ion of Realt or s, 70% of t h e pu blic
t hought t heir agent did a poor job com m unicat ing w it h t hem .
Not w it h M ik e Gian can elli.

1. I gu a ra n te e I will p ro vid e fe e d b a ck to yo u with in 48 h o u rs a fte r sh o win gs (wh e n a va ila b le ).
2. I gu a ra n te e I will ca ll yo u we e kly to d iscu ss fe e d b a ck, sh o win g tra ffic, m a rke t a ctivity, a n d p rice

a d ju stm e n ts with re ga rd s to p o sitio n in g yo u r h o m e o n th e m a rke t.
3. I gu a ra n te e I will b e a va ila b le to re ce ive yo u r ca lls b e twe e n 8a m a n d 8p m Mo n d a y th ro u gh Su n d a y
4. I gu a ra n te e I will re tu rn a ll p h o n e ca lls b e twe e n 8a m a n d 8p m d a ily, a n d e m a ils e ve n m o re q u ickly.
5. I gu a ra n te e th a t yo u will b e ke p t in fo rm e d re ga rd in g n e w h o m e s th a t co m e o n th e m a rke t to co m p e te

with yo u rs, a s we ll a s re ce n t sa le s a ro u n d yo u .
6. I gu a ra n te e yo u will visu a lly se e a n y b ro ch u re s, we b site s, e tc., to se e h o w yo u r h o m e is

b e in g m a rke te d .
7. I gu a ra n te e th a t I will h a n d d e live r a n y co rre sp on d e n ce th a t is o f a n u rge n t n a tu re .
8. I gu a ra n te e I will u p d a te a ll a ge n ts a n d b ro ke rs in th e a re a a b o u t yo u r h o m e .
9. I gu a ra n te e th a t yo u r h o m e will h a ve b ro ch u re s a va ila b le o n yo u r sign (wh e re le ga l), a t a ll tim e s.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Fast Sale = Less Hassle


24 FACT: Mike Giancanelli SELLS HOMES ON AVERAGE IN 24


M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

List to Sale Price Ratio




M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Guaranteed Sale Program

Avoid t he r isk of ow ning t w o hom es or none!

Homeowners may find themselves in a predicament when they decide to move from one home to
another. If you buy before selling, you could own two homes. Or, if you sell first, you could end up
homeless! This is a Real Estate Catch 22, and for thousands of homeowners, it is an extremely
stressful position they find themselves in. This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually
have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this dilemma. Fortunately
Mike Giancanellis’ GUARANTEED SALE PROGRAM is designed to help you avoid this dilemma. The
program guarantees that you will sell your home in less than 90 days for top dollar.

Before you hire any professional, you should research the market to find out who can do the best job
for you. Who else but Mike Giancanelli can offer you this innovative, effective, and proven way to
avoid this costly home seller dilemma?


Th e d ile m m a o f wh e th e r to se ll first or b u y first is e lim in a te d by re m ovin g th e stre ss of own in g two
h o m e s o r n o n e a t a ll. Th is is a risk-fre e offe r, b e ca u se if you r h ou se se lls for a p rice th a t is h igh e r
th a n th e gu a ra n te e d p rice , you ge t th e h igh e r a m ou n t, n ot m e . It con ve rts re a d y, willin g u n a b le
b u ye rs in to re a d y, willin g, a n d a b le b u ye rs. Th is m e a n s th a t m ore q u a lifie d p e op le look a t yo u r
h o m e . Mo re p e o p le m e a n s m ore m on ey for you in le ss tim e !


Th e d ile m m a o f wh e th e r to se ll first or b u y first is e lim in a te d by re m ovin g th e stre ss of own in g two
h o m e s or n on e a t a ll. You ca n loo k a t h om e s with con fid e n ce b e ca u se you n ow kn ow th a t if yo u fin d
o n e yo u like , n o th in g is stop p in g you from b u yin g it. Se lle rs will ta ke you r offe r m ore se riou sly
b e ca u se th ey kn ow you r h om e is sold - gu a ra n te e d . You will n ot risk losin g you r d re a m h o m e
b e ca u se you r cu rre n t h om e is n ot sold . Se lle rs d o n ot n e e d a “righ t of re fu sa l” p rovision b e ca u se th ey
kn ow yo u a re a re a l b u ye r.

* Restrictions apply.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Internet Marketing

Mike will feat ure your hom e on

Hom es.Yah
Realt or .com
Hom e-Valu
Hom eSeek er
Hom eGain .com
Zi l l ow .co m
Tr u
RedFin .com
Pr u den t

Br ook e Spr oles

Mar ket ing Direct or

Whether it is print or digital media - Brooke uses her creative flare to
curate the perfect marketing pieces to sell your home. She is responsible
for the marketing, communication and business development efforts of
the brokerage.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Listing Plan of Action


1. To assist you in getting as many qualified buyers as possible into your home until it is sold.
2. To communicate with you weekly regarding the results of our activities.
3. To assist you in negotiating the highest dollar value between you and the buyer.

M ike Giancanelli WILL:

• Enter your home into the Multiple Listing Service to make other • Provide our exclusive service guarantee contract.

realtors aware of your property for sale. • Advertise your home in full color in homes for sale online

• Place a lockbox on your door, enabling other realtors to preview p u b licat io n s.

and show your property. • Showcase your home on dozens of websites

• Place a basket of shoe covers in home to protect your floors • Notify corporate relocation network of the new listing for
from sand and debris. incoming transferees.

• Place a “For Sale” sign with attached brochure box in your yard • Expose your home to business affiliates, past clients, and your

to attract drive-by traffic. neighborhood through e-mail.

• Create a full-color brochure, available to all agents and • Send just listed cards to the surrounding area - over 50,000
prospective buyers who enter your home. direct mailed per year.

• Provide full-color home brochures for your “For Sale” sign • Assist you in pricing your home competitively - to open the
brochure box. market vs. narrowing the market.

• Provide virtual tour home brochures featuring a full color photo • Promote your home at our company sales meeting.

tour of your home.

• Design a special marketing plan, if needed, to accommodate the • Make suggestions and advise you about changes you may want
to employ in order to make your property more saleable.
unique nature of your property.

• Assist in planning repair work to home if necessary. • Constantly update you regarding changes in the marketplace.

• Offer guidance in furniture placement and staging the home. • Prospect three hours daily, speaking with twenty to thirty
people, looking for potential buyers for your property.

• Send social media posts and e-mails announcing new listings to • Represent you on all offer presentations to assure you the best

local agents. price and terms in negotiations.

• Use exclusive telephony allowing us immediate contact with • Handle all follow up on a contract being accepted, including
potential buyers. mortgage, title, inspection and closing.

• Use an exclusive 1-800# providing 24 hour information to • And much more!
prospective buyers.

• Notify all buyers in our buyer profile system.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Home Brochures

w ill be in t h e box on you r For Sale sign as w ell as in you r h om e.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Where Buyers Come From

1% 3%





Open House Advertisement Relocation Company
Realtor Direct Contact
For Sale Sign/1-800 Info Line Internet
M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Mega Open House

The traditional “Open House” is often described as “a place where an agent goes and no one else
d o e s.” In fa ct, m o st a ge n ts se t a d a te a n d p ra y p e op le sh ow u p .

A Me ga Op e n Hou se is a m u ch m ore e fficie n t, con ve n ie n t a n d p rod u ctive wa y to a ttra ct q u a lifie d ,
in te re ste d b u ye rs to you r h om e th a n th e tra d ition a l “Op e n Hou se .”


• A Me ga Op e n Hou se is a n Op e n Hou se o n • Aggre ssive ly m a rke te d ca m p a ign e n su re s

ste ro id s. Fo od , d rin ks, a n d m u sic cre a te a n 50-100 p e rsp e ctive b u ye rs view yo u r h o m e .

in vitin g a tm o sp h e re for p ote n tia l b u ye rs. • Prosp e ctive b u ye rs a re b e tte r q u a lifie d sin ce

• Th e Me ga Op e n Hou se is h e a vily m a rke te d th ey h a ve ch ose n to view you r h o m e a t a

th ro u gh ou t you r n e igh b orh ood with sign a ge , sp e cific tim e .

flye rs a n d d oor kn ockin g. Th e n on socia l • Th e a tm osp h e re is m ore com p e titive sin ce
m e d ia via vid e o & p osts. m ore th a n on e b u ye r is lookin g a t yo u r h o m e

• Yo u r n e igh b ors will b e in vite d to “p review” a t th e sa m e tim e .

yo u r h om e a n d sa y good bye b e fore MOH • Th is will e n cou ra ge b u ye rs to m a ke fa ste r
starts. d e cision s a n d write stron ge r offe rs fo r yo u ,

• High tra ffic b rin gs in m ore b u ye rs. th e se lle r.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Carlile Realty & Lending

FOUNDED IN 2005, Car lile Realt y & Len din g® is bou t iqu e br ok er age w it h 4 offices spr ead t h r ou gh ou t

Calif or n ia. Th e com pan y h as 35 plu s associat es w h o w ill assu r e t h at you w ill h ave t h e best possible
experience as one of our valued client s

Full Tim e Carlile Realty & Lending is m ade up of top full tim e sales associates and supporting staff that are carefully
Pr of essionals selected to be part of our firm .

Know ledge In addition to required education for licensing, our sales associates attend num erous courses to keep them
up-to-date on current real estate trends and inform ation. Our training is extrem ely com prehensive.

Pr of essional Our standards for perform ance are for the benefit of our clients and they are the highest standards in the
St andar ds industry. Our policy m anual guarantees our professional standards.

Financing Pow er Our sales associates and staff m aintain day-to-day contact with preferred lending institutions in their business
area. This helps our buyers find the best possible financing.

Pr equalif ied At Carlile Realty & Lending, we work to protect buyers and sellers by obtaining pre-qualifying inform ation on
Buyer s all potential buyers. This service helps buyers know if they m ight be qualified to purchase a new hom e and it
helps sellers know if their purchaser m ay be qualified to purchase a hom e.
Invent ory
Know ledge In order to be successful working with buyers, each office m aintains a large inventory of brokerage and new
hom es for sale. Our associates are always aware of all the available properties within their m arket.

Tot al Our com m itm ent to you is this – we will always strive to provide professional real estate services to the very
Com m it m ent best of our ability.

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

Giving Back

M ike Giancanelli and Car lile Realt y are involved w it h

M ik e Gian can elli

M ik eGian can elli@gm

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